Game snowball goal. Snowball

Nadezhda Litvinyuk
Summary of game interaction between the teacher and music director with children early age on the topic: “We are rolling a snowball”


Form ideas about winter natural phenomena: cold, snowing, frosty, slippery (cognition). Introduce children to the art of appliqué, develop interest in this type of activity (artistic creativity).

Develop emotionality and imagery perception of music through musical-rhythmic movements, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text; develop dynamic hearing (music) . Promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Develop children's speech by enriching their active vocabulary with adjectives denoting color, shape, state of objects, adverbs - round, white, frosty, slippery, etc. (communication).

Raise kindness in children, caring attitude towards each other and others, interest in game activities and desire to participate in them (socialization).

Materials and equipment:

Music center, laptop, paper snowflakes, Snowman toy, Whatman paper, paper napkins, glue, glue sockets, a simple pencil, red and black felt-tip pens.

Educator begins to look at slides on the laptop depicting winter natural phenomena, thereby attracting the attention of children.

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is!

1 slide. What is shown here? (Forest) What time of year? (Winter)

2slide. Oh look, it's snowing! Snowflakes are spinning, they're flying!

3slide. Everything around is white, there is a lot of snow! What happened? (Snowdrifts)

4 slide. Who's here? (People) What are they doing? (ride) What are they on? ride? (On skis) These are skiers.

5 slide. Look what the kids are doing? (Slide down the hill)

6 slide. Well, this is a snowman, he’s used to the snow and the cold. Who makes a snowman? (Kids) What a wonderful time of year - winter!

Sounds are heard (winds, blizzards).

Educator: Do you hear? What are these sounds? (The wind is blowing). That's right, it's a song of the wind. How does the wind blow? (Children show). The wind is blowing hard!

Educator draws children's attention to snowflakes lying on the floor.

Educator: Oh-oh-oh! Look here! How many snowflakes! And winter has arrived in our group! How interesting... Both there and here - everywhere snowflakes. It turned out real snow path! Let's go and see where it leads?

Children together with the teacher walks on snowflakes that lead them to music hall, in which the effect is created using a mirror rotating ball "falling snowflakes» .

Music supervisor: Hello guys, look how beautiful it is around! How many snowflakes? (Many)

What time of year do they fly? snowflakes? (Winter)

Guys, ah What are snowflakes made of?? (Out of snow)

What kind of snow do we have? (White, fluffy, prickly, cold)

Oh, winter, winter

Spun and swept.

All paths, all paths,

Don't pass, don't pass!

Many snowflakes, let's play with them.

Musical rhythm game« Snowflakes»

Music, words by T. Shikalov, music. processing by Yu. Zabutov

1 verse:

They flew, they flew, they flew one after another

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 2:

Spinning, spinning, spinning

In a friendly round dance

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 3:

They started playing, sparkling, raising and lowering snowflakes

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes –

Lungs snowflakes.

Verse 4:

Quietly spinning in the air, squatting

To lie down on the meadow fields

It immediately became so bright!

Everything around is white - white!

Music supervisor: Everywhere I look, snowflakes are spinning, they're flying!

Visual gymnastics « Snowflakes»

Snowflakes flew to the right,

The eyes looked right.

Snowflakes flew to the left,

The eyes looked to the left.

The wind lifted them up

And he lowered it to the ground.

Educator: Dropped snowflakes down, straight into a snowdrift. Let's blow on them, let them fly up again. (Children blow on snowflakes) .

Sounds music"Crunch of Snow"

Educator: What is this? Is someone coming towards us? Whose steps are these? (Children's guesses). Guys, look, it's a snowman. But for some reason he is sad... Ask him what happened, why is he sad? (Children ask in chorus and one at a time).

Snowman: Very sad alone,

I miss you a lot.

I'm very, very afraid

That I'll melt out of sadness.

Educator(addresses children): Guys, why is the snowman bored?

Children: Because he is alone, he has no one to play with...

Educator: Are you and I bored?

Children: No.

Educator: Why?

Children: There are many of us, we can play with each other...

Educator: We need to help him, let's help the snowman, guys?

There is no time to waste.

We need to help a friend!

Educator(addresses the snowman): You sit down, relax, and the guys and I will come up with something. Guys, maybe we can make a friend for the snowman?

Children come to the table, there is a sheet of paper, napkins, and glue on the table.

