Summary of the plot-role-playing game in the preparatory group. Role-playing game "journey to the forest" Role-playing game around the world

Fisherman and fish A large circle is drawn on the floor or on the platform. One of the players - the fisherman - is in the center of the circle, he squats down. The rest of the players, the fish, circle around the circle and say in unison: “Fisherman, fisherman, catch us on a hook.” At the last word, the fisherman jumps up, runs out of the circle and begins to chase the fish, which scatter all over the area. The one who is caught becomes a fisherman and goes to the center of the circle. Owl The guys stand in a circle. One of the players goes to the middle of the circle, he will portray an owl, and all the others will represent bugs, butterflies, and birds. At the command of the presenter: “The day comes - everything comes to life!” - kids run in circles. The owl is “sleeping” at this time, that is, it stands in the middle of the circle, eyes closed, one leg bent under itself. When the leader commands: “Night is coming, everything freezes!”, the players stop and stand motionless, hiding, and at that moment the owl runs out to hunt. She looks out for those who are moving or laughing, and takes the guilty ones into her circle. They become owls, and when the game is repeated, they all “fly out” to hunt together. Hunters The players scatter around the site. Three hunters stand in different places, each holding a small ball. At the manager’s signal: “Stop!” - all the players stop, and the hunters aim the ball at one of them. The “killed” replace the hunters. The players have the right to dodge the ball, but must not move from their place. If the player after the command “Stop!” left his place, he replaces the hunter. Seine All players are fish, except two fishermen. Fishermen holding hands run after the fish. They try to surround it, closing their hands around the fish. Gradually, a whole chain is formed from the caught fish - a “net”. Now the fish are caught with a net. The last two players not caught are the winners; when the game is repeated, they are the fishermen. Kolobok Children squat down and move around in a circle. In the center of the circle is the driver - the “fox”. The players roll the ball - the “bun” to each other so that it moves away from the “fox”. The driver is replaced by the player who rolls the bun so that the “fox” can catch it. Watch out, Pinocchio! One of the players has a cap on his head. He is Pinocchio. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who is running with the cap. However, this is not so easy to do: the players pass the cap to each other as they run. When the driver stains Pinocchio, they... change roles. Jumping Sparrows Draw a circle on the floor or playground of such a size that all players can freely fit around its circumference. One of the players is the “cat”, he is placed in the center of the circle, the rest of the players - the “sparrows” - stand behind the circle at the very line. At the leader’s signal, the “little sparrows” begin to jump inside the circle and jump out of it, and the “cat” tries to catch one of them at the moment when he is inside the circle. The one who is caught becomes a “cat”, and the “cat” becomes a “sparrow”. The game is repeated again. Burners The participants of the game stand in pairs at the back of each other's heads. The driver stands in front of all the couples and says loudly: Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out. Look at the sky: Birds are flying, Bells are ringing. One, two, three, last pair, run! After the last word “run”, the players of the last pair run forward (each on their side) to the designated place, and the driver tries to delay one of the runners with a touch of his hand until the players meet. The one who was detained stands next to the driver in front of the first pair, and the second becomes the driver. The game continues. The playing cockerels (one from each team) enter a circle with a diameter of 3 meters and take the starting position for the fight, crouching on two legs or standing on one (right hand holds left leg, and the left arm is bent in front and pressed to the body or vice versa). Objective: push the enemy out of the circle. The most dexterous is you! Draw two circles on the ground with a diameter of up to a meter. The circles are located nearby. Place a puck, cube, ball, town in the center of the circle. Two or two teams of three to four people can play. At the leader’s signal, the children must use a toy sword, saber, or gymnastic stick to knock out this object (objects) from the “enemy’s” circle, protecting their own. The guys seem to be fighting with swords and sabers. The winner is the one or those who, having knocked out the object to the opponents, did not allow it to their own. Throw into the ring In a room or in the schoolyard, hang the ring at a height of about 1.5 meters. And each participant is given a stick up to 50 centimeters long. You need to run from a distance of 10-15 steps to the ring, throw the stick so that it passes through it, and catch it again. If the player completes the task, he wins two points; if he doesn’t have time to catch the stick and it falls to the floor - one point, but if he throws in such a way that he misses, the throw is simply not counted. The game lasts five minutes. Whoever scored the most points won. Don't fall for the bait To play you need a rope 2-3 meters long with a weight tied at the end - a bag of sand. The players form a circle, in the center of which stands the driver with a rope in his hands. He begins to spin it so that it rotates just above the ground. The guys jump over the rope. The driver gradually raises the plane of rotation of the rope higher and higher until one of the participants “falls for the bait,” that is, fails to jump over the rotating rope. The one who gets caught drives. The game continues.

