Banner saga 1 walkthrough. Walkthrough of The Banner Saga - how to play? Basics of Game Mechanics

How to start playing Banner Saga? Beginner's Guide.

Be careful when choosing your dialogues, as otherwise you may lose important characters and those in whom you have invested the most effort. If you started playing, but your English is poor, then you have to choose by luck. Unfortunately, playing Banner Saga without a language is even more difficult.

If you choose easy mode, then your characters will not receive injuries and you can skip battles simply by watching them. For the laziest.

Fame is used to develop characters, purchase supplies, items, and more. Be careful not to spend everything in one place, as each element of the game is of great importance. However, you don’t have to buy things, since they drop in battles and from stones of the gods.

Characters level up their skills at levels 3 and 5.

The maximum character level is fifth.
Level 2: 2 kills and 5 renown
Level 3: 5 kills and 10 renown
Level 4: 9 kills and 15 renown
Level 5: 14 kills and 20 renown

Keeping track of your supplies is essential to survival in Banner Saga. When your supplies drop to “0”, the warriors will begin to leave your caravan.

Morale influences will during battles. The lowest morale will generate -2 willpower, slightly higher -1, normal morale +-0, good +1 and best morale will generate +2 willpower. If you think this is unnecessary, then no, will can have a serious impact in battle, but do not forget to rest in camp to restore morale.

Don't try to level up all your characters to the same level. Choose a couple of your favorites and download them. In Banner Saga it is very difficult - if not impossible - to collect enough kills to level all your characters to level 5.

Don't forget about the training area. Here you will not get injured or lose anything, as if you were defeated in battle. Plus, this is great practice for mastering new units.

Study all the stones of the gods - there is an opportunity to get something useful.

Don't ignore the Armor Break, Exertion and Willpower stats when distributing. Strength and Armor are not all that is required, as well-distributed skills will be a serious advantage.

After winning the first wave during the war, if you decide to kill more opponents and win the battle, the caravan will receive a morale increase.

Don't try to be the "good guy" in all situations, this can lead to negative effects and death.

There is no need to focus on a single character, investing all your resources and things into him, since in the event of a scripted event you can lose everything. Use leveling only when absolutely necessary, distribute fame equally among selected characters... or read guides about losing characters.

The Banner Saga is a tactical game with RPG elements. The action takes place in Scandinavia. The main character of the game is a Viking who craves battles and glory. This is the whole premise of Banner Saga. Read the walkthrough of the game below.


A very interesting project, which is very undemanding in terms of hardware and was released on various platforms, including smartphones. Because of this, the Banner Saga project gained great popularity. The game's release date is the very beginning of 2014.

The first and second chapters of the game

In the very first city you will have to fight in the palace of the head of the Strand. There is nothing complicated in it - many hints and tips will help you understand the mechanics of the game. After this, you will be briefed on everything that is happening by Eirik, with whom you will have to proceed to the market. There we learn the details of the incident and go to the tavern.

Here the player awaits the second battle. Whether to get into a fight or not - it all depends on the option chosen in the dialogue. It is best to agree to the battle, since it will give you experience and a reward that will be useful in the future. If you downloaded the English version and do not understand the dialogues in The Banner Saga, you can download the crack for free access on the Internet. You can also find cheats that will make the battles easier if the game becomes too difficult.

After the end of the battle, we must go to meet with the guests of the city and talk. Now the player can choose to either stay in the city for a little while longer or leave it immediately. Once you have decided to continue your adventure by joining the prince (guest of the city), you travel to Grofheim. Along the way, you will encounter several squads of enemies; you can deal with them quite easily and quickly even at medium difficulty. This will end the first chapter.

At the beginning of the second chapter, the player will have to go to Skogr. Adventures in a new location begin again with battle. After this, the hero picks up provisions and quickly goes to the city. In Skogr, your squad will be joined by a new character - Iver. Next, another battle will begin, as a result of which you can lose one of the characters.

Next, go to the throne room. There you will be asked to level up your characters and distribute skill points. After a dialogue with the leader of the settlement, your companion Iver is about to leave the city. There are no important choices in the dialogue, they differ only in wording and will not affect anything in the further history of the Banner Saga. The passage continues outside the city.

