Games for children for every day in the summer. Fun outdoor games for kids for an outdoor summer party

The child does not know what to do. And goes to adults.
Adults are angry:
-Don’t bother me, do something...
A familiar situation, isn't it? This conflict can be resolved without harming the interests of both children and parents.
The game will help.
There are a great variety of games: from the folk Russian lapta to Lego.
This section attempts to combine the interests of children and parents through play. But preference is, of course, given to children aged five to fourteen years. There are many games offered for them that are good to play in the summer outdoors: here are “Rucheek”, “Burners”, and all kinds of relay races.
In the game, success is not given for nothing - it takes effort to overcome obstacles. Participants in the game willingly and enthusiastically go to the fight: in it they can test their strength and abilities. Various games. There are also different obstacles that stand in the way of your goal. You have to overcome them in different ways: some with strength and dexterity, others with ingenuity and knowledge.
In other words, we hope that the section "Games for children in summer" will help you organize your leisure time in an interesting way.

Play is recognized as the leading activity of a preschool child. She calls active work thoughts, helps to broaden one’s horizons, clarify ideas about the world around us, and improve all mental processes. Game situation captivates and educates the child. Everything in content folk games classically laconic, expressive and accessible to a child. They became the basis of all outdoor games without exception.

Game "Tracks"
Lines of different shapes are drawn on the ground - these are paths. The players run along them one after another, make difficult turns, while maintaining balance. You need to run along the path, stepping exactly on the line, not interfering with each other and not bumping into the person running in front.
The game can be played with any number of children. The length of the path can be arbitrary, but not less than 3 meters. This game can be played as a competition. Draw several lines of the same shape and place colored flags at the end of each. The player who reaches the flag first must quickly raise it above his head.

Game "Snake"
Children take each other's hands to form a chain. One of the extreme ones in the chain is chosen as the leader. He runs, carrying all the participants in the game with him, and as he runs he describes various figures: in a circle, around trees, making sharp turns, jumping over obstacles; moves the chain like a snake, twisting it around the end player, then unwinds it. The snake stops, then spins around the leader.
1. The players must hold each other’s hands tightly so that the snake does not break.
2. Exactly repeat the leader’s movements.
3. The leader is not allowed to run fast.
It’s good to play “Snake” in the summer on a spacious area, lawn, or forest edge. The more players there are, the more fun the game is. To make it lively, we need to teach children to come up with interesting situations. For example, the presenter calls by name last player The person named and those standing next to him stop, raise their hands, and the leader guides the snake through the gate. Or: at the leader’s signal, the children scatter, then restore the snake.

Game "Shuttle"
All participants in the game stand in pairs facing each other and join hands - this is the gate. Children from the last pair run or pass under the gate and stand in front of the column, followed by the next pair. The game ends when all players pass under the gate.
1. You need to run or walk so as not to hit the gate.
2. As they run through the gate, the children hold each other’s hands.
The height of the gate can be different: children can raise their arms and hold them at shoulder level or at waist level. The lower the gate, the more difficult it is to run under it.
A more complex option is for children, running through the gate, to ask for various objects, for example, a ball in a spoon, a bucket of water, or pass by rolling a large ball in front of them with their hand.

Game "Empty Space"
The players stand in a circle and choose a driver. Starting the game, he runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run in a circle. The stained one quickly runs in the opposite direction from the driver. Whichever of them is the first to reach an empty space in the circle takes it, and the one who is late becomes the driver.
1. Children only run in circles.
2. Those standing in a circle should not delay those running.
3. If children run to a free place at the same time, then both stand in a circle and a new driver is selected.
This game is good to play in the summer on a large area where you can run around without interference. The participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other, everyone’s hands are lowered. If there are a lot of children, it is better to organize two circles of players.

Game "Ordinary Tag"

The game begins with the choice of a driver, he is called tag. All participants in the game scatter around the site, and the tag catches up with them. Whoever he touches with his hand becomes a tag.
1. During the game, children need to carefully monitor the change of drivers.
2. Fifteen should not run after only one player.
Game "Tag with a house"
Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site - these are houses. Children, running away from the driver, can run into the house, where the tag cannot salt them. If he touches the player on the playing field with his hand, then the one who is touched becomes a tag.
1. To avoid staining, you need to sit down or stand on some object.
2. When the tag catches up with the player, he can jump on two legs like a bunny, and he can no longer be stained ("Bunny" tags).
3. The player who has been spotted, if he is fast and dexterous, can immediately return the spot to the driver, and the former player remains the tag (“Tags with transfer”)
4. Everyone playing, except for tag, chooses a name for themselves from flowers, birds, animals. The tag does not stain the one who said his name in time, for example, “fox” (“Fifteen with a name”).

