Codes for oblivion gold edition. The elder scrolls iv: oblivion: codes in the game

To call the console in Oblivion While playing the game, press the [~] (tilde) key. After this, you can enter cheats - game console commands with which you can influence gameplay thereby simplifying the passage of the game.

It should also be said that all console commands (cheats) in the game Oblivion insensitive to the case of letters, that is, a command to turn on/off. invulnerability T.G.M. equal to command tgm(same command, but not written in lower case).

How to set English as default - this instruction will help you install English language in the console Oblivion, if you speak Russian.

Master list of Oblivion cheat codes

List of the main and most popular cheats for the game Oblivion which will be useful in any situation.

T.G.M.- on/off invulnerability mode.
P.S.B.- get all spells. This command is very CPU intensive and can lead to the game closing. If after using a spell your game closes, do not use it (spell). You can only cancel this cheat by loading a previous save.
TMM 1- show, open all markers fast travel on the map
TMM 0- hide all fast travel markers. This command completely hides all markers in the game, including those that were opened independently.
TFOW- on/off fog on March of the world
TCL- on/off flight mode and walking through walls.
TFC- on/off free camera mode. This mode is a bit similar to the TCL cheat, but unlike it, the main character remains motionless and only one camera moves. After turning off this mode, the camera automatically returns to the character.
TAI- on/off artificial intelligence all NPCs. All NPCs stop doing anything and just stand there doing nothing.
AdvLevel- raise character level 1
Player.SetLevel N- install N character level, where N number from 1 to 255
KillAll- kill all NPCs in sight

player.additem F 1000- get 1000 gold
player.additem A 500- get 500 master keys

SexChange- change the gender of the main character to the opposite
ShowBirthsignMenu- open the zodiac sign selection menu
ShowClassMenu- open the class selection menu. After using this command, your character's level in some cases may drop to 1. It all depends on the version of the game.

QQQ- quick exit from the game to the desktop. The game will immediately close without saving.
ShowSubtitle- on/off subtitles when talking to NPCs
TM- on/off game menu and interface. This mode can be used to create “clean” screenshots.
TWF- on/off grid of objects. This mode may only be useful when creating modifications to the game.
TFH- on/off show background information
TDT- on/off debugging information: FPS, current coordinates that can be used for fast movement and other sufficient useful information, which can be used in conjunction with other cheats. Before use TDT You must indicate exactly what information you want to see. To do this you need to enter STD N, where instead N You must specify one of the following numbers:

  • 0 - information about the current game time and location ID
  • 8 - the amount of magic of the main character, all active spells and their duration
  • 9 - information about character attributes and skills
  • 10 - the amount of experience required to raise the current level
SWDP- list of NPCs who see your character
save name- create a save file named name

Codes for selected objects

The following codes will only work if an object or NPC is selected. To select an object in Oblivion you need to do the following:
  • get as close as possible to the desired object
  • open console
  • click on an object with a bear
  • enter cheat code
TCAI- on/off artificial intelligence of the selected NPC. If no NPC has been selected, then this command applies to all NPCs in the game.
tdetect- on/off detection. This cheat acts as if your main character is under the influence of invisibility - the NPC simply does not notice you. If no NPC has been selected, apply to all.
kill- kill NPC. Some characters who, after using this command, do not die, but only fall to the ground for a short time, cannot be killed in any way. They take part in the main storyline or some other quests. Killing NPC data if possible would make the game unworkable and cause quests to freeze.
resurrect- resurrect the selected NPC.
unlock- open the lock of the selected object

Performance boost

As you know, after completing several college quests as a magician, it is possible to create spells with different duration, area of ​​effect and strength, but such spells, as a rule, consume a huge amount of magic, which makes their use impossible. However, the limitation on the maximum amount of magic, health and stamina can be bypassed using the console - you need to increase the characteristics using the following code: player.setav name N- set the characteristic value name V N units.

Example: player.setav Health 2000- set 2000 health

List of all characteristics that must be entered instead name:

  • Health - health
  • Fatigue - reserve of strength
  • Magicka - magic
Note. The maximum amount of magic, stamina and health in the game itself is limited to 65,535 + magic from your intelligence. In other words, when entering the code to increase the characteristics in Oblivion You must enter a number no more than 65,535 (without a space), if you enter more, nothing will happen. This limitation cannot be circumvented by any third-party applications.

