Are there any treasures? The most famous treasures in the world

There are many famous and legendary treasures, the search for which has been going on for several centuries. Today’s review includes legendary treasures in Russia that no one has found yet.

In unstable times, be it revolution, war or dispossession, the most reliable place for preserving valuables was considered to be some secret dungeon or land. They put the acquired goods into chests, barrels, and buried their treasures somewhere in a deep forest in a secret place.
This method of storing more or less large sums of money was considered the order of the day until the middle of the last century. However, it was not always possible to return for riches; often no one except the one who hid the treasure knew exactly where it was buried, and the treasures remained lying and waiting in the wings. A considerable number of such forgotten coin caches are scattered throughout Russia from the Far East to Siberia.

Treasure of Khan Ediger Magmet

Where to look: Kazan, Lake Kaban
Back in 1552, Ivan the Terrible decided to take Kazan. At first, the Tatar wars tried to attack the troops besieging the fortress of the Kazan Khanate, but after some time they realized that they could not resist the troops of Ivan the Terrible. Then Chapkun Otuchev, who was in charge of the khan’s treasury, decided to hide all the khan’s valuables in a safe place. Lake Kaban seemed most suitable to him: the jewelry was rolled into barrels, taken out of the fortress at night and thrown into the lake. During the storming of the city, everyone who knew about the exact location of the treasures died. And untold riches to this day rest at the bottom, under a layer of many meters of silt that has grown over hundreds of years.

Napoleon's treasure

Where to look: Zhernovka village, lakes Kasplya, Svaditskoye, Velisto; Lake Mutnoye in the Demidovsky district of the Smolensk region, Semlevskoye lake.
Leaving Moscow, Napoleon took with him several convoys with gold, valuables and a collection of ancient weapons. According to various archival data, in total he took out about 18 pounds of gold, 325 pounds of silver and countless other valuables. However, he never delivered the trophies to the appointed place. Periodic attacks by Russian troops and the approaching cold forced the French to begin throwing away their stolen goods in order to increase the speed of the army’s movement. Along the route, valuables were buried in the ground and drowned in nearby lakes. Historians suggest that Napoleon continued to drag carts at least as far as the Berezina River. The first such treasure was found near the Nara River.

Kolchak's Gold

Where to look: Taiga village, Lake Baikal, Tura River, Tyumen region.
At the beginning of the First World War, Russia's gold reserves were redirected to Kazan. The leader of the White movement, Admiral Kolchak, in turn, took him out of Kazan and transported him by train to Siberia. On the way, the train was attacked, during which the attackers each time stole some part of the treasure. Some, according to eyewitnesses, Kolchak hid. The Bolsheviks received only half of the exported reserves. Gold bars with a total weight of approximately 200 tons still lie somewhere in chests hidden in Siberia.

Treasure of Sigismund III

Where to look: Moscow region, Mozhaisk, Aprelevka.
The Polish troops that invaded Russia in 1604 stuffed their chests with everything that was of any value. As a result, the goods amounted to 923 freight carts, which were sent along the Mozhaisk road to Poland. But all the treasures disappeared almost without a trace, even before reaching Smolensk. According to one version, this happened because the person sending the valuables himself had designs on them and planned to stay in Russia. The records mention that they were buried not far from a certain graveyard. But it was never possible to establish what exactly it was and where it was located, so the geography of the treasure’s location is quite blurred, which stretched out the search for many, many years.

Treasure of Emelyan Pugachev

Where to look: along the route of troops - Orenburg, Berda, Yaitsky town, Samara, Kazan, Simbirsk, Ufa, Magnitnaya fortress, Iletsk defense, Beloretsk factories, Zlatoust, Orsk, Osa, Izhevsk factory, Botkin factory, Tsivilsk, Kurmysh, Saransk, Penza.
During the uprising, Emelyan Pugachev’s “treasury” was regularly replenished from the valuables of the estates and property of local landowners. Prioritizing the mobility of the rebel troops, Pugachev periodically hid wealth along his route. According to rumors, he did this in a conspicuous place so that it would be easier to find later. Some of these caches were discovered in the vicinity of Orenburg. But the main treasures continue to excite the imagination of treasure hunters, hiding somewhere under a layer of earth or water.

Treasure from the ship "Varyagin"

Where to look: in the Ussuri Bay, between the Three Stones alignment, Mount Vargli and Sukhodol Bay.
In 1906, the cargo-passenger ship "Varyagin", traveling from Vladivostok to Sukhodol Bay, collided with a mine left over from the Russo-Japanese War and sank. On board were 250 passengers and 60 thousand rubles in gold along with “especially valuable cargo.” Only 15 managed to escape, including the captain. In 1913, he attempted to find and raise the ship. The ship was found, but the lifting operation turned out to be too expensive, so only part of the valuable cargo was pulled to the surface. The gold remained lying in the holds of the ship at the bottom of the bay.

