What to do in the game world of tanks. World of Tanks: secrets

The World of Tanks game is notable for the fact that it does not require the player to have only the most powerful military equipment; those who know the features of their own and others’ tanks, as well as those who can make informed decisions in battle, have an advantage. Now on the Internet there are many guides, tips and recommendations that will certainly help you understand general principles effective game, however, only your experience - victories and defeats - can make you a real tank ace. It is important not only to shoot accurately, but also to calculate situations in advance.

There are many nuances to the game that should be taken into account. Today we will discuss the fundamental aspects of combat in WoT, the information will be useful, first of all, to beginners.

After you have chosen a tank and clicked “battle”, you should calculate your first actions, 20-30 seconds before the battle, when the map loads and other players join, you should look at where your base is, this will determine further actions - whether you will stand on the defensive or rush to the attack. The class of vehicle you have chosen also plays an important role: on a tank, and even more so on an artillery vehicle, rapid attacks will not work - these combat vehicles are not for such actions; on LT you need to “shine” in any case; when playing on a medium tank, you need to proceed from the actions of the team - ride as support for the heavy tanks, or rush to the flanks; if you are playing on a heavy tank, then you are the main striking and defensive force, immediately decide with your team whether you are attacking or defending.

The team itself also plays a huge role, look at the list of equipment of your opponents and “yours”, the number of artefacts, weights, etc., try to briefly draw up an action plan for the battle in the chat. Of course, in random battles it is sometimes difficult to meet adequate people, but you still try, 2-3 sane team members can effectively drag out the battle.

The battle has begun and the players are gradually starting to disperse, it all depends on the class of equipment you are playing on, you should not stand “in the bushes”, if you are a LT, it is better to start “shine” the enemy equipment for your art; if you are a tank destroyer, then it is better to take a secluded place behind cover for unnoticed firing; if you play on art, then drive further to the borders of the map and choose an effective area for firing; in case you chose TTs or medium tanks, wait a couple of moments to figure out where your team members went. The main thing here is not to be a coward and not to go to where there are more allied tanks, look at the map and evaluate which area has enough equipment and which requires your help.

Look at the mini-map more often, because it will tell you what is happening beyond your visibility, and based on the situation, you can plan your actions in battle.

We won’t talk about the contractions themselves, because... they are individual and depend on many parameters, the main of which are the player’s experience and knowledge of his own and enemy equipment. Look in the chat more often, there can sometimes be quite reasonable suggestions on tactics from other players, also, if possible, come to the aid of your allies.

At the end of the battle, you need to look at the remaining players in the ranks, if your team prevails on the battlefield, then you should break through to the opponent’s base, but if you are outnumbered, then you need to think about further actions, it is quite possible that the players will need to return to effectively defend their base.

In this article, we looked at the basics of random battle in WoT; these tips are not a panacea or a secret to victory, but rather food for thought with subsequent implementation into practice. The mini-map in the game is of great importance; look at it often, it serves as the main source of information in battle. And don’t “pray” to the statue! Don’t pay attention to these numbers, just get experience and enjoy the game at the initial stage, the statistics will not improve immediately, but gradually. The main thing is to gain experience, fight 1-2 thousand fights and understand the strengths and weaknesses different classes technology.

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World of Tanks is the most popular multiplayer game project, which is associated with the use of military equipment of the Second World War. This development has captured the interest of many fans of interactive entertainment, and to this day it is gaining popularity around the world, allowing new users into its virtual battlefields. Accordingly, the first question they ask is: “How to play World of Tanks correctly?” It’s not surprising, because absolutely every game has its own rules, capabilities and main goal that you need to know to achieve success. Therefore, we will now look at what this game project is and what needs to be done in it.

Game conditions

So, first of all, World of Tanks is a multiplayer combat arcade game. Before answering the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly, it is worth understanding the conditions of the game. In it, users must fight in groups of 15 people.

Both teams achieve their goal: destroy all opponents or capture the base. This can be done in any way, using tactics, the power of technology and cunning in combat. But you shouldn’t think that everything is so simple, because each player is an integral part of a virtual battle that can change the outcome of the battle. You should always remember this and not relax. Know that victory can only be achieved through team action. Therefore, the first answer to the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly is the intention to be active in the team. No solo runs or heroics. Act to help your allies, and they will respond in kind, and together you will achieve victory in any battle.

