Games by stations by rights. Game scenario by station, journey to the land of legal knowledge

Game by station “I am a child... And I have the right!”

MBDOU "Strokinsky kindergarten"

Methodological development


(game by stations)

The work was completed by the teacher:

Chernichenko Olga Shamsulloevna

Integration of areas:

“Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Music”, “Artistic creativity”.

Types of activities: cognitive - research, communicative, gaming, musical, productive.

Goals: clarify children's knowledge of civil rights and responsibilities; involve parents in the work.

Preliminary work:

1. Every parent at home talks with their child about names; Learn more about your child's name.

2. Each parent has a conversation with the child about the house in which he lives. They compose a very short story, which the child tells at one of the stations.

3. We work separately with parents. Parent assistants are selected to accompany groups of children to stations. Also, consultants are selected from parents who are at the stations and work with children in accordance with the named theme of the station (Appendix 1).

Age: senior and preparatory group.

Actors: - parents - assistants

Parent Consultants


Materials and equipment:

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Hat for the game "Dance Hat"

Legal education posters (created during the event)

Cards for the station: “Find a baby for mom”

Birth certificate

Route sheets

Materials needed to design posters.

Computer for showing presentation

Music center

Musical accompaniment

All children are pre-divided into four teams, each team is accompanied by one parent - an assistant.

Planned results: children, together with their parents, become more familiar with the Convention on the Rights of the Child; children speak and can talk about their name and the house in which they live; Correctly identify the cubs with their mother. Parents are coping with the task of creating posters on legal education.

1. Introduction to the game moment:

Educator: Today we have a difficult meeting

We will leaf through this book.

After all, it’s not in vain that rumors spread about rights,

Even though you are small, you have rights!

Guys, you have already noticed that your assistants were given route sheets, according to which they will need to go through all the stations and complete the proposed tasks. Each team visits stations strictly according to the route list. GOOD LUCK!

Appeal to remaining parents.

While the teams go through all the stations, the rest of the parents draw posters on the following topics:

Children have the right to medical care

Children have the right to food and food

Children have the right to protection

Children have the right to life

2. Traveling through stations:


Everyone's name is different

Purr the cat, Barbos the dog,

Even our goat

The name is beautiful Rose.

Nastya, Vika and Danila

Everyone has their own ... (name).

Consultant: When is a name given to a person?


Consultant: What document confirms that a person has a name?

Shows the children the Birth Certificate.

Consultant: Each name has its own meaning. Please tell us your names.

Children talk about the meaning of their name.

Consultant: Adults are called by their full name, but children are often addressed affectionately. Remember what your mother calls you.

Game "Hat Dance". Music is playing. Children pass the hat. The music stops. The one who is wearing the hat is the one the children call affectionately.


Game: “Find a baby for mom.” Children are offered cards with pictures of different animals. The task of the children is to correctly and quickly find the cubs their mother.


Game “Who Lives Where?” The consultant begins the phrase, and the children finish. For each answer, the consultant takes out a picture depicting an animal and its house.

Consultant: - the bear lives... (in a den)

The dog lives... (in a booth)

The fox lives... (in a hole)

The parrot lives... (in a cage)

The squirrel lives... (in a hollow)

Everyone has their own home. What does your house look like?

Children talk about their home.

Consultant: please tell us who you live with.

Children's story.


Consultant: Each of us has the right to rest. Guys, tell us how you relax with your parents yourself.

Stories from all children who want to. Discuss how you can relax. At the very end, the consultant shows the children pictures of children and adults on vacation.

When all the children return, an exhibition of posters made by parents is already ready in the hall. Parents briefly present their poster within 1–2 minutes.

