Fallout 4 fashion glasses. Character Creation

If you love ranged combat, picking locks and upgrading weapons with armor, then this guide is for you. The guide is based on the fact that you will get power armor almost immediately and partially compensate for the reduced Strength and Endurance parameters. First with nuclear blocks There will be tension, but then you can walk in it almost without taking it off.

Table SPECIAL And Perks which you should strive for first:

Green- download first
Yellow- upon reaching the level (it is advisable to keep a reserve of points)
Gray- as needed

But since at first there are few distribution points, we distribute them like this:

3 - Strength (strength);
4 - Perception (perception);
1 - Endurance;
6 - Charisma (charisma);
6 - Intelligence (intelligence);
5 - Agility (dexterity);
3 - Luck (luck).

More details about the selected parameters:

Strength. We are not going to fight hand-to-hand, so we only need “Strength” to carry things. First of all, we need the “Armored” perk, so as not to wait for a good armor to fall out - we do it ourselves. And later, the “Strong Ridge” perk will be very useful; it will allow you to carry all the loot without overload. But at the beginning of the game, “Strength” will have to be sacrificed.

Perception. This perk is important for V.A.T.S. and will help us operate at a distance from the enemy. Well, who plays Fallout without the Burglar perk? Therefore, “Perception” is immediately at 4. But if “extra” distribution points appear, immediately invest them in “Perception”, besides, it will become easier for you in VATS, there are a lot of good perks for us in this line.

Endurance. Since we operate at a distance, we don’t need a lot of health, but if at the beginning of the game you often die, then pump up the “Strength” perk to the maximum. Due to the low number of health points, you will have to constantly improve your armor, carry Stimpaks and Antiradin with you, as well as drugs and food that increase resistance to damage and radiation.

Charisma. If you like quests and communication, then immediately set this parameter to 6. And due to the fact that our hero is still weak, many conflicts will have to be resolved peacefully. In addition, by leveling up the “Local Leader” perk, you will combine all the things stored in the workshops into one huge box.

Intelligence. For more fast pumping We immediately set it to 6. We start downloading “Gun Fan” as soon as we get to the workbench. The “Hacker” perk will allow you to hack terminals, but it’s better not to download it at the beginning. The “Collector” perk is useful when crafting and upgrading weapons with armor. With the “Science” perk you can add mods to power armor.

Agility. V.A.T.S. is extremely important to us, so the “Action Combat” perk is simply necessary. Also, a good “Dexterity” will help us be more secretive. Therefore, we immediately set “Dexterity” to 5.

Luck. Here you can upgrade the perk that you need most. To have fewer problems with caps (for those who play honestly), we upgrade the “Searching for Fortune” perk. And in order to deal more damage, the “Bloody Mess” perk will come in handy, which we slowly bring to the maximum. You don’t need to download this parameter further, since we are not waiting for luck, but making good weapon and make the reservation yourself.

Companions suitable for us:
In the beginning it is better to take it as quickly as possible Piper and make her fall in love with you. And then, having received her ability, it will be even easier to upgrade.
Piper likes: Your generous dialogue options; quests from the “Miscellaneous” category; lock picking; sarcastic dialogue options.
Piper doesn't like: When you steal; commit pickpocketing; your selfish dialogue options; your violent dialogue options; lock breaking in cities; kill non-hostile characters; eat human flesh.
Also, in addition to the starting characters (dog, robot and Preston Garvey), you can explore the Wasteland with Paladin Dance, Kate, Deacon, McCready. The main thing is to do what your partner likes in order to eventually gain his skill. After that, you can take the next partner.

To play this build without any problems, I recommend the following:
- In addition to a good sniper rifle, always carry with you something powerful for close combat.
- Use silenced weapons in rooms and tunnels.
- Walk almost the entire battle secretly (crouched).
- Get used to pressing F5 before opening any door.
- Go to the clearing in power armor, but first try to do without it (after removing the charge).
- Since you will have very little “Strength” at the beginning, mark the components and collect only the necessary trash.
- After leveling up the 3rd level of lockpicking, return to your hideout for the Creolator.

