Scum and Villainy is a new faction in Star Wars X-Wing. Scum and Villainy - new faction Star Wars X-Wing X-wing fighter

The question on the agenda is: how to start playing? It would seem that you take it and play. But no, we are not looking for easy ways and we suffer from graphomania, so here are detailed instructions.

Step 1. Starter

Whoever, how and how often you decide to play, a starter is what you will need anyway. In addition to miniatures for two factions (two for the Empire and one for the Rebels) it contains:
1) maneuver templates (what determines the mechanics of ship movement)
2) distance measuring ruler (measures distance)
3) cubes (specially trained octagonal cubes with which you attack and dodge)
4) a deck of damage cards (shows how hard you were tapped)
5) obstacle tokens (local terrain)

If the first 3 points can be purchased separately for fabulous sums, obstacle tokens can be found in the box with Imperial Raider, then there is nowhere else to get the damage deck.
Now there are two types of starter:
- ordinary
— The Force Awakens Core Set, dedicated to the release of The Force Awakens, differs in that instead of models of ships from the Original Trilogy, it contains models of analogues from PS and a corrected (read: more balanced) damage deck, and some other little things.

The Force Awakens Core Set dedicated to the release of “The Force Awakens”

Which one to choose is a matter of taste.

Well, don’t forget to study the rules, which you will find in the same starter.

Life hack No. 1: for starters, you can do without a personal starter and negotiate with your opponents to use their sets, or buy one starter for two (as was originally intended by the creators). BUT, for your own convenience and the start of your tournament career, you will still have to have your own starter.

Lifehack No. 2: Miniatures of unnecessary factions from the starter can always be exchanged/sold to someone who suits them (for example, not a single transfer will refuse a couple of extra tie-fighters).

Step 2. Selecting a faction

There are currently 3 factions in the game:
— Rebel Alliance (includes the Resistance subfaction)
— Galactic Empire (includes the First Order subfaction)
— Scum & Villainy

Rebel Alliance - Rebels

Rebel Alliance - Rebels, those same good-natured people who fly mainly on all kinds of rattles, civilian and cargo ships, to which military equipment is welded. Of course, they are armed with purely military and, moreover, unique developments (the same X-wing or A-wing), but in my opinion, their charm lies precisely in this romance of a rusty and assembled armada, in a desperate attempt to overcome a huge military machine Empire.
Basically, the Rebels have thick, durable ships with an abundance of shields, expensive (in game points), and with a meager set of actions. They have a large number of different upgrade slots and, as a result, more flexible options for downloading each ship. You will rarely see more than 2-4 rebel ships on the table (if you are a fan of perversions, you can cram 6 naked A-wings or 8 Z-95s into the roster).

Galactic Empire - First Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire - The First Galactic Empire, the dark side of the force, killing babies, living for the Emperor, that's all. Strictness, unification, a refined scheme of military operations. The Empire actively uses “swarm tactics”, because it has many cheap, maneuverable ships. These ships have richer action sets, but less scope for upgrades, forcing them to adapt to the current situation on the battlefield without depending as much on the initial download as the Rebels. 6-8 ships on the table for an empire are common.

Scum & Villainy

Scum & Villainy - scum and villains, or simply called Scams. Gangs of mercenaries and bounty hunters, pirates and smugglers (yes, Boba Fett is here, the Empire too, but here it’s better). The parameters, operating principles of ships and tactics are similar to the Rebels, and even have several of the same models as those of the fighters for justice. They have unique types of improvements.

Overall, the game has balance, and all the differences between the factions are mostly aesthetic. Each side has a large range of ships for various purposes. The Empire has large, powerful, expensive ships, and the rebels can gather a pack if they want. So choosing a faction is a matter of your taste and ideology.

Step 3. Buying an army.

Having chosen a side in the conflict in the Galactic Civil War, begin to study the model range and figure out which ships you want to have (and which ones are ugly and finally). The standard format of the game for 100 points fits, as I wrote above, 2-4 ships for the Rebels and Skams, and 2-8 ships for the Empire, so, for starters, while you get to the bottom of it, it will be enough for you to have a small number of in combat units.