Main task

The main goal of this game project is to enjoy fighting and collecting military equipment. There is no ending provided, the game has a collectible and competitive bias, so there is no need to rush anywhere. You have the opportunity to open vehicles, ride them, play, fighting for territories on global map, join clans and much more.

Have fun, enjoy the new equipment and keep track of your statistics, they serve as virtual The second answer to the question of how to play World of Tanks correctly is this statement: have fun, and you will succeed.

Basic rules

But we should not forget that even in virtual worlds there are rules. They allow you to maintain order and interest in what is happening. The rules of the game in World of Tanks are quite simple: you must do everything to win, do not interfere with others, achieve the goal (meaning allies) and behave appropriately, without violating the norms of communication. All these requirements are specified in user agreement project, which you can familiarize yourself with at any time. It is not recommended to break the rules, as this is punishable and entails not so serious, but unpleasant consequences.

Help from developers

To learn to feel confident on the battlefield, destroy several opponents at once and be able to correctly pull out the most difficult battles, you should contact the developers themselves, or rather, their official website.

Are you interested in the World of Tank project? How to play? The developers actively support this direction, and today the company has dozens of specialists involved in creating videos who can not only teach how to play any technique correctly, but also organize an excursion into history, tell various tricks of combat and simply provide invaluable experience. which is directly related to this game project. Watch videos, learn and become a professional virtual tanker. You will definitely succeed!

Belarusian online game World of Tanks (WOT), or simply put, tanks, has captured the minds of not only Russian-speaking gamers, but also many foreign shooting enthusiasts. It would seem that everyone knows how to play, but there are also those (yes, don’t be surprised) who are just beginning to learn amazing Mira Tanks. Three basic tips especially for beginners.

1. Always face the enemy in World of Tanks

Let's take this situation: on the way to your position there is a terrible section, overcoming that you are exposing your side to the opponent, and we will try to reduce the chance of damage to the domestic tank. To do this, you need to turn the tank's turret in the direction of the enemy's likely position, in other words, you need to look in the direction from which it is scary. From this the title “Facing Fear.”

For example, the Malinovka map. Right away, at the beginning of the battle there is a huge danger of exposure, and you need to go to the flank, to the forest. We turn the tower towards the field and drive until it is safe. Or the second example, on the Utes map. If you are going to occupy the balcony, then in squares F4-F4 or E4-E5 there is a huge danger that they can open up on you, and if you turn the tower towards your opponent, then the chance of reaching the position intact will be greater.

Also on city maps, when driving through the spans between buildings, it is better to turn the tower to the side from where they can shoot at you. By following this advice, you will receive a sequence of advantages: firstly, you expose the strongest part of the tank to the shot - this is the gun mantlet, which, in most cases, is more difficult to penetrate than any other part of the tank. Secondly, you reduce the silhouette of the tank itself, since the smaller the visible area, the less chance of being hit, since it is best not to ricochet and not to penetrate, but while the ammunition flies past. Thirdly, the gun is already pointed towards the enemy and when it is spotted, you will not need to waste time turning the turret to fire, you just have to aim and shoot more correctly, without risking hitting right away, quickly overcoming the terrible area.

2. Fighting from around a corner in World of Tanks

The advice is addressed to drivers of heavy armor, despite the fact that it is applicable to almost any vehicle. The message will be sent about how to correctly come out from around the corner or the news of a shootout. It is very easy to come out from around the corner correctly; before rolling out into the area under fire, you need to choose such a trajectory of movement so that the opponent does not see your side. Driving sideways around a corner, exposing the side, is unacceptable. In addition to everything else, you can fall into the “roller trap” that we told you about in the last issue and your battle will be over.

If you are defending a position, exchanging fire over an obstacle, then the most effective method will be tanking on the side. To do this, you need to lean against the corner or the very edge of the obstacle with your forehead, then make an angle of about 15 degrees and move back a little. Your task is to force an unrestrained or not very skilled player to shoot at your side at a very acute angle, which will certainly lead to a ricochet or failure to penetrate, due to the fact that the ammunition will need to penetrate the armor not across, but along its length, which makes it many times thicker, as a rule, except for the opportunity to break through it.