Hetman Mazepa's treasure

Where to look: Baturin, the place of Mazepa's crossing of the Dnieper, Mazepa's castle - Goncharovka, a country palace - on the Porosyuchka farm.
In October 1708, Mazepa was supposed to meet with Charles XII, crossing the Desna. To travel lightly, before leaving Baturin, he partially buried his countless treasures. He tried to transport other parts in the convoy that followed the troops to Charles, and also to hide them in others, just for him famous places. One of these attempts, when crossing to the other side of the Dnieper, ended with some boats with valuable cargo simply sinking.

Treasure of Count Rostopchin

Where to look: the Voronovo sanatorium on the 61st kilometer of Starokaluzhskoye Highway, 37 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.
During the War of 1812, the Voronovo estate, located 37 km from Moscow, became the residence of the Governor General of Moscow, Count Rostopchin. He brought works of art and various valuables to it, turning the estate into a kind of miniature Versailles. After Napoleon's troops arrived in Moscow, he set fire to his estate, staging everything so that supposedly all the wealth he had accumulated was destroyed. In fact, on the territory of the estate there were underground passages, through which, presumably, all the goods were taken out and hidden in the area.

Treasure of the Smolensk Bank

Where to look: the village of Otnosovo in the Smolensk region.
Before the invasion of German troops in Smolensk, it was decided to remove all funds and valuables from bank vaults. The wealth was sent to Vyazma on eight trucks, but the convoy came under fire and reached the nearest settlement Only 5 cars arrived. There are different versions of how further events developed, but the most popular remains the assumption that the gold and silver were buried. This theory is supported by the facts of finding individual coins from 1924 near the village of Otnosovo. And the whole treasure lies somewhere in a secluded place.

Treasure of Ataman Semenov

Where to look: near the Russian-Chinese border, Dauria region.
Preparing an escape from Chita, Ataman Semenov decided to take out the reserve Russian Empire, which Kappel’s army brought, and hide it in the Daurian steppe. The valuable cargo was delivered to the Dauria station and safely buried, but while the Cossacks were returning to the armored train, they were attacked and everyone initiated into the secret of the placement of the treasure died. According to counterintelligence experts, the size of the territory where the treasure may be located is 150 square kilometers. The treasure itself is estimated to be worth about $500 million.

While some only dream of finding valuable artifacts, others, armed with tools, go to excavations. The discovery of ancient treasures is always an exciting event. It is difficult to count how many treasures have been found in Russia today, but it is worth highlighting the five most famous.

The largest treasures in Russia

Scythian Gold

The vast space between the Danube and Don is strewn with many mounds left after the disappearance of the Scythian tribes. Raids on burial mounds began in the Middle Ages, and today’s collection of the Hermitage and other museums is replete with a huge number of gold items from Scythian burials.

Vladimir Golden Gate

According to legend, oak doors were covered with copper sheets with a thick layer of gilding. They disappeared in 1238, during the offensive of the Tatar-Mongol troops. Legend says that at the moment they rest at the bottom of the river. Klyazma.

Kolchak's Gold

Over 1600 tons of gold. Kolchak used some of the gold to buy weapons. The second part was found by Red Army soldiers after his arrest. And there are conflicting rumors about the third part of the gold reserves, but all traces lead to Tyumen.

Napoleonic treasure

The looted wealth of Moscow was placed on two hundred carts. With the onset of winter, Napoleon's troops returned to France, but the difficulties of movement forced them to get rid of some of the booty along the way. Along the route from Moscow towards Smolensk, it was possible to discover many valuables, but the fate of the main part is unknown to this day.

Treasure hidden by Sonya Golden Hand on Khitrovka

Having a weakness for jewelry, the cheat skillfully appropriated them for herself. It is believed that in the center of Moscow, she hid a huge diamond. The exact location is not known. According to legend, the fraudster hid it in a samovar buried next to the Khitrov market.

Top most famous treasures of world history

But not only in Russia, hidden treasures can be found all over the world. There are legends about them, movies are made, books are written. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world try their luck in search of sunken ships, pirate hiding places, caves, grottoes, and carry out excavations in various parts of the globe. Here is a list of just some of them:

Treasure on the island of Java (Indonesia)

Just recently, an amazing find was discovered consisting of 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 dark red sapphires, and 2,200 garnets. They were discovered on a ship that sank more than 1000 years ago. Treasure hunters also found small flasks for perfume, jars made of baked clay, dishes, and vases from the Fatimid dynasty, which once ruled in Ancient Egypt. Such 10th-century finds from sunken ships are extremely rare, and this will fill a large gap in knowledge about those times.

Treasures of Tillya-Tepe in Afghanistan

In northern Afghanistan, near Shibargan, in 1979 (a year before the entry of Soviet troops), archaeological excavations were carried out under the leadership of V. Sarianidi. A treasure consisting of approximately 20,000 gold ornaments was discovered in six graves. The find consisted of coins, belts, necklaces encrusted with precious stones, medallions and a crown.

