Fallout 2 armor on the first level. Weapons and armor in the game, calculation of damage caused

Part One: Cabbot

In fact, getting power armor is very easy. But I recommend that you complete the quest to obtain power armor reaching the Hub. It’s just that there you can get the items necessary to obtain a copy of the T-51B. I forgot to mention that to be able to become an initiate, you must have an intelligence greater than 3.
And now to the point:
1. Find the location of the Brotherhood on the map, a little north of the Hub (south of Junktown) and a little west of the cities I mentioned.
2. We start a dialogue with Cabbot (a guy without a helmet and with a blue rubber hood(?) on his head), asking him to join the ranks of technocrats.
3. Cabbot says that the elder gives you a task: " So, I spoke with the Supreme Elder. He said that not everyone can join the Brotherhood. To do this you need to complete the task."We listen to his further speeches and go to the Hub.
4. In the hub we go to the merchants and buy ( Necessarily):
A). two or three packs of Rad-Evey (Antiradine)
b). two Rad-X tablets
V). one simple rope.
5. Be sure to save and go to the “Glow”, Cabbot carefully left the coordinates on your Pip-Boy 2000.

Part Two: Glow

Arriving at the place you are informed that there is a titanic level of radiation here. 1. We take two Rad-X tablets immediately, upon arrival, we remove the remaining radiation with Rad-Evey (Antiradine).
2. We see that a huge beam hangs over the crater. We hang a rope on it and go down.
3. Immediately, to the left of the character, a corpse in power armor will be visible (alas, we cannot remove it), we get to it and take away everything that is in the inventory.
4. Let's leave. Just as they came.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, an option for meticulous researchers:
1. Don't leave right away.
2. There will be a computer next to the corpse, this computer is responsible for the supply of electricity, turn on the emergency power and go down.
Below there will be a lot of goodies, from army armor to the Glock-86 plasma pistol. In addition to all this, the super-computer “ZAX” lives there, you can play chess with it, and if you win, the Native receives 700OO.

Part three: Now you are a brother

Well, that's it. We read the holodisk and get 100OO. We go to the Hub, sell unnecessary junk, for more profit you can sell your sparkling Glock-86, because in the Lost Hills bunker, after receiving a quest with a terrible name: “Explore the lands in the northwest,” we can take, to choose from , the most powerful good trunks.
So, the method for obtaining number one armor (Peaceful):
1. Go to the Hub (not again, but again), go to the Old Hub (eastern part of the city).
2. In the first building, if you approach, they open fire on you.
3. We kill the freaks. Let's free the poor guy.
4. Hand over the quest to Talus (man in the training room)
5. Select power armor in the dialogue (with positive karma) and get our long-awaited power armor sparkling, menacing, beautiful, like Aphrodite herself armor
Method of obtaining armor second ( Lock"n"Load in short, not peaceful, ugh be like that):
1. We go to Michael, try to beg him to give you the missing part “systolic motivator”. (if you are a woman it will be easier for you to persuade Michael, well, you understand feminine charms and all that)
1.1 You can rob Rombus, the part is in his locker.
2. Go to Kyle, take books on repairs (the repair stat must be at least 75%).
3. We repair the armor. Voila.
Why is this method bad? During the theft, you can get burned and, well, you get the idea.

Armor Modification

1. Let's go to the Hub. We buy chemical journals from Cynthia at the library.
2. We go to Auditum (Boneyard). We see Miles, the local chemist.
3. We give away magazines. Profit.
Yes, I forgot to mention that you can harden your armor only after repairing the hydroponic farms; this quest can be obtained from good old Miles.

Scientists have split the atom. Now the atom is splitting us.

(Quentin Reynolds)

For several years now, players around the world have been hoping for the release of Fallout 3. Recently, this hope has become almost illusory - Interplay is disbanding Black Isle, and, therefore, the long-awaited project is “postponed indefinitely.” But all is not lost! Rumor has it that the developer of the post-apocalyptic RPG The Fall: Last Days of Gaia - Silver Style Entertainment is inviting some former Black Isle Studios employees to work and is ready to buy the rights to create a Fallout sequel. Let's wish them good luck! Perhaps, thanks to these guys, we will have a chance to survive until the third part without resorting to cryogenic freezing.

In the February issue I described the creation of a character and the formation of his squad. But what is a brigade without weapons and armor? This article will discuss the means that promote and prevent severe lead poisoning.


We will not dwell on such types of weapons as a spear and a crossbow. At first you will have to suffer with them, but you will figure them out without difficulty! In addition, this list does not purport to be complete. It doesn't even cover a fifth of all the weapons found in the game.

Sniper Rifle DSK-501

High for /Texts/Masters/Fallout/0404/Small Guns power, accuracy and firing range make the DSK-501 an indispensable attribute of every chosen one. Another advantage of a sniper rifle is that there are cartridges for it lying around every corner. But “there is no good without a silver lining”: one more action point is spent per shot than usual. Ideal for shooting enemies from a safe distance, especially from towers - they will have no chance to reach you.

223 Pistol

In some tactical and technical characteristics it is inferior to a hunting rifle, but in terms of damage it is much superior (20-20 versus 8-20). True, it is quite difficult to find it. Found in San Francisco, NKR, New Reno.


The best machine gun in the game. True, stocking up on ammunition for it is not easy. Although there are plenty of suitable cartridges around, he eats them by the bucketful (15 per salvo). Constantly carrying around two thousand rounds of ammunition is very problematic.

M72 Gauss Rifle

The best weapon in the game, at least from /Texts/Masters/Fallout/0404/Small Guns. The only negative is that you won’t find cartridges for it during the day. They can only be bought in San Francisco and occasionally, “on major holidays” in NKR. You will “borrow” a rifle with a hundred rounds of ammunition from a punk actively relaxing in the bar of a tanker (also San Francisco). A little more can be stolen from the emperor's guards. If you want to get another two hundred, repair the transformer in Toxic Caves and open the elevator using electronic lockpicks (not mk2). On the second floor a robot will be waiting for you (and that’s a couple of hundred experience points) and, in fact, the goal of your journey is two-millimeter cartridges.

PPK12 Gauss Pistol

Nothing more than a sawn-off shotgun of the rifle of the same name. By reducing damage and accuracy, his rate of fire increases. The only worthy use is to keep it in a second weapon slot, just like the .223 Pistol.

H&K P90c

Counts best weapon chambered for the nine-millimeter cartridge thanks to the ability to spend fewer action points per shot. This caliber is widely popular, weighs little and is inexpensive. This submachine gun is cost effective and good against soft targets.

Red Ryder LE BB Gun

Another joke from the developers. The only example of this weapon is located at Sierra Army Depot in the possession of a frozen soldier. Deals pretty good damage, but suitable ammo is in short supply.


The famous German concern has once again pleased us with excellent weapons. This time it's a good shotgun. True, it is not recommended to shoot from a long distance, and its effectiveness against heavily armored opponents tends to zero.

Pankor Jackhammer

The best of shotguns. Both in terms of damage and range, it is far ahead of its “relatives”. However, weapons of this class should not be used in the game at all.

"Little Jesus" Knife

This unique knife stands out from the crowd of melee weapons due to its high speed (3 action points per hit) and high damage (5-(14+melee damage)). To take possession of this wonderful knife, you will have to shed the blood of more than a dozen people - you need to kill the Mordino family in New Reno.

Mega Power Fist

The best brass knuckles. Far superior to its closest competitors, especially in terms of damage. It needs to be recharged with small batteries from time to time.

Gatling Laser

A rapid-fire laser machine gun with good firepower. Its main drawback is that it wastes nuclear batteries in crazy quantities, and you will need them to refuel your car. Enclave soldiers have good energy protection, so these weapons are ineffective against them. Think about it: is it worth spending the fuel of the iron horse on other “ideological opponents”?

Impulse Rifle

The Pulse Rifle is a fairly rare weapon. She can be found in the Brotherhood of Steel or in a random location (a cave with raiders). There is also a pulse pistol there.

Laser Rifle

Thanks to its enormous range and power, a laser rifle can easily replace a sniper rifle. The improved version has double the ammunition capacity.

Plasma Rifle

Although the damage it deals is greater than that of a laser rifle, the Plasma Rifle is ineffective against well-armored targets. The turbojet variant is far superior to the original as it fires faster and does more damage. In general, I consider most types of energy weapons to be a relic of the first Fallout game, where mutants were the most dangerous enemies.

Alien Blaster

As you can easily guess from the name, this is an alien weapon. You can get it in two ways. The first one: wander back and forth on the square above Modoc. Please note: you will have to wander for a long time. After some time you will meet a merchant. He will fool you, using his extraordinary knowledge of aerodynamics and other natural disciplines. Usually this merchant sells all kinds of garbage for a lot of money. But sometimes he also has this miracle of humanoid thought. The second way is to feed and drink the boy standing near the “Cat's Paw” a hundred times. True, almost no one has the patience for this. This will take four days. By the way, don’t you think that feeding a child a hundred times in such a time smacks of cruelty? But for this “good” deed, in addition to alien weapons, you will also receive a perk. I deliberately forgot about the third method: you will find another copy of the Alien Blaster at the Enclave base, but who needs it in the Enclave?

Solar Scorcher

A sample of this weapon can only be obtained through a random encounter (Guardian of Forever). Of its positive features, I will note only one: it charges from the sun without using up batteries. On the negative side, there is sun only during the day.

