What where when school stage questions. Abstract

Mind game

“What, where, when?”

Target: creation of a unified intellectual space that makes it possible to popularize forms of youth intellectual leisure and identify intellectual leaders.


Form and develop the intellectual movement of students

Identify the strongest youth teams

Develop competitive qualities of schoolchildren

Game conditions:

Teams from grades 5-11 at school (5-6, 7-8, 9-11) take part in the game.

The team consists of 6 people.

Teams are encouraged to have a name, uniform uniform, and paraphernalia.

Methods: questions

Design: multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).

Progress of the game:

Good afternoon We are glad to welcome you to the game “What? Where? When?” Today you will all act as experts. Remember the famous TV game? We will simplify the conditions for its implementation a little. Today we have qualifying rounds for all parallels. We select the most intelligent teams in 3 age categories: 5-6 grades, 7-8 grades, 9-11 grades.

Let me remind you of the rules of the Championship game: I read out the question, you are given one minute to discuss. After a minute has passed, you give your answer. The first team to answer is the one that raised the flag first. If the answer is not correct, the right to answer is transferred to the next team. I then say the correct answer and the results of the first question are entered into the table. If a team answers a question correctly, it receives one point. In total we have 12 questions in the game.

Remember the rules. Well, now let's greet the teams...

Let's welcome the jury...

Ready in minutes

No fluff, no feather.

Questions for teams of grades 5-6:

    One day, journalist Yaroslav Golovanov proposed to the publishing house "Children's Literature" to establish a prize that would be awarded to a family in which the father is called Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. According to Golovanov, this prize should have a name that is familiar to you.

Attention question: Which one exactly?


Answer: "Three Bears"

    According to one of the African legends, the first man descended to earth from the sky.

Attention question: What animal (according to Africans, of course) helped him with this?


Answer: giraffe

    You have heard the words “kolovorot”, “outskirts”, “nonsense” in Russian.

Attention question: What does this mean? common root among the Slavs - “kolo”?


Answer: circle

    You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove?


Answer: 33 years old

    A cow and a chair, a chicken and a compass, a tripod and a piano. What do every couple have in common?


Answer: number of legs.

    It's cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter?


Answer: no, it just keeps you warm.

    The black box contains what the next riddle is about. It describes a certain technology that produces what is in the black box

Attention question: I’ll take something dusty, make it liquid, throw it into the fire, it will be a stone.


Answer: bread.

    What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, or flowers?


Answer: algae.

    What sport does the term “double toe loop” refer to?


Answer: figure skating.

    They say that before a long journey with a certain company, Aesop took on the largest basket. And I was right.

Attention question: What was in it?


Answer: food for the road.

    During a drought, Bulgarians ask THEM for rain. And in Poland, parents teach their children: “Don’t kill HER - maybe it’s your dead GRANDMOTHER.”

Attention question: Who are we talking about?


Answer: About a butterfly.

    We look at the number 2 and say 10?

Attention question: When does this happen?


Answer: when we look at the clock.

Questions for grades 7-8:

    One of the famous labors of Hercules was cleaning the Augean stables.

Attention question: Can you name how many horses were in them?


Answer: None (there were only bulls in the barnyard of King Augeas).

    In South Africa, in the vicinity of the small town of Upington, there are luxurious vineyards. During the harvesting of ripe berries, they are transported by whole dump trucks to large concrete platforms the size of a football field, and they are left there.

Attention question: Why?


Answer. This is how raisins are made.

    Once in South America, the Spanish conquistadors were amazed to see a creature hovering motionless in the air, surrounded by a cloud. He hastily called the priest, he looked at the miracle and announced that it was an angel.

Attention question: Who was it really?

Answer. Hummingbird.

    What material is ceramic tableware made from?


Answer: clay

    The first ones, which appeared in Russia about three hundred years ago, were a body with holes in the lower part into which coals were placed.

Attention question: What do we call them now?

Answer: iron

    The famous Russian pianist Nikolai Petrov said in one interview: “I have never been an oligarch, I have neither companies nor mines. There are only my ten...”. Complete his thought with one word.

Answer: fingers

    What “balls from the Ocean” sparkle and shimmer and thus attract people so much that they gain power over them?


Answer: pearls

    Inhabitants of hot deserts and semi-deserts - the fennec fox, caracal, gerbil, long-eared hedgehog and others - have rather large ears.

Attention question: Perfect hearing actually has nothing to do with it, but what role do their ears play?


Answer: cooling

    Remember in which fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin it was fundamentally introduced new system wages.

Attention question: name her


Answer: 3 clicks

    The black box contains the cell that makes up any living creature. This cell has a large supply of nutrients.

Question: What is in the black box?

Answer: egg

    Here this man sits and sentences, and sentences, and sentences...

Attention question: Name this person’s profession!


Answer: judge

Questions for grades 9-11:

    In the USA, Reebok sneakers of the original assembly are sold: the right shoe is made in Taiwan, and the left one is made in Thailand. Thus, the company significantly reduced its losses.

Attention question: Why did the company incur losses?

Answer: due to the theft of shoes from finished goods factories.