Step 4 (for amateurs, you can skip it). Painted.

Don't panic, models are sold assembled and painted. The factory paint is mostly nice, you can play, but there are disgusting examples (Lambda-class Shuttle, for example). Plus, absolutely all models have unpainted engines (the YT-1300, for example, has bare gray plastic).
Do you want to paint the Red Squadron X-wings back to back? Depict TIE-Phantom in invis? Put on board the number of downed tais? Please, as in any game with miniatures, the scope for creativity is limited only by the back. Customization is also not prohibited (how can you not rotate the B-Wing 90 degrees?), the main thing is that it does not interfere with the gameplay.

Step 5. Creating a roster.

As with any wargame, rostering is half the game. In my opinion, this is also half the fun of the game - constantly creating new combinations and tactics, and testing them in practice.
Unfortunately, as everywhere else, there is a tendency that a large mass of players give up on power, look at the rosters of the winners of the latest tournaments and endlessly copy them. As a result, the same 2-3 ships are constantly playing in the same download. Don't do this. Show imagination and tactical thinking (after all, this is what the game is about), and constantly bring something new to the game.

The generally accepted official battle format is 100 points. All tournaments are held in this format. And so, you can agree with your opponent on any number of points.
There is also an official “Epic” format for 300 points, but it has its own nuances in the rules.
It’s better to make rosters at home, in advance, and not spend hours playing cards at the gaming table.
For simplicity and convenience, there are squad builders (

Of course, I didn’t find any drawings - only photographs and screenshots. But my hands were itching and I decided “There WILL BE a building!”
I looked through the “mountain” of photos,

I chose a few pieces where you can see the details and proportions from different angles and started.
I sketched out a drawing based on the dimensions: span 1000 mm and length 1000 mm. I don’t have impellers, so there’s no talk of replicating yet. There will be a pushing screw.

To begin with, I cut out the upper and lower fuselage skins (roof and bottom). I missed the photos.

Next I cut out the frames. The angle between the wings was chosen to be 40 degrees.
And glued it to the bottom trim. In the middle I placed a “deck”, which will serve both as a divider for electronics compartments and as an additional “stiffening rib”.

I couldn’t figure out how to make removable wings... I decided not to retreat from the construction and not to delay with it, so I made non-removable ones... This is what the load-bearing frame with wing spars looks like

The wings have a backward sweep along the trailing edge. I cut it in such a way that the rounded ends of the ceiling would go “into use” - on the wing forehead and tip.

The wings are made from two layers of layers, so we cut 8 blanks.

I marked the places for the ailerons and spars. Although here we need to decide on the ailerons... Because... The model does not have a tail unit, i.e. there is no fin and stabilizer, which means there is no elevator or rudder. Therefore, it turns out that this is not an aileron, but an elevon. (For clarification, I ask professionals and craftsmen to forgive me).

I glued the frame with spars. Here, of course, the first mistake was found - it was necessary to first glue in all the frames and only then the central internal “deck”... I had to make a cutout in the “deck”...

Of course, it won’t be convenient to build wings this way, but what’s done is done. I will continue.
We assemble and glue the frame with supporting spars (may the readers forgive me for this wording).
I cut out the frame, marked the position and angles of the spars, and cut out a recess half the thickness of the spar.
Marked on the spars the depth of gluing into the frame

Glued the spars into the frame
This is how the design turned out
I glued this thing to the middle frame of the fuselage
In the following pictures the blue box is just a stand. Further assembly will be possible and convenient only in a vertical “nose to sky” position

Next, I assembled and glued the motor mount. I use this “layer cake”: textolite platform - two layers of ceiling - textolite platform. Some people probably won't like it, but that's how I build. This “pie” I tested and it showed itself very well on the Cessna 150 (1200 mm span, 1225 mm length - due to the nose extended by 100 mm, 530 grams of flight weight).

