Playing fields in kindergarten. Playing fields

After returning from maternity leave, there is much less time for preparation and selection of materials for development. Meanwhile, Yana's needs for games and activities have increased significantly. Board games came to our rescue.

This article contains an overview of our favorites (among them there are various age options from 1+ to 5+) and a distribution of materials for printing 7 card games from Djeco.

Games are sorted by price level - blue is available, more yellow means a higher price.

Name The essence of the game and materials Upgradeable skills Age Price

Adventure game + 3D puzzles for kids (two in one).

Material: foamed polymer.

Logics 2,5-6
Carrot racing STEPpazzl (labirint, my-shop)

Action game.

Material: Wood + thick cardboard

Logics 2.5-3 years
Bunnies (my-shop, ozon)

Adventure game + 3D puzzle (two in one).

Material: foamed polymer.

Logics 2,5-5

Lotto with half pictures.

Material: High-quality pleasant plastic,

Attentiveness 2-5
Bata Waf Djeco (my-shop),

“Bata Nimo” (Magic Pictures) Djeco my-shop

Card game. A children's equivalent of the "drunkard" card game.

Material: thin but durable cardboard.

Automates the skill of comparing large and small objects. Instills the habit of using a scale with divisions to measure objects of similar size. from 3-7
Bead set from Melissa & Doug (my-shop)

The smallest and comfortable lacing for three year olds that I have seen.

Material: wood, and 5% plastic

Fine motor skills 3-7
Barabashka (my-shop, ozon)

Card game, the object hidden on the card is solved

Material: wood, cardboard

Logics from 5-8 years
Strawberry paths (my-shop, ozon)

Turn-based game according to given rules. Lacing elements.

Material: wood, cardboard

Logic, automation of counting and arithmetic operations within 10. There is no point in buying a game for a child who can count well beyond 10. from 2.5-5

Stencil with blocks on boards “Animals” from Melissa & Doug (my-shop)

“Advanced” frame inserts

Material: wood, plastic

Logic (elementary laying out, together with an adult material for getting acquainted with combinatorics) From 2.5-4 years


Material: wood, solid cardboard

Motor skills (the game requires a certain accuracy of movements), logic 2.5-4 years

Сoloformix Djeco

Repetition of shapes and colors. Introduction to presenting information in matrix form. 3-5
Topologix Djeco (my-shop)

Card game. Complete tasks on the playing field using a card.

Repetition of object positioning. Introduction to presenting information in matrix form. 3-5
Ludanimo Djeco (my-shop, ozon)

A game with several variants of rules that are connected as you reach age. Pyramid, adventure game, memory, building material for the little ones

Material: solid cardboard, rubber

Logics It will be interesting for children from 1 to 4 years old.

Dinosaurs. Path to the valley

Combination of ideas appearance and the budget cost of this game (my-shop, ozon) determines its position in the top rating.
The cheapness of the game is due to inexpensive materials - soft foam cardboard. The box comes with a set of puzzles and rules. The characters and surroundings are assembled from puzzles. Practicality makes the game accessible, but at the same time does not prevent it from being beautiful and exciting!

The plot of the game is an adventure game. The path is laid out from individual elements. The presence of a life scale in the game and the conditions under which lives are lost make the game special.
If, as a result of a move, a dinosaur lands on a field between two deserts (yellow stripes), it loses 2 lives. If a dinosaur falls into a valley between two green bars, its life point is restored.

For the little ones, you can discard the complications and the game will become a 3D puzzle or a simple adventure game. The game is designed for a number of players from 2 to 6 players.
The game has one drawback - the fragility of the parts. Yana has no problems with this, since she is neat and after her everything remains like new. But we couldn’t save one dinosaur from the cat 😥 . In fact, if handled with care, the game is durable enough to make you fall in love with it and play it many times.


Another colorful adventure game (my-shop, ozon) - a 3D puzzle for kids. Designed for two players. In my opinion, the optimal age for playing is 2.5-4 years.
The game comes as a set of 3D foam puzzles and instructions. Instead of a cube, the set contains two squares with the number of points. The maximum number of points is 3.

Board games 3 years | Carrot racing - an adventure game for kids

Board games 3 years | Materials for printing games

In addition to purchased games, we also have homemade ones, printed from materials found on the Internet. Anyone who hasn’t heard anything about Djeco games yet should definitely get acquainted with them, at least in a homemade version. Below I will show a few of our “printouts”. Read more about laminating developmental materials using an iron.

Storage of homemade card games and themed kits of materials.

