Pvp talents. Open World PvP: War Mode

The Legion expansion brought a ton of changes to World of Warcraft across all aspects of the game. They also affected... No, they completely redesigned the PvP system! Therefore, for those who have not followed the changes for a long time, have recently returned to the ranks of players, or are just starting to get acquainted with WoW, but want to engage in PvP, this explanatory article will be very useful :)

  1. Major Changes in Legion
  2. Honor System and PvP Talents
  3. How to get equipment
  4. The artifact is very important!
  5. General Important Points
  6. Basic addons for PvP

Major Changes in Legion

As already mentioned, in the new addition the developers have greatly changed the entire PvP system. The changes affected everything: from the value of characteristics to the appearance of new “honor talents”, from the method of obtaining equipment to the method of receiving awards and the awards themselves. We consider it necessary to present to your attention the most basic points that have been adjusted in one way or another:

  1. PvP currency has disappeared! Fully! At all! You will not find merchants selling equipment for Honor Points or Conquest Points (more on that below). Honor points are now experience gained by a character in PvP battles, which is necessary for obtaining new PvP talents, as well as developing the Prestige level (more on this below).
  2. We've introduced special talents that are only available in PvP! They can be obtained by increasing your honor level, and they will automatically be activated when entering the battlefield/arena or starting a fight with another player in the open world.
  3. The characteristics for all specializations in PvP are set to standard. That is, it doesn’t matter at all in PvP what your, say, breastplate can boast of - an increase in speed or critical strike. When entering a PvP battle, the characteristics will take on a template form.
  4. However, the level of your items plays a role! The higher it is, the higher your characteristics as a percentage. That is, the main thing is the level of the subject.
  5. In addition, in WoD, the level of PvP equipment increased directly in this mode. This feature was removed in Legion.
  6. In Legion, ENTIRE gameplay is tied to the development of the Artifact, including PvP.
  7. It ABSOLUTELY does not matter how the equipment was obtained - from a raid, a dungeon, from a local quest, or from a chest with rewards for the battlefield. Because the main thing is - see point 4.
  8. Accordingly, the ways to obtain equipment for joining “adult” PvP have become very diverse.
  9. There are no more accessories for removing control! Now all players will have access to a spell that allows them to get rid of the loss of control over a character, the cooldown time of which is 2 minutes. It appears in your spellbook when you enter a PvP battle.
  10. Well, an item that will be of interest to players who want to engage in both PvP and PvE. Since the equipment does not have any specific specialized characteristics, they always have the same item level and you can get it any way you want - you have the opportunity to be equally successful in both directions!

Separately, I would like to highlight the introduction of such a concept as “Prestige”. It is precisely those players who are not very interested in their ranking in the rating tables, but who actively play PvP, who strive to obtain Prestige levels. Prestige levels can be obtained by “resetting” Honor levels. That is, you have accumulated honor level 50, “reset” it to zero - and accumulate again. Then you “reset” again and save up. And upon receiving a certain (increasing every season) level of Prestige, you will be able to purchase rewards such as unique vehicles, Artifact skins, titles, and other cosmetic and decorative rewards that do not affect the combat component of the game. Why is “zero” written in quotes? Because before patch 7.1, honor levels were actually reset, that is, PvP talents became unavailable. Now talents remain available, but the level increases from scratch.

These were the main changes to PvP in Legion. Whether they are good or bad is up to everyone to decide, however, this aspect of the game is what it is now. So, we will learn to reach PvP heights in a new, changed world!

Honor system and PvP talents

In the image you see an example of PvP paladin talents in the Retribution specialization. Each specialization has its own list of talents, however, some (for example, the very first one, which improves a spell to remove control) are the same for the role/class. These talents are not unlocked in tiers, like regular ones, but one at a time, from top to bottom, starting from the very first. First the first column will open, then the second, then the third. However, you can still choose only one from the “shooting gallery” (shooting gallery - three talents arranged horizontally in a row). You can change them before starting battles on battlefields/arenas.


