Statuses about red-haired girls. Jokes about redheads Jokes about redheads and gays

On languid evenings the girl is lonely, but she strengthens herself, clenching her fists and hiding her salty, bitter tears from random passers-by. The figure is in place and the face is cute, but the beast is red-haired, marked by the Sun.

The girl has fiery red hair with curls, a turquoise jacket, although the sky is partly cloudy, transparent, blue, with cumulus clouds running across it. Six months without a thin cigarette is a feat for a girl. Let's add to the picture with a daily jog and a cup of fresh milk in the morning.

The redhead eclipsed the silly blondes and business-like brunettes with her golden shine.

Blondes duel with brunettes for guys on principle - laughing, satisfied red-haired girls at this time experience an overabundance of their attention.

Best status:
If a flying crow marks people from the height of the flight of the feathered inhabitants of the sky, it means that the red ones are among them.

Redheads are endowed with talent and happiness, for they know how to glow and shoot with their eyes the yellow rays of the Sun and the dazzling reflection of living gold.

She's red and gets high. She sees life through lenses, drinks aromatic coffee, listens to deafeningly loud music, the redhead does not need a prince in a snow-white car. These girls are completely different.

The more I look in the mirror, the more I believe that I am a redhead

Red and red is a dangerous girl!

Glamor is the color of red hair.

...hey look what a little girl, red hair is such a cool thing...

Dear Tsar Peter, forbade red-haired people to testify in court, since they would cheat anyway

if for some reason the bus did not start, the driver loudly announced: the redheads are asked to leave the cabin, and it helped.

The son asks his father: “Dad, which women cheat less on their husbands?” Blondes? With dark hair, with brown hair? Or redheads? – You see, son, only gray hair can provide a relative guarantee.

A red-haired girl doesn't mean she's extreme in everything

She walked with a light gait. Her smile was blinding. Long red hair, big eyes. God, I fell in love... Meet Lera. She will now be in the group with you. - said Marina Vasilievna, our teacher...

Let's go to the window and purr a little as if we were 2 red cats =)))

I’m a redhead... we were walking in a group... barbecue... beer... photos there))) one guy walked around with a camera taking photos of everyone... silently did it all... he said something under his breath, but the only thing I heard was (when he told me I took a photo) it was “Oh damn, oranges in the frame”)))

Who said that I am white and fluffy, I am red and shaggy...!!!

If dogs suddenly bark at night, the whole street knows: the redhead is returning home.

There were no people like you, there aren’t and there shouldn’t be!

We are not just red, we are golden))

announcement at the entrance to the zoo, redheads: better go to the museum, otherwise we have animals of prey here.

There are redheads, but they themselves don’t understand it.

I used to be a natural redhead... daring and beautiful, brave and shameless...))xD

It doesn't matter if the color is real or not. After all, red is not a hair color, but a state of mind.

The Ministry of Health smokes nervously after learning that I am a redhead.

To be born red-haired means that you are not like everyone else.

If women look at a girl for a long time and carefully, then she herself knows that she is red.

The look of the red-haired girl is like the sun's rays straight into her eyes.

The head was given to the red-haired girl not in order to work, but in order to attract everyone with its unusual color

Whoever sees the redhead will not pass by in silence.

If men don't look back at you, look in the mirror: you're definitely a redhead

when red-haired Zina went outside without a headscarf for the first time, dear Rex broke the chain and ran away from home forever

Burst in! Burned me! She scorched her sultry hair with a red flame. Like a song - light, light-winged, So that the heart involuntarily lit up...

redheads, without deeds and without words, are brighter than everyone else

When the redhead entered the store to buy a mirror, all the mirrors suddenly became transparent for some reason.

Before going up to the ski base, the director installed an advertising board: to avoid convergence

Red-haired girls are the brightness of the entire planet.

The deeper you hide your red head, the more defenseless you become

on a passenger ship there is a lifebuoy made of iron with the inscription “for redheads only”

They don't write poems about blondes, They don't write poems about brunettes, But they write about those who were born Carrot red.

The red-haired girl is more affectionate than a kitten...

brighter than red ones, only the sun!

I'm not red, I'm GOLD...

Notice at the entrance to the airport: entry for redheads is closed - try at the railway station.

Just because a girl says she loves you doesn't mean she's a redhead

red-haired, red-haired, she amazed everyone with her extraordinary brightness.

