Chaos units in the game warhammer total war. Factions in Total War: Warhammer: Warriors of Chaos

Norsca DLC for Total War Warhammer introduced 33 new technologies and 4 chaos deities. all the nuances of innovation are a little more complicated and require closer study. If you want to know which technologies are most useful in the Norsca DLC, and which god to choose based on your position in the campaign, continue reading this guide.

The best technologies

There are three main types of technology in the Norsca DLC: War Tools, Monster Hunter, and Sea Marauder Tools.

Sea Marauder's Tools

Most Norsca armies are made up of tribal bandits, so the most profitable technology you can research in the Norsca DLC is Razing of the Empire. This will make the cost of recruiting all Tribal Bandits extremely low, and thus help you greatly increase the number of units in your army early in the game.

However, you cannot research Desecration of the Empire right away. You should first start with the Sea Marauder's Tools, and they will unlock the next two technologies: Fat Sails and Champions of War. They are particularly impressive in the first half of the campaign.

You can begin researching Sea Marauder's Tools during the first stage of your campaign. Next up are Fat Sails, allowing you to be more mobile on the map, and Champions of War, allowing you to team up and recruit. You can research both these technologies and the Desecrate the Empire technology in stages 4 or 5.

Monster Hunter

The other three most important technologies in Total War Warhammer DLC Norsca are: Monster Hunter, One with Monsters and Monster Master.

You can start researching them after you've researched the Desecrate Empire technology, usually in the second half of the campaign. They will open up access to special battles and hunt for monsters, which will reward you with unique artifacts.

Military tools

This type is not as important as the previous ones, but the technologies presented here can make your life easier in the campaign. Explore them, but only if you have . Basically, they make it cheaper to produce weapons and maintain your army.

Chaos Gods

The Norsca DLC offers four gods to worship that can enhance your gaming experience if you choose to declare your allegiance to one of them. But you also need to consider that by devoting yourself entirely to one god, you will incur the wrath of the other three gods - meaning that you will not be able to change your direction once you have chosen.

Before you decide which god to worship, or even if you want to do so first, let's take a look at what each one has to offer.

Slaanesh, Lord of Pleasure (Serpent)

Nurgle, Lord of Ruin (Crow)

Choose Nurgle if you want your army to be healed instantly and your lords can even come back to life immediately after death. If you max out your worship of this god, then he will spread a massive plague throughout the world, but your own army will not be affected.

Khorne, God of Blood (Dog)

Khorne will make your army stronger in close combat and increase the experience gained in battle. At level three, you'll be able to recruit the Legion Forged of Ice, the only available artillery legion in the Norsca DLC.

Tzeentch, Changer of Ways (Eagle)

This god will increase your research level by 20% and give +20 to your starting amount of Winds of Magic. At the highest level you will gain access to a unique lord - Azrik, Guardian of the Labyrinth.

Which god should you choose?

Obviously, the most powerful god among them is Nurgle, the Lord of Destruction. Fearlessly pledge your allegiance to him and watch as enemies across the map die in gruesome conditions. Even if they survive, their numbers will be greatly reduced, and those who remain will have absolutely no power to resist your own army.

Total War Warhammer Norsca DLC is the latest expansion to the strategy game in the genre. In this universe, several different races wage war against each other to gain control of the Old World while keeping the demonic forces of Chaos from invading the realm. There are four factions in the game, each with a strong leader.

After taking a deep dive into Creative Assembly's new game, we emerged with a ton of tips and tricks.

Gambling addiction

After a deep dive into a new game Creative Assembly we surfaced with a heap of advice and recommendations. This information can be useful for both newbies and scarred Hammer of War veterans. After all, we are talking about the deepest and most multifaceted strategy of 2017, and even if you were the champion of the High Elf Guard at least three times, you could easily miss a dozen interesting nuances.

Make allies, but don't trust old enemies

The winner's path begins with the global map: here fateful decisions will be made, and this is where the wisest Slann of the lizardmen and the leaders of the Skaven broods spend their time. In Total War: Warhammer 2 it is quite possible to play and win without delving into the tactical meat grinder, but by giving orders on an amazingly beautiful global map.

