Quest "Home sweet home" (DLC Nuka-World). Settlements Nuka World Fallout 4 build outposts

In "Yader-World", near "Yader-Mobilchikov", after completing the "Big Tour" quest, we should talk with Shank.

Shank - assigned to the Survivor as an advisor. He was supposed to help Colter in the implementation of his grandiose plan to enslave the Commonwealth. And despite the fact that Colter changed his mind, Shank still continued to collect information - in case that day did come. He considers himself a valuable organizer and hopes to get a piece of the pie that everyone here dreams of - the Commonwealth. Our adviser explains in detail what needs to be done to gain a foothold on the other side of the mountains. How to seize the land, how to keep the fighters in line. He can also tell you which places can be attacked and which cannot. To gain a foothold in the Commonwealth, you need three things: territory, supplies and loyalty. First of all, the territory. We need to capture the settlement - an outpost for our gang. And there are two ways to get the territory - to convince the inhabitants to leave or to kill them all. To begin with, we decide which gang to send Shank to help us when we capture the territory. When choosing a place for a new outpost, the most important thing is how many settlements are around. After all, someone has to feed our people. If under some circumstances it is impossible to attack the settlement, then on Pip-Boy you can see what exactly is stopping us. We select a point for the first base of "Yader-Mir". To get them off the territory, you can offer them covers or intimidate them. In any case, the more scared they are, the easier it is to work with them - or the cheaper it is to bribe them. Before you go to the Commonwealth, you need to look into the lairs of the gangs, they have "toys" with which you can drive away or destroy the settlers. From Lizzy Wyeth of Operators, we get an interesting thing that helps to manipulate the target. Homemade potion, analogue of human fear pheromones. If you throw one of these grenades at a person's feet, he will immediately become more receptive to our arguments. This invention will not affect people in big cities- such as Bunker Hill or Diamond City, as well as caravaners. But in small Commonwealth settlements, such things should give a huge advantage. From Lizzy we get a blueprint and a Manipulator grenade.

Dixie from the gang of Adepts will please us with the perfect means by which to force the settlers to tear each other apart. They don't work on first-generation robots or synths, but otherwise these grenades are quite effective, throwing a couple at someone's feet and enjoying the show! We get a drawing and a grenade "Rage".

The leader of the pack - Mason, to help evict the self-proclaimed tenants, gives a drawing and a Predator grenade, the beast just goes crazy with it. If you throw such a grenade on the ground, all sorts of creatures will immediately run up and tear to shreds everything that they meet on the way. But at the same time, the Survivor needs to stay away from them.

It's time we get a foothold in the Commonwealth. The first step is to capture an outpost for one of the Yader-Mir gangs.


1. A peaceful scenario for the development of the plot - to convince the inhabitants to leave the territory.

We set up Pip-Boy and go to the selected settlement to convince the local settlers to leave them from their land or to bribe them. For a peaceful solution, you should use the Manipulator grenade, throwing it under the feet of the main settler - he is marked with a marker. We select the desired dialogue option and convince the settlers to leave the territory.

Further, using the workshop of the settlement, we build a signal flag for our gang. To do this, enter the workshop menu by pressing and holding the [V] key, and using the arrows, select the Raider slot -\u003e Flags.

Now the raiders from our gang will occupy this settlement.

Raiders will not tolerate betrayal. If you destroy the raiders at this or any other outpost, all the Yader-Mir raiders will become our enemies!

After talking with the squad, we go to Shank. He promises to make sure that our share of the caps from the outpost is waiting for us in the Boss chest, in the house on Mount Fizztop. We figured out the first phase of the plan, now the second - supplies. We need to make sure that the settlements in the neighborhood begin to send supplies to the guys. The more the settlement produces, the more tribute we can knock out for them. We name Shank one of the gangs that will look after the settlement when we force the inhabitants to submit and choose a target. The only condition is that it must be near the new outpost of our gang. No settlement will pay tribute if there is no one nearby to threaten them with a thrashing for disobedience. The Pip-Boy map shows which settlements are within range of the outpost.


The intimidation was successful, now we are going to convince the inhabitants of the settlement we need, which will supply us with covers, food and supplies, and in return we undertake not to touch them.