I'm sorry to say that red-haired blondes don't exist! That's why I'm the one and only red-haired blonde!

red... She's like a box of chocolates... You never know what filling the next candy will have...

no one knew that a red-haired visitor entered the botanical garden - only a hundred-year-old oak tree suddenly crashed to the ground for some reason

Redheads talk and think at the same time

A red-haired girl - and for some reason always the extreme one.

While everyone is thinking about what color to paint themselves, red paint is waiting for everyone at home

“Girls see you off with envious glances. Because every brown-haired, red-haired or blonde woman at least once in her life dreamed of becoming a brunette.” - not true))) I never wanted to be a brunette, my red suits me quite well))

A sign for a passenger plane pilot: an engine failure means that there is a redhead sitting in the cabin.

Fiery, hot, crazy - there is so much more to say. They say that redheads are not evil, unless you tease redheads.

in the computer room, more than one computer did not want to start until the girl wrapped herself in a scarf: the message “redhead, go away!” popped up on the display.

The woman gave birth ore child It’s good for the obstetrician to figure out how to tell the people, because there were no Rudys in the family.
The doctor visits the person and feeds:
– How often do you have sex with your friends? Toy: - Well, about 2 times a month...
- Axis, axis and marvel at what you have rusty I've gained a hell of a lot of money!

The same in Russian in the closest possible translation (here and further)::
The woman gave birth red-haired child And begs obstetrician something come up with how to say to my husband, And bo in the family redheads at all there wasn't.
Doctor visits husband and nourishes asks:
– Sex with wife how often? That one: - Well, about 2 times a month...
- Here, here I am look what are you rusting gained a lot of horseradish accumulated!

One rudiy did always grabbed shovels from his ore onuk.

One red-haired grandfather Always hoval (hid) shovel from his red-haired grandson.

At the love agency.

- I want Rudenkogo! You'll definitely be on your way to my furniture.

IN marriage agency.
- Zhenochka, do you want a brunette or a blond?
- I want red-haired ! He's hefty Wonderful matches my furniture.

- Darling, marvel at my head.
- I was surprised, so what?
“I want the new girl to make money with her, to make a fortune with her.” rudiy color.
- Better read a book.

Darling, look at my head.
- I looked, and what?
“I want to do something new with it, paint it.” red color .
Better read a book.

The sergeant wants to encourage his soldiers on the march:
– Imagine that at the end of the road a beautiful blonde is waiting for you!
One soldier:
- Better let him wait red-haired scarecrow. She is already running towards us, and we will wait for her here.

Rudy feeds the fox:
- So what, God didn’t let me lose my hair?
- Why, let's do it. Ale tіlki rudi, so I was convinced.

Ginger asks l s sogo:
- So, God didn’t give me hair?
- Why, he did. But only redheads , so I refused.

Armenian Radio conducted a study and reported the result that people are more prone to casual sex than others red-haired women. Question:
- Why?

- When the roof is rusty, the basement is always wet.

- How wonderful red-haired boy! - The midwife shows the mother in labor her newborn. - And you have black hair. Perhaps his dad has red hair? - Who the hell knows! I met that goat three times, and he didn’t even take off his hat.

– Rebbe, I want to get married and have a girl in mind. But she redhead. Friends say - redheads are not faithful. Rebbe, which ones are the most faithful?
- Gray haired.

A businesswoman gives instructions to a new nanny:
– Please remember to put the children to bed on time.
Returning home, he asks if the children were obedient.
“Wonderful children, they went to bed on time.” Except one, your elder redhead. He resisted for a long time. We barely managed to undress and put him to bed.
Ginger! This is my husband!

Red-haired joke from Red-haired from “Ivanushki International”

“Ivanushki” lived together, toured until their death, and they all died on the same day. They immediately head to Paradise. They approach the gate and Archangel Gabriel meets them:
-Who are they and where are they going?
- We are musicians, we are in Paradise.
- Musicians? It is forbidden. We send all musicians to Hell. Come on, turn around and go to Hell after Freddie Mercury, Bob Marley, and others, they are already there.
There was nothing to do, we turned around and left. They hear Archangel Gabriel shouting after them:
- I remembered this red face. Are you “Ivanushki”?
- Yes! - they answer joyfully.
- Come back! Once, while on Earth, I looked at your concert. You are no musicians!