First of all, evaluate the location of your lands and remember that in the haze of war it is important to see the banners of your friends in time. Diplomacy in the new game in the Total War series has become more flexible and has an even stronger impact on the outcome of the war. In the previous part, we could make diplomatic decisions without reading the next dispatch to the end, but in the lands of the New World this should not be done under any circumstances!

Try to strengthen friendship with your closest neighbors: this way you can protect your lands with the armor of friendly troops, and the brotherly people will come to the rescue if the next invaders take you by the throat. Making friends with distant countries is also convenient and profitable: you can trade with them, receiving a small but stable income. Most proposals of a peaceful nature should be answered in the affirmative: there are enough enemies in any case.

It’s another matter when yesterday’s aggressors, who just got hit on the back of the neck and found themselves pressed to the sea by your troops, are trying to slip you a peace treaty. Any faction in the game, sensing that something is amiss, will try to make peace with your army standing on the threshold of their dilapidated buildings. Here it is better to show firmness and end the war by destroying the besieged cities. Having signed a peace treaty with some flea-ridden Skaven and withdrawing divisions from their lair, you will soon find these same Skaven in your villages. So what should I do? Your troops have already been transferred to another region! In the world of Warhammer, the gullible do not survive - remember this.

Soberly assess the geographical scale of the game. If the proud Breton knights have declared war on you, from whom you are protected by the Great Ocean with its whirlpools and storms, you can safely show the next Lancelot the middle finger and forget about his existence. Distant countries that have declared war on you and desire your blood often raking in their neighbors and rushing to make peace with you, while offering monetary compensation. Keep both enemies and friends closer; You can give up on other players in the political arena for the time being.

And follow political news. If your neighbors are bogged down in a war with ill-wishers, it’s time to lay claim to the disputed territories!

Grab quickly, but little by little

Even if you are trying to play a pacifist, preach the fight against illiteracy in your lands, prohibit cannibalism and create for citizens all the conditions for architecture and a harmonious life, you cannot do without war in Total War: Warhammer 2. At the initial stage of the game, your task is to avoid a conflict on two or three fronts.

Several enemies clinging to your state from different sides will soon lead to a financial crisis, discontent of taxpayers and lost cities. It often happens that the aggressor who attacked you finds himself in a deplorable situation and asks you for peace. If you are fighting in the south with the orcs, and in the north with the Vikings from Norsca, it is worth making peace with the dark elves in the west. But do not forget to leave a good garrison on the border; Yesterday's enemies will happily remember old grievances and flush the non-aggression treaty down the toilet.

During hostilities, do not forget about aggressive expansion. If the proud elves were the first to start bloodshed, this is a good reason to expand your territories. It is in this case that you should ignore the adviser, who usually gives practical advice from the window in the left corner of the screen. The gray-bearded old man will most likely warn: “You shouldn’t capture this region! There is a bad climate and an angry population!” Yes, you can simply rob a captured city and go home, but any new territory with the proper approach will ultimately bring solid dividends. In addition, a garrison is automatically formed in any of your settlements - and it is there that a potential invader can stumble on the way to your capital.

War is not a cheap business, and in Total War: Warhammer 2 the tactics of one famous German artist, who relied on “blitzkrieg” - lightning war, will come in handy. Having snatched a couple of provinces from the enemy with a swift throw, you need to catch your breath, make up for losses and settle down in a new place. Excessive appetites for the seizure of foreign lands will lead to the fact that enemy troops will scurry across the stretched front line, causing confusion and chaos in your peaceful villages. Each army has its own zone of control, which the enemy cannot pass by. But the game’s open spaces are vast, and you won’t be able to fence yourself off from the outside world with a wall of spears.

Don't ignore the fleet

Straight from the legendary series Heroes of Might and Magic Total War: Warhammer 2 brings exciting and extremely rewarding exploration of the seas. The seas and oceans in the game contain, in addition to the eternally hungry reefs, a lot of interesting things.

A couple of lords should be dispatched to explore the water areas as soon as possible. The central character of the nation, be it the wise Mazdamundi or the treacherous Malekith, should not be sent on a cruise: mortality at sea is high, and a large army will bring more benefits on land. Two or three ships sent in different directions will provide your faction with a more stable income than taxes and trade. And add to this the deposits of artifacts and global bonuses hidden on exotic islands and among the skeletons of deceased ships...