After the opponent or opponents are discharged, you need to drive back a little more, so you can shoot yourself, as before, showing the side of the frontal armor to your opponent at an acute angle. After the shot, return to the starting position, wait for reloading and repeat the technique. Using this advice, you will be able to exchange fire with opponents of superior strength without actually risking your strength, defend your position for a long time, holding back your opponents from attacking, and at the end of the battle enjoy the “Metal Wall” medal.

3. Hit invisible and shoot in World of Tanks

There is a method by shooting from bushes to remain unnoticed by the enemy, but first a little about the mechanics of the game. After the shot, all bushes within a radius of 15 meters stop camouflaging you within a few seconds, and in order to avoid exposure you need to be at a greater distance at the time of the shot. Finding out the required distance from the bush is very easy when sniper scope the bush through which you are looking becomes opaque, then the distance is more than 15 meters and it is possible to shoot without fear of exposure.

To increase the effectiveness of this method of invisibility shooting, you need to stop when the bushes are still transparent, but having moved 1-2 meters away, they become impenetrable, in this position you can independently illuminate the enemy. After the enemy is illuminated by you, it will glow for at least 8 seconds, this time is just enough to give a little back, thereby not greatly increasing the spread of the sight, and after the bushes become impenetrable, immediately stop, move down and shoot.

By following this advice, you gain a sequence of advantages: firstly, after the shot you remain invisible, which means that you will not be hit back, and you can do this technique more than once. Secondly, you work on your own exposure, which means you will not need to share the experience and silver earned for effective shots with your allies.

The complexity of this method is that you are not shooting at a visible opponent, but at his silhouette through an opaque bush, and you need to be careful, taking into account which specific part of the opponent’s tank is open to hitting, since the silhouette is shown to you completely independently, which is visible, for example, just a tower.

It is complex and multifaceted, so it is not always easy for beginners to understand all its intricacies.

What should you do first?

First you need to learn all the classes of equipment and understand how each of them should behave on the battlefield. In total, there are five classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks game, each of which is suitable for a specific combat style.

Heavy tanks (TT). The most armored vehicles in the game have the greatest safety margin and do not have much mobility. TTs perform best at close ranges. TT is the main impact force your team, since strong armor and good weapons are never superfluous. Tanks of this class are great for beginners, as they can forgive even the most stupid mistakes, thanks to their armor and durability.

Medium tanks (MT). Fast vehicles capable of changing flanks at lightning speed. The ST's guns don't do a lot of damage, but their rate of fire is very high. Continuous shooting is the main guarantee of victory for the ST. Tanks of this class easily hit everyone else's vulnerable sides and stern, can knock vehicles off their tracks and easily destroy them. The ST platoon is the most formidable force in the team, capable of not only pushing through an entire direction, but also intercepting light tanks, capturing or defending a base, and destroying artillery.

Light tanks (LT). The most mobile vehicles in the game, they are small in size and have the best visibility among all classes. The main task of the LT is to destroy enemy artillery, slow tanks and tank destroyers. In addition to these tasks, light tanks perform a number of others, such as highlighting enemies to allies so that they deal damage. LTs have a small margin of safety, rather mediocre weapons, and they have no armor at all. It should be said that LTs are the most difficult class in the game, so it is not recommended for beginners to upgrade them; LTs do not forgive players’ mistakes.

Tank destroyer. This class of equipment is designed for shooting from a long distance. Most tank destroyers do not have a turret, which makes them vulnerable in close combat. However, they have excellent camouflage and powerful weapons with high accuracy, armor penetration, and damage.

Self-propelled guns. Artillery or self-propelled guns is a support class that deals damage to the enemy in an arc - “from above”. Artillery has the least strength, it has no armor at all, and no turret. It is only effective when it is not visible to the enemy, because one shot can end the game for an artilleryman. The guns of the self-propelled guns are monstrous; they fire mainly land mines, which, if penetrated, can destroy a tank with one shot.

Which tanks to upgrade first?

Having figured out gameplay, you can start choosing a branch for pumping. Any professional player will say that it is not for beginners better branches, rather than Soviet branch TT. Why? Let's find out!

