Black Ninjago. Lego Ninja Go Kai: description, character, weapons, games


Red Ninja, Fire Release Masterand Nya's older brother. Kai and Nya continued to work as blacksmiths in their missing father's shop. With the help of the wise master, Wu,Kai learned Spinjitzu and chose three other teammates with whom he had many adventures.


Blue Ninja Lightning. Jay was chosen by Wu to train and become a ninja along with Cole, Zane and Kai. Yet the four became close friends and fought together in many battles. Jay was also the first ninja to master Spinjitzu and the second to discover True Potential.


Ice ninja and nindroid. Zane has the least popularity among the ninjas. But this does not bother him, because popularity is not very important to nindroids. Zane is one of the most reserved and intelligent Ninja.Wu found Zane meditating at the bottom of a frozen lake. Zane immediately agreed to become a ninja.


Is a Master of the Elementsand the Black Ninjas of the Earth.Cole was recruited by Wu to become a ninja.along with three others -Jay, Zane and Kai.Over time, they became close friends and fought against many enemies. Cole has a more tragic fate than the rest of the guys. In season 5, he had to sacrifice himself, which is why he was turned into a ghost.


Green Ninja, the only master of energy and leader of the Ninja team. He turned out to be the Green Ninja when the four Golden Weapons pointed at him. The Ninja begin training Lloyd as he has become a close friend and ally.

Research Institute

Kaya's younger sister, ninja of water. Although she started out as a blacksmith, she quickly gained engineering skills after joining the Ninja and was able to assist Jay with anything technical.


Blue Ninja and owner of Water Release. First appearance Season 8. This girl has a difficult fate. When she was little, her mother died, so she was raised by her father, a merchant. He never told her about his mother or the Elements. That's why she lived ordinary life, suspecting nothing, until she met Sensei Wu, who told her the story of their family. The girl looks very cute, so she is popular with guys. During the time spent with the Ninja, she became a true friend and was even able to find her true Love.

  • The plot of the film differs from the plot of the TV series Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu (2011).
  • James Franco has previously been involved in The Lego Movie. He had a cameo role in the film “Lego. Film" (2014).
  • The film was originally planned to be released in September 2016, but eventually the premiere date was moved to September 2017.
  • Kumail Nanjiani and Michael Peña previously voiced characters in the animated film To Hell and Back (2015).
  • The first joint project between Kumail Nanjiani and Zach Woods since the TV series Silicon Valley (2014).
  • This is the first Cartoon Network show in 15 years to have a theatrical release. Previously, it was the animated film The Powerpuff Girls (2002).

More facts (+3)

