Cheat code to speed up time. Cheats, codes gta san andreas

Cheat Engine is a program designed to “modify” games and applications running under operating system Windows. From the name of this program it is clear that it is intended for writing various cheat codes. Program Cheat Engine It has long established itself as a good tool for creating trainers, cheats and hacks.

We can say that in theory this program is used only for a single-player game, but in practice it turns out that Cheat Engine can also be used for online Flash games, as well as for programs under Windows OS. By the way, this program was made famous precisely online games, because they are more popular than regular ones.

The functionality of this program allows you to scan game/process data currently in RAM, and edit various kinds of values.

The program also has a function Speed ​​Hack, which serves to speed up the work of any open process at the moment. This is exactly the function you will need to speed up your browser.

This program also contains other functions. For example: game debugger, assembler, disassembler, trainer generator, manipulator Direct 3D and so on.

In this article we will look at using the function Speed ​​Hack for third-party programs, namely the browser.

In this case Opera.

Installing the program

So, first let's download the program Cheat Engine from the official website, the program is completely free.

To download, click on the inscription " Download Cheat Engine".

After you have downloaded the program, disable antivirus. Only after this should you proceed with installation Cheat Engine.

Select " I accept the agreement", where you agree to the program's license agreement.

Click on the button " Next".

Select the directory to install the program by clicking on the " Browse..." And again we press " Next".

You can check the box " Don`t create a Start Menu folder"if you don't want it this program was displayed in the Start menu in the list of installed programs. Press " again" Next".

In the field" Create a desktop icon"Tick the box if you want Cheat Engine shortcut appeared on the desktop. Click " Next".

During installation Cheat Engine You will also be prompted to install a number of other useful programs - " Hamster Free Zip Archiver" And " TuneUp Utilities". Installing them is at your discretion. Next, click " Install".

Using Cheat Engine

Setting up the program

After installation, run the program Cheat Engine and click on the monitor icon, which is located in the upper right corner of the program window. From the list of processes " Process List", currently located in RAM, select the process with the name of your browser. In this case, browser Opera. Click on it 2 times, or press the button " Open".

Next in the field " Enable Speedhack"put a check mark. And below, using the slider, we adjust the speed at which our browser, as well as all applications running in it, for example Flash.

Everything is ready!

The speed will be adjustable in almost all Flash games running in this browser via Cheat Engine except some online Flash games where the game speed is set by the server.

Site administration website expresses gratitude to the author for the article Sharkyyy3.

Let us consider in detail the simplest and quick way how to slow down time in CS GO. This function is sometimes needed to record some videos, create certain effects that are time-sensitive, or just for fun. It’s worth clarifying right away that you can enable acceleration or deceleration only in the game mode with bots. On any servers and wherever teams represent real people, not bots, this function is disabled by the server, as it is an analogue of cheats. It is also worth considering that you are not changing your speed, but this indicator on the server. It reduces the overall time scales and this will affect the entire game.

Typically, these functions are used to create high-quality and unusual screenshots, views from a certain angle, and other similar material that is very difficult to create in normal gaming conditions.

How to slow down time in CS GO via the console

This is perhaps the fastest, but not the most convenient way to increase speed in the game. It can be slowed down in the same way, the difference will only be in the parameters themselves. So, if you don't know how to increase the speed in the game or how to run much slower than usual, then first enter the command "sv_cheats 1" so that your game changes can take effect.

The time dilation command itself will look like this: “host_timescale 1.0”. One is the base value at which you will run, like other team members. Increase it to go fast and decrease it if you want to run slow. For example, "host_timescale 0.3" will change the speed to extremely slow. Even when running, the player will move slower than when walking and crouching in normal mode.

How to bind speed hotkeys in CS GO

If you often use these commands, then it is better to simply bind them to any buttons. This will make turning this function on and off instantaneous, which is sometimes needed to show various effects when creating a game video.
To do this, enter the following values:

  • Bind Y "host_timescale 0.3" (to slow down a lot);
  • Bind U "host_timescale 1.0" (base speed);
  • Bind I "host_timescale 1.7" (accelerated mode).