I apologize for the shooting quality of the Nokia 2700 - there was no alternative.

Flight results: spars on both wings on the starboard side were broken.

Causes (presumably): rear alignment.
Conclusions: the design has the right to take its place among aircraft. Winglets are required for flight stability in turns.

When building the next model, errors and shortcomings will be taken into account. Construction of version No. 2 has begun.

For this, allow me to take my leave.
Best regards, Roman.

Fantasy Flight Games has revealed the first details of the sixth wave of additions to . The main innovation, of course, is a new faction Scum and Villainy- mercenaries and criminals.

In the new faction, players will have access to the most notorious thugs of the galaxy, bounty hunters, pirates and agents of the Black Sun: Boba Fett, IG-88, Greedo, Prince Xizor and others. They all live outside the law and try to stay away from the galactic civil war, but no one should stand in their way when it comes to profit. If the Empire or the Rebels pry too much into their affairs, these guys will fight without the slightest hesitation. And they fly on the best ships that money can buy: Slave I, IG-2000, StarViper class platform from MandalMotors, M3-A interceptors, etc. These expensive and advanced machines have proven their effectiveness in numerous battles across the galaxy.

At some point, these pilots may have common goals, but they will never work as a full team. Their distinctive feature is their emphasis on individual craftsmanship and the use of a wide variety of ship types. They will also have their own unique type of illegal improvements - illicit upgrade.

For Scum and Villainy 4 sets of ships will be released at once:

  • Most Wanted Expansion Pack
  • StarViper Expansion Pack
  • IG-2000 Expansion Pack

Most Wanted Expansion Pack

The easiest way to start playing for a new faction is to get yourself the Most Wanted Expansion Pack: bandits, mercenaries, pirates, smugglers, as well as a new version of the legendary Boba Fett.

Most Wanted is a set of ship cards, tokens and discs that let you use your old miniatures in Scum and Villainy: Firespray-31, HWK-290, Y-wing and Z-95 Headhunter. Also in the set you will find 3 miniatures with a special paint for the new faction: 2 Z-95 Headhunters and 1 Y-wing.

The complete list of Most Wanted Expansion Pack components looks like this:

  • 1 Y-wing
  • 2 Z-95 Headhunter
  • 4 Firespray-31 cards for Scum and Villainy
  • 4 HWK-290 cards for Scum and Villainy
  • 6 cards for Y-Wing for Scum and Villainy
  • 6 cards for Z-95 Headhunter for Scum and Villainy
  • 19 upgrade cards
  • maneuver discs and tokens for Firespray-31, HWK-290, Y-Wing and Z-95 Headhunter

20 new ship cards, 19 improvements to them, including new Salvaged Astromech upgrades:

As well as modifications, titles, additional weapons and crew members.

StarViper Expansion Pack

A joint development between MandalMotors and Prince Xibor, the StarViper is one of the finest warships in the galaxy.

StarViper is a perfectly balanced ship that can destroy the enemy even under heavy fire. The double laser gives 3 dice in attack, StarViper rolls 3 dice in defense, has 1 shield and durability 4. To these impressive basic indicators, all that remains is to add a unique maneuver disk and the ability to perform a roll or boost.

A unique StarViper prototype called Virago, with Prince Xizor himself at the helm and a number of improvements on board, could become one of the deadliest ships in the Star Wars universe.

M3-A Interceptor Expansion Pack

MandalMotors' lightest fighter, the M3-A interceptor, had sufficient combat power and a low price so that the Hutt cartel and the Cardas smugglers could organize their small personal fleet.

A light fighter has 2 dice in attack, 3 in defense, 2 durability and 1 shield. But 5 upgrade cards, including “Heavy Scyk” with three guns, will allow you to make almost any changes to the design so that it can perform any functions on the battlefield.

IG-2000 Expansion Pack

A heavily modified Aggressor-class attack fighter, the IG-2000 was best known as the assassin droid ship IG-88.