Developing the honor level to unlock these talents is one of the steps towards the already announced “adult” PvP. It must be remembered that in current realities there are practically no standard builds or PvP builds that would be universal. Each situation has its own talents. For the battlefield - one, for the arena - another. For a massive battlefield there are some, for a 10 vs 10 battlefield there are others, and so on. That is why it is necessary to open them all in order to be able to adapt to a specific situation.

How to develop Honor levels? Very simple! Honor Points are unlocked only at level 110 and are obtained for:

  • Killing enemy players.
  • Battles on the battlefields.
  • Skirmish battles.
  • Battles in arenas and ranked battlefields.
  • Completing local PvP tasks.

You will receive Honor points not only for victories in PvP battles, but also for defeats. Of course, more for victories. Don’t neglect local quests - in addition to Honor points, you can also receive equipment items and Artifact Power as a reward.

How to get equipment?

In the “Main Changes” section it was written that you can get equipment any way and anywhere - if you decide to go into PvP, having a high level of items obtained from, for example, raids - you will not receive any penalties for this!

However, for players who prefer to play exclusively in PvP mode, this option is not suitable. Therefore, ardent PvP fans have two ways to obtain equipment:

  • Local quests. You can sometimes get items as a reward for world quests. The reward level depends on the level of the character's items, however, it is not set and can vary. For example, your item level is 830, but boots are 810, that’s bad luck! And then you saw that as a reward for a local task (not necessarily PvP) you can get level 835 boots! Not bad, right?
  • Receiving equipment for victories (and sometimes, with a small chance, for defeats!) on battlefields, skirmishes, arenas, rating battlefields. In rated PvP battles, the rewards are higher than in ordinary ones, however, to get there you need to acquire starting equipment. Here's what they write about this on the forum:

From what was said in the screenshot, we can conclude - fight on battlefields and skirmishes and get the coveted equipment! In addition, considering that the characteristics on it are not important, the chance of getting the right thing is quite high, compared to the same Ashran in WoD.

When you become stronger and are able to fight in rating battles, the level of loot you receive will depend on your rating. The higher the rating, the better the reward! This means there will always be an incentive to improve your level of play! In addition, for the first few victories a week you will absolutely receive some kind of item, and each format has its own counter (2x2, 3x3, RBG).

Conclusion: complete local quests, for which you can get items of equipment better than yours, go to battlefields, skirmishes and arenas (for a couple of victories a week), and if you want, also do PvE dungeons and raids, and the reward will not force you wait for yourself!

The artifact is very important!

Your Artifact is your main weapon both for fighting the Burning Legion and for fighting enemies in PvP. You will have to download it, because the higher the level of the Artifact, the more of its abilities and enhancements you can use. Upgrading an Artifact is quite simple. Let's consider the sequence of actions:

  1. Be sure to complete the class chain in your stronghold completely. Upon completion, you will receive a third slot for the Relic in your Artifact, thereby increasing its level. In addition, after completing a certain stage of class quests, you will be able to study your Artifact, increasing the amount of Artifact Power received from all sources - from local quests, from PvP chests, from bosses in dungeons, and so on. Each such upgrade takes four days to create.
  2. Complete local quests, the reward for which is Artifact Power.
  3. You will receive Artifact Power from PvP rewards.
  4. Artifact Power can be obtained from various chests, caches and rare monsters on the Broken Isles, both as you level up your character and after. ADVICE! Don't rush to find all these hiding places. Remember, if you have already received Artifact Power, but have not used it, then when increasing the amount of Power received with the help of the “Artifact Knowledge” upgrade, those items that you already have will not give more Artifact Power. Therefore, it makes sense to first carry out several upgrades, and then go through the locations and collect the necessary items.

Thus, gradually, you will be able to get a fairly strong, pumped-up Artifact!