Summary of the role-playing game

« Journey into the forest »

Akimova Margarita Anatolyevna

Teacher of the highest qualification category

MADOU No. 77 “Teremok”

Naberezhnye Chelny

Age group : average



develop interest in the overall plan game plot, ability to act in a coordinated manner;

develop and enrich play actions with toys based on the enrichment of individual play actions;

formcommunication skills in “game collusion”, distribution of roles and role-playing dialogues.


nurturing friendly relationships between children, interest in a common plan and coordination of actions.


teach game interactions in a subgroup game, the ability to build a plot of 3 - 4 meaningful episodes.

Expected result :

    Expanding children's understanding of the variety of ways to use toys, substitute objects and play activities.

    Formation of skills for independent organization of games, distribution of roles, creative development the plot of the game.

    The ability of pupils to play in an organized manner in small groups, to join in and leave the game.

Types of activities : gaming, theatrical, musical.

Individual work : to help children discover their abilities - Sasha, Milana.

Preliminary work : conversations about the professions of a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, driver; excursion to the medical office; viewing illustrations; viewing slides. Reading fiction: V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, D. Rodari “What do crafts smell like”, S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, Z. Alexandrova “My Bear”, A. Krylov “The rooster got sick with tonsillitis.”


Toys - animals;

Tree models;

Attributes for the games: veterinary hospital, pharmacy;

3 white coats, 3 caps;

Steering wheel;

A surprise moment (a basket of apples), “Chokopai” mushrooms;

A tape recorder with recordings of the song “Merry Travellers”, fun music for physical education;

Sound writing;

Dove (origami);

Room interior;

Construction material;

money (paper).


A carrier pigeon flies into the group accompanied by music and brings the children a sound letter from the forest inhabitants (the phonogram of the letter sounds).

V.- Children, do you want to help the forest animals? (children's answers).

V. - How can you get to the forest? (children's answers).

The teacher leads the children to choose vehicle(there are a lot of us, so it’s best to go by bus).

Children independently choose a driver from among the boys (counting table).

The driver offers to take a seat on the bus.

The teacher reads a poem:

I'm swinging and flying at full speed

I am the driver myself, I am the engine myself!

I press the pedal

And the bus rushes into the distance.

V.- And so we went (the song “Merry Travelers” sounds).

V.- So we arrived in the forest. The driver invites everyone to get out.

Under model trees, children see animals, pay attention to a squirrel, it looks out of a hollow.

Squirrel - I, a squirrel, live in the forest and I gnaw nuts, but there are no supplies left, I hid them in the forest. But I can’t find them.

V.- Children, let’s help the squirrel find supplies and arrange a “Forest Canteen” for the animals.

D/i “Edible - not edible.”

Children walk around the group, find mushrooms, berries, and nuts.

They set a table for the animals in the clearing.

Squirrel thanks the children and treats them to “Chokopai” mushrooms (photo for memory).

The teacher draws the children's attention to a bunny crying under a bush.

Bunny - The fox kicked me out of the house and now I have nowhere to live.

Q. - How can we help him? (children's answers).

V.- Let's build a house for the fox. What can it be built from? (children's answers).

Children build a house for the fox using a large builder and furnish it with home decorations.

V.- Let's tell the fox: - fox come out and look at the house.

The teacher turns on the music, the fox comes out and dances with the children (physical education).

V.- Children, at the edge of the forest, I saw the “Veterinary Hospital”, let’s take the bear there.

Children go to the clinic, animals are sitting in line there, the teacher invites the children to take any animal so that they are not afraid to go to the doctor (the teacher takes on the role of the doctor). The doctor examines them, listens to complaints, prescribes treatment. A nurse is chosen according to a counting rhyme (girls). The nurse writes a prescription for medications. With prescriptions, children go to the “Forest Pharmacy” and buy the necessary medicines there.

They return to the forest clearing and treat forest animals.

Q - Now all the animals are healthy again and they want to thank you for your help.

The hedgehog gives the children a basket of apples. The children thank them.

V. - And now it’s time for us to say goodbye to the forest animals and return to kindergarten. The driver offers to take a seat on the bus.

The teacher analyzes the game: Where were we? Who did you meet? Who did you help? What did you like most? Children get off the bus and wash their hands. The teacher distributes treats.

List of used literature:

1. Program FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Basic general education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.

2. Role-playing games for older preschoolers: a practical guide / N. A. Vinogradova, N. V. Pozdnyakova. - 3rd ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2009. - 128 p. - ( Preschool education and development);

3. Role-playing games for children preschool age/ N.V. Krasnoshchekova - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2010.

