Skyrim character development. Unusual "talents" and "active effects"

There are already several colorful reviews and guides on the Internet.
on creating a superhero in the world of the game (I advise you to read it).
Having conducted practical tests of the methods from my own experience, I propose
the most, from my point of view, optimal way to achieve the goal.
Making Superman the honest way will still not be easy, but it will be faster.

Yes, before I start, I’ll make a reservation and warn you that playing with a created “monster”
you will be less interested even maximum level complexity and even without
taking “doping” in the form of potions.
topical Alduin- and he will fall on his face from a couple of power attacks.
Therefore, I will describe the maximalist path to character improvement, and you choose
Find a middle ground from this, based on your tastes.

A little about the game mechanics.
Everything is very similar to TES Oblivion, but with many improvements and, importantly,
V better side. Let me keep silent about the pumping system as a whole - everything is clear there.
What is important is that the number of ability points is limited by level (yes, no other way
there is no provision for obtaining them in the game). Therefore, they must be distributed thoughtfully!
I think it’s important to talk about possible weak points hero depending on the "class".

The warrior will suffer from powerful magical attacks, and to a lesser extent from poisoning, i.e.
will basically die from meeting a high-level magician(s) in the absence of protective
potions - it takes 5 seconds. The warrior also does not cope well with distant archers and dragons in flight.

It’s easier for an archer to start an attack first, it’s easier to shoot down dragons, but it’s important not to bring the battle to the close one, and this is not easy.

The magician takes out everyone well from the first levels, but is formally devoid of armor (there are magic shields,

enormously consuming mana) and is extremely weak against the main enemies - dragons, because... they have a strong
resistance to magic (most vulnerable to electricity, as I understand it).
And a purebred magician cannot be a superhero! Those. it should be considered as a subclass in our case.

The thief, as a master of stealth, is in the most advantageous position of all, because... Maybe
sneak past any enemy unnoticed, or stab him in the back. But on the other hand,
Constant use of stealth mode (squatting) makes the gameplay sticky and annoying. A little
What helps in this situation is the ability to quickly move when blocking with a shield in a branch
development of defense, but this again eats up several valuable ability points.

Of course, there is no strict division by class in the game and you can equip it at the right time
in the shoes of anyone, but I want to return you to the axiom about the limited ability points.
The game thus binds you to the selected class if you want to achieve maximum
benefits. The exception is temporary effects from potions and magic.

Aspiring superhero.

Magic resistance is useful to anyone, so we choose a Breton (a race for those who don’t know),
because they have 25% protection natively (+don’t forget about the “Dragon Skin” talent - +50%).
We go through the first scripted quest. As always, money is tight at first, here to the rescue
comes to, not the ability of eloquence and trade, but alchemy! Let me explain. Ingredients
there are a lot of potions in the game world, and they cost next to nothing, and the potions created can be extremely expensive
with a fixed bottle weight = 0.5 (i.e. more can be carried). Moreover, this is one of the 3
basic skills for developing a superhero. How opportune.

From now on you should start collecting alchemical ingredients(also animal skins),
being especially partial to the blue mountain flower and blue butterfly, salt and poisonous bell,
as well as to the orange butterfly (monarch) and dragon tongue.
It is advisable to collect the first 4 in hundreds. These ingredients will initially
bring basic income and increase alchemy.

On the way to Riverwood with a companion (despite the fact that he talks about the need for separation,
follow him) you meet 3 class guardian stones (+20% experience).
Select the thief's stone (which also accelerates the growth of the alchemy skill). We reach Riverwood,
we make new acquaintances, receive a quest to visit Whiterun and the civil war quest*.
We take an abandoned cleaver lying around behind the sawmill (it will come in handy a little later). Not bad at this stage
get a temporary companion. He will distract the enemy at the right moment and help him carry things.
Having completed the love quest in Riverwood in favor Fandela, we ask him to join.
This character, by the way, will later help you upgrade your shooting skill to
50 (when there is enough money, as paradoxical as it sounds).

*This is important . Delay joining one of the warring parties (Stormcloaks or Imperials) until the end
games. Quest for civil war brings a lot of glitches to the rest.
Let's run to Whiterun, but let's not rush into Dragon's Reach.
We chop some firewood (20-30) at a chopping block in the city, take it to the tavern Highlander mare,
we receive rewards. This starting capital traveler The cleaver can be thrown away.
If you are too lazy to do this, then, in principle, you can collect enough loot along the way and sell it
in stores, or simply steal*. By the way, in the same tavern you can compete in fistfights.
fight with a warrior Utgert, earning a little more money and getting a female companion
(to whom Fandel not to my liking).

* Note . Don't get carried away with stealing items at the beginning of the game. Firstly, there will simply be them
nowhere to sell (Like in Oblivion). Secondly, you can run into quests and have to carry them
"the whole game." And thirdly, you will be suddenly taken by surprise by a gang of 3 mercenaries...
It makes sense to steal money and ingredients. Some other types of food -
more on that later.

So, let's run to the stables Whiterun and order a carriage to any other city. We collect on site
ingredients, we return to the wagon, we rush further around Skyrim. In some cities
carriage is not provided - we return from there with the help fast travel on the world map (key "M"),
maybe at the same time Whiterun.

Ingredients . We collect butterflies in the fields near Whiterun. Draconic language grows in Solitude
and there is a lot of it in the valley to the south Windhelm*. Blue Mountain Flower grows in the area around Riverwood.

The poisonous bell densely inhabits the swamp to the south Solitude. Salt can be found everywhere.

* I also advise you to search there at the same time Atronach stone- it will be useful at the final stage.

Useful advice . When visiting Winterhold join the college of magicians. She will be additional
and a valuable source of ingredients that also respawn more often than usual. Also on the board
Most NPCs sell soul stones, which will be needed later.
We are greeted at the entrance Faralda and offers to take the exam.
I advise you to save on the way to it and try out different dialogue options. In some cases
you will have to use an expensive spell to pass the exam, and this requires
increasing the overall level of magic in one way or another.