Treasure discovered in Staffordshire

In 2009, archaeologist Terry Herbert discovered a treasure dating from the Anglo-Saxon era. The weight of the treasure was 10 kg, and consisted of gold, precious stones, silver. Among the items were armor, swords, dishes, and religious objects.

Pirate's Treasure - Florida Beach

In 1984, treasure hunter Barry Clifford discovered a treasure that once belonged to pirates on the Florida coast. About five tons of various valuables were recovered from the shipwreck. The treasure was valued at $15,000.

Treasure of Tutankhamun (Egypt)

In 1922, Howard Carter discovered a golden coffin, made in an unsurpassed manner, in the tomb of Tutankhamun, as well as a throne, masks and many other treasures. The tomb was the first that had not been looted before. The find was hailed as a huge discovery.

Pereshchepinskoe treasure (Bulgaria)

The treasure was discovered by accident in 1912 in the village. Maloye Pereshchepino in Ukraine, 13 km from Poltava. The shepherd boy literally fell into the Kuvrat tomb, which belonged to the founder of Great Bulgaria, Asparukh's father. More than 800 items, weighing gold items - 25 kg, silver items - 50 kg. Amphoras, dishes, cups, 12 gold and 11 silver bowls, stirrups, a blade in a gold sheath, a saddle, etc. were found.

The largest treasure found

History contains many legends about treasures and the lucky people who managed to find them. But there are treasures the sight of which will take the breath away of the most notorious skeptics. In the dungeons located in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple (India), researchers were able to discover countless treasures that amazed the whole world.

Five hidden vaults were uncovered in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Cathedral, built in honor of the god Vishnu. According to experts, their price is 25 billion dollars, and this gives grounds to consider it the largest treasure to date.

To date, research continues in 2 more secret chambers and, perhaps, new hiding places will be discovered.

At the very big treasure in the world included gold coins, bars weighing about 2 tons, a diamond necklace 5.5 m long, and several bags of diamonds. And the most outstanding find is considered to be a statue of the god Vishu, made of gold, 1.2 m high.

Very often problems arise with the right to own the discovered treasure. For example, treasures found by the American company Odyssey near Portugal from a sunken Spanish military frigate. 500,000 coins, jewelry and jewelry were brought to the surface. The fate of these artifacts has not yet been determined. The Spanish government has put forward its right, but the company is defending its rights, since the treasure was discovered on neutral territory.

The frigate Nuestra Señora las Mercedes was transporting coins from the Spanish colony to Peru in 1804, and was sunk by the British near Cape St. Mary. About 200 frigate sailors were killed in the explosion.

Treasures often contain not only jewelry, but also money. .
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Probably, as a child, each of us dreamed of being Indiana Jones. It would be great to go in search of adventures and lost treasures, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it is worth noting right away that archeology is not such an exciting activity. Moreover, most likely, there are practically no lost treasures left, especially today, when most of the world has already been explored and inhabited. But what if there are treasures somewhere, just waiting to be discovered? Below is a list of ten long-lost treasures that could still be found today, since their fate is still unknown.

10. Treasures of the Alamo

The Alamo is famous for many things, especially for its famous battle cry shouted by the Texans during the Battle of the Alamo: “Remember the Alamo!” The Old Franciscan Mission in San Antonio was the site of one of the most famous battles in American history, when 188 men, including Jim Bowie and Davey Crockett, tried to repel the powerful Mexican army of Santa Ana ( Santa Ana). However, few people know the legend of a massive treasure trove of silver and gold, which, according to stories, was buried somewhere in the Alamo area.

Many people, such as historian and fortune hunter Frank Buschbacher, believe that in an attempt to start a revolution against Mexico and declare Texas independence, men like Bowie and Crockett actually brought millions of dollars' worth of wealth to the Alamo US dollars. The money was intended to form an army and finance the upcoming war. The treasure was called San Saba and was lost when all 188 Americans died in that famous battle. Those who believe that this treasure exists believe that the soldiers buried it under the Alamo complex. Buschbacher personally dug through areas of land around the Alamo, but never found a trace of silver or gold.

9. Treasures of Dutch Schultz

Dutchman Schultz is one of the most famous gangsters in American history. He was a Prohibition-era gangster who moved in the same circles as Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky. According to legend, he made a fortune for himself through his dark deeds. His fortune disappeared without a trace after he felt federal prosecution was looming over him. It is believed that he decided to hide his treasures somewhere in the Catskill mountain range. When Schultz was executed by firing squad in 1935, the location of his vast fortune disappeared with him.

There are many different versions about what happened to his treasure and how much money he actually hid. Most believe that his fortune ranges between five and ten million dollars, which he hid in an iron box somewhere in a village surrounded by dense forests called Phenicia, New York. Some believe his treasure was hidden closer to Esopus Creek, which explains the fact that it has not yet been found. Over the decades since Schultz hid his treasure, the area has been flooded many times, which in all likelihood would have washed away his treasure. Still, it's nice to think that a leisurely stroll through the Catskills could make you a millionaire.