Bugs in the cartoon

  • At the very beginning of the film, in the eastern shop, mugs fly to the side masters wu all together. However, he catches them one by one.
  • When the boy asks Master Wu if his goods are real, the seller has nothing in his hands. However, when the camera pans to the cat for a second and then returns to Wu, he is already waving the flute.
  • The scratches on Master Wu's right hand are different in different frames.
  • When Master Wu examines Lloyd's figurine under a magnifying glass, he holds it by both legs. However, when the shot changes, only one leg is caught in Wu's fingers.
  • There is a flute on the counter between the boy and Master Wu, but when the camera shows the boy's side, the musical instrument disappears.
  • When the boy interacts with Master Wu, his elbows are on the counter in some shots, but not in others.
  • When Master Wu puts the wooden man on the counter, there is only a flute, but when the plan changes, his black box also appears there.
  • At the beginning of Good Morning Ninjago, Rudolph has a notepad in his hands, which he places next to him. But in the next frame this notebook disappears.
  • When Lloyd is lying in his bed, there is a brown piece behind his head that is different in different frames. This can be determined by the various dents on it.
  • When Lloyd finishes the green plate, he places it next to the sink. However, later it first changes its position and then disappears altogether.
  • At one point, Lloyd is holding his hand on the sink, and when the shot changes, he is already standing away from it.
  • When Nya rides her motorcycle into school, she leaves two black tire tracks. However, when the plan changes, the traces disappear.
  • When Garmadon attacks the city, only cars and motorcycles drive in front of the school buses. However, when the frame changes, an incomprehensible tall car appears in front of him. Also, the entire dense flow of traffic disappears when the bus is blocked by the villain's henchmen.
  • As Gramadon and his henchmen laugh at Lloyd for failing to catch the bomb, the chains attached to the villain's shark are visible. However, when Lloyd throws the bomb back, these chains disappear.
  • When Gramadon lectures his generals in the fire chamber, the second general sits between the first general and the third general. However, when the personnel is changed, the second general disappears somewhere.
  • When the ninjas meet Sensei Wu, the shadow cast by the characters changes in different frames.
  • When Lloyd's mother takes the dumplings out of the refrigerator, she, without moving anywhere, turns to her son, but the refrigerator is no longer next to her.
  • After Lloyd fed the fish, he left the box with its food on the table. However, when he left the room, both the food and the aquarium disappeared from the table.
  • When Gramadon emerges from the water in his huge robot, there is a bucket on the beach next to a man buried in the sand. However, when the frame changes, this bucket disappears.
  • When Lloyd takes off his mask in front of Gramadon, he places it to his left. However, when the hero escapes, the mask disappears.
  • After the ninja's defeat, during Good Morning Ninjago, there is a mug on the table at arm's length on Rita's side of the table, which moves closer to her in the next shot. Also, a second mug appears next to Rudolph, which was not there before.
  • After the defeat of the ninja, Lloyd runs along the destroyed pier and only the sensei's sunken ship is visible in the water, but when the frame changes, his kasa appears there.
  • During Sensei Wu's fight with Gramadon in the jungle, his stick turns black, although before that it was always brown.
  • When Nya is hiding in the jungle, she uses two short sticks, but when the shot changes, these sticks increase significantly in size.
  • When Gramadon jumps onto Wu on the suspension bridge, the sesnsey's stick lies a few steps away from them. However, when the frame changes, she is much closer.
  • During the battle on the bridge, Gramadon notes that Wu is wearing white underpants. However, before this it was clearly visible that they were black.
  • When Gramadon is being carried in a cage, there is a twig on one of the bars that is on a short distance from another rod, but when the frame changed, this twig was already very close to it.
  • When Lloyd pilots the newly built helicopter, the steering wheel is black, but when Gramadon sits behind it, it is already gray.
  • In one of the shots, there is a rear-view mirror in the helicopter, but a little later it disappears somewhere.

More bugs (+26)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

A little boy enters an eastern shop. His peers laugh at him, and that's why he doesn't play with them. The merchant notices a Lego man figurine in the boy’s hands. The boy says that the figurine's name is Lloyd. Here the merchant transforms the boy's figurine into a ninja, and then takes out another figurine - the wise teacher Lloyd. The merchant begins to tell the boy a story about Ninjago. This is a story about a boy Lloyd, whose father is the most dangerous villain on the planet named Garmadon.

Garmadon haunts the world with his constant attacks. But there is a squad of ninjas that opposes him. The squad includes Fire Ninja, Earth Ninja, Ice Ninja, Lightning Ninja, Water Ninja and Green Ninja. Nobody knows who these heroes really are. On Lloyd's birthday, Garmadon calls him. The son hopes that his father wants to congratulate him, but he just accidentally got on the phone. Garmadon is more concerned about dealing with the green ninja.

Lloyd is 16 years old. He is in high school. And all his peers dislike him. Lloyd barely manages to get to school when Garmadon attacks the city of Ninjago with another attack. Hearing the alarm, almost everyone in the school hides under their desks, but only Lloyd and five of his classmates - Cole, Jay, Kai, Nya and Zane - ask to go to the toilet. It turns out that they are a squad of ninjas. The heroes sit down in their robots and go to fight Garmadon. While the ninjas deal with Garmadon's minions, he heads to the main Ninjago tower. And if he captures it, he will rule the city.

Lloyd tries to awaken at least some feelings for himself in his father, but he is completely indifferent to his own son. The ninja fight off Garmadon's attack, but he promises to return again. Garmadon has no idea that the green ninja is Lloyd. Returning to his base, he begins to create a huge robot. When the ninja return to the hangar to leave their robots there, Sensei Wu comes to see them. The sensei tells the ninja that they must fully master their power and then they will not need any robots to defeat Garmadon.

Sensei Wu takes the green ninja away and tells him that he is the most powerful weapon. Wu also reveals to Lloyd the secret that he has a superweapon. Lloyd asks to give it to him so that he can deal with Garmadon, but the teacher cannot give him the weapon, because he is not sure that Lloyd will be able to use it correctly. Sensei Wu is Garmadon's brother, and he feels greatly responsible for the fate of Ninjago. Wu is very old and he won't be able to watch over the ninjas forever. He wants Lloyd to lead the squad.