Leveling up your skills in Oblivion

To quickly improve your skills in the game Oblivion without wasting a huge amount of time, which can be spent, for example, on completing the next exciting quest, you need to enter following code: player.setav name N- install N skill level name

Example: player.setav Block 73- set blocking skill level 73

List of skills that need to be entered instead name:

  • Acrobatics - Acrobatics
  • Alchemy - Alchemy
  • Alteration - Change
  • Armorer - Gunsmith
  • Athletics - Athletics
  • Blade - Blades
  • Block - Blocking
  • Blunt - Blunt weapon
  • Conjuration - Witchcraft
  • Destruction - Destruction
  • HandtoHand - Hand-to-hand combat
  • HeavyArmor - Heavy armor
  • Illusion - Illusion
  • LightArmor - Light armor
  • Marksman - Shooter
  • Mercantile - Trade
  • Mysticism - Mysticism
  • Restoration - Restoration
  • Security - Hacking
  • Sneak - Stealth
  • Speechcraft - Speechcraft

Attribute Boost

In addition to the usual basic characteristics, the game Oblivion There are also several attributes that directly affect your character and which can also be increased using the console. To do this you need to enter the following code: modpca name N- increase the attribute value name on N units. To lower attributes, enter a negative number.

Example: modpca Strength 200- set 200 units. strength

List of attributes that must be entered instead name:

  • Strength - strength
  • Intelligence - intelligence
  • Willpower - willpower
  • Agility - dexterity
  • Speed ​​- speed
  • Endurance - endurance
  • Personality - charm
  • Luck - luck
Note. Maximum value of all attributes in the game is 255. If you enter a value greater than this, nothing will happen or it will give an error message.

Increase FPS in Oblivion

The following group of console commands (cheats) do not affect gameplay or game balance in any way and are intended only for increase FPS V Oblivion for owners of relatively weak computers. These codes must be entered into the console in cases where the game slows down a little.

PCB- clear used memory. In some cases, it increases the number of FPS.
TG- on/off vegetation on the ground: grass and other greenery.
TT- on/off trees
TLV- on/off leaves on the trees
T.S.- on/off clouds
TLL- on/off objects in the background. The range of drawing and review is reduced.
TWS- on/off water display

ID of weapons, armor and other items

Using the IDs below Oblivion you can get any game item: weapons, armor, ingredients and other things that can be put in your inventory. Here is full list Item IDs Oblivion both from the original part of the game and all official DLC. All item IDs Oblivion you can add it in a standard, usual and at the same time slow way - open the console and enter one command for each item. If you want to get just one item, that's fine, but if you're going to add, for example, a full set of armor, a shield, some jewelry and weapons, then adding all these items will take you a lot of time. To reduce adding multiple items to one console command, do the following:
  1. Go to the main game folder.
  2. Create an empty text file add.txt.
  3. Using the item search form, which is located a little lower, find the items you need and click on them. After these steps, a list of items will be generated.
  4. Click the button get code.
  5. Paste the resulting code into the file add.txt.
  6. Go to the game and enter in the console bat add.txt
Note: close or restart the game after each file change add.txt no need.

To add 1 item manually, you must enter: player.additem ID quantity

Example: player.additem 00016C0F 3- get 3 “Yartar Sword”

Spell ID

Using this form you can find the ID of any spells from the game Oblivion and quickly learn or remove selected spells. To add many spells is necessary.
  1. Create a text file in the main game folder add.txt.
  2. Create a list of spells; press the button get code.
  3. Copy the resulting code to a file add.txt.
  4. IN game console games enter command bat add.txt
Spell console commands:
  • player.addspell id- learn a spell
  • player.removespell id- remove the spell


Using the search form you can find the ID of any NPC in the game Oblivion and then create any number of characters, monsters and some other animals. Using the NPC search form you can also find mount IDs Oblivion- horses, including horses with armor. To quickly find horses in the field Name enter horse.

For creating NPCs In the game console enter: player.placeatme ID quantity

Example: player.placeatme 000CA000 5- create 5 wolves

Oblivion: Console Commands
This article provides some commands that can be entered while playing on a game console and thereby perform some manipulations on the character and the game world. Here is only a small part of the existing commands and functions.

The console in the game is called up by pressing the ‘~’ key. To enter a command, you need to open the console ‘~’, type the desired command and press Enter. Closing the console is done using the same ‘~’ key.

Help – displays a list of debug commands with brief description in English.

ToggleGodMode(TGM) - enables and disables god mode. In god mode, no damage is caused to the character, magic and power reserves are not consumed, and there is no overload of things.