Board games 3 years | Сoloformix Djeco

A game to reinforce shapes and colors. Suitable for children from 3.5 years old. Consists of:

  • a set of pictures with geometric shapes of different colors;
  • the playing field in the form of a matrix of colors and shapes;
  • star chips.

During the game, the child must find the shapes and colors used in a given picture and display them on the playing field. For Yana, the main difficulty was the positioning of the stars on the matrix of the playing field. I taught her to draw lines opposite the desired color, the desired shape and find the intersection.

The tasks themselves of finding shapes and colors turned out to be elementary for her. Despite this, I find the game useful. The matrix is ​​a very convenient representation of information and it is right to introduce it to preschoolers. Although, probably, we should start not from 3, but from 4-5 years old :-).

Board games 3 years | Topologix Djeco (my-shop)

A game of positioning objects in space. Suitable for children from 3.5 years old.
The set includes:

  • landscape cards;
  • the playing field in the form of a matrix of positions and objects;
  • chips with images of animals.

Purpose of the game: Place chips on the playing field in accordance with the location of the animals in the given landscape. To prevent the chips from moving around the field during the game, we provided them with pieces of adhesive mass and this turned them practically into reusable stickers.

Download Djeco

I have posted printed materials for 7 Djeco card games. Now I no longer remember the resources where I downloaded them, but I want to give a tip to a site with a huge collection of various printed games, including scans of other branded games:

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Non-traditional equipment – "Playing Fields" designed for children preschool age and is used in educational activities By physical culture in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, DS No. 44 “Golden Key”. The playing fields are part of the equipment of the peer-reviewed modified program " Fun workout» for children 5-7 years old.

The playing fields are squares (1.5m x 1.5m) or rectangles (1.5m x 75cm) made of high-quality plywood, which is wrapped on top with thin foam rubber, which is not secured in anything. Various gabardine playing fields are sewn onto this base, which are put on the base like a sheet and secured on the reverse side with rubber ropes in sewn fabric loops. Thus, the field is stretched from above and is safe for children's bare feet. On the field itself, variants of images are sewn (leaves, hummocks, flowers, etc.) or three-dimensional figures (stumps, mushrooms, logs, etc.) necessary for passing obstacles in the lesson in an in-line manner are attached with Velcro. The playing fields can be easily removed from the base, processed by a laundress in washing machines and used again.

Playing field "River"- designed for training and strengthening standing long jump.

Playing field "Glade"

Playing field "Flowers"- designed to develop leg strength when jumping from a deep squat.

Playing field "Glade"- designed to develop dexterity and speed in passing set obstacles.

Playing fields “Leaf fall”, “From hummock to hummock”» - designed to consolidate and improve jumps on two and one legs with forward movement.

In preparation for the lesson, the playing fields are selected and placed in gym in the required sequence depending on the objectives of the lesson. Used in the main part of the lesson, children perform exercises in a continuous manner at a fast pace at the stage of consolidating movements.

Objectives of using playing fields:

  1. Development physical qualities: speed of movement, motor reaction, pace of movement, agility, strength.
    1. Development of coordination abilities: accuracy of movements, balance.
    2. Consolidation and improvement of basic types of movements.
    3. Formation of sustainable interest of preschool children in physical education classes.

Practical significance determined by development:

  1. Lesson notes with the selection of physical exercises and the sequence of performing the main types of movements.
  2. A card index of outdoor games using “Game Fields”.

Educational effect:

  1. The high level of physical fitness of children aged 5-7 years increased by 57%, and is 78%; there is no low level.
  2. Indicators of the growth rate of physical qualities have increased and amount to 18%.
  3. Children's team "Olympic Hopes" from the Nizhnevartovsk Medical Educational Institution DS No. 44 "Golden Key" in 2015. took 1st place in city competitions among children of the preschool educational institution “Cross of Nations”; 1st place in city competitions in general physical training within the framework of the Spartakiad among preschool institutions cities.

I offer a multifunctional game guide “Magic Circle”.

