Headless Horseman wow bfa. Thoughts on a Hero: The Headless Horseman

Scarlet Monastery. In addition, he attacks the cities of the Alliance and Horde periodically during the holiday.

The Rider was once a knight of the Silver Hand, but is now cursed. He believes that he is alive, while everyone he meets is dead. After defeating him, his name is revealed - Thomas Thomson (or Sir Thomas).

To summon him, click on the Pumpkin Sanctuary and receive Calling the Headless Horseman. Click on the Loose Turned Soil behind the shrine to begin the quest. Each player can summon a rider once per day.

Players can also summon him once by receiving a quest starting with Shadow of the Horseman. This quest can only be obtained from the Disguised Orphan Matron (Alliance) or the Masked Orphan Matron (Horde) when the Shadow is defeated in one of the villages and the Great Jack-O-Lantern is lying on the ground.


Thomas Thomson and his family owned their own pumpkin farm in Tirisfal Glades, which was located southwest of Agamand's Mills. He was one of the paladins who witnessed how Uther the Lightbringer and Jaina Proudmoore refused to help Prince Arthas Menethil with the cleansing of Stratholme. Sir Thomas agreed with Lord Uther's decision, and was soon forced to watch as the Scourge destroyed Lordaeron. He was also present during Rivendare's betrayal, sending contaminated grain to the village the baron had sworn to protect. Later, he was informed that Prince Arthas had returned from Northrend and killed his own father. Thomas was sure that the preconditions for this crime were events that occurred before sailing north, including the massacre at Stratholme. Five days later, he learned that Arthas had managed to reach Uther and many other Knights of the Silver Hand. They were all killed.

Thomas fell into despair and only wanted to save his family. He ordered his wife to go to Kalimdor for Jaina Proudmoore, while he remained in Lordaeron with other paladins intent on destroying the Scourge. Over the next four years he fought against the undead alongside other paladins led by Saidan Dathrohan, including Alexandros Mograine, known as the Ashbringer. However, underneath the guise of Dathrohan was Balnazzar, who led the Knights of the Silver Hand to ruin when Reno Mograine killed his own father. Some paladins heeded the words of High Inquisitor Fairbanks, who witnessed the murder, and left to found the Argent Dawn. Thomas, however, did not leave and became part of the Scarlet Crusade.

One day, Saidan led his paladins to a settlement where refugees lived, who happily greeted the Scarlet Crusade and were sure that this was just a test for the presence of the plague. Although the city's inhabitants were healthy, Dathrohan tricked Thomas into believing that they were all infected. The story with Stratholme repeated itself, and this time Sir Thomas took the other side - he was ready to give the refugees death and free them from the service of the Scourge. This is what happened when the Scarlet Crusade burned the city to the ground and killed all the inhabitants.

The cleansing crusade continued, and two months later an event occurred that broke Sir Thomas. During the next extermination of the supposed infected, he killed a woman with two children who was trying to escape from the paladins. Then he saw their faces and realized that he had dealt with his own family. He came to the conclusion that the ship that was sailing to Kalimdor was caught in a storm and was damaged. Those who escaped remained on the shores of Lordaeron and were forced to survive in the chaos that engulfed the kingdom.

The broken paladin was taken to the Scarlet Monastery, where he finally went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with a plague. Sir Thomas remained the only one who could still save everyone. During Hallow's End, he killed many of his former comrades before being captured and beheaded. Dathrohan declared that the fallen knight deserved an honorable burial. When the burial ceremony was completed, Balnazzar used fel energy to resurrect Thomas as a mad headless horseman with special powers and free will.

Attacks and abilities

Headless Horseman

  • Melee: Deals 3-4k damage.
  • Cleave: Normal cleave, deals ~4k damage.
  • Vortex: After losing the head, the body begins to be hit by a whirlwind over an area of ​​​​~2k/sec.
  • Ignition: Area-targeting UZV can only be removed by a PvP accessory or similar ability (Ice Block, Divine Shield, etc.). It ticks by a percentage of maximum health every second and intimidates the target. Lasts ~5 seconds. By pretending to be dead right before ignition, you can prevent fear, although the animation will still appear. You can attack/move as normal. It is not known whether ultrasound is also cancelled.
  • Horseman's Head: Appears when the Rider is 99% damaged in each phase. ~27000 Health.
  • Pulsating pumpkin: Throws to the ground during the third phase. Germinates in ~15 seconds. ~10k Health. If the pumpkin hits a player, he will receive the disease Soft Boiled Soul, which gives -18 to Spirit for 20 minutes.
  • Evil Pumpkin: Sprouts from the Pulsating Gourd. Deals ~650 damage, has ~10k health.