    Recently in the West, on some tourist maps, for the convenience of walking, walking isolines of equidistance from the hotel and distances are marked not in meters or km, but in what?

Answer: hours' walk

    The thrifty Japanese government has called on all employees to go to work in the summer without ties or jackets.

Attention: What is the government going to save on?

Answer: on electricity spent on air conditioning

    The black box contains what is called a "green camel"

Answer: cactus

    Three great Russian poets dedicated their poems to this two-headed mountain: Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov.

Answer: Elbrus.

    The Hebrew textbook opens with the words: “You begin to study the language spoken by...” Who?

Answer. God.

    In South Africa, in the vicinity of the small town of Upington, there are luxurious vineyards. During the harvesting of ripe berries, they are transported by whole dump trucks to large concrete platforms the size of a football field, and they are left there. Why?

Answer. This is how raisins are made.

    What, from a general biological point of view, is the main difference between oriole and meadowsweet?

Answer. Oriole is an animal, meadowsweet is a plant.

    Attention! Black box.
    IN Ancient China The soaked mulberry bark was split into thin strips and boiled in a lime solution for two hours. Then the resulting mass was smashed with hammers, glue was added to it, water was poured into it, and the whole thing was sifted through a fine sieve. The mass settled in the sieve was tipped onto a board and pressed. The resulting product was dried and used.

Attention question: What was it used for?

Answer: The resulting paper was naturally used for writing.

    In geography it is kind, in football it is the last, in song it helps to navigate in life, for historians it is a sailing ship of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

Attention question: What is this?

Answer: hope

    The famous basketball commentator Vladimir Gomelsky once complained: “It’s difficult with women’s sports, once you get used to it, you have to relearn it.”

Attention question: What exactly to retrain?

Answer: last name

    In 1926 and 1948, Germany was punished for starting wars in the same way that Sparta was once punished.

Attention question: What kind of punishment is this?

Answer: German athletes were prohibited from participating in Olympic Games

Summing up and awarding winners and participants.

Purpose of the game: development of cognitive and creativity, sharpness of thinking and observation, enrichment and development of students’ speech; development of intelligence; development of collective (teamwork) skills.

Equipment: laptop (computer), multimedia projector, screen, table with a spinning top and question numbers laid out in a circle, black box, compass, microprocessor, cereals (buckwheat, semolina, millet), rope.

Rules of the game: there are 6 players in a team, the number of teams is unlimited, the teams sit at the gaming table in order of drawing lots, the team ends the game after three rounds. The results of the game are determined by the results of correct answers.

Progress of the game: The ticket number given to the team is selected on the slide (you can go to the question by clicking on the ticket number; after the team answers, you must return to the slide with questions using the return button). Some slides have a speaker icon to play the melody.



Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

The selection of questions and preparation of the presentation was carried out by a mathematics teacher

Sergeeva Olga Anatolevna

Purpose of the game: development of cognitive and creative abilities, sharpness of thinking and observation, enrichment and development of students’ speech; development of intelligence; development of collective (teamwork) skills.

Equipment: laptop (computer), multimedia projector, screen, table with a spinning top and question numbers laid out in a circle, black box, compass, microprocessor, cereals (buckwheat, semolina, millet), rope.

Rules of the game: there are 6 players in a team, the number of teams is unlimited, the teams sit at the gaming table in order of drawing lots, the team ends the game after three rounds. The results of the game are determined by the results of correct answers.

Progress of the game: The ticket number given to the team is selected on the slide (you can go to the question by clicking on the ticket number; after the team answers, you must return to the slide with questions using the return button

“Hello dear guests!” (MUSIC)

We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When?"!

Today a team of teachers is playing against teams of experts.

Dear club members and spectators!

During the game, you must carefully monitor the progress of the discussion and at the end choose the best player.

Our experts are invited to the club! (MUSIC)

And now I will introduce you to the rules of the game!

You see a game circle on the table that contains questions on 5 subjects

– geography

– biology

– physics

  • computer science
  • literature

Connoisseurs must answer 18 questions. For each correct answer they are given 1 point.

Question 18 – BLITZ. This envelope contains as many as 4 questions that experts must answer quickly. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the teacher team.

Once during the game, experts can take help from spectators.

So let's start the game!

Game questions

1.BLACK BOX. Question from Leonid Nikolaevich. The black box contains a device that became known in Europe in the 12th century. It was believed to have been invented by the Chinese 4,500 years ago. This version is now recognized as erroneous. The basis of the device is a magnetic needle. ( Compass)

2 . The question is asked by Leonid Nikolaevich. Africans call this mountain “Mountain of the Cold Deity.” Name it if the coordinates of the mountain are 3 0 S and 38 0 east. (Kilimanjaro)

3 . Leonid Nikolaevich is playing with you. This region of Russia does not border with other regions and is separated from Russia by a distance of several hundred kilometers. Name the area.(Kaliningrad region)

4. Question from Lyubov Alexandrovna.He has a long beard, he is very angry, but this is not Karabas-Barabas. “In his wonderful beard lies fatal power, and, despising everything in the world, as long as the beard is intact, the traitor does not fear evil,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote about him. So who is this and from what fairy tale?