Map manipulation
ShowMap – places a marker on the map
Command syntax: ShowMap MapMarkerID, enableFastTravel – marks on global map the location of the MapMarkerID object. The enableFastTravel parameter is optional and is responsible for the ability to quickly travel to an object (enableFastTravel=1)

ToggleFogOfWar (tfow) – turns on and off the fog of war.

ToggleMapMarkers (tmm) – shows all objects on the global map.
ToggleMapMarkers 1 – show all, ToggleMapMarkers 0 hide all.

Manipulation of objects and spells
AddItem – adds an item to inventory
Function syntax: AddItem ObjectID, Count
To add an item to a character's inventory in the console, type Player.AddItem ObjectID, N
Example: player.additem 00000A 1
It is not EditorID that is used as ObjectID, but FormID. player.additem lockpick 1 is not a valid command. FormID can be viewed in the editor; the field with its value is located immediately after the field with EditorID, but you may not notice it, since the width is minimized.

RemoveItem – removes an item from the inventory. The syntax is similar to AddItem, but there may (or may not be) one more parameter.

PlaceAtMe – adds an object
Function syntax: Player.PlaceAtMe ItemID, N, distance, direction - will place N ItemID objects in the direction direction at a distance from the character. This command works with items, NPCs, and monsters. Direction: 0-front, 1-rear, 2-left, 3-right.
When entering a command using the console, you must also use FormID as the ItemID, and not EditorID.

AddSpell – adds a spell to the specified character/
Player. AddSpell SpellID – adds a spell with the SpellID identifier to the player’s book.

RemoveSpell – removes a spell from the list, the syntax is similar to AddSpell.

Fast movement commands
CenterOnCell (coc) - transfers the character to the specified location.
Syntax: CenterOnCell CellID – transfers a character to a location with a CellID.

CenterOnExterior (coe) - moves the character to the specified cell of the current area.
Syntax: CenterOnExterior X Y – moves the character to the cell of the current area with coordinates (X,Y). The location name (CellID) and cell coordinates (X,Y) can be viewed in the TES Construction Set editor.

Changing Character Parameters
ModPCAttribute (modpsa) – increases the value of a character’s stats.
Command syntax: ModPCAttribute StatName, N – increases the StatName parameter by N units.
For example, entering the command ModPCAttribute Strength, 1 or (ModPCA Strength, 1) into the console will increase your character's strength by 1.
The following parameters can be used as StatName: Strength – strength Speed ​​– speed
Intelligence - intelligence Endurance - endurance
Willpower – willpower Personality – attractiveness
Agility - dexterity Luck - luck
The ModPCAttribute command increases the constant "base" part of the characteristic.

ModPCSkill (modpcs) – increases the character’s skill value.
Syntax: ModPCAttribute SkillName N – the SkillName parameter is increased by N points.
Unlike the ModPCAttribute command, in the ModPCSkill command the parameter N cannot be negative, i.e. You cannot lower the value of a skill using the ModPCSkill command. To lower the value of a skill, you can use the SetActorValue function.
Example: If you type ModPCSkill Blade 1 in the console, your blade skill will increase by one.
SkillName can have the following value: Armorer Alchemy Acrobatics
Athletics Alteration Light Armor
Blade Conjuration Marksman
Block Destruction Mercantile
Blunt Illusion Security
HandToHand Mysticism Sneak
HeavyArmor Restoration Speechcraft

SetActorValue (SetAV) – the function sets a new parameter value for the specified character.
Syntax: SetActorValue StatName value Example. Player.SetActorValue Alchemy 50 - will set the character's alchemy skill to 50. The StatName can be used: Strength Intelligence Willpower
Agility Speed ​​Endurance
Personality Luck Health
Magicka Fatigue Encumbrance
Acrobatics Armor Athletics
Blade Block Blunt
HandToHand HeavyArmor Alchemy
Alteration Conjuration Destruction
Illusion Mysticism Restoration
LightArmor Marksman Mercantile
Security Sneak Speechcraft
Aggression Confidence Energy
Responsibility Bounty MagickaMultiplier
NightEyeBonus AttackBonus DefendBonus
CastingPenalty Blindness Chameleon
Invisibility Paralysis Silence
Confusion DetectItemRange SpellAbsorbChance
SpellReflectChance SwimSpeedMultiplier WaterBreathing
WaterWalking StuntedMagicka DetectLifeRange
ReflectDamage Telekinesis ResistFire
ResistFrost ResistDisease ResistMagic
ResistNormalWeapons ResistParalysis ResistPoison
ResistShock Vampirism Darkness

ModActorValue (ModAV) – the function will change the value of the parameters of the specified character.
Syntax: ModActorValue StatName value
Example: Player. ModActorValue Speed ​​-10 – will reduce the character's speed by 10 points. As StatName, you can take the same values ​​as for SetActorValue.

