New Skyrim allies how to bite. New allies

Comment from Manbot

Halduron Brightwing is in the small tower in the north of Trueshot Lodge (at the location marked on the map). He is slightly hidden and some (like me) may have difficulty locating him.

Comment from tooltip

Vereesa Windrunner says: If the plan is to set a trap for the Houndmaster, we"ll need to place it in a secure location.

Vereesa Windrunner says: I can get us access to the Violet Hold, where we"ll be able to fight Hakkar without worry of any collateral damage.

Yeah, I"m sure third time"s the charm.

Comment from ctm989

Hello, Below is the sequence of quest events for the hunter's 3rd artifact relic. As you can see below, this quest is a part of the series. This series was completed on a lvl 110 hunter with Highmountain, Stormhelm, zone questing story complete and others at ~50%. Reading through the comments for each quest can provide clarification on some of the prerequisites if you are having trouble getting the quest.

1.1.1 Lending a hand
1.1.2 Rising Troubles
1.2.1 Assassin Entrapment
2.1.1 Urgent Summons
3.1.1 Recruiting Rexxar
3.1.2 Survival Skills
3.1.3 Survive the Night
3.1.4 Champion Rexxar
3.2.1 Calling Hilaire Home
3.2.2 Bite of the Beast
3.2.3 Champion Beastmaster Hilaire
3.2.4 Homecoming
4.1.1 signaling trouble
5.1.1 Unseen protection (5Missions)
5.2.1 Aiding Our Allies (Big Gamy Ribs or highmountain Salmon or silkweave Bandages)
5.3.1 Recruiting more troops
5.4.1 Rating Razik
5.4.2 An offering of Ammo
5.4.3 Note Eating goats
5.4.4 A hunter at heart
5.4.5 Scout it out
5.4.6 Champion Hemet
5.4.7 Champion Addie Fizzlebog
6.1.1 Baron and the huntsmen
6.1.2 Awakening the senses
6.1.3 Champion: Huntsman Blake
7.1.1 Ready to Work
8.1.1 Missing mages
9.1.1 The scent of magic
9.1.2 Assisting the Archmage
9.1.3 knowing our enemy
9.2.1 On the Blink
9.3.1 Feasting the dragon
9.3.2 Cursed to Wither
9.3.3 Hungers End
10.1.1 Leyworm lure
10.1.2 To tame the beast
10.1.3 the nature of the beast
11.1.1 Request reinforcements (5Missions)
12.1.1 Informing Our Allies
13.1.1 Darkheart thicket: Nightmare Oak
13.2.1 The missing vessel (4Missions)
13.4.1 Under the sea
13.5.1 Collecting reagents
14.1.1 Leading by example
14.2.1 Azure Weapon
14.2.2 Meeting in moonclaw
14.2.3 Delicate enchantment
14.2.4 Same day delivery
15.1.1 In defense of Dalaran

After completing In Defense of Dalaran a quest will show up by your artifact altar to empower your weapon with a 3rd relic. Hope this answers people's questions regarding the hunter's campaign for the 3rd relic.

Note: If there are any mistakes, please highlight and comment to help it from causing any grief for future people following this as a event sequence.

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Various characters and creatures can become your allies and companions during the game. These companions will fight by your side, some can also carry equipment and carry out various tasks. Companions are divided into permanent ones, who follow you until your death, and temporary ones.

Constant companions usually become available after completing some quests. For most players, their first companion will be Lydia, whom they will meet after completing story quest"The dragon in the sky", but the world is full of other satellites. In addition, you can meet mercenaries in cities and tame some dogs. You can take one constant companion and one dog with you at the same time.

Some characters will travel with you temporarily while completing the quest. If you abandon the quest and go somewhere else, they will follow you. Most of these characters are immortal, and you can lead up to several of these companions into battle at the same time. With their help, you can defeat difficult opponents when completing various quests.