8. Treasures of Mount Victorio

Mount Victorio is part of the southern Rocky Mountains, which are located in New Mexico. The site has been used extensively by the US government for years, including the nearby White Sands Missile Range, where the government once tested nuclear weapons. Before the place was closed by the government, it was open to the general public - that's when Doc and Babe Noss showed up.

According to legend, they were hunting deer with their friends when Doc discovered an old mine located in one of the slopes of Mount Victorio. He and Babe later returned to explore the cave and found skeletons, gold, jewelry and historical artifacts. In 1938, the Nosses took ownership of the find and rumors began to circulate that Doc had found either the Casa del Cueva de Oro or the Don Juan de Onate treasure. ), the man who founded New Mexico as a Spanish colony. In 1939, Doc tried to expand the passage into the mine, and he was advised to use dynamite, which, as usual in such cases, backfired: the mine completely collapsed. Noss was never able to gain access to the mine. He was killed in 1949 by his fiancée after divorcing Babe. Noss's family is still trying to excavate the entrance to the mine, but so far no gold has been found there. There are rumors that the government expanded the missile site to cover Mount Victorio and moved the gold to Fort Knox, but no documentation has been found to support this theory.

7. Treasures of Montezuma

Apparently, if you want to find lost treasure in the US, you'll probably want to look in the Rocky Mountains or the southwestern US. According to legend, Montezuma's treasure is buried somewhere in Kanab, Utah. Montezuma, the legendary Aztec leader, was a man who had incredible wealth at his disposal. It was captured after he was killed during a battle with the Spanish led by Cortez. Gold and jewelry worth several million dollars were seized from Montezuma's treasury by his own people in order to hide them from Cortez.

6. Lufthansa robbery

Anyone who has seen the movie Goodfellas (1990) is familiar with the Lufthansa heist, which is considered the largest heist in US history. The theft occurred on December 11, 1978 at John F. Kennedy International Airport, where approximately $5 million in cash was stolen, as well as jewelry totaling $875,000. If converted to today's exchange rates, it would be more than twenty million US dollars. . The theft was carried out by gangsters, including Henry Hill, later played by Ray Liotta. So far, no money or jewelry has been found.

One of the reasons why this money was never found is because of the many violent and sad deaths of many of the guys who took part in the theft. These deaths were ordered by Jimmy Burke, who planned the crime and realized that such a theft would result in a massive federal investigation. As part of the purge plan, he ordered the murder of almost every member of his team so that they could not spill the beans. It is believed that some of the money from the theft was used for drug deals, but most of it was never found.

5. Amber room

When you first hear about the Amber Room, you might think that this is the name of a high-class men's club. But in fact, it is one of the most sought-after treasures of all time. The room, which is a small space created entirely from panels of amber, sheets of gold and mirrors, was built in the 18th century for the first king of Prussia, Frederick the First. Subsequently, it was presented to Peter the Great and remained in Russian ownership until the Second World War. People who managed to see the Amber Room said that this room is the Eighth Wonder of the World.

And then she disappeared. It turns out that the curators who were responsible for protecting the Amber Room during the war covered it with wallpaper in an attempt to hide it and protect it, since it was very fragile. However, this did not stop the Nazis from plundering this priceless treasure. It was then moved to Konigsberg Castle in Germany, but in 1944 Allied forces destroyed the city and left the castle in ruins. The Amber Room was lost forever. To this day, no one can say with certainty what happened to the room, although complete destruction seems the most likely explanation. However, the Amber Room has become the subject of folk myths. It is also believed that there is a curse on the Amber Room, as several people who owned or hunted for this room died prematurely under very strange circumstances.

4. Flower of the Sea (Flor do Mar)

In 1502, a Portuguese ship called the Flor do Mar (Flower of the Sea) was built. The ship was part of the Portuguese expedition to India, launched in 1505. It was run by Vasco de Gamma's brother, Estavao. Over the next six years, the ship participated in several naval battles until it was lost in a storm in 1511.

Even the idea of ​​a warship with such history makes the search for its lost treasure quite intriguing, but it certainly isn't the whole story. The most important thing is the fact that Flor do Mar was carrying a hold full of trophies after its recent victory. According to legend, the treasures found on this ship were countless, making the Flor do Mar the most searched for sunken ship in history. According to legend, the ship was carrying treasures of the kingdom of Melaka, located in modern Malaysia, which, according to various sources, consisted of more than sixty tons of gold.

3. Leon Trabuco's Gold

In the early 1930s, a Mexican millionaire named Leon Trabuco organized several secret and mysterious flights into the New Mexico desert. At this time, the United States was experiencing a period of great depression and the value of the dollar was about to fall, but the value of gold was supposed to increase many times over. So Trabuco and several of his business partners bought up as much gold as they could and smuggled it into the United States in anticipation that gold prices would skyrocket so they could sell it and make an incredible profit. big jackpot.