Big Bazooka

Despite the enormous power, there is no point in using it - rockets weigh a lot, are expensive and are rare. However, if you like the sight of enemies flying to pieces, shoot the rats. The bazooka isn't good for anything else. But even for this innocent entertainment, you need developed skill in using heavy weapons or good armor, otherwise you, not the rats, will fly to pieces.

"The armor is strong..."

“Which armor is better?” Unlike the situation with weapons, this question can be answered unequivocally - Adv. Power Armor MK2. I don’t argue that in some characteristics (see table) it is inferior to Tesla Armor (energy protection), but in others it is much superior. Unfortunately, it can only be obtained at the end of the game, so at first you will have to be content with little...

Armor A.C. Normal Laser Fire Plasma Explosion Electricity Increased Strength
Leather Jacket 8 0 | 20% 0 | 20% 0 | 10% 0 | 10% 0 | 20% 0 | 30%
Leather Armor 15 2 | 25% 0 | 20% 0 | 20% 0 | 10% 0 | 20% 0 | 30%
Leather Armor MKII 20 3 | 25% 1 | 20% 1 | 25% 1 | 10% 1 | 25% 1 | 40%
Robes 13 0 | 20% 0 | 25% 0 | 10% 0 | 10% 0 | 20% 0 | 40%
Bridgekeeper's Robes 20 5 | 40% 8 | 60% 4 | 30% 4 | 50% 6 | 40% 2 | 50%
Combat Leather Jacket 18 2 | 30% 0 | 20% 2 | 25% 0 | 10% 0 | 20% 0 | 30%
Metal Armor 10 4 | 30% 6 | 75% 4 | 10% 4 | 20% 4 | 25% 0 | 0%
Metal Armor MKII 15 4 | 35% 7 | 80% 4 | 15% 4 | 25% 4 | 30% 1 | 10%
Tesla Armor 15 4 | 20% 19 | 90% 4 | 10% 10 | 80% 4 | 20% 12 | 80%
Combat Armor 20 5 | 40% 8 | 60% 4 | 30% 4 | 50% 6 | 40% 2 | 50%
Combat Armor MKII 25 6 | 40% 9 | 65% 5 | 35% 5 | 50% 9 | 45% 3 | 55%
Brotherhood Combat Armor 20 8 | 40% 8 | 70% 7 | 50% 7 | 60% 8 | 40% 6 | 60%
Power Armor 25 12 | 40% 18 | 80% 12 | 60% 10 | 40% 20 | 50% 12 | 40% +3
Hardened Power Armor 25 13 | 50% 19 | 90% 14 | 70% 13 | 50% 20 | 60% 13 | 50% +3
Advanced Power Armor 30 15 | 55% 19 | 90% 16 | 70% 15 | 60% 20 | 65% 15 | 60% +4
Advanced Power Armor MKII 35 18 | 60% 19 | 90% 16 | 70% 18 | 60% 20 | 70% 15 | 65% +4

In addition, armor can be embedded under the skin. To do this, dig into the medical computer of the eighth bomb shelter, which is located not far from the doctor on the first floor (you need Skill Doctor>80). Then bring 4 Combat Armor to the healer in San Francisco. For some reason, doctors don’t like the Brotherhood of Steel and MK2 armor, even though they are better. For four operations you will have to pay about seventy thousand dollars. A little expensive, of course, but all the other “killers in white coats” in best case scenario you will be maimed. This operation can be performed for free by AutoDoc in the suburb of Vault City, but first it must be repaired.

Booking name Normal Laser Fire Plasma Explosion Electricity Charm
Regular first level +5% - - - +5% - -1
Regular second level +5% - - - +5% - -
"Phoenix" level one - +5% +5% +5% - +5% -1
"Phoenix" of the second level - +5% +5% +5% - +5% -

“...and our tanks are fast!”

If you want, Fallout 2 can be completed in an hour, maximum in an hour and a half. But first I will advise you to play slowly, thinking about the dialogues and only occasionally looking at my article. Although you will spend ten times more computer time, it will be real entertainment, and not a tedious copying of actions. Believe me, the game is worth the candle!

I hope you can figure out how to pass the chosenness test. As a last resort, use the Ctrl-R combination (see box). Then learn from your fellow tribesmen how to swing a knife and fists. After interrogating the old woman, you will find out where the nearest city is. Take a single-shot shotgun and a walkie-talkie from Vic's house (in the northeast). After completing several tasks and learning hand-to-hand combat from one of the visitors to the Golden Gecko bar, feel free to go to the godforsaken town of Den.

To our great joy, all merchants can be killed with impunity in order to take possession of their modest belongings. To our great regret, there are two merchants in the game.

It's easy to start the game from any city or see random encounters. In the main menu of the game, press Ctrl+R. After this, a list of cards will appear from which you select the one you need. Save, exit, and then load this Save. But until you have a pipboy, you have no time for sleep. It will be given to you in your homeland, Arroyo. True, in this case you will not be able to choose your hero - you will have to play Narg. If you don't feel like doing the challenges at the temple, download the map "arrvillage.map".

In the second location - in the slave traders' guild, the resurrected Vic is waiting for you. There you will have to part with your walkie-talkie. If you have any automatic weapons (at least an ultrasound), shoot the entire guild. The most convenient way to do this is while in the prisoner’s room. First, rid Merzger of weapons, and everyone else of ammunition and doping. The theft skill will help you with this. We killed everyone we could, except the poor drug addicts. Now we have nothing more to do here.

If you are not experienced enough and are not armed to the teeth, you may not enter Ridding. The sheriff will tell you that you will not cope with the task, and Wamingos have thick skin. For now, you can go with the caravan to the largest small city in the world, to the capital of drug addiction and gambling, New Reno (see map).

Buy a sound module from one of the merchants (you will need it in Vault 13). In this city you will find a lot of interesting things. For example, the Wright family will tell you where the storage of the blue memory module and God knows what else is located (Sierra Army Depot). In addition, you will have many tempting opportunities, for example, to take part in a boxing championship or star in a porn film.

After visiting the glorious city of New Reno, go to NKR for the Bozar machine gun. This weapon is in the possession of the merchant's guards. In the western part of the city you will find an energy gate that is forever closed. The guard doesn't want to let you through at all. But on the corner of the gun store, the law enforcer will tell you that a retired crime boss living just outside these gates needs a worker. Don't expect to take part in bloody massacres - you'll just have to herd cows. Talk to the guard standing near the entrance and say that you need a job.

Behind these gates is Roger Westin's ranch.

At the ranch, just below the main entrance, a local alcoholic works. For a bottle, he will tell you a heartbreaking story about Vault 13 and mention that he was treated by a local doctor. As you may have guessed, you will have to visit a chiropractor. By paying him 10,000 caps, you get a seemingly useless portrait of the king of rock and roll. Take a close look at it - you will notice a map. The location of the destination of your wanderings will be recorded in the pipboy's memory.

However, you can do it much simpler: get the task from Westin and after the death claws wandering nearby leave, a passage to the Vault will open in the northeast of the map.

At the entrance to the shelter, a deathclaw will greet you and tell you about the computer breakdown. This is where you will need a voice module saved for a rainy day - with its help you can easily fix the problem. For your work you will receive a kit for creating a Garden of Eden. After grabbing the parts of the navigation computer (box on the third floor), go to San Francisco. By the way, you can safely throw the GECK along the road, since its twin brother is gathering dust on the drilling rig, waiting for you.

Made in China.

This is interesting: The Deathclaws mission doesn't have to be completed; the GECK is hidden on the third floor, in one of the lockers next to the spare parts for the navigation computer.

You can do some good shopping in San Francisco (about every two weeks, merchants have new deliveries of money and goods).

Buy M-72, P90c and power armor. Buy more nine- and two-millimeter cartridges, not forgetting the .233 caliber. Get the "helicopter" quest in the Brotherhood of Steel. Grabbing a set of master keys or plastic explosives, feel free to go to Navarro.

Of course, you can kill the entire base personnel, but “that’s not what my song is about.” Moreover, you can handle this without my tips. I like to do everything quietly, with little bloodshed, killing only two people. The first victim is the man at the entrance, who claims that this is an ordinary gas station. Of course, he won't deceive you. Destroy him before he alarms everyone. The passage to the base is hidden in the house next to it. I almost forgot - under no circumstances take any of your comrades with you, otherwise the guards will be offended by you! In one of the boxes you will find your second skin - Advanced Power Armor. Go to the surface (do not talk to the sergeant under any circumstances) and steal the helicopter plans - you will find them in the garage next to the ready-made ones aircraft. If you are a good diplomat, talk to the computer operators, they will tell you about FOB. You can convince the commander's adjutant to "borrow" this useful item from Chief Navarro. You can also pretend to be a cleaner. You will learn everything about the upcoming cleaning from the same soldier. After waiting around the corner for an hour, get down to business. The boss will leave if you tell him that you will create a lot of dust. Use master keys to open the locker (or blow it up) and remove the precious FOB from there (or pick it up from the smoldering remains of the locker). Now head back to San Francisco.

It's strange to see a whale carcass in the middle of the desert.