There is no point in dragging a horde of warriors across the seas: only automatic combat is available on the water, and in most cases your frigate will be able to stay away from ill-wishers (to do this, you should activate the “Full Ahead” movement mode). Equip a brigade of desperate sailors at the beginning of the campaign and send them to all corners of the world: every turn at least one of the captains will definitely bring benefits. Even if one of them ends up in a vile ambush and goes to feed the fish, the rest will return with their prey.

Upgrade specialists, not generalists

British developers have been trying to incorporate RPG elements into the powerful body of their global strategies since the very start of the franchise. IN Total War: Shogun 2 full-fledged hero development lines have appeared, and in the new Creative Assembly game, role-playing elements almost rule the roost. The lords and heroes of your God-chosen people receive experience for literally everything. Kicked off a horde of orcs on the border? Get a development point. Are you sitting in the metropolis and frowning at the dissatisfaction of taxpayers? Your lord has become more influential, please develop his parameters. Heroes and lords level up faster on campaigns: don’t let them get bored in the rear playing backgammon.

A careful approach to character leveling will be noticeable and significant. Administrators who are lucky enough not to participate in battles must develop their influence on the level of law and order and the fight against corruption (that harmful substance that is spread by the adherents of chaos). For field commanders, leveling up is even more important. If you're a fan of masterful ambushes in the depths of the jungle, this is one ability worth maximizing. If your army has two-thirds of shooters, invest three points in improving dart throwers and crossbowmen. In the new Total War, the creation of highly specialized specialists is more beneficial than ever before: a priest who has developed his only spell to the maximum will be more useful than a jack of all trades.

Check your equipment often

A limited number of slots for armor and artifacts will be occupied in literally two dozen moves of an active game, so remember about specialization. For a skilled business executive, a servant-administrator (also occupies a separate slot) is more useful. The slasher, who leads every dashing attack, will need a magic blade that gives an increase in onslaught. Keep in mind that items can be repeated and without proper control, your commander will soon be hung with unnecessary and identical keychains. Why do you need three banners from flying enemies if you are fighting the skaven? Everyone knows that rats fly only with a good kick.

Armor, weapons and amulets in the game can be distributed among your lords and heroes at any time, regardless of their location on the campaign map. Make sure that especially valuable items do not gather dust in warehouses, and from time to time check your elite for equipment and equipment.

City defense tactics

The center of any province is a city. Taxpayers live there, the garrison is bored there, lords and heroes appear there. Capturing foreign cities and defending your own is a separate art.

Remember that if your “district center” is located on the border of the country, it will need fortified walls. Without fortifications, the city will not be able to adequately resist the invaders and the battle for the settlement will come down to a scuffle in an open field. But if you managed to surround the city with fortress walls, you have every chance to push back the most powerful army of interventionists. Before the siege begins, we strongly recommend hiring a lord to lead the defense.

The forces of the defenders need to be pulled to the point of penetration into your sovereign territory - only one detachment of invaders can climb the assault ladder, and the siege tower will deliver the same single detachment to your walls. Meeting the raiders with superior forces will not be difficult: arrange the defenders in advance so that no one is slacking in the rear. If the aggressors break through the wall, so much the worse for them: place a detachment of the most desperate fighters at the breach. Let the attackers be drawn into the breach and face the wall of defenders, and then hit the enemy from both sides with pre-prepared units. Not even the most brutal warriors will do here - enemies attacked from three directions won’t last that long.

Also, when defending a city, it makes sense to take a couple of cavalry units outside the walls. Horsemen will be able to attack the enemy with his clumsy siege engines or tear apart artillery left without cover.

Take advantage of the tightness of the fortress walls: a battle will definitely break out there, and the enemy siege artillery will begin to blindly hit the walls, mowing down more of their own fighters than yours. It gets to the point that the “scorpions” of the dark elves drive the dark elves themselves from the walls.

The aerobatics begin if your commander manages to come to the aid of the garrison of a besieged fortress: potential occupiers find themselves between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, fresh forces are flying at them, and on the other, the defenders, starving under siege, are rushing.

If after a long battle your city has fallen and the invaders are already enjoying victory, try to find reserves and immediately recapture the city. Firstly, the interventionists will be battered by the recent siege. Secondly, as experience has shown, invaders immediately get carried away with looting and forget about repairing the fortress walls. Your army will easily penetrate the city through the recently destroyed walls.