General Important Points

Now you will read some useful tips, following which can to a certain extent help you in mastering PvP content.

  • Always strive to improve!
  • Read guides for your class, watch training videos, consult with professionals.
  • DO NOT blindly copy the talents of professional players - everyone has their own playing style, remember that.
  • If you are just starting to play PvP, you need to improve your skills. This is best done on the battlefield.
  • If you don’t know what to do on a particular battlefield, ask other players. Don't be shy, everyone starts somewhere.
  • Remember that WoW is an MMORPG, this game is designed for team play. You can play great, but being outnumbered will destroy you. Don't go alone!
  • Don't get upset when you lose, it's inevitable. Every victory, every loss is an invaluable experience!
  • Find out what your class should be doing on a specific battlefield. Your team needs you. If you are a robber, do not rush headlong into a crowd of enemies. If you are a warrior, rush! But only if you have your team and vigilant healers behind you :)
  • Protect your friendly healers!
  • Kill enemy healers! This is important.
  • If you are used to clicking on the command bar with the mouse, it is strongly recommended that you learn to play primarily with keys, since in the first case you will not always be able to react in time to a rapidly changing situation.
  • When your level of play becomes higher and you can bring more benefit to the team - don’t swear at newcomers who will play timidly and ineptly - there’s no need to explain why :)

Basic addons for PvP

Addons play a very important role in PvP! Without them, you have very little chance of defeating those who use addons. And almost everyone uses it. Therefore, we will present to you a small list of the most important addons that will accompany you on the path to the title of Gladiator!

  • http://wowtut.ru/load/12-1-0-133 - clearly shows the remaining ability recovery time. Simple, convenient and useful.
  • http://wowtut.ru/load/healers_have_to_die_rus_4_3/12-1-0-1562 - an incredibly useful addon for RBG and regular battlefields! It marks enemy healers, and you won’t have to look for them for long among the enemy team.
  • http://wowtut.ru/load/battlegroundtargets/12-1-0-2057 - a wonderful addon, again for battlegrounds and RBG. It creates a panel with the enemy team's frames. By clicking the character icon on the panel, you will take him as a target. You can also customize the display of classes, specializations, and the amount of remaining enemy health, which is incredibly important. And not only!
  • http://wowtut.ru/load/interruptbar/12-1-0-1940 - an addon necessary for spellcasters. It displays the cooldown time of enemy abilities that disrupt spell casting. Thanks to it, you will be able to plan your actions more clearly and not be afraid that any important spell will be disrupted.
  • http://wowtut.ru/load/gladius_rus_4_0_3/12-1-0-1169 - this is such a useful and multifunctional add-on that in order to describe all its capabilities, you will have to write a whole additional article. However, you can follow the link and watch the training video! In short, without him in the arenas you will have a very difficult time.
  • http://wowtut.ru/load/gladiatorlossa/12-1-0-2017 - the addon notifies you with sound about enemy actions! It is extremely useful when you cannot immediately follow everything that is happening in the arena. In addition, you can even use your mp3 files, replacing standard notifications with them. Sounds cool? But in reality it’s even cooler!


Thank you for reading this article. In it we tried to cover all the questions and points that may be of interest to a novice gladiator and fighter. We hope that you have obtained the necessary information for yourself and confidently begin your march to the top of the rating tables and wonderful rewards!

In this guide, we'll take a look at War Mode, a new type of global PvP coming to Battle for Azeroth. Special attention will be paid to bonuses received for the active war mode, achievements, PvP talents, bounties and how to enable the mentioned mode.

What is war mode?

War Mode is a new type of global PvP introduced in the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch, along with a new Honor Points system and PvP Talents. You can activate War Mode in your faction capital and gain access to open world PvP talents and other bonuses. You will always be ready for PvP combat, and in return you will receive bonus experience points as a reward for taking risks.


