Game field of miracles animals 5 letters. Field of miracles "these wonderful animals"

Test students' knowledge about animals using a game. Learn to distinguish domestic animals from wild animals. Replenish your knowledge of what certain animals eat, their way of life, their ability to get food, and raise their young. Let children know that pets need to be taken care of.



Game "Field of Miracles" on environmental theme"Beasts" (2nd grade)

Ved. : Children, you and I read a lot about domestic animals, looked at illustrations, watched filmstrips, told fairy tales, learned poetry. Please name me some pets (children name them). Name me wild animals (children list). You know animals well, but I want to test your knowledge with the help of the game “Field of Miracles”, where you need to guess the word by letter. All words will be on the topic “about animals”. We will play in threes, just like in the TV show. So as not to offend you, I will choose players for the game based on riddles. I will tell you riddles about animals, and you guess. Whoever guesses first gets into the game. Listen to the first riddle, think, guess:

  1. Pulls its bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes? (goat)
  2. Who carries a forest on his head? (deer) (after guessing, show illustrations)
  3. Straight across the field

White collar jumps (hare)

  1. Whoever follows her, she feeds him. (cow)

RESULTS: We have decided on the first 3 players to solve the riddles. You see on the table a word consisting of 6 letters (cow) - 6 cells, each with a letter. You need to spell out the name of the pet.

Spin the drum, you have 6 points, name the letter... (child's answer). Okay, there is such a letter.

As a keepsake for you souvenir-craft from natural material.
Musical break(listen to a music record with a song about animals). Round dance "Raven"
Again on the riddles, children, I’m selecting the second three for the game, listen to the riddle:
1) Who from the tall thick pines
threw a cone at the kids,

And into the bushes through a stump
did our light flash? (squirrel)
2) Quick Jump,
warm fluff,

Red eye? (rabbit)

Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter, but the first worker in the village (horse)
3) You stroke and caress,

Tease and bite? (dog)

Here are the second three players, spin the reel.
You need to guess a four-letter word (fox). Four squares with letters. What animal lives in the forest that is very beautiful? People really like the fur of this animal and people wear this fur on themselves even in winter.
So, the winner of the second three has been determined.
We present you with an incentive prize (souvenir).

Poetic pause(children read poetry)
1) Gorsky - “hedgehog”
2) Sorokin - “hare”
3) Slinched - “camel”
4) Polushkin - “beaver”
5) Porfenova - “puppy”

And now we need to determine the main winner from two players, guess the animal. It is both domestic and wild, and lives in the house and lives in the forest. The word has five letters (cat). Please spin the drum and name the letter (child’s answer) (comments during the game).

So - our main winner. He is awarded the main prize - a book.

Game "Cat and Mice"

Assignment for the audience: You need to name the animal, the word has four letters (moose).
Hint - sometimes the plant's emblem comes to our area.
Winner - imagine who you are, where you are from...Your prize is a book.

P/game with children and a little about ecology with parents.


"hedgehog" - Gorsky

The hedgehog looks scary to us

Threatens everyone with needles.

Only my sister and I know

Our hedgehog is not at all evil.

You click and he answers the call.

He drinks milk from a saucer.

Our hedgehog is not at all evil.

"hare" - Sorokin

The hare learned to write, he doesn't need a notebook.

He covered an empty field and galloped off to another.

He writes a phrase endlessly so that the fox does not read it right away.

"beaver" - Polushkin

Look at the beaver

No saw, no axe.

He fells aspen trees in the forest and builds a dam in the creek.

The beaver's strong teeth are sharper than an axe!

“puppy” - Parfenova

A little more gloves

They gave me a puppy

He's still out of habit

Doesn't lap up milk.

I called the cat for help.

I moved the bowl closer.

Good lesson

My puppy is licking a bowl.

"camel" - Rinanov

Here is a camel - a living miracle

A camel has two humps.

He'll drink enough for now

Can drink half a well

But then in the desert,

Where there is no trace of water,

Maybe he spends many days

Don't worry about her.

Riddles about animals

Under the pine trees, under the fir trees, there is a bag of needles. (hedgehog)

Instead of a tail there is a hook, instead of a nose there are snouts.