Upon your return, give the plans first to the brotherhood guard and then to Shi. Go down into the hold of the tanker, open the door using the FOB, insert the spare parts found in Vault 13 into the computer. Now it’s just a matter of getting a couple of thousand liters of fuel for the tanker. If you rescue the woman in the northeastern part of the hold, her hacker boyfriend will hack into Shi's computer and the tanker will be refueled. Using the computer on the captain's bridge, start this pile of scrap metal and go blow up the Enclave.

This is interesting: At high levels charm and conversation, you can negotiate with the Brotherhood of Steel, and you will be provided with a tanker ready to sail. Of course, to do this you will have to complete the Brotherhood's task.

Upon arrival at the Enclave, leave your friends in the lobby and let them admire the pictures on the walls. If you didn't bring explosives from sunny San Francisco, then look into the barracks (door on the right) and grab the amount you need. The only way left is the stairs down. Talk to the prisoners - there is nothing more to do at this level. Then follow down again. You will have to go through a labyrinth of 9 rooms with an insane door opening system. If you have good science and repair skills, here you can get hold of various useless items, like the Alien Blaster.

You can get through this damned labyrinth using the “scientific poking method” or using mathematical analysis. Which of these options should you choose? Decide for yourself.

If you have developed conversation skills, find a scientist on the president's floor and negotiate with him to release the FEB virus into the ventilation. It will tear most of it to pieces civilians oil platform.

Advice: You can kill a person silently by feeding him a huge amount of SuperStimpack. In half an hour the poor fellow will be dead.

Kill the President with a dozen super-stimpaks or several sticks of dynamite - your choice. Take his card and head down to the control room. If the scientists in the room are dead, place an explosive package next to the computers. If they are still alive, talk to one of them sitting in the lower right corner. If you intimidate him enough, he will turn off the reactor cooling system. The final countdown begins, and with a feeling of accomplishment, you return back to walk on the water on the tanker. But Frank Horrigan, a tragic mistake of nature and Enclave scientists, will stand in your way.

Try to convince the infantry squad - perhaps they will help you correct this mistake. Using the President's card, turn on the suppression of the uprising mode. As you may have guessed, the main rebel is Frank.

The autocannons will immediately begin feeding the boss lead. Killing Horrigan will not be easy - he has 999 lives. But after his death, you will find a beautiful video and a fascinating story about what happened to many cities because of your activities or inactivity.

By the way, after the game you will be able to continue wandering around the map. This time you will see something previously inaccessible. For example, check out New Reno Church. The priest, with the words: “How few people nowadays complete games to the end,” will give you a very useful book, for each reading of which you will be awarded 10,000 experience, and all skills will freeze at around 300%. Where was she before?!!!

1. Training in "Melee Weapons" and "No Weapons" in Arroyo.
After successfully completing the Temple of Tests, Cameron - located in the village at the entrance to the cave - can teach us the basics of hand-to-hand combat, if the level of the main characteristic "Dexterity" of the Chosen One is ≤6, as well as none of the combat skills ("Light weapons", "Heavy weapons ", "Energy weapons", "Without weapons", "Melee weapons", "Throwing") is not selected as the main one.

This quest is best completed after gaining additional points in the Unarmed skill from Lucas, as there is a possibility that after increasing Cameron's skill, your Unarmed skill will become too high and Lucas will not be able to teach you anything new.

2. Alcohol increases/decreases health.
At the location "Council Residence" in Vault City you can find the "Vault City Bartender", who offers us "alcohol-Z". By drinking this alcohol 100 times we can get one of the following features:
with luck = 1 we will receive minus 4 health points forever;
with luck = 2 - minus 2 health points;
with luck = 9 - plus 2 health points;
with luck = 10 - plus 4 health points;

3. Information about subcutaneous armored implants.
Having the “Doctor” skill level ≥ 75% and “Science” ≥ 40%, using science on one of the terminals on the first level of “Vault 8”, you can learn about the possibility of implanting subcutaneous implants. After this, we will have the opportunity to perform an operation to implant armored implants. The cost of the operation includes the actual payment for services and the presence of combat armor in our inventory ("Combat Armor Mark 2" and "Combat Armor of the Brotherhood" are not suitable for this operation)
NPCs who can perform this operation on you:
1. Doctor Andrew in the Vault City Suburbs;
2. Dr. Johnson in Redding;
3. Dr. Fang in San Francisco.

Available operations:
- Phoenix armored implant (+5% to resistance to fire, laser and plasma damage);
- Improved Phoenix armor (+10% resistance to fire, laser and plasma damage. -1 Attractiveness);
- Subcutaneous armor (+5% to resistance to normal damage and explosion);
- Improved subcutaneous armor (+10% to resistance to normal damage and explosion. -1 Attractiveness);
(Vault 8, this is a shelter located inside Vault City)

4. Obtaining the “Vault Training” and “Vault Vaccination” abilities.
Having the “Doctor” skill of at least 75%, intelligence more than 2 and a good reputation with Doctor Troy, you can get the special ability “Vault Training” (+5% First Aid +5% Doctor).
In the future, if you ask the doctor to be cured of radiation or poisoning, you can get another special ability, “Vault Inoculation” (+10% resistance to radiation and poisons).
(Dr. Troy is located on the first level of Vault 8)

5. Obtaining the title "Professional Fighter" with the "Torrupted" feature.
Having this feature, you can become the champion of New Reno by simply standing in the ring and skipping moves until our opponent critically misses, thus knocking himself out. Unfortunately, this feature can only be useful on easy difficulty, and taking it just for the sake of the ring in New Reno is not the best idea.

6. Mrs. Bishop's Pip Boy linguistic enhancer. (+10% Speech)
The Pip Boy linguistic amplifier can be obtained on the second floor of the Shark Club casino from Mrs. Bishop by gaining her favor (Strength or Attractiveness of at least 6 is required) and asking her about Vault City and education (Intelligence of at least 9 is required).
For the dialogue thread about Vault City to appear, before seclusion with Mrs. Bishop, you need to ask her about GEKK.

7. Medical amplifier Pip Boy from Renesco. (+10% Doctor)
The medical amplifier can be obtained from Renesco (located in New Reno on the shopping street), but only in a very strange way:
You need to find glasses (you can find them in the inventory of the smart scorpion from Broken Hills), bring them to Renesco and refuse the reward. Then ask him about his glasses 20 times. Renesco will lose his temper and, in irritation, throw the desired amplifier at the Chosen One. This action reduces karma by 8 units.

8. Expert in excrement extraction (+5 Speech)

This achievement can be obtained by removing Brahmin manure five times in a row, on the instructions of Bill from Broken Hills.
This feature also reduces reputation in Broken Hills by 5, which is essentially nothing.

1. Elevator in poisonous caves.

Having an electronic master key, a good repair skill (≥ 50%) and hacking (≥ 40%), in the poisonous caves you can repair the generator and hack the elevator that leads to the lower level. Here we will be met by a robot sentry, for which it is advisable to take a couple of EMP grenades in order to kill him before he kills us. Further along the corridor you can find excellent armor "Combat Armor Mark 2" and a heavy machine gun "Bozar".

2. Obtaining an alien blaster.

3. Receiving the title of Captain of the City of Vault.
The Chosen One can be appointed to this position if he can sufficiently flatter First Citizen Lynette, as well as for her to exchange information with Roger Westin of the NCR.

Holding this position will provide the Chosen One with significant advantages. Firstly, the Chosen One will be able to demand compensation from Stark for the destruction of Cassidy's bar, receiving $500 and 500 experience points. Secondly, he will be able to take Marcus and Lenny, who are otherwise detained by security, into the Vault City business center. By taking Marcus to Dr. Troy, the Chosen One will be able to gain a decent amount of ammo stopped by Marcus' skin over the years of his life, and some experience.

To obtain this title you will need:
- Attractiveness more than 7 and Eloquence more than 74%;
- In dialogues, each time choose answers and addresses that call Linnet “First Citizen”. Including goodbyes;
The best way to gain Lynette's respect is to have a dialogue ring that allows you to call her First Citizen every time. After receiving citizenship, this is a question about Vault 13 (if the Chosen One has not yet found it): “First Citizen, it is very important for me to find my ancestor’s Vault. If you give me access to these archives, my gratitude will know no bounds.” Repeating this request 10 to 15 times will sufficiently raise Lynette's respect, and you will not be able to anger her further.

4. Micronuclear Battery on the second level of Vault 8.
While here, use the “repair” skill on the ventilation grill located at the top of the location to remove 50 units of micronuclear battery from it.

5. Free weapon upgrades in New Reno.
Entering the New Reno Gun Store from the back entrance, behind one of the shelves you can find steps that lead to the basement with the insane Algernon. When you give him a weapon, he can improve it without asking for money in return.
You need to enter this basement only during the day while the arms dealer is at the counter, otherwise he will become hostile to us. It is also worth paying attention to the dogs guarding the store; if barking for a long time, the owner will go to check what the problem is and will become hostile if he sees us in his room.
List of weapons available for improvement:
- Electrowhip;
- Revolver Magnum 0.44;
- Desert Eagle 0.44;
- Assault rifle;
- Hunting Rifle;
- Flamethrower;
- Plasma pistol;
- Laser pistol;
- Laser gun;
- Power brass knuckles;
- FN FAL Hidden entrance to the basement.
- Plasma gun
- Fuel for the flamethrower.