After talking with the settlers and selecting the desired branch of dialogue, we again go to our adviser, who brings us alarming news - the outpost has attracted the attention of our newly minted neighbors in the Commonwealth. Some gang thought we were targeting their territory. Looks like they're going to destroy this settlement... and our people along with it. We can make an example of them so that others do not meddle. The scout said that their Leader's name is Sinner. We leave for our outpost to explain to these idiots who is in charge here. A whole detachment of raiders comes to the "shooter", several of them in power armor. If the charisma skill is high, then the Sinner and his gang can be persuaded to leave our land, if not, then we enter the battle.

Having dealt with the uninvited guests, we again go to Shank and proceed to the next point. Fighter loyalty. So that the guys do not rebel, it is necessary to provide them with comfortable conditions. If you build a kiosk with drugs or put someone to the distiller, it will cheer everyone up. And if the outpost has a Yader-Mira radio transmitter, you can attach an amplifier to it. To find out if they have enough food, you need to look into Pip-Boy, there is a page where the needs of the outpost are indicated, including food. If there is not enough food, then it's time to arrange delivery from the new settlement, and you can always throw food directly into their workshop. It is also necessary to take care that they have good defenses, enough beds and clean water. It all depends on the state in which the outpost was captured, and build the missing one. And finally… no need to force them to dig in the ground. Raiders really don't like being forced to gather supplies themselves. Now Shank can be invited to move to our outpost, and the Survivor will not have to visit Yader-Mir every time before the next raid. Before expanding our influence in the Commonwealth, it is necessary to win the allegiance of the first outpost. To do this, according to the assignment, it is necessary to provide them with everything necessary for 100%.


Having completed the task and built the perfect base for a bunch of bloodthirsty sociopaths, we move on to the next piece of the puzzle. To strengthen our influence, it is necessary to replenish our ranks. Shank says that we need to conquer two more outposts in the Commonwealth, creating them, we will become a real force. According to the assignment, we need to create two more outposts, we do everything by analogy with the first, distributing gangs at our discretion.

After that, the Survivor receives new level abilities "Lord of the Wasteland"! This means that we can assign merchant raiders to outposts.

To access the Tribute Chest (Building), you need to build a total of eight outposts.

2. A bloody version of the plot - to kill the inhabitants.

Having chosen the target proposed by Shank to choose from, we go to the outskirts of the settlement to meet with the assault squad, in order to rearm them at our discretion, you can take additional trunks with you.

In this option, the Rage or Predator grenades will come in handy, the minutemen stand up to protect the settlers.

As soon as the Survivor wins at least one outpost for himself, Preston Garvey will not forgive this and leave the companions, but as a faithful minuteman, he will continue to follow our orders ..

Quest "Home Sweet Home" - is the main quest in the passage of the DLC Nuka-World, the latest addition to the game Fallout 4. IN this quest your character begins the takeover of the Commonwealth, organizing outposts on its territory and ensuring their protection and supply.

For convenience, use summary :

Passage of the quest "Home sweet home"

In this quest main character along with Gage, begins preparations to take over the entire Commonwealth. This is very ambitious plans and in order to fulfill them, you need to be very painstaking and careful. Therefore, before starting active fighting, it is necessary to arrange the supply of the future army and organize protected outposts on the territory of the enemy, and the enemy in this case is the Commonwealth. To start completing all these tasks, you need to talk with a character named Shank.

Task #1: Talk to Shank

Shank will turn out to be a very interesting character, he is not a member of one of the gangs, but is the personal adviser to the boss of the raiders. Shank was specifically invited to collect intelligence about the Commonwealth, find places that can be easily captured, know where to hit, who to put pressure on, who to scare. Shank is correct in saying that Nucleus World zones are good, but Commonwealth territories are even better. In order to start capturing the Commonwealth, you first need to create an outpost for the gangs, a place from which they can conduct their raids, and one of the settlements that can be captured in several ways is ideal for these purposes.

Task #2: Create an outpost for one of the gangs

According to Shank, you can simply capture the settlement by killing all the settlers, or you can convince them to abandon the settlement, the way to resolve this issue lies entirely with you, as the leader of the gang. After capturing the outpost, it will also need to be given to one of the gangs, diplomatic games continue.

The settlement that will become your outpost must be selected in Pip-Boy, you cannot choose any settlement, it must meet some infrastructure requirements, for example, there must be a number of farms so that you can feed the people at the outpost.

Optional: Drive the settlers out of the selected settlement

After choosing a settlement, will begin side quest to clear it, you will need to go to the settlement and either intimidate the settlers, or pay them to leave. Shank also advises turning to the operators for help, they can supply the main character with some "toys" that will help influence the settlers.