It is believed that in total they collected more than sixteen tons of gold and hid it in the New Mexico desert. Instead of taking advantage and selling their gold, Trabuco and his partners held on to it, expecting prices to continue to rise. However, they seriously miscalculated, as the Gold Law was introduced, according to which private ownership of gold was illegal. Therefore, Trambuco and company found themselves in an unenviable position with their gold. Like many other treasures, according to legend, the Trabuco gold carries a curse. Three of Trabuco's five partners died within five years, and when Trabuco himself died, the location of the gold disappeared with him.

2. Treasures Blackbeard

In 1996, archaeologists discovered the remains of a shipwreck off the coast of North Carolina, less than two kilometers from the shore and only 7.6 m below sea level. Finding the remains of a ship is not unheard of, but these remains may be one of the largest and most amazing finds in the history of treasure hunting. This is because many believe that this ship was a ship called Queen Anne's Revenge, also known as the flagship of the notorious pirate Blackbeard. In 1718, the Queen Anne's Revenge blockaded the port of Charleston and soon after ran aground on a spit.

So what's the matter? What's wrong with this? Well, to begin with, Blackbeard was a wildly successful and wealthy pirate, and the location of his largest and most valuable ship indicates that his fortune must be nearby - somewhere on the coast of North Carolina. Since this ship was discovered, not an ounce of gold has yet been found on the shore near it, and it is worth noting that rumors that this is definitely Blackbeard's ship have not yet been confirmed. Before his death, he was asked where the gold was, to which he replied: “Only I and the devil know that.”

1. Treasures of the Templar Order

In recent years, the Templar Order and its treasures have become a popular theme in Hollywood films, books and even games. This is one of the most famous and mysterious treasures in history. The Templar Order was founded in 1114 AD, and over the ensuing years it amassed incredible wealth that has never been found.

At the beginning of the 14th century, the Templars were arrested, and those who escaped arrest and torture collected the remaining treasure and, loading it onto ships, sent it to an unknown destination. According to rumors, they sent the treasure to Scotland, and from there it subsequently ended up in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. There are still rumors about a huge basement full of money located on Oak Island in this Canadian province, where the Templars are rumored to have hidden their money among traps. The search on Oak Island continued for years, and it was initially believed that the vault containing the money belonged to the infamous Captain Kidd. However, based on the fact that most of Kidd's treasures were found, it is now believed that the wealth of the Templar Order is stored in this basement.

Each case of finding any decent treasure becomes a sensation and attracts attention for some time. And this happens not so rarely. Just recently, the media has reported several similar stories. So, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. a certain citizen accidentally found a fair amount of coins and other valuable items dating back to 1751. He did this while digging up his own garden. What is especially noteworthy is that this was not the first time he dug up.

Another famous case. The bulldozer operator carried out work in accordance with the plan for the reconstruction of the embankment in Izhevsk. And in the process of work, he pulled out a barrel from the ground, which was filled with coins from the tsarist era. There were several hundred coins. Around the same time, in Suzdal, again, while carrying out scheduled work, a team of plumbers discovered over 300 coins dating back to the third quarter of the 18th century. This is not a complete list of valuable recent finds.

According to long-term statistics, once every six months (on average) in Russia someone finds a treasure worthy of media attention. In fact, such discoveries happen even more often. Since they are widely announced only by those who intend to cooperate with the authorities, and the treasure was discovered completely by accident. Unfortunately, among those who are looking for treasures purposefully, there are practically no people willing to cooperate with the state. This area is highly criminalized. Many of those who find treasure by accident prefer to realize the discovered values ​​themselves, without involving the state. This is very dangerous.

The fact is that, according to current legislation, the cost of the recovered treasure is divided in half between the one who found it and the owner of the land where the treasure was discovered. At the same time, the law contains a clause that if the objects contained in the treasure are of artistic value, half the value of the found treasure goes to the state. And the procedures for assessing and determining the presence of this notorious artistic value are also very imperfect. There have been cases when the very location of a treasure was declared a “historical monument”, and retroactively, and the owner of the land and the person who found the treasure, who wished to register it according to the law, were prosecuted. All this discourages citizens who have found treasure from cooperating with the state. However, attempts to sell ancient valuables on your own also involve serious risks, often fatal. The sphere of “black treasure hunting” is criminal by its very nature. And the methods for resolving conflicts among people involved in this business are appropriate.

And now we will list the 5 most mysterious treasures in Russia:

  1. Bosporan “golden suitcase” lost during the Great Patriotic War.
  2. A treasure containing jewelry items looted by the famous St. Petersburg bandit of the NEP period Lenka Panteleev.
  3. Gold, from the ship "Varyagin" that sank in 1906
  4. Kolchak's gold.
  5. Treasure of industrialist Batashev.