Also, do not forget about the two-week respawn of ingredients in cities.

The pumping begins.
While you run around cities, trade, and complete short quests, you will be able to accumulate
about 1-3 thousand septims. To get better prices you can pray at the altar Zenithara
(for example, in the temple of the gods in Solitude, the effect is temporary) and periodically give change to the poor.
It will be very lucky if along the way you come across items with enchantments for alchemy and trade.
But you can cope without them.
Get enough sleep 1-8 hours (+5-10% * to increased experience). We go to the "Arcadia Cauldron" in Whiterun.
We learn alchemy from the saleswoman. If the hero's level has increased before, then invest experience points in
branch of alchemy abilities, primarily “Alchemist”, “Healer” and “Pharmacist”.
We go to the alchemical “laboratory” there and mix the blue mountain flower with the wings of a blue butterfly
or salt with poisonous bell. We get a relatively expensive potion ** .
We do it until the level increases. We combine the Wings of the Monarch with the Dragon Tongue - we get a potion of trade.
We drink a potion of trade, sell potions of damage, magic regeneration and slowdown
(This way we return the money spent on training).
Again we pay for training and so on until level 50 in alchemy,!not forgetting!
invest in alchemical abilities and increase your strength reserves
(since soon the inventory will be heavy) when raising the hero’s level.

* The hero receives the “good rest” bonus (+10%) after sleeping for 8 hours “in his own bed.” Reliably
given when sleeping for 8 hours or more in a bed paid for in a tavern.

** It is also possible to create more expensive potions from other raw materials, but at the initial levels of the game the ones described
ingredients are most readily available. The most expensive potions use the "giant's finger". Also expensive
potions of Invisibility and Paralysis (for obvious reasons).

At skill level 50, the cost of training increases sharply, so it is easier to upgrade it further
on one's own. This requires more ingredients. So, let's "teleport" quickly
moving to cities in Skyrim. In the alchemy shops we drink a trade potion, buy the ingredients and
We sell expensive potions, producing them on site. It is worth noting that the more expensive the potions produced,
the faster the skill grows.

It makes sense to take inexpensive ingredients, costing up to 50 septims. From dear ones, no matter how
strangely, there was no more profit. I advise you to exclude Daedric salts, moon sugar,
as well as those ingredients that you have collected in abundance (>100).
To speed up the collection of money supply and the sale of excess potions, the latter can be sold
flea dealers who sell a little of everything (including skins!) and are present in every city
(V Riften there are even three of them).

When there are enough varieties of ingredients, you can explore their properties,
trying different combinations * . This will also increase alchemy. The first property of each ingredient
You can find out by applying it to yourself in your inventory (eating it). Skyrim is also full of potion recipes,
which will simplify the search (a few can be bought for pennies from alchemists in shops).

* Here you can cheat in order to save ingredients. To do this, after each successfully created
potions with the discovery of new properties of the ingredient must be exited from the alchemy menu and saved. Further
experiment as much as you like. then load the previous save, and repeat the results
combination of ingredients will be preserved again.

Taking into account all the advice, we download alchemy to...98). IN Arcadia's bowler hat go to one of the rooms on the first floor
and read the alchemy manual (+1). In the forest, which is near the river to the west Riverwood looking for hut Anis
and read another book there (+1). There are still many books and ways to freely raise this skill in particular,
but at the beginning of the game they are difficult to reach.

In such a miraculous way, Alchemy is raised to 100, and most likely by this moment the abilities of Alchemist (5/5),
Healer and Provisioner received.

Great blacksmith.
With decent capital accumulated at the previous stage (most likely it will be >20,000), raise
blacksmithing will be easy.
First of all, we remember the dozens of previously collected/purchased animal skins, which, by the way, can be stored in a barrel near any forge - don’t be afraid, they won’t go anywhere. We take them, go to the tanning machine and make leather and strips of leather out of them. If the end result is less than 1000 of each, then we return the skin with stripes to the barrel and buy them from blacksmiths in cities, and skins from flea dealers, selling expensive potions in return. Having collected the required amount of leather, we go to the 3rd class stones (the ones we met at the beginning of the game) and select the warrior sign (+20% acceleration of blacksmithing growth). *

* To speed up the process and save on leather, you can complete one side quest.
To do this, we buy better armor and one-handed weapons. We brew potions of healing and improving the one-handed weapon skill (also don’t forget to invest a couple of ability points in the branch of this skill to feel more comfortable). Let's go to the port Riften, we find her peacefully walking along the piers From the very depths(this is the name - no comment), she hands us some kind of “dictionary” and asks us to take it to Avanchzel. The latter appears on the map to the west Riften. Let's go there. Set the game difficulty to minimum. We pass through a rather interesting tomb and, having defeated the centurion at the end, we install the dictionary in its rightful place. As a result, we get the “Ancient Knowledge” bonus, which gives +15% to the growth of the blacksmithing skill. The difficulty of the game can be returned to its original state.

We return to the city. Let's get enough sleep. We go to the forge and begin to produce hundreds of rawhide leather bracers,
by upgrading your skill to 99. To speed up the process, even after raising the level, you can contact Yorlandu gray
V Whiterun who is capable of teaching blacksmithing up to the master level. We get the last level of skill by reading a book located in the heavenly forge, where he works Yorland. Total 100.
The bracers you receive can be sold, leaving 100 pieces for upgrading your enchanting skill.
Go to the hero development menu, invest ability points in heavy armor from steel to dragon
inclusive * (counterclockwise!). The "Blacksmith Wizard" ability will not be needed yet,
More precisely, you can do without it altogether, unless you want to improve quest enchanted items.

* Some clarification is needed here. The most powerful weapons in the game are Daedric weapons, and the most effective armor are dragon ones. The latter can be created in both light and heavy versions, but we are interested in light ones due to important advantages...