Educator(draws a silhouette of a snowman): This is the torso. What is this? (Children repeat). What body? (Large, round). Now what am I drawing? (Children's guesses). That's right, head. What head? (Round, small). "Sculpt" we'll make a snowman snowballs. We make lumps from napkins.

Educator demonstrates the execution sequence work: crumple a napkin, roll out in palms To make a round lump, dip it in glue, apply it to the silhouette of a snowman and press lightly.

We roll a snowball

Round, like a ball.

The snowman will have a friend

So and not otherwise!

What do we make lumps from? (From napkins). What lumps? (Soft, round, white, light). How many snowballs pasted? (Many).

And now we're smart

Let's insert a carrot nose,

Let's draw the eyes,

A cap on your head.

What a snowman

Funny, fat white guy!

What kind of snowman did you get? (White, beautiful, big)

What does the snowman have? (torso, head, eyes, nose, cap).

What was the snowman made from? (From snowballs) .

Ask our snowman if he likes his friend? (Children ask).

Snowman: Well done, guys! This is what a good friend I have turned out to be, handsome, funny! I will play with my friend on the sled ride!

Musically-rhythmic song-game "Sled"

(music by T. Suvorova)

A friend will always come to the rescue

It will help a friend.

After all, in joy you need friends,

Needed in grief too!

Educator invites children to invite snowmen to their group.

Lesson on memory development for preschoolers 6-7 years old

Job description: this program will be useful primarily for educational psychologists and educators kindergarten when working with children starting from the oldest to school age(6-7 years old). Classes are preceded by psychological diagnostics of visual and auditory memory. The goal of the program: to maximally promote the development of memory as a cognitive process in preschool children

The program is designed to provide:

Principles of program construction:


Goal: to maximize the development of memory as a cognitive process in children
1. development of voluntary memorization as the basis of the cognitive sphere in preschool children;
2. development of operational, short-term memory in a child;
3. development of indirect memorization in a child.
The program is designed to provide:
1. cognitive development child;
2. creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality and abilities;
3. optimal load on the child in order to protect him from overwork.
Principles of program construction:
1. Availability of the proposed material, compliance with the age characteristics of children;
2. Systematicity and consistency in carrying out correctional work;
3. Personality-oriented approach to children.
The program provides for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, working with various subgroups of children, taking into account their age and psycho-physiological characteristics.
Classes are held once every 2 days.

Thematic planning of correctional and developmental work with children:

Lesson 1.

Outdoor game "Puppeteer"

Goal: skill development visual memory

Lesson 2.

Sedentary game "Describe your neighbor"
Goal: development of visual memory skills

Goal: development of visual memory skills
Two people play. In front of them lie two identical sets of buttons (Diensha blocks), in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The player who starts the game places 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where each button is. After this, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.

Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
Happy holiday; Joy; Dark forest; Disease; Despair; Fast man; Courage; Sadness; Deaf old woman; Warm wind

Goal: development of visual memory skills

Didactic game"Find the differences."
Goal: development of visual memory skills development of indirect memorization skills
Children are shown two almost identical drawings and asked to find how one drawing differs from the other. Then one of the cards is removed. The child’s task: remember what was shown on the first card.

Lesson 3.

Didactic game “Selection of paired pictures”
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
Each participant receives 4 cards, which depict different objects. Children look carefully and then turn them over with the picture down. The presenter opens one of his cards. Children's task: remember and open a card with the same image.

Sedentary game "Camera"
Goal: development of visual memory skills

The game is played with a group of children. One person is selected appearance which children must remember. Then he leaves the room and changes something in his appearance (an adult can help a child). After which he returns and the children must find the difference.

Didactic game "Awareness of visual material."
Goal: development of visual memory skills
For this exercise you will need a piece of paper, pencils and a stopwatch. The figure below contains 12 images. Children are invited to look at the drawings of the first line, covering the rest with a sheet of paper so that they do not distract attention. After 30 seconds, ask them to cover the entire page and draw the objects of the first line from memory. Then ask them to compare how their drawings

Didactic game Awakening the “sense of detail”.
Goal: development of visual memory skills

Move from concrete images to abstract ones. Offer the children four abstract figures to start with.

Children should look at each of them for a minute, while covering the others so as not to distract attention. Then ask the children to mentally imagine these figures in all details and draw each one on paper from memory.