The manual is designed for joint and independent play activity with children 5-7 years old.
This manual will be useful for educators and instructors in physical education.
Kiseleva Svetlana Mikhailovna, MDOU kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of social activities personal development children "Beryozka" No. 80
Purpose of the game:“Magic Circle” – the formation of a sustainable interest in games with elements of sports, the desire to use them in independent motor activities.
I would like to introduce you to the game guide “Magic Circle”. The choice of my find is not accidental. This manual interested me in the process of self-education on the topic: “Development of physical qualities of preschool children in the process of organizing outdoor games” and preparation for methodological unification. In search of outdoor games aimed at developing physical qualities great attention paid attention to materials not only in the methodological literature, but also on the Internet.
My attention was drawn to the medium mobility game “Mini Floor Billiards”. (slide 2). I decided to make this manual for the children of my group. This manual is a circle with a diameter of 2 meters. Made from leatherette and bologna. The circle is divided into sectors, which are indicated by numbers. To play billiards, we needed cues, which we made from waste material (base from self-adhesive wallpaper), a set of small balls and a bat.
The goal of the game“Mini billiards” is the formation of a sustainable interest in games with sports elements, the desire to use them in independent motor activity.
This manual allows you to solve the following problems:
1. Promote the development of motor abilities, enrich motor experience with new motor actions.
2. Develop eye, fine motor skills, accuracy and dexterity.
3. Build skills healthy image life, the need for daily physical exercise.
4. Cultivate positive moral and volitional qualities: determination, perseverance, sense of competition.
The author of the manual offered options for the game “Mini Floor Billiards,” which we successfully use with our children:
The game “Hit the Ball,” where children learn to calculate the required impact force without a cue, as a result of which they develop accuracy and eye.
The game “Points”, when the points of rolling balls across the playing field are counted. The one who scores wins greatest number points.
The game "Knock out the ball", where the first player to knock out the opponent's balls wins.
The game “Ball in play” is where the ball and bat are rolled by the player towards the opponent’s field. The defender of his territory tries to prevent the cue ball from rolling out of the playing field. (Slide 5)
In addition, we also use this manual as a playing field for playing Twister, which promotes the development of arbitrariness (the ability to play by the rules and follow instructions), gaming activity, communication and partnership skills, spatial orientation and coordination (slide 6)
But besides these games, I came up with another use for this manual, which is why I called it “The Magic Circle”. The manual was made with a double bottom, where we place corrective mats. The goal of the “Magic Circle” is to develop correct posture and arches in children, prevent flat feet, improve blood supply to the feet, and develop tactile sensations. I suggest to children game exercises: “Guess what you’re standing on?” (slide 7)
The versatility of these rugs is that they can be easily removed and swapped. And we can also make a whole path out of them in a circle or in length, which we called “Jolly Dragon.” (slide 8, 9)
Watching children play in independent activities, I began to think about how else to use this manual in other types of activities. I decided to use reverse side circle for games with mathematical content. There are transparent pockets on the playing field where numbers and symbols are inserted. We play games:
"Compare the numbers"
“Name the neighbors of the number”
"Find the missing number"
“Let’s make a belt” (establishing a logical sequence)
"Make a number"
“Mathematical classics” and others (slide 10)
In addition, the circle can also be used when teaching literacy, using these pockets: “Find words with a given sound”, “Read the syllables”, “Make a word”, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is not for nothing that we called this manual “The Magic Circle” Because with a thoughtful approach, many opportunities open up for its use in various types activities.
It can be used in games with children of primary and senior preschool age with various complications, individually, in pairs with a teacher and in small subgroups.
Its compactness allows you to store the game without taking up a lot of space, and is easily transformed with minimal time.
Children like games using non-standard equipment made with their own hands. It is bright, imaginative, universal, and helps create a favorable emotional mood.

Presentation on the topic: Multifunctional game aid "Magic Circle"

In the lives of older preschoolers, a new form of story play - director's play - with small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or several roles, occupies a large place.

Games with layouts help create such conditions; they are more high degree role-playing games, they are in demand by older preschoolers and contribute to the development of the child.

Playing with models is a higher level of development of role-playing games; it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. By organizing an object-based play environment using layouts in groups of senior preschool age, the teacher has the opportunity to solve the problem associated with the development of plotting in children and the free manifestation of their individual style characteristics in the game.

Purpose: teaching game modeling, developing safe behavior on the roadway.

Goal: making a model for game modeling in working with children of senior preschool age.

Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, road signs, and expand knowledge about the rules for safe behavior of children on the street;

Encourage children to engage in independent activities in the traffic rules corner.

Game layout can be used for development fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, spatial orientation



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 194"

The pedagogical value of the layout is

playing field in the organization

subject-game environment of the preschool educational institution.

("Journey to Moon City")

Compiled by: Vera Sergeevna Kritskaya,

senior teacher MBDOU No. 194

The pedagogical value of the playing field layout in the organization of the subject-playing environment of a preschool educational institution.

In the lives of older preschoolers, a new form of story play - director's play - with small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or several roles, occupies a large place.

A mockup is a scaled-down example of space and objects in an imaginary world (realistic or fantasy).

Considering diversity story games, teachers should focus on organizing such story-based games in which every child will be able to:

Satisfy your interests;

Realize your potential;

Create game plot and implement it;

Demonstrate individual characteristics of gaming creativity.