All these mysterious treasures have one thing in common. The real existence of these values ​​is beyond doubt. There is documentary evidence. And second. These treasures are called mysterious treasures because, despite numerous attempts, no one has been able to find them. At the same time, the likelihood that the person (or group of people) who found them managed to keep the fact of their discovery a secret is negligible, since we are talking about too large and unique values, the appearance of even a part of which on the market would not go unnoticed. That is why there is reason to say that these mysterious treasures still lie somewhere and are waiting for someone to discover them.

Now let’s tell you in more detail about the origin of each of these mysterious treasures.

5 largest mysterious treasures in Russia

Bosporan gold

The treasure is also known as the “golden suitcase”. Although in fact we are talking about a suitcase, it is an ordinary black suitcase. In the accompanying documents it was named “special cargo $15.” And it received the “popular” name “golden” due to the value of its contents. Its composition is impressive: 70 Bosporan and Pontic silver coins from the Mithridates period. There are many Pantipakean coins made of red gold, as well as Bosporan gold coins. This is the most valuable thing. But there are also “simpler” things: coins of various materials and denominations of Genoese, Constantinople, and Turkish coinage dating back to different periods, medals, gold plaques and jewelry made in ancient times.

All these values ​​were found during archaeological excavations of a Gothic mound in 1926, then they were described and placed in the historical and archaeological museum located in Kerch. The collection dates back to the 3rd-5th centuries, and each item is of not only commercial (weight), but also cultural, historical, scientific, and many, artistic value. 15 years have passed and all this wealth has disappeared.

In September 1941, when there was a real threat of occupation of Crimea by the Nazi army, the director of this museum, Yu. Marti, tried to take this unique collection to safe areas of the country. He put it in a strong plywood suitcase, lined with black leatherette on the outside. This valuable cargo safely crossed the Kerch Strait and arrived in Armavir by car. There it was accepted for storage, about which documents have been preserved. But the building where it was stored was hit by an aerial bomb and it was completely destroyed. And the suitcase disappeared. It is known that the occupied Krasnodar region in 1942, the Germans undertook an active but unsuccessful search for this suitcase.

Many years later, already in 1982, evidence appeared that this same suitcase had been preserved and was transported to the station. Calm and given over to the partisan detachment operating in that area. What happened to him next is unknown. The suitcase, containing a total of 719 items, weighed approximately 80 kg. Attempts to find him are still being made. The starting point for treasure hunters is still Art. Calm, located in the Otradnensky district of the Krasnodar region.

Treasures of Lenka Panteleev

The first reliable fact of this man’s biography is his service in the Red Army, where he was an ordinary soldier until 1922. Then he served in the Petrograd Cheka and in a short time made a good career for himself there, which ended abruptly with an unexpected and still strange dismissal. After this, Panteleev plunged headlong into crime, becoming the most dangerous bandit-raider from Russia at that time. He tried to create for himself the image of a “noble thief”, a kind of “Robin Hood” of the 20s, robbing exclusively NEPmen. But this is explained by purely pragmatic motives: the NEPmen at that time were the only wealthy class, they had something to rob. And for the robbery of government organizations or institutions, a significantly more serious punishment was provided.

At the same time, Panteleev practically did not hide, he led a riotous lifestyle, squandering the loot in the best restaurants of the city. As a result, he was quickly arrested and placed in the famous “Cross”, from where he safely escaped in November 1922. By the way, this is the only successful escape from the famous prison in its entire history.

Once free, the bandit decided to flee further, abroad, but not before ensuring a comfortable existence for himself. Petrograd trembled. In two months, Panteleev’s gang carried out 35 armed raids (on average: more than every other day), many of which were accompanied by murders. During this period, the bandit managed to appropriate a huge amount of various valuables, mainly small-sized jewelry. On February 12, 1923, operatives of the Petrograd UGRO managed to establish the whereabouts of Panteleev and attempted to detain him. In the ensuing shootout, the bandit was killed. Almost all the valuables looted by Panteleev’s gang disappeared without a trace. It is assumed that Panteleev's treasure is hidden somewhere in the dungeons of the city. Attempts to find him were made repeatedly, and it cannot be said that all searches were completely unsuccessful. Quite often, diggers managed to discover various hiding places or caches with weapons, criminal accessories, etc. in dungeons. According to rough estimates, the total value of Panteleev’s treasure could reach $150 thousand. The most likely location of this treasure is underground passages, galleries and communications laid before 1923 under the central districts of St. Petersburg, including Ligovka and other dungeons in that area.

Gold from "Varyagin"

On October 7, 1906, the motor ship “Varyagin” sank in the Ussuri Bay. He was flying from Vladivostok to b. Gankgouzy (now Sukhodol). The goods transported included mail and cash intended for the troops stationed there and the local population, newspapers reported. In addition, there were 250 passengers on board. The cause of the crash was a sea mine that had been drifting since the Russo-Japanese War. The ship sank very quickly, only 15 people were saved, including the captain.