GetActorValue(GetAV) – returns the parameter value.
Syntax: GetActorValue StatName

GetBaseActorValue – returns the base value of the parameter. The syntax is the same as GetActorValue.

SexChange – changing gender to the opposite.

showracemenu - opens the race selection menu.
showclassmenu - opens the class selection menu.
showbirthsignmenu - opens the sign selection menu.
After confirmation, the character's statistics are reset.

Factions and relationships to the character
ModFactionReaction – function modifies the reaction of a faction.
Syntax: ModFactionReaction FactionID, TargetFactionID, N - changes the ratio of faction FactionID to faction TargetFactionID by N units.
Example: ModFactionReaction FightersGuild playerFaction 10 – will improve the ratio of the warriors guild to the character by 10 units.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion – role play, developed and published by Bethesda in collaboration with the publisher 2K Games. On gaming platforms The game went on sale for PC and Xbox 360 on March 20, 2006. Oblivion was released on PlayStation 3 only in April 2007 in Europe.

Main storyline The game revolves around a hostile cult that worships Mehrunes Dagon (the Daedric Prince of Destruction) and wants to create a special portal to Tamriel from a parallel world in order to conquer the empire with the help of an evil army. Naturally, the main character must stop the plans of the sinister cult. But following the tradition of previous games in the series, the player in Oblivion does not have to immediately begin completing the missions of the main plot. The game world is absolutely open and free. Main character can perform any other secondary tasks and explore the world around him, since he is not limited in time.

When creating the landscape, the surrounding world, cities and their elements, designers and developers used real photographs from their travels and various books dedicated to nature. Thanks to newly developed technology, the process of creating many realistic landscapes has become much easier. Unlike Morrowind, in which designers created the entire world almost by hand, Oblivion used a special software, which performed all the routine work of combining landscape objects instead of artists.

Compared to previous parts of the series Oblivion walkthrough takes significantly less time. This situation was explained by project director Todd Howard. According to him, the developers decided to prioritize the quality of quests, not their quantity. Besides large number It took a lot of time to create modern graphics and an improved physical model in the game, which, of course, had a detrimental effect on the total number of missions.

Thanks to the use of the Havok physics engine, the game made possible realistic interaction of all effects, objects and characters with each other when using spells such as paralysis, telekinesis, etc. After the explosion fireball According to all the laws of physics, objects scatter around the perimeter from the epicenter, and arrows, hitting the target, get stuck in it, increasing the workload. Also in Oblivion, new artificial intelligence was used to control NPCs. Now, unlike previous games in the series, they can perform various actions without limiting themselves to scripted scenes.

During gameplay, press the [~] (tilde) key? to open the console window.
Then enter one of the following cheat codes:

TGM - invulnerability
ToggleGodMode - invulnerability
player.setlevel - set the player level
showbirthsignmenu - show the screen (menu) of the selected sign
PlayerSpellBook - add all spells for the player
showsubtitle - switch (to) subtitles in a conversation with an NPC
Unlock - open the specified object
showclassmenu - change your class
ModPCA - change character value (Example: modpca luck, 10)
PlayerSpellBook - add all spells
tdetect - switch (to) AI detection mode
advskill [skill] - increase skill one level up
showclassmenu - show the screen (menu) of the selected class
CompleteQuest - complete the current quest
ModPCSkill - Modify the Players Skill.
showquestlog 0 - show the log file of the current task
AdvSkill - increase skill level
tdt - switch (to) error screen
savegame - save the game
sexchange - change your gender
Help - show all cheat codes
tai - switch (to) AI
showquesttargets - show the targets of the current quest
togglefogofwar - toggle the fog of war
caqs - all quest levels
tws - switch (to) water
ModPCS - change character skills (Example: modpcs Blunt, 10)
psb - add all spells
tlv - switch (to) leaves
ts - switch (to) sky
psb - add all spells for a player
player.additem 0000000b "100" - give the player 100 skeleton keys
tt - switch (to) trees
hairtint - set hair color
showbirthsignmenu - change your birth sign
COC (destination) - teleport
player.coc [destination] - teleport
addspell [spell number] - get the specified spell
tcai - switch (to) AI combat mode
Killall - kill everyone
player.additem 0000000f 1000 - get 1000 units of gold
CompleteAllQuestStagesSets - all quest levels
player.additem 0000000a "100" - give the player 100 master keys
qqq - end the game immediately
tm - switch (to) menu
player.additem [item code] - get the specified item
showquestlog - show the task log file
player.additem 0000000c "100" - give the player 100 repair hammers
twf - switch (to) frame
tfh - switch (to) full help
AdvLevel - increase experience level
tg - switch (to) grass
movetoquesttarget - move to the target of the current task
additem [item number] - get the specified item
tfc - free camera movement
showquestlog 1 - show the completed task log file
togglemapmarkers - show all locations on the map

