How to win long games of backgammon. Tactics and strategy for playing long backgammon

Backgammon – logic game in checkers, in which the dice introduce an element of probability, making the game unpredictable. Backgammon is one of the oldest mind games, which combined elements of strategy and chance.

The randomness of the game depends on the location dice. No one is able to predict the combination of dice before throwing, much less predict what the next throws will be. The main element of backgammon is not passion, but intellectuality and sport, and therefore the game is considered a sport-logical one.

If you want to become good player in backgammon, learn not just to play, but to understand how to win at backgammon. To do this, you must learn to model and predict options for changing situations in the game, assume what steps your opponent will take and, if necessary, “take risks” and be able to calculate them in advance.

And although there is a certain dependence on the dice in backgammon, the player himself makes the decision when choosing a move. Understanding the intricacies of the game, the player is able to react to unpredictable changes, suggest options for continuing the game, and wait for the combinations necessary to advance.

The strategy of playing backgammon requires concentration and clarity of thought from the player, the ability to calculate various combinations and moves and depending on how the dice fall out. Such skills are achieved through long training and numerous games. An important aspect is the player’s endurance.

And now a few words about the backgammon strategy itself:

  • Evaluate the position. If you correctly assess the position, you will receive the most powerful tool in backgammon - the cube, which will complicate the game and make it more dynamic. The cube will allow you and your opponent to raise the stakes in the game, increasing the number of points in the drawing.
  • Building your board - creating many points in the house. This strategy has two main advantages - it makes it difficult for the enemy to escape and it makes it difficult to introduce blots. If you knock down your opponent's blots, you can gain absolute control of the board.
  • Risk. You may risk leaving vulnerable blots. This is done in order to have the opportunity to take winning positions.
  • Departure. Be careful when leaving the enemy's house. Your opponent's home board will have your checkers placed on it. It is in your interests to quickly remove checkers, this is especially important if the opponent begins to build up his home board.
  • Reverse game. This involves creating a large number of anchors on your opponent's home board, which will prevent him from bringing checkers into the house, and he will be forced to expose them to attack.

Try playing backgammon. The tactics of the game, complex combinations, the need to calculate possible combinations in advance and the element of surprise introduced by the dice make backgammon one of the most exciting board games.

Backgammon is an ancient oriental game. Scientists have not yet determined the homeland of this hobby. But even despite this, today he plays backgammon large number people, getting tremendous pleasure from it.

In ancient times, people also loved to play backgammon. Archaeologists found a board that, according to their assumptions, was made more than 3 thousand years ago.

This one oriental game there are other names:

  • Backgammon.
  • Yuekgemon.
  • Tavla.
  • Shesh-besh.
  • Kosha.

Backgammon perfectly develops thinking and logic, helps to calm down and become famous. The game is played by 2 people.

Table: “composition” of the game.

Rules for playing backgammon for beginners step by step:

  • Initially, you should arrange the playing chips. They are placed at the top in the player's right corner. The chips are placed in a row vertically.
  • Then 2 players throw ditches to determine the first move. The player who has the highest combination on the dice goes first.

For the first move, a checker is removed from the vertical row. According to the rules, this is called “removing from the head.”

Throughout gameplay dice are always used. They determine the number of moves. Since there are two dice in the game, the player receives two numbers when throwing them. This determines the number of his steps. The numbers are added up and the player moves. According to the rules, one cell is one step.

But there is a second option: when two numbers appear, it is not necessary to sum their components. You can use two chips to match the number of dropped dice.

Example: one die rolls 4 and the other rolls 2.

Two options:

Summation: 4+2=6 moves with one chip.
Separate steps: 2 steps with one chip, 4 moves with the second.

  • Checkers move exclusively counterclockwise.
  • A player has the right to stop on the playing field only on an empty cell or on his color. Standing on the opponent's color is prohibited. You can stop at your chip, that is, put it on top. This action It's called "putting it on your head."
  • “Removing” a checker from the head is allowed only once in one step. Example: 5 and 4 appear on the dice. If this is the player’s first move, then the numbers are summed up and 9 moves across the field are obtained. In other cases, you can make 5 steps with a chip on the board and 4 steps with a checker removed from the head.
  • If the dice fall out in such a way that the player is forced to stop on the opponent’s cell, then he skips this move.
  • When a double is rolled (1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6), the player is awarded the right to move his checkers 4 times for the number of dice rolled. That is, when a 2:2 double is rolled, the player can: Make 4 moves of 2 steps each.
    Make 1 move for 4 steps.

Game tactics and strategy

The strategy in tavla is to transfer your own playing chips to the opponent's field.

Types of strategies:

  1. Speed ​​game. Target - fast travel game items into the house.
  2. Game of retention. Hold 2 checkers on one hole until you manage to knock out your opponent's blot.
  3. Blocking. The essence is the construction of a long wall of checkers to block the enemy’s transition.
  4. Blitz strategy. The point is to close the house quickly.
  5. Backgame. The idea is to build a hole with two checkers in your opponent’s house.