The battle with the Headless Horseman consists of three phases.

First phase

The horseman appears and moves towards the one who lit the candle. The tank must immediately use taunt if he was not the one who called the rider. Beware of the cleave and hit him until the end of the phase.

At 1% health, he will become invulnerable, throw his head, start wandering around lost and periodically attack with Whirlwind. The rider's head will become an accessible target, and the body will be healed to 100%. All damage dealers must have a macro to target the Horseman's Head. Once the head is at 60% or the body is restored to 100%, the head will reconnect with the body and the next phase will begin.

Second phase

Sanctuary of the Pumpkin.

When the Horseman is reunited with the head, it attacks the player with highest level threats This phase differs from the previous one in that periodically the rider will Ignite a random player who is not a tank. You can use a PvP accessory to remove Ignition. Healers and ranged damage dealers should keep an eye on where the tank and Ignite target are. Stay away from her.

The second phase ends when the head reaches 30% health or when the body is restored to 100%.

Third phase

In the third phase, the rider does not use Ignite. At some point, he will throw four Pulsating Gourds, which will sprout after a few seconds and their health will be restored as they do so. Pumpkins have approximately 10k health and Evil Pumpkins will deal 1k damage to rag pickers. The fastest way victory is to attack the rider with all your might, at this time the tank holds the pumpkins on itself and prepares for the appearance of new waves. The attack continues until the rider's head is torn off. If the group is unable to deal enough damage, a second or even third wave of pumpkins may appear.

Tanking the Horseman on the steps into the dungeon causes pumpkins to spawn close to the boss. Thanks to this tank, it is much easier to pick them up.

After the Horseman's Head dies, the Headless Horseman is defeated and the remaining pumpkins die. If you do not kill the Horseman's Head before the body is healed to 100%, the third phase will begin again, which means that the Horseman will have to be beaten again until the head comes off. This almost certainly means defeat, because... the yard will be filled with Evil Pumpkins.


Having a Paladin tank makes this Phase much easier due to Consecration . The rest of the party hugs the Paladin, inside the spell"s range, allowing the tank to pick up the Fiends, thereafter the DPS can burn these down. The key to the Headless Horseman is to find and DPS down the head as fast as possible when it is off the Horseman. The head does no damage so all DPS should feel free to unload on it. The macro /target Head of helps with this, as it allows you to pick up the head almost as soon as it detaches.


Preparation of fillings.

Collectible figure of a horseman.


Player: The horseman rises... Your hour is approaching... Once upon a time you were already touched by the bony hand of death... Know death now!

Appearance of the Horseman: Unhappy, you have reached the end of the road! Fate will decide who should go forward!

Head loss:(Headless Horseman) Over here, you idiot!

Reunion: Here is my body, beautiful and bold! He punishes black souls skillfully!

Conflagration: Harken, cur! Tis you I spurn! Now feel... the burn!

Sprouting Pumpkins: Arise, servants, rush into battle! May the fallen knight find peace!

Death of the Horseman: With death, we have been friends for a long time... What awaits me now in the wasteland?

Player Death: Your body lies beaten, battered and broken. Let my curse be your own, fate has spoken.


At the beginning of the attack:

Get ready, despicable ones, death is getting closer! Save the elderly and children quickly! Thunderstorms are thundering over the earth, there will be no mercy! The time of reckoning has come!

Part-way through encounter:

The sky is dark. The fire burns. You strive in vain as Fate's wheel turns.

Time almost up:

Let the damned city burn to the ground! My term is running out and I have work to do!

Upon successfully dowsing his flames:

My fire has dried up, the enemy triumphs! I am plunged into boundless darkness.

Upon failing to douse his flames:

Fire consumes! You"ve tried and failed. Let there be no doubt, justice prevailed!

Upon successfully defeating Shade of Horseman's body:

So eager you are, for my blood to spill. Yet to vanquish me, "tis my head you must kill!

Additional Notes

When the Headless Horseman arrived in the game in 2007, it caused a wave of attempts to restart the dungeon and thus create multiple instances of dungeons running on the server. This caused the rule "No more than 5 dungeons per hour." In 2008, changes were made so that a dungeon restart was no longer required.