3. Results of the event: The holiday ends with watching the presentation.

Appendix to methodological development route sheet s:

route sheet 1

1. Station: “Right to the name.”

2. Station: “The right to a family.”

3. Station: “Right to Home.”

4. Station: “Right to rest.”

5. Return to the hall.

route sheet 2

1. Station: “The right to a family.”

2. Station: “Right to Home.”

3. Station: “Right to rest.”

4. Station: “Right to the name.”

5. return to the hall.

route sheet 3

1. Station: “Right to Home.”

2. Station: “Right to rest.”

3. Station: “Right to the name.”

4. Station: “The right to a family.”

5. Return to the hall.

route sheet 4.

1. Station: “Right to rest.”

2. Station: “Right to the name.”

3. Station: “The right to a family.”

4. Station: “Right to Home.”

5. Return to the hall.

TO International Day rights of the child, which is celebrated annually on November 20, library staff have developed a quest game "Journey through legal stations". TO West - game- this is one of the variants of the search game, so popular nowadays among young people.

On November 16, 2016, employees of the central library conducted an exciting quest game for first-year students of the Osinsk Agricultural College. Irina Pavlovna Kiseleva, chairman of the territorial election commission of the OMR, and Larisa Nikolaevna Ustinova, teacher at the Osinsky Agrarian College, were invited as guests and the jury.

The purpose of the event is to develop a system of legal knowledge among adolescents and skills of lawful behavior.

The game began with an introductory speech, hosted by O.V. Lobanova. suggested solving a crossword puzzle to find out keyword topics of the lesson. It was the word - rights, and also guessed anagrams and determined what else would be discussed in the game program.

Two teams - “Life” and “Contemporaries” - received route sheets and went on a journey to the stations, where they were met with tasks by library staff. Employees of all departments of the central library were involved in the quest game (Okhorzina L.A., chief librarian of the NGO, Korobeynikova L.A., chief librarian, Zvereva O.I., head of the department of the Central Library, Kazantseva A.S. ., head of picking department, Verzakova N.V., chief accountant and Lobanova O.V., chief librarian.)

The guys had to go through seven legal stations and complete the proposed tasks. It is worth noting that the participants completed the tasks with dignity and showed excellent knowledge of the basic rights of the child. In order to find out the sequence of passing each stage, the teams were given puzzles, i.e. every station was encrypted.

During the game, the teams earned bonus points, which were noted on the route sheet. The guys collectively solved problems of varying difficulty, learned to listen to each other, and make decisions.

While the jury was counting the points, each participant was given palms, on each finger they wrote the most important human rights, in their opinion. Most of them wrote the rights: to life, family, respect, love and education.

The quest game evoked a lot of positive emotions among the children and a great desire to take part in further similar events.

The jury, summing up the results, decided that both teams deserved to win. As a prize, Kiseleva Irina Pavlovna awarded both teams with gift certificates.

We express our gratitude to Larisa Nikolaevna Ustinova, teacher of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Osinsky Agrarian College” for the fruitful cooperation with the library!

In connection with the formation of civil society in Russia, the issue of the legal consciousness of the population, in particular the legal consciousness of schoolchildren, knowledge of their rights and obligations, legal responsibility, and legal capacity, has recently become relevant. I propose a scenario extracurricular activity, dedicated to this topic (a game based on stations “My Rights and Responsibilities”), the game is not only educational in nature, but also competitive. The game was played between grades 6-8, and the kids really enjoyed it. I recommend playing this game.



Municipal educational institution

State Farm Secondary School

Game by stations

"My rights and responsibilities»

Organizers: activists of the “Earthlings” detachment

Senior counselor Fomina V.A.

2012-2013 academic year

Game by stations


Reinforce the knowledge gained in social studies and history lessons about the basics of legislation.

Teach the basics of legal knowledge.

Develop the ability to analyze legal situations

To promote the formation of a system of legal knowledge, legal culture among adolescents, skills of lawful behavior, and the manifestation of creativity.

Develop an interest in social studies.

1. Station "Prava"

2. Station "Responsibilities"

3. Station “Crime and Punishment”

4. Zadachkino station

5. Passportnaya station

6. Shutochnaya station

Progress of the game

1. Gathering teams in assembly hall. Announcement of the theme of the event and conditions for participation in the game.