Preparing to meet Skyrim.
To reduce the nausea reflex from the previous monotonous gameplay, you can then walk a little around the main storyline, in order to provoke the appearance of dragons throughout Skyrim. In this way we will even combine business with pleasure, because... To produce dragon armor, you need bones and scales that are not sold in shops. Depending on the level of difficulty, going out into the world requires different levels of preparation. If you like hardcore at the maximum difficulty level, then it is advisable for the hero to spend more time in the cities and strengthen himself into a superhero.

How? - see below.
We buy 3 Daedra hearts in alchemy shops or from Entir in the college of magicians (much more expensive, but always available),
We buy ebonite ingots from blacksmiths. We produce 2 Daedric swords and a Daedric bow in the forge.
We purchase elven or glass armor. *

* Elven armor can also be removed from the corpses of Thalmor convoys that often roam Skyrim. Of course, you will have to tinker, but a hero armed with the right potions is afraid of few people;).

We produce 2-3 potions to increase the blacksmithing skill. Don’t forget to stock up on suitable materials and 3 ebonite ingots, go to the forge, drink the potion, improve the armor on the workbench, drink the potion again, improve the Daedric swords on the sharpening machine. Let's dress ourselves in this beauty.
We produce several potions of invisibility, increasing the skill of one-handed weapons, resistance to cold, fire,
electricity, health restoration, stamina regeneration, increased stamina, increased magic,
increasing carrying weight, paralysis, healing illnesses, to be prepared for the unexpected.

Useful advice . One of the dishes, Elsweyr fondue, has very good properties for increasing and regenerating magic. To prepare it, you need to activate any cauldron, having a whole one in your inventory

A circle of Eidar cheese, ale and moon sugar (one per serving).

If by this point you have accumulated a decent amount of ability points, then you can invest a few more in the skill
one-handed weapons, remembering that to develop the enchantment branch we will need 8 of them.
If you find a summoned weapon spell or buy it, that will also come in handy, because... Daedric is summoned.
With subsequent level increases, I advise you to invest more often in your health level, bringing it at least to 250 and higher. It’s also a good idea to complete the goddess quests at this stage Mary to get the required +15 bonus to magic resistance. To activate the first quest you need to talk to the priestess in Temple of Mary Riften.

Enchantment is our everything.
To develop enchantment, we will need a hundred or two filled soul stones, one item each with a unique
enchantment, a lot of unenchanted items and, as a summation of the previous ones, a lot of septims.
Painfully known from Oblivion, a good help in this matter will be Azura's star(indestructible soul stone, with your permission) and maskClavicus Vile. Using only a star will delay the process of leveling up the enchantment until the end of the game. Therefore, we cannot do without buying, collecting and filling soul stones. But let's proceed in order...

A good place to start would be to go to Sergius Turrian V College of Winterhold and raise your enchanting skill a little (+5), because... The sooner we start training, the more often we will be able to use it at high levels character, and we should have already approached the 30th. Everything here is like in Oblivion at one level, you can train
use no more than 5 times, and the growth of each subsequent level slows down in arithmetic progression.

Now you can start mining Azura's star.
Let's go to Azura's Shrine in the mountains to the south Winterhold(By this point, the inactive shrine icon will usually already be present on the map to the east.) We speak with the priestess. We activate the quest in the menu. We return to Winterhold, go to the tavern, chat with Nelasar. He directs us to a fortress in the surrounding area Riverwood(west).
We return from the fortress with the broken star to Nelasar (! not to the priestess). Stocking up on potions of resistance different types magic, we go to smoke out the spirit of the evil magician from the star. As a result we get Black Star of Azura. (You no longer need to go to the goddess’s temple).

We pass the Daedra quest Clavicus Vile to get another unique artifact.
The quest is activated when moving to the gate Falkreatha, when the guard asks you about the lost dog. *
Next we go to the blacksmith, and then back to that guard and walk a little along the road from the city - we meet with Barbas...
Upon completion of a relatively difficult adventure, we receive a mask named after Vile himself, which
significantly improves trading and speaking skills. Also, don’t forget about increasing your potion trading skill.

* Most likely it was activated earlier - check the quest log.

We find and buy an inexpensive item with enchantments (in order of priority) for alchemy,
Smithing, Soul Capture (Weapon), One-Handed Weapon Damage, Stamina Regen, Magic Resistance
and if you are very lucky, you will get “paralysis”.
We study enchantments on the pentagram of souls.
We buy filled with a great soul stone. We enchant one Daedric sword to capture souls. *
We collect/buy a couple of hundred stones. If there is a lot of money, then we take the filled ones. It's best to buy stones
from flea dealers, because It will be possible to return blood septims by selling potions. Usually a lot of stones
souls can be found in tombs and ruins.

* This is much more convenient than using a similar spell. It is advisable to first improve the sword in the forge.

We use the enchanted sword to fill empty stones and Black Star, killing "generous" creatures).
We go to the 3rd stones, select the sign of the magician. As always, we get enough sleep. We take those stored up during the development of the blacksmith
bracers affairs. We enchant them with the most “expensive” charms* so that we can sell them more profitably later.

* Cost created item the game always kindly provides.

At each hero level we turn to Turrianu at the board to speed up the process. With sufficient quantity
source skill rises to 100 quite easily.
At the same time, we invest ability points in the Enchantment branch along the middle line. We are interested in abilities
Enchanter (5/5), Enchant Skills, Enchant Life, and Double Effect.
There's only a small matter left...

That's what it was all for.
Here I will omit the details so as not to confuse. Way legal cheat pretty simple.
But it’s not easy to figure it out. It will be especially easy for fans of the 4th part of the game, because... principles are not
have undergone major changes.
We stock up on stones with a Great Soul level in one way or another. We create enchantment potions.
By drinking these potions, we create a set of clothes to increase the alchemy skill. *
We put on the received set and create such potions again. We repeat the cycle. The task is to get the kit
clothes (+29%x4), giving the ability to create potions +32% to enchanting skill and +130% to blacksmithing.
Let's make more potions like this. After drinking the enchantment potion, we enchant a set of clothes with the blacksmithing skill.
(should be +29% for each item of clothing).

