How to restore a tank after sale. Restoration of equipment and crew


You probably have had cases when you wanted to return a premium car you sold, sent an application to the Central Processing Center and waited for its consideration. So here we have good news. In update 9.16, a mechanism will appear that will allow you to return equipment and crew simply and quickly.

Now you don’t even need to close the game: just a few mouse clicks right in the Hangar - and the necessary vehicle or crew member will be back in service. At the same time, crew statistics, awards, skills and abilities will be preserved.

Who and what can be restored?

You will be able to return only those crew members (with an already learned skill, ability, corresponding amount of undistributed experience), special and premium vehicles that were demobilized (or sold, in the case of vehicles) after the release of update 9.16.

Crew recovery

Crew members with at least one fully learned skill or skill or with the appropriate amount of unallocated experience can be restored free of charge within 48 hours after demobilization , as well as for 60,000 over the next 30 days.

At the same time, there must be a free bed in the Barracks for the returning crew member.

Restoration of premium equipment

Any cars that are bought for game gold, can be restored within 72 hours after sale

Restoring award cars

Special cars received for participating in game events, for combat missions or as a reward for other competitions (including campaigns on Global map), as well as cars that are currently unavailable for purchase, can be restored at any time provided there are enough credits . At the same time, there must be a free slot in the Hangar for the restored vehicle.

The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the sale price +10%*.

Attention! The same reward car can be restored no more than once every three days.

* The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the cost of sale + 10%. For example, you bought a premium car for 10,000 and then sold it for 2,000,000 (10,000 × 400 / 2 = 2,000,000). The cost of restoration will be 2,000,000 + (2,000,000 × 0.1) = 2,200,000. This formula is constant - special offers and discounts are not taken into account.

If you don't have enough credits, but have enough gold to convert, you will be prompted to convert the gold into the missing credits.

What can't be restored?
  • Conventional (research) machines.
  • Machines written off by the User Support Center.
  • Premium cars after the restoration period has expired.
  • Rented machines provided to perform a task after the rental period has expired.
How to restore equipment?

If the vehicle meets the restoration criteria, you can return it to the Hangar by selecting this option in the following locations.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Research tree
Warehouse store

When restoring a machine from the Research Tree, right-click to open the context menu and select “Restore”. The cost of restoration and the time during which the procedure will be available will be displayed.

If the number of credits is insufficient, a notification about the missing amount will appear next to the text “Restore”.

When all recovery conditions are met, simply select “Restore” and confirm to return the vehicle to the Hangar.

If you want to restore a car through the Warehouse Store, check “Restore for credits” in the drop-down menu of the “Equipment” tab and select the desired type of equipment.

The window will display a list of available machines, the cost of restoration and the time during which the equipment will be available for restoration. Right-clicking will take you to the machine screen where you can restore it.

How to restore the crew?

Now, when any crew member is demobilized, you will be notified whether they can be reinstated in the future.

Demobilized crew members can be found in the Barracks by checking the “Demobilized” option. Hover over a specific crew member and find out everything about the cost of restoring them and how much time you have left to do so.

To return a crew member to duty, simply click “Restore” and confirm the action in the window that appears.

The recovery buffer can accommodate up to 100 crew members. If the buffer is full and you wish to demobilize a crew member, you will be notified that that crew member will replace the longest serving crew member in the buffer.

After recovery, the crew member is not assigned to any vehicle. No problem: just put this tanker in the old crew and go into battle - all settings will be restored, and the tanker will remain trained to control this vehicle.


You probably have had cases when you wanted to return a premium car you sold, sent an application to the Central Processing Center and waited for its consideration. Well, we have good news. In update 9.16, a mechanism will appear that will allow you to return equipment and crew simply and quickly.

Now you don’t even need to close the game: just a few clicks of the mouse right in the Hangar - and the necessary vehicle or crew member will be back in service. At the same time, crew statistics, awards, skills and abilities will be preserved.

Who and what can be restored?