You can interact with your companions through communication (outside of combat). You can exchange things with them or give commands depending on their abilities:

  • Attack another character or creature;
  • Wait at the selected location;
  • Use an object, such as a lever or chair;
  • Use the shrine to receive a blessing;
  • Open a locked door or container;
  • Pick up things;
  • Sleeping in a bed (useful for vampires);
  • Separate (and return to a certain place).

Most of these commands cannot be given to temporary companions.

By holding down the Activation button, you will enter command mode, with which you can command your companion to do something or go somewhere.

If you ask a companion to commit a criminal act, all the blame for the crime will fall on you and the reward on your head will increase. If you are in stealth mode, most criminal acts committed by your companion will go undetected.

If a companion waits too long for you, you will see a message saying that the companion has gotten tired of waiting and has gone back to his starting location.

You can trade items with some of your companions to equip them with better gear or simply allow them to carry extra items. Sometimes a companion may refuse to wear clothes given to him. To fix this, steal the things you want to replace from him. Some merchants may refuse to sell you items they are wearing; you can get the items you need by stealing, but this will require the appropriate perks that allow you to steal equipped weapons and armor.

Give your mortal companion a personally enchanted weapon or shield and let him die, then take the loot from the corpse, this the only way remove enchantment from things. This method only works with weapons and shields that you have personally enchanted. This method will not remove the enchantment, for example, from the Nightingale Blade.

Characteristics of satellites

The characteristics of the companions depend on the level of the player at which he or she first entered the location where the companion was located. Once generated, the characteristics of the satellite do not increase in the future. For example, Lydia is most often the first companion a player meets, and most players meet her at a low level, so Lydia remains with low stats throughout the rest of the game.

If you have become attached to a certain companion and do not want to part with him, you can improve his characteristics, to do this you must part with him, open the console, click on the satellite, write “disable” in the console, and then “enable” without quotes, and ask your companion to join again. The companion's inventory will not be affected, but his characteristics will correspond to the player's current level.

Death of the Companions

Temporary companions are similar to immortal characters in many ways, however, they can still die. If an enemy attack or trap completely deprives a companion of health, he will be in an incapacitated state for some time and will begin to restore health, like an immortal character, and the enemy will stop attacking him. But if during this state the companion again loses all health, he will die. So don't accidentally hit it with an arrow or an area of ​​effect spell. Also, a companion can die from a strong poison that damages health faster than the companion can restore it. A force attack from an enemy can also kill a companion.

Attack carefully while next to the weakened companion. You can accidentally kill him and it will count as a kill.

Many of the temporary companions are immortal; it is impossible to kill them, only to remove them from the battle.

To speed up the recovery of your companions, put healing potions and food in their inventory. Then, if the companion is wounded, he will instantly heal and return to battle. If the companion does not have healing items, you need to clear the location of enemies before the companion heals himself.

Trainer companions

Trainer companions store money received for training in their inventory. So you can look into their inventory and get your money back. Companions training skills:

  • Aela the Huntress (Shoot up to 75)
  • Fendal (Shoot up to 50)
  • Farkas (Heavy Armor)
  • Nyada Stone Hand (Block up to 75)
  • Vilkas (Two-handed weapon)
  • Atis (One-handed weapon up to 75).

Upon completing a quest for her, Anneke the Climber becomes a companion and grants you one level of the Light Armor skill.

Temporary satellites


Mercenaries can usually be found in a tavern; for 500 gold they will agree to accompany you. They will accompany you until you cancel their services, after which they will return to their starting location, you will have to pay again to get them back, unless you recently broke up with them or they don't like you. Mercenaries can use weapons and armor that you give them.

