What happens if you leave mm. Urolithiasis: treatment depending on the size of the stones

Urolithiasis is quite common, due to poor quality nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. Today, there are many ways to treat stones both surgically and medically. The treatment method depends on the size of the stone. and what should the patient do?

The kidneys perform a very important function in the body; they remove all toxins from the blood. Sometimes these harmful substances crystallize and settle in the kidneys, in which case a stone appears.

Kidney stones most often consist of calcium, but sometimes they may contain uric acid or proteins.

With small sizes up to 5-7 mm, the stone can pass out of the kidney along with urine. But if its size reaches 10 mm, then it remains in the kidney and can cause severe pain. If a stone gets stuck at the exit of the kidney, then complete urinary retention occurs. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is required.

Without proper treatment and prevention, stones tend to grow. Their growth depends on the body’s tendency to form stones, as well as diet and the amount of fluid you drink. Initially, they can be the size of a grain of sand, and over time reach 10 or 15 mm.

Almost all stones up to 5 mm in size can pass out on their own in the urine; about half of kidney stones ranging in size from 5 to 10 mm also pass out without additional intervention from doctors (antispasmodics and diuretics are used).

Once formed, the stone may pass within three weeks or within a month after the first symptoms appear.

But very often, stones in patients with a predisposition to stone formation do not pass away on their own without treatment; their number only increases. If you do not take any preventive and therapeutic measures, you may be left without a kidney.


Patients with sand in the kidneys should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Drink more than 2 liters of fluid per day. In this case, the kidneys will be well cleaned of sand and all accumulated salts. The urine will become clear and odorless. In summer, when there is intense heat, it is recommended to carry out special procedures to cleanse the kidneys. You need to drink half a liter of water at a time or a liter in 30 minutes.
  2. Cleanse the kidneys. consuming diuretic products. So, watermelon has a diuretic effect.
  3. Take long distance walks daily. It is recommended to walk in the fresh air for at least two hours.
  4. Don't get too cold. In cool weather, the lower back should always be kept warm, because hypothermia can provoke inflammation of the kidneys, and as a result, urolithiasis.
  5. Use protection during sexual intercourse. In order to prevent infection with genitourinary infections, because the infection can spread to the kidneys, if the act was not protected, it is necessary to urinate after it.
  6. Observe . You should not consume chocolate, cocoa, coffee and strong tea in large quantities. It is useful to drink decoctions of diuretic herbs.
  7. It is advisable to drink purified water. From heavy metals and salts (filtered or bottled).

But it is not always possible to prevent the onset of the disease with the help of prophylaxis, especially if the patient already has large stones in the kidneys. What to do, how to treat stones of small, medium and large sizes?

Treatment methods

Depending on the size of the stones, as well as the patient’s health condition, the following treatment methods are available:

  1. Phytotherapy. The use of herbal preparations helps not only to get rid of inflammation, but also to dissolve stones up to 5-7 mm in size. They use Canephron, Phytolysin, as well as knotweed and half-fallow herbs.
  2. Destruction and crushing of stones.
  3. Surgical removal.

Let's look at each of these methods in more detail. In what cases does one method or another apply? Treatment involves not only removal, but also restoration of the body, and prevention of the occurrence of stones in the future.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is carried out endoscopically or laparoscopically. The recovery period, as well as possible complications after these types of operations, are minimal. Surgical intervention is performed without incision of the kidney and skin; the instrument is inserted through natural routes: the lumen of the urethra, the bladder cavity, the ureter and the kidney.

Surgery is performed in cases where it is not possible to dissolve or crush the stone or it is large in size.

If the stone grows more than 20 mm, then open surgery is performed. This type of surgery is very traumatic and has many complications. During this type of operation, the kidney is cut and all contents are removed.

Crushing stones

The destruction of stones can be done by contact or through a puncture.

When destroyed surgically, the stones are removed using a special metal tube - a nephroscope. It is inserted through a puncture in the lumbar region. Various crushing and removal instruments can be inserted through the nephroscope. Most often, this method is used if the patient has only one large stone that cannot be dissolved with medications.

During contact destruction and removal, the instrument is inserted through the urethra. Having reached the stone, crushing occurs with its help. Crushing is performed only for small stones, since a large fragment can close the lumen of the kidney.

Shock wave lithotripsy is considered an effective crushing method. It is carried out for stone sizes from 5 mm to 25 mm. This is the most gentle method, because there is no need to make punctures. Destruction occurs under the influence of radio waves.

In addition, there are laser, ultrasound, electrohydraulic and pneumatic lithotripsy.

Drug treatment

If the stone has a size of up to 5-7 mm, then it is, namely, medicinal dissolution. This method is the safest and most gentle. If everything is done correctly, the stone will come out on its own.

For medical dissolution the following drugs are used:

  • Canephron. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic and antispasmodic effects. Promotes the removal of stone fragments.
  • Asparkam. Promotes the dissolution of salt, uric acid, calcium or phosphate stones.
  • Madder extract. Used to dissolve phosphate stones. It cannot be used simultaneously with Cyston.
  • Urolesan. Dissolves urinary stones and relieves spasms.
  • Xydiphone. Used to dissolve phosphate and oxalate stones.
  • Blemaren. A very effective drug for getting rid of mixed type stones.
  • Allopurinol. Helps reduce the concentration of uric acid in urine.
  • Cyston or Spill. Suitable for dissolving oxalate stones.

