Bonus for playing in a platoon. Platoons: rewards, fines and future plans

IN game World of tanks creating a platoon of two or three players is quite simple. IN earlier versions the game had a restriction on creating a platoon and this function was present for players with a premium game account World of tanks. Let's look at several ways to invite friends to your platoon for communication and more. comfortable game.

Before this, it is worth highlighting the features of creating a platoon, as well as ways to do it:

    Sending an invitation to form a platoon in the hangar, from your friends list, or by searching for your in-game nickname

    Sending an invitation to a platoon from the log of a played battle

    Sending an invitation to form a platoon directly in battle to break through a flank or otherwise coordinate your game actions

Standard sending an invitation to your platoon from your friends list.

To do this, while in the hangar, find the tab to the left of the big red “Into Battle” button and click on it. As a result, you will have two windows, one of which will be labeled “Platoon: (type of battle selected before this, for example, random battle).” The second window is actually the interface for inviting your friend, acquaintance or random player (the main thing here is to enter the correct game nickname in the search bar and select the required player from the proposed list).

It is also worth noting that the platoon invitation window will already contain players you previously added as friends, who have currently accepted the friend invitation and are online. Then you move the necessary game nicknames to the right side of this window by clicking on the check mark icon in the center (or in the form of two when selecting all contacts in the mailing list).

In the lower right part of the player invitation window, you can also write the invitation text (for example: “Hey, let’s play with a platoon on level 10 vehicles”) and click invite, after which a new notification about sending will appear in the information line of the game client messages (bottom right) the selected player is offered to join the platoon.

Also, after accidentally closing the “invite to formation” window, you can open it again by clicking on the “invite players” button in the platoon window. After that, select your tank, and also wait for your friends, click on the “Battle” button to cooperative game.

Sending an invitation to a platoon from the post-game statistics window (post-battle)

So, in order to invite the player you like based on the results of the battle played, you need to be in the hangar in the battle results window, go to the “Team Result” tab. Find in the list the nickname of the player you want to invite to the platoon and right-click on it. In the list that appears, select “create a platoon” if we are playing alone, or “Invite to formation” if we are already playing with a friend. It's worth noting here important feature: Currently the maximum number of players in a platoon cannot be more than three players.

Also in the game World of tanks at the moment there is a restriction on creating platoons in the hangar according to the type of game technology (this applies to a greater difference in the level of technology, as well as such a class as artillery). It's worth warning your friends about this feature of the game. World of tanks if they don't know yet.

Sending an invitation to a platoon during a battle

In battle, it is also possible to invite a player to a platoon - to do this, you need to find his nickname in the list of allies in the so-called “ears” by holding down the buttonalthover the cursor over his nickname and click on the plus sign that appears in front of the nickname while playing in one mode or another. As soon as the player confirms the invitation to join the platoon, you will see a message about the formation of the platoon in the battle chat at the bottom left. It would also be very useful if suddenly you met a clanmate or friends on an allied team and want to fight the enemy team more productively.

Advantages and disadvantages of platoons compared to solo play (single player):

    The widest coverage of the flanks on the battlefield and cover of the rear if necessary.

    Focused fire on enemy vehicles, as well as even distribution of incoming damage between platoon members.

    Bonus experience when playing on same-level machines

    Among the minor shortcomings we can note more low performance damage in post-battle statistics, unlike the solo game.

    The overall contribution to victory will be much more significant than when playing alone, therefore, with skillful play, players will have more winning statistics.

    It is also important to note the possibility of using in-game voice communication (if there is a microphone) to effectively coordinate the actions of your platoon.

Among other things, it is worth noting the need to set the right goal for inviting a player to your platoon (for example: for a comfortable game, for communication, for performing joint combat missions), since naturally there will be a moment when an unfamiliar player refuses to join the formation. It would be useful to remind you of the need to respect your own ally and platoon commander, especially if you did not know each other before.

The result of the battle depends on each fighter: quick reaction, a clear understanding of your role and compliance with it in battle - all this and much more brings your team closer to victory. For players in a platoon, responsibility to potential allies for the outcome of the battle begins even before the battle - at the stage of forming the platoon and selecting equipment. Depending on this, the platoon can either strengthen the team with its coordinated actions, or weaken it with an incorrectly selected composition. Especially if the platoon contains vehicles with a significant difference in levels.

Rewards and experience penalties for platoons based on battle results

With the release of update 9.15, coordinated tactical actions of players in platoons will be encouraged: members of a formation consisting of vehicles of the same level will receive rewards in the form of an experience bonus. And platoons containing multi-level equipment (the difference between the maximum and minimum tank level is more than 3 ) will receive a penalty to experiencedepending on the magnitude of the difference in machine levels. When trying to go into battle with tanks different levels(with a difference of more than 3) players will see a graphic warning about incorrect selection of equipment.