* The alchemy set consists of a headdress, a necklace, gloves, and a ring.
The blacksmith kit does not include a hat, but does include an apron. When enchanting, only Great Souls should be used!
I advise you to enchant light items and use double enchantment to lighten your inventory.
For example, gloves can be enchanted for both skills (alchemy and blacksmithing).

We create 1 new Daedric sword to replace the enchanted one. We put on the blacksmith's kit.
We drink a potion to improve blacksmithing. We improve our armor, swords and bows by drinking potions.
If you have collected enough dragon scales (14), then create a set of light dragon armor
and improve in the same way. If we haven’t collected it, then we improve what we have.
After drinking an enchantment potion and having great souls:
We enchant one of the swords to capture souls for 2s and paralyze for 1s (no more is needed).
We enchant the second sword for paralysis for 1s and cold damage.
We enchant the bow at our discretion.
We enchant the ring, necklace and gloves to increase the skill of one-handed weapons and shooting
(if you don’t like onions, then the second enchantment is at your discretion).
We enchant boots to increase the skill of one-handed weapons and regenerate stamina.
We reserve the armor to regenerate the reserve of strength and increase health.
We enchant the helmet for shooting and water breathing (or increase magic).
If you prefer a shield, then you should enchant it to increase your blocking skill and health.

We invest points in the ability to fight with two swords (maximalist path).
Let's go to Atronach stone(see above), activate it, making the hero spellproof
(also increases disease resistance).
Set the game difficulty to Master.
Enjoy the game ;-).

When developing, do not forget about the guardian stones (those in the vicinity Riverwood), giving
increase in skill growth rate. You should also not hesitate to use the services of skills teachers,
Moreover, over time, your chickens will not peck at your septims.
A complete list of teachers can be found on fan sites.
At high levels I have already given up enchanting swords for paralysis,
because The duration of any ground duel did not exceed 3s. Preferred theft of health.
Capturing souls will also become useless, because... You will constantly come across filled soul stones.

Of course, it’s impossible to retell all the intricacies of the game in one article; on the other hand, I don’t want to deprive the reader

the pleasure of making your own “useful” discoveries during the game.

If someone urgently needs pictures with visualization of manipulations, etc. - write.

Good day, dear readers. In this post I want to tell you about some interesting and unusual magical things in Skyrim. These things are “talents” and “active effects”. I will tell you very briefly about the quests associated with them, since everything is simple there. As usual, there are a lot of spoilers. So let's get started.

Active effects.

1) "Dragon Slayer's Blessing". The effect is temporary. It is issued by the Blades archivist Esbern, whom you will meet during the main quest.

The chance of "crit" against dragons is increased by 10% for 5 days. So the effect is temporary

2) Three more effects that will become available during the main quest. Paarthurnax will tell you them.

- "Strength without effort"

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

You become off-balance 25% less often and opponents are 25% more likely.

- "Fire Spirit"

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

The Fire Breath shout deals 25% more damage.

- "Immortal Spirit". This effect manifests itself during the action of the "Ethereality" shout.

Health regenerates 25% faster while the shout is active.

3) "Ancient Knowledge". You get the effect when you return the dictionary to the pedestal in Avanchnzel. The quest “From the Depths” is given to you by the Argonian From the Deepest Depths at the docks of Riften. She asks to return the cube (dictionary) to the Dwemer city. Return it and get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

You get a 25% bonus when wearing Dwemer armor (in patch 1.3, all armor), and your blacksmithing skill grows 15% faster.

4) "Dibella's Chosen". Having broken into the temple of Dibella in Markarth (into its inner sanctuary) in order to steal the statue (also a quest, given by a man in a tavern), the priestess starts a conversation with you. If you agree to find and deliver the little girl (the new priestess of Dibella) to the temple, you will be forgiven for your intrusion into the sanctuary. We find it, return it, get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Damage to the opposite sex in combat is increased (by 10%, in melee).

5) "Sailor's Rest". After completing the quest about the murders at the Frost Lighthouse, you find the “Remains of Khabd” (in the belly of the Corus Reaper). These remains must be burned at the top of the Frost Lighthouse. Burned - we get the effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Healing spells are 10% more effective.

6) "Mara's Chosen". You get this effect after completing the quest "Book of Love". You can get it from the priestess in the Temple of Mara in Riften. The quest is easy, but you will have to run around Skyrim and Riften. You will need to talk a lot.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

+15% magic resistance.

7) "Sinderion's Surprise". In Blackreach you will find the laboratory of the alchemist Sinderion. Read the magazine, then everything will become clear. The scarlet roots of Nirn grow quite thickly in the state of emergency, not only near water. But with the last five you will have to work hard. Take the roots to the farm, get books and an effect.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

25% chance to create a second potion of the same type when practicing alchemy.

8) "A complete set of nightingale armor". The effect is obtained when wearing (surprise!) a full set of Soloviev armor. Separately, they also provide some effects that are not so unique. You receive armor as you complete the Thieves Guild quest (not even at the end), but you will only receive the effect at the end.

A full set of Dark Brotherhood armor gives exactly the same effect. Thank you, Spamer009.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases armor class by 25 units.

9) "Articulation". Also a Thieves Guild quest. But you will receive the Amulet of Articulation only after restoring the entire reputation of the Guild and becoming its head, that is, at the very, very end, and not at the end of the main, “nightingale” quest.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Eloquence is 15% more successful (and the “Persuasion” action in dialogues is always successful).

Articulation amulet bug:

This amulet can be worn with other amulets. But you only need to wear amulets in this order: Any amulet/necklace - Amulet of Articulation. The reverse order doesn't work.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

1) "Challenge of the Spectral Assassin". The call of the assassin, Lucien Lachance (familiar from "Oblivion"), will become available as you progress through the Dark Brotherhood quest.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Summons the spirit of an assassin to fight on your side until defeated.