Game "Salka"
The driver runs after the children and, trying to insult someone, says: “I insulted you, you insult someone else!” The new driver, catching up with one of the players, repeats the same words.
The driver catches someone and asks the caught person:
-Who had it?
- At my aunt's.
- What did you eat?
- Dumplings.
-Who did you give it to?
The person who is caught calls one of the game participants by name, and the named one becomes the driver. The game repeats itself.
1. The driver runs after only one of the players.
2. Participants in the game must carefully observe the change of drivers.

Game "Traps in a circle"
A large circle is drawn on the site, a stick is placed in the middle of it, and the circle is divided into two parts. All participants in the game become traps different sides circle. The trap, running around the stick, runs from one side of the circle to the other and tries to catch one of the players. The one who is caught becomes a trap.
1. During the game, the trap should not run over the stick and run out of the circle. Other players run over the stick. The length of the stick should be less than the diameter of the circle.
2. You cannot stand with your feet on a stick.
All participants in the game, except for the trap, stand behind the circle. They run across the circle, and the trap catches them. The caught player becomes a trap.

Game "Owl and the Birds"
The players choose an owl, he goes to his nest. Imitating the cry of the bird they have chosen, the players “fly” around the playground. At the signal “Owl!” all the birds are trying to “fly away” to their nests. If an eagle owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is, and only then does the caught one become an eagle owl.
Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate (for example, crow, magpie, woodpecker, etc.). It is better to choose nests of birds and eagle owls on high objects (on stumps, benches, etc.). Each bird hides from the eagle owl in its own nest.

Game "Scarf"
All participants in the game stand in a circle. The driver with the handkerchief follows the circle, puts it on the shoulder of one of the players and quickly runs around the circle, and the one to whom the handkerchief was placed takes it in his hand and runs after the driver. Both of them try to take an empty place in the circle.
If the player with the handkerchief catches up with the driver and is able to put the handkerchief on his shoulder before he takes a free place in the circle, he again becomes the driver, and the player who gave the handkerchief takes the free place. If the runner was the first to enter the circle, then the player with the scarf remains the driver. He walks in a circle, puts a handkerchief on someone’s shoulder, and the game continues.
1. Children should not run across the circle.
2. While running, you are not allowed to touch those standing in the circle with your hands.
3. Standing players must not delay running players.
4. The players should not turn around while the driver is choosing who to put the scarf on their shoulder.
The more children take part in this game, the wider the circle will be, which means that more effort will be needed to occupy an empty seat. Children in a circle stand one step apart from each other.

Game "Chickens"
The players choose a mistress and a cockerel, everyone else chooses hens. The cockerel takes the hens for a walk, to peck some grains. The hostess comes out and asks the cockerel:
- Cockerel, cockerel, have you seen my chicken?
- What is it like for you? - asks the cockerel.
- It’s speckled, and the tail is black.
- No, I didn’t see it.
The hostess claps her hands and shouts: “Kshsh! Kshsh!” the hens run into the house, and the housewife catches them, the cockerel protects the hens. The owner takes all the caught chickens into the house.
1. Chickens run into the house only when they say: “Shoot!” Shoo!”
2. The cockerel, while protecting the hens, should not push away the mistress. He, with his arms wide open - his wings, stands in her way.
The housewife's house and the rooster and hens should be kept as far apart as possible from each other (10 - 20 meters). To complicate the game, the chickens overcome obstacles on the way to the house, “fly” over the fence (jump over a stretched cord) or run along a bridge over a stream. In their home, they “fly up” to a perch (on a bench).

Game "Rope under your feet"
Children stand in three columns. At the teacher’s signal, the first two players from each column carry a rope (jump rope) under the feet of the children of the children in their column so that the children can easily jump over the rope. At the end of the column, the first player becomes the last player in the column, and the second runs to the beginning of the column, gives one end of the rope to the next player, and together they carry the rope under the children’s feet to the end of the column, etc. The game continues until all players run with the rope and the first player is again in front of the column. The team that completes the exercise first wins.

Game "Bear in the Forest"

The players choose a leader - a bear - and determine the location of his den. Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing a song: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take the berries!” The bear got cold and froze on the stove!”
The bear wakes up, leaves the den, and slowly walks across the clearing. Suddenly, he quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. The one who is caught becomes a bear.
1. The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.
2. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat the song and provoke it.
The bear's den should be placed at the other end of the site. The bear must get out of the den (climb over a log, climb out of a box, etc.).