(Chernomor, "Ruslan and Lyudmila".)

5 . Riddle from Oksana Anatolyevna.I am water, and I swim on water.(Ice)

6. Oksana Anatolyevna plays with you. Decipher the word denoting a physical phenomenon:


7 . After rains, earthworms appear on the ground and sidewalks. How can we explain this?(Earthworms don't get enough air)

8. BLACK BOX. Question from Anastasia Nikolaevna.The black box contains samples of cereals. Name these cereals if 1 wow obtained from buckwheat, 2 1st from wheat, 3rd from millet. (Buckwheat, semolina, millet)

9. The question is asked by Anastasia Nikolaevna. This animal is black and orange, tailed, similar to a lizard, but not a reptile. In the spring it lives in the water, but is not a frog. What's it called?(Triton)

10. BLACK BOX. Question from Olga Anatolyevna.A person has this, and a computer also has it and needs it to process information.

What's in the black box?(Brain, microprocessor)

11 .

How many digits are there in the binary number system of 13?(4)

12 . The question is asked by Olga Anatolyevna.Once upon a time there were two figures: THE CIRCLE AND THE SQUARE. There were 3 houses on their street: one house had a window and a chimney, another had a window but no chimney, and the third had a chimney but no window. Each figure lived in his own house. CIRCLE AND SQUARE lived in houses with windows. SQUARE loved warmth and often lit the stove.

Who lived in which house? (Square lived in the first house, Circle in the second)

13. Black box: Question from Svetlana Vyacheslavovna.With the help of this item, the hero of Pushkin's fairy tale was able to obtain a debt. What's in the black box?

(Rope, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.”)

14 . The Eskimos believe that it can be liquid, light, heavy, fragile, shiny, and there are more than two hundred types of it. What are we talking about?(Snow.)

15 . The question is asked by Anastasia Nikolaevna.Those who have had the chance to get to know them closely say that each of them is “two tons of bad character.” Who are they?(Rhinoceroses)

16 . Olga Anatolyevna asks.Blaise Pascal's invention in 1642 greatly facilitated the work of his father, the royal intendant of Normandy. In 1673, Leibniz's invention made it possible to perform all operations. Both scientists could easily do without the help of their inventions, which cannot be said about 80% of schoolchildren who, according to tests conducted by the Russian Ministry of Education, cannot do without modern options inventions of the 17th century to perform any operation. What name was given to the invention of Pascal and Leibniz?(Arithmometer.)

17 . Question from Oksana Anatolyevna.Known for surviving the winter cold near warm springs, baby Japanese macaques like to do the same things human babies often do in the winter. So what?(Playing snowballs)

18. BLITZ tournament

1) Name the highest continent. ( Antarctica)

2) How many legs does a grasshopper have?(6)

3) Which device requires 101 buttons to operate?(Keyboard)

4) What is a molecule? (smallest particle of matter)

I thank the experts for interesting game! See you again! (MUSIC)


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Sections: Extracurricular activities

Game plan.

  1. Presentation of teams and captains.
  2. The captain's choice of the number under which the team will play.
  3. Introduction to the rules of the game.

Rules of the game.

1. Each team is asked 6 questions from various fields of knowledge: mathematics, social sciences, chemistry, philology, physics, natural science. The questions were prepared by school teachers.

2. Teams answer in turn, choosing any of the questions proposed to them:

  • from the field of mathematics;
  • from the field of history or social science;
  • from the field of chemistry;
  • from the field of Russian language or literature;
  • from the field of physics;
  • from the field of biology or geography.

3. One minute is allotted to think about the question.

4. For a correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

5. If a team does not give the correct answer, then other teams can answer. For a correct answer to an opponent’s question, the team receives 0.5 points.

6. The team with the most points is considered the winner.

7. If, based on the results of the game, several teams scored the same number

points, then a “Blitz Poll” is conducted: the presenter asks each team the same number of questions in turn, and 20 seconds are given to think about it.

8. The results of the game are recorded in the protocol.

9. Summing up the game. Awarding the winners.

Protocol of the results of the game “What? Where? When? And why?

Question no. Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4
№ 1
Answers to your opponents' questions
№ 2
Answers to your opponents' questions
№ 3
Answers to your opponents' questions
№ 4
Answers to your opponents' questions
№ 5
Answers to your opponents' questions
№ 6
Answers to your opponents' questions
Bottom line
Answers to additional questions
Game summary

Questions for Team 1.

1. What mathematical term means the word “music” translated from Greek?

Answer. Proportion.

2. Who was the first of the Russian sovereigns to issue a personal decree on the rules of driving in the city?

Answer. Anna Ioanovna.

My first syllable is swept away with a broom,
The informant counts with the second syllable.
In general, I will say, dear friends,
For many patients, I use it instead of sugar.
Name the substance.

Answer. Sorbitol.

4. “Happy people don’t watch the clock.” Name the author.

Answer. A. Griboyedov.

5. If you want to cool a pan of water as quickly as possible to room temperature, is it better to place ice on the bottom or on top of the pan?

Answer. When cooling, colder layers of water, being heavier, sink down. Therefore, if you place ice at the bottom, there will be no mixing, and cooling will take a very long time. For faster cooling, ice should be placed on top.