Oksana Gladysheva
Travel around the world. Plot- role play

Story-based role-playing game

« World trip»

Target. Develop the ability to combine various thematic stories into a single game plot.


Strengthen children’s ability to take on a role and perform actions in accordance with this role;

To develop the ability to transform acquired knowledge into game actions;

Develop social partnership skills;

Develop mental processes: creative imagination and fantasy, attention, memory, thinking;

- Develop children's speech: enrich vocabulary, ability to conduct role-playing dialogue;

Foster friendly relationships and mutual assistance;

Create an emotionally positive mood in children.

Preliminary work:

Conversation on vocabulary topics: professions, transport;

Reading fiction topics: S. Sakharny "The best ship", K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit", V. Suteeva "Koroablik"

Watching cartoons "Captain Vrungel", "Ship", "Styopa the Sailor"

Examination of illustrations and paintings by topic

Playing off individual stories

Making attributes for plot-role-playing games"Hospital", "Shop", "Ship"

Making a collage by topic: Travelers.

Working with parents:

Home viewing of films with a marine theme

Watch with children the work of a seller, doctor, cashier

Making attributes for plot-role-playing games.

Progress of the game.

Part 1: (children are busy independently play activities, the teacher’s phone rings and answers a question)

Yes this is a kindergarten

Group "Larks"

- « Journey»

You invite us to go to trip around the world?

I'll get some advice now

Do you guys want to go to journey?

Well, then we’ll get ready to hit the road, take everything we’ll need on the road.

(children can dress up, take different objects, but at the same time they must explain why they took this or that item)

What transport will we use? travel? because the road is long

(children’s answers, it’s better to stay on the ship)

Where can we get it?

(you can build, draw, if you are ready to use it)

Look, we have a ship! but there is no captain.

Can we handle it ourselves?

part 2: (distribution of roles)

Then I will be the captain! Since I’m the biggest and I know a lot

I need an assistant captain to steer the ship.

A sailor, maybe two, they must look after the ship, follow the captain’s orders, and not forget about the convenience of passengers

Need a cashier to purchase ship tickets

The controller who will check tickets and allow passengers to board the ship

We need a doctor to take care of our health travelers

We also need a seller where we could purchase the goods

Also, we need passengers

Well, the roles have been assigned, then let's get ready to go!

Part 3: (buying groceries for travel "shop")

We buy the essentials that you may need on the road

Is everyone ready? let's go buy tickets at the box office

Part 4: (purchase tickets "cashier")

When purchasing tickets, you must name any items that have round shape(apple, ball, sun, wheel)

The tickets will be cut cards, which the cashier will give to the children if they answer correctly.

Everyone buys tickets and walks together towards the ship.

Part 5: (ticket check "controller")

Game"Find a Pair" children become pairs only if the pictures match (the controller checks the matches of the pictures and allows them to board the ship)

Part 6: (Passenger boarding "sailor" "captain")

The captain gives the command:

Prepare the ship for departure (ship inspection)

Seating passengers (who needs to provide chairs)

Everyone is on board, there is enough space for everyone, then let's go (the ship made noise and began to move)

Raise anchors

Right hand drive, left hand drive, keep it up (etc.)

Part 7: (journey)

Children swim and sing a song “We eat, eat, eat to distant lands...”

(suddenly water appears in the ship)

Guys, we're in trouble, there's a hole in the ship, our ship hit a rock

Water is filling our ship, what should we do?

Scooping out the water (what you have in your hands or with your hands)

The ship is sinking

We look left, right, looking for the island

- Sailor: an island is visible in the distance, we sail there

- Captain: everyone abandon ship

- Sailor: all overboard

Passengers leave the ship, dive into the sea

They help each other swim so that no one gets into trouble or drowns.

People are drowning, help them swim to shore

Part 8: (island "hospital")

Guys, who is hurt, who needs help?

They were attacked by a shark and need bandaging

Where is our doctor (the doctor lays out the hospital and provides first aid to the victims)

Have pity on each other, it's all over (children hug, feel sorry for each other)

We are saved, Hurray!

I'm hungry, do you want to eat?

The captain and the sailor are going for firewood and will light a fire. (building a fire pit)

Girls prepare food and set the table (children sit in circle and eat)

Look, it’s already getting dark, it’s getting colder

The jungle is dangerous at night, there are many animals roaming here, it will rain soon

It's time to build a hut to spend the night

Part 9: (building a hut)

The children suggest what they can use to build a hut, you need to consider all the options proposed by the children, For example:

Let's move the tables together and cover us with diapers so the rain doesn't get us wet.