With the release of Battle for Azeroth, PvP is receiving many updates and additions, including changes to PvP talents, War Mode, Bounty Hunting, and the Dueling Guild. In this article we will talk in more detail about each of these innovations.
UPDATED PVP TALENT SYSTEM In Battle for Azeroth, we've made a number of changes to PvP talents. The Legion expansion used an honor talent system - talents were unlocked through honor levels, to obtain which you had to participate in PvP battles. This put players who wanted to try their hand at PvP for the first time at a disadvantage: they had to fight for a long time to catch up with their opponents in terms of capabilities. In Battle for Azeroth, we will improve the system so that PvP talents can now be selected simply by reaching the appropriate level, which will even out the chances for players. In Legion, PvP talents were grouped into 3s, like regular class talents; In Battle for Azeroth, players will be able to choose any 3 PvP talents from a variety of options, as well as a special talent that cancels control effects (previously PvP accessories had similar properties).
The CC dispel talent will be available at level 20 by selecting one of three options from the drop-down menu. Once you reach level 110, you will be able to select PvP talents from the entire list in the talent panel (N key). The new system will allow you to fine-tune your character’s talents to suit your play style or specific conditions: local PvP battles, battles on the battlefield and in the arena, fights in the new duelists’ guild (details about it below). As with class talents, you can only switch PvP talents in the rest area.
WAR MODE: ARE YOU READY TO ENTER BATTLE? We are pleased to introduce a new type of PvP battles in the open world, which we call “War Mode”. Battles in this mode are not limited by the game worlds and the rules in force in them: now players from any server will be able to join a large-scale PvP battle between the Horde and the Alliance at any time. Thanks to the new system, we were truly able to transfer PvP in World of Warcraft to the open world - The latest technologies helped us in this. Players will be able to choose the gameplay according to their interests and aspirations, without limiting themselves to the game world. Whether you want to give up local PvP combat entirely to explore dangerous lands with allies, or always fight in War Mode from now on and never look back, the choice is yours. War Mode is designed to solve a common problem where players begin to feel as if they were “stuck” in a certain style of play due to the restrictions that the game world they had once chosen imposed on them. Some chose a PvE server just because their friends played there, although they would be more interested in PvP battles in the open world. Or vice versa: first they chose a PvP server, and then decided that they no longer wanted to play on it. In War Mode, each player will be able to combine both playstyles. Additionally, after looking at how the fragmentation of game worlds currently works, we decided that we should take advantage of this opportunity and give players choice. By turning on War Mode, players will find themselves in a world populated by other players who have also turned it on. This is a good idea, on the basis of which we can build completely new PvP systems, open to all players regardless of the game world, and develop an open-air PvP mode. By turning on the war mode, players will also receive a number of bonuses. Firstly, in this mode, all selected PvP talents can be used wherever a PvP battle can occur, making the character development process more uniform and efficient. PvP talents will no longer toggle on and off depending on where you are and whether you're fighting a monster or another player. In some zones, PvP battles will not be available as before. In addition, players will gain experience faster in War mode. It's no secret that in PvP you need to constantly be aware of the threat from other players, and this often leads to a slight decrease in the speed of character development. We wanted to adjust this, but so that players who choose not to enable War Mode don't feel like they're missing out on an important opportunity. For the same reason, at the maximum level in War Mode, players are entitled to an additional bonus to gold, resources and artifact power received from completing world quests. War Mode can be turned on and off starting at level 20 by visiting Orgrimmar or Stormwind and activating the corresponding setting on the talent panel (N key). But be careful! Once you turn on War Mode, all zones will become contested territories - including areas like Northshire Abbey. Additional War Mode features, such as bounty hunting and airdrops (details below!), will only be available in the new Battle for Azeroth expansion zones. When it comes to War Mode groups, there are a few caveats. If you're going into a dungeon or raid and you have War Mode enabled, players who don't have it enabled will be able to include you in their group. However, once you are in the same group, you will not see each other until you get into the appropriate zone. If you use the Pre-Assembled Groups menu to find teammates for quests or world boss battles, you will only see groups with players who also have War Mode enabled (to change this, return to Orgrimmar or Stormwind ).War mode also includes additional features that will make the game even more interesting.
BOUNTY HUNTFame has its advantages - and its disadvantages. You can become famous in War Mode by killing a certain number of players from the opposing faction without dying. By doing this, you will receive assassin status and a 15% bonus to damage and healing. Congratulations!
But, of course, such fame also has a downside. The more players you kill, the more likely it is that your name will appear on the area map and other players will hunt you for a reward. The player who deals with the killer from the opposing faction will receive conquest points and other rewards. Each Battle for Azeroth zone map can display 3 (or more) killer names at a time, giving players plenty of opportunities to exact revenge on their enemies, alone or with teammates.
DROPPING SUPPLIES FROM THE AIR From time to time a helicopter will appear in the sky - the roar of the engine will be a sure sign of its approach. Keep an eye out: a box with military supplies may fall somewhere nearby. As with the chests in the Gurubashi Arena, players will be able to fight for these chests and win them for their faction. Once a faction captures a crate, any faction member in the same zone can open the crate for a limited time and obtain the loot for personal use.

