Solitaire rules of the game cards how to lay out. Solitaire or Klondike? Rules of the game

Are you a big fan of solitaire games? Do you like to pass the time by laying out cards? This is an interesting hobby that not only allows you to have fun, but also perfectly trains attention, memory, and ingenuity. And this is even without rivals. You can have fun playing solitaire even when you are completely alone. In this sense, solitaire games are simply irreplaceable.

Here we have collected for you the best online solitaire games , thanks to which you will not just forget about boredom, but will be able to plunge into a diverse card world, fascinating and exciting.

“Solitaire” is a time-tested classic

Tired of traditional solitaire solitaire or free solitaire rug? We bring to your attention another, no less exciting solitaire game, known throughout the world under the name “Solitaire” (its other name is “Spider”), for the invention of which we must thank Paul Alfill. Laying out Solitaire at the same time is simple and very interesting. You won’t even have time to notice how the “Spider” will reliably pull you into its web, from which you don’t want to break out.

If you understand solitaire games, then it will not be difficult for you to understand all the intricacies of Solitaire.

Solitaire Rules

In general terms, the traditional layout rules look like this: your task is to assemble 4 decks, each of which contains 13 cards of the same suit. The important thing is that these cards must be collected in ascending order.

Initially, you have a layout in eight vertical rows. The top card on each column is open, all the others are hidden. Above the rows of the layout are four free cells in which you need to put cards, starting with Aces, deuces, etc., as in any solitaire game). On the other side of the field is a deck with the remaining cards.

You can move cards from one row to another at your discretion in descending order (from Ace to King), while not forgetting about the alternation of suit colors (red suit follows black and vice versa, regardless of the specific suit) until you have selected all the cards from the deck. Cards that bother you can be put into four spare cells. If spare space allows, you can move entire assembled parts. Solitaire is considered completed only when all the cards are sorted and distributed into four cells in the required sequence.

And, of course, your main helpers are attention, ingenuity, and intuition.

Solitaire: secrets of experienced solitaire lovers

The main thing you need to know about Solitaire is that almost all of its layouts are winning. According to statistics, only a few solitaire games are unsolvable from the start, but in other cases everything is in your hands, it all depends on your desire and patience. Some players, when faced with difficulties, prefer to close the game and start a new one, while others, on the contrary, do not give up until they bring the matter to its logical end.

One more interesting feature Solitaire is that you can choose layouts from two or four suits. Of course spider for 2 suits(red and black) much lighter than spider for all 4 suits.

And some more tactical tricks"Solitaire":

  • It’s worth starting any game with careful study playing field, while thinking through several moves ahead (and what seems obvious in Solitaire is not always so).
  • First of all, pay attention to the most difficult places in solitaire (for example, it makes sense to try to move the aces to empty cells as early as possible).
  • Do not try to immediately fill in the empty cells (do this only as a last resort), since they provide the opportunity to experiment. Always leave yourself one or two free cells, this is one of the keys to a successful layout.
  • But it makes sense to try to free columns as quickly as possible, since this allows you to store not just one card, but an entire assembled sequence. The so-called "super move" is to move the assembled sequence using both empty columns and cells.
  • Always use the opportunity to close an empty column with a long sequence (ideally starting with a King).

And finally...

In Solitaire, one game is not like the other, one is easy and quick, the other requires a lot of time and effort. Try it, experiment. Trying to arrange the same layouts in different ways is aerobatics that you need to strive for. The more often you play, the more experience you have. Were we able to interest you? Then we suggest you quickly play solitaire!

Word " tapeworm" in itself means solitaire, so the name may seem incorrect. However, this is the name of one of the most popular solitaire games - “Klondike”, which was one of the first to appear as a computer game back in the last century. Older versions of Windows included a pre-installed solitaire game, and it was Solitaire ( Solitaire or Kerchief). Since there was only one, the authors simply called it “Solitaire” without having to worry about choosing a name, which is quite logical. Note that in the modern variety of solitaire games, Solitaire and its variations are one of the most popular among fans logic games.


This card game is so popular that it doesn't need any special introduction. Everyone who has mastered operating system Windows has encountered it one way or another and probably played with it. Let's briefly talk about the rules for playing Solitaire, keeping its original name.