Now, to increase the speed you just need to press I, and to slow down - Y. Also, you do not have to think about how to change the speed to the original one, just press U. This will allow you to instantly change the pace of the game. Not all players know how to find out the speed so that you can change it more accurately. To do this, enter the command “cl_showpos 1”, you can see the speed in the upper right corner.

Also, do not forget that every time, before speeding up or slowing down the game, you need to enter “sv_cheats”, otherwise nothing will happen.

How to slow down through game files

If you want to find a more convenient and permanent option for how to slow down time in CS GO, then to do this, open the file in the game called config.cfg. Any text editor or even standard notepad will do. Next, enter the above commands with binds into the config and they will always work.
It is worth considering that after starting the game you will still have to manually enter “sv_cheats 1” in the console, otherwise even the binds entered into the config will not work. Also, do not forget to turn off this command in time, because while it is active, achievements will not work for you.

Cheats for Skyrim are bad form. But if cheating is done through legal means, everything changes! Using console commands any player can do a lot, a lot, turning himself into a game god in the literal sense of the word! Here are the most interesting console commands in Skyrim:

The video will show you a selection of the most interesting options, and then you can continue reading.

God mode, you become invulnerable and can do anything. The video shows what you can achieve:

Addition to God Mode: You can go to heaven or underground, anywhere, there are no barriers for you.

The lock won't budge? You don’t have a key and your lockpicking skills are low? Write this in the console and you will become the best bugbear in Skyrim.

You will learn all the spells in the game.

you get new level! Leveling up is easier than ever

Completes all stages of the main quest, making playing Skyrim almost pointless.

You can change your race, but this will reset all levels and skills.

player.modav skill X
Changes the skill "skill" to the amount of "x".

player.additem ITEM ###
Adds an item with the specified code and in the specified quantity to the player's inventory.

player.additem 0000000f ###
Adds from 1 to 999 gold coins.

player.additem 0000000a “###”
Adds several lockpicks.

Disables all game menus, great for taking screenshots.

Enables or disables markers on the map.

Gives access to a flying map, allowing you to view the world from the height of a dragon's flight

Disables artificial intelligence. Fully

Toggles enemy AI on or off, turning dragons into pincushions

Enables or disables the ability to detect crimes: murder, theft.

player.setcrimegold ###
Can increase or decrease the player's "crime" level

player.setlevel ##
Increases or decreases the player's level by a specified amount.

player.setav speedmult ###
Allows you to increase speed to sky-high values.

Directs you to the quest goal

Kills the target. Simple and effective.

Kills everyone. Nuff said.

Shows all console commands

Resurrects the target so you can kill them again

player.modav carryweight #
Changes the weight of items worn by the player.

setpcfame #
Increases the character's fame.

setpcinfamy #
Increases the fame of NPCs.

player.setav fatigue #
Allows you to get rid of the annoying feeling of fatigue that for some reason the character experiences.

player.setav health #
Increases health

Quit the game quickly and easily.

Removes all items, including clothing, from the target.

Changes the gender of the target.

set timescale to #
Allows you to speed up or reduce the passage of time.

Use these consoles Skyrim commands at your own risk. Remember - cheating on the first playthrough can kill all the fun!

Currently codes for GTA San Andreas do not lose their popularity, and even moreover, they are gaining more and more! In GTA San Andreas, codes are represented by the widest and most varied assortment, because we can get almost everything we want, be it cars, bikes, military equipment, such as airplanes, helicopters, tanks, and also a bunch of useful features, like endless health, money, we have the ability to change the weather and time of day, yes... literally everything is now under our control by entering Codes GTA games San Andreas!

GTA San Andreas Weapon codes

There is no doubt that weapons have penetrated so deeply into gameplay, that we are no longer able to even imagine the game without it. After all, let's think about it, in order to complete most missions, we will need weapons, and in free game and even more! Therefore, in GTA San Andreas, the code for a weapon literally becomes an irreplaceable thing, because thanks to it, we quickly receive a full set of weapons chosen by us; it is precisely for the speed of achieving results that GTA SA cheats for weapons are valued.