For children from 3-4 years to 10 years

Summer is just around the corner, which means the sea, river, forest, cottage, playground with games and fun are just around the corner! Outdoor games are games on the street, and educational, educational activities in the fresh air, and no matter where, as long as it is exciting and fun! And summer provides more opportunities for family games with children, which contributes not only to the development of children, but also to maintaining trusting relationships with parents.
Allow yourself to plunge into childhood with your children, playing and enjoying communication!

Exercises in the water too
(For preschoolers and school-age children)

Fish in the net

(outdoor game in water)

Two presenters are selected. The players enter waist-deep water and disperse nearby in different directions. At the signal from the counselor, the leaders, holding hands, begin to “fish”, i.e. try to catch one of the players. The caught player joins the leaders, there are 1 more of them, and the size of the network increases. The game ends when all the “fish” are caught.


The leader stands in the center, spins a small, relatively light ball on a rope, and the rest, positioned in a circle, must plunge in time so that the ball flies over their head without hitting it. Whoever fell for the bait should be led.

The players stand in a circle at arm's length from the driver, who is located in the center. The driver, at a signal from an adult, begins to salt those who did not have time to dive into the water. Those who have surfaced cannot be salted.

Outdoor games

(also suitable for kindergarten)

“Cones, acorns, nuts”

Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: “cones”, “acorns”, “nuts”. The leader is outside the circle. The presenter says the word “nuts” (or “cones”, “acorns”), and all the players who have this name change places, and the presenter tries to take someone else’s place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut (“acorn”, “cone”), and the one who is left without a place takes the place of the leader.

Above your feet

Before playing, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run. Then one catcher is chosen. He begins to catch the players who are running away. At the same time, children try to lift their feet off the ground (stand on a bench or stone). In this situation, the catcher has no right to insult them. If the catcher catches up with the player, they switch roles. The catcher is prohibited from ambushing the player, and the others must not remain with their legs raised for more than 20-30 seconds.

Traffic light

Description of the game Two lines are marked on the ground, 4-5 meters from each other, the leader (traffic light) stands between these lines, and all players must stand behind one of them. The presenter, turning away from the players, names a color and all players who have that color in their clothes move to the other line. Those who do not have clothes of this color must run past the “traffic light”, and it, in turn, must touch one of the “violators”. The “violator” becomes the leader.

Ball games

At the beginning of the game, the guys sit in a circle. The host gives the ball to one player and turns on the music. While it sounds, the children roll the ball to each other. As soon as the music stops, whoever has the ball is eliminated. At the end of the game, of all the children, only one remains, the most dexterous. He will receive the prize.

Hit the “target” Children stand behind the circle line. In the center of the circle is the leader. One of the players has the ball. Those standing behind the circle throw the ball at the leader, trying to hit him, or pass the ball to a friend so that he can make a throw. The leader runs, dodging the ball. The player who did not hit the leader with the ball takes his place.

Hoop game

Children throw a small ball from behind their back over their shoulder with their right or left hand, trying to hit the hoop (at a distance of 2 m).

Summer games and activities for kids 2, 3, 4, 5 years old in the air

– take a box and two balls. The child, sitting on a chair, must hit the ball into a box moved half a meter away. The ball must be grabbed from above and thrown into the box. One with the right hand, the second with the left. Don’t forget to reward your child for his accuracy after the game.

– you can also catch butterflies with a net or blow soap bubbles, water flower beds and beds together – kids love to tinker with water, toy buckets and watering cans.

- “build” a small hut house, a hut from our childhood. Can be made from an ordinary tent, blankets, bedspreads, etc.

Playing with pebbles

Children love to collect stones. Collect stones of different colors and sizes in a bucket, pour them into a bowl of water and wash. When you have washed the pebbles, you can start playing with them. You can put stones in a bucket and transfer them to some place, you can do this with a spatula or cup. You can surround a flower bed or tree with pebbles. You can draw a shape on the ground with a stick and lay it out with stones along the contour.

Beach games for kids:

– construction of sand houses, garages or castles. and arrange a competition to see whose house is taller. – if you have a pebble, you can assemble a picture from it – the sun, an island, a flower, etc. Simple pebbles are interesting to color with crayons or paints.

– construction of sand towers from Easter cakes (pasochki). Not only two or three year olds will be captivated by this activity, even schoolchildren can compete in a competition to see whose tower is taller and more beautiful. The construction of sand towers and sculptures not only helps to pass the time, but also develops a child’s imagination and creative skills.

- games with an inflatable ball. The baby will love it, because the ball bounces so much fun. Ball games help train the child’s coordination of movements, develop dexterity and reaction.