During the assault, let the most persistent veterans go forward. As soon as your warriors are on the walls of the enemy fortress, send a detachment to capture towers and gates. The most lightly armed warriors can take fortifications: just lower the enemy’s flag (happens automatically). And through the captured gates, soldiers from among the reinforcements will be able to break into the city (of course, if you have taken care of reinforcements in advance).

Army modes, physics, morale

In the heat of hostilities, do not forget to transfer the army to a suitable mode. If the division is marching through its native valleys and hills, turn on “March” - the soldiers will be able to cover much more kilometers. They will be more vulnerable to the enemy, but they still need to look for an enemy in the heart of their homeland.

In enemy territory, after the next battle, the “Camp” mode is suitable - this way your fighters will receive a bonus to defense and quickly make up for losses. And when you activate “Ambush”, you will be able to attack columns of tired enemies stretched out on the march with an ominous laugh.

Total War: Warhammer 2 does not have realistic physics, but it is important to remember that every soldier in a large-scale game has a physical meaning. A pack of nimble ratmen, throwing themselves under the hooves of the knightly cavalry, will stop their mighty onslaught (even at the cost of their rat life). And your best swordsman lord, stuck in a crowd of his own and other soldiers, will not be able to quickly run to the desired point. Use the game physics wisely: a fleeing enemy commander can, for example, be surrounded by a horde of weak warriors and simply kicked to death.

And don't forget about friendly fire! If a squad of your shield bearers attacks the lone hero of the enemy troops, and allied shooters try to help, then most of the arrows will go to your fighters.

Fighting spirit, one of the signature features of the Total War series, works at its best in the new game: the colorful races of the New World delight with a realistic attitude to bloodshed - here every fighter hopes to meet old age by the fireplace. So it is still more realistic to put an army to flight than to destroy it in the bud. We were especially pleased with the Skaven: during a normal battle, their fickle troops manage to panic several times, gather their courage and return.

When fighting a Skaven army, pay special attention to the location of your troops. If the rats attacked from an ambush - and for them this is a special reason for pride and a separate art - place your ranks closer to the edge of the battlefield (it is marked with a white line). Enemy units put to flight will run beyond the specified line and will not be able to return after that. Such a feint will allow you to withstand an attack from noticeably superior forces.

Experiments with troop specialization

Arrows of all races, at first glance, cause little damage. But if you command three squads of archers to take aim at one squad of enemy infantry, the enemy will not find it difficult. At the turning point of the fight, it makes sense to give the shooters the command to go hand-to-hand, especially if their selfless blow lands in the enemy’s back.

The characteristics of some units can only be revealed through trial and error. For example, dart throwers on pterodactyls (lizardmen are our choice) cannot cause significant damage to a single unit. But if you command them to fall on the enemy from the sky, there is every chance of causing the enemy to flee.

The mentioned lizard people, by the way, are good in everything except military discipline: infantry saurs can lose control if they are attacked. They will not destroy everyone indiscriminately - they will attack the enemy, as expected, but you will not be able to give them orders. Place such warriors at the forefront of the attack or in those places where they will not need additional instructions. Then, after winning, assign them penalty work in the kitchen.

All Creative Assembly games in general and Total War: Warhammer 2 in particular are complex mechanisms: they drag on for hundreds of hours, sweetly rumbling with many gears. And everyone who conquered the virtual world and waved the flag over the enemy capital had their own path to victory. Advice alone is not enough here; it is important to learn from your own mistakes - so quickly hit the road and conquer the New World. May this text be useful to you both in the hot jungles of Lustria and on the cold stones of Naggaroth.

Total War. WARHAMMER. Chaos Warriors Race Pack


Buy for

Genre: Action.