Soon Garmadon returns to the city on a huge robot. The ninja leave their base and go to fight. At the same time, Garmadon's minions attack Sensei Wu. Suddenly it turns out that Lloyd's weapon cannot crush the new robot. Garmadon climbs Ninjago Tower. Lloyd secretly steals a superweapon from Sensei Wu. Turning on the superweapon, Lloyd summons a huge cat to the city. She begins to jump to points that are illuminated by the weapon. Garmadon takes the weapon from Lloyd and deals with the five ninjas.

Garmadon triumphs. Then Lloyd takes off his mask and his father learns the truth. Lloyd then destroys the superweapon and escapes, telling Garmadon that he regrets having him as his father. Lloyd finds his friends alive, but their robots are now destroyed, and it was Lloyd's fault. Master Wu also managed to survive. He reveals that Lloyd summoned Meowzilla. There is only one thing that can drive this monster out of the city - a super-duper weapon. These weapons are stored on the other side of the island. But the path there is full of dangers and only a real ninja can pass it. Sensei Wu wants to go there alone, but the ninjas ask them to train them so they can help him. Garmadon tracks down the party and goes after them.

In the forest, the heroes are attacked by Garmadon. Wu engages his brother and builds a cage around him on the bridge. But Garmadon manages to use cunning to throw Wu off the bridge. He falls into the water and is carried away by the current. Garmadon tries to convince the heroes that they cannot make this dangerous journey through the jungle without his help. The party decides to carry Garmadon's cage. Garmadon is 174 years old, 10 years older than Wu, but looks much younger. Garmadon says it's all thanks to the moisturizer. Soon they reach a fork. The path to the right is long, thorny and illuminated by light, and if you go to the left, the road will be shorter, but there is a possibility of meeting skeletons. Master Wu asked them not to deviate from the right path, but Garmadon convinces them to take a shortcut.

As a result, the heroes enter the cemetery, where they are surrounded by Garmadon's former generals, whom he threw through the volcano. The angry generals put Garmadon and his son in a cage and take them to a replica of Garmadon's volcano to burn them there. Friends abandoned Lloyd and ran away, but their conscience begins to torment them. Noticing that Lloyd is about to be burned, they decide to come to his aid. Having studied ninja styles from the recordings that Zane had on his hard drive, they rush to save their friend.

While the ninjas are building a ship on which they can fly away, the father teaches his son to throw objects, which he was not good at at all. One of the generals attacks Lloyd and as a result he is left without an arm. Garmadon panics, but Lloyd tells him to pull himself together and just put his hand back in place. Everything works out for him. This situation brings father and son closer together. Then the heroes board the ship and fly away. Soon their ship is wrecked, but they manage to get to the Temple of Subtle Matter. It turns out that this temple was Garmadon's home. Here he spent his childhood.

At the temple, Lloyd sees photographs of his father and mother and learns that his mother was also a ninja. Lloyd's parents met on the battlefield and fell in love. When Garmadon and his wife Coco first arrived in Ninjago, she decided that the life of a conqueror was not suitable for her son. As a result, they separated. Garmadon could have changed, but he didn't. In the temple, the heroes find a chest with all their elements - this is a super-duper weapon. Garmadon invites his son to return to Ninjago, where he will become a real father for his child, and Lloyd invites him to become his first general, fight on the same side, conquer new cities and rule Ninjago. But the son does not want to be his general. Garmadon doesn't want to change. He takes the chest with super-duper weapons and escapes, locking his son and his friends in a collapsing temple.

Then Lloyd remembers Master Wu's advice. He said that you need to find inner harmony. Lloyd realizes that they themselves are super-duper weapons, since the power is within them and they don't need the elements. The heroes manage to escape from the temple, and are then picked up by Master Wu in his airship. Garmadon manages to use the elements against Meowzilla, but nothing comes of it. The cat eats Garmadon. Now all you have to do is scare Meowzilla, and the city will be saved. Lloyd calms the cat down and then apologizes to his father and says he's sorry they were fighting all the time and that he wasn't there. Lloyd tells his father that he really needs him. Garmadon begins to cry his fiery tears, and the cat ends up spitting him out.

Lloyd understood what Uncle Wu wanted from him. It was Lloyd who was the link for the ninja squad and for his family. The boy managed to save the city and his family. Meowzilla became their mascot. Koko and Nya opened a survival school for former generals. And Garmadon taught his son not only to throw, but also to catch objects. And Lloyd teaches everyone else that even if you are not like everyone else, you are still capable of much.