– a game of “horseshoes”: you should stick a pole into the sand, which can also be an ordinary stick. Plastic rings must be thrown onto the pole from a distance of 5-6 steps (or more, depending on age). The winner is the player who scores greatest number rings

– in shallow water, children will enjoy playing “crocodile”: walking along the bottom on their hands, holding the other part of their body on the water. Or a competition to see who can make the most splashes

Let the summer be unforgettable for your family, filled with bright impressions!

Summer is a fun time when children spend most of their free time outside. When gathering in small groups, they sometimes cannot come up with an interesting activity. What can you play outside in the summer?

1. Catch-up with a ball

The ball game is similar normal game in catch-up games, where the driver must touch any player in order to change roles with him. Only here you need to hit the player not with your hand, but with the ball. If the driver misses, he takes the ball and again goes after his luck.

The task can be slightly modified. The driver stands still and says: “One, two, three, stop!” The players stop. The driver tries to knock out any of them with the ball. If the ball hits a player, he becomes the driver. When the driver misses, he runs after the ball, again counts to three and again tries to knock out someone who has stopped. Here you train your ability to analyze and correctly calculate your strengths.

2. Lucky number

Surely, many people know how to play “Potato”, where the ball is thrown from one player to another. But what should little kids do who haven’t even learned how to throw a ball properly, let alone hit it? For them, the rules are simplified: the ball is thrown in a circle to each other. The first one, giving the ball to his neighbor, says out loud: “One.” Next, the count is kept to oneself. The number nine is still said out loud, and the player who will be the ninth to catch the ball must return it to the middle of the circle. If someone breaks the rules (does not say “one” or “nine” out loud, says any other number, does not hit the ball), sits in the center of the circle. Those in the circle can be saved. To do this, the one who will hit the ball must hit them.

3. Paths

An ancient Russian game that allows you to develop the ability to run fast, make unexpected turns, and change the speed of movement. Its essence is that a path is drawn on the road with chalk (or with a stick on the ground). The older the children, the more difficult and winding the path. The length can be any, but preferably from 5 m. First you need to practice: run along the path, trying not to step beyond the outlined lines. Then you can start competitions, which may be different. For example, “Who can run the fastest?”: the time of each participant is taken into account and the winner is identified.

  • “Bring the flag.” At the end of the tracks, flags are placed, the number of which is equal to the number of participants in the team. Children must run along the track forward and backward and bring all the flags. The team that does it faster wins.
  • "Who's faster?" You need to go through the path as quickly as possible. In this competition you cannot run, and if a participant breaks the rules, he returns to the beginning and goes through the track again.
  • "Merry caterpillar." Team members grab each other around the waist and walk along the path, trying not to step outside the lines. Whoever completes the task faster wins.

The conditions for passing obstacles can be different: carry an egg in a spoon while holding a ball between your feet, run on your toes or heels, cover the required distance by jumping, and so on.

4. Search for treasure

For the game, prepare the necessary props: notes, sweet prizes. Each note is a clue to the location of the next letter. For example, the note shows a tree with three branches. Children must find just such a tree, and on it a note that can be hidden in a crack in the trunk, under some leaf or in another inconspicuous place. The hint can be in the form of a riddle: “The flower is young - like the sun, golden. Aged – covered with airy silver.” This is a dandelion. This means you need to look for the note in the field with these flowers. For older children, you can use complex puzzles: anagrams, charades, puzzles, puzzles, encrypted letters. The more work the guys put into the search, the greater the joy from the treasure they will find.

5. King

One of the players is chosen as the king - the driver. On the ground on one side they draw a circle - a palace. From the opposite platform, circles are also drawn according to the number of participants - the houses of princes and princesses - the king's children. A line is drawn between the palace and the houses. Children first agree among themselves where they were and what they did. For example, we were in the field, sowing wheat. Then they approach the line and shout: “Hello, king!” He answers them: “Hello, children! Where have you been? They answer. The king asks: “What were they doing there?” Children show the action they have in mind without words. The king must guess what they were doing in three tries. If he guesses right, the children run home, and the king catches them. If the king catches someone, he changes roles with the participant. If everyone managed to escape or the king does not guess the action, he leads again.

6. Fishermen and fish

Two players - fishermen - are blindfolded with a scarf. They should stand opposite each other so that, with their arms outstretched, their fingertips can touch. The rest of the participants are fish. Their task is to swim past the fishermen without getting caught in their net. The fishermen, in turn, try to catch as much prey as possible: they stretch out their arms and catch everyone who comes across. Participants who are caught become fishermen.

