Review of the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth add-on - the war between the Alliance and the Horde flared up with renewed vigor! Free WoW: Battle for Azeroth servers BFA release.

Blizzcon 2017 has died down, and long-awaited details about the new add-on for World of Warcraft have finally appeared - it’s called Battle for Azeroth, and, as usual, there are a lot of innovations in it. But first things first.

Release date of the add-on: 2018, the exact date is not yet known. Subscribe to us on social networks so as not to miss anything interesting.

Introductory video (trailer) Battle for Azeroth (Battle for Azeroth) in Russian

Review of new items in the Battle for Azeroth expansion

Allied Races in Battle for Azeroth

Many complained that in World of Warcraft there are dark iron dwarves and a wide variety of trolls, but you can’t play as them. In the new addon, it was decided to correct this oversight - at the start, play will be available for 6 new subraces - dark iron dwarves, Highmountain tauren, abyss elves, nightborne, light-illuminated draenei, as well as trolls from the Zandalari tribe.

To unlock the ability to choose one of these subraces when creating a new character, you will first have to form an alliance with them with an existing hero, and only then go in search of adventure. Representatives of new gaming races begin their journey at level 20, and then the level of opponents is open world adapts to them. This mechanic has already been tested in Legion, so we can say with confidence that leveling up a new character will be noticeably more fun than is usually the case.

When a representative of any of the six subraces available at the start reaches the maximum level, he receives as a reward unique set armor for transmogrification - another reason to get serious about leveling up a new character. You can order character upgrades in World of Warcraft on our website.

And as a small bonus, all the new races have new racial abilities, so this shouldn't be considered purely a cosmetic feature.

New locations in the Battle for Azeroth expansion

This time, the adventures of the Horde and the Alliance will take place in radically different locations. Horde players will have to visit the mysterious islands belonging to the troll empire of Zandalar, and Alliance players will finally be able to reach the island kingdom of Kul Tiras, the homeland of Jaina Proudmoore. Each of these large locations consists of three smaller locations, in which Horde and Alliance players will have to level up. Ancient city the trolls of Zuldazar, the swamps of Nazmir and the Vol'dun desert await Horde players, and Tiragarde Seashore, Drustvar and Stormsong Valley await Alliance players.

Now they talk only briefly about what is happening on these islands, but this is understandable - if everything is told at once, it will not be so interesting. It is possible that the coming of the Ancient God N’zoth, who is hiding somewhere in the depths of the ocean, is approaching.

Island exploration

In the upcoming Battle for Azeroth add-on, you will also be able to travel to islands that everyone has long forgotten about, but which are fraught with untold riches and deadly dangers - just what you need to take your mind off all those invasions of the Burning Legion and talk about the dark future of Azeroth.

Exploring the islands will be something like mini-dungeons crossed with scenarios from Pandaria - fast, exciting, and in some places even profitable.

Sieges and base development

Also in the new addon there will be a new PVE mode in which 20 players will be able to jointly attack the forts of the enemy faction, and then try to gain a foothold in the recaptured territory, building their own network of fortifications. This entire mode is a great opportunity to remember where World of Warcraft came from - real-time strategy games.

Strengthening armor instead of strengthening weapons

In Legion, we tried to strengthen our artifact weapons by infusing them with new and new abilities, but now we have to take care of armor with the help of the Heart of Azeroth amulet, which Magni Bronzebeard is forging somewhere right now. It is worth noting that the armor will not be an analogue of the artifacts from Legion - you are free to choose any suitable armor, and only then decide how to strengthen it.

Exciting story

Something that will definitely interest fans gaming history- this is a story about the confrontation between former allies, who recently fought together against the countless hordes of the Burning Legion. It goes without saying that the global plot will move against the backdrop of many small subplots that can be told in new locations - troll cultists of Zandalar, court intrigues of Kul Tiras, gloomy forest witches. In short, a lot of interesting things.

And a lot more

The maximum level this time will be 120, so jokes about level 110 elves will have to be updated again.

New raids and dungeons, including the Free Haven, where Azeroth's most dangerous pirates gather, and the ancient golden city of Atal'Dazar, home to a sinister blood cult.

Instant level increase to 110, if suddenly someone wants to immediately try out the new content.

And that’s all for now – we look forward to new details from the new add-on to World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. This article will be updated with news about the Battle of Azeroth expansion.