But a little later one became public interesting fact. It turns out that shortly after the crash confidant The merchant Varyagin sent a petition to the local General Government. The document contained a request for compensation for 60 thousand rubles in gold transported on that ill-fated flight, and the cost of a certain cargo. The merchant was refused.

In 1913, Captain Ovchinnikov, who survived the wreck and knew the exact coordinates of the place where the ship was lost, managed to equip a ship-raising expedition on his own. The ship was found, but the ship-lifting work itself required much more serious investments. Therefore, then only part of the valuable cargo was recovered from the ship that sank at a depth of 26 m, and it is known for sure that there was no gold among the recovered ones.

They were going to equip a second expedition, the date of its departure was postponed several times due to weather conditions, and then... the war began. Next - revolution, intervention, the final establishment of Soviet power in the region. They never tried to raise the Varyagin again. The fate of Captain Ovchinnikov is unknown, as are the exact coordinates of the place in the bay where valuables worth several million are buried. Somewhere between b. Sukhodol, Vargli and the alignment of three stones. You can search in this triangle. Whether the search and lifting work will pay off is not a fact. Apparently that’s why there are no takers yet.

Kolchak's Gold

This story is widely known and therefore very popular among treasure hunters. Books were written and films were made about the notorious “Kolchak’s gold”. They just can’t find him yet. There are many legends, rumors and versions surrounding this gold, so we will list what is known reliably. At the beginning of the 1st World War, a significant part of the Empire's gold reserves was transported to Kazan. It was there that this gold was captured by the army of Admiral Kolchak, who proclaimed himself the supreme ruler of the empire. From Kazan the gold was transported to Omsk, where it was received, capitalized and valued at 650 million gold rubles. But in 1921, Kolchak’s troops were defeated, he himself was arrested and soon shot, and the gold... he was captured by a corps made up of Czechoslovak prisoners (who had previously fought on Kolchak’s side). Soon the corps command was forced to hand over the captured gold to the Bolshevik government in exchange for the opportunity to leave Russia. The gold was counted, and a shortage of approximately 250 million gold rubles was discovered. There were 650 million. There are 400 left. The White Czechs had no opportunity to hide gold bars. Since then, they have been looking for these missing bars worth 250 million old gold rubles.

There are two main versions. The first is that the treasures to this day lie somewhere in the dungeons of Omsk, or are again buried somewhere near the station. Zakhlamlino.

Another version says that shortly before his collapse, Kolchak ordered part of the gold to be sent to Vladivostok, for which several convoys were formed. For example, it became known that one of the soldiers of Kolchak’s army, who served in one of the Siberian regiments, an Estonian by nationality, Karl Purrock, said that gold bars were buried near the station. Taiga, near Kemerovo. In 1941, the NKVD became interested in Purrock’s story, summoned him from Estonia, where he lived, and involved him in the search for the treasure. Surroundings of the station They dug up the taiga diligently, but found nothing. Purrovik was arrested, and a year later he died in the camp.

And the last in number on our list, but by no means the last in value and mystery:

Treasure of industrialist Andrei Batashev

Let's start with the fact that A. Batashev was a very remarkable person. For example, he is the founder of the village of Gus-Zhelezny. In two years, he built a grandiose structure for himself, which became his residence. In style, it bore little resemblance to the estate of a Russian landowner, more reminiscent of a medieval castle with characteristic fortifications.

But Andrei Batashev quickly became bored with the management of the plant and he handed it over to his brother Ivan. And he himself took up... robbery, from time to time, taking breaks for the next reconstruction of the estate or a visit to Moscow, where he openly squandered money. This did not arouse suspicion: the Batashevs were very rich. But the merchant boasted that he had eradicated all the bandits in the surrounding area, although robberies continued and local roads had a reputation for being among the most dangerous. It is also known that no one subsequently saw the people who carried out any work inside the estate. None of them left the estate. And there were about 300 such workers. But the robber industrialist was patronized by Prince Potemkin himself, so he could afford almost anything without any consequences. But then the empress's favorite died.

And almost immediately, Batashev’s Eagle’s Nest estate was subjected to a large-scale inspection. The seriousness of the suspicions is evidenced by the fact that the inspectors were looking for neither more nor less, but the illegal production of coins. However, the inspection did not reveal any special violations or treasures. Batashev after this began to lead a hermit’s life, reducing contacts with the outside world to a minimum and died in 1799.

It was here that his heirs were expected to be very disappointed. After the death of the merchant-industrialist-robber, it turned out that there was practically nothing valuable in his estate. And according to the calculations of contemporaries, Batashev’s fortune was enormous, but it all disappeared without a trace.

Now there is a children's sanatorium here. Most of the buildings from Batashev's time have been destroyed or radically rebuilt. It is clear that treasure hunters are most interested in the preserved dungeons, but here’s the problem: the entire estate has been declared a state historical monument and any excavations on its territory are illegal. However, there is no clear indication that the treasures are buried on the estate. They may well be lying somewhere in the forest under a tree near the village. Gus-Zhelezny, Ryazan region.