The snout is full of holes and the hook is fidgety. (pig)

Which horn is longer than its tail? (goat)

You stroke it and it caresses you, you tease it and it bites you. (dog)

The muzzle is mustachioed, the fur coat is striped,

He washes his face often, but doesn’t know how to use water. (cat)

A white collar jumps straight across the field. (hare)

The tail is fluffy,

golden fur,

lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (fox)

Who wanders in the forest angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf)

He sleeps in a den in winter under a large pine tree,

and when spring comes does he wake up from sleep? (bear)

Who carries a forest on his head? (deer)

A skirt, a stick, a piece of washcloth that he can’t see sucks everything.

He walks behind Aunt Nadya and teases Zhuchka at the gate. (calf)

A handsome man walks through the forest touching the grass with his hooves,

walks boldly and easily, spreading its horns wide (elk).

You and I recognize the animal by these two signs:

he wears a gray fur coat in winter and a red fur coat in summer. (squirrel).

Who threw a pine cone at the children from the tall thick pines,

and flashed through the bushes like a light through a stump? (squirrel)

Jumping along the branches, but not a bird.

Red, but not a fox. (squirrel).

The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

and in winter, under the blizzard howl, he sleeps in a snowy hut. (bear).

A quick jump, warm fluff, a red eye. (rabbit)

The living castle grumbled and lay across the door,

two medals on your chest, it’s better not to go into the house. (dog)

A long ear, a ball of fluff,

jumps deftly, loves carrots. (rabbit)

Whoever follows her, she feeds him. (cow)

It pulls bast, but doesn’t weave bast shoes. (goat)

Not a blacksmith, not a carpenter,

and the first worker in the village. (horse)

Game "Field of Miracles" on the environmental theme "Flowers" (2nd grade)

Children, we read a lot about flowers, looked at postcards, illustrations about flowers, made flowers out of paper, and today I want to test your knowledge. - Tell me what flowers you know? Let's play the game "Field of Wonders" on the theme "Flowers." You need to guess the flowers by letters. You are familiar with the letters.

So, let’s choose two game “triples” for riddles. Whoever guesses the riddle about flowers faster will play.

1) Near snow-covered hummocks,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a little flower

Half frozen, barely alive. (snowdrop)

2) It was a beautiful yellow color.

It flew around and it was no longer there.

The wind raised white fluff,

Scattered it across the clearing. (dandelion)

3) The sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

(The children guess the riddle, the teacher shows illustrations of this flower after each guess. Those who guessed the riddles are the first to enter the game).

  • Task 1. You need to guess the name of a garden flower, the name of which consists of 4 letters. There are 4 cells on the screen, each corresponding to a letter. (ROSE)

Spectators watch the game and do not give any hints to the players.

Please spin the drum. You have….glasses. Letter? That's right, there is such a letter! Etc.

So, in the first three players the winner is........ (name), congratulations to you! Here's an incentive prize for you - the book “The Scarlet Flower” (flowers exist not only in nature, but also in fairy tales. Read this fairy tale at home with mom and dad).

Musical break song about spring.

  • We select the second three players. Listen to riddles. (selected similarly)

1) Rye is earing in the field.

There you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy,

It's just a pity that it's not fragrant. (knapweed)

2) Head on a leg,

There are polka dots in my head. (poppy)

The sun is burning the top of my head,

Wants to make a rattle. (poppy)

  1. On a green cord

white bells. (lily of the valley)

  • So, the second three players have been selected.
  • Task 2. You need to guess the name of a garden flower from 5 letters. (ASTER)

Please spin the drum. You have….glasses. Letter? Etc.

So, in this trio of players, the winner was...... Here's an incentive prize for you - the book “The Scarlet Flower”.

Poetic pause: poems about flowers

So, we have 2 finalists. Of these, you need to choose the main one. Please come out for the final game.

  • Task 3. You need to guess the name of a flower from 3 letters (MAK)

(the game is played in a similar way)

So, the main winner is ...., he is awarded the book “ABC for Kids”. He guessed a lot of letters. Continue learning letters, get ready for school.

Children, I learned your knowledge about colors from riddles and from guessing letters in words. Well done, guys! Let's weave a wreath from flowers game"Wreath".

Playing with spectators

On the screen is the name of a field and garden flower, consisting of 7 letters (CAMOMILE)

  • Right! This is chamomile. Your prize is a book about the flowers of the Ulyanovsk region.

Flowers decorate our lives. So let there be more of them on earth. And let among them there be flowers planted by you, children.

Homework for parents:

select a small garden plot for the child and plant flowers with him. Let him take care of them. He will go to first grade with his first bouquet. Good luck to you!