Introduction by the game host

“Hello guys. Today we will play a game on the “My Rights and Responsibilities” stations. The topic of rights was not chosen by chance, but because November 20 is considered International Children’s Rights Day, and World Human Rights Day is ahead of us - December 10, and you love to talk about your rights. So let’s play this game and see who knows the most about their rights and at the same time does not violate the duties that everyone must fulfill.”

Teams will be drawn

Attention, guys. First, let's draw lots between the teams. To do this, you must complete the task. So, I read out the task, and you must guess the missing word by raising your hand. Thus, we will distribute which route the teams will follow (1 answer - the first route, 2 answer - the second route, 3 answer - the third route, 4 answer - the fourth route).

Insert the correct words:

1. Even if you are still a child,

But I should know already from the cradle,

That you are already a son of Russia,

It may be small, butcitizen (1st route)

2. How to build the work correctly,

how to decide: who is right and wrong

The set of rules was invented long ago, -

Called charter (2nd route)

3. We live by the laws

Morning, evening and afternoon

The organ where they are created

Everyone... is called parliament (3rd route)

4. All adult residents of the city, region

They always elect their deputies,

It doesn’t matter who you are by profession: pilot,

Scientist, driver, simple bookbinder,

Lawyer or cook, oil worker, writer,

In the elections you- voter (4th route)

“So here we go. I ask the team captains to come to hand over the route sheets."

Teams take their positions

Station "Prava"

I. Determine what rights every person can have, what rights only a citizen of a country can have, and what rights every schoolchild has?

  1. right to life; (h)
  2. the right to free education;(w)
  3. the right to participate in managing the affairs of the state and society;(G)
  4. the right to receive additional education;(w)
  5. the right to health protection and medical care;(h)
  6. determine and indicate your nationality;(h)
  7. the rights of citizens to equal access to public service;(G)
  8. the right to attend school events;(w)
  9. right to rest; (h)
  10. personal dignity; (h)
  11. ; (h)
  12. the right to use the library;(h, g, w.)
  13. the right to study according to individual programs;(w)
  14. the right to liberty and security of person;(h)
  15. right to inviolability of home;(h)
  16. move freely throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, choose a place of stay and residence; G
  17. right to choose educational institution; (w)
  18. the right to join public organizations;(h)
  19. the right to use one’s native language;(G)
  20. travel freely outside the Russian Federation and return to the Russian Federation without hindrance;(G)
  21. right to freedom of speech;(h)
  22. the right to form unions to protect their interests;(h)
  23. the right to free work;(h)
  24. the right to hold meetings, rallies, demonstrations;(G)
  25. freedom of conscienceand freedom of religion;(h)
  26. right to information;(h)
  27. private property rights;(h)
  28. right to entrepreneurial activity;(h)
  29. right to housing;(h)
  30. right of access to cultural property;(h)

II. Task Can ..... (yes or no)(For each correct answer the team receives 1 point)

Manage independently your property, your earnings, scholarships, and other income from the age of 14(Yes)

At age 12, may be suspended or transferred to another school for certain infractions(Yes)

Give consent to change your first or last name(yes from 10 years old)

From the age of 14, learn to drive a motorcycle(they can teach, drive only from 16 years old)

From the age of 10, make deposits in banks and manage them(no, only from 14 years old)

To independently apply for protection of one’s rights to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, and from the age of 14 - to the court(Yes)

Station "Responsibilities"

Solve the crossword

  1. Name the fundamental law of the country that every citizen of the country is obliged to comply with;(Constitution)
  2. The obligation of adult children to support their disabled ( parents)
  3. Identity document(Passport)
  4. The main document of an educational institution, which sets out the basic rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren(Charter)
  5. The citizen’s obligation to pay on time, established by law,(Taxes)…..
  6. The duty of every citizen to defend his homeland is called -(Service)
  7. Responsibilities of parents ..... of their minor children;(Contain)
  8. The fundamental right and responsibility of every schoolchild(Study)
  9. Every citizen is obliged to preserve and enhance the historical and ………… heritage of the country;(Cultural)
  10. Every citizen is obliged to take care of ……… and its wealth;(Nature)

Station "Crime and Punishment"

Determine for which crimes criminal liability begins at the age of 16, and for which at the age of 14?