2) "Summoning Arnel's Shadow". You get the talent by completing the quest "The Arnel Gein Project" (very interesting quest, By the way). At the end, the unlucky scientist Arnel Gein decided to follow in the footsteps of the Dwemer tunnel architects and conducted an experiment with the Divider (remember Morrowind) and the soul stone. In the end, he took it and disappeared! And we still have the summoning spell and the Separator.

The spell is located in the "Witchcraft" section.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Summons the shadow of Arnel Gein for 60 seconds, to the point the caster points to.

3) "Talents of the Nightingale". They become available at the end of the "nightingale" quest of the Thieves Guild.

-"Nightingale Discord".

Sucks 100 units. health from the goal. Acts like a scream (flight of a certain clot in a straight line).

-"Cloak of Shadows Nocturnal".

You automatically become invisible for 120 seconds while sneaking.

-"Deception (Cunning) of the Nightingale".

People and creatures within the radius of the spell attack everyone nearby for 30 seconds.

Blessings of the deities.

I think these effects are worth putting here. After all, they are also quite unusual.

Blessings are temporary and last 7 in-game hours.

The altars of all the gods are located in the Temple of the Gods in Solitude.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple of the Gods.

1) Blessing of Arkay. Arkay is the god of birth and death, funeral rituals. Its adherents are staunch opponents of necromancy. There are shrines of Arkay in all cities of Skyrim. They can be found in the halls of the dead.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Shrine of Arkay in the Temple of the Gods in Solitude.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases health by 25 units.

2) Blessing of Kynareth. Kynareth is the goddess of air. Her servants are always ready to help the sick and wounded. There is a Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun...

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

...and her sanctuary is there.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases your stamina by 25 units.

3) Blessing of Mara. Mara is the goddess of love and compassion. The possibility of getting married in Skyrim is connected with her. You just need to find/buy her amulet, talk in it with the NPC you are interested in, and then arrange a wedding in the Temple of Mara in Riften.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple and sanctuary in Riften.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Healing spells are 10% more effective.

4) Blessing of Dibella. Dibella is considered the goddess of beauty. Her temple is located in Markarth, but only priestesses of Dibella are allowed into the Inner Sanctum. You will gain access there after the quest “Heart of Dibella” (see p. “Active effects”, paragraph 4).

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Temple and sanctuary. Markarth.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

+10 to eloquence.

5) Blessing of Julianos. Julianos occupies a place of honor in the pantheon as the god of wisdom. The sanctuary is located in the Temple of the Gods.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]


Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Increases magic by 25 units.

6) Blessing of Zenithar. Zenithar is the god of crafts and commerce. He patronizes mortals and their trade relations.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Altar of Zenithar.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Prices are 10% more favorable.

7) Blessing of Stendarr. In the cult of deities, the god of mercy and compassion is Stendarr. His altar is also located in the Temple of the Gods.

By the way, Stendarr’s amulets were seen among the Whiterun guards.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]


Altar in the Temple of the Gods.

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Magic is restored 10% faster.

9) And the most interesting thing. Blessing of Talos. Talos (Tiber Septim) is the ninth god in the pantheon, an ascended hero of the Empire. The Aldmeri Dominion banned his worship throughout the Empire. That is why his sanctuary is not even in the Temple of the Gods. More precisely, Talos's niche is empty. But throughout Skyrim there are statues of Talos and shrines next to them. For example, such a sanctuary can be found in Riften, not far from the entrance to the Thieves Guild hideout (thanks Flamma

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Now all the niches are filled!

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Unusual "talents" and "active effects". [Update from 01/10/2012. Added deity blessings.]

Time between screams reduced by 0%. Bug? (completed all main quests)

Oh yes, I completely forgot. There is a temple in Windhelm dedicated to Talos. This is because Windhelm is initially under the control of the Stormcloaks. Whether the temple will be closed if Windhelm is captured by the Empire, I don’t know.

And one more thing. If anyone is interested, then under the spoiler there are links to articles about werewolves and vampires.

The character will gain experience for each use of any of the 18 skills in practice, thereby increasing a certain total value required to move to new level(skills can also be improved by learning from teachers and reading educational books). In Skyrim, there is no division of skills into main and secondary ones - the use of any skill advances the character to level-up, however, it has been noticed that increasing a pumped-up skill has a stronger effect than an undeveloped one. After reaching level 50, leveling slows down significantly, but your character will still increase in level until all skills reach 100.

Once you reach a new level, you can go to the skills menu (no need to go to bed) and increase by 10 units. one of three attributes(magic, health or stamina), as well as choose one perk(you can leave the choice of perk for later).


In Skyrim, a character has three main attributes - magic, health and strength, and one secondary - carrying capacity (or carried weight).

Health- reflects the amount of damage your character can receive until he dies. Displayed as a red stripe in the middle of the bottom of the screen. The amount of health depends on the level of your character (the initial value is 100 units, then 10 units can be added to it with each leveling) and the impact of active magical effects. Health is slowly restored over time - 0.7% of the total health per second (regeneration occurs faster for Argonians), in addition, it can be restored (and sometimes even necessary) with potions, spells, scrolls and food.

Magic- This is magical energy that is used to cast spells. Displayed as a bar blue at the bottom left of the screen. The amount of magic depends on the level of your character (the initial value is 100 units, then 10 units can be added to it with each leveling step) and the impact of active magical effects. Magic is restored slowly over time - 3.0% of the total magic per second; in addition, it can be restored (and sometimes even necessary) with potions, spells and scrolls.

Stamina- a measure of a character’s physical energy, the effectiveness of such actions as a power attack and blocking depends on it, in addition, the reserve of strength determines the weight of the load carried by the character. Appears as a green bar at the bottom right of the screen. The amount of power reserve depends on the level of your character (the initial value is 100 units, then 10 units can be added to it with each leveling) and the impact of active magical effects. The strength reserve is slowly restored over time - 5.0% of the total strength reserve per second; in addition, it can be restored (and sometimes even necessary) with potions, spells, scrolls and food.