You will be able to return only those crew members (with an already learned skill, ability, corresponding amount of undistributed experience), special and premium vehicles that were demobilized (or sold, in the case of vehicles) after the release of update 9.16.

Crew recovery

Crew members with at least one fully learned skill or skill or with an appropriate amount of unallocated experience can be restored free of charge within 48 hours after demobilization , as well as for 60,000 over the next 30 days.

At the same time, there must be a free bed in the Barracks for the returning crew member.

Restoration of premium equipment

Any cars that are purchased for in-game gold can be restored within 72 hours after sale

Restoring award cars

Special vehicles received for participating in game events, for combat missions or as a reward for other competitions (including campaigns on the Global Map), as well as vehicles that are currently not available for purchase, can be restored at any time provided there are enough credits . At the same time, there must be a free slot in the Hangar for the restored vehicle.

The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the sale price +10%*.

Attention! The same reward car can be restored no more than once every three days.

* The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the cost of sale + 10%. For example, you bought a premium car for 10,000 and then sold it for 2,000,000 (10,000 × 400 / 2 = 2,000,000). The cost of restoration will be 2,000,000 + (2,000,000 × 0.1) = 2,200,000. This formula is constant - special offers and discounts are not taken into account.

If you don't have enough credits, but have enough gold to convert, you will be prompted to convert the gold into the missing credits.

What can't be restored?

  • Conventional (research) machines.
  • Machines written off by the User Support Center.
  • Premium cars after the restoration period has expired.
  • Rented machines provided to perform a task after the rental period has expired.

How to restore equipment?

If the vehicle meets the restoration criteria, you can return it to the Hangar by selecting this option in the following locations.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Research tree

Warehouse store

When restoring a machine from the Research Tree, right-click to open the context menu and select “Restore”. The cost of restoration and the time during which the procedure will be available will be displayed.

If the number of credits is insufficient, a notification about the missing amount will appear next to the text “Restore”.

When all recovery conditions are met, simply select “Restore” and confirm to return the vehicle to the Hangar.

If you want to restore a car through the Warehouse Store, check “Restore for credits” in the drop-down menu of the “Equipment” tab and select the desired type of equipment.

The window will display a list of available machines, the cost of restoration and the time during which the equipment will be available for restoration. Right-clicking will take you to the machine screen where you can restore it.

How to restore the crew?

Now, when any crew member is demobilized, you will be notified whether they can be reinstated in the future.

Demobilized crew members can be found in the Barracks by checking the “Demobilized” option. Hover over a specific crew member and find out everything about the cost of restoring them and how much time you have left to do so.

To return a crew member to duty, simply click “Restore” and confirm the action in the window that appears.

The recovery buffer can accommodate up to 100 crew members. If the buffer is full and you wish to demobilize a crew member, you will be notified that that crew member will replace the longest serving crew member in the buffer.

Anyone playing online games, knows what a long leveling is and how difficult it is to farm money. This is the path that every player must take to become a gamer. But for those who cannot do this, there is an opportunity to significantly make this path easier for money. And World of Tanks was no exception.

The creators of the game have added the opportunity to purchase a premium tank for a fee

Such tanks, as a rule, have an advantage at their level over simple equipment. But sometimes troubles happen and the tank is sent for sale. The reasons could be anything: inattention, the tank is more high level, which is better than premium, nerves after a leaked battle. But in some cases, after what has been done, the thought comes to mind that the decision was wrong and the question arises: how to return the sold premium equipment to wot? It is possible that the tank sold was a favorite, it is much more pleasant to play on it than on other machines, or the ownership of this particular unit was brought to perfection.

The whole problem is the 10% commission, which is not shown and taken into account everywhere, which deeply misleads the user.

In this case, certain conditions must be met:

Silver. Since for the sale of a premium tank, money is returned to the account in silver, then for the return of the tank it will be written off. If there is no such amount, there will be no tank;

Free space. Without fail, there must be a free slot in the hangar for returned equipment. If it is not there, then there will be no room for the tank and it will not be returned;

Quantity. A refund can only be made once, so you need to think several times before taking advantage of this opportunity.