7. Firefighters

The players are divided into two teams, which line up facing each other. Each player has a water container. It is better to take safe disposable cups. The last players have a glass filled with water. At the leader’s signal, they pour water over their neighbor, trying not to spill it, and run to the beginning of the line, standing next to the first participant. The one with water in the glass repeats the action of the previous player, pouring water to his neighbor and running to the beginning of the row. Thus, the water should return to the glass in which it was originally. Now the water level of both teams is compared: the one that saved the most is declared the winner.

8. Shooting games

Helium balloons tied to a branch so that they are at different heights. Each participant receives several cones. The players' task is to hit the ball with a cone from a certain distance. Who got in larger number once, he wins. The game can be made more difficult for older children: you will need to hit the ball with your eyes closed.

9. Bowling

To play, you will need plastic bottles filled with water and a ball (soccer, basketball or volleyball). Bottles - pins are installed along the line close to each other. Children take turns pushing the ball - the cannonball, trying to knock out as many pins as possible. You can compete in teams: players of one team push the ball once at a time, trying together to knock down the pins.

10. Edible - inedible

Participants line up. The driver throws the ball to everyone in turn, naming an edible or inedible object. Players must catch what is edible and discard what is inedible. The one who makes a mistake changes places with the driver.

11. School

First, a table is drawn on the asphalt, consisting of 11 lines - classes. The number of columns is equal to the number of participants. All players are on the first line - they entered first grade. The driver takes turns throwing the ball, naming an edible or inedible object. Similar to the previous game, edible things are caught, inedible things are thrown away. If the participant performed the correct action, he moves on to the next class. If he makes a mistake, he stays for a second year. The one who finishes school first becomes the teacher-driver, and the game begins again.

12. Cook

4 lines are drawn on the asphalt at a distance of half a meter. The one who is on the first line is a private, the second are sergeants, the third are officers, and the fourth are generals. After the fourth line, there is a pin at a distance of approximately 1.5 m. A driver is selected - a cook. He is standing next to the pin. The rest line up along the first line - they are still private. Each participant has a small stick - a projectile. The guys take turns throwing it, trying to knock down the pin.

As soon as the stick hits the pin, the one who threw it and the other participants who missed the target run after their sticks, trying to dodge the driver. The driver lifts and sets the pin. Only after this he can catch other participants. The one he catches becomes the driver, and the former cook becomes a private.

Each hit on the pin is a way of gradually increasing the rank: a private who knocks down a pin and returns with a stick, bypassing the role of a driver, becomes a sergeant, then an officer and a general. Important: hitting the pin does not give you the right to re-throw, it only increases your rank! Throwing shells continues in order of rotation. The one who knocks down the pin as the general wins.

13. Jump ropes

Both boys and girls love to jump rope.

There are several games with skipping rope:

  • "Fishing". Participants - fish - line up around the driver - the fisherman. The fisherman runs the rope along the ground so that it touches someone's legs. The one who was hit by the jump rope changes roles with the driver.
  • "Watch". This game is best played with three or four players. Two drivers hold the rope by opposite ends. One or two players stand in front of the rope. The drivers say: “The clock has struck exactly one hour: one!” and spin the rope once. Those in the middle must jump over it. This continues until the players stumble. Then they change roles with the leaders.
  • "Snake". This game can be played by the whole group. Two drivers hold a taut rope - a snake. Everyone else must jump over it, trying not to hit it. In this case, the actions gradually become more complicated: first the snake sleeps (the rope lies on the ground), then it wakes up (the rope is moved along the ground from side to side), and gradually grows (the stretched rope is raised little by little higher). Those who touch the snake while jumping are eliminated from the game, which continues until a winner is identified.

And I’m in the “house”!

- How many rubies do you have?
– 50!
- Wow! Pokezh, what kind of mill do you have?

I overheard this dialogue the other day with the neighbor boys. They sat on a bench and pointed at each other's phones. Looking around, I didn’t see any children playing “Dog” or drawing a field for “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Modern children, alas, prefer to tap on the keyboard and sit on VKontakte.

The yard games that we played for days on end (until they were driven away) are gradually becoming a thing of the past. But most of them not only develop agility, endurance and strength, but also teach such important things as cohesion and mutual assistance.

I invite you to remember our favorite yard games and introduce your children to them.

Hide and seek

One-two-three-four-five, I'm going to look.

A simple game - you can play anywhere, anytime. It’s especially exciting in the evening when it gets dark.


First, a driver is chosen. To do this, in childhood we knew a billion rhymes. Then the driver stands facing the wall (tree, pole...) and counts out loud to 20 (50, 100...). The players are hiding.