» WoW will never be the same - we explain why.

Burning the World Tree “lowly” is the norm

The game map has been completely redrawn. Sylvanas Windrunner, the new leader of the Horde, burns one of the night elves' four World Trees, Teldrassil. For what? She decided to prove that she was not weak. As a result, centuries of history and thousands of innocents civilians are burned alive, and the survivors lose their homes.

The continent of Kalimdor is finally occupied by Horde troops.

Anduin Wrynn - assassin

The young king Rynn, who once stood up for peace, was friends with the tauren and until the last tried to reason with the half-mad orc Garrosh, leads a crusade of avengers from the Alliance to the capital of the undead - Undercity. Not without losses, but the city is taken, but Sylvanas screws everyone here too: the residents are evacuated, and the settlement itself is filled with a raging plague. Because they can, and honor is for weaklings from the Alliance. As a result, the holders of the blue flag, bound by moral principles, remain the Horde's neighbor, but no longer in Lordaeron.

On this side of the Great Sea there are now only isolated blood elves.

Wartime laws

The essence of the addition is war, and not with a common enemy, with whom both factions quite recently fought side by side, but with each other. This war will change everyone. Neither the Horde, nor the Alliance, nor Sylvanas, nor young Anduin will be the same.

In the first, large-scale fermentation began on the topic that the faction was no longer the same (as if everything that happened after Thrall always suited everyone). The second does not like to be a punching bag on which the third, the Banshee Queen, trains her treachery and cunning. Well, the fourth one simply changed too much and abruptly. Although Anduin is the easiest to understand: his country is being torn to pieces, and his father was brutally drowned in corruption due to the fault of Sylvanas.

The rest clearly fell victim to marketers who decided to dedicate the new addition to the war. Obviously, the writers had to quickly fit the current story into the reality of the new add-on. That is why the add-on has serious problems with the motivation of the heroes and the plot.

Well, what did you want? The main villain of the universe flew into the Twisting Nether, but the promise to release add-ons every two years is still in force.

Admiral Proudmoore was right

Admiral Proudmoore is no longer a villain. He is the hero that Kul Tiras considers him to be. He said from the very beginning that the Horde cannot be trusted and cannot be negotiated with. And so it happened.

Jaina, his daughter, regrets what happened and repents the most. As a result, the Daughter of the Seas, distraught after the loss of Theramore, looks like one of the coolest, most motivated and interesting heroes of the add-on. And her song is great. Listen if you haven't already.


Two powerful sea empires have appeared in the game

Kul Tiras is an old maritime nation and the homeland of Jaina. The location looks incredibly atmospheric and cool. Things here, however, are bad. Corruption reigns all around, and crowds of internal enemies like witches and rebel clans are tearing the islands apart. Which, however, plays into the hands of the Alliance, which, having solved these problems, will again persuade old allies to join the faction. The area is very good visually, the quests are interesting, and between them we are regularly offered to watch colorful videos.

Long live Zandalar!

Zandalar are the same trolls that everyone has been fighting with for many years. Now, however, they have problems at home, and the Horde, who has come to the rescue, will help solve them. Naturally, for a reason. Such power can significantly strengthen an already powerful fighting machine.

The locations do not look as stylish and original as Kul Tiras, but there is also something to see in the bloody swamps and the giant golden city. In addition, there are thousands of small islands scattered in the Great Sea, the resources of which heroes can capture by competing with updated AI in new events - island expeditions.

More quests for the quest god

What? Were there a lot of them in “”? But no! Because now quests are everywhere.

A huge number of tasks await us both in Kul Tiras and in Zandalar. And when you finish leveling up, you will need to finish some more things to level up your reputation. Oh yeah, after that you need to go and do world quests on both new continents to receive rewards and unlock access to dungeons. Yes, and professions require the completion of a number of tasks.

In general, now there are enough quests for everyone. And there will still be change left.

All your past achievements are of no interest to anyone here.

The artifact you spent so much time grinding has become a useless piece of wood or metal. All legendary items will turn off after level 115. And titles like “High Lord” and “Lord of Death” no longer impress anyone. You will be addressed as a “mainland wanderer” or “foreigner.”

The recently founded class order will also remain a thing of the past. You will live in a tavern, and give out new tasks to your comrades (they migrated here too) on a ship moored nearby. There is no place for great heroes here.