After moving to the settlement, you need to convince the settlers to leave, so for example you can pay them 1000 caps and they will leave, after that you need to build a signal flag in the workshop to indicate which gang will occupy the outpost. After that additional quest on cleaning up the settlement will be completed.

After doing additional task, Preston Garvey will hate the protagonist.

Task #3: Meet with the squad

After installing a tower with a flag, members of the gang to which you gave this settlement will come to the created outpost, you need to meet them.

Task #4: Talk to Shank

After meeting the squad, your character needs to go back to Yader Mir to talk with his assistant, this is necessary for clarification future plans. And then you need to force the nearby settlements to start supplying your outpost with supplies, again, you can either persuade them by force, or pay them.

Task #5: Force settlements, supply your gang with supplies

Shank correctly notes that the element of intimidating the settlements is very important, so he will give the fighters of one of the gangs to help and all that remains is to choose which settlement needs to be brought into submission, that is, who to scare so that they begin to supply the outpost with supplies.

Optional: Subdue the selected settlement

And again, an additional quest will begin, according to the subordination of the selected settlement and, just like with the capture of an outpost, you can either shoot or pay. After this task is completed, you need to return to Shank again and ask him what to do next.

Mission #6: Talk to Shank

Everything seems to be going according to plan, but Shank reports disturbing news, one of the Commonwealth raider gangs decided that the "newbies" want to seize their territory and therefore plan to attack your outpost. It is necessary to answer them harshly so that their fate becomes an example for everyone.

Task #7: Meet your squad at the outpost

Once in the outpost, you need to ask any of the gang about the current situation, the main character will be informed that there is a large detachment of raiders nearby who are clearly going to attack your outpost, you need to deal with them.

Task #8: Clean up the settlement

To begin with, just talk to the leader of the raiders, he will threaten with violence, but your character can simply convince the leader that he and his gang would leave, or simply feed them "lead".

Target. Talk to Shank.

Go to Shank, who is standing near the Yader Town market. Talk to him about everything and agree to settle in the Commonwealth.

Target. Capture an outpost for the gang.

Decide what to do: try to ask the settlers to leave the territory of the outpost, or destroy them along with the raiders. The first option is chosen.

ATTENTION! When Shank asks which gang you will give the territory to, remember who has how much at their disposal. In total, five different locations were captured. Two went to two gangs, one to the third. Or did you give everything to one? Then the war will definitely break out! If you acted reasonably, as described by the suggestions earlier, then give the outpost to the gang that has one zone at its disposal.

Next, you will need to select an outpost located near the settlements. Shank recommends the following outposts - Sweatshop, Croup Mansion, boat house Tuffington and Greentop Nursery. The solution is the Greentop greenhouse.

If the selected settlement belonged to you, then you will lose control over it, after which you will have to capture it again. So it was in my case with the Greentop greenhouse.

Shank, adviser to the boss.


Target. Greentop Greentop: Convince the villagers to leave the settlement.

Move to the settlement, talk to the main, marked marker. Use Charisma a few times if you don't want to use caps. On the other hand, you can tell the villagers to leave immediately, and then offer about 1000 caps.

Target. Build a signal flag for your gang in the workshop in the Greentop Greenhouse settlement (or the place you have chosen).

Use the workshop, go to the very last section (new) - "Raiders". Select the first item - flags. Depending on which gang you are giving territory to, set a signal flag.

Target. Meet with the squad.

Just chat with the marked member of the selected gang, who, in a group with his friends, will arrive in the newly captured settlement.

Target. Talk to Shank.

Talk about everything with Shank, who will tell you that now you need to provide the outpost of the rangers with supplies.

Target. Force settlements to supply your gang with supplies.

There are two ways - either decide peacefully, or get into a fight, like last time. The first option is chosen. So, now all gangs have the same number of zones - someone has two zones in the "Yader-World", and someone has one zone in the "Yader-World" and an outpost on the territory of the Commonwealth. Therefore, you can choose any gang that will look after the settlement, giving supplies to the outpost captured minutes earlier. Make a choice (in our case, Adepts).

Choose a settlement from the available ones.


Target (optional). Turn on the radio transmitter in the Greentop Greentop settlement.