The players' task is to hide so that the driver does not find them. The driver's task is to find everyone who is hiding.

When the driver finds one of the players, he needs to run headlong back to the wall (tree, pillar...) to “catch” him. If the player came running first, then with the words “Knock-knock I” he takes himself out of the game. Whoever the leader catches first becomes the leader in the next game (“The first chicken closes his eyes”).

Code phrases:

  • “Axe-axe, sit like a thief and don’t look out into the yard,” the “caught” players shouted to their comrades when “danger” approached (sit and don’t stick your head out).
  • “Saw-saw, fly like an arrow,” they shouted to indicate that the driver was far from the wall and they could get out of the shelter.

Number of players: more the better.


Salki - they are catch-up, they are patches, they are lyapki, they are kvach. According to Wikipedia, this game has about 40 (!) names (almost every region of the former Union has its own).

At the same time, the game is simple. The essence of ordinary tag is to catch up (“salt”) players (if you are driving) who are scattering in different directions.


The driver is selected using a counting table (where would we be without it?). Players stand in a circle and at the command “I am a tag!” scatter in all directions. (The playground was often specified: “Don’t run over the fence,” “Don’t run beyond the swing.”)

The driver's task is to catch up with one of the players and touch him with your hand. Whoever is touched becomes a “tag”, and the driver turns into an ordinary player.

There is a variation of the usual tag, when the driver, having caught up with one player, does not become a player himself, but continues to catch up with other guys along with the first “greased” one. Then together they catch the second, third, etc., until they catch everyone.

Number of players: from 3 and more.

Salk variations:

  • Tag with a “house” is the same, only a zone is selected (sandbox, circle on the asphalt, etc.) where players can run and take a break; they can’t “salt” there, but they can’t sit in the “house” for a long time either.
  • “Above your feet” - to avoid getting “salted”, you need to jump on something and lift your legs up (“Above your legs from the ground” / “Legs in the air”), however, according to the rules, you can’t lift your legs for a long time either.
  • “Tea-tea, help me out!” - in this version of the salok, the “greasy” one can stop, shout this magic phrase and his friends will come running to his rescue, but the driver is on the alert, and there is a possibility that a second and third will be added to one “victim”.
  • Sifa - in this version, “salat” is not done with your hand, but with a “sifa” (a rag, twisted rope and any “stinky” thing you find in the yard); whoever is hit becomes a sifa, that is, a leader.

This game, beloved by many, also has many names: “Tsar”, “Pop”, “Klek”, “Sticks”, “Banks” and others. The rules seem complicated, but only at first glance. Each yard had its own variation of the game. But, in general, its essence boils down to the following.


  • sticks (bits, pieces of reinforcement, but the most chic thing is a broken hockey stick);
  • tin can (plastic bottle, wooden block, etc.);
  • chalk (to outline the area).

First you need to prepare the playing area (about 10 by 6 meters). Lines are drawn parallel to the short side of the site every meter and a half: 1st line – pawn (soldier); 2nd line – queen; 3rd line – kings; 4th line – aces, etc.

From the beginning of the site to the last line is the rank zone; from the last line to the end of the court is the baker’s zone (king, priest, etc.).

At a distance of 5 meters from the last line, a circle is drawn in which the ryukha is placed (sometimes on a brick).


First, a “Baker” is selected and the order of churning the ryukha is established. To do this, players place one end of the stick on the toe of the foot, and rest the other on the palm, after which they push the stick into the distance with their foot. Whose stick flew the farthest, knocks down the ryukha first; whose closest is that “Baker”.

The “baker” takes a position “behind the can”, the players are at the first line. Next, the batsmen take turns trying to knock out the ryukha. After this, the “assault” begins - the players run for their bats and return back to the “rank zone”. At this time, the “baker” runs after the ryukha, sets it in place and protects it. But his main task is to prevent the stick from being “stolen” from his territory. In addition, he tries to touch the players with his bat and then knock down the ball himself. The one touched by the "Baker" becomes the "Baker" in the next horse, and the old "Baker" becomes the player.

For each shot down, the player rose in rank. In other words, he moved further across the field and approached the ryukha. In addition, each “title” has its own characteristics and privileges. For example, the Ace is invulnerable and cannot lead.

Number of players: unlimited.

Many people think that the “classics” were invented in the USSR. In fact, it's very ancient game. Already in the Middle Ages, boys (originally the game was for boys) jumped on numbered squares. In Russia, hopscotch was played with all its might already at the end of the 19th century.