A deck of 52 cards is taken and laid out on the gaming table in seven columns as follows. In the first column on the left, only one open card is placed, in the second - two - one closed, the other, on top of it - open, in the third column three cards are placed, two of which are closed, and the third, the top one, is open. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh columns are assembled in the same way. As is easy to calculate, such a layout requires 28 cards. The remainder of the 24-card deck is placed face down above the first column.

Above the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh columns there are four free spaces, let's call them slots. The goal of the game is to move all the cards, including those remaining in the deck, into these four slots so that each slot contains cards of only one suit, sorted in ascending order from Ace to King (Ace, Two, Three, and so on until the King).

Rules of the game

To solve this problem, the player must move cards from column to column, since you can only play open cards, and after the initial layout, there are only seven of them on the table. The rules for translation are simple. On a red suit you can only place a black suit, on a black suit, accordingly, only a red suit. In this case, the rule of seniority must be observed: the card being transferred must be one rank lower than the one to which it is being transferred. For example, on the seven of hearts or diamonds, you can only put six crosses or spades, and, say, on the ten of spades or crosses, you can only put a nine of hearts or diamonds.

If there is no way to move cards between columns, the player uses cards from the remaining deck, flipping through it one or three cards at a time, depending on the version of Solitaire.

Note that the simplicity of the solitaire rules does not guarantee the player a successful outcome of the game; in other words, in the general case, Solitaire solitaire is “irreducible”. However, using methods developed with the player's experience, the percentage of successful layouts can be increased.

Children often find it difficult to come up with something to do. They also get tired of running, jumping, chasing cats or dogs, singing, reading or sleeping. Then parents pull out board games to keep their kids occupied. Such activities can keep children busy for several hours. However, sometimes adults also have nothing to occupy themselves with. But tabletop entertainment does not bring so much joy and does not awaken the competitive spirit in players. Adults find something more interesting to do. They learn the rules card games.

Cards do not become obsolete, because using a deck of 36 “pieces of paper” is more convenient than buying large boxes of new boards. You can take small decks with you on a trip, bring them to someone’s house, or take them out at sleepovers and parties. Teenagers also love to organize card “battles”. Solitaire is a toy that almost all card game fans are familiar with.

Game description

Some players know board game“Solitaire” is like “Klondike”, since the second name is more common because it is more pleasant to the ear and better remembered. The rules of the game are quite simple, so they are easy to remember and learn.

All you need to play is a deck of cards.

Difficulty level

You can understand the rules of Solitaire in a few minutes. However, the algorithm and course of the game have long been familiar to us since childhood. Children start playing this board game at the age of 10-12, because it is not difficult, but interesting and addictive. If we evaluate the level of complexity of a toy on a scale of ten, we can give it a 4. Little kids are unlikely to be able to master it, but teenagers can easily grasp the essence of the toy.

When you play solitaire you don’t notice how quickly time flies, because the game is addictive

Number of players

A nice feature of Solitaire is the ability to play the toy alone without involving other participants. Sometimes people need to kill time with something, but there is not enough free time to get to a friend’s house or invite him to visit them. At such moments, Solitaire saves us. We can sit at home alone and lay out a scarf. When you play Solitaire, you don't notice how quickly time flies because the game is addictive.

What does the game develop?

There is hardly a person whose parents did not forbid him to play cards as a child, because it gambling, and they will not lead to anything good. Parents are always against this activity, because, as they believe, it teaches them to cheat, deceive and be cunning. Moms and dads give us the example of Petrusha Grinev from “The Captain’s Daughter” or Nikolai Rostov from “War and Peace,” who lost their parents’ money at cards. But in fact, such entertainment can instill in children many skills that they can use in life.

What Solitaire teaches:

  • Attentiveness and caution.
  • The ability to entertain yourself, not be afraid of loneliness and be alone with yourself.
  • Development fine motor skills hands
  • Accuracy.
  • Make your own choices.
  • Basics of card games. “Klondike” is often the first card game for many players.
  • Strategic thinking.

These things are much easier to learn while playing and having a good time.

You don't need company to play

What's in the set?

In order to play Solitaire, you don’t need to buy expensive boxes of board games. All you need to do is buy a deck of cards and enjoy the toy. However, decks come in 36 cards or 52. Solitaire requires a deck of 52 cards.