6. Name the dry valleys in the Sahara, the bottoms of which fill only during heavy rainfalls.

Answer. Wadi.

Questions for Team 2.

1. The motto of the work submitted to the competition of the Paris Academy of Sciences was: “Say what you know, do what you must, be...”. Finish the sentence.

Answer. ...What to be.

2. What word do Italians use to express admiration, and in the 18th century was this used to call a hitman?

Answer. Bravo.

3. What silver salt is used in medicine?

Answer. AgNO3.

4. “Oh great, mighty, truthful Russian language!” Name the author.

Answer. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

5. Is it possible to extinguish burning kerosene by pouring water on it (the density of kerosene is less than the density of water)?

Answer. It is forbidden. The water will sink down and will not block the access of air (which supports combustion) to the kerosene.

6. Why do the Red, White and Yellow Seas have colored names?

Answer. In the Red Sea, the water is red - the result of a bloom of microscopic blue-green algae. The White Sea owes its name to the ice with which it is covered for more than two hundred days a year. Yellow Sea – yellow gives color

silt that is carried away by rivers.

Questions for Team 3.

1. Which female mathematician was the daughter of the famous English poet?

Answer. Ada Byron - Countess Lovelace.

2. The Mongol commander Subedey did not allow anyone to touch him, but once in Moscow he even allowed himself to be beaten. Where? To whom?

Answer. In the bathhouse, to the bathhouse attendant.

3. What substance, widespread in nature, decomposes under the influence of fluorine?

Answer. Water.

4. What two words are short but require deep thought?

Answer. Not really.

Answer. The flight range of a bullet depends, other things being equal, on the initial speed of the bullet (speed at takeoff). If the gun is suspended, it will lean back and the initial speed will be less and, therefore, the bullet will not fly as far as in the case of a gun mounted motionless.

6. When storing potato tubers, their weight decreases by spring. Explain why?

Answer. Living cells consume organic substances during respiration and evaporate water, so the mass of tubers decreases.

Questions for Team 4.

1. What theorem was called the “bride’s theorem” in the old days?

Answer. Pythagorean theorem.

2. What is the name of the Egyptian about whom Hegel said: “He is a symbol of symbolism.”

Answer. Sphinx.

3. What explains the fact that in Rus', unlike Western Europe and the East, there were no alchemists or alchemy?

Answer. There was money in Rus'.

4. “I met you - and everything that was before came to life in my obsolete heart.” Name the author.

Answer. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

5. Why do the windows of houses seem dark during the day, i.e. darker than the exterior walls, even if the walls are painted dark?

Answer. Because the reflection of light from the wall is always greater than the reflection from transparent ones, i.e. windows letting in light.

6. In the swampy areas of the tundra, many plants suffer from lack of moisture. What is this connected with?

Answer. Cold water is poorly absorbed by plants, as root pressure decreases and suction force decreases.

Quick poll.

  • Name the French oceanographer (a person who studies the problems of the world's oceans) and the name of his vessel.

Answer. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, “Calypso”.

  • A person has 10 fingers. How many fingers are there on ten hands?
  • Which scientist is the author of chemical language?
  • In an Egyptian pyramid, a number is inscribed on a tomb that is evenly divisible by all numbers from 1 to 10 inclusive. Name this number.

Answer. 2520.

  • Is it possible to get closer to the horizon line?

Answer. It is impossible to get closer due to the spherical shape of the Earth.

  • Which Russian princess first became the French queen?

Answer. Anna, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise.

  • What is greater: the product of all the numbers or their sum?

Answer. Sum.

  • What type of art do the following names belong to: Charles Gounod, Camille Saint-Saëns, Adolphe Adam, Hector Berlioz, Georges Bizet, Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel.

Answer. Music.

  • What does a knitting needle have to do with trigonometry?

Answer. The term “radian” comes from the Latin word “radius” - spoke, beam.

  • “An angel flew across the midnight sky...” Name the author.

Answer. Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov.

  • In the sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaohs, two straight lines intersect, what did they mean?

Answer. The Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

For 5th – 6th grades.

Teacher of ShSR “Alter”:

Sabitova N.G.


The game is played in the form of a brain ring between three teams. The age of the players is 5th – 6th grade. There are 6 people in the team.


· 2 cubes (on the sides of one cube there are numbers from 1 to 6, on the sides of the other cube there are colors: green, red, blue, yellow, orange and white);

· colored plates with the name of the subject: green - biology and geography; blue – logic; red – mathematics; yellow – history; orange – Kazakh, English languages; white – Russian language and literature;

· a set of questions by subject;

· emblems for players;

· signal cards;

· questions to play with the audience.

Rules of the game:

· The game is played up to 6 points scored by one of the teams.

· The order of play of the teams is determined by drawing lots.

· The team players take turns rolling the dice, determining the question number and the color of the item.

· The right to be the first to answer is given to the team playing the round. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point. If the team cannot give an answer, then the right to answer is given to the fans. For the fans' correct answer, the team receives 0.5 points.

· If both the team and the fans do not give the correct answer, then the right to give the correct answer passes to the team that first raised the signal card. In this case, the team receives 0.3 points for a correct answer.