BECOME A FIGHTER IN THE DUELING GUILDFight duels in arenas in Boralus or Zuldazar. Similar to the Brawler's Guild, players can talk to the appropriate NPC and take part in duels (1v1) in the arena. Once you enter the arena, you will fight with another player, and the winner of this fight will continue the competition, and the loser will leave the arena. How far can you go? A winning streak can earn you achievements such as Master Duelist, which earns you the Rival player title. Once you've earned enough Conquest Points in a week, you'll find a chest containing PvP rewards in the Duelists' Guild. More details about this can be found in our article on PvP rating changes.
HONOR LEVELS CHANGES Legion's Honor Points system relied on players earning PvP talents through combat, then resetting their progress to gain a prestige level and cosmetic rewards. PvP Talents will now be unlocked through normal character progression, so we'll be making changes to the Honor system accordingly (PvP battles will reward various cosmetic rewards). By participating in PvP battles, you'll earn Honor Points and Honor Levels. As your honor level increases, you will be able to receive rewards - titles, pets, mounts and much more. In addition, you will receive special character portrait frame icons, which will also be displayed on the battlefield tables so that your achievements can be seen by all. In Battle for Azeroth, honor points and rewards for participating in PvP battles will be linked to your account, so all characters can enjoy the fruits of glory. The Honor points earned by all of your Legion characters will be tallied to determine the Honor level for your Battle for Azeroth account. If you have already earned some of these rewards in Legion, they will remain yours regardless of whether you qualify. Whether you meet the new criteria for honor points. Thanks to the innovations coming to Battle for Azeroth, all players - both seasoned PvP veterans and newcomers looking to test their mettle - will have plenty of opportunities to try their hand at in the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance.

What benefits will I get from turning on War Mode?

  • Access to all PvP talents in the open world, regardless of whether PvP combat is active or not.
  • Bonus experience points during character development in the amount of 10%.
  • Bonus rewards at the maximum level of 10%.
  • Possibility of obtaining conquest points, which count towards weekly progress towards obtaining equipment items.
  • Possibility of obtaining PvP achievements.

Possibility to reset the rider

Do you want to fight your opponents, but they prefer to fly past you? After turning on the war mode, you can use the Setestrel-5000 to knock the enemy rider off the saddle and start the battle!

How will I receive honor points by turning on war mode?

After turning on War Mode, you will receive one of the following effects: Horde Soldier / Alliance Soldier:

  • For killing ordinary players from the opposite faction, you will receive 6 additional honor points.
  • For killing a killer (a character who has killed more than 10 players and never died during this time), you will receive 30 additional honor points.

Once you have dealt 10 enemies without dying, you will become a Horde Assassin/Alliance Assassin and your damage and healing will be increased by 15%.