By the way, to make things more realistic, there is a mod that visualizes a full set of weapons behind the main character’s shoulder!

LXGIWYL - weapon set No. 1 (AK-47, shotgun, 9mm pistol, rifle, mini MP5, rocket launcher, spray paint, brass knuckles, bat, Molotov cocktail)
KJKSZPJ - weapon set No. 2 ( sniper rifle, Tec-9, Desert Eagle pistol, M4 assault rifle, Sawed-Off, grenades, fire extinguisher, knife, flamethrower)
UZUMYMW - weapon set No. 3 (9mm pistol with silencer, sniper rifle, M4, MP5, chainsaw, thermal RPG, Spaz, mines)

Wanted codes for GTA San Andreas

Cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, as mentioned earlier, are valued for their speed and effectiveness, let's imagine a situation where we are being chased by the cops, we have the nth number of wanted stars and we urgently need to break away from the chase, otherwise an arrest will follow! What are we going to do? The answer is simple, let’s enter the required GTA San Andreas wanted code, or rather, to lower the wanted level, because, for extreme sports fans, there is also a cheat to increase the number of stars!

OSRBLHH - increase your wanted level by two stars
ASNAEB - remove all stars
LJSPQK - wanted level - 6 stars
AEZAKMI - never wanted by the cops

GTA SA Equipment Codes

GTA San Andreas game codes cover almost all areas and areas, from vehicles to the equipment of the main character; we’ll talk about the latter. We are always worried about either a lack of health at the most inopportune moment, or finding armor or money to buy a house, weapons, or for other needs. Or maybe we want endless ammo or instantly get a parachute? Yes, now all this is becoming available, and GTA San will help us accordingly Andreas codes for immortality, and to strengthen the character’s financial well-being, we will introduce a GTA San Andreas code for money, etc...
By the way, a mod is now available that will transfer an exact copy of the parachute from GTA 5 to our beloved GTA SA.

HESOYAM - full armor and health + $250,000
WANRLTW or FULLCLIP - endless ammo, no reloading
OUIQDMW - Full combat gear when driving
NCSGDAG - Hitman level in all weapon skills at once
AIYPWZQP - free parachute

GTA San Andreas codes for cars

In GTA SA, codes for cars deserve special, unique and enormous attention, because this is one of those irreplaceable and most useful things in the entire game! Well, tell me, how often do we walk in the game, maybe we go on walks between districts and cities... No! Cars come to our rescue. As a matter of fact, the variety of car brands in the game is quite large, but sooner or later they all get boring, so let’s diversify our fleet by introducing GTA San Andreas Codes on cars.

CQZIJMB - Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH - Rancher
PDNEJOH - Racecar
VPJTQWV - Racecar 2
KRIJEBR - Stretch
UBHYZHQ - Trashmaster
AMOMHRER - Tanker Truck
KGGGDKP - Vortex Hovercraft

And for lovers of something special, those who are ready for much and even more, we offer an excellent mod that will bring an ATV into the game, on which we can confidently set off to conquer any road surface!

GTA San Andreas Codes for planes and helicopters

GTA San Andreas codes for airplanes

Continuing the topic raised in the discussion of cars in the game, we can safely say that an airplane is one of those important, useful and interesting miracles of technical progress, thanks to which we cover kilometers under the wing, even faster than we could do it on foot or even on the fastest car, after all, for any car you need, albeit the worst, but the road, and when we get on the plane, we fly where we want! GTA San Andreas codes for airplanes will help us in many of our endeavors, reducing the time of arrival at any point on the map to a minimum, and simply, sometimes you just want to look at everything from above, from a bird's eye view, to feel like the master of not only the earth, but of everything airspace!

URKQSRK - Stunt Plane

However, airplanes in GTA San Andreas are represented not only by the above models; also, two excellent mods are offered: which adds the famous Boeing 777 to the game, imposing and majestic, which willy-nilly make you feel like a real king of the air, and also a mod that adds a modern fighter, created with the latest technology.