Dedicated to all those who like to look for other people's property in the earth (and not only) - the largest treasures found from all corners of the earth!

Did you play pirates or robbers as a child? Then you've probably at least once drawn a map with an "X" and then pretended to be looking for valuable treasure- a chest of gold, for example. Well, treasures were indeed found - by random lucky people or true adventurers. Only, unlike your childhood trinkets, these valuables are worth much, MUCH more. The most interesting thing is that sometimes the treasure is practically under our noses.

1. Treasure in the foundation of a building in the city of Środa Śląska

In 1985, builders took on the renovation of the ancient building and discovered a treasure in the foundation dating back to the beginning of the 14th century. The walled vase contained more than 3,000 rare coins, medallions and a golden crown. The find is valued at $150 million. The treasure is currently on display in the Wroclaw Museum.

2. Sunken silver off the coast of Ireland

In 2012, searchers recovered about 48 tons of silver from the ocean floor. The treasure became one of the largest finds of silver. Its cost was estimated at $38 million. The valuable cargo was on a military transport ship that sank after an attack by German submarines. The treasure was found after the British Department of Transport announced a reward.

3. Half a million gold and silver coins near San Francisco

In 2007, Odyssey Marine Exploration, a company that specializes in geological exploration, found a Spanish ship on the shelf. Gold and silver coins. After the treasure was found, a terrible scandal broke out. The Spanish government demanded that the treasure be returned. And the gold itself was exported from the territory of Peru.

4. Treasure found in the foundation of a temple in India

In 2011, gold was discovered in the foundations of the Padmanabhaswamy Temple, the value of which is estimated at $22 billion. And it weighed more than 30 tons. The son of the last maharaja was present at the opening of the treasure.

5. A hoard of 50,000 Roman coins dating back to 290 AD.

The treasure was found in 2010 by David Crisp. He is an amateur treasure hunter. The treasure is estimated at only $5 million. The treasure is most valuable in the historical aspect: this is due to the fact that during this period the Roman Empire was experiencing an economic crisis and the quality of the coins was very low, and the treasure itself represents a four-year salary of a legionnaire. The found coins can be seen in the British Museum.

6. Ship with platinum from the USSR

The cargo with platinum was supposed to be delivered to New York during the Second World War - this platinum was used to pay for “Allied assistance.” But the ship was sunk by a German submarine. It is very difficult to estimate the value of this treasure - according to rough estimates, it is worth $3 billion. It was found by treasure hunter Greg Brooks.

7. Treasure found in Staffordshire

The largest treasure found in England was discovered in 2009. Amateur treasure hunter Terry Herbert found the treasure. Almost all items date back to the 7th century AD. The treasure consists of silver and gold objects, their total weight is 7.5 kg, and the quantity reaches 1,500 pieces. These are weapons, dishes, and also jewelry.

8. Celtic treasures on the island of Jersey

Archaeologists who carried out excavations on the island of Jersey (Britain) discovered a cache of Celtic treasures. The treasure was hidden about two thousand years ago. Most likely, it was hidden from the Roman troops that invaded the British Isles. Now the cost of jewelry and coins is estimated at $17 million.

9. Treasures of the Naryshkins in St. Petersburg

The treasure was found during the renovation of the mansion in which the Trubetskoy-Naryshkins lived. During the renovation, a secret room was discovered that was not marked on the building plans. It contained entire deposits of silverware with the coat of arms of the Naryshkin family, awards and jewelry. The dishes have a magnificent appearance because they were in linen cloth soaked in vinegar. This cache was created in 1917. The treasure was valued at 189 million rubles.

10. Rare coins from the German library

In the state library of the town of Passau, cleaner Tanya Hels accidentally discovered rare coins. Tanya took her find to management. The treasure is estimated at several million euros. This cache contained very rare Byzantine, Greek, and Roman coins. It is believed that this collection was hidden from the authorities in 1803, for the reason that the authorities took away the monastery coins and books for government needs.

11. Treasures found off the coast of Florida, USA

This treasure was found in 1984 by an archaeologist who specializes in underwater excavations. The value of the treasure is estimated at $15 million. He was on a sunken ship built in the 18th century.

12. Treasures of the Spanish "Atocha"

The Atocha galleon was loaded with jewels for two months! With great difficulty, the ship was able to set sail, but it never reached the metropolis. The ship sank off the coast of Florida. The Spanish authorities repeatedly tried to raise the treasure from the bottom, but all attempts were unsuccessful. And only in 1985 Mel Fisher was lucky enough to find the treasure. To find him, Mel created an entire company, Treasures Salvors Incorporated, and was also able to find investors for financing. When searching for the treasure, Mel's team examined about 120 square meters. miles of seabed. The value of the raised values ​​is estimated at $450 million. It is believed that $500 million worth of valuables were not found from this vessel. And they probably won’t find it anymore...