Now go and collect some shells from the beach!

Prepare to suffer

Already in the second half of pumping each monster, you will be picking for quite a long time. And after its completion, the characteristics will be so ridiculous that you will have to work hard if you accidentally hit a pack of three enemies. World quests at level 120 look quite comical.

Even with PvP mode enabled, the Horde and Alliance often helpfully help each other with monsters. Because they share each other’s pain from meeting the harsh reality of “”, where every extra NPC can send you to the cemetery.

Add to this the non-working artifact talents and the unimproved “Heart of Azeroth” (a new artifact-necklace that gives special bonuses to some armor elements), and you get a new reality where you need to unite in groups with other players. Just like the good old days.

The coolest character in the expansion is Troll

The most interesting character in the expansion goes to the Zandalari. Well, that is, how he got it: to be precise, it was the Zandalari who got it. We are, of course, talking about the Loa of Death or Bwonsamdi. This is a troll deity, responsible for life after death and very fond of entering into seductive contracts with mortals. The latter give them unprecedented power, but the price for this is great.

Bwonsamdi is incredibly cool. He masterfully chooses moments and binds the heroes with heavy obligations. It also looks cool and sounds very cool. First of all, thanks to great game actor. At least in the English version. If the heroes end up in the cemetery by force of chance, then he waits for them here, making malicious comments. Honestly, for us, the Loa of Death turned out to be the main reason to complete Horde quests, which do not take place in such memorable locations as those of the Alliance.

So what should we do about it now?

« Battle for Azeroth“has not left the same factions, characters, gameplay, or, in fact, the players who are discussing what is happening on the Internet in every possible way. At the very least, the event turned out to be very bright. What will happen next - time will tell, because the start of the addon is just the beginning, and ahead of us are Queen Azshara, the dangerous neighborhood with Bwonsamdi and several more stages of this war, which may end this way or that way, or may not end at all.

Who knows what other surprises she has in store for us? Blizzard?

The already troubled Azeroth has once again become a battlefield. This time there is no external enemy, because the conflict is between the main factions of the game - the Alliance and the Horde. Choose a side and go into battle!

Battle for Azeroth

The swords and axes have barely had time to cool down after the bloody war with the Burning Legion, and a new one is already on the doorstep. There are two prerequisites at once - logical and... Not very logical. Before his death, Sargeras, the creator and leader of the Legion, plunged his giant sword directly into the planet, after which Azerite began to grow from its depths.

This is an incredibly valuable resource that is rumored to be titanium particles that lie dormant deep underground. Of course, both factions are trying to get their hands on as much Azerite as possible. But the spark that lit the flame of war between the Alliance and the Horde was not he, but the banshee Sylvanas, also the leader of the Forsaken.

First, players of both factions take part in the siege of the Undercity, which takes place in several stages, then the action smoothly flows into Stormwind, where a prison riot occurs. Further, depending on the faction, it branches.

Supporters of the Alliance will go to Kul Tiras to support the naval commanders there, and the “Horde” will go to Zandalar, a huge island where an ancient troll civilization has existed for many thousands of years.

New regions: Kul Tiras and Zandalar

To fully learn the story of the “Battle for Azeroth”, you need to go through 2 large campaigns at once - for the Alliance and for the Horde. As noted above, the setting was Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Each region is divided into 3 locations and includes several quest chains, during which you can learn a lot about the warring dynasties of people and the conspiracies of the troll islanders.

The Alliance will be able to fight pirates, uncover the cult of the Ancient Gods and learn about the struggle between witches and the Inquisition. The Horde, in turn, will engage in the palace intrigues of the Zandalari rulers, wander through the swamps of Nazmir, and even go to a “showdown” with the snake people in the Voldun desert. In short, there is more than enough content for both factions.

And that doesn't even take into account the new dungeons and raid! There are 8 of them in Battle for Azeroth, 4 for each faction. Each has its own strictly defined theme, “monster hunt” and a selection of unique rewards for completing. But it was not possible to evaluate the raid: at the time of the addon’s release it was closed.

Finally, the developers stopped “brothering” factions in the fight against an external enemy and focused on the central conflict of the entire game. However, this is just the beginning: story campaign associated mainly with preparation for general battle. And it will happen later, when the next major patch comes out.