GTA San Andreas codes for helicopters

Helicopters are no less popular and interesting than any other air transport in the game, in particular airplanes. We are offered a number of models, from simple pleasure ones to more military ones, however, GTA San Andreas cheat codes for Helicopter will give us the main thing - the same beloved and cherished military helicopter, with super-sophisticated guns and a frightening and swift design - a dream !

OHDUDE - helicopter (Hunter)

Tank code for GTA San Andreas

So the so-called heavy artillery enters the battle! Under the solid and inspiring sound of armor, we are seeing nothing more than a tank! Yes, GTA San Andreas Cheats will add to the tank especially for us, in any place in space, wherever we are, a real military military tank, which not only imitates the appearance combat vehicle, no, he can do everything the real thing can do - drive, shoot and have fun!

AIWPRTON - tank (Rhino)

And also, we have a unique opportunity to drive through the expanses of San Andreas on a real tank from GTA 5 thanks to the mod!

GTA San Andreas boat code

Let's get closer to the water, it doesn't matter whether it's a river between cities or a blue ocean encircling the entire territory, what will we see? That's right, we will see a huge number of a wide variety of water vessels, ranging from small pleasure boats and boats to more respectable yachts and speedboats! We are given a huge choice, but... how about having fun? We get into the boat and, instead of simple and unremarkable sailing, Boats in GTA San Andreas can now fly!

AFSNMSMW - all boats fly

Unfortunately, in GTA San Andreas there is no code for the boat, but there is a worthy replacement - the program Car spawner for GTA San Andreas , thanks to which we can call any vehicle, including all types of boats!

Jetpack code for GTA San Andreas

The Jetpack code for GTA San Andreas adds the so-called jetpack for GTA San Andreas, thanks to which we can easily overcome any distance and heights, despite the presence of airplanes or helicopters, or runways, we fly where we want and where we want!
The Jetpac code for GTA San Andreas will allow you to look at the game from a slightly different perspective, to feel like a master, looking down at the map on which some events are taking place, a hectic life is going on!

ROCKETMAN or YECGAA - jetpack (Jetpack)

GTA San Andreas codes for game characteristics

GTA San Andreas codes for car characteristics and traffic

No matter how cool and cool we choose, we are still constantly limited by something, either insufficient driving skills, or we simply want something more, for example, only rural cars on the road, or maybe make all cars invisible? All this and much more is now possible!

VQIMAHA - maximum driving skill
XICWMD - cars become invisible
PGGOMOY - control becomes perfect
BGKGTJH - only cheap cars drive on the roads
GUSNHDE - only expensive cars drive on the roads
CPKTNWT - explosion of all cars
LLQPFBN - pink cars
IOWDLAC - black cars
RIPAZHA - the car can fly
BMTPWHR - villagers on sidewalks and rural transport
FVTMNBZ - collective farm clothes and cars
THGLOJ - minimum traffic on the roads
COXEFGU - nitrous oxide on all transport
BSXSGGC or BUBBLECARS - in a collision, cars fly away from each other

GTA SA codes for character characteristics

Cities, cars, planes... But without what, all this will not be interesting to us? Of course, you are right, without a main character - an active character whom we constantly improve, treating him almost like ourselves, looking for the best.
GTA SA codes for character characteristics give us the opportunity to improve and give us superpowers that go beyond the limits that the game developers have set for us!

BAGUVIX - immortality, does not die from bullets
CVWKXAM - endless oxygen
AEDUWNV - never hungry
BTCDBCB - thick
JYSDSOD - jock
KVGYZQK - thin
BEKKNQV - attracts whores (girls)
OGXSDAG - greatest respect
EHIBXQS - the greatest attraction
VKYPQCF - highest endurance
NATURALTALENT - max driving, piloting, cycling and motorbike skills
AFPHULTL - Japanese sword and ninjas everywhere
KANGAROO - mega jump

GTA San Andreas weather codes

The weather for GTA San Andreas carries a very important, although almost imperceptible to us for the time being, meaning. After all, remember, when it rains and there is zero visibility in front of us, our mood involuntarily drops and we want the sun, blue sky again, or vice versa... And the weather has become subject to us!