[Halloween Sweets] drop on every kill. Ghoul's Ring of Contentment , Horseman's Signet Ring , Witch's Ring , and [Weighted jack-o'-lantern] are common drops.

[Magic Broom] , [Sacred Helm], and [Sinister Pumpkin] are moderately rare drops.

Horseman's Blade , Horseman's Helm , and Reins of the Headless Horseman are rare drops.

Drops from the Headless Horseman

“Unfortunate one, you have reached the end of the road! Fate will decide who should go forward!”
– The Headless Horseman, Curse of Hallow's End

The rider's real name was Thomas Thomson and he was a knight of the Silver Hand. During the plague caused by the Cult of the Damned, he was sent to guard a large village. As a result of the betrayal of Baron Rivendell, who sent infected grain to the village, all the villagers turned into zombies, and only Thomas managed to escape. Thomson took Arthas’ decision to kill all the inhabitants of Stratholme extremely negatively, considering it wrong. Arthas' further betrayal and Uther's death were a blow to him and, fearing for the lives of his family, Thomas decided to send them to Kalimdor along with Jaina's expedition.

Once in the Scarlet Crusade, Thomas tried his best to ingratiate himself with the world, so he gladly took part in the Crusaders' raids. The order's methods were extremely cruel, so innocent people often became their victims. In one of these raids, Thomas's wife and children were killed, and they were never able to travel to Kalimdor. Thomas went crazy from grief and was taken into custody.

In his cell, instead of the usual sounds of grief and tears, he heard a strange inhuman noise. Laughter, howling, sobbing - everything was mixed with strange rhymes, similar to those he had heard in old children's fairy tales. Hallow's End has arrived. At the request of Dathrohan, Thomas returned to duty and during the first battle he began to chop down both enemies and allies, as a result of which he was beheaded by his own comrades.

High Knight Dathrohan said that he would personally prepare Thomas's body for burning to honor his fallen comrade, regardless of his mistakes in life. In fact, Said Dathrohan was none other than Balnazzar - one of the three nathrezim left in Lordaeron. He couldn't miss this chance and resurrected Thomas, giving him fel powers.

I fought for you... I fought in vain.
Run, hide, scream, burn!
None of you will find mercy...
On the Night of All Saints, when the Horseman comes!

“The Headless Horseman, once a knight of the Order of the Silver Hand and a hero among his fellow paladins, is now cursed. Driven to madness at Scarlet Monastery, he believes he is alive and we are all dead. He no longer serves the Light." . - Guardian of orphans in a mask.

  • The Horseman first appeared in WoW in 2007 in patch 2.2.2
  • The rider speaks only in verse.
  • Each Hallow's End Horseman attacks small towns in Azeroth and sets houses on fire.

Lies have been fooling my eyes for a long time,
But now I see you clearly!
You are all infected! And to the Light
Killing you brings victory!
Let the cleansing fire
The trace of filth and stench will be washed away from you!

« You will not shed my blood with your sword. Cut down the pumpkin and you'll kill me! » - Headless Horseman.

« Get ready, despicable ones - death is getting closer! Save the elderly and children quickly. Thunderstorms rumble over the earth. There will be no mercy, the hour of reckoning has come! » - Headless Horseman.

« Arise, servants, rush into battle! May the fallen knight find peace! » - Headless Horseman.

« You lost, fate spoke its word. My curse fell on someone else! » - Headless Horseman.

« The flame in your chest has gone out. And there is only one winner in the fight! » - Headless Horseman.

(Feature) Horse of the Headless Horseman.

The hero cannot use vehicles. If the Horseman does not take damage for 5 seconds, his movement speed is increased by 30%.

(Q) Horseman's Kick.

The hero makes a dash towards the enemy and deals damage. Cooldown time 8 seconds.

(W) Summon flaming heads.

Throws fire heads into the selected area, which explode upon impact with the ground. Cooldown time: 6 seconds.

(E) Ignition.

For 4 seconds, it sets fire to all enemies who deal damage to the rider for 3 seconds. Cooldown time: 12 seconds.

(R1) Pumpkin time!

Throws a pumpkin on the enemy's head, thereby disorienting him for 4 seconds. Cooldown time: 50 seconds.

(R2) Headless

The hero throws his head a great distance, the hero's body becomes uncontrollable. The health reserve of the head is 10% of the hero’s total health reserve. If the body is alive, then the head can come back. While the hero is in this form, he cannot use abilities. After 30 seconds, a new body is created and the old one is destroyed. Cooldown time: 120 seconds.

