Crew skills. Introduction (Blitz) World of tanks blitz crew skills leveling up

The most important thing to know is that the skills learned are not tied to a specific vehicle or nation, but to the crew itself, of which there is only one in World of Tanks Blitz (with varying levels of skill in operating a particular vehicle). This means that after learning any skill, he begins constantly act on all your equipment.

In addition, you cannot “reset” and select skills again. Therefore, train first those that suit your playing style.

Workout Features

Firstly, you can only learn skills on vehicles that your crew has already achieved 100% control proficiency in.

Secondly, according to the method of “upgrading”, all skills are divided into 4 groups: light, medium, heavy tanks and tank destroyers - depending on the class of equipment on which the selected skill is trained. Thus, up to four skills are trained simultaneously - one for each class.

For example, to improve the “Shooting at Random” skill, you need to play on a light tank.

However, this does not mean that there are no other ways to learn Shoot at Random. Let's assume that you are not good with light tanks and prefer to play only heavy tanks. At the same time, you have learned all the skills heavy tanks to the maximum and went into battle. In this case, the crew experience earned will be evenly distributed to train skills in categories of other vehicle classes.

Thirdly, all skills begin to operate only after they have been fully studied (100%).

Please note: while training a skill, experience accumulates, and you can transfer all experience from it to another skill of the same category for free. When the training scale is filled to 100%, experience is spent, and the skill is considered learned and begins to work.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Each skill has 5 levels of development. With each level, the effect of the skill and the amount of experience required to further improve it increases:

There are no restrictions on skill training - with due diligence, you can “pump up” all available skills, up to level V each.

Cutting corners

There are several ways you can speed up your skill training.

  • Experience modifiers x2, x3 or x5. With them you get several times more experience per battle, which means the crew will have more experience.
  • The Level V “Mentor” skill increases the crew experience gained by 5%.
  • A premium account increases not only profitability by 50%, but also the experience gained as a result of the battle. This means that the crew’s experience increases.
  • Free experience. When transferring free experience it is multiplied by 2 into the crew experience. That is, you can fully research a level 1 skill for only 8500 units of free experience. This procedure is free and does not require additional spending of gold or credits.

Experience- a game resource earned in battles. Divided into:

  • Experience on specific tank- used to study new modules for a given tank and new types of equipment (according to the “Research” tab).
  • The experience of a certain crew member is used to improve mastery of equipment (main specialty) and additional skills.
  • Free experience - can be used to study any modules and types of equipment.
Experience is earned
  • For causing damage to enemy tanks (the difference in tank levels is taken into account).
  • For causing critical damage to enemy tanks (the difference in tank levels is taken into account).
  • For detecting enemy tanks.
  • Firefly for causing damage to targets illuminated by him using friendly vehicles.
  • Bonus experience for destroying an enemy tank (only the one who destroyed this tank takes into account the difference in tank levels).
  • Bonus experience for the successful capture of an enemy base (only for invaders, in proportion to the time spent at the base, only complete capture is taken into account).
  • Bonus experience for knocking down the counter at your base (in proportion to the “knocked down” percentage).
  • Bonus experience for "Staying Alive".
  • For "active fighting" They mean shooting within a certain radius from the enemy and shooting by the enemy within a certain radius from the player. Overall it doesn't work out much, but it does have an impact.
  • The more hits your team removes from the enemy, the more experience everyone will receive. Only the hit points of killed tanks are counted. The coefficient is actually small.
Experience Modifiers
  • Bonus experience for a team victory (+50% experience for each tank).
  • For each tank, the experience gained twice a day for the first victory is doubled. Tanks in the hangar that have not yet received double experience are marked with an X2 icon in the upper right corner. During special promotions, this parameter can be increased to X3 and X5.
  • +50% experience for players with a premium account.
Free experience
  • 5% of the experience gained per battle goes towards free experience.
  • Experience from “elite” vehicles can be converted into free experience for in-game gold.
Crew experience
  • The crew receives the same amount of experience as the tank.
  • The dependence of the level of proficiency on the experience gained is logarithmic: if learning from 0% to 1% requires 1x experience, then from 50% - 10x, and from 99% to 100% - 100x.
Experience is not earned
  • For ricochets and non-penetrations.
  • For receiving damage.
  • For receiving “heroic” titles based on the results of the battle.
  • There is no bonus experience for a draw. For defeat, of course, too.
  • There is no special bonus experience for the entire team “For killing all enemy tanks”.