A rectangular field with 10 squares and a semicircle (“cauldron”, “water”, “fire”) is drawn on the asphalt with chalk. There are several options for jumping and marking the site. But, as a rule, players take turns throwing a cue ball (pebble, candy box, etc.) into the first square. Then the first player jumps from square to square and pushes the cue ball behind him.

  • No. 1 – one leg;
  • No. 2 – one leg;
  • No. 3 and 4 – left at 3, right at 4;
  • No. 5 – with both legs (you can take a break);
  • No. 6 and 7 – left at 6, right at 7;
  • No. 8 – one leg;
  • No. 9 and 10 – left at 9, right at 10.

Then turn 180% and back in the same manner. Did you step on the line or did the cue ball hit it? Did you stand on both legs? The move moves on to another.

Number of players: unlimited.

Playing this game, it was possible to get hurt by the ball, but the excitement was off the charts. Moreover, it does not require anything other than a ball.


“Bouncers” are selected (usually 2 people on each side). They stand opposite each other at a distance of about 10-15 meters. The “knocked out” stand in the center of the site.

The task of the “bouncers” is to hit all the players with the ball (if you are touched by the ball, you leave the field). The task of the “knocked out” players is to be agile and fast and to dodge the ball.

When there is only one player left in the “kicked out” team, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old. If successful, the team returns to the field.

Cult yard game. It’s hard to find a child from the 1980s-1990s who didn’t jump in rubber bands. The owner of a new elastic band (it was in short supply) was considered a “major” in the yard and was especially popular.


Simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, you don’t need anything other than 3-4 meters of elastic. On the other hand, you can get confused in the levels and exercises (in childhood everyone knew them by heart). Two players pull the rubber band between them, and the third one jumps.

  1. elastic band at ankle level for holding (lightness!);
  2. elastic band at knee level (almost everyone managed);
  3. elastic band at hip level (somehow they managed it!);
  4. elastic band at the waist (almost no one succeeded);
  5. elastic band at chest level and elastic band at neck level (beyond fantasy).

At each level you need to perform a certain set of exercises: runners, steps, bow, envelope, boat, etc.

Number of players: 3-4 people (four usually play in pairs).

The game is also considered girly. The boys rarely jumped, but they loved to watch the girls. :)

The red seal is for no one to run away.

This is a fun game that combines the adventurism of tag and the excitement of hide and seek. There is an opinion that the game originated in the 16th century, when the Cossacks protected civilians from wandering robbers.


The rules of the game vary by region and are often greatly simplified. One thing remains the same - the players are divided into two teams (“Cossacks” and “robbers”). “Atamans” are immediately selected and the “battlefield” is determined (they do not play outside of it). The Cossacks choose a headquarters, and the robbers come up with passwords (one is correct, the rest are false).

The task of the robbers: to capture the headquarters of the Cossacks. The task of the Cossacks: to catch all the robbers and “extort” the correct password.

At a signal, the robbers scatter and hide, leaving arrows on the asphalt so that the Cossacks have clues where to look for them. At this time, the Cossacks are setting up a “dungeon” and figuring out how they will “torture” the prisoners (tickle, scare with insects, “sting” with nettles, etc.). After some time, the Cossacks set off to look for the robbers. If they succeed, then they put the robber in a “dungeon”, from where he has no right to escape. The robbers, in turn, try to get close to the “headquarters” and capture it.

Number of players: from 6 people.

Not a single summer was complete without a ball. One of the favorite outdoor ball games for Soviet children is “hot potato.” Its essence is as follows.


Players stand in a circle and throw a “hot potato” (ball). If someone hesitates and does not hit the ball in time, he sits in the “cauldron” (center of the circle). While sitting in the “cauldron” you can try to catch a ball flying over your head, but you cannot get up from your haunches. If the player in the “cauldron” managed to catch the ball, he frees himself and other prisoners, and the player who unsuccessfully threw the ball takes their place.

In addition, players throwing “hot potatoes” can specifically free someone from the “cauldron”. To do this, when hitting the ball, he must hit the player sitting in the center of the circle.

Number of players: no less than 3.

This game, as a rule, was played by older children, because it is quite traumatic, somewhat uncultured, but wildly fun.


The players are divided into two teams - elephants and horsemen. The elephants become a chain, bending in half and putting their head under the armpit of the one in front. Riders take turns trying to ride the “elephant” from a running start.

The elephants' task is to stand under the weight of the riders. The riders' task is to jump as close to the "elephant's head" as possible.

If one of the riders could not stay on the “elephant” and fell, and also if all the riders sat down and the “elephant” took them to the finish line, then the elephants won. If the "elephant" fell apart, the riders won.

Number of players: from 3-5 people in each team.

