Stalker clear sky where you can find an exoskeleton. Game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat": where to find the exoskeleton

In all official parts of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the exoskeleton is the armor that is most resistant to physical attacks. According to the terms of the game, this is a metal exoskeleton with electric and hydraulic servos. The design fits onto the body, repeats and enhances its movements. According to the plot, rare specimens armor appeared in the exclusion zone through the efforts of unknown underground Ukrainian craftsmen. When passing the official version of the game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl”, the main character is given only large number points where you can get such a suit.

Characteristics from the description in the game: “An experimental sample of a military exoskeleton. It never went into mass production due to the extreme high cost and some design errors.”

Where to find an exoskeleton

In game version 1.0004 and higher, you can buy protection from the Bartender in the “Bar” location. You should visit him after correctly completing the task in “Laboratory X-16”. The cost of the armor is 200,000 game coins. It will take a long time to accumulate such a sum in the conditions of the “Zone”. In game versions no lower than 1.0006, the exoskeleton can be purchased from the Svobodovian Skryagy in the Army Warehouses location. Appears on sale after successfully completing a task from Lukash to destroy the Skull squad. The price for exoskeletons from the Miser is also 200,000 coins. If you complete the tasks of destroying Pavlik and Ara, protecting the Barrier and joining Freedom, the price will drop to 150,000 coins. “Fang’s Swag” is located in the grave of a stalker named Fang, in the center of the “Pripyat” location, near the monument to V.I. Lenin. After clearing the street with a squad of stalkers, you need to go towards the electrical anomalies without going down into underground passage. The place where the exoskeleton with the upgraded version of the PNB-4U3 night vision device is hidden is marked with a grave cross. The coordinates of the cache are given by stalkers near the trailer, where measurements are carried out on the instructions of scientists, in the Yantar location. Sometimes the coordinates can be found out when searching a dead person in the dungeons under the X-16 Laboratory. In the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant location. In the Sarcophagus, one of the corridors has a branch, at the end of which there are two members of the Monolith group, armed with shotguns. After eliminating them, you need to turn left and search the room with the pipes. It contains a box with useful things, artifacts and exoskeleton. In the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant location, behind the door with combination lock. The decoder for the door to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is hidden in the Pripyat location on the second floor of the hotel. The coordinates of the cache with the decoder will appear in the PDA after the main character is blown up on a tripwire and talks with the Doctor. The hotel itself is opposite underground passage, after kindergarten. In the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant location, immediately after descending into the Sarcophagus, there is a winding corridor in which you will encounter a room with a grate on the left. You need to go past this room, to the end of the corridor, where there is another room. If you go into it and go down to the basement, you can find an exoskeleton in a box there. Behind the Chernobyl nuclear power plant building, under the pipe. About a hundred meters before true game, Where main character shoots “O-Consciousness” and falls asleep in the meadow. At the beginning of the story, you will have to find a way to fight the “Zone” using simpler equipment. The game developers make it possible to find good weapon and the exoskeleton only closer to the middle of the plot to highlight gameplay realism.

Pros and cons of an exoskeleton

Through the use of unique protective materials, hydraulic and electric servos, the exoskeleton in “Shadow of Chernobyl” received the capabilities of a walking tank. According to the description, the exoskeleton in the game “Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl” has the following properties: - protection against burns: 50%; - Protection against electric shock: 50%; - Impact protection: 90%; - Tear protection: 80%; - Radiation protection: 30%; - Protection against chemical burns: 50%; - Explosion protection: 80%; - Protection from bullets: 60%; Its weight: 15 kg. The main purpose of the exoskeleton is protection from bullets, shrapnel, impacts and explosions. These properties are good for repelling attacks from the “Monolith” on the “Barrier” or bandits on stalkers, for hunting snorks or bloodsuckers. The fully modified exoskeleton in the game is capable of withstanding a single hit from an RPG and five shots from a shotgun. It is not suitable for searching, passing through areas with a large number of anomalies and high background radiation. The main problem with the exoskeleton is its lack of mobility. You cannot run in this armor, which becomes the player's head in anomalous zones. If you get into the “Funnel” or “Springboard” anomaly, you can safely reload the game from the last save point, because you won’t be able to get out. If you get caught in a sudden crossfire in an open space, you will have to use a large number of bandages and first aid kits in search of cover. While wearing an exoskeleton, you cannot accelerate to jump over a crevice or hole in the floor of a building.

Characteristics from the description in the game: “Provides excellent protection against bullet and shrapnel hits, but does not guarantee resistance to anomalies.”