Every World player of Tanks and World of Tanks Blitz dreams of upgrading a tank to level 10 as soon as possible. For novice tankers, this is a priority. A considerable number of battles separate them from the treasured combat vehicle. How to pump out the “top” the fastest and what we need to consider next for this.

First steps

First, you should decide which Tier X tank your efforts will be directed towards. Additionally, you need to select a few more branches. You shouldn’t wait for the tank to leave the battle; it’s better to play another battle on a different vehicle.

A heavy tank is best suited as the first “top”. The gameplay on them requires less skill and skill, and the dynamics of the battle are low. Medium tanks and tank destroyers require more skill from a beginner.

A great idea is to level up several tanks from one development branch. This is due to the unification of modules. Having pumped one unit on one of the machines, it will be open on the others. Thus, time spent on studying modules is saved.

Study the tank development tree. The path to the “ten” may have transitions and branches. Try to think of the shortest route

Remember: Each new car has its own characteristics. It’s worth taking a good look at the data on your newly acquired tank. If you know all the advantages and disadvantages, it will be easier to advance to the next level tank. The more prepared you go into battle, the more experience you will receive and the faster you will level up. Learn from other people's mistakes, not your own.

To move up to level X you will need experience and credits. The amount of resources developed is determined by the effectiveness in battle. Therefore, it is worth approaching each battle responsibly.

You can enhance the process of gaining experience and silver by using a platoon. Playing with a more experienced player will help you win more often. And you can gain experience from your platoon commander.

Leveling up in World of Tanks Blitz can be accelerated by 50% by purchasing a premium account. Not everyone can afford “prem,” but whatever you do to get level 10.

Faster or better?

Now the tanker has 2 options for developing the situation: exploring the next level, bypassing some modules, or completely pumping it up. The first is possible when researching the unit does not bring a noticeable increase in performance and the next tank cannot be pumped through it. This option is questionable, since the better a given tank, the more useful it will be in battle, and therefore the more experience.

Example: You can save 100,000 experience on researching a top gun, but you will have to suffer with a weak gun in high-level battles.

Free experience and x2

Accumulate free experience and don’t waste it. It can also be transferred from premium and luxury cars. Having accumulated a sufficient amount, you can immediately upgrade a top gun or even jump through a level without wasting time on upgrading your tank.

Tip: Use promotions and combat missions. Equipment can be purchased at discounts, and additional experience can be obtained for completing tasks.

Every day, get double experience for your first win of the day. Don't miss the opportunity to remove x3 or x5 if available. In one battle, in addition to 5000 experience, you can also get 250 “freedoms”.

Keep track of experience and silver. When the next tank has been researched, but there are not enough credits for the purchase, it’s worth “farming”. For these purposes in World of Tanks Blitz, premium vehicles or upgradeable tanks of tiers IV-VI in combination with a premium account are suitable.

If you set a goal to level up the “top ten” in tanks on Android, then by putting all the tricks together you can achieve success in a fairly short time. AND long haul and a lot of fights don't seem so insurmountable.


The acquired skill is for life

The most important thing to know is that the skills learned are not tied to a specific vehicle or nation, but to the crew itself, of which there is only one in World of Tanks Blitz (with varying levels of skill in operating a particular vehicle). This means that after learning any skill, it begins to permanently affect your entire technique.

In addition, you can reset and select crew skills again only using game gold. Therefore, use your experience wisely and train first those skills that suit your playing style.

Workout Features

Firstly, you can only learn skills on vehicles that your crew has already achieved 100% control proficiency in.

Secondly, according to the method of “upgrading”, all skills are divided into 4 groups: light, medium, heavy tanks and tank destroyers - depending on the class of equipment on which the selected skill is trained. Thus, up to four skills are trained simultaneously - one for each class.

For example, to improve the “Shooting at Random” skill, you need to play on a light tank.

However, this does not mean that there are no other ways to learn Shoot at Random. Let's say that you are not good with light tanks and prefer to play only heavy tanks. At the same time, you learned all the skills of heavy tanks to the maximum and went into battle. In this case, the crew experience earned will be evenly distributed to train skills in the categories of other vehicle classes.

Thirdly, all skills begin to operate only after they have been fully studied (100%).

Please note: while training a skill, experience accumulates, and you can transfer all experience from it to another skill of the same category for free. When the training scale is filled to 100%, experience is spent, and the skill is considered learned and begins to work.