Dear viewers, we have gathered with you today at game of three teams of experts.

Very often we hear that school science is boring. They are not boring - they are just very serious.

From the first years of life until old age, a person constantly turns to numbers, figures, rules, and concepts that he learned at school. When he wakes up, he usually remembers what day it is, what time he needs to go to school or work, and when he will return home. Every morning he looks at the thermometer to determine whether the day will be warm or cold and put on appropriate clothing. During the day, he needs to repeatedly calculate how much something costs, how much he needs to pay or receive, and before preparing dinner, he will have to measure out how much cereal, butter, and flour to take. They measure in spoons, glasses, liters, grams, centimeters, hours, minutes. While traveling, determines the route to follow using the geographic data of the destination. Once in another country, he uses all the means of communication available to him - facial expressions, gestures, and above all - language. Using the basics of school subjects has become so common and natural for us that we forget: once upon a time people, our ancestors, did not know any of this and, apparently, discovered science with great difficulty and for a long time. Today we will take a short trip through school subjects. And teams of experts will help us with this.

Today we are playing a game: “What? Where? When?". And I invite teams of 5/1, 5/2 and 6 classes to the tables. Let's meet the teams. (Welcome and introduction of teams of experts)

Math questions:

1. Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) plays with you

Kovalevskaya is an outstanding Russian mathematician; the world's first woman professor and corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1888, S. Kovalevskaya completed her scientific work - “The problem of the rotation of a rigid body around a fixed point.”

The natural and oldest measure of length is the step. However, to measure large distances in ancient times, other measures were also used. For example, the ancient Roman mile was equal to 1,000 steps.

IN Ancient Rus' The following units of length were used:

oblique fathom (248 cm) – the distance from the toes of the left foot to the end of the fingers of the raised right hand;

fly fathom (176 cm) - the distance between the ends of the fingers of hands spread to the sides.

Attention, question: Dear experts, what was the distance from the end of the fingers to the elbow of the bent arm called?

Answer: Elbow.

2. Playing with you is Leonty Filippovich Magnitsky (1669-1739), the first teacher of mathematics and marine sciences in Russia, who had an original mathematical talent.

Attention question:Dear experts – Blitz sector:

1). The shortest distance from a point to a line. (Perpendicular)

2). Lilies grew on the lake. Every day their number doubled, and on the 20th day the entire lake was overgrown. On what day was half the lake overgrown? (On the 19th)

3). How many days are there in summer vacation? (92)

3. Euclid is playing with you - Ancient Greekmathematician , author of the first theoretical treatise on mathematics that has come down to us.Attention question:

“Mono” “di” “poly” is in Greek;

“uni” “bi” “multi” - this is in Latin.

How would it be in Russian?

Answer: One, two, many.

4. Dear experts - Blitz sector:

1. What shaft is depicted in Aivazovsky’s painting? (Ninth wave)

2. A city consisting of 101 names. (Seva-sto Pol)

3. Three hens will lay three eggs in three days. How many eggs will 6 hens lay in 6 days? (12 eggs)

5. Hans Christian Andersen plays with you.

The name of this ancient unit of length served as the name of a fairy-tale heroine.

Attention question:

What is this unit of length?

Who is this heroine?

Answer: Inch. Thumbelina.

6. Mathematics teacher T.S. Grigorieva plays. and Sabitova N.G.

In ancient times there was no such term. It was introduced in the 17th century by the French mathematician François Viète, and translated from Latin it means “spoke of the wheel.” What is this?

Answer: Radius

Questions on biology and geography

1. Played by geography teacher Chalapko L.M.

This is the only point in the northern hemisphere that does not participate in the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis. There is no change of day and night, no longitude, no east, west and north direction, and any point on the Earth’s surface is located in relation to it only in one direction. All meridians pass through this point.

Attention, question: What is this point?

(North Pole)

2. Thor Heyerdahl plays with you - famous traveler, anthropologist, author of many popular science books.
Sector "Blitz":

3) A part of the ocean or sea that extends deep into the land. Here the tide height reaches its maximum. (Bay)

3. Attention, black box!

Some of you have THIS. At one time, the church forbade the use of THIS, since IT distorts reality. Name an item that has been seriously competing with THIS lately.


4. The “black box” contains the fruit, consumed fresh, dried and soaked. This fruit belongs to a plant of the dicotyledonous class. Its wild ancestors grow in the Caucasus and Central Asia. The plant is cross-pollinated, very frost-resistant, can withstand frosts down to -30 degrees Celsius! The fruits are healthy and contain substances that remove heavy metals from the body. The southern capital of Kazakhstan is named after this fruit. What fruits are we talking about?

(About apples)

5. plays with you Christopher Columbus- Italian traveler, navigator. One of the South American countries, Colombia, is named after him. It is traditionally believed that it was he who discovered America for Europeans. Attention, "Black Box"!