  1. Robbery, robbery, robbery
  2. Slander
  3. Kidnapping
  4. Premeditated murder
  5. Rape
  6. Hooliganism
  7. Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs
  8. Vehicle theft
  9. Infringement of inventive and patent rights
  10. Hostage taking
  11. Armed rebellion
  12. Knowingly false report of an act of terrorism
  13. Failure to provide assistance to a patient
  14. Banditry
  15. Theft or extortion of weapons, explosives, drugs
  16. Violation of fire safety requirements
  17. Illegal manufacture of weapons
  18. Vandalism
  19. Intentional causingserious or moderate harm to health
  20. Treason
  21. Cruelty to animals

What types of punishments are provided for minors?


Confiscation of property


Life imprisonment

Mandatory work

Correctional work

Deprivation of a special, military or honorary title, class rank and state awards

Imprisonment for a specified period

Death penalty

Deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities

Deprivation of the right to hold a certain position

Restriction of freedom

Zadachkino station

I. Analyze the situations. What penalties will the boys face?

False call

Seryozha, 14 years old, called the school on the phone and said that there was a bomb in the school that could explode. Everyone ran out of the school! A fire truck and the Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived. Students and teachers stood outside for an hour.(Since this offense is considered a criminal offense, this boy may be subject to the following types of punishment: arrest, correctional and compulsory labor, deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, registration with the KDN, fine, etc.)

Damage to school property

Kolya, a 6th grade student, was playing with a ball in class. He was told not to do this. Kolya did not listen and accidentally broke the window in the classroom.(A boy who commits a disciplinary offense may be punished. He will be registered with internal school control, a fine, etc.)

Damage to someone else's property

At recess: Sasha will ask Dasha for her phone to listen to music. Dasha didn’t give it because she was afraid that he would ruin it. The phone is new. Sasha was offended by her and broke the phone.

(Sasha should not have damaged someone else’s property, but if this happened, he must compensate, that is, buy a new phone. If he does not have his own funds for the purchase, then his parents will be responsible instead).

Fight on the street

Ninth-grader Anton was walking home. On a deserted street, two guys he knew approached him. They began to insult him and then beat him. Anton ran to call his friends for help. Half an hour later, the three of them found two guys and inflicted bodily harm on them.. (In this case, Anton is both a victim and an offender. Anton should have turned to law enforcement agencies (for example, a local police officer) and not started a fight; all participants in this fight should be brought to justice, have an explanatory conversation with them, and most likely they will be arrested registered at school and at the KDN, unless serious harm to health was caused in the fight, otherwise a criminal case will be initiated)

Stall robbery

Two 15-year-old teenagers broke into a food stall in the evening: they broke bottles, broke glass, and stole food. Damage was caused in the amount of 10 thousand. Who should be responsible for property damage.(a criminal offense under the article theft, the punishment for these persons will be appropriate, i.e. a fine, compensation for damage, correctional labor or compulsory labor. But in most cases, their parents are responsible for the children).