The difficult journey to the neighboring settlement of Frostvelr is accompanied by battles. The difficulty of the battles gradually increases, so do not forget to stock up on supplies before leaving each city. The caravan is very tired and moving unevenly, so it is wiser to decide to rest.

Along the way you will meet hunters who can join the Viking squad. However, for this you need to have a certain number of fame points and provisions.

The path ahead is long, and many caravan participants break down. One such incident occurs at night when one person gets drunk and starts a fight. The main character is responsible for what to do with the culprit.

In general, the path to the city will take up the entire second chapter of the Banner Saga. The passage continues in the third part of the game.

Chapter Three

Now the caravan's path lies to Vedrefell. Along the way we meet more robbers who no longer pose any threat to our caravan. After all, even more Vikings joined the detachment. There will be a small reference to the new part of the series The Banner Saga 2, so be careful.

On the road there will be a small camp of traders. You can bargain and talk with them. In any case, these NPCs are peaceful, so we pass by them. It is not recommended to buy provisions from them as they sell stale food. Because of this, the caravan may be poisoned.

Next you will meet an army of dredges. Now the player will get acquainted not only with small battles, but also with another mode called war. It is a table in which the forces of opponents are compared with the player’s forces, and it is proposed to choose one of the developments of events: attack, battle formation, defense, retreat and automatic battle decision-making. It is very reminiscent of the principle of battles on the global map from any part of Total War.

Chapter Four

In the fourth chapter, the scene of action is transferred to the city of Frostvelr. Our caravan is parked near its outskirts and cannot get inside. While we are outside the walls of the settlement, we can complete several additional quests.

Stock up on provisions at the local market as food has been brought in. Before leaving the city, several Vikings will want to join your squad.

If you decide not to leave the city, but to stay in it, then the development of events will take a slightly different path.

Chapters Five and Six

Now we move back to the main characters of the third chapter of the Banner Saga. The passage continues in the city of Sigrholm. Here you have three branches of development of events. You can gather your squad and leave the city, help or help defend it. The choice depends entirely on the player's decision.

It is best to help the residents, as this will bring a lot of experience and military glory. You have to endure three difficult battles, during which you can lose fighters, so be careful.

But it still won’t be possible to protect the bridge - it will be broken using magic. All you have to do is leave the city with your caravan. The Banner Saga, which could take several pages to review, has almost reached the final stages of its plot development. Then the penultimate chapter of the game begins.

On your way to the new city, you will have to complete several simple quests. You can choose the long path and spend a lot of time, or you can take the short road. But there will be many enemies on it, so it’s up to you to decide. It is better to take a detour, since more than half of the people can be lost in battle. And bypassing will give you additional fame points. Also in the sixth chapter there are a number of side missions that are completely optional.

The final chapter

The entire chapter is devoted to the siege of Bersgard. The entire battle will take place in five stages, one battle per day. Every day the opponents will become stronger, so your squad will lose many combat units. On the last day there is a boss battle. After this, the game ends, and the continuation of the story can be seen in The Banner Saga 2.

It is a mixture of role-playing game and simultaneous turn-based strategy in the distant past, only about guys from the north - the Vikings. The original appearance, the crazy inhabitants of Scandinavia and the heroes of their myths, sweeping away enemies in one or two and the opportunity to change history - that’s what this game rests on. And now more about the passage The Banner Saga.

Walkthrough The Banner Saga- how to play?

Basics of Game Mechanics

The Banner Saga is a turn-based strategy game, and that's saying a lot. A standard battle in the game is a battle between two opposing sides, with a limit of 6 units on each side, although in rare cases more are possible. In turn, each side will perform some action - attack, defense, use of special abilities.

The battle map is an analogue of a chessboard with square cells for units. Each unit can move a certain number of cells. Melee units, like regular warriors, can only attack adjacent cells. Although, for example, spearmen can attack two cells. Ranged units, for example, archers - up to 5 cells, but they cannot attack adjacent cells.

Combat tactics: what is better - to kill or seriously injure?