The entertainment tools are laid out in interesting ways: from Ace to King. Ace, two, three and so on. There are different packages of cards. If you like everything to look beautiful and neat, you can buy yourself varnish cards in cool packaging. If you don't care, you can borrow a toy from friends or buy the cheapest package.

Card solitaire can teach children many skills that they can use in life.

Rules and course of the game

A person who plays for the first time may feel that they need to remember too much information in order to start playing solitaire. In fact, the rules of "Klondike" are very simple, you just need to carefully read how to play.
Game "Solitaire" - rules of the game:

  • You need to take a deck of 52 cards and lay it out into seven columns on the playing table:
  • The first column is one open card.
  • The second column is a closed card at the bottom, an open one at the top.
  • The third column is two hole cards and one open card.
  • The fourth column, the fifth, sixth and seventh are laid out as the third.
  • Free space (slots) is left above the last four columns.
  • The main task (goal) of the game is to move all the cards into the slots so that each of them contains cards of only one suit.
  • The player needs to move cards from one column to another. But you can only play with open cards (they lie on top). To rearrange cards, you need to remember that a red suit is placed on a red one, and a black suit is placed on a black one. However, it must be taken into account that the card that is transferred must be smaller than the one on which it is transferred. If the player does not have the opportunity to shift the cards, then in this situation he uses the cards that remain in the deck.

A great way to get distracted and kill time

Who will like it?

Modern children now play “Klondike” less often, because they have phones, computers, tablets, TVs and new boards with bright pictures and interesting tasks. However, it’s hard to forget about the Solitaire game. It develops many skills, relaxes and distracts from everyday problems.
Who loves this toy:

  • Secretaries. Jokes about secretaries starting to play solitaire at any free minute will never get old.
  • People who have a lot of free time.
  • Card players. Sharpies often use the Klondike as training.
  • People who are bored at their job.
  • For those who like to try their luck.
  • Both children and adults enjoy the game.


The unpleasant name “Solitaire” does not evoke pleasant emotions in potential players. Therefore, for those who are familiar with the game, it is much more common to call the board “Klondike”. Some adults who do not like to think stereotypically and conservatively teach their children to play “Klondike” so that they can remember some colors, think logically, lay out the columns themselves and distribute the cards in their places. This technique is very useful, although it seems a little strange.

In the age of computers and phones, we have access to an electronic version of the game

Video review

Play the challenging Solitaire game from Gamedesign. Rules of the game "Solitaire" - one of the representatives of the world of solitaire. Play online for free.

Solitaire Solitaire - play online

Rules of the game "Solitaire"

Solitaire is played using a deck of 52 cards.

Purpose of the game

The main goal of Solitaire Solitaire is to move all cards by rank and suit from the bottom piles to the top four cells of the gaming table. The intermediate goal is to move the cards in the lower piles so that there are cards on top of these piles that can be moved to the top, but also being careful not to block the very possibility of moving between the lower piles. In order for a card to take its place in the top cell, it must be the top one in the bottom stack, and the previous card of the same suit must be visible in the top cell.

Order of cards by seniority

The order of filling the upper cells in Solitaire Solitaire: Ace - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten - Jack - Queen - King. The Ace is transferred to the top pile of its suit first, and only on it can a Two of the same suit be placed on top. And so all the cards of the same suit are stacked up to the King. Once all the suits have been moved to the top piles, the Solitaire game will be considered dealt.

Moving cards

Cards are transferred between the bottom stacks of the Solitaire game table by holding the left mouse button. You can move cards either one at a time or several at a time in one chain by left-clicking any of the cards open inside the stack. You can put a chain or one card in another pile only on a card with a higher value and a suit of a different color. In a captured chain, cards can be placed in any order, unlike Spider Solitaire. Don't forget that in the Solitaire game, the Two is higher than the Ace, and a chain starting with the Ace can be placed on a Two with a suit of a different color.

If you see a card ready to be moved to the top, click on it and it will take its place at the top. You can move cards from the lower piles to the upper ones in the same way as between the lower ones, by grabbing with the left mouse button, moving and releasing them over a cell with the corresponding suit.

You can open closed cards in the lower piles with a single click after all open cards have been removed from them. If the space occupied by the bottom pile is empty, a chain starting with the King can be placed in its place.