Didactic game “Do as I do”
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills

Children play in pairs. Initially, each child has 6 sticks. One, the leader, lays out a random composition from 6 sticks, then shows it to his partner for one or two seconds. The partner lays out exactly the same figure from his matches from memory. Then the children change roles. If successfully completed, the number of matches gradually increases to 12-15.

Lesson 4.

Goal: development of indirect memorization skills

As a preliminary training, you can ask children to first describe out loud the images evoked with the help of their senses, then move on to working “only in their minds.”

Outdoor game "Puppeteer"
Goal: development of motor memory.
An adult “puppeteer” blindfolds the child and “leads” him like a doll along a simple route, holding him by the shoulders, in complete silence: 4-5 steps forward, stop, turn right, 2 steps back, turn left, 5-6 steps forward, etc. Then the child is untied and asked to independently find the starting point of the route and walk it from beginning to end, remembering his movements. The movements can be gradually made more difficult by increasing the duration of the route and including a number of simple physical exercises: tilt the “doll”, bend your arms, make you sit down, make a full turn over your left shoulder, etc.

Didactic game "Loto"
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
The child is asked to remember the objects depicted in 3-4 pictures and name them from memory. Then he must find their image in 10-12 similar pictures, but randomly scattered. It can be used to recognize letters or numbers using specially made cards or a register of letters and numbers. Gradually, the number of memorized pictures can be increased.

Didactic game “What has changed?”
Goal: development of visual memory skills
6-7 toys are placed in front of the children. A signal is given for them to close their eyes, and at this time one toy is removed or their places are changed. Having opened their eyes, children must guess which toy is hidden.

Didactic game "Find the differences."
Goal: development of visual memory skills
Children are shown two almost identical drawings and asked to find how one drawing differs from the other. Then one of the cards is removed. The child’s task: remember what was shown on the first card.

Lesson 5.

Didactic game "Revival".
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
The child is invited to become a wizard, capable of reviving with the help of magic wand anything. For example, he touches an object in his imagination and it comes to life, then the “wizard” tells everyone what he sees; after that the roles change. You can invite children to imagine some kind of beast, animal. After the image is created, ask them to “revive” the picture, i.e. so that the animal begins to move, to live its life in imagination. Children tell each other about their animals. Then the results are summed up, whose story turned out to be the most interesting.

Didactic game "Chain of words".
Goal: development of visual memory skills
15-20 cards with images of individual objects are laid out in front of the child (for example, an apple, a trolleybus, a teapot, an airplane, a pen, a shirt, a car, a horse, a flag, a rooster, etc.). The child is told: “I’ll now tell you a few words. Look at these pictures, choose the one from them that will help you remember each word, and put it aside.” Then the first word is read. After the child puts the picture down, the second word is read, etc. Next, he must reproduce the words presented. To do this, he takes the pictures put aside one by one and, with their help, recalls the words that were named to him.
An approximate set of words: fire, factory, cow, chair, water, father, jelly, sit, mistake, kindness, etc.

Didactic game "Memorizing words."
Goal: development of auditory memory skills
Ask children to memorize several logically unrelated words. Start with 10 words, for example: tree table river basket comb soap hedgehog gum book sun

These words must be connected into a story: “Imagine a green, beautiful TREE. A board begins to grow from it to the side, a leg comes down from the board, and you get a TABLE. We bring our gaze closer to the table and see a puddle on it that flows down, turning into a whole RIVER. A funnel is formed in the middle of the river, which turns into a BASKET. The basket flies out of the river onto the shore. You come up, break off one edge - it turns out to be a COMB. You take it and begin to comb your hair, and then wash it with SOAP, and the hair sticks out. HEDGEHOG. You are very uncomfortable, and you take the ELASTIC BAND and pull your hair with it. The elastic band cannot stand it and bursts. When it falls down, it turns in a straight line and turns into a BOOK, and from it the SUN shines brightly into your eyes."
First, children try to imagine a story written by an adult, then they practice on their own, making up a story (using different words) and sharing it with each other. At the final stage, the adult dictates the words, and they, imagining themselves, remember them.

Didactic game "Snowball"
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
The first player names any word, the second repeats the named word and adds some of his own to it. The next one names the words named before him in order and adds his own word to them, etc. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

Lesson 6.