Threat to life

Friends Zhenya and Misha quarreled and began calling each other names. Then Misha began to threaten Zhenya: “If you cling to me again, I’ll kill you. Do you know how many friends I have? All I have to do is complain to them, and you won’t live.”(as a rule, a verbal threat is not punishable, but if this threat is real, that is, the person who threatens has all the conditions to carry out the threat, then this will be considered an attempted crime, with appropriate punishment for it. In this situation , it’s better for friends to just separate, not to aggravate the conflict, and not to be friends with each other)

Desecration of buildings

A group of children stood on the porch of the school. Maxim began to draw a fascist cross on the wall of the school, and then began to damage the wall paneling. The guys, laughing, helped him with this.(This offense is considered a crime under the article vandalism, with corresponding penalties: arrest, fine, deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities, correctional labor, compulsory labor, imprisonment for a certain period. They can also be registered.)

Passportnaya station

Answer the questions correctly.

1. How many pages are there in a passport?(19.)

2. From what age is a passport valid indefinitely?(From 45 years old.)

3. What is written on the first page of the passport?(Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.)

4. On which page is the personal signature of the passport holder placed?(On page 2.)

5. What information about the passport holder is on the page next to the photo?(Last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth, place of birth.)

6. What other information about the owner is included in the passport?(Military duty, marital status, children, information about a previously issued passport.)

7. What should a citizen do if he has lost his passport?(Immediately report to the internal affairs authorities.)

8. What notes can be made in the passport by health care institutions at the request of a citizen?(Notes about blood type and Rh factor.)

9. Is a note about the citizen’s religion made in the passport?(No.)

10. Does the passport indicate nationality?(No.)

11. Are there Roman numerals in the passport?(No.)

12. How many digits are in the passport number?(10.)

13. How many pages of the passport are allocated to the section “Military duty”?(One is the 13th.)

14. In what two cases can your passport be replaced?(If you lose your passport or change your last name.)

15. In what cases is a passport necessary?(When applying for a job, when buying a train or plane ticket, when receiving money from a savings bank, when enrolling in a library, and so on.)

Station "Zamanitelnaya"

I. Answer questions

1. This password was used by smugglers in L. Gaidai’s film “The Diamond Arm”.("Damn it")

2. Forest hares do not have fangs, and urban “hares” do not have exactly that. What?(Ticket.)

3. This car thief was an experienced insurance agent, amateur actor, and stunt driver.(Yuri Detochkin, hero of the film “Beware of the Car.”)

4. Popular rumor often accuses this bird of stealing jewelry.(Magpie.)

5. He was sentenced to drown in a country pond as a homeless person, without a passport, and unemployed.(Pinocchio.)

6. What was the name of the MUR captain who caught Brick on the tram?(Gleb Zhiglov.)

7. At the end of this film, one of the characters publicly proclaimed “Long live our court - the most humane court in the world!”(“Prisoner of the Caucasus.”)

8. Part of a thief’s clothing that tends to succumb to fire.(Cap.)

II. Make up proverbs

Learn to read and write - and have fun

Time is always useful

To live - afraid of court

True, to serve the motherland

The craftsman is afraid

That hero, don't sit on the stove

If you want to eat rolls, who will fight for their homeland?

What rights are reflected in proverbs

1. Learning to read and write is always useful(right to education, right to receive additional education)

2. There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun (rights to rest and leisure)

3. Truth is not afraid of judgment(the right to the presumption of innocence, the right to a fair court decision, the right to appeal a court decision in a case)

4. The master's work is afraid

5. To live is to serve the homeland(right to life, right to social security, the right to choose the type of military service)

6. If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove(the right to free work, the right to entrepreneurial activity or any other activity not prohibited by law)

III. Exercise. Before you is the “gibberish letter”. What famous saying is encrypted in it?

(It's a harsh law, but it's a law)


Summing up the game

  1. Both adults and children have rights.
  2. In addition to rights, everyone also has responsibilities to society.
  3. When defending your rights, do not forget that other people also have the same rights as yours.
  4. Respect other people's rights!