Small features when upgrading weapons:
1. When you hand over an unloaded weapon, it will be returned to us improved and loaded.
2. By overcoming laziness, you can double the amount of Fuel for the flamethrower when upgrading it. Even if we give a cylinder filled with only 1 unit, Algernon will still give us an improved cylinder filled with 10 units. Thus, when loading and discharging a flamethrower (the full charge of which is 5 units of fuel), you can always give Algernon a cylinder filled with 5 units for improvement.

Also in this basement you can find an electric master key, which can be used to open the elevator in the Poison Caves.

6. Brahmin at the "Stables" location.
By using the “Doctor” skill on an angry Brahmin in a pen, you can pull out 50 nuclear microreactors from the intestines.

7. Magical billiard ball
The Magic Billiard Ball is a secret Easter egg that only benefits characters with high Luck. It is hidden in the easternmost pool table on the second floor of the Shark Club in New Reno. You can use it at any time to "answer questions."
With Luck 9 and 10, the following three phrases can be dropped, which activate three special places in New Reno, Vault City and Golgotha:

"Look in the men's room on the first floor of the Mordino casino"
"Someone buried a lot of money under the cross marked "Trash" at Calvary."
"To activate the computer in front of the Vault in Vault City, enter the code 3PCF186"

When the orb shows these messages, it is possible to find some grenades in the toilet in New Reno, go to the terminal in Vault City to get additional Stimpaks and to the grave at Golgotha, and find several hundred dollars there. These places will not give anything until the corresponding message falls from the magic ball.

8. Rifle XL70E3
A rare and useless weapon that can be bought at a random encounter in the southeast near San Francisco from a caravan owner, or picked up from the corpse of one of the brunettes on a tanker in San Francisco.

Useful information

1. Jammed lock.
Any lock that you manage to jam magically becomes working again after 24 hours, and you can try to pick it again.

2. Tables and shelves at merchants.
For some merchants, when bartering, all goods in the barter window are not available, but they will become available when inspecting the shelves and cabinets located next to the merchant.

3. Partner barter skill.
If you do not intend to pour a lot of points into the "Barter" ("Trade") skill, then when traveling with a partner it is better not to level up at all this skill. When exchanging, the skill of the most trading-savvy partner is used if your skill is lower than his.

Below is the barter skill level of the teammates you should pay attention to:
Cassidy - 80%;
Lenny - 80%;
Sulik - 50-65% (increases with character level).

4. Jerky.
Jerky is useful when hunting geckos: if you throw it out of your inventory during a fight, the gecko will be distracted, run after the meat and eat it (two turns are spent), not paying attention to the Chosen One.

Bugs and exploits

1. Silent killing.
Super Stimpaks can be used to silently kill NPCs. To find out how many super stimulants are needed for a kill, you need to find out the character's total health points and divide it by 9, rounding up to the excess; for this it is useful to take the “Observation” ability. For example, a fully healthy President Richardson has 55 HP. 55:9=6.11..., this means that to eliminate him, 7 injections will be enough, which will not cure him (he is healthy), but after 2 minutes they will cause damage equal to 63 and kill him.

There are 3 characters programmed to die from 1 dose of the drug:

Roger Westin (this is how the quest to kill Westin is completed)
- Big Jesus Mordino
- Luis Salvatore

2. Prize!
This ability in Fallout 2 makes it possible to very fast pumping The chosen one. Algorithm: when creating a character, one of the skills that initially has the lowest value (heavy or energy weapons) must be left NOT the main one and up to level 12, bring it to the desired value, calculated as follows: from 300, subtract the value of the skill at the time of character creation: 300 − 10 = 290 (with the “Kind Soul” trait taken). We divide the result by 2, because "Prize!" doubles the difference between the initial and current value of the skill: 290 / 2 = 145. This means that a skill with an initial value of 10 needs to be brought to a value of 155 points (10 + 145). The method of raising the skill does not matter, i.e. you can save points if you get the last upgrades to the “required” value through training and quest rewards: the “energy weapon” skill (regardless of its value) can be raised by 10% (special number from Miss Kitty for 10 Cat’s Paw magazines ") and 5% (trained by Mason before Salvatore's final task) in New Reno. Next, with the ability “Prize!” the upgraded non-primary skill becomes the main one and increases up to 300%. Due to the fact that in Fallout 2 the cost of increasing a skill is uneven, you can immediately roll back the skill from the received double value up to the value that was BEFORE the “Prize!” ability, receiving a huge number of free skill points. By rolling back, for example, a skill from 300% to just 202%, we get 98 x 6 = 588 skill points at our disposal. Rolling back further, from 201% to 177%, we get another 24 x 5 = 120 skill points. Etc.

3. The effect of drugs on units.
In the game, drugs act simultaneously on all identical units on the map, which means that if we use any drug on a slave trader in the Hole, it will affect all slave traders with the same name and sprite (that is, everyone except Metzger). So, you can use 2 doses of screw on the slave trader and 2 more on Metzger, wait a little with the help of Pip Boy (an hour is enough) until the breaking begins and all the slave traders do not have enough action points to use the firearm. This way you can easily kill all the slave traders in the Hole at a low character level.

4. An article about the “correct” reading of books

This article describes in detail how you can increase the effectiveness of reading books under the influence of various substances.

Appeal to readers

You can share your findings in the comments; the author is very interested in learning something new about his favorite game. Please do not write about special chance encounters ah and things that are available after the end of the game, there is already a lot of information about this on the Internet.


A worn, black, heavy leather jacket provides minimal protection and does not restrict movement, allowing you to dodge attacks.

A reinforced version of a leather jacket. You simply won't find anything more stylish in a post-nuclear world.

This leather armor is skillfully and efficiently cut from tanned Brahmin hide. The simple manufacturing technique made this type of armor very popular. Leather armor provides intermediate level protection. Unfortunately, this type of armor provides little protection against plasma and explosive damage.

Leather armor MK-II

Strengthened version leather armor, covering not only the torso, but also the groin and arms.

Robes worn by the Children of the Cathedral. Made from thin material. Even though this clothing is quite uncomfortable to fight in, it still provides some protection against certain types of attacks. More of a wardrobe item than armor.

Origin of both this one unique item, and his mystical owner, is one of the many unsolved mysteries of the Wasteland.

The armor is made of roughly joined polished metal plates.

Really good armor made by skilled craftsmen. They are usually only found in densely populated areas.

Metal armor reinforced with electromagnetic coils for additional protection against energy attacks. It is usually only found in high-tech regions where there is a need for protection from energy weapons.

This standard set of pre-war infantry armor is now a rarity. Most of the kits that remain intact are used by big city police or gangsters with deep pockets.

An advanced version of the Combat Armor, the MK II Combat Armor gives the wearer greater protection against attacks. Originally intended for soldiers leading fighting on the front line.

Standard set of Combat Armor for Brotherhood of Steel warriors. You can sometimes accidentally stumble upon this improved version of Combat Armor in stores in big cities, but this happens rarely, because it is not very easy to remove such armor from a member of the Brotherhood.

Power armor

High-tech armor of autonomous action, equipped with a microreactor, with a fuel reserve that will last for hundreds of years.

Reinforced Power Armor

T-51b is an improved version of autonomous armor. Hardening of structural components improved the protective capabilities of this high-tech armor.

Improved Energy Armor was assembled based on improvements to Energy Armor made by technicians mainly after the War. This is an extremely rare armor model that can only be found in organizations somehow associated with the US military services that existed before the War. For example, one of such organizations is the Enclave. Gives a bonus of +60% to Radiation Resistance and +20% to Poison Resistance. When using Improved Energy Armor, its owner receives +4 Strength.

The only known group that has access to this model of energy armor is the Enclave. Gives a bonus of +75% to Radiation Resistance and +40% to Poison Resistance. When using the improved MK II energy armor, its owner receives +4 to Strength.

One of the main elements of the game are all sorts of different battles. Here we look at armor and weapons in detail, where to get them, characteristics, damage dealt, damage absorption. That is, the combat system.

General information about any armor

Let's look at the example of combat armor. Armor class - the probability of hitting us (not only us, but generally any person, animal, robot, etc.) is reduced by this percentage after calculating other probabilities. The penalty for distance, the penalty for darkness, and so on are taken into account. And then the armor class. Accordingly, the higher, the better. There is a perk “Eversity”, which increases the armor class by 5. There is also the “Kamikaze” ability, which reduces the armor class, but increases the order of actions (reaction). That is, it is easier to hit the Persian, but he almost always goes first.

Next are the types of damage: normal, laser, fire, plasma, explosion, electricity. Each damage is, firstly, absorbed, and secondly, reduced. How much damage will be absorbed (or reflected, passed by, severely reduced) is answered by the first number, this is damage limit (PU). And how much it will decrease - the second in percentage, it is damage resistance (DR). Let, for example, someone shoot a bullet at us and deal 20 units of damage. The “norm” indicator is included in the calculations. First, the damage limit is subtracted from 20; for combat armor it is 5. We get 15. Then 15 is reduced by 40%. As a result, we will receive damage equal to 15 minus 6. That is, 9. And this final damage takes away 9 health from us. The norm is damage from bullets, punches and bladed weapons, throwing knives, and so on, that is, mechanical damage. Laser - shots from a laser rifle, Gatling laser, laser pistol. Fire - from flamethrowers, Molotov cocktails, fire geckos. Plasma - plasma rifles and pistols, plasma grenades. Explosion - regular grenades, dynamite, rocket launcher, some types of traps. Electricity - pulse rifle, some types of traps, floor in the labyrinth in the Enclave. By the way, nothing is said about electricity in the game itself, that is, the parameter is not visible. I don't know what this is connected with. Data on resistance to electricity was taken from the site ru.fallout.wikia.com, and in general, there is a lot of interesting stuff there. The percentage resistance is affected not only by the armor worn, but also by subcutaneous armor, some chemicals, a stone from the head of the chosen one, the “Coolness” perk, and a bonus for winning boxing fights in New Reno.