Winning tactics:

You need to place 6 chips in the fourth quarter. This action is called “bring home.” After the last piece is placed in the fourth quarter, the checkers are “kicked out” by rolling the dice:

  1. The chip of the same name on the number drawn at dawn is kicked out.
  2. A chip is kicked out, under the number obtained in the process of adding the numbers.

Important! Victory is awarded to the player who has no game checkers left on the board.


To win the game you need to resort to tricks or have a unique mind and logic.

Tricks and secrets for winning in Yuekgemon:

  1. Help your opponent lose. Ensure his loss by closing all fives. For yourself, leave three checkers in each recess on the board. After the opponent begins to open the holes, they must be immediately closed behind him.
  2. Do not allow the enemy to occupy the three recesses near the base of the vertical row.
  3. Place the checkers away from the sixth position.

Varieties of backgammon

Varieties of backgammon:

  1. Long backgammon is classic.
  2. Short backgammon.

The differences between them are in some rules:

  1. Absence of broken checkers in long backgammon.
  2. If in backgammon The checker is placed on the opponent's checker, then it is beaten.

Pay attention! There is an abundance of games on short and long boards.

Table: varieties of the game of kosha.

Name Description and rules
American Placement of white chips:

Two for the first hole.
Two for the second hole.
Two into the third hole.
The rest are placed on the side of the board.

Arrangement of black checkers:

Two on the ninth hole.
Five on the tenth hole.
Three on the eleventh hole.
Five on the twelfth hole.

The rules are unchanged. The main goal is to move everything game items onto the opponent's field and drive out your checkers.

Dutch backgammon All chips must be entered into the game from the board.
One-two The advantage of this game is that there is no arrangement of checkers on the board.

After choosing the right to move, they are taken from the side of the board to make a move.

Keils Keils is very popular in England. This game develops a person's mathematical abilities.

It was developed by a mathematician named Henry Deden.


Eleven is placed in a vertical row.
One is placed separately.

When performing a step, one checker placed side by side is taken.

Kubo Kubo is a type of backgammon game. Her main feature is that instead of checkers, players use coins.

27 coins are arranged in nine columns, each containing 3 coins.
A turn begins by removing a coin from any column.
The winnings are awarded to the player who takes the last coin.

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Currently, backgammon is very popular, mainly due to the advent of the Internet version, where you can find opponents from all over the world for real money. The game itself requires a lot of experience from the player, and one of the most important things is choosing the right strategy.

Fortunately, the leading backgammon websites offer some sort of training or introduction to the game and tips on the game that you should use depending on the situation. To become a more proficient backgammon player, we recommend that you read the following tips.


Most beginners ignore the point count that many online backgammon servers keep (this is the amount of dice points needed to finish the game). However, players should pay attention to the scoring, and adjust their game strategy accordingly, rather than going through the entire game with a predetermined strategy and relying solely on luck.

- “Consistent” strategy

The player has several different strategies at his disposal. “Open” or “sequential” play involves moving pieces over long distances, which allows you to quickly move all the pieces to their “home” (Cells 1 to 6 in the lower right corner of the screen). But it has disadvantages - it can leave your pieces open to enemy attack. If you only have a few pieces left to move to win, this is a suitable strategy. Blitzkrieg is a slightly more dangerous strategy. This is a direct attack on your opponents' pieces and simultaneously blocking as many cells as possible in your part of the board. The goal is to keep your opponent on the inside of the board while you advance towards your "home".

"Retention" strategy

Another option is for players to protect their pieces by stacking them, which will reduce the opponent's chances of attacking them. Thus, it will be possible to attack the enemy at a time when he brings his pieces closer to the “home”. A similar strategy should be used when the opponent begins to win, and he has fewer pieces left than you.

"Fill" strategy

The "fill" strategy is a specific type of blocking where the goal is to create a block (six consecutive closed cells). The opponent cannot move his pieces beyond the block, which gives you a significant advantage in the game.

Brief overview

It is best to use the strategy that works best for you, act according to the circumstances and think several moves ahead. This will help you better implement your chosen strategy. The game is not only about luck, but also about strategy.

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Long backgammon belongs to the category of games in which moves must be calculated at the very beginning. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a rather unpleasant situation, which will ultimately lead to a loss of advantage over your opponent. Know the secrets of the game backgammon, means to increase the probability of your victory in advance.

Attentiveness and composure from the first minutes are the guarantee of your success. Particular attention should be paid to the enemy’s first move, because only in this case can you somehow calculate the options for future moves.

It seems to many that the initial movements of the checkers do not carry a strategic load. But those who are fans of this game will say something else: they basically determine the subsequent balance of power.

The unwritten rule of long backgammon is that one checker should go forward, and the second should remain “in the head”. In this way, you can seize a position and gain an advantage on the playing field. The faster a player takes advantage of positions in the house, the easier it will be for him to overcome obstacles on the path to victory in the future.