If you are not satisfied with the cheat codes we found, use a game hacking program or

Found a mistake? Anything to add? - Write to us via ! Or in the comments below

Also in our database, in addition to cheat codes for The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, there are cheats for such popular games How:

This article provides you with a list of cheat codes for games The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. In addition to the list with cheat codes, you can see an overview of the game itself and its gameplay.

Review of the game The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion was released in 2006. Like many games in this series, it became quite popular. But why? First of all, for its plot and quests. But now we will try to understand this in more detail.

I'll start my story with graphics. The graphics in the game are made decently, although at the moment they are rather weak. Well, no wonder, because the game is already 13 years old. But still, graphics are not the most important thing in games. The most important thing is that it is whole and well-developed. And this game has it. Yes, there are some issues, but let's not forget about the age of the game and the fact that it was made in open world.

Now about the physics and mechanics in the game. What can we say about physics, it’s simply amazing. I remember some journalists said that it was no worse than in Half Life 2. Many objects had their own physics. They moved and flew along a clear physical trajectory. In terms of mechanics, the game is a typical representative of an RPG - a leveling system, many items and relics, quests, etc.

Well, since there was a mention of quests, it’s time to start talking about the plot and quests. Well, what can we say about all this? Both the plot and the quests are very interesting and well-developed. Some quests are so interesting that even the main plot rests on the sidelines. But this does not mean that the plot is bad, on the contrary, it is very good. But I won’t tell you about it, because it’s better to play it yourself, because the game is good, and weak computers she will be quite pulled off.

Gameplay of The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

How to enter cheat codes in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

Cheat codes in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion are quite easy to enter. You will need to open the console using the "~" (tilde) key. In this console you will enter the codes that are written below.

List of cheat codes in the game The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

  • "TGM" is a cheat code that will give you invulnerability.
  • “ToggleGodMode” - with this cheat code you can gain invulnerability.
  • “AdvLevel” - this cheat code increases the level of your character.
  • “AdvSkill” - this cheat code will allow you to increase your skill level.
  • “Killall” - kill everyone by entering this cheat code.
  • “Unlock” - using this cheat code you can open the object you specified.
  • "CompleteQuest" is a cheat code that will allow you to complete the current quest.
  • "caqs" - cheat code completes all quest levels.
  • “CompleteAllQuestStagesSets” - this cheat code will also complete all quest levels for you
  • "ModPCA" is a cheat code that allows you to change the character's value.
  • "ModPCS" - this cheat code allows you to change your character's skills.
  • “ModPCSkill (level)” is a cheat code that will allow you to modify your character’s skills. For example, yours should look like this “modpcs Blunt, 10”.
  • “player.additem 0000000f (Value)” - using this cheat code you will receive the required amount of gold. To do this, simply enter the value you need.
  • “player.additem 0000000a (Value)” - the cheat code gives you the required number of master keys. To do this, simply enter the value you need.
  • "player.additem 0000000b (Value)" - this cheat code gives you skeleton keys. To do this, simply enter the value you need.
  • "player.additem 0000000c (Value)" - This cheat code will give you hammers for repairs. To do this, simply enter the value you need.
  • "psb" - you can add all spells using this cheat code.
  • "PlayerSpellBook" - this cheat code will also add all your spells.
  • “Help” - with this cheat code, you can see all the cheat codes.
  • “player.additem (item ID) (quantity)” - using this cheat code you can get the specified quantity of the item you need. To do this, enter the item ID and its quantity.
  • “COC (Teleportation Location)” - a cheat code that allows you to teleport to a specific location. To do this, simply write where you want to teleport.
  • “player.coc (Teleportation location)” is also a cheat code for teleportation.
  • “togglemapmarkers” - using this cheat code, all important places on the map will be marked on the map.
  • "sexchange" is a cheat code that allows you to change your gender.
  • “showbirthsignmenu” - with this cheat code you can change your birth sign.
  • “showclassmenu” - change your class by entering this cheat code.
  • “additem (item ID)” is a cheat code that allows you to get the item you need. Just enter the ID of the item you need.
  • “player.additem (item code)” - this cheat code will give you the item you need. To do this, you simply enter the code of the desired item.
  • “addspell (spell number)” - this cheat code will allow you to get the specified spell. To do this, enter the number of the spell.
  • “advskill (skill)” - with this cheat code you can increase your skill by one level.
  • “tfc” - this cheat code will give you the ability to freely move the camera.
  • “movetoquesttarget” - move to the target of the current task
  • "qqq" - end the game immediately
  • “player.setlevel (Value from 1 to 255)” - this cheat code will allow you to set the level of your character. To do this, simply enter a value between 1 and 255.
  • “hairtint (red) (green) (blue)” is a cheat code that will allow you to set the hair color of your character.
  • “savegame (filename)” - the cheat code gives you the ability to save the game.
  • “showbirthsignmenu” - with this cheat code you can open a menu where your chosen sign is shown.
  • “showquestlog” - a cheat code that allows you to show the quest log file.
  • “showclassmenu” - a cheat code with which you can open the menu of the selected class.
  • “showquestlog 0” - this cheat code shows the log file of the current task.
  • “showquesttargets” - this cheat code can show you the goals of the current task.
  • "showquestlog 1" - this cheat code will show you the log file of the completed task.