General information about small arms

Let's look at the example of a 10mm PP (10mm submachine gun). The damage is understandable - it is chosen random number between minimum and maximum. Distance (range) - indicates the maximum allowed number of cells. One cell in fallout is equal to one meter.

It’s clear that the closer you shoot, the higher hit probability. But here not only the actual distance to the target is taken into account, but also the maximum distance for the weapon. Let, for example, the enemy stand 10 meters from us. It is much easier to hit it with a hunting rifle than with a 223 pistol, because the gun has a longer range. The probability of a hit is also affected by skill in handling weapons, wisdom (perception) is very important for shooting from afar, the presence of an optical sight on the weapon, interference to the target (other people, corpses, etc.), time of day (it’s more difficult to hit at night) . Many weapons require a certain amount of strength. If suddenly there is not enough strength, then this also has a negative effect. There is a perk "Weapon Handling", which adds 3 strength while shooting (real strength does not increase). There are various perks to improve hit probability. "Sharpshooter" - increases wisdom by two when calculating range. “Night vision” - improves visibility at night, which means it’s easier to hit. “Increasing wisdom” will also have a beneficial effect.

Ranged Weapon Damage. As mentioned, damage primarily depends on damage. First, the hit probability is calculated. If you hit, then various modifications can affect the damage. Then calculations are made for the armor, how much it absorbed, how much it reduced. Critical hit chance - the chance of causing increased damage. The character's base probability is shown. And the final probability is calculated using a somewhat complex formula. Affects your ability to handle weapons, luck, and various perks.

There are the following perks that affect damage for small arms(this also includes heavy guns and energy weapons): “Damage bonus at a distance” (“Range bonus”) - damage from shots increases by 2 units, which, by the way, is not so little, considering that the damage will be superimposed other modifications. And for machine gun bursts, this is an indispensable perk, because the damage is calculated for each bullet. “More critical” - the base value of inflicting critical damage increases. “Best critical” - if critical damage is received, it will increase. "Sniper" - the indicator for critical shots is calculated in a new way. The formula is as follows Luck / 10 * 100%. This means that if luck is 10, then every hit will be a critical one (but, since the final calculation formula is a little more complicated, not every hit). In this case, the basic "chance to critical" indicator is not taken into account. You can not take “More critical”, but wait for “Sniper”. But “Best Critical” should definitely be taken in conjunction with “Sniper”.

General information about melee weapons and melee

For melee and melee weapons Damage is calculated a little differently. Firstly, the main thing here is strength, not wisdom. Accordingly, the more, the better. Secondly, the character has a special characteristic “melee weapon”. This value is added to the maximum possible damage. Let, for example, a sledgehammer cause damage from 4 to 14. And the “melee weapon” characteristic is 5. This means that the damage will be selected randomly from 4 to 14+5. Also, most melee weapons have an increased chance of critical damage. Among firearms, only Private Dobbs' gun in Sierra has this bonus.

And there are special perks that affect damage for melee weapons and melee. The same as for the rifleman - “more critical” and “better critical”. But the analogue of “Sniper” is “Butcher” (“Deathstroke”). Also “Melee Damage Bonus” - adds +2 damage with melee or melee weapons. There is an interesting perk “Anatomy Expert”, which gives an increase in the doctor’s skill by +20%, as well as +5 damage to living creatures. Also power armor brotherhood or enclave increases strength, and therefore additional damage.

During a shot or impact, various pleasant and unpleasant things can happen. Extra Damage- damage increased by 1.5-3 times. Your arm will break- in this case it is difficult to hold a two-handed weapon. Your leg will break, in which case each step costs two action points. Loss of consciousness- the enemy (or even us) falls and lies unconscious for some time, it depends on endurance. It just falls, then you must stand up on your next turn, which usually takes three action points. In such cases, the “Stone Wall” perk can help, so that you fall less, and “Rapid Recovery”, so that you can get up not in three APs, but in one. Instant death- someone dies regardless of the damage caused. Hit penetrates armor- armor did not reduce damage. There may also be errors. These include: loss of ammunition, loss of AP, dropping a weapon, hitting the wrong person, wounding yourself, and others.

It should be taken into account that the difficulty level of the battle also affects. At Easy level, enemies barely aim, hit less often and deal less damage. At high levels it’s the other way around.

General information about cartridges

Each cartridge has its own characteristics, which are also taken into account when calculating the probability of a hit and damage caused. Damage modifier expressed as a fraction and multiplied by the damage indicated in the weapon's characteristics. More the better. So, for example, the 10mm PSCT cartridges mentioned above for 10mm PP have a damage modifier of 2/1. That is, the indicated damage will double. This means that damage of 5-12 will become 10-24. Next comes DR modifier (damage resistance). This parameter is measured as a percentage and is added to the armor resistance. So, since we have combat armor and ordinary bullets, the “norm” parameter is involved. For combat armor this parameter is 40%. The cartridges have mod. SU is equal to 25%. This means that you need to add 25% to 40%. As a result, we get 65%. That is, the person who shoots such cartridges essentially adds armor to the opponent. It follows from this that such cartridges are not at all suitable for armored purposes. And the lower this CS modifier, the better. But, we see that the damage is doubled (damage mode = 2/1). That is, these cartridges are very good against unarmored targets. And the third KB modifier (armor class). This parameter is involved in calculating the probability of hitting the target. As already mentioned, the probability of a hit is affected by the character’s skill, perks, time of day, wisdom, distance to the target, opponent’s armor class and this very mod. KB. The smaller it is, the better.

This is why the gauss rifle and pistol are so good against armored targets (2mmEC SU-20, which means armor is essentially reduced by 20%). And they are so easy to shoot (KB -30, which means the probability of hitting increases). And they are so powerful (damage mod 3/2. good damage from the weapon itself is increased by 1.5 times). That is why at long distances the bozar is better than the vindicator (223 CM KB -20 versus 7.5mm KB -5, which means that the bozar has more bullets hitting the target). And that is why ordinary machine guns chop up unarmored targets and cannot do anything with armored ones (5mm PSCT SU cartridges +35, but the damage modifier is 2), and the bozar always crushes everyone (223 TsM KB -20, SU -20, although and mod. damage 1). The vindicator also crushes everyone and always. As we can see, it is the cartridges that are responsible for how the weapon will behave against armored targets and at long distances.

ABOUT armor-piercing cartridges. In theory, such cartridges should cause more damage to armored targets than non-armor-piercing ones. But for some reason this is not the case. Armor-piercing cartridges do not work in fallout 2. Regardless of how armored the target is, regular cartridges always show the best results. This applies to 10mm PSCT and 10mm BP, 5mm PSCT and 5mm BP, 44 magnum PSCT and 44 magnum CM.

A few words about translation. Apparently, the translators from Fargus decided to translate the modes for cartridges using simple transliteration. That is, DR (Damage Resist) was simply called DR, but it should have been called DR (Damage Resistance). Likewise, AC (Armor Class) was simply called AK, but it should have been KB (Armor Class). The damage mode was translated normally, the meaning is similar. There is also a damage modifier rather than a damage mode. Here I used a more correct translation. That is mod. KB (Armour Class modifier), SU mod (Damage Resistance modifier) ​​and mod. damage (damage modifier).

Types of armor

Leather and combat leather jackets

The simplest types of armor in the game. It is already found in Klamath among traders and in Sulik. Balthus will give the combat jacket in Modoc for saving his son Johnny.

Leather jacket: normal 0/20%, laser 0/20%, fire 0/10%, plasma 0/10%, explosion 0/20%, electro 0/30%, AC 8, weight 5
Combat leather jacket: normal 3/20%, laser 0/20%, fire 2/10%, plasma 0/10%, explosion 0/20%, electro 0/30%, AC 18, weight 7

Leather and upgraded leather armor

The characteristics are slightly better than those of leather jackets. Available now in Klamath. Improved leather armor is in Algernon's basement in New Reno.

Leather armor: normal 2/25%, laser 0/20%, fire 0/20%, plasma 0/10%, explosion 0/20%, electro 0/30%, AC 15, weight 8
Improved leather armor: normal 3/25%, laser 1/20%, fire 1/25%, plasma 1/10%, explosion 1/25%, electro 1/40%, AC 20, weight 10

Metal, Improved Metal and Tesla Armor

The metal one is found in Vault City at Trader Harry in the Suburbs. You can get it for free from Sergeant Stark in the cabinets, you just have to sneak around, give everyone alcohol and break open the box. The improved metal is polished and reflects the laser a little better. But Tesla armor protects against energy attacks much better than the first two.

