Games find a match for children online. Educational games

A rapidly growing child is simply obliged to develop fully and diversified. It is very important to keep your child’s mental activity in good shape with various logic puzzles, creative fun and other intellectual entertainment. A cool collection of educational games from the Quicksave portal can become an effective universal online tool, using which little gamers will improve and make their brains actively work.

A set of virtual toys for diligent and creative kids

Find a couple of differences between two seemingly identical images, test your memory by temporarily memorizing pictures of fruits, animals or drawn objects, wander around a fairy-tale city in search of adventure, overcome dangerous obstacles and hidden traps - cool virtual development games and tutorials will give players a lot of positive impressions . Popular, playful characters and colorful quests help young inquisitive minds get real pleasure from the gameplay.

In the company of colorful characters, inquisitive gamers:

  • They search for lost objects, coins and hearts, showing miracles of vigilance and observation;
  • Practice board games, training reaction speed, logic and determination;
  • Solve arithmetic problems, choosing from several options the correct solution, using their brains, resourcefulness and ingenuity;
  • Enjoy amazing gameplay, good graphics and gorgeous musical accompaniment etc.

A huge variety of magnificent tasks will delight young girls and boys school age who will spend half an hour of free time doing such an exciting action.

The best children's mini apps to test their intelligence

Play unique flash games with the original storyline from category: , - it’s interesting, useful and completely free.

Browser games without registration from Quicksave are a great opportunity to experiment with your imagination and your own imagination, train your thinking, master the basics of mathematical calculations, hone your ability to distinguish the sizes of figures, correctly identify colors, the differences between living and inanimate objects, competently build logical conclusions and much more.

Since ancient times, educational games have been created that cultivate in children such qualities as: attention, perseverance, logic, order of thinking. Today everything is much simpler - there are educational games online. With them, the child will learn a lot of useful things: counting, the alphabet, arithmetic operations. When preparing a child for school, you can use games for the development of children 3-4-5-6-7 years old as auxiliary preparation. After all, it is not only interesting, but also educational. Here, children have a special approach to teaching subjects from the school curriculum.
Since you have visited our website, you are a caring and loving parent for your child. On our website you can play online games with your child for free: various ones, including educational ones. It is by playing that the child learns and gets acquainted with the world. This is a kind of bridge from the children's world to the adult world. More often, the game has a plot character; the game often defines specific roles for players, copying the roles of adults. Business games let the world know sports games increase the level of self-esteem, role-playing - raise the level of intelligence. Since games are based on the perception of different rules, the child is placed in a situation where he must learn to follow certain rules of adult life. A game, by definition, is a winning way to develop a child’s creative potential voluntarily, without using coercive methods, therefore educational games are good for children of all ages.
Educational games for children perfectly develop fine motor skills (speech development depends on this). They have a beneficial effect on memory, the child becomes more diligent and calm, his attention and memory improve.
Available on our website educational games online They teach the baby to think logically, develop his reaction and accuracy. While playing with us, you will watch how your child grows and how he develops. We offer only safe games with proven content. Without aggression, vulgarity, stupidity. You can safely entrust your baby to us, because all games are made professionally. The range of online games we offer is large:

  • games with logical problems, incl. based on the laws of physics and mechanics.
  • Role-playing games by profession
  • games for speed of reaction, developing motor skills and coordination of movements
  • games for memory development.

We tried to make playing easy; you can play our games right away without downloading them. Online games will help expand your child’s vocabulary, expand the boundaries of his horizons and prepare his child for school: “Find all the letters”, “Collect a school bag”, “Learn the English alphabet”, “Make a word”, “Learn mathematics”. Educational games, even very simple ones at first glance, help constant development: “Kolobok in the labyrinth”, “Help the little animals”, “Complete the picture”, “New Year’s differences” suggest looking for objects, matches, paired objects, what distinguishes them from similar them. These educational games have become classics in the world of online games. More than one generation has learned to write and count, distinguish sounds, identify sound information, understand the names and shapes of objects.
The educational games section is constantly updated and grows along with its fans. Play and learn with passion!

Ekaterina Kondrashova

Goals of the game:

1. Consolidate knowledge of the main colors of the spectrum.

2. Develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

3. Reinforce the concepts of “different”, “same”, “pair”.

For this game I used ready-made mitten templates.

I painted them colorfully.

I cut it out according to the office, glued it onto cardboard and covered the mittens with tape for long-term use.

Game description:

Option 1

The teacher lays out multi-colored mittens on the table. Invites children to look at all the mittens, note how the mittens differ from each other (color, geometric pattern). Shows how to select a pair for each mitten. After this, he invites the game participants to choose the pairs themselves in the same way. The game ends when the children have correctly selected all pairs of mittens.