The suit allows you to carry 90 kg of useful things, including a spare weapon and a supply of ammunition. Even with such an attractive carrying capacity, it is inappropriate to use the exoskeleton in the actual work of a stalker. If you really want to get out of the shadows, get more ammo and fight with all your heart, the exoskeleton is the best thing it offers game world"Stalker". As Boris Strugatsky said: “Stalker” is one of the few words invented by ABS that has become commonly used. It comes from the English to stalk, “sneak up”, “go stealthily”. The main pleasure in the game is completing complex quests using optimally balanced sets of “weapons and artifacts.” Walk around the zone not with an armored piece of iron with machine guns, but with an inconspicuous stalker with a Vintorez, Cossacks and a supply of sausage.

The exoskeleton is one of the most expensive suits in the Stalker series of games. It usually appears towards the end of the game when the player encounters a particularly dangerous monsters and stalkers. The game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” was no exception, but the ways of obtaining the exoskeleton have changed significantly.


Downtime can be obtained at the initial stage of the game. To do this, first of all, reach Skadovsk and talk to its inhabitants. Find the stalker leader named Beard and ask him to give you a job. From the proposed one, take the quest " Strange glow" Go to the dredge and pick up the artifact that Beard is looking for.

Now it will open new quest"Tempting business." To complete it, search the caches and corpses of stalkers to find 3 improved artifact detectors. After finding them, move to the next location - the Yanov station and give the detectors to the scientists.

Return to Skadovsk and talk to the bandit leader Sultan. Take the quest “Dark Business” from him. After this, go in search of Noah, who lives on an abandoned ship. Take the Compass artifact from him and take it to the Sultan.

Now you have enough money and reputation to turn to another inhabitant of Skadovsk - Shustrom. It can be found on deck 3, in one of the cabins. After talking with him, place an order for armor protection and pay an advance. At the same time, remember that Nimble brings items at random. By placing this order, you can receive an exoskeleton, overalls or reinforced body armor. If he doesn't deliver the exoskeleton to you right away, he can bring it to you in 2 or 3 orders.

Wait for Shustroy to return and take the exoskeleton from him by paying the rest of the amount.

Another option to purchase an exoskeleton is to complete quests and obtain artifacts to accumulate 100,000 rubles. After this, the merchant Sych, who lives on deck 2 of the Skadovsk, will offer you an expanded range of goods, including an exoskeleton.

Exoskeleton "Freedom"

Despite the fact that the “Bandits”, “Mercenaries”, “Duty” and “Monolith” groups use their own in the game, the player can only get a regular exoskeleton (used by stalkers) and a “Freedom” exoskeleton.

To obtain this clan of stalkers, during the course of completing Beard’s quests, obtain a PDA from a merchant of the “Duty” group named . At the Yanov station, near the cooling tower, explore spatial anomaly and take Tkachenko’s PDA from one of the discovered bodies. Give the found PDAs to the leader of “Freedom” - Loki.

Find the Vagabond group and convince them to join the Freedom group, then, having met the scientists, convince them to entrust the protection of the scientific bunker to Loki’s fighters. For this you will receive the achievement “Friend of Freedom”, after which members of this group will become your allies, and their merchants will reduce prices for the player.

After receiving this achievement, go to the merchant named Hawaiian. Among its products, buy the "Freedom" exoskeleton, which is lighter, more durable and has the ability to run compared to a regular exoskeleton.

For technician Novikov / Clear Sky (“Swamps”)

Flash drive with data on ultra-light Kevlar body armor
Made from multi-layer Kevlar, it stops handgun bullets and pellets well.
We receive CHN from the merchant as a reward for the first task in the Swamp.

Flash drive with data on barrel modifications for submachine guns
We receive CHN from the merchant as a reward for achieving superiority in the Swamp.

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for submachine guns
Based on a tip from a stalker nicknamed Shustry (Lebedev’s assistant) for 800 RU.

For Technician Van / Neutrals (Cordon)

Flash drive with data on electronic stabilization systems for shotguns
Automatic correction of bullet impulse. Significantly increases shooting accuracy.
Based on a tip from a stalker nicknamed Tramp (who from the village of newcomers went to shoot dogs with a pistol).

Flash drive with automation balancing data
Can be found on the body of a hostile warrior nicknamed General at ATP, Cordon.

Flash drive with data on pop-up mechanisms of shotguns
Based on a tip from the neutral trader Shilov for 1000 RU.

For Technician Transparent / Bandits (“Junkyard”)

Flash drive with data on the psi radiation protection system
A complex system of thin cables provides some protection to the wearer from psionic influences.