Already at level 5, players receive the KV-1 - one of the most powerful vehicles at the level, with the best all-round armor at the level, low speed and powerful guns, with high one-time damage. Many opponents simply do not penetrate the KV-1, so newcomers live on it for quite a long time, which allows them to bring more benefit to the team. Tanks up to level 5 are nothing special, but more high level more interesting.

After KV-1 you should download . This is a very dynamic vehicle, with average armor, an excellent weapon with good alpha and high damage per minute. At level 7 there is a legend - IS. The brave “heavy” has the coolest weapon in terms of damage, which is capable of destroying 390 points of strength on average in one shot. And the IS’s armor allows it to withstand the shots of its “classmates”, and gives it the opportunity to ricochet from more serious enemies. The speed of the IS is also not lame. It is followed by one of the most popular tanks in the game - the IS-3. This war chariot has one of the best weapons at level 8, with the same alpha, great penetration, and its armor and good speed allow it to play with even level 10 tanks.

Now let's move on to " top cars" At level 9, T-10 is conveniently located. This tank has the best speed indicators at the level (among TTs), an excellent weapon with one-time damage of 440 units, excellent armor penetration and a heavily armored turret. The IS-7 is considered the crowning achievement of the development of Soviet TTs - the real one legend World of Tanks. The IS-7 is famous for its incredible armor, capable of holding guns of any caliber in the game in its forehead. The sides of the tank are protected by screens capable of reflecting all shells that hit them. The speed of the IS-7 is not bad (55 km/h), but it is difficult to accelerate. The tank's gun is not the best strong point, but the one-time damage is impressive - 490 units.

What should beginners not do?

Ride the LT. This class of equipment is not suitable for beginners, because in order to “play” successfully, you will need to study the map in detail, as well as the characteristics of other tanks, so as not to die in the first minutes of the battle. When playing on LT, you need to quickly assess the situation on the battlefield so as not to fall into the enemy’s sights. Speed ​​and visibility are the main advantages of LT, and not all beginners are able to use them correctly.

Gstupid "tanking". Under no circumstances should you turn your stern or sides towards the enemy; always hold the tanks with your forehead - that’s where the armor is strongest. You should also not show the track rollers to your enemies, because they can be easily knocked down, and you will not be able to move for some time, which will make you vulnerable.

"Support" of allies. You should never prevent your allies from fighting, running away from opponents, pushing other tanks into the water, etc., because your allies can behave the same way. You should always focus your attention on your enemies, and not harm your allies.

"There is safety in numbers…". It is necessary to learn this rule; you should never go into battle alone if no one is covering you. Even the most formidable tank in the game is not capable of killing a crowd of agile opponents.

As a result, we figured out what kind of tanks there are in the World of Tanks game and how to behave with them. Remember also that you can find an individual approach to each situation; you can play unconventionally on each tank. If you are a beginner, download TT USSR - they are your key to simple learning and gaining experience. Don’t interfere with your allies’ play, and act collectively, then you shouldn’t have any problems when starting.

Good luck on the battlefields!

Today everyone can try themselves as a tank driver and a warrior capable of defeating an entire company of combat vehicles using famous game World of Tanks. It is here that unprecedented scale events take place. fighting, where anyone who is ready to take control of an entire crew can really take part. So, for example, registering, downloading and installing the client is a task that absolutely everyone can do. For those who just love to spend their free time enjoying quiet and calm combat, simply drive around and kill enemies. They are not looking for cunning and secret ways in the game, and yet someone right now is ready to kill your team’s ally, using a much more skillful method of fighting.

Are there World of Tanks secrets, which not everyone knows about? Is it possible to use tricks to make quick money? How and what secrets work in famous game World of Tanks?

To win you need to have a strategy

The game itself is different special kind victory: you can either capture the enemy base, or destroy every enemy that wants to be on the way. If the second option is more suitable for active participants, then the first type of getting a victory can rightfully be considered tactical.