And the most important thing! Take someone with you as a partner and, in confined spaces, control them so that you are not the first to be killed :)

In our cartoon about Fallout - "SPECIAL" main character It will be pumped up a little differently, but as I have already checked on myself, the build turned out to be quite working.

The modification for Fallout 4 adds 6 new points for male and female heroes. The glasses have gold, silver, pink, and black frames. They also differ in glass color from each other. HD quality textures. The set includes simple glasses (2 variations) and sniper glasses (4 variations).

How to get points?

Buy from any junk, clothing, or unique items merchant.

Receiving via console

xx - mod number in the launcher, loading order (starts from 01).

Why does the archive weigh so little?

The author has prohibited loading textures to this mod to other sites. For this reason, on this page you can only download Russian esp file mod (translation) And instructions, following which you can easily install the full version of the modification.

Requirements: Fallout 4

Installation: via or follow the instructions below:

1. Along the path "My Documents/My Games/Fallout 4" find the file Fallout4Prefs.ini and edit it: add "bEnableFileSelection=1" (without quotes)

2. Go to the folder C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4. Open plugins.txt. Add a new line to it called “NAME.esp” after “Fallout4.esm” (without quotes)

3. Save and close.

4. Select plugins.txt and right-click on “Properties” and check “read-only”.

5. Add the esp you selected to the Data folder, which is located in the root of Fallout 4

6. Do everything the page says.

A properly created character is the key to getting maximum pleasure from the game. The better you think about your character and leveling up at the beginning of the game, the more interesting it will be for you to play. Of course, in Fallout 4, nothing prevents you from distributing skill points across basic characteristics S.P.E.C.I.A.L. anyhow. Moreover, the game allows you to correct any errors made when distributing skill points. But in this case, instead of thoughtfully leveling up your character and discovering new skills, you will probably have to improve your basic characteristics.

Of course, there are plenty of options for creating a character in Fallout 4. In this guide to creating a character and distributing skill points, I will tell you how to create a completely universal character for everything.

When creating a character, you need to distribute 28 points across 7 basic characteristics S.P.E.C.I.A.L.(Strength, Perception, Stamina, Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck). To be more precise, the remaining 21 points, because the basic characteristics cannot be less than 1, and therefore 7 skill points have already been distributed.

As you play, you can always add points to your basic stats S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Basic characteristics and skills S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Basic characteristics of S.P.E.C.I.A.L.


On my own Strength affects the weight carried and the damage dealt in melee combat. Run into Strength It only makes sense for characters dedicated to hand-to-hand combat.

By spending 6 points you will gain access to the skill Ridge, with which you can carry significantly more things. Also Strength= 6 can be considered a reasonable minimum for a character designed for hand-to-hand combat. But in this case Strength in the future you will have to pump it to the maximum.


By itself Perception affects shooting accuracy in VATS. And therefore on Perception It’s quite possible to add more points in advance than recommended.

I recommend distributing it to Perception at least 4 points. This way you can level up your Hacking skill, which is necessary for picking locks of medium complexity and higher. Agree, you have to walk past rooms full of valuable loot, or past safes in which you can find a lot of valuable things and ammunition just because you didn’t upgrade yourself Perception- a rather strange decision.

If you are not going to use the VATS system in battle at all, but want to upgrade an extremely useful branch Carbine Expert, distribute to Perception at least 2 points. But this way you deprive yourself of the ability to pick locks that are more difficult than easy ones.

Having low perception not only deprives you of the opportunity to use VATS even at medium distances. Branch Perceptions has value in addition to VATS, so at the eighth level there is a skill Sniper, which significantly facilitates shooting through optical sights. However, catch up Perception up to 8 units at the start of the game is not at all necessary. It is quite possible to pump him up as the game progresses.