Repetition is the mother of learning

Each skill has 6 levels of development. With each level, the effect of the skill and the amount of experience required to further improve it increases:

  • Level I - 25,000 ☆
  • Level II - 50,000 ☆
  • Level III - 100 000 ☆
  • Level IV - 200,000 ☆
  • Level V - 624,000 ☆
  • Level VI - 1,000,000 ☆
There are no restrictions on skill training - with due diligence, you can “pump up” all available skills, up to level VI each.

Cutting corners

There are several ways you can speed up your skill training.

  1. Experience modifiers x2, x3 or x5. With them you get several times more experience per battle, which means the crew will have more experience.
  2. Skill "Mentor" Level VI increases the crew experience gained by 6%.
  3. Premium account increases by 50% not only profitability, but also the experience gained as a result of the battle. This means that the crew’s experience increases.
  4. Free experience. When converting free experience into crew experience, it is multiplied by 2. That is, you can fully research a level 1 skill for only 8,500 units of free experience. This procedure is free and does not require additional spending of gold or credits.

My basic tips for leveling up your skills

First of all, I would like to note that the order of leveling up skills depends directly on your playing style, on the type of equipment you like, and (no matter how strange it may sound) on the nation.

Also from general council I want to remind you that you shouldn’t rush headlong to pump up one skill to level VI, especially for a beginner for the first 2500-5000 years, because You will be pumping it up for a long time on sand tanks and that’s not all the disadvantages... I advise you to pump up ALL skills in each branch at least up to level III-IV in order of skill value for you. They will pump up quickly enough to level IV. Why is it worth doing this? Yes, because it is better to have at least a small, but still “probability” of all skills triggering, or a small effect from skills that can to some extent help you in battle. Rather than constantly upgrade one skill to level VI, despite the fact that others will not work, because... not pumped in even to level I. And as soon as all the skills are upgraded to level IV, then proceed to the second stage and upgrade the skills that are most useful to you to the maximum (up to level VI).

Tip for accelerating skill learning:

Everything is as simple as possible - the “sandwich” principle of experience modifiers:

  • Collect as many uv boosters as possible outside of promotions and holidays. crew experience.
  • Save certificates for a premium account if you will not be able to donate to a premium account in the future. days.
  • Fill the hangar with more equipment of all types, preferably high-level (from lvl 8), in order to remove uv in the future. experience from each tank (I myself have 57 tanks in the hangar, so there are no problems at all with removing stars for uv. experience).
  • Activate certificates or buy a premium account during promotions for x3 and best of all for x5 experience (May 9).
Result: As practice has shown during the New Year promotions with x5 experience, I knocked down stars from each tank with accumulated POWERFUL PURPLE boosters*, with a premium, with the “Mentor” skill, and in total, a good battle took 18,000 experience into the crew’s skill, and even more during tascher battles . That is, remove a star in a similar way from 10 tanks 8-9-10 lvl = 180,000 experience in the skill (approximate figures). Pretty good, right?

*with less powerful boosters there will, of course, be less experience, but nevertheless there will also be a good increase.

p.s. Regarding the tips that you will see next... the skills in the "My tips" section for each type of equipment are collected in the order in which I pumped them out.

Light tank crew skills


Well, that's all, we have smoothly come to the end of the guide, after studying which you may find something new and interesting for yourself. I hope it helped you expand your knowledge of the skills World crew of Tanks Blitz, which, at first glance, do not help much in battle, but when pumped to the maximum, they sometimes help out in difficult situations or make it easier general game in such a wild and unpredictable randomness. The advice presented in this guide is not an axiom for leveling up skills; in any case, the decision “which skills to level up first” is up to you, depending on your mindset, your tactics in battle, preferences in technology, experience and skill.

Separately, I would like to say a few words about the “possible” emergence of new skills. As many of you, who have upgraded all the skills of a branch of one of the vehicle types, may have noticed that the subsequent experience that accumulates in this branch is displayed as a digital value (see my screenshot of the skill menu above, the skill branch of medium tanks). All this seems to hint that the experience will not be in vain, and when new skills are introduced into the game, this experience will be distributed to the “new” skills you specified. This cannot but rejoice, because if you think a little, you can add even more interesting and useful skills to the game... I think, sooner or later, “OH GREAT” developers will think of pleasing the players with something other than stupid promotions, events and constant hints for donation

Well... now it's time to go to battle, armchair tankers! Panzer Vor!

Crew skills allow you to receive additional combat bonuses, which add variety to the gameplay and help you customize the vehicle to suit your play style.