First, return to the captured settlement, the outpost of the raiders. Enter the workbench menu, go to the "Raider - Resources" section and select the "Yader-Mira" transmitter. After creating it, install it anywhere in the location. Job completed even without power.

Target. Country Crossing: Convince the villagers to supply your gang with supplies.

Just chat with the settler and try to negotiate using caps or charisma.


Target. Talk to Shank.

Return to Yader Town again and talk to Shank. It turns out that enemy raiders are about to attack your outpost in the Commonwealth. You decide whether to communicate with them or kill them. Since these are bad people, you can even go into battle without hesitation.

Target. Greentop Greentop (or outpost captured by you): meet with a detachment of raiders.

Return to the outpost you captured, where one of the three gangs is located. Talk to the gang members to upgrade the target.

Target. Greentop Greentop: Protect the settlement.

You can use charisma to drive the raiders away, or silently attack them.

Target. Talk to Shank.

Report to Shank that you have completed the task. Shank will complete the introduction and walk you through the contents of the outpost.

Send Shank to the outpost, or offer to carry out additional operations (to capture other points).

Target (optional). Talk to Shank about new operations.

Target. Provide the outpost with everything you need (N%).

If you have this task, then something is missing in the outpost. There should be no problems with food, so the marker will probably point to the workshop. Make sure you have enough energy, beds and protection. Be sure to add an amplifier to the transmitter that increases the signal from the Yader-Mir radio wave and, for example, a kiosk with drugs. In general, something that improves the mood in the settlement. You need to achieve 100% results.

Target. Create raider outposts (1/3).

In total, three captured and well-functioning outposts are needed. One is already there. Just chat with Shank, choose operations, create an outpost. Click on the outpost you would like to capture. Shank will say if it's possible or not. If not, then choose another place.

When you capture two outposts, and there will be a total of three (when capturing, you need to either convince the settlers to leave, or kill them, and then hang the flag through the workshop), then the task will end. But a new one will become available - “Demonstration of Force”.

NOTE. If you want to access the tribute chest, you will need to create five more, for a total of eight raider outposts.


Target. Talk to Shank.

This happens if one of the gangs does not like that the others have more territories. Return to the indicated location of the "Yader-Mir" and talk to the gang leaders who are waiting for you.

There are two options:

- Or look for a previous save and make one of the decisions in favor of the gang (give them the territory).
- Or agree with these circumstances and go to the destruction of the gang and its leader.

In any case, one of the gangs after the previous task will not like something. You will have to destroy it! You can simply choose which gang you want to get rid of - give the last two outposts from the previous quest to the gangs you want to keep.

In our walkthrough, a gang of Adepts was destroyed.

After talking with the leaders of the other two gangs, you will have no choice - you need to agree with the harsh punishment of traitors.

Target. Find and kill Nisha (or the leader whose gang you are destroying).

Climb up the path, kill the gang members. Enter inside the Yader-Mira power plant. You need to climb to the very top of the power plant, killing opponents along the way. Next, get on the roof and deal with last enemies and the leader of the gang.

The Yader-Mira power plant, where the enemy gang settled.

Target. Take the key to the control center.

Search the body of the gang leader to collect the key to the control center.

Target. Get to the control center.

Enter the blue building on the roof using the same key.

Target. Activate the main switch.

Interact with the marked remote with the button. So you will return electricity to Yader-Mir.

Target. Talk to Gage.

After talking with Gage, you will complete the walkthrough of the storyline of the addition of the post-apocalyptic RPG Fallout 4: Nula-World to the site


The game has several endings - one bad and three good.

First you must understand that you will not be able to keep all three gangs alive. The start of what kind of ending you earn is taken from Yader-Mir. You yourself choose the gangs that will live in a particular territory.

First ending. bad-good


At the beginning of "Yader-Mir" there is a "Yader-Town" market. Go through it, the door is on the left. Here you can buy useful items. One of the merchants is called Mackenzie. Talk to her and get an offer. She will offer you to kill all the gang leaders. What will come of it? Let's check!

Target. Find and kill Mason.

Target. Find and kill William Black.

Target. Find and kill Maggie Black.

Target. Find and kill Nisha.

In general, you will have to destroy the leaders of the three (the Operators have two leaders), then return to the market, clear everything there and talk to Mackenzie. So you free all the slaves and save Yader-Mir. But all tasks related to the storyline and the capture of the park will fail. It seems that the gangs have been destroyed, but you will not get satisfaction from this.