Carry Weight- this is the total weight of objects that the character can carry, it is determined by the formula:

(250 + (Strength Reserve / 2))

Thus, the carrying capacity of all characters is initially the same (300 units), but later, as the reserve of strength increases, it also increases (by 5 units for each level with the selected increase in the reserve of strength).

Note: An overloaded character cannot run or fast travel.

Skills and Perks

There are a total of 18 skills in the game, divided into three groups (by choosing the blessing of one of the guardian stones - Warrior, Mage or Thief - you will receive a 20% bonus to the growth rate of six skills from the corresponding group):

  • Military:
    • Archery
    • One-handed weapon (One-handed),
    • Two-handed weapon,
    • Heavy Armor,
    • Blocking
  • Magical:
    • Alteration
    • Conjuration
    • Destruction
    • Illusion,
    • Restoration
    • Enchanting;
  • Thieves:
    • Sneak
    • Hacking (Lockpicking),
    • Pickpocket
    • Light armor(Light Armor)
    • Eloquence (Speech).

Skills increase as you use them, also after reading educational books (5 for each skill) or learning from teachers (you are allowed to take no more than 5 lessons for each level), sometimes an increase is given for completing quests.

The starting skill values ​​are 15 (plus racial bonuses), with a maximum of 100. It is possible to reach a hundred in all skills (although this will not help get all possible perks), however keep in mind that the higher the skill, the more time and effort will be spent on leveling it up to the next steps.


Each skill has its own constellation (or tree) of perks, with different quantities and practical value; in total there are more than 250 perks in the game. Since only one perk point is given for each new level, you cannot take all the perks with one character. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of perks carefully, because this will ultimately determine who your character will become - a professional in some field or a dropout in everything.

To take a perk, you must select all previous perks in this branch at least once (some perks can be selected more than once, improving your skills), meet the skill requirements and have a free perk point available.

Skill Trainers

Trainers can help improve your character's skills for a fee (up to five lessons per level; unused training opportunities do not carry over to the next level).

  • Lami, specialist (1-50), Morthal, Thaumaturgist's Hut;
  • Arcadia, expert (1-75), Whiterun, Arcadia's Cauldron;
  • Babette, Master (1-90), Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary;
  • Njada Stonearm, expert (1-75), Whiterun, Jorrvaskr;
  • Chief Larak, master (1-90), Mor Khazgur;
  • Ma "jad (Ma" jhad), expert (1-75), Khajiit trade caravan Ma "drana (route: Solitude - Windhelm);
  • Ra"zhinda), expert (1-75), Khajiit trade caravan Ma"drana (route: Solitude - Windhelm);
  • Vex, Master (1-90), Riften, Thieves Guild;
  • Colette Marence, Expert (1-75), College of Winterhold;
  • Keeper Carcette, expert (1-75), Hall of the Vigilant;
  • Danica Pure-Spring*, Master (1-90), Whiterun, Temple of Kynareth;

* Note: Danika Light of Spring teaches only after completing the quest "Nature's Miracle".

Two-handed weapon:
  • Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, Expert (1-75), Windhelm;
  • Vilkas, master (1-90), Whiterun, Jorrvaskr;
  • Sergius Turrianus, expert (1-75), College of Winterhold;
  • Hamal, master (1-90), Markarth;
  • Dravynea the Stoneweaver, Expert (1-75), Kynesgrove;
  • Tolfdir, Master (1-90), College of Winterhold;
  • Atub, expert (1-75), Largashbur;
  • Drevis Neloren, Master (1-90), College of Winterhold;
  • Silda the Unseen, expert (1-75), Windhelm;
  • Vipir the Fleet, Master (1-90), Riften, Thieves Guild;
  • Runil, specialist (1-50), Falkreath;
  • Phinis Gestor, Expert (1-75), College of Winterhold;
  • Falion, master (1-90), Morthal;
  • Dro"marash, specialist (1-50), Akari trade caravan (route: Dawnstar - Riften - Windhelm);
  • Revyn Sadri, Specialist (1-50), Windhelm, Sadri's Used Wares;
  • Ogmund the Skald, Expert (1-75), Markarth;
  • Giraud Gemane, Master (1-90), Solitude, Bards College;
  • Ghorza gra-Bagol, specialist (1-50), Markarth;
  • Balimund, expert (1-75), Riften, The Scorched Hammer;
  • Eorlund Gray-Mane, Master (1-90), Whiterun, Skyforge;
Light Armor:
  • Scouts-Many-Marshes, Specialist (1-50), Port of Windhelm;
  • Grelka, expert (1-75), Riften Market, from 8 am to 8 pm;
  • Nazir, Master (1-90), Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary;
One-handed weapon:
  • Amren, Specialist (1-50), Whiterun;
  • Athis, expert (1-75), Whiterun, Jorrvaskr;
  • Chief Burguk, master (1-90), Dushnikh Yal;
  • Wuunferth the Unliving, Specialist (1-50), Windhelm, Palace of the Kings);
  • Sybille Stentor, expert (1-75), Solitude, Blue Palace;
  • Faralda, Master (1-90), College of Winterhold;
  • Kayla (Khayla), specialist (1-50), Khajiit trade caravan of Ri'sada (route: Whiterun - Markarth);
  • Garvey, Expert (1-75), Markarth;
  • Delvin Mallory, Master (1-90), Riften, Thieves Guild;
  • Faendal, specialist (1-50), Riverwood;
  • Aela the Huntress, Expert (1-75), Whiterun, Jorrvaskr;
  • Niruin, Master (1-90), Riften, Thieves Guild;
Heavy Armor:
  • Gharol, expert (1-75), Dushnikh Yal;
  • Farkas, master (1-90), Whiterun, Jorrvaskr.