On my own Endurance affects the maximum number of health points and the consumption of action points (AP) for acceleration.

In general, if you are a cautious player and like stealth, you should get a high Endurance nothing special. However, high endurance adds comfort when passing the game; the character stops gluing his fins after every sneeze in his direction. Periodically suffer, reduce the difficulty level, or spend extra skill points on leveling up Endurance- it's up to you to decide.

Note that you can always pump up Endurance as you progress through the game, you will receive all the health points (HP) due to you. The game Fallout 4 does not clamp down on OZ like Fallout 1-2 did (there OZ was awarded when leveling up the character and when increasing Endurance were not compensated retroactively).


On my own Charisma affects the character’s persuasiveness in dialogues and prices at merchants. If you are used to solving all issues by force, you are highly Charisma not really needed.

Having a high Charisma in some cases, you can use the gift of persuasion when completing tasks. Also high Charisma needed when building romantic relationships with human partners. But if you prefer to solve problems by force of arms and travel with Dogmeat or the super mutant Strongman, you don’t have to upgrade her at all.

In Fallout 4 you will find boosters Charisma things. They should be carried with you at all times and worn when trading and performing certain tasks. So, literally from the start of the game you can find a headdress for +1 CHAR, several clothing options for +2 CHAR and fashionable glasses for +1 CHAR. Beer and chemicals also temporarily increase this parameter.

If you want your character to trade well, be convincing in dialogue, and be able to build easily romantic relationship with partners, you will need approximately 9 points, taking into account clothes, beer and chemistry Charisma. Moreover, if you are still going to seriously start building settlements, you will need at least 6 natural points (without clothes, beer and chemicals) Charisma to level up your skill Local Leader. However, the basic functionality for building settlements is available to a character with the minimum possible Charisma.


On my own Intelligence affects the number of experience points received. That is, a smart character upgrades faster!

It is desirable for even the dumbest warrior to have brains. At least so that he has something to throw around after the headshot. Or to improve weapons. So, distributing to Intelligence only 3 points, you can upgrade your skill Gun Fanatic. But to upgrade weapons to the maximum, in particular energy weapons, you will need skill Science. To pump it you need Intelligence at least 6.

It is also worth noting such a skill as Hacker, which requires Intelligence= 4) . Its value is similar to skill Burglar.


On my own Dexterity affects the amount of AP in VATS and the character’s stealth in stealth.

For lovers of stealth and sniper rifles I recommend distributing it to Dexterity 7 points at once to unlock a skill Ninja. This way you will be much more effective at shooting at heads with Invis.


On my own Luck affects the rate at which the critical attack indicator fills.

If in the first games Fallout series without well-pumped Good luck your character literally had everything out of his hands, in Fallout 4 you can do just fine without Good luck. Although the leveling branch itself is of considerable interest, especially when playing with VATS.

If you plan to actively use automatic weapons, Fallout 4 will unpleasantly surprise you with its high ammo consumption. In this case the skill Freeloader, allowing you to find more ammo in the game, would be completely useful. To upgrade it you need to spend only 2 points on Good luck.

Very interesting skill Mysterious stranger . This is not to say that it makes the game much easier, but this skill is very fun and will appeal to many fans role playing games. In Fallout 4, this is only a level 4 skill. This skill is especially rewarding if your partner is Nick Valentine.

At levels 6 and 7, fans of playing via VATS will have excellent skills Critical Damage And Critical Attack Bank, which not only make it easier, but also truly decorate the game, allowing you to deal critical damage more often.


As a template, select the following parameters for your character:

  • Strength 3
  • Perception 4
  • Endurance 3
  • Charisma 1
  • Intelligence 4
  • Dexterity 5
  • Luck 2

In my opinion, this is an excellent preparation for creating a versatile character who can hack locks and computers, improve armor and weapons, and fight well (and even shoot well from a short distance in VATS).