Name Description Marriage Joining the Blades
Belrand Nord magic blade, you can find it in Solitude. He is proficient with one-handed weapons and light armor, and is trained in the magic of destruction and restoration. + +
Eric the Terrible Killer A Nord barbarian based in Rorikstead. After completing the task, he can be hired at the tavern. He's good with two-handed weapons, wears light armor, and is skilled at shooting and blocking. + +
Jenassa A Dunmer scout resting inside the Drunken Hunter in Whiterun. If you are an elf, then you only need to pay her once, in the future she will join for free. She is good at shooting and has some criminal talents. + +
Marcurio An imperial and mage located in the Riften tavern. He is well versed in the magic of destruction, restoration, change and witchcraft. He also has some inclinations in the skill of secrecy. + +
Stenvar Nord warrior from Windhelm. He is a typical knight, trained in two-handed weapons, heavy armor, and skilled in blocking and shooting. + +

Nord warrior from Markarth. He is proficient with one-handed weapons and a bow, can block blows, and can handle heavy armor well.

+ +


Huscarls are the bodyguards of nobles. Upon completion of the jarl's task in each hold, the jarl will proclaim you Thane of his lands and give you a personal housecarl. All housecarls are good with one-handed weapons, bows, heavy armor and are excellent at blocking blows.

Companions from the Companions

They can be found in Jorvaskr, the Companions' headquarters in Whiterun. You need to join the Companions and complete their quests in order to take them on as your companions.

Name Description Marriage Joining the Blades
Aela the Huntress Nord Scout, skilled in shooting, stealth, one-handed weapons, light armor, and speech. In addition, she trains her shooting skill to an expert level. + +
Atis Dunmer warrior, skilled in blocking, one-handed weapons, and light armor. He also trains his one-handed weapon skill to expert level. + +
Farkas A Nord warrior skilled in one-handed weapons and heavy armor. Trains heavy armor skill to master level. + +
Nyada Stone Hand Nord warrior, skilled in blocking and handling one-handed weapons. Trains blocking skill to expert level. + +
Riya An Imperial warrior skilled in one-handed weapons, shooting, blocking, and heavy armor. + +
Torvar Nord warrior, skilled in one-handed weapons, heavy armor, blocking. + +
Vilkas A Nord knight skilled in two-handed weapons and heavy armor. Trains two-handed weapon skill to master level. + +

Companions from the College of Winterhold

Once you become a member of the College of Winterhold, you can take your students as companions, but to do this you must complete their personal quests. Talk to them and they will tell you what to do.

Companions from the Dark Brotherhood

Complete all Dark Brotherhood quests to take the Brothers as your companions.

Dungeon Companions

You will have to complete quests associated with each of the companions in order to take them on your team.

Name Description Marriage Joining the Blades
Erandur Dunmer priest from Dawnstar. Agree to rid the city of nightmares and help him cleanse the temple. If he survives, he will join you. He is trained in witchcraft and restoration magic. - +
Golldir Nord warrior located in Hilgrund's tomb. Help him defeat the sorcerer Vals Veran and you can take him to your team when leaving the dungeon. Golldir specializes in one-handed weapons and heavy armor. He is also trained in shooting and blocking. - +
Illya Imperial mage from the Tower of Light and Darkness. Explore the dungeon with her and if she survives, she will join you. Illya is skilled in the magic of destruction, restoration, conjuration and change. You can only take it with you once. If she leaves you for any reason, you will no longer be able to get her back without using the console. - +

Other satellites

To take them on your team, you need to complete their small quests.