The “black box” contains a talisman that medieval knights wore on their chests. He was credited with a miraculous property: supposedly he was able to protect a warrior from arrows and sword blows. The philosophers of antiquity, cutting this mysterious object crosswise, explained to their students the structure of the Universe, i.e. it was a visual aid for studying astronomy. At all times and among all peoples, medicinal properties were attributed to it, and in the Middle Ages they claimed that even its smell protects against disease. And in our time, it is used to prevent colds, and they even smear their heads with its juice to make their hair grow thicker.

Attention, question! What's in the black box?


6. Dear experts! What substance did the French pilot and writer Antoine De Sainte - Exupery write a hymn to: “You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are life itself." This is the most common substance on Earth.


History questions

1. Played by history teacher Isina A.S.

Sector "Blitz"

1) Nowadays, no one has a question: what to write on? Of course, on paper. What did the ancient Egyptians write on? (Papyrus)

2) This Saka queen ordered Cyrus's head to be placed in a bag filled with blood. (Tomyris)

3) Name the first period of the Stone Age (Paleolithic)

2. The black box contains what in German means “sample” and in Greek means “papyrus for writing.” They can be geographical, administrative, political, economic - schoolchildren, travelers, and the military cannot do without them.

What's in the black box?


3. The question is asked by history teacher Isina A.S. Attention to the screen! Here is a unique architectural monument of ancient Russian architecture, which is located in Russia, in Karelia, on the island of Kizhi. In one minute, name an item that is necessary in the construction of such structures, but which was not used in the construction of this architectural monument.


4. Attention, “black box”. IN Ancient Rome taxes were due on the first day of each month. The first month of the year was called “calenda” by the ancient Romans. Debts were recorded in special debt books. In the black box lies one of these debt books. Attention, question: What is in the black box?


5. Sector "Blitz"

1) Image of God in the form of a figurine (Idol)

2) Burials in the Bronze Age (Mounds)

3) Upper wooden dome of the yurt (Shanyrak)

6. Sector "Blitz"

1) One of the first tools of ancient man (Chopper)

2) The “Golden Man” was found in the famous Saki monument... (Issyk)

3) Name of the New Stone Age (Neolithic)

Logic questions

1. The school has 400 students. How many students have the same birthday?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. Since the number of days in a year is less than 400; 365 (or 366) students may have birthdays on different days of the year, and everyone else will have their birthdays coincide with the first.

Answer: 35 people will match.

2. In 1900, January 1 was Monday. What day of the week was January 1, 1995?

(Thinking time 2 min.)

Solution. If the year is not a leap year, then it shifts the day of the week by 1 (365: 7 = 52 ost 1).

From 1900 to 1994 inclusive, 94 years passed, and 23 of them were leap years; the day of the week moved, taking into account the seven-day period, by 5 days ((94 + 23) : 7 = 16 ost 5). Therefore, January 1, 1995 fell on a Sunday.

Answer: Sunday.

3. There are two vessels with a capacity of 3 liters and 5 liters. How can you use them to get 4 liters of water from a tap?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. 1st transfusion: pour 3 liters from a 5-liter vessel into a 3-liter vessel, 2 liters of water remain in it.

2nd transfer: pour 2 liters of water from a 5-liter vessel into a 3-liter vessel. 1 liter of water is missing from the top.

3rd transfer: from a full 5-liter vessel, add 1 liter of water to a 3-liter vessel. There will be 4 liters of water left in a 5-liter container.

4. . A vessel filled to the top with water has a mass of 5 kg, and a vessel half filled has a mass of 3 kg and 500 g. How much water does the vessel hold?

(Thinking time 1 min.)

Solution. 5 kg – 3kg 500g = 1kg 500g is the mass of half the water in the vessel. Then the mass of all the water in the vessel is exactly 2 times greater, that is, 3 kg. Answer: 3 kg.

5. A snail climbs up a 10-meter-high pole. During the day it rises by 5 meters, and at night it drops by 4 meters. How many days will it take for the snail to reach the top of the pillar?

Answer: 6 days

6. Question:In a square dance hall, you need to arrange 10 chairs along the walls so that there are equal numbers of chairs against each wall. How to do this?


Questions on Russian language and literature.

1. Sector “Blitz”: Name the fairy tale:

1) “A soldier walked along the road: “One-two, one-two!” A satchel behind my back, a saber on my side...” (“Ognivo”)

2) “He heard one amazing story, full of exciting adventures, from a swallow...” (“Thumbelina”)

3) “His mother is an old tin spoon, and he has 24 brothers...” (“The Steadfast Tin Soldier”)

2. Dear experts, Hans Christian Andersen is playing with you: “One of my fairy tales describes an effective test for identifying membership in the royal family. This 'test' is in a black box."

Attention, question: What test are we talking about?


3. Solve examples from grammatical arithmetic. In your answers you should come up with words denoting the names of the birds.

1) Karo + so (Soroka)

2) Flag + monica – ka (Flamingo)

3) Poison + body – o (Woodpecker)

4) Gol + willow (Oriole)

5) Ditch + section – ia (Starling)

6) Salo + dot – o (Swallow)

4. Dear experts, Russian language teacher E.N. Vodopyanova is playing with you:

Solve the charades:

1) Between conjunction and preposition

Put on a heavenly phenomenon

And three composed syllables

They will give a fence or a barrier (O-grad-a)

2) My first syllable is on a tree

My second syllable is a conjunction.