Metal armor: normal 4/30%, laser 6/75%, fire 4/10%, plasma 4/20%, explosion 4/25%, electro 0/0%, AC 10, weight 35
Improved metal armor: normal 4/30%, laser 7/75%, fire 4/10%, plasma 4/20%, explosion 4/25%, electro 1/10%, AC 15, weight 35
Tesla armor: normal 4/20%, laser 19/90%, fire 14/10%, plasma 10/80%, explosion 4/20%, electro 12/80%, AC 15, weight 35

Combat, Improved Combat and Brotherhood of Steel armor

Found in NKR among merchants. But you can get it almost at the beginning of the game in toxic caves. There are also three things in Sierra. At 15 the shelter is on the second floor. Regular combat armor is also used for subdermal implants.

Combat armor: normal 5/40%, laser 8/60%, fire 4/30%, plasma 4/50%, explosion 6/40%, electro 2/50%, AC 20, weight 20
Improved combat armor: normal 6/40%, laser 9/65%, fire 5/35%, plasma 5/50%, explosion 9/45%, electro 3/55%, AC 25, weight 25
Brotherhood armor: normal 8/40%, laser 8/70%, fire 7/50%, plasma 7/60%, explosion 8/40%, electro 6/60%, AC 20, weight 25

Power and Tempered Power Armor (Brotherhood of Steel)

Quite decent heavy armor. Sold by merchants in San Francisco. Expensive thing. Can be obtained for free after completing a task from Matthew about delivering rotorcraft blueprints, it will be in the brotherhood bunker. There is also one in a box on the second floor of an abandoned Military Base. Power armor can be upgraded from the scientist hubologist Croquet. Performance increases slightly. But this can only be done twice, because there are not enough materials for more. This armor increases Strength by 3.

Power armor (brotherhood): normal 12/40%, laser 18/80%, fire 12/60%, plasma 10/40%, explosion 20/50%, electro 12/40%, AC 25, weight 42
Hardened Power Armor (Brotherhood): normal 13/50%, laser 19/90%, fire 14/70%, plasma 13/50%, explosion 20/60%, electro 13/50%, AC 25, weight 50

Power and improved power armor (enclave)

The most best armor in the second fallout. Found in only two copies. The first is located in warehouses in Navarro. The second improved version is located in the Enclave in one of the rooms of the labyrinth. Increases strength by 4. Many people will be wondering how we go to the toilet in this thing. Angela Bishop will completely curse us when she sees us in such armor. The kids in front of the Wrights' house will be afraid of us, thinking that this is the iron man from the iron insect. The elder in the Enclave does not recognize us and calls us a monster, but if you approach her in the power armor of the brotherhood, then everything is fine.

Power armor (enclave): normal 15/55%, laser 19/90%, fire 16/70%, plasma 15/60%, explosion 20/65%, electro 15/60%, AC 30, weight 45
Improved power armor (enclave): normal 18/60%, laser 19/90%, fire 16/70%, plasma 18/60%, explosion 20/70%, electro 15/65%, AC 35, weight 55

Guardian Robe and Robe

The robe has similar characteristics to a leather jacket. Meets in New Reno at the Golden Globe Film Studios, lying on the floor. But the guardian's attire is similar in characteristics to combat armor. Can only be obtained during a random encounter with the bridge guardian.

Robe: normal 0/20%, laser 0/25%, fire 0/10%, plasma 0/10%, explosion 0/20%, electro 0/40%, AC 5, weight 10
Guardian Robe: normal 5/40%, laser 8/60%, fire 4/30%, plasma 4/50%, explosion 6/40%, electro 2/50%, AC 20, weight 10

Pistols, submachine guns

10 mm pistol

The very first weapon that will fall into our hands. Accordingly, one of the weakest in the game. Found at every step.

10mm pistol: damage 5-12, length 25, clip 12, cartridge 12mm, min ST 3, weight 3

14 mm pistol

In theory, the 14mm BP cartridge should penetrate almost any armor (SU -50), but base damage 12-22 is halved (damage mod 1/2). Don’t forget that armor also has a hard damage reduction (the first number of two). Therefore, it is not the most effective weapon.

14mm pistol: damage 12-22, length 24, clip 6, cartridge 14mm, min ST 4, weight 4

Needler pistol (Needler)

There are two types of cartridges: weaker and more powerful. XN - weak. Base damage 12-24 does not increase in any way. But HP AP is doubled (damage mod. 2/1). The result is 24-48. In general, not bad. But these XN AP cartridges are found late in the game, so they are useless. Although, if the character is very weak, then this pistol is just right, the minimum strength is only 3. The needle gun itself is found at Myron in the Stables in New Reno.

Needleshooter: damage 12-24, length 24, clip 6, cartridge cartridges for needleshooter, min ST 3, weight 4

Desert Eagle and .44 Magnum revolver

The desert eagle in English sounds like Desert Eagle, some jokingly call it Drist Eagle. There is also an improved version with a larger magazine. Found at every step.

But the revolver is a very good weapon. Firstly, it is found almost at the very beginning of the game; you can buy it in Den from merchants. Secondly, and most importantly, a reduced amount of AP per shot. This means that with agility equal to 10, you can make two aimed shots per turn. This means that the damage from two aimed shots will be higher than from one. Weapons with such a rate of fire will not be seen soon. It was with this pistol that I ran through the first half of the game. Looking at the cartridges for it, we see that this revolver is not for armor. The disadvantages include the short range, only 15 meters. This revolver urgently needs to be improved. This is done in Vault City by Valerie, in Gekko by Skeeter, or in New Reno by Algernon. All these cities are not far from Den. After the upgrade, the range will increase to 20 meters. And, of course, such a revolver should be given to Vik.

Desert Eagle: damage 10-16, length 25, clip 8, cartridge 44 magnum, min ST 4, weight 4
Improved Desert Eagle: damage 10-16, length 25, clip 20, cartridge 44 magnum, min ST 4, weight 4
Magnum revolver: damage 12-18, length 15, clip 6, cartridge 44 magnum, min ST 5, weight 5
Improved magnum revolver: damage 12-18, length 20, clip 6, cartridge 44 magnum, min ST 5, weight 4

Pistol 223

The second most powerful pistol after the Gauss. Base damage 20-30, good range of 30 meters. The 223 CM cartridge penetrates armor (SU -20) and flies well to the target (KB -20). It’s not a shame to walk around with someone like that, and you can give it to Sulik. Found at Merchant Eldridge in New Reno. Also with some bandits in the vicinity of New Reno. At 15 the shelter is on the second floor.

Pistol 223: damage 20-30, length 30, clip 5, cartridge 223CM, min ST 5, weight 5

PP 10mm and heckler P90s

Two similar submachine guns. First, let's look at the cartridges. 10mm PSCT do not penetrate armor (SG +25), but increase the base damage twice (damage mod 2/1). The 10mm PP appears almost at the beginning of the game. A single shot is equivalent to a 10mm pistol. But a point-blank burst of 10 bullets is very powerful. In total 50-120, taking into account the damage modifier 100-240. Since there is no one armored at the beginning of the game, many scatter. You can also give this PP to Sulik, let him run up point-blank and shoot everyone.

Heckler P90s continues the tradition. Base damage is 12-16. There are 12 rounds in the queue. The total is 144-192, with a damage modifier of 288-384. Not bad either, but, again, only for unarmored targets. Although it shows good results against armored ones. Another advantage of the P90s is the reduced AP per shot. This means you can make two turns in a row.

10mm PP: damage 5-12, length 25(20), clip 30(10), cartridge 12mm, min ST 4, weight 3
Heckler P90s: damage 12-16, length 30(25), clip 24(12), cartridge 12mm, min ST 4, weight 8

Gauss pistol

A very respected pistol. High firing range of 50 meters. The highest base damage of all pistols is 22-32. The 2mm EU cartridge has a damage modifier of 3/2, meaning the final damage will be 33-48. It flies well at the target (KB -30) and penetrates armor remarkably well (SU -20). Another significant advantage is reduced AP per shot. This means that with agility 10, the “Rate of Fire Bonus” perks and two “Zhivochik” pieces, you can fire three targeted shots per turn. Can be purchased in San Francisco. It also lies in a box next to Melchior at an abandoned military base. Very common among Enclave patrols in the vicinity of Navarro. A similar pistol will also be useful for Vic. A very good combination can be achieved if you hold a gauss pistol in one hand and an alien or pulse blaster in the other.

Gauss pistol: damage 22-32, length 50, clip 12, cartridge 2mmEC, min ST 5, weight 5

Heckler G11 and G11E

The two most expensive submachine guns in the second Fallout. The G11E has slightly higher damage and a slightly longer range. However, G11E cannot be improved from G11, you can only buy a ready-made one. You can get one already in Redding by picking up Morton the Frog from the corpse. Also during random meetings with hubologists near San Francisco. For revealing the secret alliance between Bishop and the NKR against Vault City, you can receive a reward.

G11: damage 10-20, length 35(30), clip 50(5), cartridge 4.7mm, min ST 5, weight 8
G11E: damage 13-23, length 40(30), clip 50(5), cartridge 4.7mm, min ST 5, weight 8


Rare pistol. As a weapon, it is basically useless. Found in New Reno at Eldridge's in the back room in front of the basement entrance in an iron box. Reduced AP per shot is good. But, low damage and rare ammo.

Mauser: damage 5-10, length 22, clip 7, cartridge 9mm, min ST 3, weight 3

М3А1 Grizzly SMG

Another PP. Regular medium PP. The advantages include reduced AP per shot.