If we are talking about powerful enemy units or those who can cause serious damage to your army, then they definitely need to be killed. It is enough to seriously injure the weak, but it is not worth finishing them off. The reason is simple. In The Banner Saga, units move in turns, first a unit on one side, then a unit on the other. And when a weak enemy unit dies, his strong units will simply start moving more often, which is not beneficial for us.

That’s why it’s important to have 2-3 strong units in your team rather than 5-6, but weak ones. It’s like with a new laptop - it’s better to buy an excellent model with a basic configuration and forget about laptop repairs, than to buy a cheap but “sophisticated” one and struggle to find a repair service every couple of months. And where to find her.

Which is better armor or strength?

Health in The Banner Saga consists of two parts - strength and armor. An important aspect is that the strength indicator affects not only health, but also attack power. However, they usually try to reduce the enemy's armor (this is easier to do). However, against particularly strong units, it is advisable to use a strength attack to make it weaker.


Strength - affects your health, as well as attack power. It is therefore important to monitor this indicator, since it affects both defense and attack. Perhaps the most important indicator in the game The Banner Saga.

Armor - affects health in The Banner Saga. Armor reduces damage to health itself. If the armor is higher than the enemy's attack power, there is a chance for the attacker to miss in The Banner Saga.

Gap - this indicator is permanent and does not change during one battle in The Banner Saga. Reduces the enemy's armor level. Good for armor-piercing units in The Banner Saga.

Will - used both to increase attack power and the ability to take an additional step onto a cell. It is useful to develop Will along with Effort for mobile units in The Banner Saga.

Effort - shows how many willpower points you can use per turn.

Approach each choice with extreme caution, because any incorrect answer in the dialogue leads to big losses. Although for the most part there are no correct answers here - you have to choose the lesser of evils.

The maximum squad level is 5. How to get it?

Level 2 - 2 kills and 5 glory points

Third - 5 and 10

Fourth - 9 and 15

Fifth - 14 and 20

After the third and fifth levels, the squad gains special abilities. Each level gives two points towards upgrades.

Don't forget about morality, it affects Willpower in battle. Low morale will reduce it by 2 points, and high morale will increase it by 2.

The walkthrough was written when playing on a medium difficulty level, which is where a novice player can play comfortably, although if you use this guide, you can safely start on a high difficulty level. Throughout the game you will have to make certain decisions, the consequences of which you can only guess; each event requiring your decision in the manual is given a conventional name, after which the consequences of the decision are described in detail. As the walkthrough was written, minimal attention was paid to the game's plot in order to keep the player interested in playing through the game.

Chapter 1
As soon as the sun stopped

Arriving in the Strand

The tax collector varl Ubin arrives in the town of Strand, the city is restless in the palace of the head of the city, a battle is going on, we burst into the hall and the battle begins. The first battle is very simple; in addition, it is equipped with a lot of tips that will tell you how to act correctly in battle. After the victory, a short conversation with the head of the city in this dialogue he will tell us about what is happening in the city. After the conversation, we go to the city market in the place with Eirik (city manager), where we learn from a merchant named Hadd that the Skalfings have taken refuge in the inn - Nobleman. In a conversation with the merchant, any dialogue option will do; he is too scared to lie.

Fight in Nobleman

Eirik brings help, during the course of the dialogue we may not participate in the battle at all; we are given three options to choose from:

1) “It’s time to deal with him” (the battle will begin).
2) “Are you going to come in through the front door?” (the battle will begin).
3) “It’s better for me to wait here” (Eirik and his friend will deal with the Scalfings themselves).

Fight in "Nobleman"

I recommend choosing the first or second option, you can get glory for the battle and the practice is not bad, there will be 10 warriors against us, while on our side there are two varls and two fighters. In addition to the glory for the victory, we will also earn a good attitude towards us from Eirik, who may join us again in the third chapter.


After the battle in “The Nobleman,” we notice ships approaching the town, we agree to help Eirik detain the guests and go to the pier to meet the guests. The human prince Ludin arrived in the city, accompanied by a fairly large group of varls, some of whom Ubin knows well. After the conversation at the port, we can chat with Prince Ludin and Hakon, or immediately leave the city by clicking on - Great Hall. When leaving the city, we will receive +20 glory, or +5 glory if we did not take part in the battle in the “Nobleman” tavern.