The store merchant finishes his story. The boy thinks that he has now become a ninja master. The merchant says that in order to become a master, the boy will need patience, hard work and courage. He promises to start training him.

True fans of Ninja Go warriors know their heroes like no one else. They will never confuse the appearance, equipment and weapons of Kai, Zane, Cole and Jay with each other. However, newcomers to the world of LEGO ninjas often confuse similar heroes, and it is for them that on this page we have posted portraits of brave warriors and their wise mentor. After carefully studying the photographs of each character, no one will confuse their appearance.

Ninja Kai

– This fiery NinjaGo prefers red clothing or black suits with a fiery pattern. Kai wields many weapons, but is most often depicted with a flaming sword or petrified airblade.


Ninja Zane

– a warrior with ice power prefers blue or light robes gray colors, decorated, of course, with the symbol of ice. Zane's eyes are piercing blue, and his frost-covered hair has turned into some kind of helmet. This Ninja Go can fight both at short and long distances, so in the pictures he is depicted with a set of shurikens or with an ice airblade.


Ninja Jay

– NinjaGo – Lightning loves light blue suits or black clothes with blue accents. Brown hair is styled in a neat hairstyle that even high voltage discharges cannot spoil. He is fluent in shurikens, nunchucks, a staff and a jade blade, with which he most often poses in paintings.


Ninja Cole

– bushy-browed brunette Cole masterfully controls the elemental forces of the Earth. He prefers to dress in black, although he does not ignore steel shades. In battles, he skillfully uses a hammer, axe, golden scythe or aerial blade, with which he likes to be photographed.


– the gray-haired man prefers white suits and practically never parts with his straw hat. He is fluent in all types of weapons, but most often fights with the Golden Dragon Staff or a katana. He is depicted with these items in his hands in most photographs.

In addition to photographic portraits of the main characters of the Ninja Go world, in the virtual art gallery you can see images with scenes from the most famous and glorious battles of LEGO ninjas: battles with hordes of skeletons or battles with squads of viper invaders. You can admire the colorful and dynamic drawings directly on the website pages, or download them to your computer and make a beautiful screensaver for your desktop.


Dear friends!

In less than three weeks, the long-awaited full-length animated film “The LEGO Movie: Ninjago” will be released on wide screens. The Lego Ninjago Movie"). For this significant event, the Lego company released, as well as a special series of minifigures of its characters in closed (blind) packaging. It is about them that we will talk about today in our new review.

Like the LEGO Batman Movie minifigure series, the series includes 20 different characters with accessories. Not all of them are actually ninjas. But first things first.

MASTER WU (Master Wu)

Let's start with the minifigure of the wisest ninja mentor - the great and magnificent Master Wu.

Master Wu is dressed in the character's traditional costume - a white robe with a textile bottom, a conical hat and open sandals. The beard is a removable part; under it we can find a very small triangular beard. The minifigure has one facial expression. The sensei comes with a large box of cornflakes as an accessory.

LLOYD (Lloyd)

The leader of his students, the green ninja Lloyd Garmadon, is presented in two versions.

The first one is completely classic. Lloyd wears a black and green shinobi shozoku (traditional ninja camouflage outfit). The headdress (fukumen) consists of two parts - the upper one, which covers the head, and the lower one - the mask, which hides the face. The face has the same expression, grinning. The minifigure comes with quite a few accessories. Firstly, this is hair that can be used to replace fukumen. Secondly, this is a tile with blueprints for a mechanical dragon. And thirdly, a unique pearl-silver sword with a gold tassel on the hilt.

LLOYD GARMADON (Lloyd Garmadon)

In his second version, the green ninja wears casual clothes - a dark green hoodie with a hood over his head and black jeans. The bangs coming out from under the hood form a single detail with it, so that if you remove the headdress, we will see a completely bald head with one facial expression.

Particularly notable here are the accessories included with the minifigure - a cereal cup with a Chinese dragon print, as well as a silver spoon. Apparently, our hero is going to have breakfast.

GARMADON (Garmadon)

Let's move on to the main antagonist of the film - Garmadon.

This character entered new collection Lego minifigures in three different looks. One of them is Garmadon in his classic villainous form. His costume has a black and white color scheme, with blue and silver elements on his legs and double torso. An evil grin glows on Garmadon’s face with snow-white fangs, his eyebrows are furrowed, his eyes are red. The villain wears an all-black textured straw hat on his head. In his hands, Garmadon holds a black staff with a decorative knob.