From the point of view of execution, there is simply nothing to complain about: all the quests are written well, completing them and watching cut scenes is interesting. Even after so many years of continuous work on it, the developers can tell new stories and move the storyline forward. This is partly why the game is still extremely popular.

Have you called for reinforcements?

One of the features of the expansion is new allied races for both factions. The developers have prepared 4 pieces for each. Horde players will be able to play as Nightborne, Highmountain tauren, Mag'Hara orcs and Zandalari trolls, and Alliance players will be able to play as Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves and the people of Kul Tiras.

Fans of World of Warcraft are already familiar with some of these races. For example, Lightforged draenei and Void elves were needed on Argus in the last expansion.

Mag'har orcs came from Draenor after the end of the story, and the inhabitants of Kul Tiras also appeared in the story. New races boast not only unusual appearance, but also unique racial abilities.

Everything new is well forgotten old

As always, the World of Warcraft developers tried to diversify the standard gameplay scheme. In the case of “Battle for Azeroth,” several additional formats can be distinguished. At a certain stage, the player receives the Heart of Azeroth artifact. It differs from other items in that it can be upgraded multiple times.

Another interesting decision concerns the so-called “War Mode”. There are no longer PvE or PvP servers in World of Warcraft. Players can turn on “War Mode” and thereby confirm that they are ready to fight to the death with representatives of the enemy faction. The game's creators reward this behavior with additional experience points.

At the same time, for each class, “Heart of Azeroth” can be customized to suit you, choosing from various talents. There are other items in the expansion with similar capabilities. However, this mechanic is not new: the first such artifacts appeared in Legion. The situation is similar with the “Fronts” mode, which allows you to feel like a real strategist.

The events of “Fronts” unfold in the vicinity of the city of Stromgarde, where players of both factions can build their own bases and even control troops. The latter, by the way, need to be trained, and as you develop your own garrison, you need to go through additional tasks...So, someone said the word "Garrison"?

And this is not an accident: “Fronts”, upon closer examination, are improved and modified “Garrisons” from the same Legion. On the one hand, this is great, because the mode is interesting and rich in interesting solutions. On the other hand, given the price of the expansion, I would like more unique content made specifically for Battle for Azeroth.

Such different “Islands”

As if sensing that artifacts and “Fronts” would not be enough, the developers of Blizzard Entertainment implemented another mode in the game. And rightly so! It was called “Islands”, and it is the only one that is truly new. The idea is extremely simple: the player can go to one of hundreds of islands to replenish their Azerite reserves.

Moreover, each time the island is generated randomly. Landscape, side quests, opponents, location of objects - all this is constantly changing. It is impossible to find 2 identical islands, and this has a positive effect on replayability. It’s especially great to explore these locations with friends, feeling like pioneers!

The goal is always the same - to collect more Azerite in a limited time, and then exchange the resource for valuable equipment. It will help the character in both PvP and PvE, but most best equipment, of course, only available to arena gladiators and raid veterans. But still, the mode turned out to be very interesting, it’s definitely worth trying.

The war between the Alliance and the Horde has flared up with renewed vigor!

World of Warcraft has long established itself in MMORPG genre, and the question of whether it’s worth playing, in general, is not worth it. The Battle for Azeroth expansion is literally bursting with new content: story missions, detailed dungeons, new races and items.

And even though some of the formats are adaptations from Legion, the addon has something for those hungry for a completely new experience - for example, the “Islands” mode. And while hard-core fans of the series are wondering which faction will be removed from the game following the war, millions of players are returning to World of Warcraft to play with the new addition.


Battle for Azeroth debuts today, August 14 marks its final expansion Games World of Warcraft, which remains the most popular subscription MMO title.

The new addition is partly a return to the roots of the series, at least thematically. At the center of the story there is a conflict between the Alliance and the Horde, which was most often used in strategy games Warcraft .

As a standard we receive, of course, a higher maximum level There are plenty of challenges to achieve, several impressive scenes, changes in skill balance, and various group challenges.

Each chapter of World of Warcraft also introduces more interesting and interesting news. Here are the most interesting ones.

Two new lands

The developers of the Blizzard studio are already accustomed to the fact that each addition introduces a new continent. So it came as a surprise that Battle for Azeroth would offer two new lands- one for each faction.