It is worth remembering that all medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, because self-medication can lead to a deterioration in health and ending up on the surgical table. The urologist will help determine the type of deposits and select the appropriate drug.

When dissolving (removing) stones larger than 5-7 mm with the help of medications, it may become stuck in the ureter, which will provoke an attack of renal colic (you need to be prepared and aware of this).

Quite a lot of people are familiar with such a game as Counter Strike. This game won the hearts of millions of players back in 2004, when it was just an addition to famous series Half games Life. In the modern version of the game, a competitive mode is available in which people fight for championship, not on their own, but together with a team. It happens that the team you came across is not the best, which is why the question arises: how to “kick” yourself into CS: GO and finally start the next match in competitive mode? It is worth noting that such a function can only be performed through the game console.

Why do some players in competitive mode ask about how to kick themselves in CS:GO?

Counter Strike is team play. All gameplay literally obsessed with team spirit, planning each other’s actions and understanding the situation. Of course, there is a mode for playing with a computer, but this kills absolutely all the colorfulness and main meaning of the game. If you play in a team of friends or against a team of friends, the game becomes more and more atmospheric, which is a guarantee of the success of any game. One person starts playing, then calls his friends, who call their friends.

Still, it’s not always possible to play with friends, which is why you can end up on a team with other people whose playing strategy is radically different from yours, then minor squabbles begin, and you no longer want to play. Here the question arises of how to exit the game, or how to “kick” yourself from the game. Unfortunately, CS: GO has a system of penalties for leaving the game early, but there is a way out - to vote for your exclusion from the game. Only after this can they be demoted in rank, but this is better than an early exit, for which they are prohibited from playing in competitive mode for a certain time.

How to kick yourself in CS:GO

Before you leave the game, you should think about how the team will remain without you, because each player has a lot of weight for the team. Of course, a bot will play instead of you, but its level of play is quite limited, so you should think a few times and then make such decisions. But if the reason is serious enough, then this article is just for you.

Instructions on how to “kick” yourself in CS:GO:

  1. First of all, you must have it enabled game console in the settings. If the console is deactivated, go to the settings, and in the “Game Options” there will be a line “Enable developer console”. There will be a checkmark next to the above line, click on it.
  2. During rating game Click the button that is responsible for the appearance of the developer console.
  3. Enter into the console keyword Status, after which there will be a line with all players, including you. Each has its own serial number.
  4. Now again enter the keyword Callvote kick, followed by a space - your nickname in the game.

In conclusion

We hope that this article helped you in the question of how to “kick” yourself in CS: GO. It is also worth remembering that this method should be used as a last resort, when defeat is certainly inevitable, and teammates do not make any contribution to the victory. In this way, you can “kick” not only yourself, but also other team members if the statistics menu does not work.

In this article I will tell you how to make sure that... not getting banned in the competitive gaming system (matchmaking) in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It's enough just to know a few rules of the game, to avoid any unpleasant situations. Article from personal experience, That's why some things may not be taken into account, as well as valve may introduce some innovations. The article is current as of 02/11/2014

So I'll start with what terms of punishment provided by the system.

1. 30 minutes.

2. Exactly 2 hours

3. 24 hours (days)

4. 3 days ban

5. 1 week ban

If you get banned, you will no longer be able to play that game mode, but there are other modes. Therefore, you can still keep yourself busy with something.

Personally, I have received bans many times, whether it was my fault or someone else’s. But most often, of course, in your own way.

Now let's tell you why you can get a ban.

The first is, of course, leaving the game without reconnecting. This is an inevitable ban - remember this.

Well, if your Internet has crashed and you need to restart it, then you can exit from the server itself, but under no circumstances press the “LEAVE” button in the game menu (next to CONNECT); after restarting the Internet, open the game menu and click “ RECONNECT", after which you safely reconnect to the server and continue the game, listening to the grumbling of your teammates for a while.

The second reason for getting a ban is an attack by teammates. Agree, who would like it when a player from his own team attacks others. Therefore, valve made it so that if a player inflicts a certain amount of damage on teammates, the system automatically bans him for a standard period. This is how to attack your own!

Again, a little about the time of bans.

For example, you killed a teammate and you were banned. The very first time will be 30 minutes.

If you violate the rules again, the system will ban you for 2 hours!

If it still hasn’t dawned on you and you break the rules for the third time, you will receive a ban for a day.

Let's say you broke the rules 2 times in one week, you had a punishment period of 2 hours, you have already received an unban and continue playing...

If you play for 1 week without any violations, then with the next violation, instead of getting a ban for 1 day, you again get a ban for 2 hours. Like this.

That is, they made it so that the system forgives your 1 old sin, so to speak, within 1 week. But this is only if you did not violate it during this very week. I hope I explained everything clearly and now you will play more carefully and without violations. However, I don’t argue that when noobs play on your team and you lose, you just want to team them up or leave the server. But hold on and be patient. There is nothing to be done, this is the system and the players cannot go against it.