Flash drive with data on closed breathing system
A closed air circulation system eliminates the need for the wearer to inhale polluted air.
Based on a tip, we find the bandit merchant Zub (or the bartender Borov; or the neutral Vasyan) for 1500 RU.

Flash drive with data on enhanced army body armor
Provide reliable protection against small arms.
This flash drive lies in the basement of the destroyed building "Flea Market" (Junkyard), in which the GG is waiting for a tripwire and two bandits.

For technician Yara / Freedom ("Dark Valley")

Flash drive with barrel data for sniper rifles
The barrel is made of durable steel and does not undergo deformation even during intense shooting, as a result of which the accuracy of the weapon increases.

Flash drive with data about the electronic stabilizer for sniper rifles
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We receive it as a reward for completing a task to destroy a group of mercenaries.

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for sniper rifles
The use of polymer parts significantly reduces the weight of the weapon.
We find, through a paid tip, the bartender of the "Freedom" group, Ganja (or the merchant Ashot) for 2000 RU in Dark Valley.

For technician Aidara / Neutrals (Research Institute "Agroprom")

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for a pistol
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.

Flash drive with data on pistol barrel modifications
An attachment that increases the length of the barrel and, as a result, the initial speed of the bullet.
Based on a tip, we find the bandit merchant Zub (or bartender Borov; or neutral Vasyan) for 500 RU at the Landfill.

Flash drive with data on pop-up mechanisms for combat shotguns
Manual modification and adjustment of the weapon reloading mechanism.
Based on a tip, we find the leader of the "Dolg" group, General Krylov, for 900 RU in the location of the Agroprom Research Institute.

For technician Gromov / Debt (Research Institute "Agroprom")

Flash drive with data on machine gun automatic balancing
More precise balancing of the moving parts of the weapon significantly increases the rate of fire.
Based on a paid tip, we find the merchant of the "Dolg" group, Mityai, for 5000 RU in the location of the Agroprom Research Institute.

Flash drive with data on modification of the gas outlet for a machine gun
A more modern gas exhaust system that allows you to increase the rate of fire.
We receive a reward from the neutral stalker Hermit from the Agroprom Research Institute for the task of finding the PDA of the loser stalker.

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for a machine gun
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We find, through a paid tip, the manager of the shooting gallery, Major Zvyagintsev, for 4000 RU in the location of the Agroprom Research Institute.

To the question where to get an exoskeleton in stalker clear sky given by the author Marina the best answer is firstly, you can buy it, you don’t even have to go far - in the Freedom camp for 200k in local currency. You can also find a cache with it in Pripyat during clearing, but this also has its own difficulty - you need to “remove” information about the swag from the corpse, which is not always possible. In general, these are all children's toys, plus the exoskeleton has only one thing - protection from bullets and explosions is very high, and the limit on the weight of things it can carry is an order of magnitude higher, so you can easily load a dozen guns and march on foot to the nearest seller. But there are a lot of disadvantages - you can’t run in it (and while walking, energy is wasted, as when running without wearing an exoskeleton!), protection from radiation is simply zero! As a result, you don’t look much like wearing it; in many places it’s easier to take it off and run, putting on a couple of radiation artifacts... so we use the environmentalist costumes that Sakharov sells. "SEVA", IMHO, is the best armored vehicle in the game: it doesn't kill so quickly, it protects against everything very well
Source: Boyan theme, I created one. Exoskeleton based on Dolg, upgrade there, at Gromov’s. I went through the entire game, before the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, without a suit.

Reply from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: where to get the exoskeleton in Stalker Clear Sky

Reply from cane[active]
In principle, you can buy it in the trash. And this way you can make a mod so that it is given at the very beginning. P.S.. If you need a mod, write to the agent. I'll help.

Reply from Neurologist[newbie]
it’s not there, as far as I remember the game can be completed without it (I’ve already completed it 4 times, 2 of them on the most difficult level) this is the first time I’ve seen a girl who plays such games

Reply from Valentin Ivanov[guru]
Marin...! Well, you give...! You play games like this...! I'm shocked..!

Reply from Hair[newbie]
There is a secret room in the sarcophagus (I don’t remember exactly where) and this suit is hidden in it.

Reply from Dark Side[newbie]
In order not to worry, just beat the game for<<Свободовцев >>, or for<<Долговцев>> if you play for these factions, at the end of the game you will definitely get this or that for capturing the base, depending on who you are playing for

Reply from YUS26[newbie]

Reply from liaison[active]
in the steps of duty kill freedom and freedom

Reply from Yergey Afanasyev[active]
Available for sale at Drozd's if you are a Loner, have a high reputation among stalkers and have completed the story in the Yantar location (possibly appearing on sale before going to Yantar, subject to the above conditions). May appear for sale at Ashot if there is an excellent reputation (and, probably, with the absolute superiority of “Freedom” over “Duty”). Research Institute “Agroprom” - Base of “Duty” - after joining “Duty”, it appears for sale from Mityai if the bridgehead at the Landfill is captured.