Didactic game "Artist"
Goal: development of indirect memorization skills
The adult says to the children: “Try to make a drawing for each of the words I mentioned.”
Wind Sadness Sunny day Illness Crying boy Brave act Rainy day Good swimmer Painful injection Beautiful hairstyle

Didactic game "Button".
Goal: development of visual memory skills
Two people play. In front of them lie two identical sets of buttons (Dyenesha blocks), in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The player who starts the game places 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where each button is. After this, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.

The more cells and buttons used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.

Didactic game “Harvest”
Goal: development of visual memory skills
Children are shown a set of paired pictures, mixed and laid out with the pattern down, forming a rectangle. The players take turns opening and turning over two cards, calling out what is shown on them. If the pictures are different, then the cards are returned to their place. If there are paired cards with the image of the same object, the player takes them for himself. The children’s task: remember where the paired pictures are, try to find and open them. The one who collects the most paired cards wins.

Sedentary game "Describe your neighbor"
Goal: development of visual memory skills

The adult and the child choose an object, a person, that is familiar to both of them... whatever. And you need to remember as many of its distinctive properties and signs as possible. You can name one attribute, one at a time. The loser is the one who cannot remember anything about this item when it is his turn.

Didactic game "Awareness of verbal material"
Goal: development of visual (auditory) memory skills

The presenter says: “Now I will read (show) (depending on the type of memory being trained) words; after hearing (seeing) each word, imagine the appearance of this object, its taste, smell, sounds that it can make, etc. etc. For example, toothpaste looks white and shiny, with a minty smell and a taste that is sharp and sweet at the same time.”

As a preliminary training, you can ask children to first describe out loud the images evoked with the help of their senses, then move on to working “only in their minds.”

Those who have already worked as a counselor or teacher know that the first three days at camp, called the organizational period, are the hardest. This is a difficult stage of adaptation for children: getting used to new conditions, new requirements, to new people, to the daily routine and diet. Therefore, it is very important for the counselor to properly organize his work on the first day, when the children just arrive at the camp. There is a certain algorithm for spending this day, recommended by teachers and psychologists.

Good start- half the battle.
Russian proverb

Dating games

Remembering names

First, the children need to be helped to remember each other's names. As a rule, games like “Snowball” are played for this purpose.


Participants sit in a circle and take turns, starting with the leader, saying their names. The first participant says his name, the second - the name of the previous player, and then his own, the third - the names of the previous players in order, then his, etc. A variation of the game can be such options as naming not only a name, but also some word starting with the first letter of the name - the type of transport in which the participant allegedly arrived, a favorite fruit or berry, an adjective denoting a character trait, and etc.

Games for children of primary school age

Young children are active, restless, and have concrete thinking, so games played with them should be active and dynamic.

It's me

The players stand in a circle. The presenter is in the center and calls two names of one of the children present, one male, the other female. The players whose names are called shout: “It’s me!” - and change places. The presenter’s task is to take the vacant seat. The one who did not have time to take an empty seat becomes the leader.


All participants stand in a circle facing each other, shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. The driver and the player who are hit run to different sides along the outside of the circle. Having met, they shake hands and say: “Hello!” - and say their names. Then they run further, trying to take an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

Games for teenagers

In adolescence, abstract and creative thinking develops, a desire for knowledge appears, internal activity and initiative increase, the teenager strives to occupy a position that satisfies him among his peers, therefore, more relevant for adolescence will be challenging games, requiring concentration, attention, quick reaction, providing an opportunity for self-expression.


The group stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of a fruit based on the first letter of their name. An exchange of phrases like: “Apple loves Orange” is suggested. After this, Orange must name a new pair. If the leader manages to touch the Orange before he names the next fruit, then they change places. The first pair is voiced by the presenter, and the first fruit he names is the presenter's fruit.

In this game, the counselor needs to prepare in advance several names of fruits for each letter of the alphabet, and maybe also vegetables, so as not to waste time on this during the game.


The presenter prepares forms equal to the number of players. The forms should contain approximately the following phrases:

– The farthest place I managed to visit is ____________;

– As a child, I was forbidden to do __________, but I did it anyway;

– My hobby is ______________________;

– When I was little, I dreamed of becoming _____;

– I have one bad habit – _______.

Sheets with these sentences are given to each player, and everyone must fill them out, answering all but one question truthfully. That is, one answer will be incorrect, false (the number of this answer is noted by the player on the opposite side of the sheet).