The main secret to success in quickly capturing a base is the ability to use small tanks for their intended purpose. They move easily, avoid gunfire and hide. If you are learning the secrets of playing World of Tanks, then using a light tank to capture a base is something that you need to pay special attention to. In this case, you need a faithful ally who can take a blow to his powerful armor and resist for up to 100 seconds. In this case, the trick is in the correct location: on one side there should be some kind of natural protection (stone), and on the other - heavy tank with excellent armor.

What are the secrets of quick victories hidden in the world of World of Tanks?

The main trick of the game lies in the technique itself. Only that player will be able to penetrate a tank who has studied its armor at least a little and watched a video that tells in detail about the weak and strong parts of the combat vehicle. For example, many “tankers” decide that the position on the mountain is the most advantageous. Of course, on the one hand, all the players who took this position are right - finding the enemy from the very top point is easy and quick, but the problem lies elsewhere. If a gamer sees a tank that is watching over everyone else with big mountains, then one trick works - you need to shoot at weak points, that is, into the lower armor plates, and then after penetration you can immobilize the equipment and quickly destroy it, receiving the coveted points for accuracy.

Secrets of big income. How to quickly save up for an expensive purchase

When secrets become known to everyone in World of Tanks, they no longer affect the player, but play against everyone. For example, a little-known trick to getting a lot of income lies in level 5 tanks. The fact is that it is on combat vehicles of this level that there is a maximum income limit. That is, parts and innovations are not so expensive, and the costs can easily be justified in a couple of fights. If many people think that this is not so, then you can check by taking, for example, a tank of the eighth or ninth level. The costs of upgrading and upgrading it are greater than the income, and a player, having such a car in his possession, simply goes into the red if he does not shine with accuracy.

You can save on many things, if only you knew which ones

The secrets of the game in World of Tanks are different in that they are legal and laid down by the developers themselves. For example, saving on crew costs is rightfully considered another popular trick. As you know, hiring a new crew for a newly purchased tank is not a cheap pleasure, but this is where a gamer can easily save most of the money if he simply retrains the old crew. Besides a nice bonus It will be that such a team will retain some of the experience from its previous work.

Saving and earning money: how to spend money productively

While looking for secrets and saving tricks in the World of Tanks game, you may stumble upon a completely banal thing. For example, another chance to minimize expenses can be considered special bonus codes that appear on holidays. To get a “bun” from the developers, you only need to enter the code word that comes to your mailbox after some actions in personal account. The player enters this code into a special column and receives his prize. No matter how popular this action may be, for many it becomes unknown and therefore secret.

Unravel all the secrets in World of Tanks - reality or myth?

When players, eager to receive more than they deserve, begin to look for “left” ways to gain experience and silver, they sometimes fall for scammers who only want money from such gullible people. If a gamer is looking for cheats for World of Tanks, then most likely he will be very upset when he does not find anything about it. It's all about the special "physics" of the game. A pumped up tank can defeat the same one combat vehicle, having only more durable armor. The outcome will depend on the angle at which the projectile hits the enemy tank: ricochet, penetration, or the tank will be destroyed.

In World of Tanks, secrets and tricks are hidden in ordinary things. So, for example, by increasing the performance of his client, the player can completely control the battle situation, even just because the picture does not freeze and the ping does not jump. To increase the quality of the game in accordance with the client version, you should regularly update mods for World of Tanks. Their presence and quality will determine the resolution of the transmitted image, the speed of response to actions and various “bells and whistles” that can affect the speed of detecting the enemy even under a camouflage net.

Tricks and secrets: using them to the fullest, you can win quickly

As already mentioned, the World of Tanks game is designed in such a way that cheat codes cannot be used to increase experience, silver or gold. Only an impressive number of victories can bring success to a player. Mods for World of Tanks are a great way to keep everything under control, install latest updates from the developers and be a little better than all the other tanks in the game. But to win, it’s not enough just to use bonus codes, activate them, or use the most powerful armor for your combat vehicle. To snatch victory, you need a strategy, well-thought-out tactics, which will become a secret weapon for the entire team. This is precisely what the general chat is for, where allies can write about their ideas and proposals for an offensive, about how to quickly capture the enemy’s base. Many players are forced to turn off chat as unnecessary, simply believing that it is easier to work alone. This is a deep misconception, since the only trick in the game is rightfully called the planned strategy for conducting a battle or capturing a base.