From the very moment the Horseman appeared, talented artists turned their attention to him.

". The holiday begins October 18 and continues until November 1. The Headless Horseman, crowds of lepergnomes fill Azeroth. For receiving all the achievements of this event, players are given a beautiful title ( Tykver). So how do you get the coveted title? You need to get the achievement Let Your Name Be Pumpkined. Let's look at each of the achievements that will be needed to get the one mentioned above:

This is not a difficult achievement at all. All you need to do is go to any hotel in Azeroth, talk to its owner, selecting the line “Candy or Treat”. After this, a debuff is placed on you that will prevent you from receiving a bag of sweets for 60 minutes, which may contain several good things, as well as candy or life. A funny thing to note is that sometimes you can get a debuff that transforms you into some kind of creature. Try to do trick or treat as often as possible, because you will need magic wands later on.

One of the simplest achievements of celebration. Remember what I said about the nice little things that fall out of bags of candy? So here it is. Toothpicks may fall out of them. After using the toothpick, not only will your teeth shine, but you will also receive the above-mentioned achievement.

Non-PvP fans - brace yourself, because to complete this achievement you will need to properly refresh yourself with goodies (which fall out of bags with candies), go to any battlefield and fight until you earn the achievement, namely until you kill 50 players, while you are under the smoothness buff.

Where will the desire to get a title take us now? To the distant Hillsbrad Foothills, of course! There you will need to complete all available tasks related to the celebration. The Horde should ruin the holiday for the Alliance, and they should do the opposite. It depends on your faction what you will be asked to do: plant stink bombs or rotten eggs, or even burn an effigy.

Once every 60 minutes the Headless Horseman will attack starting locations each of the factions. At this time, you have the opportunity to take quests from NPCs located in these locations. After completing a quest in which you are required to put out fires, you will receive the coveted achievement. It is better to complete this achievement at a time when not only you, but also other players are eager to complete this quest. The more there are, the greater the chances of quickly successfully extinguishing fires.

Same easy achievement. You are required to dial large number sweets and eat them all at once. You need to eat until your character starts to feel nauseous and gets the “Upset Tummy” debuff. A cruel method towards your character, but it’s worth it, because you’ll be one step closer to the title of “Tykver”.

If you have golds, you can simply buy the opportunity to put pumpkins on the heads of players of another faction. If you don't have gold or just don't want to waste it, you'll have to travel around Azeroth in search of "victims." Pumpkins can be obtained for daily tasks, knock it out of the Headless Horseman or shake it out of a bag of candy.

It would seem that everything is easy, go around all the taverns of Azeroth and take a handful of candies from the buckets in each, but it is not as easy as we would like. Taverns in Kalimdor, the Eastern Kingdoms and Outland open their doors to you and are waiting for you to give you candy.

Humpkin's Day is like Halloween, during the celebration of which it is customary to dress up in various costumes. Magic wands, obtained from bags of candy, give you the opportunity to transform other players into different creatures. Most best way get the "Masquerade" achievement - exchange transformations with other players. For example, you turn a player into a lepregnome, and he turns you into a bat. You can also make good money on transformations during the pumpkin event if you have already completed this achievement. Go for it!

During Hallow's End, Headless Horseman summoned using the Pumpkin Sanctuary, which is located in the middle of the Abandoned Hermitage in the Graveyard, a wing of the Scarlet Monastery dungeon. In addition, he attacks the cities of the Alliance and Horde periodically during the holiday.

The Rider was once a knight of the Silver Hand, but is now cursed. He believes that he is alive, while everyone he meets is dead. After defeating him, his name is revealed - Thomas Thomson (or Sir Thomas).

To summon him, click on the Pumpkin Sanctuary and receive Calling the Headless Horseman. Click on the Loose Turned Soil behind the shrine to begin the quest. Each player can summon a rider once per day.

Players can also summon him once by receiving a quest starting with Shadow of the Horseman. This quest can only be obtained from the Disguised Orphan Matron (Alliance) or the Masked Orphan Matron (Horde) when the Shadow is defeated in one of the villages and the Great Jack-O-Lantern is lying on the ground.

