Rules for playing goat 6. Card game “Goat”

On the Day of Deprivation and Gain, we decided to play cards. As a result, we played flip-flop, but it would have been more pleasant for me to play goat or even better, Texas Hold'em. Poker was discarded for lack of chips, but I wanted to teach everyone how to play goat and went to the Internet to find the rules, but it turned out that the rules of the goat we played at the university were nowhere to be found. Only on one forum a certain girl mentions almost entirely our version.
In general, I thought that it would be useful for history to leave the rules of our goat game as I remembered them)

Goat game (conditionally, in Nizhny Novgorod)
They play with a deck of 36 cards.

Trumps- all clubs, all jacks and all queens.
The strength of jacks and queens increases in this order: diamonds, hearts, spades, clubs
"Shamok" - 6 crosses - the strongest trump card
"Shamka" - queen of crosses

All trump cards in order of increasing strength:
7♣ 8♣ 9♣ K♣ 10♣ T♣ V♦ V V♠ V♣ D♦ D D♠ D♣ 6♣

Points inside the stake
6-9 - 0 (zero)
Jack: 2 points
Queen: 3 points
King: 4 points
10 - 10 points
Ace - 11 points
Total - 120

They play two on two, players on the same team sit opposite each other.

The game consists of several rounds; whichever team scores 12 points first loses.

They deal sequentially clockwise, the first dealer is chosen by agreement.
Before dealing, the dealer must shuffle the cards and let the person sitting to his right remove them. If the dealer does not allow the deck to be cut, his team gets two points and the hand is considered completed - the next one begins to deal. If the deck is lifted by the wrong player, his team gets two points and the game is considered over.

On the first round, all cards are dealt clockwise, one card at a time, starting with the person sitting to the left of the dealer.

The first move of the first horse is always the ace of diamonds.

Players place their cards strictly sequentially in a clockwise direction. Players must place a card of the same suit as the first move of the circle. If there are no cards of this suit, you can put a trump card or any other card. The team that puts down the strongest card takes all the cards laid out in the circle. The player who placed this card makes the next move. You cannot start a circle with a trump card if there are non-trump cards in your hand. When the cards in hand run out, the teams begin counting the collected bribes. A team that does not score a single point receives 6 points for the game. A team that scores from 1 to 30 points receives 4 points for the game - a “chiper”; a team that scores from 31 to 59 points receives 2 points for a game - a “pair”. The case when the teams score the same number of points (60 each) is called “eggs” - in this case, no one gets game points, but the next player’s game points are doubled (4 instead of a pair and 8 instead of a chipper).

An important event could be a meeting of “Shamka” and “Shamka” in one circle. If this happens, and these cards were laid out by players from different teams, they say that “the shamok caught the shamka” - in this case, the game ends immediately, and the team whose player placed the beaten shamka gets a “chipper” in the game score.

Horses starting from the second start with praise. The player sitting to the left of the dealer %ndash is bragging; the one who distributes it “praises”. There are several types of praise, the type chosen by the person boasting. During the boasting, you can receive bribes, gain trump cards, and, in general, decide the outcome of the game. All cards remaining from the praise are dealt and the game ends in the first round mode, with the only difference being that the order of the first move is decided by the praise - usually the player who scores the most points in the praise goes first.

“Pants” is the most common praise.
The dealer, after shuffling and removing, distributes the bottom and top cards of the deck to the boaster.
If two trump cards come, two more cards are requested, and so on until the boaster has at least one non-trump card in his hands - it is placed face down on the table. You can also put two cards (you cannot have more non-trump cards on your hand if you follow the rules).
After this, in the same way, two cards are dealt to the next player - he must already collect as many non-trump cards as the one who is boasting put on the table, and put them on the cards laid out on the table (one or two) face up.
And exactly the same for the two remaining players.
After this they open bottom cards and it turns out who took the bribes.
The remaining cards are dealt to the players so that they have an equal number.
The player whose card took a large trick on the boast starts the game with any valid card.
Then the game continues as in the first knight.

A mulligan is possible if, after the deal, the players of one team have no queens in their hands, or only a queen of diamonds. (Usually, players ask their partners: “Are there boobs?” and, having received a negative answer, decide whether to retake or not). The team that wins the praise can decide whether to re-praise. If you decide not to over-praise, the bribes remain with those who took them and the distributor only distributes, after mixing, the remaining cards from the praise. If a mulligan is required three times in a row, a pair is assigned to the dealer’s team and a new hand begins, that is, the next player begins to deal.

I'll leave it like this for now and make adjustments.