Riddles about flowers

It was a beautiful yellow color, a white fluffy ball

Flew around him no longer. I show off in an open field,

The wind raised the white fluff A light breeze blew

Scattered it across the clearing. (dandelion) And a stalk remained. (dandelion)

Near the snow-covered hummocks stands a curl in the field

Under a white snow cap, a white shirt,

We found a small flower, a golden heart.

Half-frozen, slightly alive (snowdrop) What is this? (chamomile)

(why is the flower so named?)

Steppe flowers stand in the field, little sisters -

Dark blue yellow eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

And what are you calling about?

On a merry day in May, rye is sprouting in the field

Among the uncut grass You will find a flower in the rye.

Shaking your head? (bells) Bright blue and fluffy,

(what does the flower look like?) It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant. (knapweed)

On a green string White peas on a green stem.

White bells. (lily of the valley) (lily of the valley)

Head on a leg The sun burns the top of my head

There are polka dots in my head. (poppy) Wants to make a rattle. (poppy)

It has a wonderful golden color,

He is a big sun, a little hello. (dandelion)

“To love is to know. To know means to observe animals, to help them, to read about them.”

Target: nurturing a love for living nature.


  1. Expand and deepen students' knowledge.
  2. To promote a sense of kindness, experience, and involvement in all living and beautiful things that surround us.
  3. Develop an interest in various representatives of the animal world, a desire to learn more about their life and habits.


  • exhibition of drawings;
  • paintings of animals;
  • drum for playing;
  • cards on the board for guessing words.

Progress of the game

1. Organizational moment.

Good afternoon (evening), dear parents and children! I am very glad to see you at the event called “Field of Miracles”. Today “Field of Miracles” for inquisitive, resourceful and cheerful scholars is dedicated to the theme “These wonderful animals”.


We are funny guys
We don't know how to be bored
And we gathered today
Play “Field of Miracles”!

The moment has come when you can show everyone your knowledge, abilities, and erudition.

So guys, listen up rules of the game:

  • during the game you cannot give hints to each other;
  • if you do not guess the letter, the game moves to another participant;
  • if the arrow points to the “P” sector, which means “Prize,” then the participant must choose a prize or a game;
  • if the arrow points to sector “B”, which means “Bankrupt”, all earned points will “burn out” and the turn passes to another participant;
  • if the arrow points to sector “0”, the turn passes to another participant;
  • if the player guesses three letters in a row, then he is supposed to choose a box (one of them contains a prize);
  • if the arrow points to “+”, then the participant in the game has the right to open any letter;
  • It is important to remain quiet while playing.

2. Start of the game.

I hope the game “Field of Miracles” will expand your knowledge about some animals.

First round.

Selection of the first four players. The teacher reads riddles. The first four students to guess them correctly become participants in the first round.

  1. What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)
  2. Which animal has ears longer than its legs? (Hare)
  3. What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing, she's sleeping)
  4. Chief forest drummer? (Woodpecker)

Presentation of the first round participants.

Exercise. This is the smallest bird on earth. Sometimes it is called a fly. She can fly standing up, and even forward with her tail. What kind of bird is this? (Hummingbird)

Second round.

Selection of the second four players. The teacher reads riddles. The four students who guess them correctly become participants in the second round.

  1. Forest rooster? (Caercaillie)
  2. Which animal is the cleanest? (Badger)
  3. Who cuckoos - a male or a female cuckoo? (Male)
  4. Who can drink with their feet? (Frog)

Presentation of the second round participants.

Exercise. This cunning fish knows how to camouflage itself. If it lies on yellow sand, it itself will turn yellow, and if you catch it and put it on a chessboard, it will be painted with light and dark spots. What kind of fish is this? ( Flounder)

Clue: flat, like a pancake, floating on its side.

Third round.

Selection of the third four players. The teacher reads the riddles. Four students who guess them correctly become participants in the third round.

  1. How many legs does a beetle have? (Six)
  2. What does a grasshopper chirp with? (Kick)
  3. What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)
  4. What bird hatches chicks three times during the summer? (Sparrow, Oatmeal)

Presentation of the third round participants.

Exercise. This is the largest lizard. Its length is about 3 meters, weight is 150 kg. She is called the dragon. What kind of lizard is this? (Varan)

Fourth round.

Selection of the fourth four players. The teacher reads riddles. The four students who guess them correctly become participants in the fourth round.