So you have joined the caravan of Prince Ludin and are heading to the Varl capital Grofheim, special tips will show you how to manage the caravan and use the map.

Ludin's attack is doomed to failure.

In Vedrefel we will be attacked by dredges, the battle will consist of two parts, in the first part of the battle Ludin attacks the dredge and will be defeated.

But three powerful varls can easily deal with the dredges.

Immediately after the drag defeats Ludin, Hakon, Mogr and Gunnulf enter the field; against such strong fighters there are only three dredges, a very easy victory. After the battle, we learn that Vognir died, and the first chapter will end there.

Chapter 2
Strike with a sharp blade

In the second chapter we will move to another part of the map to the town of Skogr, as in the first chapter we will begin with a battle. Ruk and his daughter (Aletta) are hunting near Skogr; the hunt is interrupted by dredges advancing on the city. We will fight against one of them. The main thing in this fight is to keep Aletta away from the drag.

One drag is not a big threat for this family


After the battle, we need to run to the city, but there is food on the road, we must decide whether to collect it or rush to the city.

1) Forget about provisions, let's go back to Skogr (we're just leaving).
2) If we hurry, we can collect provisions before new dredges appear (+15 provisions, we were lucky the dredges didn’t notice us).
3) Can you handle it if more dredges come up? (we're just leaving).


Dredges are already roaming around the city, our friend Varl Iver and the young guy Egil join us (if you have the Insane Viking Pack, then the spearman Tryggvi will appear in this place), we have a choice again, Iver offers to send Aletta and Egil to a safe place.

1) Go with Egil, Aletta (Aletta and Egil leave).
2) Let them fight, Iver (Aletta and Egil remain).

In this battle, we left Aletta with Egil and the additional character Tryggvi with us.

After the dialogue, the battle will begin, if you send Aletta, then against 4 dredges there will be only two of us (or three with Tryggvi).

Deadly Dredge Attack

If in the last battle you did not send Aletta and Egil to the throne room, then in the next dialogue you can lose Egil.

Iver suggests inspecting the nearby houses:

1) “Got it”
2) “Maybe we should skip houses.”

If Aletta and Egil have gone to a safe place, then any dialogue option will lead to an inspection of the houses, after which we will continue to move along the storyline.
If they are with us, then any option will lead to the stone giant raising a huge club over Aletta, we have three options:

1) Shout to Aletta (Egil dies in an attempt to shield Aletta from the blow).
2) Shoot an arrow at him (opens three more options):
2-1) Stop thinking! Shoot the drag! (Everyone is alive)
2-2) Shout to attract her attention (Egil dies in an attempt to shield Aletta from the blow).
2-3) Shoot over the head of the drag to attract his attention (Egil dies in an attempt to block Aletta from the blow).
3) Attack him with an ax (Egil dies in an attempt to shield Aletta from the blow).

As can be seen from this thread of dialogue, in order for Egil to survive, you must first choose option 2, and then number 1.

Throne room

Before entering the throne room, you can increase the level of our heroes, which is what I recommend doing. A conversation in the throne room is a much more complex chain of events. For ease of orientation in this chain of events, let’s give names to the dialogues, designate them with the letters A, B, C, etc.

In a conversation with the leader, Iver offers to leave the city, this dialogue apparently does not solve anything, it just sends us further:

Dialogue A:
1) I trust Iver's decision (leads to dialogue B).
2) I am not going to make this decision (leads to dialogue B).
3) I think we can hold out (leads to dialogue B).

Iver suggests distracting the dredges, and the leader leaving the city as quickly as possible, we need to make a choice.

Dialogue B:
1) Iver, this sounds like suicide. Let's do what the leader says (we are leaving the city. Iver is leading the retreat, the battle will begin, look at the screenshot, after the battle we will move on to dialogue D).

The enemies are the same, the arrangement in this version is different.

2) Iver is right. I will help distract them (leads to dialogue D).
3) What if we set fire to the city while leaving? (leads to dialogue D)
4) Are we abandoning the storage facility? (Leads to dialogue B).