Number of decks 1
Number of cards in deck: 32
Number of players: 2 or more
Card rank: 7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
The goal of the game is to be the first to score 60 points or more.
Rules of the game. Card game Kozla has a huge number of varieties. It’s quite difficult to even compose the rules of the classic Goat, since throughout Russia classic rules in the Goat differ. I also know that they like to play Goat for money. Today you can even play online on many sites. Let's try to withdraw general rules games. The first dealer in the game is determined by lot, in next games players deal cards one by one. The deck is carefully shuffled and removed. Then they play according to one of the options:
First- each player is dealt 4 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, the top card is revealed as a trump card and placed under the bottom of the deck;
Second— the deck is divided into two parts, from the first part of the deck each player is dealt 4 cards, the second part of the deck is put aside until the second game. Cards are dealt from right to left, so that the last card dealt belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. Last card opens up and becomes a trump card for two games. This card remains with the player to the left of the dealer.

After this there is a drawing of bribes. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. A player can play any of his cards, all other players clockwise can also put any card. The strategy of the game is that the player must discard empty or worthless cards to the opponent for points, and he himself must try to take cards that are worth a lot of points. If you play according to the first option, then after playing a bribe, the players draw one card each so that there are 4 cards in their hands and continue playing tricks. If they play according to the second option, then only 4 bribes are played. Jacks play a special role in the game. The jack of spades beats off trumps and red jacks. The jack of hearts beats off the trumps and the jack of diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds beats only trump cards. When the cards in the first half of the deck are over, the second half is dealt. The seniority of jacks may be different. In our company it is customary to play like this. When the cards in the players' hands run out, the players begin to count points for the cards taken. According to the first option, they play until one of the players scores 60 points or more. According to the second option, players count points only after the second game; if no player scores 60 points or more, then the game is canceled and the game starts again. In both versions of the game, the winner is the player who scores 60 points or more.

0 points - 9, 8, 7;
2 points - jack;
3 points - queen;
4 points - king;
10 points - 10;
11 points - ace.

Kozel (Goats)

Number of decks 1
Number of cards in the deck: 32
Number of players: from 2 or more
Card seniority:7, 8, 9, V, D, K, 10, T.
Purpose of the game: be the first to score 60 points or more.
Rules of the game. The Goat card game has a huge number of varieties. It is quite difficult to even compose the rules of the classical Kozla, since the classical rules of Kozla vary throughout Russia. I also know that they like to play Goat for money. Today you can even play online on many sites. Let's try to derive the general rules of the game. The first dealer in the game is determined by lot; in subsequent games, players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled and removed. Then they play according to one of the options:
First- each player is dealt 4 cards, the remaining deck is placed in the center of the table, the top card is revealed as a trump card and placed under the bottom of the deck;
Second- the deck is divided into two parts, from the first part of the deck each player is dealt 4 cards, the second part of the deck is put aside until the second game. Cards are dealt from right to left, so that the last card dealt belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. The last card is revealed and becomes a trump card for two games. This card remains with the player to the left of the dealer.
After this there is a drawing of bribes. The first move belongs to the player to the left of the dealer. A player can play any of his cards, all other players clockwise can also put any card. The strategy of the game is that the player must discard empty or worthless cards to the opponent for points, and he himself must try to take cards that are worth a lot of points. If you play according to the first option, then after playing a bribe, the players draw one card each so that there are 4 cards in their hands and continue playing tricks. If they play according to the second option, then only 4 bribes are played. Jacks play a special role in the game. The jack of spades beats off trumps and red jacks. The jack of hearts beats off the trumps and the jack of diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds beats only trump cards. When the cards in the first half of the deck are over, the second half is dealt. The seniority of jacks may be different. In our company it is customary to play like this. When the cards in the players' hands run out, the players begin to count points for the cards taken. According to the first option, they play until one of the players scores 60 points or more. According to the second option, players count points only after the second game; if no player scores 60 points or more, then the game is canceled and the game starts again. In both versions of the game, the winner is the player who scores 60 points or more.

Cost of cards in points:

0 points - 9, 8, 7 ;
2 points - jack;
3 points - queen ;
4 points - king;
10 points - 10 ;
11 points - ace.

Goat is considered a popular card game that came to us from Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Surprisingly, to this day most players have kept it in its original form. The peculiarity of the game is in the original trump placement system; it has no such similarity with any other card game. There are different variations of the game of Goat, which differ only in the order in which the trump card is assigned. Let's take a closer look at how to play goat cards.

Playing with a regular deck

You can play Goat with the most ordinary deck of cards, removing sixes from it. We divide the deck into two halves. To begin with, fifteen cards are dealt, and the top card from the deck becomes the trump card for both games. The trump card is taken by the one who dealt the cards.

The game involves four people. Each card has its own score: ace - 11 points, 4 points - king, 3 points - queen, 2 points - jack, 10 points - ten. The remaining cards have no value and are considered empty. At the end of the game, the points scored by the cards are counted, and the one with 61-62 points wins the game.

Each player records 12 points. Whoever was able to score more than 60 points deducts 2 points from each player in his favor, and only one from the one who dealt the cards. If a player can take twelve from another player, then he is considered to have won the knight or goat. After the first half of the deck is played, the second, remaining deck is dealt. The trump card is still the same card as in the first game. The rules of the goat game are the same here. The peculiarity of this game is jacks. The jack of clubs is considered the highest of all cards; it can beat all trump cards, without exception. The jack of spades can also cover all trumps and the jack of diamonds and hearts. The jack of hearts can cover trumps and the jack of diamonds. The Jack of Diamonds can only cover trumps.