  1. Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (Starling)
  2. This bird flies the highest. (Eagle)
  3. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the leg)
  4. Is a penguin a bird or an animal? (Bird)

Presentation of the participants of the fourth round.

Exercise. A very dangerous algae grows on the seabed: sea anemone - it burns painfully. And this fish is friends with her. And this fish’s outfit is bright, cheerful, and colorful. What kind of fish is this? (Clown)

Fifth round.

Selection of the fifth four players. The teacher reads riddles. The four students who guess them correctly become participants in the fifth round.

  1. What animal lives underground almost all the time? (Mole)
  2. Born in water, lives on land? (Frog)
  3. Ling? (Shark)
  4. The fastest-footed bird? (Ostrich)

Presentation of the participants of the fifth round.

Exercise. This animal gives a strange impression of "a dog with a cat's head." The fastest animal - runs at the speed of a hurricane, catching up to prey, up to 110 km/h. What kind of animal is this? (Cheetah)

Sixth round.

Selection of the sixth four players. The teacher reads riddles. The four students who guess them correctly become participants in the sixth round.

  1. Biggest monkey? (Gorilla)
  2. Which animal gives birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall; they are called “deciduous animals”? (At the hare)
  3. Which bird screams the loudest? (Peacock)
  4. Who goes hunting in a lion family - a lion or a lioness? (Lioness)

Presentation of the participants of the sixth round.

Exercise. This bird can walk along the bottom of a reservoir, similar to a sparrow. She was nicknamed “water sparrow”. What kind of bird is this? (Dipper)

Playing with spectators(with parents).

  • What bird hatches its chicks in the rain? (Swan)

Of the six teams, 6 winners advanced to the semi-finals. They are divided into 2 teams of 3 participants in each team.

Task for 1 team in the semi-finals.

There are many frogs in the world: they are all very different. They got their names for their appearance: they live in the grass - grassy, ​​with a sharp muzzle - sharp-faced, live in a pond - pond. This African frog got its name from its unusual mouth.

  • What is the name of this frog? (Narrow-short)

Task for team 2 in the semi-finals.

Everyone knows that there are many snakes in the world. They live everywhere. Although they have no legs, they can “run”. This amazing snake lives in the sand. Seeing a bird or a lizard, the snake rushes forward and grabs it. It was given its name for its speed.

  • What is the name of this snake? (Arrow)

The 2 winners from these teams advance to the final.

Assignment for the final.

  • Which animal is long-lived? (Elephant)

Awarding the winner.

3. Summing up.

We now know who is the strongest in the kingdom of animals, who is the smallest, who is the fastest, who lives the longest, who sleeps the most, who is the most voracious, who can predict the weather, who can defend themselves best, who has the most reliable home... . And now you know that...

Everything, everything in the world,
The world needs it!
And no less midges
Needed more than elephants.
You can't do without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators,
Evil and ferocious.
We need everything in the world
Everything you need:
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison.

The song “Beautiful Far Away” is playing.

Additional spare questions for the qualifying rounds:

  1. What is the name of the smallest horse? (Pony)
  2. Who will be born twice? (Chicken)
  3. And who will be born 4 times? (Butterfly)
  4. Night bird? (Owl)
  5. Who sees with ears? (Bat)
  6. Which animal has blue blood? (Octopus)
  7. What bird sings with its tail? (Snipe)
  8. Do mosquitoes have teeth? (22)
  9. Which animal were given 2 monuments? (Frog - France, Japan)
  10. This is a marsupial and also lays eggs. (Echidna)
  11. What bird catches fish in reserve? (Pelican)
  12. Longest snake? (Anaconda)
  13. Brothers of the hares? (Rabbits)
  14. What is the name of an animal that is close in origin to moles. digs dungeons, likes to swim in water? (Muskrat)
  15. What kind of predatory animal is it whose skin is of great value: fluffy, warm, light and beautiful? (Sable)

The game Field of Miracles invites you to engage in an exciting activity - guessing different words.

Everyone knows the famous television program “Field of Miracles,” and now you have a great opportunity to become a participant in such an undertaking. Here you also have to guess words, gradually revealing the letters in them. The words are hidden behind the corresponding number of cells, and to get the right to name the letter, you need to rotate the reel. After this, you will receive a certain number of points and, if the letter is named correctly, you can continue the game and make another move. But if you make a mistake, the turn goes to the next player. By the way, players from 1 to 4 can play the virtual “Field of Miracles”. After starting the game, you will be asked to select the number of opponents and indicate their names.