You will have 6 points left unallocated. Spend them on upgrading anything:

  • Perhaps you should bring Strength up to 6 units to carry more stuff? Or upgrade it to the maximum if you want to use melee weapons as your main one.
  • Or swing Perception(points up to 6) and/or Dexterity up to 7 points to increase accuracy and AP in VATS.
  • Here's another good option - swing it as much as possible Endurance to increase health points and, accordingly, the comfort of the game!
  • Do you want to have a high gift of persuasion (bargain when receiving some tasks, build romantic relationships with partners, develop settlements) and receive normal prices from merchants? Spend the remaining points on leveling up Charisma up to 6 points and don’t throw away clothes that increase this parameter!
  • Swing Intelligence up to 6 points to level up a skill Science in the future - a great solution! However, you can throw Intelligence all the points at once, they are just enough for you to fully upgrade the branch, and at the end there are very interesting skills!
  • High rate Good luck It will also be useful if you actively use VATS. Just remember that VATS is still responsible for shooting accuracy Perception!

What skills should I download and in what order?

Considering that you can always set the difficulty level to easy in the settings and not bother with combat at all, it’s better to start by leveling up your character’s skills Burglar And Hacker. This way you can immediately start hacking average locks and computers and collect more things.

Then it would be nice to swing Gun Fanatic. Even level 1 of this skill will turn your 10mm pistol into a deadly weapon.

If you decide to play hardcore on the highest difficulty level, focus on leveling up your skill Carbine Expert. This type of weapon provides a high targeted shooting range and firepower with minimal ammo consumption.

I consider semi-automatic carbines to be the most balanced weapons in the game, so I recommend upgrading the skill Carbine Expert. But you can choose any other weapon as your main one. In this case, upgrade it exactly (that is, when creating a character, make sure that you have enough skill points to upgrade it).

I don’t recommend upgrading your skills with different types of weapons during your first playthrough of the game, it’s a waste of points. Save them for later. Better yet, after finishing the game, go through it again, choosing some other type of weapon as your main one. This way you will get a new, unique and very interesting experience from playing the game.

Skill Cap Collector will allow you to get the best prices from local traders. But for successful trading you will need high level Charisma, which can be further enhanced by the right clothing, alcohol and chemicals. If you trade a lot, try not to get drunk! Having Charisma= 6 you will not only be able to build settlements, but also hang yourself with clothes to improve Charisma You will be able to successfully trade and persuade NPCs to cooperate, and your partners to have sex in a romantic relationship.

And finally, don’t forget about Gunsmith. In Fallout 4, good weapons are more important than good protection, because this is a single-player game with a choice of difficulty levels. But completely reset Gunsmith It's not worth it.

Materials on the game Fallout 4:

  • (question-answer)
How to create a character in Fallout 4 and how to allocate skill points to SPECIAL stats? In this guide, I will offer a ready-made recipe and talk about skills.
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Games for the first time or are looking for ways to make your character's stats more effective. Since the rules have changed somewhat, how you allocate S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points will vary. will largely depend on how you play your character.
Since there is no right or wrong way to create your character, below is a list of the optimal settings for those who want to create a character of a certain personality type, as well as what perks they should purchase to level them up. Please note that you do not have to follow the suggested customization guidelines thoroughly, you are free to customize your character as you wish, or add something of your own!

Character Archetypes


Are you looking to make something? Do you like to do everything yourself? Do you enjoy housekeeping and gardening? Then the Craftsman is the archetype for you. These settings focus on those stats that are associated with obtaining perks that allow you to use the best materials to create something. With Strength 4 you can get both the Armorer perk and the Blacksmith perk, which will give you the ability to create modifications to armor and weapons. Charisma 6 will get you the Local Leader perk, which will allow you to build supply lines between settlements (which is good for crafting). You can also build retail outlets, thereby earning extra caps on the side.