Rewards based on the results of the battle will be awarded to platoons containing tanks of the same level. The size of the incentive depends on the outcome of the battle (victory or defeat), as well as on the level of equipment in the platoon. D Platoons dynamically formed in battle will receive bonuses to experience for playing on same-level vehicles, starting from the second battle. If a player joins a previously formed platoon directly in battle, then he will receive a reward only from the next battle.

Experience penalties based on the results of a battle for vehicles of different levels in a platoon are accrued if the difference between the maximum and minimum levels of tanks in the platoon is more than three. The size of the reduction factor for experience depends on the difference in levels.

If a third tank joins a platoon with vehicles of different levels in battle, then a penalty after the first battle will be assessed only to players who created a multi-level platoon in the Hangar.

A notification about the amount of reward or penalty based on the results of a battle in a platoon will be displayed on the third tab of post-battle statistics.

What is all this for?

Rewards for platoons with the same level of equipment will serve as an incentive for players to unite and act more effectively in battle. Our goal is to encourage collective action. Moreover, for this purpose already exists in the game, and in the future new improvements are planned: automatic formation of platoons with friends and some other innovations.

Solo players have been and remain the most important part of our game. However, we want to encourage “loners” to discover a new side of World of Tanks - try the game in a platoon. After all, coordination and joint actions are exactly what allows participants in virtual battles to develop, and platoons are the most suitable tool for this.

Platoons with equipment of different levels is a manifestation of unsportsmanlike behavior, for which fines are imposed. They will make it clear to inexperienced or unconscious players that they need to take a balanced approach to choosing equipment before battle. T Equipment of the same level makes the platoon a combat-ready tactical unit that will not be a burden for the team.

What's next?

In the future, it is planned to switch to single-level platoons and disable the ability to go into battle in a platoon using vehicles of different levels. This will allow us to rework the team formation systems - matchmaking. Unlike the existing one, which forms command templates depending on the state of the queue for battle on the server, the new system will be more focused on the equality of opposing teams in terms of levels and types of equipment. It is planned that the composition of the teams will strive to form according to the 3-5-7 principle: 3 “top” level tanks for this battle, 5 mid-level tanks and 7 minimum level tanks.

Such a formation system will not only solve the problem of inequality of teams in terms of balance weights, but will also affect the gameplay of random battles, making it possible to realize the potential of a tank in battle regardless of its position in the command list. New matchmaking will increase the influence of any part of the team’s roster (top, average or minimum levels) on the outcome of the battle.

More detailed information O new system will be published on the portal later. Follow the news!

We'll be taking a closer look at the stats and your reactions regarding platoon rewards and penalties to further develop this feature. Share your opinion and help us make the game better!

World of Tanks - team game. Attempts to defeat several opponents alone most often end in failure. Any tank, even the most powerful, needs cover and support. In random battles, it is not always possible to achieve mutual understanding and clear coordination with allies, so it is much more effective to create a platoon of proven fighters.

A platoon is a combat unit of two or three players playing together. Playing with friends is not only more fun, but well-coordinated team play is much more effective.

Creating a platoon: inviting friends

If you want to play with friends, you should create a platoon before going into battle. It's very easy in World of Tanks! You can invite any of your friends on Xbox Live to join your platoon.

While in the Hangar, press Invite to platoon(button Back). Select a tab Friends and decide who you want to invite. You can choose one or two friends, but it is important that they are online.

After you start assembling a platoon, three lines will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. They will be filled when your friends accept the invitation to join the platoon. Remember that creating a platoon of tanks of different levels is a bad idea, since the balancer will determine the level of your platoon based on the most powerful vehicle.

Improved balancer and interface

Once the platoon commander has selected a tank, other platoon members will be able to select only those vehicles that match the commander's choice. Cars are too low or too high level will not be available for selection. As a general rule, you should choose the highest level tank available.

If you cannot choose the right vehicle, you must purchase a tank of the required level or ask the platoon commander to change his choice. You can familiarize yourself with the basics of playing in a platoon by watching a training video in the Hangar, in the “Training” section.

Team play: stick together

Once you find yourself on the battlefield, you should decide on a strategy. In most cases, the best tactic is to stick together and eliminate enemies with focused fire. It is important to remember that every tank has both strengths and weaknesses. Operate in such a way as to take advantage of the advantages of your technique and minimize the impact of the disadvantages.

For example, when attacking, it is best to let the most armored tank, while others will be able to fire at the enemy while staying behind their comrade. Another tactic: one tank distracts the enemy while the others circle around to attack the enemy's flank or rear. If the enemy is alone, he has practically no chance to resist the tanks of your platoon attacking him from all sides.