Special sectors on the reel

As in original version games, here you will see several prize sectors on the reel that will make the sag even more interesting. So, the “Prize” sector invites you to guess which of the two circles the gift is hidden behind. If you answer correctly, you will not only receive a prize, but one letter as a gift. But an incorrect answer will lead to your elimination from the game until the next round. The “Plus” sector allows you to open any letter; to do this, you only need to point to the selected cell. There is also a sector that allows you to double all the player’s points. But in the game about a virtual field of miracles for children there are also not very attractive sectors. For example, “Bankrupt” deprives a player of all points, and “Zero” passes the turn to the next participant.

An exciting game for everyone!

This entertainment will definitely bring you a lot of positive impressions and will capture your attention for a long time. It is not only interesting, but also very useful, since in the process of guessing words it provides an opportunity to train memory, attention and intelligence. The first participant to name the whole word will win, so you should try to do it! When guessing, focus not only on the already open letters and their number, but also on the question for the word.

It's time to play "Field of Miracles" online - the game based on the famous capital show is available in Russian and is ready to delight without downloading to your computer or registration. Select one of the 4 capital show participants, enter his name and spin the reel!

This is an adapted family version online games“Field of Miracles” for children and adults, where a spinning drum gives you a chance to earn points, receive a prize, or open a letter before your opponent to be the first to guess the word!

Rules of the online game Field of Miracles

Can be played by 1, 2, 3 or 4 people, the overall goal is to compete to guess the word hidden on the scoreboard. At the start of the game, you can name a word or spin a reel of 26 sectors:

  • “+” - allows you to open any letter in a word, as in classic game"Field of Miracles";
  • “B” - bankrupt, all points are reset to zero;
  • “0” - move transition;
  • “×2” - doubles points;
  • "P" - sector "Prize".

The “Prize” sector is different from the usual Field of Miracles game: if you guess the correct one in one of the 2 circles, you will receive +200 points and open one random letter in the word; If you don't guess correctly, you will leave the game until the next round.

How to play

Field of Miracles on a computer differs from the usual one in that you can play alone, with a friend, or big company for 4 people. At the start there are 4 characters: Dragon, Bunny, Dwarf and Bear. Fill in the player name field and click on the desired sector:

  • letter (then the reel rotates, determining your lucky sector);
  • word (the board becomes active, where you need to enter the guessed word one letter at a time; if you guess it, you get a win, if you lose, you leave the game in this round).

Winnings are awarded with an asterisk next to the name. Collect trophies and gain game points, let the “Field of Miracles” show enrich your personal capital with new knowledge and good mood!

Intellectual game "Field of Miracles".

(In the animal world).

“To love is to know. To know means to observe animals, to help them, to read about them.”

Target: nurturing a love for living nature.


    Expand and deepen students' knowledge.

    To promote a sense of kindness, experience, and involvement in all living and beautiful things that surround us.

    Develop curiosity, observation, erudition of students,interest in various representatives of the animal world, a desire to learn more about their life and habits.

    To cultivate love and respect for “our smaller brothers.”


    exhibition of drawings;

    paintings of animals;

    drum for playing;

    cards on the board for guessing words.

Progress of the game

1. Organizational moment.

- Good afternoon, dear guys! I am very glad to see you at the event called “Field of Miracles”. Today “Field of Miracles” for inquisitive, resourceful and cheerful scholars is dedicated to the theme “In the Animal World”.


We are funny guys
We don't know how to be bored
And we gathered today
Play “Field of Miracles”!

The moment has come when you can show everyone your knowledge, abilities, and erudition.

So guys, listen uprules of the game:

    during the game you cannot give hints to each other;

    if you do not guess the letter, the game moves to another participant;

    if the arrow points to the “P” sector, which means “Prize,” then the participant must choose a prize or a game;

    if the arrow points to sector “B”, which means “Bankrupt”, all earned points will “burn out” and the turn passes to another participant;

    if the arrow points to sector “0”, the turn passes to another participant;

    if the player guesses three letters in a row, then he is supposed to choose a box (one of them contains a prize);

    if the arrow points to “+”, then the participant in the game has the right to open any letter;

    It is important to remain quiet while playing.