Games with layouts help create such conditions; they are a higher level of role-playing games, they are in demand by older preschoolers and contribute to the development of the child.

Playing with models is a higher level of development of role-playing games; it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. By organizing an object-based play environment using layouts in groups of senior preschool age, the teacher has the opportunity to solve the problem associated with the development of plotting in children and the free manifestation of their individual style characteristics in the game.

In kindergartens, first of all, a “universal” layout is needed. “Universal” layouts are divided into two types:

1. Layout models:

The layout model is a small plane with stable structures fixed on it (houses, churches, traffic lights), the addition of themed figures-characters and objects denoting actions-events, small transport - cars, planes, sets of small figures - characters - family, soldiers, fairy-tale characters, fantasy characters, surroundings (trees, flowers).

2. Layout cards:

Layout maps are planes with places marked on them for the location of possible objects and several key objects - space markers. Thus, on the “City Streets” layout map, roads and sites for buildings are highlighted in color, the territory is supplemented with several commensurate objects (houses, garages, gas stations) and the addition are objects indicating events - actions - this is transport.

Children's level of curiosity and cognitive interest increases. In everyday life, they ask questions concerning objects and phenomena that lie beyond the circle of direct observation. Preschoolers show an interest in educational literature (about nature, historical events, space, human health); children include their new ideas in game plots and drawing themes.

There are techniques to increase children's interest in playing with models. This is, first of all, fiction that creates in the imagination of children various “worlds” with amazing characters and plots. Literary texts, as well as cartoons, interest children and help them decide on the selection of characters and thematic specification of the layout. Thus, the “City Streets” layout map can temporarily turn into the Flower City of Dunno and his friends, the landscape layout map can turn into the edge of the forest where Winnie the Pooh or Baba Yaga lives.

Inhabitants-characters, additional surroundings for the layout, and the layout itself can be made in the process of productive joint activities children with a teacher (from paper, cardboard, wire, salt dough, natural material), which contributes to the development of creativity in various types of activities (in manual labor, design and production of models).

In a number of programs, prototyping is considered as an environmentally oriented activity that helps consolidate ideas about the natural world, allows you to transform acquired knowledge into play, saturating children's lives with new impressions and stimulating children's creativity.

Making a model contributes to the development of speech: when making a model, children describe, compare, reason, thereby expanding their vocabulary.

There is a close connection between prototyping and mathematics: in the process of work, mathematical concepts such as space, quantity, size, color, etc. are reinforced.

Layout contributes to the sensory development of children: working with materials of different texture, quality, and shape develops senses and activates fine motor skills of the hands.


The layout of the playing field is the central element that organizes the object environment for playing with small toys. It acts as a “trigger” that promotes the development of children’s imagination and creativity, where the teacher, without directly participating in the game, acts as a creator of problem-game situations and an assistant in the implementation of game plans (i.e., the teacher guides children’s plans with questions: “ What happened next?”, “What happened to them?”). The layout elevates the game to a story-driven new level, promotes the general development of preschool children, is a link between various forms of adult-children and free children's activity.


Purpose : training in game modeling, formation of safe behavior on the roadway.

Target : making a model for game modeling in working with children of senior preschool age.


Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, road signs, and expand knowledge about the rules for safe behavior of children on the street;

Encourage children to engage in independent activities in the traffic rules corner.

The game layout can be used to develop fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, spatial orientation.

Subject material: figures of people, houses, trees, road signs, traffic lights, models of cars and trucks, special vehicles.

Equipment : boxes of different sizes, colored and textured paper, cardboard, tubes, sticks, toothpicks, scissors, glue.

Name of the lesson stage

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

1 Motivation

The postman brought us a letter.

Children listen carefully to the teacher.

Guys, do you want to know what it says?

Yes, we want!

The teacher reads the letter.

I came into the world

I fell from the moon.

I wanted to walk around the city,

To find friends for yourself,

But there are cars around me -

Tires squeal and squeal.

So I came to you here.

Help me friends.

Me and the residents of Moon City. We are in trouble. We have accidents all the time. Help us please.

Active listening

Search question.

The teacher asks questions

Shall we help our guest? Shall we teach him the rules of the road?

What do you need to know for this?

Answers to the search question.

Children answer the questions:

Yes we can!

Traffic Laws

What do you know about them?

You need to cross the road at a special zebra crossing.

There are traffic lights on the streets.

You cannot play on the roadway, etc.

How do you follow the rules?

We turn to green light.

We only get on public transport at bus stops, etc.