What are PvP talents?

PvP talents are very similar to Legion honor talents - the only difference is in the interface! You will be able to choose four talents, one of which is a PvP accessory - a choice between Gladiator's Medallion, Adaptation and Relent, and in the remaining three slots you can place any PvP talents available to you. ().

Key differences from Legion include: PvP talents are active for the duration of your open world adventures, can be accessed through the regular talent window rather than a separate tab for honor talents, and you can only select four talents rather than six. , as before. Additionally, you won't be required to farm prestige to gain access to PvP talents.

In the images below you can see the window with PvP talents.

How can I activate PvP talents?

You can activate and deactivate PvP talents in Stormwind (Alliance) or Orgrimmar (Horde). Here's what you need to do to select a PvP talent: Open the talent window, click on the "carrot" presented in the upper right corner and select the talents that you deem relevant.

You can change your talents in the open world with the Tome of the Calm Mind.

What other rewards are there for playing in war mode?

As a reward for completing the account-wide achievement Conqueror of Azeroth or Conqueror of Azeroth, you will receive the Conqueror's Bladetooth and the title.

What achievements are associated with the war mode?

Conqueror of Azeroth and Conqueror of Azeroth include the following achievements:

  • Complete all of the following achievements in Open PvP mode.
    Reward: title "Conqueror of Azeroth"

We have prepared a large guide on PvP in the Battle for Azeroth. War mode, prestige system, island expeditions, pvp talents, changes to honor points and conquest points and much more.

Honor points and prestige

The PvP prestige system introduced in Legion was a great solution - new talents, cosmetic rewards, character frames and much more. However, this system had one significant drawback - if you, say, decided to level up a new character, then all the accumulated PvP progress remained on the previous character.

In Battle for Azeroth, this issue was corrected - now prestige is tied to the account, and not to the character. So no matter who you play, everyone around will know that you are already an experienced fighter.

All prestige earned during the Legion will be combined and converted into "account-bound honor points." Battle for Azeroth includes “honor achievements,” some of which were already present in the old prestige system.


It is worth noting the most critical changes to the battlefield system that await players in the Battle for Azeroth:

  • A separate queue has been created for Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest to reduce wait times;
  • Large-scale battlefields designed for a large number of participants (Tol Barad, Battle of Southshore) are included in a separate item “Epic Battlefield”;
  • Ashran is temporarily disabled, but, according to the developers, will be returned to the game;
  • The Coast of the Ancients has been completely removed from the game.
Battlefield options in Battle for Azeroth

Conquest Points

In Legion, players were very confused by the system of random loot in PvP - and in Battle for Azeroth, the developers made the process of receiving rewards more transparent with the help of Conquest Points. It will happen like this: every week players are invited to earn a certain number of Conquest Points in order to receive a very specific reward.

Accordingly, this motivates the players, since now they know exactly what they will ultimately receive for their efforts. The more Conquest Points you earn, the better the reward. Even when you complete a PvP set, you will be able to improve it for the same Conquest Points.

Conquest Points can be obtained in several ways:

  • Rating battles in the arena;
  • Rated battlefields;
  • Regular battlefields (there is a certain limit of Conquest Points);
  • Epic Battlegrounds (weekly quest);
  • PvP activity in the open world.

PvP equipment

The method of obtaining PvP equipment in Battle for Azeroth is similar to interacting with item traders for conquest points.

At the moment, there are 3 known ways to get new items of equipment:

  1. At the end of the match there is a chance to receive a new piece of equipment, as previously happened at the end of raids in Mythic+ mode. The quality of the item will be proportional to the player's current rating.
  2. The second way is to earn a sufficient number of Conquest Points by winning rating battles and the first random battlefield of the day. The initial reward will be at the "raid finder" level, but the ilvl of subsequent items will increase along with the player's rating.
  3. And finally, complete the weekly task - earn the required number of Conquest Points and receive your prize. The equipment level will correspond to the most difficult PvP event in which you have won at least once.