Alliance members will begin their adventure on three islands Kul Tiras- once the pride of the navy. Panstyuko must now rejoin the war against the Horde.

There are three large exploration zones awaiting players, as well as the city of Boralus. Visually, Kul Tiras is reminiscent of northern European landscapes, but there is no monotony of the visual experience. The artists took care of different views.

Representatives of the Horde, in preparation for the final confrontation with their enemies, go to an exotic island Zandalar or the cradle of Trolls. The independent inhabitants seek allies to repel the Alliance and bring order to a land where chaos continues from the cataclysmic events of the Cataclysm, when the state was literally severed from Kalimdor.

Zandalar is a completely different landscape than Kul Tiras. We will visit jungle-like forests, we will see creatures inspired by dinosaurs. One of the main topics will be the fight against the dangerous worship of bloody trolls.

Sample images from Zandalar:


Blizzard regularly tries to introduce new activities into WoW so that players can have more varied activities. Battle for Azeroth introduces unique scenarios for groups of three.

Expeditions, which you can take from the capital of each of the two lands, will allow you to visit one of several small islands. When we come ashore our goal will be collect Azerites- a resource that we will strengthen our equipment, for example, the reinforcement of the Artifact in the previous application.

Azerides are found in the form of minerals, but we can also find them in chests and pick them up from the bodies of defeated monsters. All actions performed on the island during the Expedition will reward us with this valuable resource. However, there is one catch - the material will also be collected by representatives of the enemy faction.

Shrines that offer reinforcements, as well as special items available for purchase only on the ship and on the territory of a specific island, will help in the struggle and competition. It's also worth noting that Expeditions appear in different versions, divided by difficulty level - normal, heroic, mythical and PvP. In the latter case, we will fight with other players.

The creators have taken care of the corresponding rewards, so by participating in this type of activity we have a chance to get interesting items. There are still unknown ways to obtain different monsters, but Expeditions will allow you to get a green parrot or a skeleton, an excellent monkey, among other things.

Warfronts in the Battle for Azeroth

Another new addition to Battle for Azeroth is an interesting experiment. Military fronts allow you to participate in large-scale skirmishes with up to 19 allies that affect the overall conflict between the Horde and the Alliance. Interestingly, this is not a PvP mode - we are fighting against advanced artificial intelligence.

Warcraft 3 was the inspiration for Warfront 3. Our hero is the commander of one group of units. We're moving around big map, create beachheads and protect sources of raw materials or establish paths for resources and additions. We are also training subsequent units to fight on the main front line.

Warfronts also introduces two classic types of armor to capture

The ultimate goal is to capture the enemy faction's fortress. We face our main opponents, representing different classes, as well as harder bosses that require more coordination between the battle participants.

When one faction wins a battle, it takes control of the region. The other side of the conflict must gather specialized resources to challenge and attempt to deflect the target. The reward for being the controlling faction is, among other things, the presence world boss in a certain place. Other bonuses were also prepared, such as the opportunity to receive a special mountain - and how!

Mixed racing

In the Mists of Pandaria We haven't seen any new characters in World of Warcraft, so Blizzard came up with an interesting idea, introducing additional races, which are not really... new.

Allied Races are different factions or varieties of already existing races. These are, for example, the Dark Iron Dwarf clan, the Tauren mountain region of the Highlands region, or the Dark Elves of the Nether.

Access to some races requires completion of specific streams and a number of tasks related, for example, to a military campaign that will begin soon. Zandalari Trolls and Kul Tiran Humans will only be available after August 14th. voice chat

Battle for Azeroth could change that as the developers implement latest version voice chat systems, the same tool we already used in Overwatch.

This way we get more ease of use, additional options to mute different channels and, above all, best quality sound. We can also talk to friends who play another Blizzard game. This is a great option for those who don't regularly use Discord or aren't satisfied with Skype.

No more PvP servers

Another big change is the elimination of the traditional division of servers that has existed in the game for many years into PvE (player versus environment) and PvP (player versus player). Previously, when playing on a second type server, we had to take into account the fact that in certain zones we could become a victim of a player from the enemy faction.

Now the system is changing. PvP mode- in practice agrees to participate in competitions between users - we activate one button. So we also include our PvP talents updated in the new application and we will reach a world where we find other players who prefer the same style gameplay.