When everyone has filled out such questionnaires, the players begin to take turns reading their answers out loud. The others' task is to guess which of each player's answers is false.

Everyone who guesses someone's false answer is awarded a point. The one who scores the most points wins.

You can change the rules: instead of one incorrect answer out of five, write four incorrect and one correct.

I'm coming

Participants stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle of the circle. One of the players takes a step to the right and says: “I’m coming.” The neighbor stands up to the first with the words: “And me too,” the third participant – “And I’m a hare,” the fourth participant, taking a step, calls the name of any person from the squad, for example: “And I’m with Olya.” Olya stands up in an empty place. The participant standing to the left of the person who left (in this example it is Olya) starts again. The driver's task is to take an empty seat. You can first try without a driver so that the children understand the essence of the game.

Introduction to games

Whether the children will play with pleasure depends on whether the counselor is able to get them to play. You need to be prepared for the fact that your offer to play will not arouse interest, much less delight, among the children. Therefore, sometimes it is better not to use the word “game”, but to come up with a special liner, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Eyeliner for children younger age

Before the “Snowball” game, you can announce to the children that an experiment is being conducted: whose memory is better – theirs or the counselor’s. Further, the conversation can be built depending on whether the counselor won or lost. If you win, you can invite the children to win back by testing their attention, dexterity, etc.

Eyeliner for teenagers

With older children, you can have a discussion about what a name is, why and how it is given to a person, how it is connected with character traits, and tell them that, according to psychologists, a person’s own name is the most beloved.

And then offer the guys exercises that will help everyone quickly get to know each other and remember each other’s names. You can also encourage them to take turns saying their name or nickname that they would like to be called throughout their shift.

Getting to know the camp

The camp is mainly introduced to the children of junior detachments: the older ones, as a rule, have either already vacationed in this camp or quickly got their bearings.

There are several ways to introduce children to the camp:

Conducting a tour of the camp for counselors or children who have already vacationed here;

In the form of a game using notes, when children need to find something, for example, a map of the camp. Children look for notes or various clue symbols that point them to the next search location, and so on until the final goal is achieved - a map is found;

In the form of the game “School of Scouts”. The children are given a list of questions that they must answer, collecting the necessary information, running around the camp, for example, look at what is shown on the stand at the entrance to the camp, ask the canteen manager what will be prepared for dinner, etc. The players can be divided into teams and a competition can be arranged. So that no one is offended, you can come up with several awards: for speed, for accuracy, for friendship, etc.

Diagnostics of children

For a counselor, the first days of a camp shift also mean studying children using a variety of psychological and pedagogical diagnostic methods. Using special tests, games, etc. the following problems can be solved:

Identify leaders capable of uniting and organizing a squad;

Identify problem children;

Study the personality characteristics of each child;

Find out about children's interests, etc.

It is necessary to diagnose children in order to anticipate difficulties that may appear in the future. To do this, you can use such widely known methods as drawing a non-existent animal, constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes, training exercises. You can find out the inclinations and interests of children using a questionnaire. To determine the leaders of the squad, you can use games such as “Indicator”, “Identification of the Leader”.


The leader explains the task to the group: the guys need to agree among themselves so that as many people as possible do the same exercise out of the four proposed: raise their hands up, crouch down, converge in the center, disperse along the walls.

After each attempt, the conditions of the game change: first, the participants are deprived of the right to vote (that is, they must negotiate silently), then they are prohibited from using gestures, then a ban on facial expressions and meaningful glances is introduced.


First, the facilitator invites the participants to split into pairs. Each of them must come up with any physical exercise and show this exercise to their partner. Then the pairs need to, focusing on each other, come to a single exercise. Next, the pairs form fours, then eights, etc., and the task is repeated. Each stage of the game is given 1 minute.

Organizational meeting

The organizational meeting is an acquaintance of children with the traditions and laws of the camp, with rights and responsibilities. Its goal is to create uniform standards and requirements regarding the economic and living conditions of a child’s living in a children’s camp and the organization of activities.

Main issues discussed at the meeting:

Daily routine in the camp;

Laws and traditions of camp life;

Rules of conduct in the building and on the camp territory;

Rules of personal hygiene.

Usually a meeting in a detachment takes place in the form of a lecture, when the counselor speaks and the children listen. But it would be much better to conduct it either in the form of a game (for younger groups) or in the form of a conversation, a round table (for seniors).