Gladiator Awards

The changes also affected old titles and achievements. Now, to get the Gladiator title and gladiator mount, you need to win 50 games in the 3v3 mode. Another important point - victories are counted only if you have already achieved rank“Gladiator” (i.e. the rating must be 2400 or higher).

The title “Dreaded Gladiator” is awarded according to the same principle as in the Legion - to those who fall into the top 0.1% of fighters of their faction at the end of the season.

Of course, there are new cloaks and capes associated with the PvP mode:

Island expeditions

A new type of battle in Battle for Azeroth is Island Expeditions, inspired by the stories of the Pandaria era. This time, three players land on an island with resources, and their task is to be the first to collect a certain amount of Azerite (6000 units), ahead of their opponents.

A team can have players of the same role (for example, 3 tanks or 3 healers), and this will not negatively affect the gameplay - the battle is designed so that the forces will be approximately equal. Each Island Expedition is expected to take place fairly quickly - 15-20 minutes.

There are several types of islands that teams of players can land on. Each island is filled with certain types of monsters. Even if you have already been to an island of a certain type, it will still be a little different - before each Island Expedition, battle conditions are randomly generated (type of monsters, location of chests and Azerite, buildings, events, and much more).

Another feature of Island Expeditions is the ability to fight not only with opposing players, but also with AI. There are 3 difficulty levels for AI battles on islands: Normal, Heroic and Mythic. It is also worth noting that especially for Island Expeditions, the behavior of artificial intelligence has been seriously redesigned, so that enemy casters will do their best to keep a safe distance, robbers will watch for you during the battle with mobs, etc.

Useful guides to dominate Expeditions:

PvP rating accrual

In Legion and previous expansions, the PvP ranking system was designed in such a way that you had to wait until the end of the season to determine the best players and assign them the Gladiator title and other awards.

In Battle for Azeroth, this system was redesigned towards transparency - now the PvP rating is recalculated in real time, and each rank is in a fixed range:

PvP talents

In Legion, access to PvP talents became available as you gained honor points. Accordingly, all possible talents were available only at rank 50 and looked approximately like regular PvE talents.

Major changes were made to this scheme in Battle for Azeroth:

The separate panel for PvP talents has been completely removed and is now replaced by a small add-on to the right side of the main talents.

At level 20, the first PvP talent is unlocked, which frees the character from slowing and immobilizing effects (analogous to a PvP accessory).

Further, at levels 40, 70 and 110, new slots for talents will open. The peculiarity of these slots is that all possible PvP talents are available in each of them - you only need to choose which talents will be useful in a particular situation.

PvP talent interface in patch 8.0

War Mode

A new look at PvP battles between players in the open world - War Mode. Here's everything you need to know about this mode:

  • Access to the new mode opens at level 20.
  • You can turn War Mode on and off at any time, but only on the territory of Orgrimmar or Stormwind.
  • When the new mode is activated, all locations become contested territory, where you can be attacked by a representative of the enemy faction. However, there will still be locations where combat is prohibited (Sanctuaries).
  • Due to the “increased risk”, in the new mode you get more experience for destroying mobs and completing tasks (+10%). In addition, at level 120, players will receive more bonuses (for example, +10% to reputation) for completing world quests.
  • When you turn on War Mode, the character enters a game world in which other players have also activated it.
  • In War Mode, PvP talents can be used together with regular ones, which increases combat capabilities.
  • If you have War Mode turned on, and you were invited to the group by those who have it turned off, then you will be able to accept the invitation, but when you are next to each other, you will not be able to see each other.
  • If a player does not want to take part in PvP events outside of the battlefield and arena, he can turn off War Mode and quietly engage in PvE content.