Meanwhile, Intelligence 6 will offer you the Gun Nut perk for best modifications weapons, the Scrapper perk for getting better components when recycling weapons and armor, as well as the Science perk! (Science!) to gain access to high-tech modifications. Finally, if you're all about crafting, then put 5 in Perception and unlock the Demolition Expert perk - with it you can make explosives at any chemical station! Of course, from the current picture you will be a little slower, weaker and less lucky - so divide the remaining points between Endurance, Agility and Luck as you see fit.

Mister Brutal

If big and intimidating is your nickname, we suggest the Mister Brutal archetype. Leave the talking, stealth and crafting to the weaklings - you are the bigger fish. These settings focus on creating the monster in the end. With a whopping Strength of 9, you have the option of choosing from perks that increase weapon and melee damage - or just anything related to brute force. Don't forget to add the final point when you find the power armor and a bunch of working fusion charges that allow it to work.

With Perception 3 you will be quite accurate and you will have the ability to increase the damage from your rifle. Stamina 7 will turn you into a punchy fighter who can take a hit - with the Adamantium Skeleton perk, your limbs will remain intact. Finally, with Intelligence 3 you can modify your weapons to be even more deadly, and Agility 2 will grant you the Commando perk, which will increase your damage output from automatic weapons. And don't forget to put a 3 in the Luck line to get the Bloody Mess perk - because to live up to the title of Mr. Brutal, you have to paint the walls with the blood of your enemies.


Quiet, deadly, quickly making massive attacks in a confined space - Ninja, this good choice for those for whom stealth is second nature. Put at least 4 in the Strength line, which will allow you to get the Armorer perk to create even more dangerous weapons. Perception 6 will make you even more deadly at night with the Night Person perk, as it's always better to be stealthy in the night.

Agility 9 will give you better stealth perks, which offer greater range to attack with melee weapons. If you discover more of a gun fanatic in you, raise this stat to 10. Finally, Luck 6 will give you perks like Better Criticals, and even Idiot Savant, provided that Intelligence must be 1. Of course, Intelligence, Stamina and Charisma set to 1 seems like too much, but you can always reduce the points for Luck and Perception.

Eloquent Scholar

With your cunning genius and sharp tongue, make the world follow you - be it people, robots or anyone else. Just make sure your gullible thugs stand between you and your enemy. An eloquent scientist is one who gets other people to do his dirty work while staying away from the real threat. With Charisma 10, you have access to both the Wasteland Whisperer perk, which allows you to subdue and control creatures below your level, and the Intimidation perk, which allows you to do the same to people.

Anything related to threat artificial intelligence, decides the perk Robotics Expert, access to which is given with Intelligence 8, it allows you to hack robots and gain control over them. The remaining 5 points can be divided equally among the remaining stats, so you're not a complete wimp, but how you distribute them is up to you.

How character creation works

Character creation in Fallout 4 begins in the tutorial part of the game, when you meet a merchant from Vault-Tec. He will ask you to fill out a questionnaire including your name and the distribution of points between the seven attributes of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system. The distribution of points is not final... you will have the opportunity to change them right before leaving Vault 111.

Each attribute controls different aspects of your character in two ways:

First, the numerical value of each attribute affects your initial abilities tied to that attribute.

  • Strength determines the damage dealt in melee combat and the carrying capacity.
  • Perception controls accuracy in V.A.T.S. and sleight of hand.
  • Endurance is responsible for running ability and damage points.
  • Charisma governs many aspects of conversation and persuasion.
  • Intelligence affects experience bonuses.
  • Agility adds action points in V.A.T.S.
  • Luck is responsible for the maximum frequency of repetitions of profitable events.