Since the droid does not require life support systems, most of the IG-2000's hull is stuffed with additional weapons and engines. This is a powerful ship with a medium base, attack 3, defense 3, durability 4 and 4 shields. Can do boost, dodge, target lock, take two guns at the same time and perform a unique Segnor’s Loop maneuver.

You will not find non-unique pilot cards in the IG-2000 Expansion Pack. Each of them represents one of 4 IG-88 models, which share a common mind, have the skill "6", and the title IG-2000 will allow them to combine their abilities - the more IG-88 participates in battle, the more dangerous each of them becomes.

Strike from the Shadows

Scum and Villainy could radically change the metagame Star Wars: X-Wing. How can a swarm of Tie Fighters resist a team of IG-88 and Verago? How will rebel fighters, accustomed to the low combat power of Imperial ships, cope with the powerful cannons of the Heavy Scyk? What if Black Sun outbids the Empire on Boba Fett and his Slave I? We'll find out soon. The sixth wave of additions will go on sale in the fourth quarter of 2014.

Rebel AllianceNew Republic

Affiliation: Alliance to Restore the Republic, New Republic

Manufacturer: Incom Corporation

Type: Fighter

Crew: 1 person + astromech

Length: 12.5 meters

Speed: 80 MGLT, 1050 km/h

Acceleration: 16 MGLT/s

Maneuverability: 75 DPF

The heroic Red Squadron, which managed to destroy the Death Star at the Battle of , was equipped with X-wings. The surviving pilots of the squadron, as Commander Narra and Lieutenant Commander Luke Skywalker created Rogue Squadron. Under the command of Wedge Antilles, Rogue Squadron became the most famous in the galaxy.

At the Battle of Endor, Wedge had the opportunity to equip his squadron or . However, he decided to fly the venerable X-wings instead. In that fateful battle, Rogue Squadron once again became Red, in honor of the pilots who fought against the first Death Star.

Rogue Squadron soon became a symbol of the Alliance itself and the New Republic that later replaced it. The squadron played a key role in the battles of Bakura, Borleas, and Thyferra. Old cruiser captains were often dissatisfied with the charming X-wing pilots and nicknamed them “Daredevils.”

Later, with the introduction of new fighters, such as and, the X-wing faded into the background. Finally, after years of research and modification, the Incom Corporation introduced a modern fighter that could easily compete with competitors in its class. Old T-65Bs were converted into T-65BRs, aka reconnaissance X-wings.

The reconstructed fighters, instead of torpedo tubes, received modern sensors and communication systems. In addition, these machines are equipped with a complex self-destruct system that erases data from the ship's computer, destroys the astro-droid with a shaped charge, gives the pilot a lethal injection, and finally detonates a baradium charge that not only destroys the X-wing, but creates enough power to damage a nearby ship. explosion.

Thirteen years after the founding of the New Republic, the Incom Corporation introduced the T-65D-A1, which was noticeably modified from the others. To standardize the New Republic military, General Wedge Antileys ordered that all old X-wings be replaced with new ones, in accordance with modern requirements. The new model received an advanced computer system that combined all the functions of an astrodroid. Thus, the T-65D-A1 no longer needed an astromech droid socket and was controlled by a single pilot. The new computer system was controlled from the pilot's cockpit, which made it possible to configure certain parameters during flight or combat.

The new T-65D-A1, unfortunately, was used for their own purposes by saboteurs. Each new computer system, integrated into older models and standard on new ones, was equipped with a hidden explosive detonator. The sabotage was very insidious, since the detonator was activated after the computer executed a certain command. This greatly slowed down the renewal of the New Republic arsenal and seriously hampered the success of the T-65D-A1.

In an attempt to prevent obsolescence, Incom Corporation continually reviews and updates the X-wing design. The latest model is . Three proton-torpedo tubes, improved speed and maneuverability, enhanced armor - that’s what the model is all about, which also received a modified design, in which the features of the first T-65 are clearly visible. This particular ship is very popular in the New Jedi Order.