Total War™: WARHAMMER® - Warriors of Chaos Race Pack. The Chaos Warriors Race Pack adds a new race to Total War™: WARHAMMER® with its own Legendary Overlords, troops, mounts, items, quests and gameplay mechanics. Three new Legendary Overlords. New mounts... Total War™: WARHAMMER® - Warriors of Chaos Race Pack. The Chaos Warriors Race Pack adds a new race to Total War™: WARHAMMER® with its own Legendary Overlords, troops, mounts, items, quests and gameplay mechanics. Three new Legendary Overlords. New mounts, warriors and monsters of Chaos. New tasks, magic items and abilities. New game style: "horde". Lead the terrible warriors of Chaos and turn the Old World into dust. This pack includes a complete set of bloodthirsty warriors, terrifying mounts and monstrous creatures. Lead the evil hordes of Chaos as one of three new legendary overlords. Open your arms to the forces of destruction and complete new quest chains to find powerful items and gain glory in the name of the Chaos gods. Beyond Kislev, beyond the Troll Country, and even beyond the barren peninsula of Norsca, lies a dark-shrouded land, bound by an unnatural, never-ending winter. Here the mortal world and the immaterial possessions of Chaos come into contact, forming an uncontrollable gateway to that hellish dimension from which creatures of the most terrible kind constantly crawl. Few mortals dare to venture into these places, and even fewer return. The savages living south of the gates worship the Chaos gods, and often travel north to try to become agents of the will of their overlords. Those who endure this unholy pilgrimage and survive are irreversibly transformed. These mighty warriors of Chaos are clad in black armor, bearing the horrifying markings of the Ruinous Powers' favor, and are ready to carry out the bidding of their cruel masters, such as their leader, the indomitable Archaon Ever Chosen. This pack makes the entire race of Chaos warriors from the main version available for control in the grand campaign and multiplayer; In addition, it adds completely new legendary overlords, overlords, heroes, warriors, magic items and more. Three new legendary lords. Lead the warriors of chaos as one of three new legendary overlords, each with their own unique bonuses: Sigvald the Magnificent: Handsome from birth, Sigvald was so consumed by hedonism that he was exiled from his family, but also helped him find a powerful patron, Slaanesh. Now he leads an army of those who worship him. Destroying anything he finds ugly or unsightly, he fights in the name of Slaanesh and his own twisted selfishness. Kholek Suneater: Kholek Suneater makes an indelible impression. Many consider this giant to be the second oldest among all dragon ogres. He towers over the battlefield, swinging a huge hammer with ease. Some even worship him as a deity. Archaon Forever Chosen: A former templar of the Sigmarites, Archaon once discovered an ancient text that revealed some of the secrets of their religion. Rejecting his oath to Sigmar, he traveled north to the nightmarish Chaos Wastes to offer his services to the Chaos Gods. The forces of destruction blessed Zigrmar in his attempt to become the Ever Chosen - the ruler of the end times. New playstyle: horde. Introducing the horde playstyle in Total War: WARHAMMER, Chaos warriors can burn down enemy settlements and set up camp wherever they want, carrying the spoils of battle with them. The armies of Chaos rest only when they are already exhausted. Where they passed, nothing remains but filth and ashes. New combat units, buildings, items and technologies. The minions of Chaos are not interested in gold. To unlock new types of troops, buildings and technologies, you will have to seek favors from the Dark Gods. Seek powerful artifacts of Chaos to become a true Herald of the Apocalypse. Spread corruption in the name of Chaos!. The dirty energies that feed the warriors of Chaos infect the lands they pass through and affect the local population. Use this opportunity to sow confusion among the enemies of Chaos; raise uprisings of your adherents, spreading the dark faith. Key Units: Chaos Warriors No longer quite human, the Chaos Warriors have been transformed into living, perfectly honed weapons in the hands of their grim masters. Endowed with the power of chaos, clad in black armor forged in the forges of hell, each of them can easily deal with several mortal warriors. They do not need sleep, food, drink, or any of the amenities needed by mortals. Only murder keeps them alive. Chaos Dragon (mount). Once these huge beasts soared in the clouds just as their relatives do to this day. But, disfigured by corruption, these two-headed dragons turned into merciless, independent predators. One head spits out dark flames, the other - caustic gas. Only the most powerful warriors are capable of riding such a monster, but still this alliance will be temporary, because the Chaos dragon cannot be tamed. Outcasts. They were once proud people, but long service to the Chaos gods changed them. In the old days, they killed only in the name of their ambitions and glory, but mutations deprived them of everything human. Now they fight, turning into a whirlwind of flailing limbs, hair and claws, only to satisfy their endless, unnatural hunger. Drakoogres. These stunning and terrible animals are one of the most ancient and amazing species of living beings. Their immortality was a gift received from the Chaos gods in exchange for eternal service to darkness. Eternal enemies of light, they easily wield huge weapons and are capable of tearing apart even the most powerful warriors. Direbeast Chariot. A massive structure of hell-forged steel, a mutated beast and a jagged blade. Only the most powerful warriors of Chaos ride on chariots drawn by ferocious beasts, and they serve only one purpose: to sweep away enemy ranks thanks to their indomitable power. Infernal Cannon. The Infernal Cannon is a union of metal and demonic forces, thanks to which it is capable of unleashing charges of witchcraft on the battlefield energy and turn everything within its reach into steam. Part machine, part demon, this infernal device feeds on the pulped remains of slain enemies and is controlled by a crew of hardy Chaos Dwarves. Full list of troop types: Legendary Lords: Archaon Ever Chosen - Melee/Spellcaster (school of Fire) (race leader) Prince Sigvald - Melee Combat Kholek Suneater - Melee Lords: High Sorcerer of Chaos - Spellcaster (school of Fire, Death or Metal) Lord of Chaos - Melee Heroes: Chaos Sorcerer - Spellcaster (school of Fire, Death or Metal) Exalted Hero - Melee Mounts: Warhorse Dorghar (Archaon only) Dire Beast ChariotManticoreChaos DragonChaos ChargerChaos ChariotArmored Chaos ChargerMelee Infantry:Chaos PlunderChaos Plunder weaponsWarriors of Chaos Chaos Warriors with Heavy WeaponsChaos Warriors with HalberdsThe ChosenChosen with Heavy WeaponsChosen with HalberdsThe OutcastMonster Melee Infantry: DracoogreChaos SpawnChaos TrollsArmored Chaos TrollsMelee War Beasts:Chaos War DogsVenomous Chaos WardogsMelee MonstersDracoogre ShaggothGiant ChaosRanged HorsemenHorse PlunderHorse Plunder with Throwing Ax and ShieldVehicle: Chariot Chaos Chariot with Dire Beast Artillery: Infernal Cannon Next