Name Description Marriage Joining the Blades
Adelaisa Vendicci Imperial warrior, becomes available upon completion of the quest "The Sun Rises in the East" for the Eastern imperial company in Windhelm. - +
Atar Redguard warrior who can be found in the dungeon of the Gloomy Castle, on the street, in the tavern. Atar will ask you to kill the leader of the bandits and indicate the place where you should go. Go there, kill the bandits, return to Ataru and take him with you. Atar is proficient in two-handed weapons and heavy armor. - +
Anneke Climber Nord scout from Black Ford. Upon completion of her quest, she will join you. She was skilled in shooting, blocking, handling one-handed weapons and light armor. - +
Aranya Ienit A Dunmer sorceress stationed at the Temple of Azura. Upon completion of the Black Star quest, she will join you. Trained in the magic of destruction, restoration, change and witchcraft. - +
Benor Nord warrior from Mortal. Defeat him in a fist fight and he will join you. Good with two-handed weapons and heavy armor. + +
Borgak Steelheart Orc warrior from Mor Khazgur. Pay her or convince her to join you. She is a warrior and is proficient with heavy armor, bows, and one-handed weapons. + +
Kosnakh Breton warrior from Markarth. He is eager to challenge you to a duel, show your strength and recruit him to your side. Or you can get him drunk. He is a warrior trained in heavy armor, one-handed weapons, and blocking. + +
Dercitus An Argonian scout captured by the Falmer in the Black Pass. Help him escape and return to Black Ford. He will be waiting for you there and will gladly join you in your travels. He is trained to wear light armor and use one-handed weapons. + +
Eola Nord sorceress from the Markarth Hall of the Dead. After completing the Taste of Death quest and receiving Namira's ring, she will follow you. Can handle one-handed weapons, light armor, masters witchcraft. - +
Fendal Bosmer scout from Riverwood. Fendal is one of the participants in the love triangle, along with Sven and Camilla Valerius. Complete the quest for Fendal and he will become your companion. Fendal is an archer and can train the shooting skill. Fendal will refuse to commit a crime and will attack you if he catches you committing a crime. In addition, Fendal will attack the player for any sign of aggression on his part, even if it is directed at bandits or other evil characters. - +
Gorbash Iron Hand Orc scout from Dushnik-Yal. Talk to him, carry out his instructions and he will join you. Gorbash is good at shooting and handling light armor. + +
Karjo Khajiit warrior, you can find him in the Khajiit caravan traveling between cities. After completing his quest and returning the lunar amulet to him, he will happily join you. He is skilled with one-handed weapons, wears heavy armor, and is good at shooting, blocking, and stealth. - +
Mjoll Lioness Nord warrior from Riften. Talk to her, she will ask you to return her sword from the Dwemer ruins. Do this and she will join you. She wields a two-handed weapon, a bow, and is proficient in blocking and heavy armor. In addition, she is excellent with one-handed weapons, although her skill with two-handed weapons is still more developed. + +
Ogol Orc warrior from Lagrashbur. He will join upon completion of Malacath's quest "Cursed Tribe". - -
Roggy Beard Knot Nord warrior located in Kin Grove. After returning his ancestor's shield, he will join you. + +
Sven Nord-bard from Riverwood. Sven is an excellent blacksmith, alchemist, enchanter and archer. Sven and Fendal are participants in a love triangle. Complete the quest for Sven and he will become your companion. - +
Uthgerd the Unbroken Nord warrior, you can find her in the Prancing Mare tavern in Whiterun. She is skilled in blocking and shooting, and is proficient with one-handed weapons and heavy armor. To hire her, accept her challenge. If you can defeat her, she will join you. Uthgerd owns a house in Whiterun. If you take her, you can find the house key in her inventory. + +


In addition to the regular characters, the player can bring a dog with him.

Quest companions

Some characters will follow you during the quest. You will not have access to the inventory of quest companions.

Name Related quest Note Immortality
Hadvar Liberation +
Ralof Liberation Will join if you choose his side during the initial events in Helgen. +
Esbern Cornered Rat, Alduin's Wall +
Delphine Alduin's Wall +
Barbas best friend Daedra Barbas is the only temporary canine companion in the game, he constantly barks, complains and pushes if you don't complete his quest, however, he is invisible and will follow you anywhere. +
Avulstein Gray Mane Missing Having lost all his health in battle, he kneels down like normal companions. +
Thorald Graymane Missing If he dies, the quest will fail. Additionally, Avulstein, Geirlund and Windrald will stop following you. -
Geirlund Missing -
Vidrald Missing You will meet him when meeting Avulstein Graymane at the Northern Watchtower (if you agree to his help). -
Sinding Call of the moon Follows you during the quest if you spare him. While in werewolf form, he rushes at hunters like a werewolf player, but his attacks are non-lethal. -
Tonnier Eternal rest +


Hi all. Mchammer is with you. I decided to start completing side quests for vampires. But it would be better not to start, because, having turned into a vampire, my beautiful imperial lady began to look like an old woman. Assignments, just like those of the Dawnguard, are given by members of the vampire hierarchy. Only all tasks will take place in random locations, and sometimes be repeated.