VOLCANO GARMADON (Volcanic Garmadon)

This unusual and funny minifigure reveals the secrets of the supervillain's home life. Garmadon is shown wearing blue nightwear, decorated with images of clouds and erupting volcanoes. Garmadon looks quite pleased, and in his hands he holds a breakfast bowl and a spoon. Nothing human is alien to supervillains...

FLASHBACK GARMADON (Flashback of Garmadon or, more simply put, a memory of his past, pre-villain life)

Another minifigure that reveals some biographical information about Garmadon. As it turns out, he wasn't always a villain, he wore a pretty decent suit, was interested in photography, and tried to be a good father to Lloyd. However, a small accessory in the form of a photograph with an erupting volcano in the middle of a green lawn behind a nice little white fence already gives rise to some thoughts. The character is dressed in the fashion of the 70s - a brown polo with a wide tie, aviator glasses with orange frames, and an elongated collar of a bright yellow shirt is visible from under the polo. In addition to photography, Garmadon holds a camera in his hands.

COLE (Cole)

Black ninja Cole, whose element is Earth, was the very first to be accepted into the team of Master Wu’s students, and therefore now we turn to him.

In the collection of minifigures dedicated to the cartoon “The LEGO Movie: Ninjago”, he is not presented at all in the form of a ninja, as we are used to seeing him. Cole is wearing a sweatshirt with print on both the front and back, paired with black jeans with a brown belt. The most interesting element here is the large boombox with golden elements.

JAY WALKER (Jay Walker)

Another member of Master Wu's team is Jay Walker, the Lightning ninja.

He is also wearing casual clothes - brown trousers and a blue jacket with a print on the front. A fashionable orange scarf is worn around the neck. Jay is holding a selfie stick with a smartphone in his hands and, judging by the print on the phone, he has already taken his portrait. The facial expression is the same. The minifigure is, without a doubt, very interesting and worthy of inclusion in the collection of fans of the Lego Ninjago series.

KAI KENDO (Kai's kendo training)

Kai Smith is the Red Ninja and the Fire Ninja.

By putting all the details of the designer together, we get a minifigure of Kai, dressed in classic kendo armor (the Japanese art of fencing with two swords), and in his hands he holds two training sticks, designed to replace real weapons. The ninja can have either a protective helmet or a head of hair on his head - both are included in the set. The minifigure has a very warlike face, with a bandage visible above his eyebrow.

SPINJITZU TRAINING NYA (Spinjitzu training Nya)

Nya is Kai's sister and a Water elemental ninja.

She wears a white training suit with gold clasps, writing in the made-up language of Ninjago and a large Master Wu logo on the back. Nya holds two training wooden katanas in her hands, and on her head is a head of black hair gathered into a bun. The expression on his face is the same – decisive.

ZANE (Zane)

The latest member of Sensei Wu's team, featured in the new special edition LEGO Movie: Ninjago minifigure collection, is a nindroid with artificial intelligence Zane.

This is an Ice ninja, but here he appears before us in the guise of a student at a decent educational institution. He is wearing a blue shirt, a very stylish jumper and white trousers. Zane wears a blue backpack with a red roll on his back. The ninja's face is very happy.


Let's move on to Garmadon's minions.

The general of the shark army is, oddly enough, a rather nice young lady in a very bright and impressive uniform. Face torso and legs are carefully detailed, on back side no prints. The suit is completed with flexible spiked plates, one of which is worn as a collar and the other as a cape. The general's facial expression is a little confused, and the girl is holding a pink glass of juice in her hands (although it is possible that it is ice cream).

SHARK ARMY GREAT WHITE (Great white shark)

Despite the name, the minifigure of this character is quite standard in size and comes in mostly dark blue colors. The shark suit is also quite impressive in its detailing, with burn marks on the arms, legs and shark head helmet. And this is not surprising, because in the hands of a warrior of the shark army he holds a fire-breathing fish! However, there are rumors that Garmadon threw him into the mouth of a volcano for some offense - we'll see in the film.

The shark wears scuba gear on its back. The facial expression is very angry.

SHARK ARMY ANGLER (Angler - shark army fighter)

This character's name and image are inspired by the deep-sea anglerfish, also known as the Anglerfish, which lures its victims with a glow-in-the-dark appendage.

The fish-shaped helmet is made of a softer, rubberized plastic and is painted in a pale green color. Under the helmet we see a scar decorated woman's face, which looks pretty serious. The minifigure comes with a large mace with a fish-shaped handle as a weapon.