And the girls will find something to sleep on, because the ground is cold (mattresses are carried from the doll's corner)

We climb into the hut, it starts to rain (children talking)

It's time to sleep, and tomorrow we will think about how to get home...

Plot-role-playing game in older preschool age.

Developed by teacher Ekaterina Mikhailovna Slesareva.

Topic: "Travel."

Goal: 1. Continue to develop in children the ability to creatively develop the plot and change the playing role as the plot unfolds. Activate children's verbal interaction in play; develop the ability to build a plot together.

2. Continue to form the norms and values ​​accepted in society. Continue to develop children's communication skills and interactions with adults and peers.

3. Expand your understanding of the work of a passenger train driver, tour operator, tour guide and the work of a travel agency. To consolidate and generalize children’s ideas about the work of adults. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

4. To arouse preschoolers’ interest in learning about the sights of the city of St. Petersburg.

Game material: sign "Travel agency", computer, telephones, bus, map, booklets, tickets, soft modules, substitute toys, fragments of costumes for the driver, conductor, travel agent (badge, headscarf), tourist (backpack, camera, telephone, video camera) , souvenirs (magnets, postcards, figurines), money, credit cards, magazines.

Preparing for the game: excursion to a travel agency; examination of illustrations depicting a passenger train, train driver, conductor; conversation about the work of a tour operator, tour guide, train driver, conductor; outdoor game "Train" didactic games“We go, we sail, we fly”, “Who needs what”, “Professions”; viewing photo illustrations about St. Petersburg; conversation about St. Petersburg, the northern capital of our Motherland; manual labor: production of passports, phone models, banknotes, booklets, signs "Travel Agency"; reading fiction "Peter 1 the Great" N.F. Vinogradova, L.A. Sokolov "Great Travelers" M. Zoshchenko.

Playing roles: tour operator (travel agent), tourists, tour guide, train driver, conductor, hairdresser, salesman, waiter.

Game Guide:

1) Creation of a game situation - episode No. 1 (Travel agency). I bring out colored travel booklets and talk with the children about their purpose: -Guys, yesterday I was sorting out old books and found these interesting books (I show them). What do you think they are for and where they can be found? (answers, children’s reasoning). The teacher dreamily: “Yes, how wonderful it would be to go on some kind of trip... it’s a pity that we don’t have such a wonderful travel agency.” (Pause. It’s possible that the children themselves will offer to create such a travel agency, if the children don’t do it, then : - Guys, let’s organize such a travel agency together. Remember we went on an excursion. What do we need for this? (Children list what we need). they take out the traveler's box). - Well done, I also think that it will be very convenient here. There is a table, a map, an armchair, a sofa, a sign can be hung here.

I think clients will be comfortable and comfortable. - Guys, who do you think the “clients” are? (Children's answers: Tourists are people who are going on a trip). - Guys, who works at the travel agency? (Children's answers: tour operators, travel agents, director, tourism manager...) - What do travel agents do? (Children's answers: they offer a place to travel: vouchers, show the route on the map, advertise the chosen route, book tickets, hotels, organize meetings, see off tourists and excursions...) - Today, I will be the tour operator, and you will be the tourist clients? (I put on a badge, the children take their backpacks).

Hello, please come in. Make yourself comfortable. Where would you like to travel? (children's answers). - Today, I can offer you last minute trips to St. Petersburg for one day. Get acquainted. (I distribute booklets of the city of St. Petersburg). - Do you agree to visit the northern capital of Russia? (children's answers). - What kind of transport would you like to travel by? (children’s answers: by bus, train, plane...). - Fine! Now we will see what tickets are available. Unfortunately, there are no bus or plane tickets. Available only for the Troitsk-St. Petersburg train, March 8 at 15:00, ticket price... rubles. Do you agree?

The total cost of the trip... rubles, how will you pay in cash or credit card? To arrange a trip, I need your passport. - Here you go (distributing booklets and tickets). I remind you that the train departs on March 8 at 15:00, your seats in carriage No. 1 are indicated on the ticket. Don't forget to pack the necessary things and please don't be late. Have a nice trip!

2) Creating a game situation - episode No. 2 (Train). We have collected our things, tickets in our hands (the teacher looks around). We will go to St. Petersburg by train, but we don’t have a train... I wonder where we can get a train? (I lead the children to the decision to build a train, we determine the location of the train and begin to build). Well done! The train is waiting for us. Who will be the train driver? (children's suggestions). Yes, I agree with you. Sasha is really very responsible and attentive. Who will be the guide? (children's suggestions). I agree with you, Nastya is kind and caring. And you and I will be passengers. - Our train is getting ready to set off. Attention, attention, boarding the train Troitsk - St. Petersburg begins. Dear passengers! Don't forget your things at the station! (The child conductor checks the tickets; announces when the train departs and the names of the stations.)