Even if everything goes well, it is still better to be more careful and careful while in the hangar. But even if this happened and it was possible to return the tank, in the future there will certainly be a feeling that this chance should have been saved for a more suitable occasion.

Forgetting about the commission in the game client

But what if the situation happens again? How to return sold premium equipment to wot for the second time?

No way. A second return is not possible. Nowhere is it mentioned why the system works the way it does. In any case, you should not make such an oversight at all, because even the first time they may not return the sold equipment if they consider that it is better not to do so. It is better to carefully monitor your actions and not take unnecessary risks.

Good day to all brave tankers!

In the game, the victory of any player directly depends on the skills and skill level.

In addition, the browser has premium technology.

It can be purchased without problems for game currency or with competent game and perseverance to upgrade to a tank of any level and class.

But what if you purchased premium equipment, sold it and now regret it?

How to return something sold to World of Tanks? You will find out about this now.

Since many players do not know that gifts or premiums can be returned in the game, I decided to devote detailed instructions to this topic.

You will learn in it how you can return the tank and can breathe a sigh of relief.

Why are players selling the tank?

Often in game World of Tanks, a situation occurs when a player simply does not have enough working capital on his account to purchase advanced equipment or new equipment.

They find the only way out of this situation - they sell a premium tank from the hangar. The funds are credited to the balance, but over time, most players begin to regret the sale.

Few of them know that the situation can be corrected. However, this is only allowed to be done once. In this case, you will need to return the amount that you previously received from the sale of equipment.

If you are in this position and firmly believe that you want to return the tank to World of Tanks, proceed as follows.


  1. Go to the Wargaming support page.
  2. Go through the authorization process by entering your login under which you are listed in the online game.
  3. After logging in, you will see an application form that must be filled out by selecting the appropriate category in the World of Tanks game (I will tell you how to fill out the form a little later).
  4. Now select the item “question about game property”.
  5. The next step is to select “accidentally sold.”
  6. Describe your problem, you can describe it in detail or simply write “I accidentally sold a premium tank.”
  7. Select “issue not resolved.”
  8. Describe the essence of the problem clearly and briefly. You can write that you sold it simply or by accident.
  9. Click "continue" now.
  10. Complete the application creation.

The tank you sold will be returned within one day.

Conditions under which the tank is returned to the player

Before you submit a support request, top up your game account with the amount you sold for the equipment. When returning the tank, this amount will be debited from the game balance.

It is also important to know that you must have a free slot in the hangar.

Contacting technical support (request form)

As promised, I give you an example of an application. This is one of the options.

I (your details) play World of Tanks.

I have a problem - it’s unclear why a premium tank disappeared from my hangar (don’t write that they sold it on purpose, you can also write that a brother/friend who doesn’t know how to play accidentally entered the game and pressed the wrong button, in a word, the equipment was deleted by accident ).

Please tell me, is it possible for me to return it? After all, I spent my own money on the purchase of the tank, and invested a considerable amount. I hope you can help me with this. Sincerely (enter your nickname).”

Waiting for the moderator to answer you. The answer comes within one day. There can be two possible answers.

This is “let us know when you have the required amount on your balance to restore” or “ respected player, to return your tank, there is currently no required amount of credits on your balance sheet.”

If you have the required amount, then you will receive the answer “Tank such and such has been credited to the account, such and such amount of credits has been debited from the account.”

You will also be warned to limit unauthorized persons’ access to your account and not to repeat similar mistakes in the future, and not to check the box to automatically save your password.

Well, that's it! Look into the hangar and see that your premium tank is showing off there again. Don't forget that you can only do this once! Think twice before selling military equipment.

If your friends also regret such a sale and do not know how to return a tank to World of Tanks, advise them to read my recommendations.

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