1 Qualifying round:

1.Who is in every flower you meet?

lowers his proboscis,

And then - to the hive

Speeds like a bullet

And is he hiding something in the corner? (Bee)

2. I'm growing like a worm,

I eat leaves

Then I fall asleep

I'll wrap myself

I don't eat, I don't look,

I hang motionless

But in the warm spring

I'm coming alive again

And I flutter like a bird. (Butterfly)

3. Not a beast, not a bird,

And the nose is like a knitting needle. (Mosquito)

There are a huge number of different animals on our planet: mammals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles. Which ones are the most? (Insects.) It is difficult to imagine a place on Earth where these creatures could be found. Forest, desert, pond, deep cave, human habitation, bird feathers and animal fur, even the open ocean. They are only absent in the cold deserts of the Arctic and Antarctic.

1st round Insects

Exercise. There are currently 1.5 million species of insects. They make up 60% of all animals on earth. And they appeared 4000 million years ago.

Attention question! Which insect that is familiar to us is one of the most ancient inhabitants of the Earth? (Cockroach.)

Gifts to all players of 1 triple in the studio!

2 Qualifying round:

1) Motley fidget,

long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

the most talkative. (Magpie)

2) Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,

Who is this?(Nightingale)

3) Black vest, red beret,

The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop. (Woodpecker)

2 round Birds.

There are, of course, fewer birds on earth than insects, but there are still a lot of them - about 9 thousand species. There are birds that are very tiny and weigh a few grams, and there are also very large ones, almost two meters in size.

Exercise. In Africa, there are racing competitions on these huge birds.

Attention question! What birds are we talking about? (Ostriches.)

Gifts to all players 2 triples to the studio!

3. Qualifying round:

    Where there is frost and fragile ice

A white, strong beast lives

Loves to swim and dive

And in winter he likes to sleep. (Polar bear)

    Water masters

They build a house without an axe. (Beaver)

    Less tiger, more cat

Above the ears are hands – horns.

Looks meek, but don't believe it:

This beast is terrible in anger. (Lynx)

3rd round Animals.

This group of animals occupies a special place on earth. They are called mammals or animals. They feed their young with milk. There are about 4000 species of them.

Exercise . On land she is clumsy, but in the water she is agile and fast. Its fur is not wetted by water and retains air. She hunts at night, but during the day she sits out in a hole. The main food is fish, but it also eats water rats, frogs, crayfish, and plant foods. She is also timid, cunning, bloodthirsty and gluttonous. When pursued, she always tries to go into the water, but sometimes she defends herself and can bite hard when defending.

Attention question! Name this wonderful swimmer and hunter. ( Otter)

Gifts to all players 3 triples to the studio!

4 Final. Exercise. Everyone knows that there are many snakes in the world. They live everywhere. Although they have no legs, they can “run”. This amazing snake lives in the sand. Seeing a bird or a lizard, the snake rushes forward and grabs it. It was given its name for its speed.

Attention question! What is the name of this snake? (Arrow)

Super game.

Exercise. This is the only animal on the planet whose fur has a green tint. But it’s not the animal’s fur that’s causing this, but tiny blue-green algae growing right in the animal’s fur. Fire butterflies also live in the thick fur of this mammal.

Attention question ! Name this animal. (Sloth.)

Result: awarding the winner.

We now know a lot about animals. And now you know that...

Everything, everything in the world,
The world needs it!
And no less midges
Needed more than elephants.
You can't do without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators,
Evil and ferocious.
We need everything in the world
Everything you need:
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison.

The song “Beautiful Far Away” is playing.

Additional spare questions for the qualifying rounds:

    What is the name of the smallest horse? (Pony)

    Who will be born twice? (Chicken)

    And who will be born 4 times? (Butterfly)

    Night bird? (Owl)

    Who sees with ears? (Bat)

    Which animal has blue blood? (Octopus)

    What bird sings with its tail? (Snipe)

    Do mosquitoes have teeth? (22)

    Which animal were given 2 monuments? (Frog - France, Japan)

    This is a marsupial and also lays eggs. (Echidna)

    What bird catches fish in reserve? (Pelican)

    Longest snake? (Anaconda)

    Brothers of the hares? (Rabbits)

    What is the name of an animal that is close in origin to moles. digs dungeons, likes to swim in water? (Muskrat)

    What kind of predatory animal is the skin of which is of great value: fluffy, warm, light and beautiful? (Sable)

Conducted by: Amanzhol R.E.