Attacks and abilities

Horseman's Head

  • Melee: Deals ~1.8k damage.
  • Cleave: Normal cleave, deals ~3k damage.
  • Vortex: After losing the head, the body begins to be hit by a whirlwind over an area of ​​​​~1.4k/sec.
  • Ignition: Area-targeting UZV can only be removed by a PvP accessory or similar ability (Ice Block, Divine Shield, etc.). It ticks by a percentage of maximum health every second and intimidates the target. Lasts ~5 seconds. By pretending to be dead right before ignition, you can prevent fear, although the animation will still appear. You can attack/move as normal. It is not known whether ultrasound is also cancelled.
  • Horseman's Head: Appears when the Rider is 99% damaged in each phase. ~27000 Health.
  • Pulsating pumpkin: Throws to the ground during the third phase. Germinates in ~15 seconds. ~10k Health. If the pumpkin hits a player, he will receive the disease Soft Boiled Soul, which gives -18 to Spirit for 20 minutes.
  • Evil Pumpkin: Sprouts from the Pulsating Gourd. Deals ~650 damage, has ~10k health.


Pumpkin Sanctuary

The battle with the Headless Horseman consists of three phases.

First phase

The horseman appears and moves towards the one who lit the candle. The tank must immediately use taunt if he was not the one who called the rider. Beware of the cleave and hit him until the end of the phase.

At 1% health, he will become invulnerable, throw his head, start wandering around lost and periodically attack with Whirlwind. The rider's head will become an accessible target, and the body will be healed to 100%. All damage dealers must have a macro to target the Horseman's Head. After the head has 60% left or the body has recovered to 100%, the head will reconnect with the body and the next phase will begin.

Second phase

When the Horseman reunites with the head, it attacks the player with the highest threat level. This phase differs from the previous one in that periodically the rider will Ignite a random player who is not a tank. You can use a PvP accessory to remove Ignition. Healers and ranged damage dealers should keep an eye on where the tank and Ignite target are. Stay away from her.

The second phase ends when the head reaches 30% health or when the body is restored to 100%.

Third phase

In the third phase, the rider does not use Ignite. At some point, he will throw four Pulsating Gourds, which will sprout after a few seconds and their health will be restored as they do so. Pumpkins have approximately 10k health and Evil Pumpkins will deal 1k damage to rag pickers. The fastest way to win is to attack the rider with all your might, while the tank holds the pumpkins on itself and prepares for the appearance of new waves. The attack continues until the rider's head is torn off. If the group is unable to deal enough damage, a second or even third wave of pumpkins may appear.

Tanking the Horseman on the steps into the dungeon causes pumpkins to spawn close to the boss. Thanks to this tank, it is much easier to pick them up.

After the Horseman's Head dies, the Headless Horseman is defeated and the remaining pumpkins die. If you do not kill the Horseman's Head before the body is healed to 100%, the third phase will begin again, which means that the Horseman will have to be beaten again until the head comes off. This almost certainly means defeat, because... the yard will be filled with Evil Pumpkins.


Having a Paladin tank makes this Phase much easier due to Consecration . The rest of the party hugs the Paladin, inside the spell"s range, allowing the tank to pick up the Fiends, thereafter the DPS can burn these down. The key to the Headless Horseman is to find and DPS down the head as fast as possible when it is off the Horseman. The head does no damage so all DPS should feel free to unload on it. The macro /target Head of helps with this, as it allows you to pick up the head almost as soon as it detaches.



Player: The horseman rises... Your hour is approaching... Once upon a time you were already touched by the bony hand of death... Know death now!

Appearance of the Horseman: Unhappy, you have reached the end of the road! Fate will decide who should go forward!

Head loss:(Headless Horseman) Over here, you idiot!

Reunion: Here is my body, beautiful and bold! He punishes black souls skillfully!

Conflagration: Harken, cur! Tis you I spurn! Now feel... the burn!

Sprouting Pumpkins: Arise, servants, rush into battle! May the fallen knight find peace!

Death of the Horseman: With death, we have been friends for a long time... What awaits me now in the wasteland?

Player Death: Your body lies beaten, battered and broken. Let my curse be your own, fate has spoken.


At the beginning of the attack:

Get ready, despicable ones, death is getting closer! Save the elderly and children quickly! Thunderstorms are thundering over the earth, there will be no mercy! The time of reckoning has come!

Part-way through encounter:

The sky is dark. The fire burns. You strive in vain as Fate's wheel turns.

Time almost up:

Let the damned city burn to the ground! My term is running out and I have work to do!

Upon successfully dowsing his flames:

My fire has dried up, the enemy triumphs! I am plunged into boundless darkness.