Game for young children

The squad is divided into 3-4 teams. Each team is given a sheet with correct and incorrect rules of behavior in the camp. Children look for mistakes (one at a time), whoever finds the first raises their hand and explains why it is wrong. Then the floor is given to the next team. For each correct answer, the team is awarded a point, and at the end of the game the winner is declared.

Examples of rules of conduct:

You need to be polite.

If you want to take the best portion in the cafeteria, you need to run to your table faster than everyone else.

If you don't want to sleep during quiet hours, try not to make noise.

So that no one prohibits diving and jumping from the sides in the pool, you need to swim without a physical teacher and a counselor, etc.

Depending on the situation, you can change the task slightly. The squad also needs to be divided into teams and asked to name their own rules of behavior in the camp. Whoever names the most wins.

Round table for teenagers

For senior teams, you can have a conversation. For example, a counselor asks a series of questions and records the answers on whatman paper.

Examples of questions:

For what purpose did you come to the camp?

What does it take to make your goal come true?

Can a team interfere with your goal?

What should be the relationships in the team?

What rules should team members adhere to?

What documents reflect the rules and norms of behavior in society?

Why is it necessary to adhere to certain rules and regulations?

What would happen if everyone behaved the way they wanted?

You can also announce a competition of popular words and expressions that reflect the rules of behavior in the camp.

Examples of catchphrases:

It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter.

Everything is in the hands of man. Therefore, they need to be washed more often.

Cleanliness is the key to health.

Friendship is like glass: if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.

Choosing a name and motto

It is best to come up with the name of the squad based on the name of the shift, but if the topic of the shift is not defined, you can come up with your own topic. The children themselves must participate in choosing the name and motto of the unit. The following option is possible: the squad sits in a circle, is divided into pairs, each pair is given the task of coming up with a name, then all the guys unite into fours and choose from two names and mottos, then into eights, etc. Thus, it turns out that the entire squad participates in inventing and choosing the name and motto.

Evening Light

The first day at camp usually ends with the evening Light. The counselor for Ogonyok can prepare a talisman, such as a soft toy, that will protect the squad throughout the shift.

At the beginning of Ogonyok, to create a trusting atmosphere, you can tell the legend of the Eaglet Circle.

The Legend of the Eaglet Circle

A long time ago, in the old days, in ancient times, people lived on the seashore. It was a tribe of beautiful and strong people, loving life and beauty, loving each other... But nothing lasts long. The war has come. There was a need for all men to go and fight. What about beloved women, mothers, sisters, daughters? You can’t take them with you... And then all the men, so that their loved ones would not freeze, put their burning hearts in the middle of the cave. And they left... They left to fight, to defend their home, their families.

Hearts burned with an even and warm fire. But an evil wind rushed in and began to extinguish the hearts of men. And then women, daughters, mothers, sisters stood shoulder to shoulder around the burning hearts and blocked them from the wind. They stood like that for a long time, but they saved the fire of the hearts of their fathers, husbands, brothers, sons. Therefore, the men returned home safe and sound and were greeted by their loved ones.

And from then on, a tradition began - to stand in a circle, which was later called Orlyatsky. Only the closest people stand in this circle. They don't just get up. They get up to talk, communicate, tell each other something most intimate, most important.

The Eaglet Circle has its own laws and traditions:

On the left is a friend, and on the right is a friend.
The Eagle Circle will sway a little.
Here you will only hear words about the main thing.
Arms in eagle wingspan:
On the right - on the shoulders, and on the left - on the belt.
Your voice sounds quiet and serious.
This strong circle cannot be broken.
You can only step into the center when saying goodbye.

These laws are explained very simply. When you stand in the Eaglet circle, your right hand rests on the shoulder of your neighbor on the right - this means that in difficult times you have someone to lean on; your left hand rests on the belt of your neighbor on the left - that is, you yourself are always ready to support the one who is nearby. You need to leave the circle very quietly and carefully (only after finishing the song or conversation) so that the evil wind does not blow out the warmth of the burning hearts located in the center. That's why you can't step into the middle - who walks through hearts? And only when leaving the camp and saying goodbye to our friends, we put our bags and suitcases in the center of the circle in order to take with us a piece of our squad’s heart and warmth.

After the legend has been told, the counselor introduces the children to the rules of the evening light and conducts a discussion of the past day.