But in general I am matter,

And I'm fit for a suit. (Cloth)

5. Cartoon break!

(Series of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”)

6. Sector “Blitz”: Answer the questions with a proverb or saying:

1) Whose soul is in darkness? (Alien soul - darkness)

2) To what metal can silence be compared? (Word is silver, silence is gold)

3) What does money love? (Money loves the account)

Questions on English and Kazakh languages

1. What makes the offer unique?

“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”?

(It uses all 26 letters of the alphabet)

2. What's interesting about the word " racecar"?

(It is read the same from left to right and from right to left)

3. Which word can English poets never find a rhyme for?

a) month

B) lake

c) house

d) town


4. Name the word English language where they meet three double letters in a row.

(B ookkee per)

5. Sector "Blitz"

1) What is the difference between fairy tales and legends? (The legend describes events that took place once upon a time)

2) Name a fairy tale in which a cat paid with its tail for a rash act. (“Makta kyz ben mysyk”)

3) Name the cunning man who managed to get ten choice sheep from the bai for a gnawed bone. (Aldar Kose)

6. Musical break

Playing with spectators

1. Guess the antiphrases. Well-known proverbs serve as clues.

1) The evil proposal is disgusting for the dog too. (A kind word also pleases the cat)

2) The night is short from the morning if you are full of worries. (It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do)

3) Started idleness - work cowardly. (If you've done the job, go for a walk)

4) You can cut through weak enmity with a saw. ( Strong friendship you can't cut it with an ax)

5) You can't sell stupidity for dollars. (Money can't buy intelligence)

6) Generosity is the end of rare happiness. (Greed is the beginning of all grief)

2. Guess the charades:

1) The first three letters are a siren signal,

And the last two are a pretext.

The whole thing - everyone saw it in the forest

And burned it in the stove in winter. (Pine)

2) You will add a preposition to the building,

but in general you will melt the ore (House - on)

3) The first syllable is among the notes,

The second is on the dance floor,

All together - a root crop,

Ripening in the garden. (Re – pa)

3. Ancient man (Australopithecus)

4. The oldest religious concept (Totemism)

5. The first cohesive permanent team of relatives (Rod)

6. The main condition for human development (Labor)

7. Ancient Greek historian (Herodotus)

8. Material for covering and insulating yurts (Koshma)

9. A woman turns to someone in your class and says, “I am your mother, but you are not my son.” What would that mean? (She addresses the girl.)

10. 1% of one thousand rubles? (10 rubles)

11. Unit of speed at sea? (node)

12. Is it possible to get zero when multiplying numbers? (yes, if one of the factors is zero)

13. What is 1 pood equal to? (16 kg)

14. How many vertices does a cube have? (8)

15. How many steps does the staircase have, where the middle step is the eighth? (15)

16. Multiply the number of continents by the number of oceans. What did you get? (24)

17. A rooster standing on one leg weighs 3 kg. How much does he weigh standing on two legs? (3 kg)

Oksana Khaleeva

Mind game: "What? Where? When

Preliminary work:

Vocabulary work: elitist, experts, intelligence, is fixed.

Preparing attributes for the game.

Selection of musical repertoire, conversations about the seasons, days of the week, decision mathematical problems, guessing riddles, games, reading works.

Materials and equipment: round table with sectors, top with arrow, computer, disk with music repertoire, envelopes with tasks, medals, "black" box, gong with hammer, hourglass, prize "Wise Owl", treble clef, emoticons, jury chairs, pens, blank sheets, counting sticks, money, brilliant green, balloon, camera, video filming, drawings: owls, snails, "5 differences", watch.


Improving and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities acquired previously;

Learn to follow the rules and the ability to listen to answers and supplement them;

Improve monologue and dialogic speech.



Develop speed of reaction, quick wits, resourcefulness, logical thinking;

Improve the ability to answer clearly, clearly, It's clear: a complete, evidence-based answer;

Activate thinking with the help of educational didactic games;

Develop ingenuity, speed of reaction, erudition;

Exercise children in solving logical problems.


Teach children to work in a microgroup, cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and opponents in the game;

Encourage children to freely communicate;

Foster a sense of satisfaction from working together.

Musical pauses perform the following functions:

1. Entertaining – create a favorable atmosphere;

2. Relaxation – relieve tension caused by negative emotions, overload of muscles, nervous system, brain;

3. Educational – forms moral and ethical qualities;

4. Educational – to give new knowledge, abilities, skills and consolidate them;

5. Corrective – "correct" emotional, behavioral and other problems of the child;

6. Preventive – prevent the occurrence of mental illnesses;

7. Healing – the beneficial effects of physical exercise in combination with artistic expression are repeatedly absorbed.

Progress of the game

Today is April 16th. Moscow time 9 hours 30 minutes. And we are starting a live broadcast of the spring series game "What? Where? When(music sounds "What is our life - game)

Hello, dear guests, fans and participants of the game. We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club "What? Where? When.

Today we have gathered for an unusual holiday - a holiday of intelligence, ingenuity, resourcefulness, competition and mutual assistance. Each game, as you know, has its own rules. Allowed: think, listen, discuss, answer and reason. Prohibited: quarrel, make noise, grumble, interrupt each other, shout.