Teaching is light, but in Skyrim it is very expensive, especially with high skill values. How many gold septims one lesson will cost for your character can be calculated in advance using the formulas (where L is the current skill value):

for skills from 15 to 50: Gold = (10 x L) + 50
for skills from 51 to 75: Gold = (30 x L) + 50
for skills from 76 to 90: Gold = (50 x L) + 50

With those mentors who are at the same time the character’s partners, you can literally study for nothing: they will charge you for training, but you will be able to get your gold back by looking into their inventory. An example is Fendal from Riverwood and his associates from Jorrvaskr.

Trader trainers add the proceeds from lessons taught to their fixed capital, so the gold spent on training can be immediately traded back by selling them a couple of expensive items.

"The party said: it is necessary! The Komsomol answered: there is!" - approximately this is how one can characterize the call of Comrade Kotovsky and the subsequent reaction of the population of our blog. I simply couldn’t help but take part in this, but since I’m not much of a guide writer, I decided to start translating again. Meet legal and not-so-legal ways to level up your skills in Skyrim, from the site

One-handed weapon two-handed weapon, stealth. You can start “cheating” these skills almost immediately after arriving in Skyrim. After surviving the dragon attack at the beginning of the game and running a bit, you and your guide (Hadvar or Ralof) will stumble upon a bear. At this moment the conductor will stop. He cannot be killed, so you can attack him as much as you like with a dagger, sword, mace or axe. The guy will complain, but won't be offended, so you can swing this way as much as you like. You can also attack him by sneaking up from behind to increase your stealth skill at the same time. Cheap trick, but it works.

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

Light armor, heavy armor and blocking. As far as I know, there are no real ways to artificially level up these skills in the game, so you will have to increase them in traditional ways - through battles, teachers or books. But when pumping them up, it’s worth remembering the following: its speed depends on how much damage you received per hit, and not on the number of hits received. Therefore, upgrading these skills while exposing yourself to a mudcrab’s attack for the eight millionth time is not a good idea. It's better to become a whipping boy for monsters who can fuck you properly. So increase your defense as much as you can, and then run into a giant. Just make sure you're prepared to take a lot of damage... you don't want to die in one hit. There is, however, another option - to score. After all, does anyone really want to improve their skill by exposing themselves to blows? As for pumping up blocking, you can just hold down the block button and go drink tea. Seriously.

Stealth. This skill is quite easy to level up through semi-legal means. My suggestion is this: find a crowd of people in a city, crouch down and sneak around. Skyrim rewards the player with experience each time you successfully remain undetected in this way, so the more people who don't see you, the faster the skill will level up, even if those people are friendly. You can also sneak behind some innkeeper, push against the wall and walk straight into it until the skill reaches the desired level or until you get bored. Additionally, you can sneak past the bear at the very beginning of the game.

Change, restoration. Here's a little trick that takes full advantage of the Skyrim mechanic, which allows you to use two spells at once. Take the Equilibrium spell in one hand (you can learn it from a magician in Whiterun), and a healing spell in the other. Equilibrium transforms health into magic. Treatment translates magic into health. We upgrade two skills at once. The numbers for health and magic that are restored this way are not equal, so sometimes you will have to rest or find items in advance that increase one of these parameters, but you get the idea.

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

Blacksmithing. Another gaming skill that I haven’t found any illegal ways to level up, so those who want to improve it will have to run around. The fastest way to level up this skill is to profit from representatives of the Skyrim fauna that constantly attack you. First we remove the skin. Making strips of leather. From them we make leather armor. We sell. We repeat. It's the same with iron and steel. We look for ingots and make daggers.

Hacking. I haven’t found any ways to cheat the game in leveling up this skill, although there are places to practice it in Skyrim. There is also a Skeleton Key in the game, an unbreakable master key that you will receive after completing tasks from the Thieves Guild. Having obtained it, all you have to do is find enough locks. Skyrim museums will become good choice, since their display cases are closed. I advise you to immediately go to the Dwemer Museum - there are a lot of castles there that we need so much. Although I wouldn't waste precious perk points on leveling up the hacking skill tree. Once you get the Skeleton Key, there's no point in this.

Enchantment. Here's a great way to increase this skill to the maximum and earn some extra money at the same time (to be honest, I looked it up on So, 1) We buy a ton of cheap weapons. Remove daggers from corpses, buy them from merchants, and so on. 2) We go to Whiterun and buy all the filled soul stones from the wizard. 3) On his enchanting table, we apply the “Exile” effect to the obtained weapon. 4) We sell the resulting weapon back to the wizard. 5) When he runs out of money, we wait a couple of days, then we start all over again. Soon both your skill and the amount of money in your wallet will grow significantly.

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

Alchemy. Another great method from Finding potion ingredients can be a time consuming task, so head to Whiterun, which has two magic items shops literally next door to each other. Buy all the ingredients. Make potions. Sell ​​them to store owners - you can also make a good profit from this. Wait a couple of days until the merchants have gold again, then repeat. Both pumping and profit! If you are completely devoid of any decency, you can simply steal all the necessary ingredients from stores.

Eloquence. Dealing with merchants is the best way to increase this skill. It grows with every item sold, so never sell more than one at a time. Best items for sale (guess it after three tries) are daggers. Go to the blacksmith. Buy the necessary ingredients. Forge as many daggers as you can. Then sell them to the blacksmith one at a time. If you want to improve all your skills, you can enchant them at the same time. Money, Speech, Blacksmithing and Enchanting - all at once!

Pickpocketing. The best way to improve this skill is to steal a lot. Remember: the heavier and more expensive the item, the easier it is to be caught stealing it. Here's another way: we find thieves teachers - Akari in Windhelm (Specialist), Silda in the same city (Expert) and Vipira (Master) in the Thieves Guild - and train with them. Then we steal our money from them. Truly, there is no honor among thieves.

Archery. Before you say “hire a teacher companion, pay him for training, and then take away the gold!”, I will tell you that after the release of the latest patch this method does not work. But there is one more: after completing the quest line Dark Brotherhood, you will receive Windmer's hellish horse. Windmer has a ton of health and an incredible regeneration rate, so you can safely shoot him with arrows like a hedgehog. Your faithful stallion won't even think about fighting back. Of course, it’s bad to do this to animals, but it’s a great way to level up.