In defense, the platoon also has a great advantage. By taking a comfortable position, distributing directions for defense and focusing fire on the most dangerous targets, you can repel an attack even from an enemy outnumbered.

Platoon Power: Focused Fire

Focusing fire is one of the most important advantages of a platoon. Three guns firing at one target can very quickly destroy an enemy tank, sometimes with just one salvo.

If your platoon encounters a group of enemies, the most advisable tactic is to concentrate fire on one of them. By quickly destroying tanks one after another, you get a much greater advantage than by evenly distributing the damage across your opponents.

Don't forget about capturing the base as well. A group of tanks will capture a base much faster than a single tank.

In this article we have provided only basic recommendations for playing in a platoon. In fact, World of Tanks provides enormous scope for tactical experiments. Play with friends, hone your team play skills and show your enemy the full power of your platoon!

The number of World of Tanks players has long exceeded several million. The developers are trying to add variety to the game from patch to patch, but so far they are not succeeding. The “Confrontation” mode was “cut out” from the game after several updates, since the balancer created such teams that it was scary to go into battle. The historical battle mode also “experiences” certain difficulties, because the developers’ idea has not been fully realized. But the platoon game mode is thriving, and more and more players prefer to “bend randomly” in a platoon of two or three people. How to create a platoon in World of Tanks? Which tanks to choose for a platoon?

Creating a platoon of 2-3 players is quite simple. Before patch 8.5, create a platoon for collective game Only owners of premium accounts could. The developers made concessions to users and gave permission for all players to create platoons, regardless of account type. If you want to play with four or five players, then the “ Team fight", which has some limitations.

Firstly, battles can only involve 7 players, while random battles have up to 15 players per team. Secondly, for combat you can only use equipment up to level 8 inclusive. Thirdly, the overall level of the team's tanks is limited. So, for example, 5 eight-level tanks plus two first-level tanks or seven six-level vehicles can take part in a battle.

Creating a Platoon

So, let's move on to the question of how to create a platoon in WoT. First of all, open the client and log in. Then, under the “Into Battle” button, select the “Platoon” mode.

After selecting the mode, two windows will open. The window on the left (“Invite to platoon”) is intended for inviting players to a platoon. The window on the right (“Platoon”) “regulates” the state of the platoon.

To invite a player, you need to select his nickname, press “>” and click on the “Invite” button.

After a few seconds, the player will receive an invitation to join the platoon. He will only have to accept it. When a player accepts the invitation, he will appear in the list, and a green check mark will appear next to his nickname. All you have to do is select a tank, press the “Ready” button and rush into battle.

A few patches ago, it was not possible to go into battle alone as part of a platoon. We had to disband the platoon and start the game. At the moment everything has become much simpler. If your friend is late or does not accept the invitation for a long time, then you can go into battle alone, without waiting for the invitation to be accepted and without disbanding the platoon.

If you need to disband the platoon, then you need to click on the special “Disband” button.

True, creating a platoon should be taken seriously, since low-level vehicles in a platoon often reach level 10. The balance weight of the tank is to blame. If you don’t want to see a level ten Mouse in battle while riding a level five tank, then don’t create platoons with light tanks of levels 5-7. They have a high balance weight and are more often thrown into battle against “ten”.

When creating a platoon, be sure to consider the types of tanks. You shouldn’t go into battle with “mixed” vehicles – heavy tank + tank destroyer + light tank. Platoons must be created wisely in order to “bend” randomness. For example, a platoon of three identical tanks is much better:

  • three light tanks will enable the team to destroy the enemy on the approach thanks to the light;
  • With three artillery it is easy to destroy targets at markers (one artillery destroys an enemy tank, the other two finish off);
  • With three strands in a platoon you can push in a certain direction. For example, a platoon of three AMX 50 100 is capable of dragging out any battle, since no tank in the game can handle 5400 units of damage from three reels.

Of course, no one is stopping you from creating a platoon according to the scheme “two artillery units + firefly”, “artillery artillery + 2 medium tanks” or “two tank destroyers + medium tank" The main thing is that the platoon contains tanks of the same level (fireflies do not count). Moreover, it is important how you behave in battle. Often, uncoordinated actions of a platoon lead to the loss of the team. After all, platoons are created in most cases to raise statistics by specific tank or overall efficiency.

Want to learn more about creating a platoon? Watch this video.

IN World of Tanks It is possible to create platoons of two or three people, which allows you to play together with friends and acquaintances in random battles. Is there any benefit to this? Simply huge. Firstly, you play with a friend and acquaintance and have a good time together. Secondly, you coordinate your actions and play harmoniously, which dramatically increases your combat effectiveness.