SHARK ARMY OCTOPUS (Octopus – shark army fighter)

The fourth unit in Garmadon's army is the Octopus.

His appearance also fully corresponds to his name. The octopus headpiece is also made of soft rubberized plastic and painted dark orange. The wetsuit is made in gray-blue tones, with scuba gear on the back. The minifigure comes with a large fish and a stud shooter as weapons.

GPL TECH (Giant Laser Mechanic)

GPL is Garmadon's energy laboratories, where something terrible is being developed, with the help of which the supervillain is going to destroy Ninjago City. The girl with the laptop is one of the specialists working on the creation of a giant laser. She is wearing a white research robe, brown trousers, and in her hands, in addition to the laptop, she is holding a standard Lego mug. As you can see, she is also a Batman fan.

MISAKO (Misako)

Let's move on to neutral characters.

Misako is Garmadon's wife and Lloyd's mother. It should be noted that the minifigure looks quite young, and given the fact that there is a flashback of Garmadon in the series, it can be assumed that this image is also someone’s memory, most likely Lloyd. Misako is wearing a white blouse with a bow, an olive-colored jacket and brown trousers. On the lapel of the jacket you can see a name tag with the name "Coco" (the nickname that Garmadon gave her during their time together). A notable detail of the minifigure is the hairstyle - hair gathered into a bun, secured with chopsticks. As an additional accessory, Misako comes with a dark red handbag.


As they say in Ninjago City: “We built this city on rock and gong.”

The rocking guitarist is the only minifigure in the series to feature two facial expressions. One of them is quite sad, and the other reflects the musician’s expression while performing another barre. The character's outfit is quite consistent with the image of a rock singer - he is wearing a T-shirt with an image of a skull and an inscription in the ninjago language, on his feet - black ripped jeans with a chain and high white boots. The rocker has long black hair on his head, tied with a red bandana, and in his hands is a red guitar with silver design elements.

N-POP GIRL (Pretty Girl)

The most colorful minifigure in the series is the pop music lover. She has a light blue top with a picture of Kitty (a reference to the very first full-length Lego cartoon, "The Lego Movie"), a multi-colored ballet skirt, striped tights and pink-blue hair. The minifigure comes with a pink teddy bear toy as an accessory.

SUSHI CHEF (Sushi Chef)

And finally, the last minifigure in the series is a sushi maker.

The chef is dressed in a fairly simple chef's outfit with an image of shrimp on both sides of the torso, and instead of a headdress he has a bald head tied with a bandana. Accessories included with the minifigure include a large chef's cleaver and rolled but not yet sliced ​​rolls.

So, we got to know the characters of the upcoming premiere in more detail and now we will look forward to the release of the cartoon with even greater impatience! In the meantime, we will be expanding our collections with new amazing minifigures from the series! You can buy a new product now in stores in your city or order it on our website with delivery to any region of Russia.

The fiery LEGO ninja Kai is the very embodiment of the elements that have conquered him. He is hot, energetic, quick-tempered and constantly “burning” with new ideas. Decisive and brave in battle with enemies, he adores his sister Nia and tries in every possible way to protect her both during battles and in moments of rest. Kai was one of the first to enter the battle with the army of Nuskal skeletons who treacherously attacked his home village, and therefore he is considered the most experienced fighter in the magnificent four of NinjaGo.

Despite the fact that Kai is considered the informal leader of the team, he was one of the last to unlock his skills, as he hoped that he could become the legendary Green Ninja - a warrior endowed with unprecedented strength and skills. However, emergency circumstances revealed his true element - fire, and the hero fully mastered the art of controlling it.


Kai prefers to dress in red suits, and his signature ninja attire is a beautiful combination of black and fire. Irrepressible energy constantly throws the hero into all sorts of troubles, and this makes him always look slightly disheveled and anxious. In a peaceful environment, the fire ninja can, occasionally, boast or show off to his friends. Kai adores his friends and is ready to fight for them until his last breath. In difficult situations, he is used to relying only on himself and never allows himself or his comrades to lose heart.


Kai is fluent in almost any type of weapon, but in battle he prefers to use the Fire Sword or Airblade - with them he feels most comfortable. Ninja Go endlessly respects his own and, despite his restlessness, patiently listens to the long instructions of the master. He has perfectly mastered the ancient art of battle and rightfully bears the title of master of this type of martial arts. When fighting enemies, Kai alone can confront an entire squad.