Evening Light Rules:

When one person speaks, everyone is silent.

We don't judge anyone. There are no bad people, only bad actions.

Everything said at Ogonyok should not be taken outside of it.

Ogonyok is not a meeting in a cafe; there is no eating or dancing here.

Questions for discussion:

What did you like and dislike about your day at camp?

What do you expect from tomorrow?

You can end the Fire of the first day with a choice of sympathies (each child chooses one person from the squad, approaches him, takes him by the hand and explains his choice; this person chooses the next one, etc. - in a chain) and a calm song in the Eaglet circle.

Make good use of your time on the Internet:


There are a lot of games that will help people of any age have fun, and there are games that develop intelligence or help you get used to a new company. Such types of entertainment include the game “Snowball”, which helps develop memory and gets acquainted with a group of even 30 people in a playful way.

How to play the Snowball game?

The rules of the game “Snowball” are quite simple and have a lot of variations. The main principle of the game is that words accumulate in the process, like a snowball.

For a group of unfamiliar people, the rules of the game “Snowball” look like this:

  1. The presenter says his name.
  2. The next player repeats the name of the previous player and says his name. So, moving around the circle, the number of names becomes larger and larger, and the last player must list the names of all participants.
  3. You can complicate the game by adding, for example, a profession to the name. This game will last longer, but it will become more interesting.

You can add activity to the game, then the rules of the game “Snowball” will look like this:

  1. The first one takes a step inside the circle, while saying the owl’s name and making any movement, the whole circle repeats the movement after him.
  2. The next participant does the same, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.
  3. Gradually, the players list the names of all participants and repeat the entire set of movements that the previous participants made.

In this version, the game “Snowball” becomes fun and develops not only memory and associative thinking, but also helps to train the body a little.

If the company knows each other's names well, then the name snowball game will not be interesting, because everyone can simply list familiar names sequentially. In this case, it is better to choose any category of objects, animals or plants. For example, kitchen equipment. And using the same principle, create a chain of names.

And if after one round, the participants have not yet played enough, you can leave all the previous conditions and simply rearrange the players.

How to become an ace in the game "Snowball"?

At first glance, it seems impossible to quickly memorize such a number of words, and even in a certain sequence. However, this is not the case if we act on the principle of associations.

I don’t understand at all the indignation of mothers about the fact that they are not allowed to breastfeed their children in a public place. For a minute, they don’t let you feed, but they don’t let you expose your breasts. Of course, a hungry child has the right to satisfy his hunger at any time convenient for him, and his mother has the right to feed her child where and when she sees fit. But why do you need to demonstratively expose your breasts? If you are a nursing mother, you probably assume that the time will inevitably come to feed your baby, so take with you a cape, a scarf, a snood, and at least a fan, well, something to cover yourself if necessary. In the end, if it so happens that you don’t have anything with you, step aside, turn away, choose a place that is not so crowded, so that you don’t feel embarrassed and don’t embarrass people. As for the specific situation in the museum, the issue, in my opinion, is controversial. Here, oddly enough, I am on my mother’s side. Simply because there is absolutely nothing to argue with her. Indeed, what kind of indecency can we talk about in connection with the exposure of the chest if families with children come to the Tretyakov Gallery and do not turn away in embarrassment from the paintings of Rembrandt, Michelangelo’s David without a fig leaf, do not cover the children’s eyes, etc. But this is done as trolling, to annoy the museum administration and the public. In general, I would not drag a baby during the SARS season. public place, and then, if the incident took place in the Tretyakov Gallery, then sometimes there are such queues at the box office, sometimes you can stand on the street for an hour. Why torture a child? And then it would be possible to step aside again, why feed the baby ostentatiously in a crowd of people? Feeding babies is such an intimate moment that does not tolerate extraneous glances, strangers, not always positive thoughts, etc. But this, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. I don’t know all the details, but if I were the museum staff, I would never get into trouble with a nursing mother, and if her behavior, in their opinion, somehow violated the order established in the museum, I would (if I were an employee) offered her stole, scarf, or would take her to a more secluded place. Well, if a nursing mother started making a fuss in response to my (as a museum employee) proposals, defending her rights, I would leave her alone. Why take a sin on your soul, get into a quarrel with it, make it nervous, in the end, everything will affect the baby, it turns out that by your actions you are harming the baby, why is this?