- Daughter, why don’t you want to marry Peter?
- Mom, he’s ginger!
Father from the sofa:

- No big deal - in a year of living with you he will turn gray!

Girl to her boyfriend:
- Dear, what is this? red-haired bitch with you in the photo?
- Sister.
- Oh, so pretty.

The fox runs as fast as he can through the forest. A monkey is approaching.
- Redhead, where are you rushing?
- Trouble. A new tax was introduced - on fur. Now, along with the tail, the skin will be removed.
The monkey heard this - and ran!
Yes, so fast that she overtook the fox. The fox follows her:
- Hey, naked-assed! What are you afraid of with your defective fur?
- I know how taxes are introduced. Let's start with the naked ones!

- I have two twin girls.
- And how do you distinguish them?
- By birthmarks. The brunette has it on her left hand, and redhead- on the right.

My wife is young, but already gray-haired. Because he thinks a lot.
- Can't be! What is she thinking about so much?
- Dye your hair blonde or redhead.

Brunettes who dream of becoming blondes first become white redheads.

Doctor, my wife is THERE red hair.
- Why does this bother you?

Nothing for me. But friends... laugh.

A little boy on a tram hands out a ticket:
- Redhead, punch the ticket!
- I don't redhead. I am blond!
- And I can see better from below!

The husband looks at his son and says to his wife:
- And who is he like? ginger?
She thoughtfully:
- You don’t know him...

One friend to another:
- I got such a siren for my car yesterday! You'll rock!
- I know! I saw you just yesterday, you were taking her - red and curly!

The wife told her husband that she was pregnant and they would have another child.
Then he calls the first one red-haired child and says:
- Soon you will have a brother. What do you want him to be?
- Just don't redhead like Uncle Kolya.

The husband returns in the morning. All torn, in redheads hair, lipstick, being driven...
The wife is terrified:
- What's wrong with you?! What's happened?! Where have you been?! Why is the shirt torn?!

You won't believe it... I fought... All night...
- Redheads hair?! Where?!
- WITH redhead fought...
- Lipstick?! Where?!
- WITH redhead...clown...

There's a knock on the door. A man opens the door - on the threshold there is a fat woman, in a blue blouse, a short yellow skirt, lace knee socks, with a huge green bow in her redheads hair, lollipop in the mouth.
-Who are you?
- I am your death.
- God, what a ridiculous death!

A hare, a fox and a wolf sit down to play cards.
- Whoever cheats will get red face!

Black humor.
“The dog is lost. Rudy, cough, call Rex.
Who knows what will happen to the city?
The dog’s trustee looks like a hat because shawarma will not be accepted.”

Black humor.
« Lost dog. Redhead, shaggy, call Rex.
Whoever finds it will be rewarded.
Return dogs in the form of a hat or shawarma are not accepted.”

Mafiosi to their bandits:
- Freaks, why? Red not soaked?

Chief, immediately after the explosion, local residents came running. We learned that Chubais
They snatch machine guns from their hands and shout: “Let me shoot, let me shoot!”

Prices have risen at poultry markets redheads kittens The Russians call them Chubais and drown, drown, drown...

A man regularly came to work with a black eye.
“My wife is terribly jealous,” he explained. - As soon as it finds it on mine
There's a blond hair in the jacket, right in the eye.
One day he came completely crippled: both eyes were blackened, his head was bandaged.
- ?!
- Found it yesterday redhead a hair... in the mustache...

There's a cool punk sitting at the bar. All in glitter, huge on his head ginger Mohawk comb.
He looks around proudly, gazing at how he attracts attention.
He sees some grandfather looking at him without looking away. He looks for a long time.
For some reason the punk got embarrassed, came up to him and said:
- Grandfather, what are you staring at? You might think that in your youth you didn’t do anything extravagant?
- Anything could happen. Once when I was young I fucked a peacock. So I think: aren’t you my son?

Myopic firefighter spent three hours putting out fire redhead woman.

Redheads are everywhere redheads hair. Even in soup.

More jokes on our website:

(borscht in jokes)

About 1-2% of people, or about 20 people per thousand, have red hair.

The ancient Greeks were sure that red-haired people turned into vampires after death.

Sometimes dark hair can turn into red or blonde due to severe protein deficiency during fasting.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that red-haired children were born as a result of “unclean sex” during menstruation.

Red hair goes gray differently than other hair types - it starts out blond and then gradually turns grey.