Game by stations
"Journey to the land of legal knowledge"
preventing students from committing illegal acts and acts.
1. formation of a legal culture, law-abiding behavior of minors;
2. formation of the concept that any person has no rights without responsibilities;
3. developing skills to communicate and work in a team.
Form of implementation: game - traveling through stations.
Participants: 6 teams of students from grades 4-9, 6 expert teachers.
Equipment: route sheets.
Station 1 – Assembly Hall
Station 2 – Library
3 station – Sports hall 4 station – 201 room
5 station – 301 room
Station 6 – room 209
Name of stations: SS1. Station "Legal Country"
2. Station "Mysterious"
3. Station "Safety Path"
4. Station “Yes! No!”
5. Station “Entertaining”
6. Station “Skazochnaya”
The formation, start and finish of the game take place in the assembly hall.
Progress of the game
Announcement of the theme of the event and conditions for participation in the game.
Introductory remarks by the game host:
“Hello guys. Today we will play a game on the stations “Journey to the Land of Legal Knowledge.” The topic of rights was not taken by chance; in our school the month of October is dedicated to legal education. November 20 is considered International Children's Rights Day, and ahead of us lies World Human Rights Day - December 10. You love to talk about your rights. So let's play this game and see who knows the most about their rights and at the same time does not violate the duties that everyone must fulfill without fail.
Tell me, who, first of all, shows concern for you, tries to protect you from troubles, create all the conditions necessary for your development, protect your interests and rights? Of course, your parents, family.
But children are also taken care of by numerous public and government organizations, which consider their main task to be the protection of children. The most authoritative among them is the UN (United Nations). It arose after the Second World War, which was unleashed by Nazi Germany and as a result of which more than 50 million people died, many cities, villages and villages were destroyed. People all over the world have realized the consequences of violating human rights, namely the most important right, the right to life, and that war is the worst way to resolve disputes and problems. Today humanity has such powerful weapon that the Third world war not only will it not solve all problems, but at the same time it will destroy all of humanity. To prevent a global catastrophe, peoples and nations united into a world organization - the UN, which has set its main task to ensure human rights throughout the world.
Slide -Right is the conditions for study, work, life that the state gives to a person.
Slide Responsibility - these are the requirements for behavior and attitude (to study, to work, to people) that a person must fulfill.
We are all different, but one thing we have in common is our rights and responsibilities that we all must fulfill.
Rules of the game: each station is assigned a teacher - an expert, whose functions are to monitor the correct completion of tasks, sum up the results of the team’s work and put points on the route sheet. Each team is given a route sheet with the names of the stations. The team with the most points wins.
The presenter calls a representative of each class in turn and distributes route sheets.
1. Station "Legal Country"
1) The country where the person was born and raised. Answer: Motherland, Fatherland.
2) Our Motherland - Russian Federation. What does the word "Federation" mean? Answer: Union, association.
3) The most important city of each country. Answer: Capital.
4) The general name of each population of the country. Answer: People.
5) A person who loves his homeland. Answer: Patriot.
6) On what continent is Russia located? Answer: Eurasia.
7) What is the name of the basic law of the country? Answer: Constitution.
8) A resident of our state who has rights and fulfills responsibilities. Answer: Citizen.
9) A person who has received the right to power from the people. Answer: President.
10) What symbols of the state do you know? Answer: Flag, coat of arms, anthem.
2. Station “Do you know your rights?”
If it is in favor of a person, we say: “Yes!” If this is against the law, we say: “No!”
1.Our country is Russia? Yes!
2. Does a person have the right to personal integrity? (Yes) What is this, the right to personal integrity?
3. Is it possible to turn a person into slavery? No! Why?
4. Is it possible to treat a person cruelly? (NO) What qualifies as abuse?
5. Is a person protected by law? Yes!
6. Does a person have the right to defend himself in court? Yes!
7. Is it possible to enter a person’s home without permission? What does this mean? No!