Upon failing to douse his flames:

Fire consumes! You"ve tried and failed. Let there be no doubt, justice prevailed!

Upon successfully defeating Shade of Horseman's body:

So eager you are, for my blood to spill. Yet to vanquish me, "tis my head you must kill!

Additional Notes

When the Headless Horseman arrived in the game in 2007, it caused a wave of attempts to restart the dungeon and thus create multiple instances of dungeons running on the server. This caused the rule "No more than 5 dungeons per hour." In 2008, changes were made so that a dungeon restart was no longer required.


[Halloween Sweets] drop on every kill. Ghoul's Ring of Contentment , Signet Ring of the Horseman, Witch's Ring , and [Weighted jack-o'-lantern] are common drops.

Magic broom, [Blessed Helm], and [Sinister Pumpkin] are moderately rare drops.

Horseman's Blade , Horseman's Helm , and Reins of the Headless Horseman are rare drops.

Horseman spawn locations

Since 3.0.2, the World Spawn of the Shade of the Headless Horseman has been changed to a player spawned event, and is described fully in the article Shade of Horseman . The Shade attacks

Material from World of Warcraft Roleplay Wiki

Headless Horseman(English: Headless Horseman) is the nickname given to Sir Thomas Thomson, who was resurrected by Balnazzar as an undead creature with free will. During his lifetime, Thomas was a brave paladin of the Silver Hand who became part of the Scarlet Crusade. After accidentally killing his own family, Thomas went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with the plague. He was executed after several murders of his comrades, and Balnazzar resurrected him, giving him special powers.

The Headless Horseman appears during Hallow's End and spreads fire and darkness throughout the settlements of Azeroth.


Source of information in this section – comics and manga in the Warcraft universe.

Thomas Thomson and his family owned their own pumpkin farm in Tirisfal Glades, which was located southwest of Agamand's Mills. He was one of the paladins who witnessed how Uther the Lightbringer and Jaina Proudmoore refused to help Prince Arthas Menethil with the cleansing of Stratholme. Sir Thomas agreed with Lord Uther's decision and was soon forced to watch as the Scourge destroyed Lordaeron. He was also present during Rivendare's betrayal, sending contaminated grain to the village the baron had sworn to protect. He was later informed that Prince Arthas had returned from Northrend and killed his own father. Thomas was sure that the preconditions for this crime were events that occurred before sailing north, including the massacre at Stratholme. Five days later, he learned that Arthas had managed to reach Uther and many other Knights of the Silver Hand. They were all killed.

Thomas fell into despair and only wanted to save his family. He ordered his wife to go to Kalimdor for Jaina Proudmoore, while he remained in Lordaeron with other paladins intent on destroying the Scourge. Over the next four years, he fought against the undead alongside other paladins led by Saidan Dathrohan, including Alexandros Mograine, known as the Ashbringer. However, under the guise of Dathrohan was Balnazzar, who led the Knights of the Silver Hand to collapse when Reno Mograine killed his own father. Some paladins heeded the words of High Inquisitor Fairbanks, who witnessed the murder, and left to found the Argent Dawn. Thomas, however, did not leave and became part of the Scarlet Crusade.

One day, Saidan led his paladins to a settlement where refugees lived, who happily greeted the Scarlet Crusade and were sure that this was just a test for the presence of the plague. Although the city's inhabitants were healthy, Dathrohan tricked Thomas into believing that they were all infected. The story with Stratholme repeated itself, and this time Sir Thomas took the other side - he was ready to give the refugees death and free them from the service of the Scourge. This is what happened when the Scarlet Crusade burned the city to the ground and killed all the inhabitants.

The cleansing crusade continued, and two months later an event occurred that broke Sir Thomas. During the next extermination of the supposed infected, he killed a woman with two children who was trying to escape from the paladins. Then he saw their faces and realized that he had dealt with his own family. He came to the conclusion that the ship that was sailing to Kalimdor was caught in a storm and was damaged. Those who escaped remained on the shores of Lordaeron and were forced to survive in the chaos that engulfed the kingdom.

The broken paladin was taken to the Scarlet Monastery, where he finally went crazy and decided that the whole world was infected with a plague. Sir Thomas remained the only one who could still save everyone. During Hallow's End, he killed many of his former comrades before being captured and beheaded. Dathrohan declared that the fallen knight deserved an honorable burial. When the burial ceremony was completed, Balnazzar used fel energy to resurrect Thomas as a mad headless horseman with special powers and free will.