The teacher shows a sample of communication:

Dear conductor, here is my passport and ticket. (As the game progresses, create a situation of contacting the conductor: tea, magazines. The conductor announces the final station: the city of St. Petersburg. Reminds passengers not to forget their things and says goodbye).

3) Creation of a game situation - episode No. 3 (Tour of the city of St. Petersburg). The teacher-tour guide meets the tourist guests at the train:

Hello, dear tourists! I am your guide Ekaterina Mikhailovna, I am glad to welcome you to our city of St. Petersburg. I invite you to take a walk around our beautiful city. (we look at the city slides):

1 slide. - This is a monument to Peter 1. He founded St. Petersburg. Last year the city turned 310 years old.

Peter on a rearing horse,

On a mighty horse.

All - movement and flight

Rus' leads.

The monument also has another name: “The Bronze Horseman”.

2 slide. -And now we will walk along the embankment of the Neva River. The name of the river comes from the Finnish word and means "swamp". The Neva River flows through the territory Leningrad region and St. Petersburg. You can ride along the river on boats, speedboats, and river buses. There is a port on the Neva River for various sea vessels: cargo and passenger. Look at the legendary warship moored to the bank of the Neva River. It's called the cruiser Aurora.

3 slide. -Our city is famous for its large number of bridges. There are 324 of them in total.

The city can't sleep in the summer:

White night the fairy tale lasts

And you are in a hurry to see

How bridges are raised.

The bridges are not ordinary, but drawbridges. In winter, while the Neva River is frozen, the bridges are motionless. Repairs are being carried out, and in warm weather, ships can pass along the Neva, but only from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., at which time the bridges are raised.

4 slide. - And now I invite you to our summer garden. I invite you to sit on the benches and admire the sculptures and bedek (Slide of the park).

5 slide. - This is a monument to Ivan Krylov. Do you know who Ivan Krylov was? (Children's answers). Sure enough, he wrote fables; he had a pen and a notebook in his hand. Do you know his fables? (Children's answers). Look closely at the pedestal of the sculpture to depict the animals he wrote about. There is a monkey and a lion here...

6 slide. - And St. Petersburg is famous for its fountains. Peter 1 was very fond of the sea and fountains, as a symbol of victory over the sea elements. Before Peter 1, people did not know what fountains were. Peter 1 called fountains “water games.” The fountain season opens in April. Admire the beauty of the singing, colorful fountains.

Slide 7 - And now we will take a walk along Nevsky Prospekt - this is the main street of St. Petersburg. There are 240 buildings on Nevsky Prospekt.

8 slide. - Now we have approached the mint. Coins and medals are minted here. We have 2 mints in our country: Moscow and St. Petersburg, to find out which mint the coin was made at, you need to look at the mark under the right paw of the eagle. If the first letters are SP, this coin was made in St. Petersburg mint, and if the first letter is M, then the Moscow Mint.

Slide 9 - There are a lot of lions in St. Petersburg. They guard the city - standing, sitting, resting. Sculptures of lions are symbols of power, military valor, and belonging to the royal family. Peter 1, when he was building the city, really wanted St. Petersburg to be a strong, glorious city, so he ordered that as many lion sculptures as possible be installed in the city. They were made of stone, copper, cast iron, concrete... Lions are still being installed and no one has been able to count them accurately. Look at this unique fence, which consists of sculptures of 29 identical lions holding heavy cast iron chains in their teeth. In the courtyard of the Children's Academy of Arts there are amazing lions - colorful and cheerful! The children decorated them.

10 slide. - Walking along Nevsky Prospekt, we saw many amazing places. Do you have a sweet tooth among you? Now we will go to the chocolate museum. This is where those with a sweet tooth can truly indulge! After all, this is not only a museum where you can admire the exhibits, but also a store where you can buy and even try the exhibit you like. Look on the shelves there are luxurious sweets in the form of animals, toys, chess pieces, dolls Here you can choose a gift for both an adult and a child. I suggest you choose and buy yourself a souvenir as a souvenir. (Children buy a chocolate souvenir).

Dear tourists, our walk has come to an end. But you still have free time before the train, you can go shopping and buy souvenirs as a keepsake, or visit the “Beauty Salon” and get your hair done by the capital’s stylists, or have a snack in a cafe. Please don't be late for the train. It departs at 18:00. (Children disperse into zones, continue the game independently, united in micro groups of 2-3 children. The teacher watches the game).