Grizzly: damage 10-20, length 20(15), clip 30(8), cartridge 45 caliber, min ST 4, weight 7

Rifles, shotguns, shotguns

Combat Rifle (aka Combat Shotgun), X&K Raven (aka OSBA) and Pancor Jackhammer

All three of these rifles are of the same breed. There is a slight difference in damage, range, and the number of rounds in the magazine. 12 gauge cartridges, in general, are not intended for heavy armor (SU 0). Although, they penetrate the middle one well. Of course, point-blank burst shooting is effective. Common cartridges are also a plus. The combat rifle can already be found in the Vault City warehouse, but you must be a citizen or have false documents.

Combat rifle: damage 15-25, length 22(18), clip 12(3), cartridge 12 caliber, min ST 5, weight 10
Raven: damage 15-25, length 30(20), clip 10(5), cartridge 12 caliber, min ST 6, weight 5
Jackhammer: damage 18-29, length 35(25), clip 10(5), cartridge 12 caliber, min ST 5, weight 12

Hunting rifle and sniper rifle

The gun is found in Den at Flick. All in all, a good ranged weapon to start the game with. There is a modification with an optical sight. So, with this sight it is very difficult to shoot at close range (up to about 8 meters), but there is not a single weapon in the game that would be so easy to shoot from afar. The hit rate is significantly higher than that of a sniper rifle and a gauss rifle.

Sniper rifle very worthy weapon. Looking at the cartridges, we see that they cope very well with armor (mod. SU-20). A good distance of 50 meters allows you to shoot enemies from afar. In particular, the turrets cannot even fire at us. This helps a lot in Sierra. Also with the raiders, if we go in from the back door, we can quite easily shoot everyone. Many enemies will have to spend one turn to come closer to us. Having a scope increases the likelihood of a hit. Disadvantages include high AP costs per aimed shot. You can only make two aimed shots in a row at level 18. By this moment, a Gaussian will probably appear. A sniper rifle will also be useful for Cassidy or Skynet. She lies at the entrance to the Sierra on the ground near a pile of corpses. Also, in the vicinity of New Reno, you can stumble upon a group of peaceful mafiosi, one of them will have a Thompson, and the rest will have sniper rifles. There is also a shelter in 15 in the second location in the house where Chrissie is kept locked up. So here is the guard Carla.

Hunting rifle: damage 8-20, length 40, clip 10, cartridge 223CM, min ST 5, weight 9
Sniper rifle: damage 14-34, length 50, clip 6, cartridge 223CM, min ST 5, weight 7

Gauss rifle

Every sniper's dream. Excellent range of 50 meters. Good damage 32-43 is increased by 1.5 times (damage mod 3/2) and becomes 48-64. In addition, the target's armor is reduced by 20% (SU -20). Convenient to shoot from afar (KB -30). Can be purchased in San Francisco. But you can also steal on a tanker from Mark (standing at the bar) or from a brunette in a jacket without one sleeve. You can get it in NKR, you will have to stab Sheriff Dumont or his deputy Karl with super stimpaks, but that’s if you have no conscience at all. The Gaussian can (and should) also be given to Cassidy, Skynet or Vic (so what? He’s good with rifles too, he also fires two shots per turn).

Gauss rifle: damage 32-43, length 50, clip 20, cartridge 2mmEC, min ST 6, weight 9

Linear rifle

Homemade single-shot shotgun.

Linear rifle: damage 5-12, length 20, clip 1, cartridge 12mm, min ST 5, weight 10

Air guns

Damage 1-3. Maybe there will be some esthete who wants to shoot.

But the Red Raider Lee gun that Private Dobs has in Sierra is quite interesting. Fixed damage of 25. Not a bad range of 32 meters. Increased critical hit chance. Reduced AP per shot. All this makes this gun quite good. Its characteristics are close to that of a Jackhammer shotgun. Also suitable for very weak characters, the minimum strength is only 3.

Ammo for these guns is rare. Found in Balthus's house in a box in Modoc. Sometimes you can find them from traders from NKR and San Francisco.

Air gun: damage 1-3, length 22, clip 100, cartridge BBs, min ST 3, weight 5
Red Raider Lee: damage 25-25, length 32, clip 100, cartridge BBs, min ST 3, weight 5

Sawed-off shotgun and shotgun

Found at the beginning of the game. You can steal it from Metzger in Den. But still, not a serious weapon. You can't fire in bursts, reload every two shots, short range. Good damage though.

Sawed-off shotgun: damage 12-24, length 7, clip 2, cartridge 12 caliber, min ST 4, weight 4
Shotgun: damage 12-22, length 14, clip 2, cartridge 12 caliber, min ST 4, weight 5

Assault rifle and XL70E3

The main advantage of the assault rifle is its very good range of 45 meters. In this regard, even a hunting rifle is superior. The 5mm cartridge does not penetrate armor (DR +35), but doubles the damage (damage mod 2/1). An upgrade is available that increases the magazine size.

XL70E3 - by and large the same thing, only found at the end of the game and at this point is useless. One of the girls has a sleeveless leather jacket on a tanker in San Francisco. You can only take it by killing it, because it’s not in your inventory. You can, of course, purchase the Evil Eye perk, anger her and wait for this weapon to fall to the ground.

Assault rifle: damage 8-16, length 45(38), clip 24(8), cartridge 5mm, min ST 5, weight 7
Improved assault rifle: damage 8-16, length 45(38), clip 100(8), cartridge 5mm, min ST 5, weight 7
XL70E3: damage 12-19, length 35(30), clip 20(10), cartridge 5mm, min ST 5, weight 9

Thompson submachine gun

The weapon was kicked out of the casino. Large spread between minimum and maximum (from 3 to 20), rare cartridges, low burst firing range (only 16 meters). There are 10 rounds in the queue, so the final damage is 30-200. It seems to be not bad. But the weapon has an impressive description. But it's definitely not suitable for heavy armor. Because, for example, enclave power armor has a hard damage reduction of 15. This means that all bullets that cause damage of 15 or less will not work. And since the Thompson’s minimum damage is only 3, then such bullets will be the majority.

Thompson assault rifle: damage 3-20, length 32(16), clip 50(10), cartridge 45 caliber, min ST 6, weight 7


We look at 7.62mm cartridges. They penetrate armor quite well (SU -10), but do not increase base damage (damage mod 1/1). Weapon damage 9-18 is generally average. The regular FN FAL can be improved by attaching a night vision device; accordingly, the penalty for the dark is removed. But FN FAL HPFA can only be bought ready-made. Sold in NKR, San Francisco. Slightly more damage 11-22, and the burst fires not 10, but 20 rounds. That is, in bursts this weapon causes significant damage of 220-440.

FN FAL: damage 9-18, length 35(30), clip 20(10), cartridge 7.62mm, min ST 5, weight 9
FN FAL HPFA: damage 11-22, length 35(30), clip 20(20), cartridge 7.62mm, min ST 5, weight 10

Energy weapon

Laser rifle

Not bad base damage 25-50. But, looking at all types of armor, you can see that the laser resistance is very high. This means that, a priori, the laser causes less damage than plasma or ordinary bullets. In addition, looking at the atomic battery, you will notice that there is nothing that enhances damage (DR 0, damage mod. 1/1). Therefore, it is not the most effective weapon. An upgrade is available that increases the magazine from 12 to 24 charges.

Laser rifle: damage 25-50, length 45, clip 12, cartridge atomic. , min ST 6, weight 12
Improved laser rifle: damage 25-50, length 45, clip 24, atomic cartridge. , min ST 6, weight 12

Gatling laser

Base damage 20-40. Considering that 10 lasers will fly out, the total damage is 200-400. Very good. But, most armor has good laser resistance. Therefore, for example, a typical enclave member from Navarro (laser resistance 90%) will only suffer 20-40 damage, provided that all shots reach him.

Gatling laser: damage 20-40, length 40, clip 30(10), cartridge atomic. , min ST 6, weight 24

Plasma and turbo plasma rifles

The plasma rifle can be upgraded to a turbo plasma rifle. Let's look at the second one. Excellent base damage 35-70. But, there are no more modifiers (atomic battery SU 0, damage mod. 1/1). In general, a very good thing. Acceptable range, availability, prevalence of atomic batteries. The plasma rifle is first found in Sierra on the second floor, also in stores in NKR and San Francisco. It would need to be improved, of course. If we don’t run with her, then Marcus does.

Plasma rifle: damage 30-65, length 25, clip 10, cartridge atomic. , min ST 6, weight 12
Turbo plasma rifle: damage 35-70, length 35, clip 10, cartridge atomic. , min ST 6, weight 14

Laser, plasma and pulse pistols

Improvements are available for the first two. These pistols are good for sale. They weigh little and are expensive. Unless the plasma pistol appears in toxic caves. You can run with it for a while. Vic also handles these pistols well. Therefore, if necessary, you can give it to him. It is worth noting the pulse pistol. Overall, good damage and reduced AP per shot. The disadvantages include the low firing range, only 15 meters. Appears towards the end of the game in stores in San Francisco, also in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker. Enclave patrols near Navarro.