Iver insists on his decision to distract the dredges and we must decide for the last time what to do:

Dialogue B:
1) Let's get out of here, as the leader suggested (we urgently leave the city, a battle awaits us at the exit from the throne room, see the screenshot, after the battle, dialogue D).

A stone guard and three regular dredge soldiers.

2) Iver usually knows what he's talking about. I join him (go to dialogue D).
3) We cannot give up food (we go to save food supplies, we are attacked by dredges, screenshot, go to dialogue E).

Fight in an attempt to salvage provisions before leaving Skogr.

Dialogue G:
Appears after the first battle with the dredges, if we quickly leave the city.
1) Help the soldiers (we enter the battle again, see the screenshot, upon completion we leave Skogra, +20 glory, the leader of Skogra is wounded).

Again a stone guard and three ordinary drag soldiers.

If we got into dialogue D by choosing option 1 in dialogue B, then the composition of the drags in the battle will change, screenshot below:

Instead of one guard and three soldiers, there are 5 soldiers against us.

2) Try to keep everyone together (we leave the city, +20 glory, the leader died in battle - morale).

Dialogue D, arises before the battle, we decide whether to take Aletta with us:
1) “Okay Aletta. Just promise to obey” (the battle will begin, as usual, screenshot, +20 glory, after the battle we learn that the leader is dead, and our caravan has left Skogr).

We act according to Iver’s plan, covering the retreat of the townspeople.

2) “Not this time. Too dangerous” (Aletta does not take part in the battle, as usual screenshot, +30 glory, after the battle we learn that the leader is dead, and our caravan has left Skogr).

We distract the drags and don’t take Aletta into battle.

Dialogue E, appears before the fight:

1) Help the soldiers (the battle begins, screenshot below, after the battle we leave the city, + 20 glory, the leader is wounded).

Nothing complicated, with our line-up of fighters it’s quite easy to win.

2) Try to keep everyone together (we immediately leave the city, +20 glory, the leader is dead, -morale).
3) Send Iver to recapture the carts with provisions (a battle will begin, screenshot below, after the battle we will leave the city, +15 glory, the leader died - morale, the minimum number of people will survive is 213).

The fight is quite simple, because there are no stone giants.

In addition to the fact that we receive a different bonus in the form of glory, the number of people and fighters who left the city also changes, the number of people varies from 213 to 308, and fighters from 35 to 48. An attempt to save provisions does not bring success, there are more provisions than we have we won't get it.
The best option, as it seems to me, is to choose answer 2 in dialogue B and again 2 in the next dialogue. This is an option where we don’t let Aletta into the battle, but the battle will not be easy, but training will not hurt us, in the end we will get +30 glory, and 270 people and 45 fighters will remain alive, which is not bad at all.

Road to Frostvelr

We are leaving our native Skogr with a heavy heart, there is a long journey ahead to the neighboring city and, judging by everyone, the path will not be easy...

Stretching Caravan

Our caravan is moving very unevenly and is stretched out in a long column; we need to take some measures.

1) Set up camp without waiting for night (+ morale, but we’re wasting time).
2) Reduce speed so that the stragglers can catch up with us (morale and loss of time).
3) Do not change the speed (nothing will happen right away, but then -2 people and -morale).
4) Inspire the caravan with a speech (+5 glory).

Godstone Hridvaldir

Everything is simple here, we have only two options:

1) Examine the stone (we will receive an artifact - Rune Bjarken).
2) Prepare to move on (we just leave).

A group of hunters on our way

On the way we meet a group of people, they have laid down their weapons on the ground and are waiting for our appearance, in their words they are just hunters who, having seen the dredges, want to protect themselves and join our caravan.

1) Allow hunters to join you (+12 fighters, +5 glory, +18 provisions).
2) “What are you doing here alone?” (leaves answer options 1 and 3).
3) Refuse and make sure they don't follow you (we just walk away).

drunken fight

One of the caravan participants got drunk while camping and threw mead in the warrior’s face. After a small scuffle, the instigator of the fight, Rafnsvartr, is thrown at your feet. Your people want reprisals...