Game series "Total War" has grown in earnest, as has the number of her fans all over the world. Personally, “Total War” dashed into my life on horseback with "Rome: Total War" 2004. The scale of the battles and the level of possibilities in the game were simply amazing. Fans of the series, like me, have had the opportunity to visit different eras and forms. Gamers could wage victorious wars with Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th century, William Wallace win the independence of Scotland in the late 13th and early 14th centuries, and lead the army of the legendary Sparta in the days BC. In the game world "Total war" one could be “stuck” for many hours, days and months, again and again starting a great campaign to strengthen one’s power. The main thing is not to forget where the game is and where the reality is.

This is what the most ardent Total War fans look like

Developer - company Creative Assembly decided not to dwell on the history of mankind. Now we have to get into the history of the worlds "Warhammer", and what the most ardent fans of “Total War” will look like after May 24, 2016, I can’t even imagine.

Set of races "Warriors of Chaos"- this is additional content for the game "Total War: Warhammer". It adds a new race to the game with its own legendary overlords, troops, mounts, items, quests and game mechanics. We have to lead the terrible warriors of Chaos. We will be able to try on the role of one of three new legendary lords, each of which has its own unique bonuses: Sigvald the Magnificent, Kholek the Suneater, Archaon the Forever Chosen.

The playing style for Chaos warriors is “horde”. He is already familiar to us from previous episodes "Total War". The Horde burns enemy settlements and has the ability to set up camp. Where it passes, nothing remains but filth and ashes. By spreading a dark faith and infecting the lands with dirty energy, the warriors of Chaos spread confusion among their enemies.