This solution is the creators' response to requests from some users who felt limited on a server with fixed rules. Additionally, it's worth noting that activating War Mode will provide a small bonus to your accumulated experience points, which is definitely worth considering when aiming for level 120 in Battle of Azeroth.

It should also be emphasized that the military regime literally transforms all zones into areas where we can fight opponents of the other faction - there are no exceptions. Additionally, in the new addition zones, the most dangerous players will be marked on the map for opponents, and rewards will be allocated for eliminating them. All this fits the spirit of the conflict between the Horde and the Covenant like a glove.

Return of Jaina

Jaina Proudmoore - the most famous sorceress Warcraft universe— was practically absent from the previous feature extension. Even in Warlords of Draenor, we didn't see her very much. Behind this position is the destruction of the city she founded on the island of Theramore - Garrosh Hellscream did this terrible act.

Proudmoore is no longer looking for compromises and is not even going to think about giving his hand to any representative of the Horde. Given the similar attitude of the enemy leader, we can expect some pretty significant developments at the Battle of Azeroth. Since such outstanding heroines want to end the other side of the conflict at all costs, this will happen.

Jaina is also just an interesting character - and there are probably feelings there. After all, we have known this for a long time, also from strategy games many years ago. While an MMO game will never offer a narrative worthy of an actual single-player experience, Blizzard can present interesting events in a very effective way.

At Gamescom we met with the developers of a major expansion for World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth. WoW Producer Michael Bybee and Lead Environment Artist Ely Cannon told us a lot of interesting things.

Journey to the New World

So, the add-on was officially launched last week. This happened simultaneously for all regions, which was a new achievement for the creators of WoW. The launch went off without any problems, which made the team very happy.

Representatives of the alliance and horde have already begun to explore the locations of Kul Tiras and Zandalar. They complete quests, receive rewards, and enjoy an amazing story. Many players have reached the new level cap of 120 and gained access to additional content. Including, they opened world quests on two continents and began to study special storylines, available only at the maximum level.

Always be ready

The already implemented war mode is popular. In it, the player is constantly ready for PvP battles, receiving additional experience and other nice bonuses. The mode can be activated in the faction capital. This is a very fun innovation that allows, for example, the entire zone to attack aggressive players or organize internal competitions.

The development team has a lot of patches in their plans, when creating them they hope for feedback from players. Moreover, not every patch will have another raid. Basically, these will be local, small events that will fit well into the realities of what is happening.

Classic Warcraft universe

New one coming soon interesting mode- fronts. These are PvE battles designed for 20 people. When creating the mode, the developers were inspired by the mechanics of the original Warcraft 3. In it, you will play the role of a hero-commander leading a small group of warriors into battle. Each participant will be at the head of his own group. It will also be possible to extract resources and build a base. Towards the end of the confrontation, the final assault on the fortress will begin, after which all heroes will fight with the enemy commander. By defeating him, they will successfully capture the territory, receive a reward and gain access to additional quests.

Initially, the Arathi Highlands, where the battle will take place, belongs to the Alliance. To enter the battle for this territory, the Horde will have to collect a certain amount of resources. Once she collects them, she will attack and is guaranteed to win. This is done to ensure that no one faction can control a strategically important area for too long. Having lost possession, the Alliance will also begin collecting resources, after which it will attack and return what was lost. And so on in a circle. The battle will take approximately 30-45 minutes.

Let's go on an epic trek

The first Uldir raid will begin on September 4th. It will open first on Normal and Heroic difficulties, and then on Mythic difficulties. In a few days, the first wing will open in the raid finder, and after two weeks, the second wing will open. The opening of the third wing is supposedly scheduled for October 10th.

When will Thrall return?

“Should we expect to see former Horde leader Thrall return from his so-called “maternity leave”? Producer Michael Bybee answered the question, saying that he personally and the entire team love this character very much, and, of course, he is not forgotten. But he is not yet ready to give an official statement about the leader’s return.

We remember that the Cataclysm expansion ended very vaguely, with fire, lava and a giant tidal wave marking the beginning of a new era. What she will bring to the leader and the newly minted shaman Thrall is unknown.

It's interesting that some people consider the union of Thrall and Aggra to be fake by calling a female character « filler » for those who dreamed of uniting the orc leader and his beautiful partner Jaina. Perhaps in the future we will learn more details about the life of this ambiguous union of hearts.