1) Beat public repentance out of him (minus morality).
2) Tie him up until he sobers up (nothing happens).
3) Laugh at the mess (+5 fame).
4) Persuade others to forget about what happened (minus morality).

Village on the way to Frostwell

In the village you can buy 24 units of provisions and there is a market where you can buy artifacts. To get from here to Frostwell we need provisions for about 5 days, which means that with less quantity it is better to buy provisions.

Village of Hogun and Mogun

We meet two village boys named Hogun and Mogun, they are eager to join our caravan, but the head of their village has a different opinion.

1) You won't have any fields left when the dredges arrive (leads to dialogue 2).
2) Let people decide for themselves (leads to dialogue 2).
3) I don’t want to get involved in this (same as 2-1, in dialogue 2).
4) Don't say anything (leads to dialogue 2).

Dialogue 2

2-1) Decide for yourself (don’t interfere). We get +84 people, +11 fighters, +5 glory, +15 provisions, with this option Hogun and Mogun come with us.
2-2) I will not kill people who came out to defend their home (take the side of the villagers). We get +50 provisions, +15 glory, in this case the brothers will remain in the village.
2-3) Iver, let's make this fight fair (take the side of the brothers). After the dialogue, the battle will begin, under our control the brothers Hogun and Mogun. After the battle we will receive +165 people, +22 fighters, +10 glory, +30 provisions (Aletta will not take part in the battle, and the brothers will become part of our squad).

Conversation with Aletta and Oddleif

After the village of Hogun and Mogun there will be a conversation with Aletta, after which we will find ourselves in the camp and will be able to talk with Oddleif. Be sure to talk to her, regardless of your answers we will receive +5 fame.

Warn relatives

Several warriors noticed familiar places, their relatives live here and they want to go and warn their relatives about the impending dredges.
1) Wish the soldiers good luck (+5 glory, -8 fighters).
2) Let them go, giving provisions for the journey (+10 glory, -3 provisions, -8 fighters).
3) Remind everyone that they are free to do as they please (+5 glory, -8 fighters).
4) “Do you think you can survive without a caravan?” (-8 fighters).
5) Tell them that they are needed here (no one will leave, but we will get a minus to the morale of the caravan).

Drunk again

The drunkard Rafnsvartr, already familiar to us, almost set fire to a tent with supplies, people bring him to you to decide what to do.

1) Whip him (nothing will happen).
2) Forbid him to put up a tent next to others (-1 people, minus morale, he will die by falling into a ravine).
3) “From now on, this person will drink nothing but water” (nothing will happen).

Draghi! False alarm.

Again the drunkard Rafnsvartr, this time he created a fuss by shouting - Draghi! This event will not happen if he dies in the previous event.

1) Drive the drunkard out of the caravan (-1 people).
2) Allow people to administer justice (plus caravan morality).
3) Just in case, prepare to repel the attack of the dredges (-1 people, minus morale).

The gates to the city are closed and no one is allowed inside. There are a lot of options for what we should do, but the result will come down to two endings: either at the end of the chapter we will end up in the city or we will remain at the entrance to the city. There are three ways to get into the city, we can fight, or we can get into the city without a fight. So we will tell you all the options.

The first dialogue at the entrance to the city is completely useless, it will only tell us about the situation, no matter what option is chosen, the result is the same, we will be taken to the city screen where we can visit the market, wait a day or go to the city gates.

Since there are a lot of dialogue options, for convenience, let’s number them.

We are standing at the gate (dialogue 1)

We go to the gate, then it begins - dialogue 1, the gate guards are serious and are not going to let anyone inside.

1) “Iver, were you seriously planning to break down this gate?” (leads to dialogue 2).
2) Ask people from the crowd in more detail (leads to dialogue 4).
3) Talk to the guards on the wall (this option will disappear and the other three will remain).
4) Leave the gate and try something else (go back to the city screen).

Are we breaking down the gate? (dialogue 2)

Dialogue 2, Iver is ready to try to break the gate!