A well-played platoon of three skilled players is capable of winning both 70 and 80 percent of battles, which, you see, is a very good indicator. Naturally, this is extremely positive both in terms of experience and silver. Just don’t think that as soon as you create a platoon, you will immediately automatically start winning. You need teamwork skills that appear after many joint battles.

Which platoons are the most effective? In general, it is better to take the same equipment; this maximizes the advantages of specific machines, which will allow you to win more often. Often in platoons they play on different vehicles, which is due to individual preferences, as well as simply because players are pumping up different tanks.

If, for example, you and a friend play with different medium tanks, you can still drive together, although the individual characteristics of each vehicle may create obstacles. For example, if American tanks due to good angles vertical aiming allow you to effectively play from behind the hills, then a Soviet or German medium tank will not allow you to use such tactics.

If, for example, you got on a heavy tank, and your friend took a medium one, then most likely you will have to split up and go in different ways: on most maps it is extremely unprofitable to drive, for example, heavy tank along a route usually used by average skiers. So, when playing with a platoon, it is better to take the same tanks.

Although there is one exception: these are platoons that consist of two self-propelled guns and one light tank. Before patch 0.8.6 this was simply a killer combination, but even after such platoons are capable of dragging out the battle. Self-propelled guns are brought into a square, into which the firefly drives, and fire synchronously, which allows you to destroy most tanks in one salvo.

If the enemy is behind a destructible cover, then for two self-propelled guns this will not be a problem: one destroys the cover, the second destroys the enemy, who remains defenseless. And the synchronization of actions does not allow the tank to hide. When playing with such a platoon, there is one more advantage: a light tank can scout out whether there is an enemy in a given square, then self-propelled guns will occupy it and unpleasantly surprise the enemy team with fire from an unexpected position.

Now let's move on to specific tips that will help you act more effectively in a platoon. First, use voice communication. Typing text takes a long time, it is very distracting in a dynamic battle. Standard commands are still not enough to coordinate your actions in a difficult situation. Nowadays a microphone costs almost pennies, so don’t waste money on buying it.

Secondly, work on focus, that is, concentrate fire on one enemy. It is always better to guarantee the destruction of one enemy than to damage several. If the enemy only has a few hit points left, they will still shoot and damage both you and your team, which can ultimately tip the scales in favor of one team or the other.

Third, cover the injured teammate you are playing with in a platoon. Strictly speaking, this also applies to everyone else on your team. The same rule applies here, but already in reverse side: it will be better if you have the maximum number of tanks left in your team, even if they are damaged, than to have only a few, but with a full margin of safety.

Skilled players who go into battle as a platoon are able to evenly divide the damage they receive among themselves, which allows them to inflict the maximum amount of damage. In general, if you have few strength points left, then do not hesitate to hide behind less damaged allies.

Fourth, choose your equipment wisely, especially for those modules that improve visibility. It makes sense for one player in the platoon to take, for example, a stereo scope and camouflage net, to highlight the enemy from the bushes, and shoot the other two from a long distance, so as to also remain unnoticed, at least it will be difficult to hit them.

Fifth, kill tanks that stand alone first. Everything is simple here: an enemy who has strayed from the rest is an easy target. And the fewer tanks there are on the enemy team, the better.

Sixth, during the pre-battle countdown, discuss future actions with other platoon members. You can do a little brainstorming and choose the most suitable route. In general, many players neglect tactics and assessing the situation in battle, but World of Tanks is, first of all, tactical game, in which the ability to shoot accurately and “tank damage” play an important, but still secondary role.

Seventh, try not to glow ahead of time. Experienced opponents will try to destroy the platoon first, as they understand the threat it poses. And it’s better not to reveal yourself until the very last moment in order to attack from an unexpected direction and shoot the hesitating enemy.

Eighth, your partner can always cover your flank or rear. In random battles, allies behave unpredictably; for example, they can simply abandon you and leave you alone with several opponents. A platoon partner will not do this, which greatly increases your tactical capabilities. With a platoon, for example, you can organize a successful rush, which is unlikely to be effective if you act with random allies.

Ninth, a platoon partner can be useful to you even after death. He can control the tactical situation and give advice. In addition, he sees all allies and enemies, some of which may be hidden from you due to the short communication range, and will always keep you informed of all events on the battlefield.

In most online games team interaction brings tangible benefits. World of Tanks is no exception here; it is a pronounced team game, in which a skillfully played platoon can “drag” even the most “draining” battle, even if most of the allies died in the first minutes. Plus, by playing with an experienced player in a platoon, you will learn and gain invaluable experience.