Crew Skill Features:

  1. All crew skills are divided into four categories:
  • light tank skills;
  • medium tank skills;
  • heavy tank skills;
  • tank destroyer skills.
  1. The skills of each category are trained on the corresponding type of equipment (for example, the skills of light tanks are trained on light tanks, etc.).
  2. You can train skills only on vehicles where the crew’s skill level has reached 100%.
  3. You can only train one skill in each category at a time.
  4. Skill training can be accelerated with the help of combat experience with elite vehicles (an elite vehicle is considered to be the one in the development window of which all modules and the next vehicle in the development tree have been researched).
  5. The skill begins to work only after it is developed to 100%.
  6. All skills have seven levels of development. With each increase in skill level, its effectiveness gradually increases.
  7. All acquired skills are valid on all types of equipment of any nation. That is, if you acquired the light tank skill, it will work on all vehicles.

The choice of skills to level up first is up to you and your playstyle.

The “Crew” button becomes available for vehicles of all tiers as soon as vehicles of tier VI or higher appear on your account.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

How to train skills?

Skills are trained like this:

  1. For each battle you receive a certain amount of crew experience.
  2. This experience is spent on increasing your mastery of the equipment you fought with.
  3. When mastery of a vehicle reaches 100%, all the crew experience earned on it goes towards training the selected skill of the corresponding category. That is, if you fought a battle on a light tank with 100% skill, all the crew experience earned will be used to train the selected light tank skill.
  4. When a skill is trained to 100%, it activates and starts working.

What do skills give a tank?

Each skill gives a specific effect, which is indicated in its description. Some effects are enhanced by using special equipment on the tank. For example, the Repair skill is enhanced when combined with a Tool Box. This way, you can equip your tank to get the maximum benefit from using each skill.

How to speed up skill training?

There are several ways to speed up skill training:

  • Purchasing a premium account allows you to earn 50% more crew experience in battle. Thanks to this, mastery of technique and skills will develop faster.
  • Acquiring the “Mentor” skill increases the crew experience earned by 1% for each skill level (by maximum level- by 6%). Thanks to this, mastery of technique and skills will develop faster.
  • Training can be accelerated by transferring combat experience from elite vehicles to the experience of the crew of the selected skill.

Is it possible to reset skills that have already been learned?

No, you cannot reset already learned crew skills.

What happens if you fully upgrade one category of skills?

If you level up all the skills in one category and continue to play the corresponding type of vehicle with 100% mastery, the earned crew experience will continue to accumulate for the current skill tree.

For example, if you have acquired all the light tank skills and continue to play as a tank, the experience you earn will accumulate into unallocated crew experience. In the future, it can be spent on learning new skills in this branch when they appear in the game.

How many skills can you level up in the game?

You can upgrade all available skills. There are currently 20 of them in the game, each with seven levels of development (20 * 7 = 140 levels of development). Each level gives the same increase in skill effectiveness (for example, 1st level - 1%, 2nd level - 2%, or 1st level - 5%, 2nd level - 10%, etc.).

How to speed up skill training for combat experience from elite vehicles?

To speed up skill training, go to the skills window, select the desired skill and click on the “Speed ​​up training” button. Please note: you can only speed up training for the skill being trained. If the current skill being trained does not suit you and you want to speed up the training of another skill in the category, change the skill being trained to the desired one and click on the “Speed ​​up training” button.

In the acceleration window, select one of three acceleration options: free (100% acceleration), for credits (200% acceleration), and for gold (1000% acceleration). Then click on the “Train” button.

Example: you transfer 1000 units. combat experience from elite equipment to crew experience. With free acceleration 1000 units. elite experience will be converted to 1000 units. crew experience, when accelerating for credits - 2000 units. crew experience, and when accelerating for gold - 10,000 units. crew experience.

Free acceleration is only available up to skill level 5. You can speed up the training of skills of level 5 and above only for credits and gold.

Is it possible to rename the crew? Should I transfer it to another tank?

The crew cannot be renamed, nor can it be transferred to another vehicle.

How to change the leveled skill?

In the crew skills window, select the desired skill and click on the “Train” button. All experience that was in the previous skill being upgraded will transfer to the new skill.

You cannot lower your skill level. If, when changing a skill, the previous one had accumulated, for example, 30% of experience for the next level, and the new skill is of a lower level, then these 30% may be enough to increase the level of the new skill.

Does a premium account double the speed of crew skill training?

Yes, because you get more experience for the battle, which also goes towards the crew. The same applies to bonuses for the first battle and the effect of promotions on crew experience.