I suggest the participants divide into 2 teams (take out emoticons of 2 colors from the bag, come up with a name, choose a captain.

Now everything is ready and you can start. I invite the players to take their places to the applause of the audience. Each team is invited to the round table.

And now I will introduce you to another team - a team of a fair and objective jury, which will have to make difficult, very important decisions today (jury presentation).

After the end of the game, the expert jury, after consulting, will decide which of you, with their work and intelligence, will deservedly receive the main prize of our game "Wise Owl", who will follow the game with her keen eye.

Let's get acquainted with the rules games:

1. Team captains take turns going to the central table and spinning the top. (music sounds).

2. The arrow of the top points to the sector with the envelope. And questions for us were prepared by all of our favorite cartoon and fairy tale characters. They hid their tricky questions and difficult tasks in envelopes on our playing field.

3. The team discusses the answer options. This is given 2 (3) minutes. Time is recorded using an hourglass.

4. After the beep (strike the gong) The teams begin to discuss. One of the players chosen by the captain or the captain himself answers.

5. If during the answer the team players give hints or make noise, then the team is not given a point.

6. In one of the envelopes there are as many as 7 questions - this is BLITZ - questions that team captains must quickly answer. If they do not answer at least one question, a point is awarded to the team of fairy-tale heroes.

So let's start the game! Dear players, I wish you great success in the upcoming game.

1. Envelope from Leopold the cat.

The question is asked by the cat Leopold. There are a lot of watches in my collection, but my head was spinning like the hands of a clock. Please help me find just the right watch (5 options, 1 of which is correct). The watches are all the same.

2. BLITZ - questions from Carlson.

How many months are there in a year? (12)

How many angles does a circle have?

How many ears do three mice have? (6)

How many horns do two cows have? (4)

Name Tuesday's neighbors.

How many tails do 4 cats have? (4)

Who is called "ship of the desert"?

Musical break

Song "Why Chicks"

3. "Question - answer" from Thumbelina.

How many legs does a spider have?

Construction across the river (bridge)

What insect has ears on its legs?

How many legs does a beetle have? (6)

Without what can you catch a fish from a pond? (without difficulty)

On a plate there is a bun -

Golden hot side

And the plate is blue,

No end in sight (sun and sky)

A bird with a cross beak (crossbill)

There are 6 large cones and 2 small ones on the birch tree. How many cones are there on a birch tree? (none)

Who bites a mosquito or a mosquito?

4. Assignment from Winnie the Pooh.

In 2 minutes, place one animal from the counting sticks.

Musical break

Physical education minute “I can do this too”

5. Questions from Pinocchio.

What is a newborn's vehicle called? (stroller)

Does the cartoon kitten Woof bark or yap? (meows)

On the leg - the knee, and on the hand? (elbow)

Where does this happen? A person is standing, but the ladder is walking? (in the subway)

He lives with three eyes, blinks in turn, as he blinks, he will restore order (traffic light)

Small, round, but you can’t lift it by the tail (clew)

Aunt Fedosya dyed the ears of corn,

There are leaves on the maple, brushes on the mountain ash (autumn).

Black box

There is a bathhouse in the belly,

There is a sieve in the nose,

There is a navel on the head

Just one hand

And the one on the back (Kettle)

6. Assignment from Cinderella. "Find 5 differences"

7. Assignment from Parrot Kesha "Guess what's encrypted".

Connect the owl and the snail using the dots with the numbers.

8. Assignment from Aibolit “Guess the words based on their signs”.

We'll help you guess the words by signs:

Knitted, leather, working, warm (Mittens)

Mushroom, pouring, drizzling (Rain)

Slippery, fragrant, bathing (Soap)

Deep, shallow, porcelain (Plate)

Orange, watermelon, crispy (Crust)

Musical break

Song “There is constant noise and commotion in our house...”

Black box

1. They had the same names, but some were carnivores, while others were herbivores (Dinosaurs)

2. They are made of paper and metal. Some people have a lot of them, others have few. IN different countries they are called differently. What is this? (Money)

3. I help all people

I protect from germs

I live in a bubble

I'm friends with a cotton swab

If you get hurt

We will cope with trouble. (Zelyonka)

4. Round, smooth like a watermelon

Any color, for different tastes.

If you let me off the leash

Will fly away beyond the clouds (Ball)

5. Interesting, who is this

Came from an egg?

All green, unlike an ordinary chick.

We told him: "Hello!"

Look - he has teeth (Crocodile)

Our game over. While the jury is summing up the results, our experts give everyone present a dance called "3 pillars".

The winning team is announced (awarded "Wise Owl").

Congratulations on your victory! You have proven to everyone that you are savvy, smart, and funny guys, you know a lot, and you know how to answer quickly. I want to praise you for your patience and ability to listen to each other. I think this knowledge will be very useful to you at school. Well done!

Wise Owl is very pleased with your answers and asks to give you medals.

You sat and played

And I hope you're not bored

But it's over game -

It's time for us to part.

And let's say goodbye

Let's say together...