Illusion. Buy the “Muffling Footsteps” spell, which almost any magician sells. Then use it many times. That's it. This trick also works with Clairvoyance, but it costs a lot more magic.

Witchcraft. Get the Soul Trap spell. Kill someone - it doesn't matter who. A mudcrab will do. Stand over the corpse and cast the spell as many times as you can. Wait an hour for the magic to recover, then repeat. Like two fingers.

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

15 relatively honest ways to level up your skills

Destruction. In this video shows an excellent way to level up this skill. It is as follows: in one of the first quests in the Companion Guild, you need to fight one of them, using weapons, but not magic. Ignore this condition, grab an attack spell in each hand and use them. The opponent will not even draw his weapon, but will still be considered hostile. We swing without any risk.

Recovery. Here's a method you shouldn't try at home. Find a fire trap in the dungeon. There are usually a lot of them there. Prepare a healing spell. Then stand on the stove, exposing yourself to the fire. Heal as health decreases. It is important here not to forget yourself and not to burn alive, having spent all your magical energy.

I hope you liked this guide. I also hope that some (or better yet all) of the above tricks will fall victim to patches in the future... but until then, go munchkins!

Greetings GamesLog readers!

Let's talk today about such a part of the game as skills and their pumping. There are a total of 18 skills in the game, each of which can be upgraded with special actions. Sometimes players don’t know how to get enough experience to level up the desired branch. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Leveling methods

You can increase your level in in different ways, some of them are “legal”, others are not. Let's start with the standard ones:

  • Books. Around the world you can find or buy special books, after reading which the character improves a certain skill.
  • Education. You can unlock some types of constellations after talking with NPCs, who will teach you the necessary skills for a fee.
  • Action. Leveling up almost all skills is based on monotonous repetition of the same action, in short, on madness. You will have to break 1000 master keys, receive 100 blows or forge 500 daggers in order to finally upgrade the desired branch.

You can also get the desired level using simpler ways:

  • Bugs. Some types of bugs and certain features allow you to quickly level up, but also require the repetition of certain actions.
  • Cheats. Upload the desired level in just a couple of clicks.
  • Fashion. Alternatively, they can also speed up the pumping process.

Today I will tell you how to level up using certain actions and bugs that are in the game. There is no need to download additional content or enter cheats. If you want to quickly gain a level, read on.

One-handed, two-handed weapons and stealth

The three listed skills can be quickly upgraded from the very beginning of the game. Immediately, as soon as we managed to get away from the dragon, a bear will attack us. At this moment, your companion will have a bug and will just stand there, for which you can beat him mercilessly and gain experience. The conductor will not receive damage, so this action can be repeated until you reach the desired level of weapon proficiency and stealth.

Light, heavy armor, blocks

We lower our defenses and get hit in the face. The point is that the more damage you take, the faster you will be up. The formula is simple, we find a giant or another monster that can hit harder and take damage.

Important! Choose your enemy carefully so as not to fall from one splash.


The skill is upgraded every time you sneak near NPCs, even allied ones. We select a guard or another standing unit, approach him from behind and hold down the forward button, resting against any object. Thus, the hero moves, remains unnoticed, and his skill is pumped up. You can even press the button and go away and drink tea. The main thing to remember is that the more people don’t see you, the faster the leveling goes.

Change, restoration

How to level up two magic skills at once? Yes, it’s very simple, we take “Equilibrium” in one hand and the restoration spell in the other. Equilibrium will convert HP into mana, and healing vice versa. This way you can upgrade both directions using just 2 buttons.


Apart from cheats, I haven’t found an illegal way, so I’ll have to do it the old fashioned way. We find the most convenient and simplest recipe for ourselves and repeat the creation of things until we reach the desired level. Quality does not affect pumping, only quantity.


Here you need to accumulate sooooo many master keys, preferably about 1000. This amount can be bought in the Thieves Guild's hideout, but you need to constantly re-enter the game so that the seller's assortment is replenished.

We find any chest or door and simply break these master keys by holding down one button. The character thus receives slightly less experience than with a successful dissection, but this significantly saves time on finding new objects to dissect.


As with blacksmithing, the best way will enchant any weapon. We buy the cheapest things, buy filled soul stones from magicians in Whiterun and enchant as many items as possible.


A similar scheme with enchantment. We stock up on ingredients in Whiterun, prepare different potions and repeat this in a circle.


Nothing boosts eloquence like making a deal with a merchant. Remember, it doesn’t matter how many items you sell to him at a time, it’s how many times you do it. The best way is to create and sell items, such as potions, armor or weapons. Choose the skill you want to upgrade and go ahead and create things, and then by selling we increase your eloquence and earn money.


Upgrading is terribly easy. We find Vipir in the Tank and learn how to steal from him, after which we steal our money and learn again. This method allows you to quickly and easily obtain the desired skill.


To increase our ranged combat skill we need to shoot at targets a lot. Ideally, the horse Windmere, which is given as a reward for completing quests with the Dark Brotherhood, is suitable for this task. This horse has extreme regeneration and can easily absorb damage from arrows.

Now decide what you want more, improve your archery or keep your horse intact.


We buy “Muffle Steps” and use it until the mana runs out. Now, we replenish the supply of magic and use it again. Repeat this pattern several times and your skill will improve significantly.


We choose the cheapest spell from the branch and start using it constantly. A soul trap is well suited for this purpose; it can be used to quickly level up witchcraft without unnecessary problems.


Works on the same principle as other spell skills. We choose a fatter target and inflict as much damage as possible on it with our skills.

Yes, unfortunately, almost all skills are upgraded through ordinary nerdiness. It’s better to play calmly and gradually, enjoying the world of Skyrim, and if you want to quickly gain a level or skill to upgrade a skill or equip an item, use cheats and you will be happy.

That's all, dear friends. Write your methods in the comments fast pumping and don't forget to subscribe to the blog. See you soon!