It is important for the player to remember that the most valuable ones for calculation are tens and aces, so he needs to give his assistant empty or low cards, not even sparing the jacks.

36 card game

There is another version of the game. Players play two against two. They also take 36 cards and remove sixes from them. Each pair receives two sixes of the same color, they are placed near the player, one face down, and the other on top, but so that face the already lying card was not visible. It turns out that 32 cards are involved in the drawing. How to play goat? The trump system in this version is as follows: the highest trump card is seven clubs, just below the queen are clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds, after them come jacks: clubs, spades, hearts, diamonds, followed by: ace, 10, king, 9, eight and 7 trump suit. Points are counted openly. The dealing player deals one card face up to the player sitting to his left. If it is not a seven of clubs, a jack or a queen that hits, then it is a trump card. Then the dealer deals to all players as many cards as he gave to the first player, and then one at a time until he has dealt all the cards. If a player, after dealing the cards, has one trump card, then he can give it to his partner in exchange for another one card.

Rules of the game of bura

Burkozel. Rules of the game.

The rules of borax are quite simple. The game uses one deck, the number of cards in which is thirty-six. The optimal number of players is two to four people, the maximum number of players is determined by the number of cards in the deck, but when many people participate in the game, it loses its interest and excitement.

The point of the game is to take bribes and earn points. To win the game you need to score at least sixty-one points. Next, you should indicate how many points each card corresponds to.

The seniority of cards in the game burkozel

Cards in ascending order of seniority in the game: six, seven, eight, nine, jack, queen, king, ten, ace.

According to the rules of the game of Bura or Burkozla, each card corresponds to a certain number of points, for example, an ace corresponds to eleven points, a ten - ten, a king - four, a queen - three, a jack - two, and cards nine, eight, seven and six correspond to a number of points equal to zero. At the initial stage of the game, you can print out these drill rules so as not to search for this information every time on the Internet.

Now let's move on directly to the rules of the game of burkozla. The player who will be the first to deal cards is determined by lot, and then all players deal cards in clockwise order.

The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and dealt one card at a time until each of the people participating in the game has four cards. The trump card is the suit that matches the top card in the deck remaining after the deal.

According to the rules of the game of goat drill, the right to make the first move belongs to the opponent of the one who dealt the cards, or to the player who sits next clockwise from him. In the next distributions, the first to go will be the person who owned the last bribe.

Any player can make a move consisting of one card, or two, three or four cards of the same suit. The opponent, in turn, must put down the number of cards that make up the entry itself.

To win a bribe, the following conditions must be met: the cards that were placed in response to those that were entered are of higher value, or trump cards beat non-trump cards. After playing a bribe, players draw a card from the deck until each player has four cards in their hands.

The first player to draw cards from the deck is the one who owns the last trick. In the drawing of the next bribe, the right to make the first move also belongs to him. The person who scores at least sixty-one points wins the game.

If someone has a combination of “drill” cards in their hands (all four cards are trump cards), then they win immediately, regardless of the number of points previously scored. Each player will be able to go first, regardless of who has the right to move first, if he has in his hands four cards of the same non-trump suit, “mint” or “letter”, or a combination of cards consisting of three “Moscow” aces, or four aces "four ends".

If a player intentionally or accidentally announces that the game is over, but does not score sixty-one points, then this player is considered a loser. Also considered a loser is the player who took the cards out of turn and the player who took an extra card when drawing.

By agreement, there is a variant of the game when the player is played with open cards or one of the players plays with open cards, for which he is entitled to be compensated for an additional few points. There is the following note for the Burkozel game.

The seniority of combinations in a game is interpreted differently by different gaming companies. The “Bura” card combination is always considered the highest and always wins immediately. Combinations of “pulls”, “Moscow”, “four ends” can be ranked differently in terms of seniority, depending on the rules by which it is customary to play in a particular gaming company.

The most common sequence of gaming combinations in descending order is as follows: Borax, four ends, pullet, Moscow.

Next, some of the game strategies will be described. If a player has cards in his hands, among which there are trump cards, then these trump cards need to be protected in order to get the trump cards up to four in the draw and make a “drill” combination. If your opponent constantly discards the card he bought, then it is likely that he has 3 trump cards in his hands and is trying to catch the fourth.

In this case, you need to intercept the right to move and try to enter with three or two cards. During the game, you need to very carefully monitor your opponent's cards and count the points that you and your opponent take. You also need to carefully monitor your opponent’s purchase of cards because some players can imitate that they took cards, and after you take the next card, they accuse you of taking cards in the wrong place and you earn defeat.

As you already understand, the rules of the game of borax, or as it is sometimes called - burkozla, are quite simple. This game is very interesting and fun if you know the rules of the game of borax/burgoat. Have a nice game!