AFZLLQLL - always sunshine
ICIKPYH - hot weather
ALNSFMZO - clouds are everywhere
AUIFRVQS - it's raining
CFVFGMJ - foggy weather
MGHXYRM - thunderstorm
CWJXUOC - sand storm

Code for changing time for GTA San Andreas

Time is a very relative concept, when we are looking forward to something, for us it flows very slowly, and when we are late, on the contrary, it flies at the speed of light... So let's control time, accelerating or slowing it down, using time codes for GTA San Andreas.

XJVSNAJ or NIGHTPROWLER - always midnight
OFVIAC - the sky turns orange (21:00)
YSOHNUL - acceleration of time in the game
PPGWJHT - game acceleration
LIYOAAY - game slowdown

Other Cheat Codes for GTA San Andreas

Below are collected cheat codes for GTA San Andreas, which are difficult to classify into any specific category, but this does not make them any less interesting and useful for us!

BAGOWPG - attack peds from all sides
SZCMAWO - commit suicide
ZEIIVG - green wave at all traffic lights
YLTEICZ - highway chases
ASBHGRB - Elvis's are everywhere around
BGLUAWML - armed pedestrians attack
AJLOJYQY - a war between pedestrians
CIKGCGX - party on the beach
MROEMZH - Los Santosa gang members are everywhere
BIFBUZZ - members of other gangs are everywhere
JHJOECW - super jump on a bicycle
JCNRUAD - Smash "n Boom (car mega-explosion upon collision)
LFGMHAL - super jump
IAVENJQ - super kick
IOJUFZN - state of rebellion
PRIEBJ - state of madhouse
MUNASEF - state of adrenaline
SJMAHPE - recruit anyone (9mm)
ZSOXFSQ - recruit anyone (Rockets)

Of course, we want to warn you - if possible, we recommend that you beat the game and save without cheats, because only then can we proudly declare that we have honestly completed the entire game! Why do we need codes then? The answer is simple - have fun! Use any of them, change the weather, fly in cars and boats, and what can I list, do whatever you please, the main thing is that you should not save the game with cheats introduced, because then we will not be able to fully enjoy an honest passage of the game.

When the cheat code is entered correctly, the message “ Cheat activated".

The most important thing to remember is that if you activate cheats and GTA San Andreas codes and then save them, the actions of the cheat code will continue to be used in the game, be careful! The following cheat codes must be entered during the game.

Cheat, codes for skills and health

Below are cheats and codes that will change CJ's health or ability.

Cheat, codes for weapons

Listed below are all cheats related to weapons and wanted levels.

Cheats, codes for a while

Below are codes that will change the weather or that will act temporarily, speeding up gameplay or slowing it down.

Cheats, pedestrian codes

Below are cheats that will change the behavior of pedestrians in GTA: San Andreas.

Cheats, codes for cars

Below are cheats, codes for cars, motorcycles and others vehicles.

Cheats, codes affecting cars

Below are cheats, codes that will change the characteristics of some vehicles or traffic.

Effect Code
Cars explodeCPKTNWT
All cars with nitrogenCOXEFGU/Speedfreak
Cars are becoming easier to drivePGGOMOY
flying boatsAFSNMSMW/volatile
Flying carsRIPAZHA
Cars without gravityBUBBLECARS
Green traffic lightsZEIIVG
Traffic is aggressiveYLTEICZ
All cars change color to pinkLLQPFBN
All vehicles are blackIOWDLAC
Vehicles as tough as a tankJCNRUAD
Poor vehicles aroundEVERYONEISPOOR
Sports cars aroundEVERYONEISRICH
Vehicles from rural areasFVTMNBZ/BMTPWHR
Nitrogen by taxiVKYPQCF
Maximum driving skillGUSNHDE

Video review of cheat codes for GTA San Andreas

Below you can watch a video that demonstrates all the codes and how to activate them.