Second / third / fourth endings

You have already received one of them. To take others, you need to pay less attention to the Operators or the Flock in order to destroy them.

ATTENTION! Depending on which gangs remain, you will receive unique perks - one per gang.

The Operators perk is called "Professional". Increases stealth in the shadows and damage from weapons with a silencer.

The Pack perk is called "Pack Leader" (in the ability section, look for "Pack Alpha Male"). Significantly increases damage resistance, as well as increased damage dealt with melee and melee weapons.

The perk of the Adepts is called "Adept". When you kill enemies with melee weapons, you recover 25% of your action points.


The task is taken in the lair of the Adepts from their leader Nisha. Talk to her to find out about the target.

Target. Rexford Hotel: Put a collar on the target (Scavenger).

Return to the Yader-Mira monorail and ride it to the Commonwealth. Move to a place near Goodneighbor. Approach the indicated point and follow to Goodneighbor.

Go around the building on the left side and go inside the Rexford Hotel. Move to the goal, which is in the back room opposite the entrance. There are three options:

- Press the CTRL key to enter stealth mode, and then approach the Scavenger and press R to put on the collar (the corresponding inscription will appear). In this case, if you succeed, no one will raise the alarm.

- You can approach the Scavenger and during the dialogue use charisma (easy level) to offer to wear a necklace. But in this case, Markowski and his bandits will attack you, as the Scavenger will raise the alarm.

- The third option is to invite the Scavenger to come with you. Intermediate charisma needed! If he agrees, go towards the exit and through the blue door on the right. Get down. Here you can use the second option, inviting the Scavenger to put on the necklace through the dialog box. He will scream, but no one will attack you.

Target. Return to Nisha.

Take the Yader-Express back to the Yader-Mir park, where you report to Nisha about the completion of the task.


Target. Meet with the squad.

This side quest is taken from the same Nisha, the head of the Adepts. A prerequisite is to complete her previous task called "Strict discipline".

Move to the Commonwealth, select the closest checkpoint to the marker - for example, "Atomic Cats Garage".

If you follow this route, you will encounter several Minutemen along the way. The fact is that it is they who will attack the detachment of Adepts in the future. So far, do not touch them, go further to the indicated building. The task should be updated.

Target. Kill all opponents.

Kill all the Minutemen that attack you. Hide inside the building, behind the remains of the car nearby, in order to attack some of the opponents, and hide from others.


Target. Kill the Scavenger at the "Bench" location.

The task is issued by Nisha, the leader of the Adepts. A prerequisite is to successfully complete the previous mission "Guarding the Goods".

Talk to Nisha and learn about the defector who went to the Operators. You need to eliminate the target. Follow the Commonwealth, move to Diamond City. In the city, go down and to the right. Find the entrance to the Bench building. Inside, the Scavenger will be sitting on the couch. There are two options:

- Or you kill him in front of everyone and fight with the rest of the characters, among which there is an important NPC for the original Fallout 4.

- Or you offer the Scavenger to go with you (if you used this option in one of the previous quests, then charisma is not required). Take the Scavenger to the back room and shoot him with an accurate headshot.

Target. Return to Nisha.

Return to the quest giver at the Adept camp and complete the quest.


Target. Meet with the squad.

The task is taken from Nisha, the head of the Adepts, after completing the quest "We need to throw out the garbage" (mandatory!). Talk to the woman in the Adept camp, on the top floor.

Move to the Commonwealth, to the station "Andrew". Move to the north, where the detachment is waiting for you.

Target. Kill the guards near the cache.

Enemies will be everywhere - outside and on the territory of the place where the cache is located. One enemy will probably be at the top. When you kill everyone, then return to Yader-Mir and inform Nisha about the work done.

ATTENTION! After this task, Nisha will continue to issue new ones, but similar to those that were already there - put a collar on another Scavenger, eliminate him, etc.

SIDE QUEST "Once and For All"

This is the first task that can be taken from the leader of the Operators - Maggie Black. Just talk to her in the Salon.

Target. Kill the Super Mutant Leader at Long John's Junkyard.

Go to the specified location in the Commonwealth. There will be a huge number of super mutants, but your goal is marked with a red marker. It is enough to destroy this enemy, and hide from the rest. You can use the rocket launcher to finish off the enemy faster. Return to Maggie and turn in the quest to her.