Video about cheat codes in the game The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion.

Summing up.

But now the time has come to complete this article. But before that we need to take stock. So, let's start with the game itself. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is great game. It fascinates with its plot and quests. I highly recommend this game, since she can really give you new emotions despite her age.

Well, now the summary of the cheat codes. Cheat codes in the game can really help you a lot. Let's say you want new equipment, or increase your level, just enter the cheat code you need. But the most interesting thing is to achieve it yourself, so it’s better to use them not often. Otherwise, you might just get bored with the game. That's all, good luck with your game.

2. Teams

2.1. How to read the command table

When a command requires arguments, such as "additem ", brackets<>indicate that this (identifier) ​​must be replaced with the appropriate code, and - the right amount of something. Parentheses are not part of the syntax! Therefore, the command "additem "you need to write something like, "additem 0002299c 1"

2.2 Command table


Why is it needed?


On/off commands

These commands turn something on or off.


show dialogue subtitles


artificial intelligence

This command can be addressed:

1. Any non-writing (you need to write a command, point the mouse at it and press enter).

2. To the hero himself (“player.tai” - the hero will be completely paralyzed).

3. Everyone at once (if the team does not specify a goal).


combat intelligence

It works like the previous one, only it paralyzes those involved in the fight.



You can fly anywhere and unhindered. The command can be addressed. If you don’t write anything after it, then the hero himself will fly. However, the horse is considered separate from the hero, and therefore, if the hero is stuck on a horse somewhere, then the horse must be pointed out.


environment detection

Can also be addressed. If the command target is not selected, then the detection of all NPCs is turned off. If an NPC attacks, then after this command he stops seeing the hero and stopping fighting with him. But this command will not stop the guards coming to arrest the hero.


debug text

Shows or hides debugging text, including "fps" (frames per second) information.

flying camera

Sets the third person camera position.

enables/disables fog of war


full hint

enables/disables t grass


"God mode"

There is no damage, no Mana is wasted, all spells can be cast, complete weightlessness of inventory items.


distant landscape LOD




all menu

Great feature for a photographer!



all map markers

To show everything<значение>should be 1, and 0 - hide everything. It's funny, but all markers will be hidden - including cities.







grid mode


water rendering

fov [1 to 180]

Changes the field of view

Default is 75. For example, fov 125 .
Address commands These commands require addressing to someone or something (you can manually enter the "address" - ID, select something (someone) with the mouse in the console, or use the command with the prefix "player." to address the hero).

adds an item to inventory

See list of item codes. It is very useful to add a lot of money to yourself at once, for example 10,000 rubles:player.additem 0000000f 10000

removes an item from inventory

See list of item codes.

adds a spell

See list of spell codes.

removes a spell

It can be used to remove built-in and custom spells.See list of built-in spell codes.

clones a character

This creates a clone of the NPC, even if it is already dead (you can create your own clone).

displays the current values ​​of an attribute or skill

<атрибут> < навык>- 21 game skills
get base av<атрибут/навык> returns the base values ​​of an attribute or skill <атрибут>- these are either eight basic attributes (strength - strength, intelligence - intelligence, etc.), or 3 derived attributes (Health - health, Mana - magicka, Vigor - fatigue, Carrying capacity - encumbrance) and Skills (blade, blunt, and etc.).< навык>- 21 game skills. In principle, any parameters can be viewed.
setav<атрибут/навык> <значение>

sets the attribute value/skill

It is not recommended to do this if you want to increase the level (see below and).
s etav<параметр > <значение >