Laser pistol: damage 10-22, length 35, clip 12, cartridge energy block, min ST 3, weight 4
Magnetolaser pistol: damage 10-22, length 35, clip 12, cartridge energy block, min ST 3, weight 4
Plasma pistol: damage 15-35, length 20, clip 16, cartridge energy block, min ST 6, weight 4
Improved plasma pistol: damage 15-35, length 20, clip 32, cartridge energy block, min ST 6, weight 4
Pulse pistol: damage 32-46, length 15, clip 5, cartridge energy block, min ST 3, weight 5

Solar Scorcher

Can only be found in a random location "Eternal". Lying on the floor in vault 13. Good base damage 20-60, average range 20 meters. It works only from light, that is, it does not work at night. Recharges without AP. It's hard to say anything about modifiers. Another advantage is reduced AP per shot. Judging by appearance shot, it can be assumed that this is a laser weapon.

Solar Scorcher: damage 20-60, length 20, clip 6, cartridge light, min ST 3, weight 6

YK42B Pulse Rifle

The base damage is very impressive 54-78. A good range of 30 meters. The most powerful weapon in the second fallout, firing single shots. Competitor to the Gauss rifle. However, it does very little damage to fliers. And the probability of a hit is low, the skill of energy weapons needs to be developed much better. You can get it in the Brotherhood of Steel bunker in San Francisco after completing tasks about rotorcraft blueprints. Also on the Enclave tower. You can give it to Marcus.

One of the unpleasant aspects is that this rifle does not leave corpses behind (the same thing happens with the rocket launcher). It's inconvenient to search. You have to look at every object on the ground. But this is also a plus, because, usually, corpses interfere with aiming.

Pulse rifle: damage 54-78, length 30, clip 10, cartridge atomic. , min ST 6, weight 9

Alien blaster

Can be found at Trader Willie, who lives just north of Modoc. The fact is that it is not enough just to meet this merchant; other conditions are also needed. Firstly, the character's level must be 13 or higher. Secondly, even in this case there will not necessarily be a blaster. Various things may come across. Before talking to Willie, you should check his pockets. If there are blasters there, then we're lucky. You can steal it, not buy it.

Alien blaster: damage 30-90, length 10, clip 30, cartridge energy unit, min ST 2, weight 2

Heavy weapons

Machine gun (aka minigun) and Avenger minigun (avenger)

A regular six-barreled machine gun. Fires 40 bullets per burst. Looking at the 5mm PSCT cartridges, we see that they are not designed to penetrate armor (mod. SU +35). And also a large dispersion at a distance (mod. KB 0) compared to others. Small damage to unarmored targets is doubled (damage mod. 2/1). Found in Broken Hills at Marcus. So does the joint patrol, which periodically goes around Broken Hills. Eldridge's in New Reno. Without a doubt, you can find a use for it. Again, common cartridges.

Avenger minigun. Essentially the same machine gun, just a little longer range and a little more damage. Found at merchants in NKR, San Francisco.

Machine gun: damage 7-11, length 35, clip 120(40), cartridge 5mm, min ST 7, weight 28
Avenger: damage 10-14, length 40, clip 120(40), cartridge 5mm, min ST 7, weight 28


Another machine gun. Found in San Francisco from merchants. Eldridge's in New Reno. It makes strange sounds when fired.

M60: damage 18-26, length 35, clip 50(10), cartridge 7.62mm, min ST 7, weight 23

Bozar and light machine gun support

Bozar is a very powerful thing. Only advantages, almost no disadvantages. We look at the 223 CM cartridges. They are simply designed to penetrate armor at long distances (MU -20 and KB -20). The weapon has good damage, good range, ammo availability, appears already in toxic caves, and this is approximately the first third of the game. You can also steal from four guards in combat armor in NKR in the NKR Bazaar location. Eldridge also has one in New Reno. 15 bullets are released, each of which deals 25-35. And the total damage reaches 375-525. You should also take into account a reduction in the target's armor by 20%, as well as other modifiers (critical hits, skill, etc.). The disadvantages include frequent recharging.

Light support machine gun. So to speak, the bozar's younger brother. Less damage, slightly longer firing range. It fires not 15, but 10 bullets. If bozar is suitable for serious opponents, then this one is for average ones.

Bozar: damage 25-35, length 35, clip 30(15), cartridge 223CM, min ST 6, weight 20
Light support machine gun: damage 20-30, length 40, clip 30(10), cartridge 223CM, min ST 6, weight 20

Vindicator Minicannon

Also a very impressive weapon. 4.7mm cartridges penetrate armor, but not as well as bozar (SU -10). The range is also present, but again, much can be desired (KB -5). However, the damage of the vindicator 14-19 itself increases by 1.5 times (damage mod. 3/2). Considering that 25 bullets are fired, the total damage is 525-712 (the reduction of the opponent's armor by 10% should also be taken into account). Practice shows that the vindicator is better up close and at medium distances. Bozar is better at long range. But this is a very expensive pleasure. Available from merchants in San Francisco. And this is almost the end of the game. Available for free only in Enclave warehouses. And cartridges for it are rare.

10mm pistol: damage 14-19, length 30, clip 100(25), cartridge 4.7mm, min ST 7, weight 28

Rocket launcher (aka bazooka)

We look at the rockets. There are two types: regular and armor-piercing. Judging by the characteristics, armor-piercing ones are always better than conventional ones, because there are only advantages and no disadvantages. The rocket launcher has a wide range between minimum and maximum damage. That is, it can cause little damage, or maybe a lot. Effective against large crowds of enemies. At the same time, neighboring targets receive less damage than the initial one. Still, the main weapon is unlikely to be a rocket launcher. Ammo is rare. For the first time it can be found at the Unity Patrol in the vicinity of Broken Hills, also in Sierra on the second floor in boxes, in New Reno near Eldridge.

Rocket launcher: damage 35-100, length 40, clip 1, rocket cartridge, min ST 6, weight 15


The weapons are fun, but not very effective. It will never kill a standard enclave member in the vicinity of Navarro in one burst. Plus, you still have to run. It is possible to improve the flamethrower and fuel for it.

Flamethrower: damage 40-90, length 5, clip 5, cartridge fuel, min ST 6, weight 18
Improved flamethrower: damage 45-90, length 5, clip 5, cartridge fuel, min ST 6, weight 19

Cold steel

Sledgehammer and super hammer

Sulik already has a regular sledgehammer in Klamath. It is not used anywhere as a tool.

The Super Hammer can be purchased from Eldridge in New Reno, but you must be a special customer to do so. That is, a member of some family. But you can kill Eldridge, and then remove this hammer from the corpse. You can't steal it. The weapon is good, powerful, and requires little AP per hit. But the downside is that enemies often fly far away, and you have to run to them after hitting them. In this regard, the mega powerful fist wins.

Sledgehammer: damage 4-9, length 2, min ST 6, weight 12
Super hammer: damage 18-36, length 2, min ST 6, weight 12

All kinds of knives

Of particular note is the Little Jesus knife. Is rare weapons, can only be taken from the corpse of Little Jesus Mordino, cannot be stolen. Wakizashi also penetrates armor, that is, the damage limit (first number) is not taken into account.

Knife: damage 1-6, length 1, min ST 2, weight 1
Combat knife: damage 3-10, length 1, min ST 2, weight 2
Little Jesus Knife: damage 5-14, length 1, min ST 2, weight 2
Throwing knife: damage 1-6, length 1, min ST 2, weight 1
Switchblade: damage 2-5, length 1, min ST 1, weight 1
Wakizashi: damage 4-12, length 1, min ST 2, weight 3

Clubs and the like

The prybar can be used to pick jammed locks on drawers and doors, but requires a strength of 8. The wrench is needed by Valerie from Vault City. The baseball bat can be obtained from Mrs. Wright after her husband's moonshine still breaks down. It is a good melee weapon, its characteristics are close to that of a super hammer, but Sulik does not use such a weapon.

Crowbar: damage 3-10, length 1, min ST 5, weight 5
Wrench: damage 3-6, length 1, min ST 3, weight 4
Police baton: damage 1-6, length 1, min ST 3, weight 3
Baseball bat: damage 12-38, length 1, min ST 4, weight 4


Sharpened pole: damage 2-4, length 2, min ST 4, weight 3
Spear: damage 3-10, length 2, min ST 4, weight 4
Sharpened spear: damage 4-12, length 2, min ST 4, weight 3


A good melee weapon. The disadvantage is the same as the super hammer - it knocks back enemies.

Ripper: damage 15-32, length 1, clip 30, cartridge energy block, min ST 4, weight 2

Cattle pokers

The usual one is found in Klamath, held in the hands of one of the bathers in leather armor. Therefore, it can only be acquired by killing the bather. Trouble will follow in the form of indignation among residents. But finding 7 super stimpaks at the beginning of the game is a problem. Also at the military base in one of the tents.

But the improved one can be compared to a super hammer in damage. But it requires 4 AP per hit, which is more than a hammer.

Cattle prodder: damage 12-20, length 1, clip 20, cartridge energy unit, min ST 4, weight 3
Improved cattle prod: damage 20-32, length 1, clip 20, cartridge energy block, min ST 4, weight 3

Throwing weapons


Stone: damage 1-4, length 15, min ST 1, weight 1
Uranium ore: damage 3-6, length 10, min ST 2, weight 10
Refined uranium ore: damage 3-6, length 10, min ST 2, weight 15
Gold nugget: damage 3-6, length 10, min ST 2, weight 10