1) “Okay, try” (a fight with the guards will begin, after which we move on to dialogue 3).
2) “We won’t do that” (return to dialogue 1, and answer option 1 will no longer be available).

Meeting with Ekkil (dialogue 3)

Dialogue 3, after the battle we will be met by a certain Ekkil.

1) We will join you. For now (end of chapter 2).
2) We take care of ourselves. While we are in Frostvelre (end of chapter 2).
3) We won't stay here. Let us out (our caravan leaves the city and chapter 2 ends).

Egil found a drain (dialogue 4)

Dialogue 4, Egil found a drain through which you can get into the city, but Iver will not be able to squeeze through it.

1) Try to storm the gate (leads to dialogue 2).
2) Talk to the guards (leads to additional dialogue, described below in subparagraphs 2-1 and 2-2).
2-1) “Iver, were you seriously planning to break down this gate?” (leads to dialogue 2)
2-2) Leave the gate and try something else (we leave the gate; if we go to the gate again, we cannot go to dialogue 2).
3) Explore the drain (leads to dialogue 6).
4) Leave the gate and try something else (we leave the gate; if we go to the gate again, we cannot move on to dialogue 2).

Inn (dialogue 5)

Dialogue 5. Another option for our actions upon arrival at the city walls is to go to the inn. Having rested here for one day, we will get a lot of options for action.

1) Explore the drain (leads to additional points 1-1 and 1-2).
1-1) “Wait for us at the gate, Iver. We'll be quick" (the battle will begin, as after dialogue 6).
1-2) “I have a bad feeling. Let’s go back” (let’s return to the city screen; when you try to enter the inn again, the “Explore the drain” item will simply disappear).
2) Take care of the wounded (go to dialogue 7).
3) Set up a long-term camp (Chapter 2 will end, one of the options for ending the chapter without a fight).
4) Rest for a day (there is some noise in the camp, leads to additional points 4-1 and 4-2)
4-1) Find out what caused the commotion (go to dialogue 9).
4-2) Don’t meddle in their affairs (it leads back, the next time you select point 4, a day will simply pass).
5) Leave and try something else (let’s return to the city screen; when you return to the inn again, the “Explore the drain” item will disappear).

We make our way into the city through the drain (dialogue 6)

Dialogue 6. Iver will not be able to crawl into the drain; if we decide to go this way, then we are preparing for battle without him.

1) “I have a bad feeling. Let's go back" (leads to the city screen)
2) “Wait for us at the gate, Iver. We’ll quickly” (the battle will begin, screenshot, after the battle we will move on to dialogue 3).

It’s not enough to crawl through the drainage pits; you also need to defeat enemies without a powerful varl.

Cart with provisions (dialogue 7)

Dialogue 7, we decide to use one of the carts that provide provisions to refugees outside the gates to penetrate the city.

1) Watch for the next cart (two battles in a row and go to dialogue 3)
2) We will watch for them (go to dialogue 8).
3) Leave the cart alone (let's go back to the inn).

Meeting with Onef (dialogue 8)

Dialogue 8 consists of three parts that are interconnected.

Part A.

1) Who is Ekkil? (leads to part B)
2) Can you take us into the city? (leads to part B)
3) Why don't we just get back to that wagon ourselves? (leads to part B)

Part B.

1) I don’t think so. We're done here (Chapter 2 will end).
2) I think we’ll just take this cart ourselves (a battle will begin, after which we will go through the gate and another battle, after which we will move on to dialogue 3).
3) Okay. Let's go (go to dialogue 3).

Part B.

1) Let's attack! (Two fights, after which we move on to dialogue 3)
2) Take your cart and get out of here (we remain at the city gates, chapter 2 ends).
3) Can you take us into the city? (Leads to Part B of this dialogue)

The crowd wants to break down the gate (dialogue 9)

Dialogue 9 possible if you have Hogun and Mogun in your caravan.

1) Help them storm the gate (leads to a battle at the gate as in dialogues 2 or 3).
2) Ask them not to go (will return us to dialogue 5, but Hogun and Mogun will leave the caravan).
3) Wish them luck (will return us to dialogue 5, but Hogun and Mogun will leave the caravan).

The passage of the third chapter is located.

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