When you go through the storyline, leave the Commonwealth and return to it again, you will hear a message from a passerby: someone has come for a test.

Target. Talk to Fritch.

Go inside the specified building "Yader-Arcade" and chat with its owner - a raider named Fritsch. There are three options for the development of events (a person appeared who went the same way as you):

1. You are fighting the poor fellow from the Wasteland.

2. You declare that you will not fight. In this case, he will be filled up in the maze.

3. You order Fritsch to release the man. The task will fail.

Target. Enter the Yader-Mobilchikov arena.

If you agree to fight, then this task will appear. Prepare for battle. The fight will take place in a 1 vs 1 format.

Quest "Home Sweet Home" (Home Sweet Home)

When you establish control over all the territories of the "Yader-Mir" and give them into the hands of your people from the three groups of raiders, you will be given a cool task to conquer the territory of the Commonwealth. It turns out that Porter Gage has had this idea in his head for a long time. As written earlier, you will need to discuss all this with the person responsible for communication with the outside worlds. His name is Shank. Next, you will need to go to the territory of the Commonwealth and take control of several territories. There you will need to expel the people from your territory. To do this, it is best to contact the staff scientist of the Operators, Lisey Wyeth. She will give you several ways to convince the settlers.

Next, you need to go on a mission, where you will have to capture the outposts of the Commonwealth, expel the locals from there and populate them with raiders. You can do this in two ways, this is to convince them to escape or simply destroy everyone. Of course, the first method is faster and easier. In order to peacefully resolve the problem, you need to have high level charisma, or a purse full of money. The second case is more complex and dangerous. Here you need a lot of ammo, powerful weapon and serious armor. When you achieve the complete eviction of the people, you will need to put the flag of one of the raider groups. To do this, you will need to make a flagpole in a local workshop.

Further, after talking with Shank, you decide that you will need to supply your raiders in the Commonwealth with provisions and for this you will need to force one of the settlers to do it. Choose one of the neighboring villages. Here it will be possible to solve all problems peacefully or to destroy everyone. In any case, the task will be solved. Also, you can set radio broadcasting to all your outposts. It will be necessary to equip the settlement and install generators in them.

Then you go to Kenk again, for new consultations. Here he will give you advice to deal with a separate group of raiders by removing everyone or simply intimidating them, and then again go to capture the Commonwealth settlements. Once you have collected more than eight Commonwealth outposts, you will be able to create chests to collect tribute.

Over time, one of your raider factions will rebel due to the unfair distribution of territories. On this occasion, Schenk will offer you a tough crackdown on the rebels. If you do not like one of the groups, you have the opportunity to deal with them. Just don't give this grouping land and they will definitely rebel.

Go to the power plant and chat with the leaders of the gangs who do not rebel, and then go up to the upper level and eliminate the leader of the rebellious group. Next, remove the key from it and, using the remote control, restore the power supply to Yader Town. After that, you will have time to search for all the stellar cores in order to increase the performance of the central computer and after that you can access unique power armor. Once you've got it right, head to Porter Gage to complete the "Home Sweet Home" mission and with it the entire Fallout 4 Nuka-World DLC storyline.

Fallout 4 Nuka-World endings

Essentially, this is Fallout expansion 4 Nuka-World has only two endings. First, it’s just that at the end you will have two groups left, after the destruction of one of the ones you don’t like. Destroying a gang is better than the one that annoys you the most. You can do this in two missions "The Big Tour" and "Home Sweet Home". Simply not giving them territory.

But you should not be negligent about the choice of factions, because the choice of one of the factions will affect not only the ending, but also the mechanics of the game. The fact is that each grouping gives you certain bonuses. The Leader of the Pack perk increases your electrical and physical resistance by 25% and increases your melee damage by the same amount. The Adept perk helps you regenerate AP faster if you use a melee weapon. But the Operators give you the “Professional” perk, which increases the damage of weapons with a silencer by 25% and increases stealth by 10%, which is very beneficial.

Be sure to write in the comments what kind of gang you destroyed, maybe our choice coincided.

Also, there are quite alternate ending. In Fallout 4 Nuka-World, you can also destroy all 3 raider factions. After the destruction of all the gangs, you free all the settlements and start the amusement park again. To do this, you need to chat with Mackenzie, which is located in the Yader Town market square. It is from her that you can take the mission "Hunting Season" after which, find one of the gang leaders and eliminate him. After that, all the raiders will become your enemies and will attack you, and also, all the missions associated with the raiders will fail. It should be noted that you can get this mission after completing the entire Nuka-World.