Second, and no less important, the attributes of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. are responsible for the available perks. Perks, in turn, determine large number your character's abilities: hacking, hacking, receiving damage bonuses, discovering additional caches with finds and many other special abilities. We recommend that you choose a few abilities that you really want to have throughout the game, these will affect the distribution of your attribute points. I like 17

    In the game Fallout 4, as in any other game, it is important to think ahead and wisely distribute points according to the main characteristics of the character. In the 4th part of the beloved game there are 7 main areas of development: strength, endurance, agility, luck, charisma, perception and intelligence.

    In my opinion, intelligence and strength should be the leaders in the distribution of pumping units!

    You, as the main character, must create your own character, that is, give him the skills that you think will be useful to him.

    In total, there are seven main characteristics of the main character - strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity, luck.

    Initially, 21 points will be given, which should be distributed depending on what your hero will be like.

    I think the 2 most important attributes are intelligence and perception. It is these 2 attributes that are responsible for hacking terminals and locks. Sometimes, for closed door Very interesting materials and/or weapons are stored, or something needed for the quest. In addition, perception improves the detection of enemies, and intelligence will help create interesting and useful resources and weapons. Also, in addition, I prefer charisma, because it will allow you to obtain forbidden information in conversations or make it easier to complete any task.

    I didn’t upgrade my strength, because carrying a lot of junk around the wasteland is useless, it just makes it difficult to navigate in a pip-boy, and I don’t like close combat.

    Therefore for me:

    • Perception - will help you pick the lock and detect and kill the enemy from a distance;
    • Intelligence - will help me hack the terminal and create something interesting;
    • Charisma will help me persuade the devil himself and return to the world of the living :)
  • In the game Fallout 4, the main character can be developed using points in seven directions, namely:

    From the very beginning, a Vault-Tec representative will offer to upgrade your hero with twenty-one points.

    Among the most successful combinations, three stages can be distinguished.

  • The SPECIAL system consists of 7 attributes, these are strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck. Each of them consists of 10 levels. The more points in each attribute, the more effective the skills will be. The energy tester will offer to distribute 40 points, this can be done using the direction keys. As the game progresses, you can get bonuses to each skill. The best way to distribute points is as follows:

    Leveling up SPECIAL goes like this:

    You can learn the best perks here.

    IN Fallout game 4 There are 7 basic attributes S.P.E.C.I.A.L., these attributes will be the basis of your character:

    You will start the game with a single value for each attribute, in the game you will be given 21 free points at once; they can be distributed at your discretion, depending on what style of play you like and what character you want to create.

    Distance combat.

    If you need a character for distance combat, that is, you need to defeat numerous people with maximum efficiency, then you need to distribute points in this way:


    If you want your character to be a builder, you need to upgrade the following skills:

    Rapid development character.

    If you need a quickly developing hero, download the following skills:

    It is better to collect an average character with evenly distributed characteristics.

    In the fourth part, you can upgrade your characteristics by gaining experience points for gaining a level.

    I set all the characteristics to 4, then removed 2 points from luck and transferred them to intelligence.

    Intelligence 6

    Look at the distribution table for such games...you can’t make your luck low, because... significantly reduces the chance of crits, reduces the chance of random encounters and on clothes in chests... it’s better to take off one point from strength and throw it in for luck)

    You can upgrade your character using SPECIAL in different ways- the simplest and highest quality is to distribute the points given to you for character development in this way: first, give maximum to strength and intelligence - this way you will advance quickly. You can also level up all your skills evenly - then the game will go a little smoother and you won’t suffer in certain situations when you lack certain skills, for example. In general, each player must choose his own character development strategy.

    In this game main character has the following characteristics: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, dexterity and luck.

    As soon as you start the game, there will be one point next to each characteristic.

    You will have 21 points that you can distribute between characteristics.

    If you want your character to develop faster, then we give the most points to endurance and agility.

    If you want him to be a builder, then we give the most points to strength and luck.

    You can also distribute the points equally, adding more intelligence and luck.

    As the game progresses, you can also receive bonuses for each skill.