8. Can a person move freely throughout his country? Yes!
9. Is it possible to leave the country and then return back? Yes!
10. Is it possible to prohibit free choice of labor? No!
3. Station “Rights of Literary Heroes”
1. In what fairy tale does one lady use her husband’s good deed to get rich and move up the career ladder, but subsequently loses everything due to an immense craving for acquiring material values? (“The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin).
2. In which fairy tale is the right of children to live peacefully in their homes and feel like masters violated? Answer: “The Three Little Pigs.”
3. In which fairy tale, the main character, taking advantage of the right to freedom of movement, made an extraordinary journey on waterfowl? Answer: "Frog-traveler."
4. What right of Mowgli in Kipling’s fairy tale of the same name did Shere Khan constantly try to violate? Answer: the right to life.
5. What right did the wolf violate in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”? Answer: the right to life.
6. He was very unlucky in life: at first he was the property of one person, then he became the son of another. The robbers more than once violated the personal integrity of this hero, the right to life and freedom, and tried to take possession of his property. What hero are we talking about? (Pinocchio)
7. He had the right to life, but he was eaten by a fox (Kolobok)
8. Who often makes attempts on the lives of children in fairy tales? (Baba Yaga)
9. Which literary character lives on the roof, makes noise, plays pranks, disrupts public order (Carlson)
10. What right did Buratino not take advantage of when he sold the alphabet for five gold pieces? Answer: the right to education
4. Station “Mysterious Rights”
Mom worked
Dad worked
And I was still at school.
Everyone who is tired of hard work
They have every right to...
(rest) What right is the riddle talking about?
Everyone has different names:
Cat - Purr,
Dog - Barbos,
Even our goat
The name is beautiful - Rose
Nastya, Vika and Danila
Everyone has their...
(name) What right is the riddle talking about?
To grow up successful
You need to know and be able to do a lot.
To grow big
Insufficient nutrition
We must use
The right to...
(education) What right is the riddle talking about?
If the children are sick
Feeling bad
And they have bronchitis, tonsillitis,
Pneumonia, scarlet fever,
Children are heard screaming and crying
(doctor) What right is the riddle talking about?
The fairy tale teaches us, friends
You can't live without a house.
Fox, bunny, pig
Even a stupid mouse.
Oh, how we need it
This is the right to...
(housing) What right is the riddle talking about?
It has many names:
Tricolor, tricolor banner -
The wind drives worries away
White-blue-red... (FLAG!)
What is the flag of the Russian Federation? (symbol of the Russian Federation)
There is one melody
The whole country is subject to her.
Citizen, throwing everything away,
Stoya listens to her. (HYMN)
What is the Russian anthem? (state symbol)
It complements the anthem and the flag,
This is the main sign of any country.
Russia has a special one,
Try to name him. (COAT OF ARMS)
What is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation? (symbol of the Russian Federation)
Symbol of wisdom and power.
Warding off adversity
That he spread his wings...
He is a two-headed bird - ... (EAGLE!)
At the head of the Power,
Chosen by right
For four years
By the will of the people. (PRESIDENT)
Name of the President of the Russian Federation?
5. Station “Rights or Responsibilities”
1. Receiving free general education (Law)
2. Receiving additional educational services (Law)
3. Compliance with the charter (Responsibility)
4. Careful attitude towards school property (Responsibility)
5. Respect for human dignity (Law)
6. Study conscientiously (Responsibility)
7. Fulfilling the requirements of school employees (Responsibility)
8. Respect for the honor of school employees (Duty)
9. Wear a school uniform (Duty)
10. Attend events at school (Right)

6. Station “My Responsibilities” will prepare questions….. Presenter:
Guys! Our game is over. In life, as in our game, the one who knows his rights wins. This is what they teach you at school, life itself teaches you this. I hope today's game helps you understand your rights and responsibilities. Until we understand this truth, it will be difficult for us to live among people. I hope it's on yours life path Your rights will always be respected, and you yourself will always fulfill your responsibilities. Remember that your rights end where other people's rights begin.
The results of the game will be announced on Monday on the line.
Thank you! It was a pleasure working with you today. Live in peace with the Law and your conscience.