Changes various parameters goals

Values ​​from 1 up to 100 mean percentage of effect, and the values ​​are 0 or 1 Turn the effect on or off. For most parameters the value " 0" removes the effect.

kills the target


closes the lock

<значение>sets the difficulty (1-99). 100 means that a key will be needed.

opens the lock


teleports to the target

<место>- this is the identifier from the editor column Form ID, and not the location code, as in the "coc" command (see).

t fine

The fine will be paid, but the hero will not be sent to prison. However, all stolen items are confiscated. They can be found in the prison in the evidence box.

places the target in front of the hero

- This Form ID, which can be viewed in the Construction Set editor (can be an item, non-script, etc.). The entire list of codes can be found here PlanetElderScroll l. A clone of the object will appear in front of the hero. For example, "player.placeatme 00028FB6" will place a copy of an orc selling a house in Skingrad (Shum gro-Yarug) in front of the hero. In some quest cases, the copy may not work like the original.

Note: Useful for “reviving” killed (in a place unknown to the hero) master trainers (such as the master of Destruction, Archery), which often happens to them.


revives the target


changes the hero's name

<имя>- a name that should be in quotes, like player.SetActorFullName "The coolest guy on our state farm."
set crimegold<штраф>

sets a penalty for the target

Setting the value to 0 will not automatically stop the guards coming to arrest the hero. You will still have to give up.

changes target level


Stops the fight

Stops NPC attacks. But he can immediately rush into battle again.

closes the selected Oblivion portal


closes the current Oblivion portal

Closes the portal inside which the hero is located, and the latter teleports from Oblivion to the sinful land of Cyrodiil

shows the attitude of the NPC to the hero

The real ratio can be found through the console with the commandgetdisposition , where ID is the identifier of the non-writing whose relationship you want to find out. That is, you write in the console getdisposition, then point the mouse at the non-writing and press enter. The actual ratio may be much greater than 100.

teleports to location

See list of location codes. The exact location of teleportation may be “very inconvenient” for the hero.
get stage

returns the current stage of the specified quest

Or the current quest. 10 means the quest has been "accepted for completion".
get stage <стадия>

sets the stage of the specified quest

The quest stages can be viewed in the editor.
s ets tag < стадия>

Installsstage of the specified quest

This command sets a specific quest stage with ID. Applies when the quest gets stuck. Using the command S.Q.T. you can determine the current quest ID and its stage.

completes quest

Completes the current quest.

brings out the one who sees the hero

Information about what creatures can see the hero.
SetEssential< ID>

Makes the target indestructible

Makes an NPC or creature with ID unkillable (N=1) or killable (N=0).

Changes the hero's height

Changes the hero's size 0 (smallest) and 2 (largest). N- positive real number with two decimal places.The increase is not directly proportional; if you set it to 2, it will increase the hero by 4-5 times.

chameleon effect

Makes you a "chameleon". 0 - not a chameleon, 10 - 100% chameleon.

will pay a fine

Removes the penalty, but leaves all stolen items in the inventory. Only money for fines is removed. Works like a team Player.PayFine , but more effective.
Player.SetFactionRank FactionID

Sets the guild character's rank

Sets a certain rank in the guild. N=0 .... 7, if N = -1, then this means expulsion from the guild.

Makes duplicates of all items

Makes duplicates of all items in the hero's inventory, NPC or container.

removes all items

Removes all items from the selected NPC or container.

removes an item from the game

Removes everything from the game world.
ModDisposition Player<значение>

changes the character's attitude

Changes the attitude of one NPC to another or to the hero.

sets the amount of money the merchant has

SetIgnoreFriendlyHits 1

Changes the character's reaction to the hero's attacks

Changes the reaction of an NPC friend to hits on him.

establishes ownership rights to an object, a horse

Click on the item you like, a horse, and it will all be yours!

establishes ownership rights to the premises


quest item sign

Sets the quest item flag in the inventory.N =1 - The item is a quest, cannot be thrown out of the inventory (useful insurance so as not to throw away what you need). N = 0 non-quest item.
Other commands Do not belong to any category.

increases the hero's level

The level up dialog will appear. The hero's level will increase, but his basic skills will remain the same. Those. For a normal transition to the next level, increase your skills for the previous cheating increase.

increases the hero's skill

This can be safely used to increase skill (unlike player.setav<навык> <уровень>and modpcs<навык> <уровень>), because This command does not "freeze skill level".

completes all stages of the quest

Complete completion of all (!) quests in the game.