According to research by Dr. Werner Habermehl, a sexologist from Hamburg, women with red hair are the most likely to have sex. He also postulated that women who want to dye their hair red are dissatisfied with many things and are looking for something better.

Natural red hair contains a record amount of pigments, making it the most difficult to dye.

During the witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe, many women were burned at the stake simply because they were red-haired.

They say that Lilith, Adam's first wife, was a red-haired woman. She had a rebellious disposition and was therefore expelled from the Garden of Eden.

Red-haired women develop bruises on their bodies more often and faster than blondes and brunettes.

People with red hair are twice as likely to have Parkinson's disease.

Since red hair is the thickest, if you count all the hairs on your head, it seems that on average red people will have about 90 thousand of them. Blondes have much more hair - on average about 140 thousand.

It is said that Hitler forbade redheads from marrying in order to prevent the birth of “deviant offspring.”

According to legend, the first redhead was Prince Eadon, who, upon the discovery of Atlantis, was illuminated by an unusual red dawn, and this remained with him in the form of freckles and red hair, so that future generations could learn about the first sunset on the legendary island.

Red hair is a recessive trait, which means that a child must inherit one gene for red hair from each parent. Recessive genes often come in pairs, and redheads are more likely than other people to be left-handed.

Researchers argue that redheads influenced history disproportionately to their numbers. Great redheads included Emperor Nero, King David, Trojan princess Helen, Aphrodite, Napoleon Bonaparte, Mark Twain, Vincent van Gogh, Galileo Galilei, Winston Churchill and many others.

The 16th century artist Titian (Tiziano Vecelli) depicted so many red-haired people in his canvases that even his name became a common noun for one of the shades of red.

IN ancient Rome red-haired slaves were more valuable.

Satan was often depicted as having red hair, most likely because the color red was identified with sexual desire and moral degradation.

In 1995, Professor Jonathan Rees discovered that a mutation in the MC1R gene on chromosome 16 is responsible for red hair (this gene is known as the “ginger gene”). The first gene mutation leading to the appearance of red-haired people probably occurred between 20 and 40 thousand years ago.

In Egypt, redheads were buried alive as sacrifices to the god Osiris.

There is an assumption that in 100 years there will be no red-haired people. However, an article from National Geographic states that while the number of redheads may be on the decline, the red hair gene is likely to remain.

Scotland has the largest proportion of red-haired people - 13%. Ireland ranks second with 10%. Despite this, the most large number red-haired people live in the USA. There are about 6-12 million of them here, which is 2-6% of the total population.

In Michelangelo's painting of Temptation and in St. Paul's Cathedral, Eve was depicted with brown and blonde hair, respectively. But in both subsequent interpretations of the author, Eve was depicted as red-haired.

Ruadh gu brath is translated from Gaelic (the language of the Scottish Celts) as “let there always be Reds.”

"Gingerphobia" is a fear of red-haired people. “Gingerism” is the intimidation of redheads and a prejudiced attitude towards them.

Some common surnames in the British Isles reflect the frequency of red-haired people born here, including Flanary (red-browed), Reid (red-haired) and Flynn.

“Men marry brunettes, they have blondes as mistresses, and redheads take away both of them.” If you are destined to be born red, then it doesn’t matter what color your hair is. Rebecca Liebstuk

Girls and women are very similar to red foxes - they are just as weak and just as cunning. / Ambrose Bierce

The Red-haired Woman is a strawberry with a fishhook inside.

The Red Woman's final decision is rarely the last.

When a RED-haired woman talks to one man, she smiles at another and thinks about a third!

"Time spent with a red-haired woman cannot be considered lost"

"You can learn a lot from red-haired girls"

“The RED-haired woman is the most powerful creature in the world, and it is up to her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.”

"Red-haired women are created to be loved, not to be understood."

“The hands of a RED-haired woman wrapped around a man’s neck are a life preserver thrown to him by fate from the sky.”

If you have found the Red-haired woman of your dreams, you can say goodbye to the rest of your dreams.

The Red-haired Woman is like your shadow: you follow her - she moves away; you move away from it - it follows you.

Redheaded Women look at their lovers as a means to satisfy their vanity. Themselves - that's who they love in us!

It's better to meet a nine-year-old bull in a dead end than a Red-haired woman if you're overcome by lust

It is possible to meet a woman who has had no lovers, but it is difficult to meet a Red-haired woman who has had only one lover.