Here are some secrets of backgammon, or principles to adhere to:

1) Don't let the enemy take more than three positions near your head, otherwise you will lose your advantage. And vice versa, try to do the same yourself
2) Place checkers beyond the sixth position. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to get to the desired third quarter
3) Prepare in advance for the possibility of a double (jackpot). If at the same time you have nothing to go with, you, again, will lose your advantage. If placed successfully, the jackpot can change the course of the entire game
4) It is advisable to transfer checkers from the second quarter to the third in one move - this will ensure a rapid attack
5) Try to block the enemy’s moves immediately after his checkers approach the first quarter.

However, it should be remembered that the enemy probably knows the secrets of playing backgammon and will definitely use them. Therefore, to capture the necessary territories, try to guess what is on his mind and carefully think through the defense.

If a beginner does not pay enough attention to predicting positions, it will be almost impossible for him to win in long backgammon. This is one of the main things that you definitely need to learn. Knowledge of the basics of tactics will allow the player to obtain the most advantageous position on the playing field both at the current moment and in the future.

It is the knowledge of the secrets of backgammon, the ability to use them, and find a way out of even the most dead-end situation that distinguishes an experienced player from a “loser.” If you have a real professional as your opponent, watch how he plays, analyze his actions, and you will soon begin to win even against the strongest “Nardovians”.

Thousands of people on our planet are addicted to backgammon, which in English-speaking countries is called backgammon. This ancient oriental game occupies the top places in the ratings of tabletop entertainment. Beginners think that victory or defeat depends on the roll of special dice - pay. You get a lot of points - you win, a few - you lose. Not everyone who has played at least once in their life knows: there are secrets to playing backgammon, and if you master them, you will wear the laurels of the winner without taking them off.

Backgammon tactics

Surely everyone knows the basics of backgammon, but if not, then here key points. Each participant places 15 checkers on his part of the board (in the house). The main task is to make a circle around playing field and remove chips from the field faster than your opponent. The number of holes to which the checker is moved is determined by throwing the charge.

A thorough knowledge of the rules can hardly be called cunning. This is rather an immutable truth. Therefore, if you still have gaps in knowledge, fill the lack of knowledge immediately. This can be done on our website, where the rules are written in accessible and understandable language. After all, without knowledge of the theory you will not achieve mastery.

Secrets of playing backgammon

In a nutshell, the secrets of the famous types of backgammon are as follows: think carefully about each move, otherwise it is unlikely to be successful. The development of events depends on the initial movements of the chips, whether in long or short backgammon. Although the outcome of the fight also depends on whether the dice roll is successful, it is tactically correct to calculate the movements and predict the behavior of the opponent.

The tactics of playing backgammon are as follows: we move one checker from our own head, take the second one from another hole and, thus, slowly move towards the opponent’s head. Some experienced players advise choosing one of the possible strategies:

  • try to move forward by any means;
  • hold the defense until the last.

There is no mystery here, everything is explained logically: if games with more points appear more often, move forward. If you are with a small child, defend yourself. When playing backgammon, tactics will differ depending on the situation; you cannot predict all combinations in advance; there are no win-win games.

Logically speaking, when two opponents of the same skill level sit at the board, they have the same chance of winning. Then, to win, follow these tactics for playing long backgammon: don’t let your opponent score points and don’t lose points yourself. To prevent your opponent from gaining points, create positions in which he will not be able to move and will be forced to miss moves. At the same time, carefully place checkers in the house and think through combinations in advance so as not to lose points.

Tactics for playing long backgammon

The main secret of correct tactics is to anticipate the situation, and not just see what is happening on the playing field in front of your eyes. In other words, calculate the possible consequences of movements. Adherents of backgammon with a mathematical mindset made some calculations and found out that in order to get to the desired hole, try to stand 5-6 holes before it. Most often the total is the same number of points. This little trick will help even a beginner win.

What other secrets of playing long backgammon are known? Close holes for your opponent that he can get into, because we already know that usually the bets give 5-6 points when throwing. Use this tactical technique against an opponent.

The secrets of backgammon also include building a fence. A fence is called a battle participant's chips placed in three to six cells in a row. By lining up the fence correctly, create a winning combination. The point is that your opponent will have a shortage of moves, but you will have the opportunity to make a good, well-thought-out move. If you don’t scare your opponent with a fence of 3 chips, then when there are 4, 5 or 6 chips in a row, this is almost a winning combination.

Long backgammon tactics for playing with a computer

When playing long backgammon with a robot, the tactics remain the same. We defend or attack depending on the situation on the field and how lucky your day is today. Online backgammon also requires the player to have logical thinking and at least basic mathematical abilities. To win, play hundreds of games. It’s like in sports - the more you train, the closer you are to victory.

Use the secrets of backgammon while playing with a robot or a person in the Free Club. Also, everyone will find on our website most popular games: card games, chess, checkers, dominoes, roulette, etc.

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