Here is detailed information about key combat units and types of troops from the official website "Total War":

Key units:

Warriors of Chaos
No longer quite human, the warriors of Chaos were transformed into living, perfectly sharpened weapons in the hands of their dark overlords. Endowed with the power of chaos, clad in black armor forged in the forges of hell, each of them can easily deal with several mortal warriors. They do not need sleep, food, drink, or any of the amenities needed by mortals. Only murder keeps them alive.
Chaos Dragon (mounted).
Once upon a time, these huge animals soared in the clouds just as their relatives do to this day. But, disfigured by corruption, these two-headed dragons turned into merciless, independent predators. One head spits out dark flames, the other - caustic gas. Only the most powerful warriors are capable of riding such a monster, but still this alliance will be temporary, because the Chaos dragon cannot be tamed.
Les Misérables.
They were once proud people, but long service to the Chaos gods changed them. In the old days, they killed only in the name of their ambitions and glory, but mutations deprived them of everything human. Now they fight, turning into a whirlwind of flailing limbs, hair and claws, only to satisfy their endless, unnatural hunger.

These stunning and terrible animals are one of the most ancient and amazing species of living beings. Their immortality was a gift received from the Chaos gods in exchange for eternal service to darkness. Eternal enemies of light, they easily wield huge weapons and are capable of tearing apart even the most powerful warriors.
Chariot with a fierce beast.
A massive structure of hell-forged steel, a mutated beast, and a jagged blade. Only the most powerful warriors of Chaos ride on chariots drawn by ferocious beasts, and they serve only one purpose: to sweep away the enemy ranks thanks to their indomitable power.
Hell of a gun.
The Hell Cannon is a union of metal and demonic forces, thanks to which it is capable of unleashing charges of witchcraft energy on the battlefield and turning everything in its reach into steam. Part machine, part demon, this infernal device feeds on the pulped remains of slain enemies and is controlled by a crew of hardy Chaos Dwarves.

Full list of types of troops:

Legendary Lords:

Archaon Ever Chosen - Melee/Spellcaster (Fire School) (Race Leader)

Prince Sigvald - Melee

Kholek Suneater - Close combat.


Supreme Sorcerer of Chaos - Spellcaster (school of Fire, Death or Metal)

Chaos Lord - Melee.


Chaos Sorcerer - Spellcaster (Fire, Death or Metal school)

Exalted Hero - Melee.


Warhorse Dorghar (Archaon only)

Chariot with a ferocious beast


Chaos Dragon

Chaos Steed

Chariot of Chaos

Armored Chaos Steed.

Melee Infantry:

Chaos Robbers

Chaos Plunderers with Heavy Weapons

Warriors of Chaos

Chaos Warriors with Heavy Weapons

Chaos Warriors with Halberds


Chosen with heavy weapons

Chosen with halberds

Les Misérables.

Monstrous Melee Infantry:


Chaos Spawn

Chaos Trolls

Armored Chaos Trolls.

Melee War Beasts:

Warhounds of Chaos

Poisonous war dogs of Chaos.

Melee monsters:

Drakoogre Shaggoth

Chaos Giant

Ranged Horsemen

Horse robber

Horse robber with throwing ax and shield.


Chariot of Chaos

Chariot with a fierce beast.


Hell of a gun.

That's all the information. Here are some more interesting videos dedicated to the Chaos Warriors faction:

Video: Empire vs. Warriors of Chaos

Warriors of Chaos cinematic trailer

Video: Campaign for the Warriors of Chaos

Welcome, Chaosit! Now I will tell you a very simple way to conquer the Old World playing as Chaos on Legendary difficulty!

First of all, we need to choose a Master to whom we will entrust this.

Archaon- Eh, nice spells and...that’s probably all. He relies too much on luck, which is associated with the risk of losses...But, if you don’t feel sorry for your soldiers and want difficulties, then go for it! In a word, a risky choice.

Prince Sigvald - Not. Touch it. His. NEVER! Seriously, never choose him. Bulbasaur from the whole trio. (approx. Bloodlust - The Bulbasaur of the three.)

Kholek Sun-eater- Our tasty morsel. Can become literally unkillable and very powerful! Let's take it!

The main thing you need to know is our Overlord's skill set. So, it’s best to start with this chain of skills:

Hiking Experience - Tribes of Chaos 3 ( VERY IMPORTANT!!!) - Reavers 1 - Unholy Fortitude - Lunging Strike

Lunging Strike is a VERY important ability. It allows us to get rid of two (or more) enemy armies. By destroying the enemy armies one by one, we can easily defeat them due to the fact that our warriors are stronger. Not in numbers, but in skill! (translator's note)

Let's not stop there! Let's keep rocking!