After you complete the “big tour” and establish control over all the locations of the Yader-Mira park, placing them under the control of the invaders, you will need to make a decision on another very important task. The thing is that partner and assistant Gage decided to capture the entire Commonwealth. This proposal will need to be discussed not only with Porter, but also Shank should be made aware of the existence of such a plan. He is responsible for communication with the world outside of the Nuclei - World. After the decision is made, you will need to head to the Commonwealth. One of the outposts located there must be taken under control. From all the villages you captured, you need to expel people. During your conversation with Shank, he will advise you to seek help from a gang of Operators, namely an inventor named Lisey Wyeth. It is she who will give ideas about what to do with the settlers and where to settle them. will help to have fun even in the saddest days.

After that, it will be possible to go to the Commonwealth in order to occupy an outpost and begin the process of clearing the territories for the invaders. You will have to achieve your goals with rather tough methods and not make indulgences. Those who do not agree with your policy will need to be killed or the issue resolved peacefully through negotiations, giving strong arguments. Sometimes you have to use cunning. For this you need good weapon and great protection. But to resolve issues peacefully, in addition to charisma, a full pocket is also useful. After you have captured the building, you must, as always, decide which gang it will belong to and raise the flag with the appropriate symbols. But in order to build a flagpole, you will need to go to the workshop.

Read also: Technical Fallout questions 4 (optimization, bugs, improvements)

All this time you will communicate with Shank. He will tell you that now the settlers will have to deliver food to the invaders. You have to decide which of the population will do this. It is best to choose from the nearest villages. In order for people to start following your orders, you will need to act either peacefully or use force. But in any case, the goal will be achieved. It will be possible to organize a radio transmission to the captured outposts. For this settlement, it is necessary to equip and supply generators.

Then another Shank consultation will be required. During the conversation, he will give advice to deal with certain invaders through intimidation or simply eliminate them. After that, you need to capture two more settlements and make outposts out of them.

You do not need to give them to anyone, since they should belong only to you. After the number of all captured outposts reaches eight, you can collect tribute by creating a chest for this.

But no matter how well you manage the factions, one of them will still revolt. The invaders will express their dissatisfaction with the division of the occupied territories. For his part, Shank will offer to immediately stop such things. If you have already decided which of the gangs is least worthy of respect, then you just need to stop giving them various privileges and pay more attention to the rest of the groups. It is they who will start the rebellion and then there will be good reasons to deal with them on completely legal grounds.

Then you need to talk with the leaders of the other two groups. You can find them at the power plant. After talking with them, go upstairs and destroy the leader of the third gang. You will need to remove the key from it. With the help of the remote control, it is necessary to restore the power supply in Yader Town. Now you have the opportunity to complete the collection mission stellar cores. They must be put into the computer in order to increase its power. This way you can get unique armor. After that, you need to go to your assistant Porter. This completes the task called “Home Sweet Home”, and with it the whole story line games. But on what note the game ends, it's up to you.

Read also: Guide to weapons in Fallout 4 part 1

Ending options

The app has two endings. They depend on the actions of the player. The first involves the destruction of only one group. You need to choose the gang you want to destroy. As described above, you need to show favor only to the other two groups. The third gang should not be given the best lands already in the task called "The Big Tour".

Not only the plot of the game, but also the mechanics of the game itself will depend on your choice. gameplay. Each of the three factions gives you certain bonuses. For example, the leader of the Pack will increase resistance not only to physical influence, but also to electrical influence by twenty-five percent. Melee damage dealt will also increase by the same level. The bonus from the Adeptev leader will restore the AP bar much faster, but only if you use a melee weapon. The bonus from the Operators will increase the damage dealt to the enemy by weapons with a silencer by twenty-five percent, and also increase stealth by ten percent. Accordingly, the last bonus is the most profitable of all.

Another ending option involves killing all the leaders. After you have destroyed all three groups, you will be able to free the villages and start the ruined park. In order for the game to end in this way, it is necessary to find a girl named Mackenzie in the market. After talking with her, you can take the task called "Hunting Season". To successfully complete it, you will need to attack one of the three leaders. The remaining gangs will consider you as their enemy, and all tasks in the journal will be failed accordingly. But Mackenzie can also be contacted after you complete the main story of the game and complete this mission last.