Men say whatever they like about women, and Red-haired women make whatever they want out of men.

The night gives shine to the stars and Red-haired women.

For a man, the most important thing in life is to make a name for himself, for a Red-haired woman - a surname.

It’s better not to get involved with Red-haired women, and once you get involved, it’s better not to part ways.

Of two evils, choose the Red-haired woman.

A man's modesty is manifested in the fact that he does not talk about his merits. The modesty of the Red-haired woman is that she does not talk about other people's shortcomings.

All men are the same before the Red-haired woman they admire.

A smart Red-haired woman has to choose between stupid young men bursting with strength and health and smart and - how can I put this? - old goats who are greedy for women.

Nature said to the Red-haired woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

Anyone who has not seen a Red-haired woman in love cannot say what a woman is.

A red-haired woman often says more than she does, but she always does what she wants.

Red-haired women love it when people do stupid things for them, especially expensive ones. Only for the most part they love not the one who does stupid things, but the other.

The Red-haired Woman is a weapon of pleasure.

Gold is tested with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

The Red-haired woman has a heart smarter than her mind: that is why she feels intelligently and thinks deeply.

Good girls are welcome in heaven, Red-haired girls are welcome anywhere.

red fox- bot social network VKontakte, which offers users free stickers if they publish “Stories” on their pages - photos or videos that disappear after a day. The bot reminded many of the suicidal game “Blue Whale” and after a few days users got tired of it, which gave rise to many memes.


VKontakte launched the promotion on April 28. As part of this promotion, the social network created a bot known as red fox. This character offered all users a free pack of stickers in exchange for posting “stories.”

After publishing the “Story,” you had to write to the bot and get the first part of the stickers. Then the Fox offered to complete his tasks - continue to publish photos or videos to open new types of stickers.

This game reminded many of the game “Blue Whale”, which teenagers played while completing tasks from unknown moderators. The tasks involved mutilation, and the last one was suicide.

Within a couple of days, users began to notice that their friends were filling their feed with their “stories.” Moreover, even those who before history didn't publish. Why there is such a demand for stickers on social networks remains a mystery. However, on the wave of popularity virtual game Popular public pages have become more active. One by one, memes related to the Red Fox began to appear. The vast majority of them were based on other memes.

In parallel with funny pictures alarming reports began to appear about Red Fox that the game was not only similar to the Blue Whale, but was also connected to it. In particular, bots became active in the comments and sent the same text.

Have you heard about the Blue Whale? For those in the tank: this is a real quest in which you will be given various tasks every day at a certain time, the purpose of which will be to encourage you to commit suicide. There are 50 such tasks in total, the last one is not difficult to guess based on the goal. Your “curator” gives you tasks on VK after you post on the wall with the hashtag “Blue Whale”, “Quiet House”, etc. I haven’t heard of them, except perhaps the most deaf, since a lot of people on both TV and the Internet were broadcasting about the rise in suicide rates among teenagers who got involved with this game. The most popular bloggers sounded the alarm; in every news feed one could read about some 13-year-old girl who jumped from the roof of a high-rise building, or how a 15-year-old girl athlete from Kuban drank pipe cleaner, and much more. And if there are similarities with daily tasks, received from VK and the unauthorized desire to fulfill them are not enough for you, then here’s another

Cool coincidence, don't you think? What is especially interesting is that all these “death groups” worked through VKontakte, and who, if not them, would know on what principle this game was built. And what is it then: the stupidest accident or the subtlest joke?

There is such an alarming text floating around.

In fact, LIS is nothing more than the Blue Whale game, which became widespread on the VKontakte social network this winter. LIS is the name of the instigator of the game itself and the creator of the f57 sect (he was convicted, it’s a pity that not for life). At the very beginning, LIS gives you stickers, as if opening a gate to the sacred world. To open them, you need to complete tasks every day and post them for people to see. Today he ordered people to show their faces, which can be associated with the Last Judgment, where all people will take off their masks (MASKS - filters for VKontakte photos) and show their essence. Every day the tasks will become more disgusting, and at the end the FOX will offer for an animated iridescent sticker - KILL YOURSELF! Repost this if you don't want your kids to be dragged into a new deadly game, which is sponsored by the Jewish company mail. ru and personally Alisher Usmanman!!!