Stormlord - Eye of the Gods - Thick Skin 3 - Storm's Fury (Our Overlord becomes unkillable) - Defense Mastery 1 - Enemy Seeker - Combat Experience 3 - Wounding 1 - Deadly Carnage - Wounding 3 - Defense Mastery 3

After that, we pump out all our defensive skills, and then do what you like.

This build makes Kholek an absolute beast, and with the right items his save reaches 65%+, making him incredibly powerful!

Always lead him in the vanguard, in the thick of the battle, so that he can take 1/4 of the enemy army, and then allow his Chaos Giants to finish off the battlefield.

Follow this path and you will have no problems... Except if you are unlucky and the computer rushes to rush you... Which is usually what happens.

Move 1

We are heading towards the Bersonling camp. Make sure you leave 25% action points to go into camp mode.

Upgrading the nomad camp before the tribe meeting.


Move 2

We attack the Bersonling camp and plunder it.

Move 3

We attack the Bersonling camp again and already awaken the Bersonling tribe, then we move towards the Frozen Shore. If you don't have enough moves, make sure to leave 25% of your action points to go into camp mode.

Upgrading the tribal meeting to a chaos fighting unit.

We hire two squads of chaos robbers.

Move 4

Attack and loot the Frozen Shore settlement.

Move 5 - 9001

Repeat the 4th Move until practical experience is given, or an aggressive computer drives you away. This will allow you to level up Kholek very quickly and will give you enough time to level up your camp to the Chaos Giants.

Once you have reached the Chaos Giants, start moving along the northern coast. Along the way, awaken and then enslave all the northern tribes. (After awakening the tribe, attack it again and enslave it. This will help you avoid further wars between them and make them obedient to your will.)

Important! NOT enslave the Bersonling tribe early in the game, as this will make the AI ​​very aggressive early on and will most likely overwhelm you.

Your first priority will be to get to the Chaos Giants. So we do everything possible to upgrade your city. Next, we build Lightning Fields to gain access to Shaggoth Dragogrs and then upgrade to the Hell Cannon.

After you get the opportunity to hire Chaos Giants, hire 4-5 squads of these beauties and... START DESTROYING EVERYTHING!!! Next, hire 4-5 units of Shaggoth Dragoogres, 1 Hell Cannon and 2 Dire Beast Chariots.

Below is my troop composition at the end of the game.

It is important to note that the Lunging Strike ability is the key to our victory.
When, after 2-3 battles, the lives of your Chaos Giants are very low and there is no allied territory nearby to receive a healing bonus, it will be easier to disband them and hire new ones, because waiting 6+ turns until full recovery is an unaffordable luxury. Don't worry about the veteran bonus, it doesn't make a big difference. I want to emphasize that do not think about veteranism at all, it is useless, because having 3 golden stripes on a Chaos Giant with 30% health you are at a greater risk than if he had 100% health. On Legendary difficulty the risk is unacceptable.

List of villages where you can awaken tribes for enslavement:

Winter Bonfire - Eslings

Sarly camp - Sarly

Grenling Gathering - Grenlings

Gathering of Bjornlings - Bjornlings

Warg Camp - Wargs

You must finish your conquest of the north at the Drakkar Cemetery, and then cross the river and begin to bring the End of Times to the Old World! Winter is coming!


If, one day, you see 4 enemy armies on the screen, then rest assured - they are coming for YOU!
The best strategy, in this case, would be to march and run north to our tribes, because the enemy troops will destroy you, even if you use Lunging Strike. On the plus side, there is always the risk of being ambushed by the army.

I finished the campaign on legendary difficulty with 1 army. Play wisely, calculate your moves and you will win, bringing CHAOS AND THE END OF TIMES to this world!!

You can raise another army if the need arises, but provided that you have 100+ thousand of the favor of the gods. You must also understand that they will not be able to fight together, because they will suffer losses due to the civil strife penalty. After joint battles, quick restoration of the army’s health is impossible, and this can be a fatal risk!

I’ll still think about improving and polishing the guide, and I’m waiting for a question from you, my beloved Chaosites, questions about destroying the WORLD! Ask them and I will answer!

(translator's note - Ask questions and I will try to pass them on to the original author, or answer them myself, because I tried this guide and I can say that it definitely works. The most difficult thing is to conquer the north.)