Option 2

The teacher gives the children one mitten each. Children run scattered around the group to the music. At the teacher’s signal “One, two, three, find a pair,” the children find a child whose mitten matches his mitten in both color and pattern.

I also very actively use these mittens in an educational situation on mathematical and sensory development to establish relationships “equally” (equally, as much, “more”, “less” between two groups of objects, using the techniques of application and overlay, for ordinal and quantitative accounts.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention the d/i ​​"Find a Pair". The game is designed for children 5-7 years old. I took an old wall calendar and cut holes in it.

Didactic game for preschool children “Find a Pair” Didactic game for younger children preschool age(3-4 years old) “Find a pair.” Goal: To teach how to compare objects and highlight the main ones.

Didactic game "Find a Pair" Dear colleagues, I want to offer you the autumn didactic game"Find a match." The game is designed for children.

Purpose of the game: 1. Develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills. 2. Learn to recognize an object using one of the analyzers. Wonderful.

The ability to move on the street and follow traffic rules must be developed with early childhood. It is difficult for children to learn on their own.

Didactic game for children 4 years old “Fairy shoes” on the topic “Find a pair” Equipment: cut cards with images of fairy shoes.

Dominoes "FIND A PAIR" for children 4-6 years old. Goal: development of children's visual perception. Objectives: - develop children's ability to recognize objects.

The best way to get your child to do something really useful is to get him interested in such an activity. When there is interest, the child will not be torn away, even if before that he flatly refused. Educational games for children are a great combination of useful and interesting! Together with the characters of their favorite cartoons, children will be able to play educational games and learn a lot of new things! Games for children are designed taking into account the characteristics of children's preferences, so they will never bore your kids and will always delight them with colorful graphics and with a most interesting plot! Finally, it became possible to have fun and become smarter, more attentive, more diligent and more inquisitive at the same time.

The benefits of games are obvious

While parents unanimously criticize computer games, most ardent gamers never cease to refute the theses of their competitors. The older generation continues to believe that computer games for children will be the worst prospect, because such a pastime does not lead to anything positive. And gamers are already tired of explaining that they can actually have fun not only by playing educational games for children, but also by using various interesting applications that will allow the intellect to work at maximum speed.

Scientists have long studied computer games and noted that during the game, each hemisphere of the brain works incredibly hard. high level when a person solves problems of increased complexity. In fact, during the game, each gamer uses all his intellectual skills to complete a certain mission on time and react to developments. In particular, in the field of educational games, scientists have noted the enormous value of strategies and all its subtypes. Why are strategy games one of the most intelligent games?

Experts examined large number students from various higher educational institutions who have been playing strategy games since childhood. It turned out that such a game allows you to develop the so-called strategic thinking which allows you to think about the future and anticipate steps artificial intelligence(and believe me, he has not been weak for a long time). For example, in a strategy, a gamer must develop his own state, monitor resources over a vast territory, not forget about protecting its sovereignty, and also take care of the population.

In other words, there are so many areas involved in one game that it will be difficult to even play, let alone win. If parents have long ceased to believe in the meaning of the game, you need to invite them to spend at least an hour of their time on their own to test their abilities. When they realize that this time is not enough to even understand the basic issues, then they will praise you for your intelligence.

But it's not just strategy games that can offer the benefits that educational games contain. Even quests and various puzzles will allow you to strain your gray brain cells. It is worth noting that games of this genre always force the gamer to quickly make fundamentally important decisions, and this teaches them to think rationally. In other words, the player is forced to quickly choose the lesser evil or take the difficult path in order to achieve the goal, despite the losses.

Even shooting games, which the older generation accuses every day of not having a very good effect on the psyche of gamers, have a lot of positive things. The older generation sees only the killing of the enemy, but does not think that there, in a distant building, terrorists are torturing hostages, that a partner is dying and needs to be saved. No one sees the nuances, but draws conclusions. Most computer shooting games are a great chance to develop your reaction and speed of action. Moreover, the vast majority of them are created on the basis of a positive plot, when the player acts as a savior and is forced to kill others.

Confucius also said that you shouldn’t speak if you don’t know anything for sure. Therefore, parents can safely apologize to their children - games develop in earnest!

Contrary to popular belief, computer games are not only bloody shooters and simulators that carry no meaning. There are a huge number of really useful and the games you need. Educational games for boys teach them to be bolder, bolder and smarter, helping to improve their ingenuity and logical thinking ability! Online games for children – best way have fun and useful time! Don’t waste time, pleasure and benefits in one bottle are already waiting for you.

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