This is one of the variants of games with a ball and a wall, where for fun you need, in fact, a wall, a ball and jumping ability. It was mostly girls who played it, although boys, having had enough of the “war game”, were not averse to jumping near the wall.


A line is drawn on the wall (the higher, the more interesting) - you cannot throw the ball below it. The players line up in a row, one after another. The first player throws the ball, it hits the wall, bounces, hits the ground, and at this moment the player must jump over it. The next player picks up the ball, repeating the same thing - and so on in a circle.

Anyone who does not jump over the ball receives a “letter” as punishment (l - i - g - y - w - k - a). Collected all these letters? You are a frog!

Number of players: unlimited.

What games did you play in the yard?

Educational games and activities on the theme of summer for children preschool age form in children ideas about the warm and hot seasons of the summer, about the characteristics and seasonal features of summer nature.

Activities in the form of games develop observation, memory and develop a caring attitude towards nature in children.

Suitable for preschool teachers educational institutions, parents and all inquisitive children.

Game-activity "In the sky"

Listen to poetry and perform various movements

One, two, three, four, five -

We go for a walk together. (Let's walk on the spot)

What is it above us?

This sky is blue. (Raise our hands up)

The sun is shining brightly there.

All children are happy to see the sun. (We lower our arms to the sides)

What's floating in the sky?

Is this a white ship? (Raise our hands up)

They are sailing to us from afar,

Like boats, clouds (Move your hands from right to left)

Birds fly in the sky

High and low. (We wave our arms like wings)

Where do these birds live?

Far and near. (We wave our hands in front of us)

Game "Day and Night"

When the teacher says: " Day", children jump, run, wave their arms ( birds fly during the day). When he says: " Night", everyone should freeze ( birds sleep at night). You can't move. Whoever moves leaves the game. Then the teacher says again: " Day". The game continues.

Game-activity "Rain"

The sun was shining brightly. (Hands up, fingers spread)

All the trees were hot.

The wind blew and blew. (We show how the wind blows)

And he shook the trees. (Raise your arms up, swing from side to side)

The rain suddenly fell heavily,

I wet all the leaves. (Shaking hands)

The rain wet the ground,

There were big puddles everywhere. (We spread our arms to the sides)

The rain is pouring down more and more.

Where are the smaller puddles?

We will pass, because we can

Jump over the puddles! (We jump on the spot)

Game "Jumping over puddles"

There are sheets of paper on the floor (you can cut out ovals). These are puddles. Children try to jump over all the puddles - first through the small ones, then over the larger ones. The one who jumps over the biggest puddle will be the winner.

Game-activity "Summer meadow"

We listen to poems and perform various movements.

We came to the summer meadow. (Let's walk on the spot)

How beautiful everything is around! (We spread our arms to the sides)

Here are blades of grass and leaves,

Multi-colored flowers. (We bring our hands together in front of us)

We'll run across the meadow (We run in place)

We'll lie on the grass. (We spread our hands palms up)

We'll put our feet up

Let's shake the mime a little. (We shake cheerfully, first with one leg, then with the other)

We'll rest in the meadow

Sunny and warm day. (We squat)

Game "Butterflies and Flowers"

On the floor are flowers cut out of colored paper ( cardboard). All children are butterflies. They spin and fly to the music. As soon as the music ends, the children stand on the flowers and squat.

Game-activity "Berries"

We listen to poetry and bend our fingers - counting berries.

We'll go into the forest with a basket,

We'll pick a lot of berries.

One - strawberry,

Two - blueberries,

Three - ruddy lingonberries,

And four are strawberries.

Five - forest cherry,

We won't have any extra.

Six - red viburnum,

The berry is wonderful.

Seven - sweet raspberries,

Very fragrant.

Eight - blackberry,

Nine - bones,

Ten - blueberry

They ask: “Get it together!”

Game "Collecting berries"

On the floor there are circles cut out of red paper. These are berries. At the teacher’s command, the children begin to collect them. The game will end when all the berries have been collected. The winner will be the one who collects the most berries.

Game-activity "Helpers"

We listen to the poems and show what is being said.

We help in the garden -

We pull out the weeds. (We show how we tear up grass)

Like this, like this

We pull out all the grass.

We help in the garden -

We water the beds together. (We show how to water)

Like this, like this

We pour them out of a watering can.

We help in the garden -

We collect vegetables. (We show how to assemble)

Like this, like this

We collect them in a basket.

Game "Vegetables and Fruits"

The teacher pronounces the names of vegetables and fruits. If the name of a vegetable is heard, children squat ( vegetables grow on the ground), and if the name of the fruit - stand up ( fruits growing on a tree).