Why do accidents happen?

Pedestrians and drivers do not follow traffic rules.

How can you help Luntik?

Teach to follow traffic rules.

2. Hitting the road

Warm up.

Our little feet

They walk briskly along the road

The path is open to us everywhere - are coming

We are pedestrians now

And now we'll run- are running

We are rushing to the bus.

We were afraid of being late, - are running

We were very worried.

Now we are passengers

We settled in well.

We drove for a long, long time - sit down

And we arrived in the Moon City.

Beautiful city and big - are surprised

He greets guests with his soul -raise their hands up

Children performing motor exercises with speech accompaniment

3. Busy street

On the table is a model of a street without road signs:

Different people live here -

Both the driver and the pedestrian.

The king rules the country

Great traffic light,

So that it doesn't happen sometimes

There's confusion there.

Children look at the layout


Why do accidents happen?

Children answer the questions:

Drivers and pedestrians do not follow traffic rules.

What is the roadway for?

For transport passage

How should you cross the street?

You need to first look to the left, and, having reached the middle of the roadway, to the right.

What does an exemplary pedestrian say to cars?

Hey cars, full speed ahead!

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I'll make way for you!

Where can you cross the street?

Where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is installed

Guys, look, are there any road signs or traffic lights on this street?


How to help Luntik and the residents of the Moon City?

You can make road signs, traffic lights and place them on the street.

Luntik suggests going to a road sign workshop.

4. Polite passengers.


Guys, to get to the workshop, we need to take a bus.

Do you know how I ride on the bus? I run up to the bus, push everyone aside, burst into the cabin and climb into the first seat. Then I kick everyone, pull off their hats, and stand with my feet on the seat. Oh, and fun! Everyone starts making noise and getting indignant, but I feel good!

Active listening.

The teacher asks the children:

Guys, would you like to be on the same bus with Luntik?

Children's answers:


Explain what Luntik is doing wrong?

Children explain how to behave correctly on the bus:

When a bus approaches, you must stand away from the edge of the sidewalk.

Approach the door only when you are at a complete stop.

Do not push passengers.

Give way to elders.

Do not make noise or disturb passengers.


Oh guys, I'm so ashamed of my behavior. Thank you for explaining to me how to behave on the bus.

Now I will drive, following the rules.

We arrived at the road sign workshop.

5. Road signs workshop.

Why are road signs needed?

Children's answers:

To cross the road correctly.

There is a hospital, parking lot, etc. nearby.

The teacher invites the children to make road signs.

Children make road signs - traffic lights, bus stops, pedestrian crossings, hospitals, etc.

Work in pairs, individual work, paper construction with applique elements.

6. Crossroads “Prohibited-allowed”

The teacher suggests playing the game:

A cultured passenger should know what is allowed and what is prohibited in transport.

If it is prohibited, then stomp your feet.

If allowed, clap your hands.

Riding like a hare, as you know...

Give way to the old lady...

Pushing everyone aside, shouting...

And stand quietly...

Taking ice cream on the bus...

Well, and the apples in the bag...

Play ball at the bus stop...

Let mother and child pass...

Walk around the back of the bus...

Well, in front, of course,

Performing motor exercises with speech accompaniment.

Children finish the phrase with a movement:

It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


We take road signs, traffic lights and go to the streets of the Moon City.

Children take with them paper road signs and traffic lights.

7. Street of the Moon City.

Invite children to place road signs and traffic lights on the layout and explain what they are for.

Children place road signs and traffic lights on right place, explain their meanings.

8. Conclusion.


Thank you, guys, for helping me and the residents of our Lunar City understand the rules of the road and teaching us how to behave in transport. We will try not to violate traffic rules.

Guys, what good deed have we done today?

Helped Luntik and the residents of Lunar City understand the traffic rules.

We were taught to follow the rules of behavior in transport.

They told me how to cross the street correctly, etc.

It's time for us to return to our city. After all, in our city, road signs surround us everywhere, on the streets and roads.

Striped horse

Leads across the street.

We need to be very careful here

We need to make a transition.

Don't rush, but first thing

Look left, look right:

There are no cars - we walk boldly!

There is a car - stop and wait!

Be friends with them and they will never let you down.

There are so many difficulties on the roads,

But you have no reason to be afraid of them.

Because traffic rules

Pedestrians and cars have them.

And so that everyone is in a good mood,

Children, follow the traffic rules.

Children get on the “bus” and return to the group.

9. Reflection

Guys, if you liked helping Luntik, then place a green circle next to the green traffic light,

if it was not interesting, then yellow,

If it was difficult, then red.

The children do it.