Reply from Vadim Dukhovnikov[newbie]
Actually, if you kill the leader of the Svoboda members, they will give you an RP-74, 600 rounds of ammunition for it, Duty Armor and 12,500 rubles.

Armor in any game is one of the defining parameters that allows you to protect your character from the negative impact, damage and damage that they will try to inflict on him. Naturally, every gamer strives to find the most effective option that would provide maximum protection, but did not have any particular disadvantages. As for the game "Stalker", everyone here recognizes the exoskeleton as one of the best armored suits. There are quite serious reasons for this. However, it also has significant disadvantages that you should definitely be aware of. There are different versions of this armor in each episode of the game. In this article we will talk about “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”. Where can I find an exoskeleton? What will he give you? What disadvantages does it have? You will learn about all this from this article.


There are a total of five types of exoskeleton in all episodes of the game, including in “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”. Where can I find the right type of exoskeleton? In fact, there is not much difference between them, because they are just slightly changed in appearance according to their affiliation. The most common type has a simple exoskeleton, but the other four change depending on who is wearing these armored suits. "Freedom", "Duty", "Monolith" and "Mercenaries" all have their own type of exoskeleton. Don't worry, you'll see them all throughout the game, but when it comes to getting them, you'll have a much narrower choice. The fact is that out of all these five exoskeletons, you can only get two of them - the ordinary one and the one belonging to Svoboda. You can only observe the remaining options on other characters, but this is not a big problem, because in terms of characteristics they do not differ from each other at all. Actually, as well as depending on the version of the game, including in “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”. Where can I find an exoskeleton? This question worries almost all gamers, so it’s worth moving on to it.


Unfortunately, you will not be able to obtain this armor in battle, that is, kill an enemy and pick up the exoskeleton from his body (in all games, including the episode “Stalker: Call of Pripyat”). Where can I find an exoskeleton in this case? You won’t find it in hiding places either, because it’s so valuable item no one would dare to place it in the public domain in the world. To get it, you'll have to fork out some cash. In various episodes, you can find this costume for sale from characters, but in this article we are talking specifically about “Call of Pripyat,” so it’s worth talking about exactly those heroes who can sell you an exoskeleton in this game.

The easiest option is to order from Shustroy. The opportunity to place an order appears almost immediately, but the cost is off the charts - sixty thousand, twelve of which must be paid as an advance payment. At the initial stages of the game, it is simply impossible to win such amounts. And towards the end of the game, exoskeletons will be immediately available for sale from Owl and Hawaiian at a lower price - 45 thousand. As you understand, these are the only places where you can find an exoskeleton in Pripyat. So you will have to save up.

Advantages of an exoskeleton

It’s worth saying right away that the costume in “Call of Pripyat” differs in some ways from the same, for example, in the game “Shadows of Chernobyl”. You already know where to find the exoskeleton. It's time to find out what makes it so popular. In fact, this armor set is the most powerful in the game, as it allows you to neutralize almost all physical damage received from bullets, explosions and even mutant attacks. Moreover, with an exoskeleton you can carry twenty kilograms more. The costume gives the same thing in the episode “Shadows of Chernobyl” and in the episode “Clear Sky”. Where to find the exoskeleton in this part is a secondary question. The fact is that this version no longer provides protection against explosions.

Disadvantages of the exoskeleton

However, there are also disadvantages that give the exoskeleton the right to be called the most powerful and protected suit in the game, but do not allow it to simply become the best. Firstly, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it has no protection from anomalies at all. Accordingly, you can forget about using the exoskeleton in missions where you will need to be in locations with anomalies. Secondly, as you already understood, the suit gives an additional 20 kilograms, but at the same time it weighs 15, which reduces the increase in the carried weight to only five kilograms.

However, the biggest drawback of the exoskeleton is the inability to run in it. This is the most serious and acute disadvantage that can neutralize all the advantages of this armor. However, it is in Call of Pripyat that you get the opportunity to smooth out this disadvantage a little when you bring tools to Cardan - then your exoskeleton has the ability to make a small sprint. Of course, it is shorter than without a suit or in light versions, and the stamina recovery time is significantly longer. But this is more than nothing, and with proper further upgrade of the exoskeleton you will get very powerful and multifunctional armor.