Protection of pedigree.

This task gives Fyura a bloody mouth. She will ask you to clear the cave with a vampire who is recruiting an army. The location will be random, but most often it will be caves. There will be vampires, bandits, and vampire thralls in the location, and they will do their best to prevent you from killing their leader. Come to the cave, clear it and return to Fiore for your reward. As a reward for completing the task, you will receive 3 blood elixirs, which restore 100 health units.

Ancient power.

This task is given by Feran Sadri. Feran will ask you to bring the brushes of an ancient vampire. The location will be random, I came across a cave. There were magicians, sorcerers, bandits in the cave, even high vampires were caught, such things, yes. After killing them, I climbed into the chest and pulled out the brushes of an ancient vampire needed to strengthen the hematite bowl. Also, in the cave I came across Selvani Netri, shrouded in a web. I cut the web, she thanked me and went home, but I thought that she would join our family. Take the brushes of the ancient vampire to Feran Sadri and receive a reward. Now you can drink from a hematite bowl and receive a passive bonus for this: “Blood of the Ancestors.” When using spells from a vampire lord, you remove 100% of the enemy's magic for 3 days.

New allies.

This quest is given by Vingalmo. He will tell you that the family needs a new addition and will ask us to convert the person who is suitable. This person can be anywhere locality. I needed to convert Kairia from Markarth. We find her, cast the “Vampire Seduction” spell and feed, so we infect her blood and after a while she will turn into a vampire.

Taming the beast.

This quest is given by Garan Mareti. He will ask you to kill the vampire and his gang. We go to Heimar's cave. Vampires, Volkihar vampires and their servants are waiting for us in the cave. We kill the servants and the main vampire, and you can also clear the entire cave. After that, we go to Garan for the reward. As a reward we receive change hoop.

Blood magic rings and night power amulets.

This task is given by Feran Sadri. He will ask you to find blood magic rings. One ring is in the rogue's lair, the other in the cave "Lunar Forest". Vampires sit in the rogue’s cave, and vampires and their master sit in the “Lunar Forest” cave. Also, you may be attacked by the Dawnguard. After collecting the rings, return to Feran Sadri. Ring of the Beast (100 health, 200 claw damage in Vampire Lord form); erudite ring (100 units of magic and increased recovery speed). As a reward for completing the task, you will be able to keep the rings.

Deception of the crowd.

This task is given by Feran Sadri. We need to set up the Dawnguard, and Feran knows how to do it. He will give us a set of dawnguard armor and ask us to kill a person in a crowded place or city. He will also ask you to kill a person who occupies a high position in society. Merchant, bard, and then plant a note in the pocket of a cold corpse that compromises the guards of the dawn. We come to any city, dress up as a Dawnguard and kill the merchant. After this, we turn into a vampire lord, scatter the onlookers and leave the city to Feran Sadri for a reward.
This task gives Fyura a bloody mouth. She will ask you to kill the agent of the Dawn Guardians, who pretended to be an ordinary citizen of Skyrim, but this must be done silently. The Dawnguard agent is usually dressed like a beggar or like a pilgrim, you will notice him immediately. You can kill him silently in the following way. Talk to him, and in the conversation you either convince him that there is a monster nearby, or intimidate him, after which he follows you. Take him into an empty house or into your own house and kill him right in the hallway. After this, return to the castle to Fure.