Displays help for commands

Shows all console commands.
ModPCMiscStat< номер_статистики> <значение>

adds (subtracts) value to a specific statistic

modpca<атрибут> <значение>

adds the items value to the attribute

modpcs<навык> <значение>

Adds point value to skill

Skill modification. The name of the skill is written without spaces, like "handtohand" (hand-to-hand combat) Attention! In the unpatched version, this command “freezes” the skill at a new level. However, the skill begins to increase again when the hero's actual experience equals that required for a given skill value. Those. the hero must work off this promotion. Team advskill<навык> <значение> will solve this problem if it changes the internal value of the skill to the same number of points.

teleports to the goal of the quest stage

Useful if you get stuck somewhere.

selection by ID

Selecting an object by its reference identifierrefidas if it was selected with the mouse from the console.

adds all spells


Quitting the game without going through the menu


saves the game

Saves the game under a name. If you write the optional "1", this will also save a text file (name.esm.txt) containing information about the save.
set<переменная >to<значение >

sets a global variable

Sets the value <значение > global variable <переменная > . The "show" command will show the current value of the variable.

Selects the debug information category

Selects what the "tdt" command shows.

establishes the good reputation of the hero


establishes the hero's notoriety


changes the weather


shows the current value of a global variable


change of birth sign

Using these codes, you can change what you need, but at the same time your achievements will be reset, or they will simply glitch, and all your skills will be, for example, under 5-9 at level 40. Or, conversely, something will jump to 255... Even if you haven’t made any changes, the skill development will still be reset. Use is NOT RECOMMENDED!

Note . For codeshowracemenu There is a way to use it painlessly if you want to make changes to your appearance that do not affect anything else - for example, change your hairstyle or change your age. To do this, enter the code, make changes to your character and, without closing this window, press Esc, and then save. Immediately load a new save. Your character's appearance will change, but everything else will remain exactly as it was. Achievements in skill development will not be reset. But! Be sure to save to a new save so as not to spoil the game, and check that all the values ​​have not really changed, and that the active magic effects have not disappeared. (Investigator's note).


change of class


opens a menu where you can change race, gender and customize appearance hero


gender change

Yes, yes, yes! Now this is possible in the game.
r eseth health Full health! Don't let yourself die

shows all quests

Shows all the game's quests and their current stages.

shows the current quest


creates a window with full graphics moment

You need to press Alt-Tab and switch out of Oblivion. It's better to press it from the console.
EnablePlayerControls Enables control of the hero in those moments when it is disabled according to the plot. If there is a glitch, then reboot and run again.

establishes the amount of stolen items

Sets the amount of gold received for stolen items.

3. Using console commands

3.1. Find NPCs

It is possible not to clone an NPC with the player.placeatme command, but to teleport to it. This is more difficult, but does not create a clone, which could affect gameplay.

Call the console;

3.2. Control of Oblivion portals

If you enter the command in the console CloseOblivionGate Click on the Oblivion portal and press enter, the portal will close.

If entered into the console when the hero is in Oblivion, CloseCurrentOblivionGate, the portal will close, and the hero will be transported back to Cyrodiil.

3.3. Vampirism and treatment of vampirism through the console
This will work even if you were already a vampire and were cured, becoming immune to it. Enter set PCVampire to 2 And Player.SetAV Vampirism 25. That's it, vampire! And no pre-existing hemophilia. Moreover, you immediately get 50% of the vampirism ability, so do not enter these commands in the sun.
Vampirism can be treated in two ways.

1. Add the “Cure Vampirism” potion to your inventory console command Player.AddItem 977E4 1 and drink on an empty stomach. But this may not work for various reasons. Then use the second method.

2. Enter all these commands sequentially:
Set PCVampire to -1
player.setfactionrank playervampirefaction -1
player.removespell vampirism100
player.removespell vampirism75
player.removespell vampirism50
player.removespell vampirism25
player.removespell vampirism100att
player.removespell vampirism75att
player.removespell vampirism50att
player.removespell vampirism25att
player.removespell vampirism100skills
player.removespell vampirism75skills
player.removespell vampirism50skills
player.removespell vampirism25skills
player.removespell vampirehunterssight
player.removespell vampireembraceofshadows
player.removespell vampirereignofterror
player.removespell vampireseduction