Another cool feature added in Battle for Azeroth is that you can become a bounty hunter! If you have War Mode enabled and you have killed 10 enemy players without dying, you become an Assassin. What does this give and what is it fraught with:

  • now you are a higher priority target for opponents, so they have the opportunity to track your movements on the map (Horde Soldier / Alliance Soldier);
  • to compensate for the increased attention to you, you receive a buff (Horde Assassin / Alliance Assassin), increasing damage and healing by 15%;
  • Killing "regular" players in War Mode earns 6 bonus honor points, and killing Assassins will net you 30 honor points.

Airdrop of supplies

In Battle for Azeroth locations, windships with valuable cargo will fly by from time to time, dropping it at a random point.

The principle of this cargo box is similar to the chest in the Gurubashi arena - you can win this cargo for your faction so that any of its representatives can receive their share of the loot.

Chasing players

Often, opponents will refuse to fight you in the open world, preferring to simply run away and go about their business.

Battle for Azeroth has added more ways to stop your enemies. For example, the “Setestrel-5000” device, which throws the enemy from a mount, including a flying one. The maximum range is 100 meters, application time is 3 seconds.

Duelists Guild

New arenas for fans of 1v1 battles are open in Boralus and Zuldazar! Talk to the appropriate NPC and enter the arena - the winner moves on, and the loser starts from the very beginning.

For a series of victories, rewards are provided - achievements, titles and much more (for example, the Skilled Duelist achievement or the Tabard of the Duelists Guild item).

Tell us in the comments how do you like the innovations and changes to PvP in Battle for Azeroth? What did you like most and what did you not like?

Welcome to the Frost Mage guide, updated for Battle for Azeroth! This guide will help you improve your Ice Mage in all aspects of the game, helping you become an Arena Champion.

Class Overview

Frost Mages are known for always being one of the best specializations in PvP. Mages not only excel at gaining crowd control and relentlessly slowing down enemies, but also have a large burst of damage. With short cooldowns and strong enemy control.

Strengths frost mage

  • Greater control
  • Several revolving cooldowns
  • Strong burst

Frost Mage Weaknesses

  • Quite low damage
  • Predictable Burst
  • Low mobility


Every race, with the exception of regular Tauren and Highlands Tauren, can play as a Mage.
Mages can use daggers, one-handed swords, staves and wands.
Frost Mage Abilities: Ice Arrow, Summon Water Elemental, Blizzard, Ice Lance.

Don't know which race to play as? Below is a breakdown of each race within that specialization among WoW players.


These talents are chosen to maximize DPS and mitigate resource-related disadvantages. While there are more effective combinations, they also have more room for error. Talents are designed to simplify decision making and resource management while introducing players to a single goal, burst, and AoE potential.

Tier 1 (Level 15) Talents

Tier 5 (Level 75) Talents

    Rolls you back 6 seconds. 100% of all damage received when activating the ability will be immediately restored when the barrier ends.

    Critical Strike
    Increases the chance for your spells and attacks to deal extra damage and healing. Thanks to Icing, you can achieve high crit efficiency with a lower stat factor.

    Versatility increases your damage, healing and absorption and reduces your incoming damage

    Increases damage and healing from your spells.

    Stamina increases your health.


    Before opening the gate, make sure you have used the creation of a table with food for your group.

    Start most games with stealth to gain CC on the enemy before starting your burst. If you encounter another Mage, wait until they use their invisibility before using yours (which may take a while). The advantage of the Mage using invisibility later will be that not only will it come out later, but it will also stop any attempts at crowd control.

    When you're ready, start by CCing two or three targets. Your teammates can help with crowd control depending on the lineup. For example, Psychic Scream, Monk's Paralysis or Cheap Trick, Kidney Strike or Blind can provide more control over enemies, ensuring that you can make the most of your combo sequence. With as many controlled targets as possible, start with a strong burst.


    If you want to start tearing apart your enemies, you can start by casting Icy Blood (although this is not necessary), then use Ice Ball on the target. The next thing you should use is Comet Storm (but only if the target is stunned or motionless), cast