The name "Solitaire" actually means tracing paper with English word solitaire, that is, simply “solitaire”. The predecessors of Solitaire (or “Free Cell”) can be considered the solitaire games “Eight” and “Forty Thieves” (aka “Napoleon on St. Helena”).

The goal of the game is to release the four aces and arrange the cards in ascending order in the four cells of the house, corresponding to the four suits: deuce for ace, three for deuce, etc. - in this way, Solitaire solitaire is reminiscent of Solitaire solitaire.

The game uses one deck of 52 cards. Initially, the cards are laid out front side in 8 columns (four columns of 7 cards and four of 6). At the top right is the “house” - four piles where we will put aces and other cards to win. To the left of the “house” there are four more free cells, that is, space for four cards.

How to move cards in Solitaire:

  • The top card from a column or from free cell can be moved to another column onto the next highest card of a different color (black two to red three and so on);
  • The card can be moved to one of the “free cells” to the left of the “house”, while only one card can be placed in one cell;
  • Any card can be moved to an empty column without restrictions. Then you can move cards on top of it according to the usual rules, that is, alternating colors and in descending order;
  • Cards can be moved to the “house”, starting with an ace and ending with a king of the same suit and in ascending order (for an ace - a two, for a two - a three, etc., until there are four ready-made piles).

If during the game you need to move a stack of cards, this can only be done if there are a sufficient number of free cells or empty columns. So, for example, to move a stack of two cards, you need to have at least one free cell or one empty column.

Move backward, Move forward(also the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard) allow you to move forward and backward through your solution, all the way back to the beginning.

New game - start a new game. By pressing the “New Game” key again, you can scroll through the games and select the layout you like. Using the “up arrow” and “down arrow” keys on the keyboard, you can move along the proposed layouts. The history of your games will only include those hands that you started playing (that is, you made at least one move).
you can return to the previous layout by clicking on the part of the button indicated by the symbol < .

Start over- start a new attempt.

Motor vehicle- automatically performs all moves from the field and from the bank to the “house”.

Possible moves- turn on yellow illumination of cards that can be used to make a move. This does not mean that you should make this particular move, the decision is yours. At proper game you do not make all the moves in a row, but follow your own strategy.

You can turn off this mode by pressing the “Possible moves” button again.

At the top is a list of your attempts, with the ability to return to each of them. The large number indicates the number of the current attempt. Solved ones are marked in red. To move on to another attempt, you can click on its number. When you return to an unresolved layout, you will see the last position of the cards. In the solved ones, you can view your solution using the “Move forward” and “Move backward” buttons.

Below the list of attempts there is information about the layout:

  • Layout number ( 999 ).
  • Layout rating ( rate 1:38) - the average time spent on solving this layout by all players, the number of solvers out of those who solved this layout.
  • Current time of last attempt ( time 2:41). If within 15 seconds you have not made a single move (for example, you were distracted from the game), time stops. The stopped time is highlighted in blue. Any move made restarts the clock.
  • Total time of all attempts ( total time 4:30).

The green dot in the lower right corner means you have an Internet connection, the red dot means you don't. If there is no Internet, you will be able to finish the layout, but it will not be saved in your history and will not participate in the ranking if the Internet does not appear while you are deciding the layout.

Settings- opens a settings window in which you can:

  • Choose a solitaire option: “one card each” or “three cards each”;
  • Select the order of new layouts: “play in random order” - when you press the “New game” button, a random layout by number will be loaded, in the “play in a row” mode the next one will be loaded serial number layout;
  • Enable the “only hands that I haven’t solved” mode. You will be given layouts in a row by number or in random order, taking into account this mode;
  • Go to a specific layout by entering its number in the “enter layout number” field;
  • Change the design theme.

A list of all layouts with statistics for each of them and sorting by several parameters.

The ability to see the entire history of your games.

About the layout- information about the open layout. Here you can view information about the layout, add the layout to your favorites and leave a comment (only for registered users).

A list of players ordered by the number of solved hands. For each player, the date of his registration, the total number of started hands and the number of solved hands, the percentage of solved hands and the number of first places by solution time are indicated.

In your personal account you can indicate additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, and also store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and/or authorization you will have access to personal account and you will be able to send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose another one.
