Where to find Zulu in Pripyat. Features of the mod and walkthrough "Stalker: A Zulu Story"

(22 Votes)

After successfully overcoming Overpass-1, Degtyarev’s group safely reaches the surface in Pripyat. However, at the exit point, the group stumbles upon a military patrol, whose commander is Colonel Kowalski. After a short clarification of the purpose of arrival and the identity of each member of the group, the military finds out that Dyagtyarev is an employee of the SBU with the rank of major and is authorized by the command to conduct an investigation into the reasons for the failure of Operation Fairway.

Having heard that Degtyarev is from the SBU and is heading to the military base located in the Laundry, Zulu categorically refuses to go further as part of the group and leaves. Here a certain intrigue is created about where he went and where to look for Zulus in Pripyat. The search for Zulu must begin in the Yubileiny KBO area, where school No. 1 is located nearby.

Before you go on a search, it is advisable to stock up on shot and a good shotgun in advance, which will be needed to shoot a flock of snorkels that have settled in the school yard.

As you approach the school, you will immediately hear shots and receive a system message about his location. Zulus, despite the presence of a powerful machine gun, he can die, so you need to act decisively, constantly covering your friend.

Now you know where to find Zulus in Pripyat, but in addition to saving your friend, main character after a successfully repelled attack, he will be able to receive his legendary machine gun from Zulu as a token of gratitude.

Computer games are full-fledged completed projects that you can download, run and play through. However, in some cases, gamers take on the role of developers and, if possible, change the code, remaking the game for themselves. The possibilities for this depend on how secure the game is from outside interference. And here the developer himself decides - he can completely close his code so that not a single player can see it, he can partially give gamers access to certain parts of the project, or he can leave the code open altogether. In the latter case, it is easiest to write various modifications, since there will be no obstacles in front of you. Just look at the Stalker series of games. which during its existence has acquired an incredible number of modifications. In this article you will learn some information about the passage of "Stalker: A Zulu Story", as well as other useful things about this mod.

"Stalker" and modifications

Before considering the History of the Zulu, you need to consider this issue in more detail as a whole. A huge number of modifications are produced for games in this series, and they are all very diverse. There are small “patches” that add a couple, correct some textures and introduce others such significant changes are much more interesting to pay attention to. global fashion, which introduce a full-fledged new story, adding new characters, unique locations and tasks, as well as a lot of other content. Developing such mods takes a lot of time, but in the end you get an incredible opportunity to play several projects within one game. One of these projects is the “Zulu History” mod, which can attract you on several points at once, including how exciting it is to walk through. "Stalker: A Zulu Story" is an example of how to make high-quality modifications.

"Zulu Story"

Where will the passage of "Stalker: The Story of the Zulu" take you? The plot in this modification is quite interesting, although not too long. As fans of the series may have already understood, we are talking about a very famous character whom you had to meet in original games. His name is Zulu and he is a fairly influential stalker who had a serious impact on some large stalker groups, and eventually ended up in the Exclusion Zone. It is from his perspective that the story will be told, and you will have to go through the journey with this colorful character to understand what his biography hides. "Stalker: A Zulu Story" is one of the best mods for this game. But why is he so good?

What does this mod do?

Naturally, there is no point in praising the game just like that - there are very good reasons for this, which will be discussed further. What does the Stalker: Zulu Story mod bring? Of course, the first thing worth noting is the new unique storyline, which gives you the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of famous character, which was previously only non-game. You will also have to visit one new location, detailed and containing large number secrets. And, of course, we must not forget that more than fifty new characters have been introduced into the game, from whom you can receive about forty new quests. What can we say about the various additional details, such as a new advanced sight, an updated healing method, and as many as eight new recreation areas. In general, this modification brings a lot of new things, which very well frames the storyline of the Zulu History mod. Completing this modification should not cause you any problems, but just in case, some information will be presented below. useful information, which can help you during the game.

Walkthrough of the storyline

As said earlier, in Zulu History you won't have to spend much time to complete story campaign. It can be completed without any problems within just a few hours, during which you will learn the history of your character. You have to join several different federations, commit serious actions that will largely decide the fate of the world, or at least the territory of Chernobyl. Fortunately, story missions are diverse and do not represent a banal repetition of what has already happened before. The main advice when passing them is to pay attention to all the little things. Read notes and diaries, listen to dialogues so as not to miss important information, which will allow you to achieve a positive result in this project. However, please note that the passage of the game "Stalker: A Zulu Story" does not consist solely in storyline.

Completing side quests

As noted above, about forty side quests will help you break up your progress in the game “Stalker: A Zulu Story”. A guide that would completely describe the passage of all tasks would spoil your impression of the game. Therefore, you just need to know that there are a wide variety of tasks here - from ordinary searches for objects to the destruction of mutants or members of the opposing faction. You can choose whether you will perform side quests, since they don’t affect the plot, but you definitely won’t be bored.

Additional classes

If you don’t want to complete quests, then you can search for secrets in the game’s locations - there are plenty of them there. But be careful, as there are plenty of Anomalies in the game that will cause you a lot of problems.


For the successful investigation, Degtyarev was rewarded with the extraordinary rank of colonel. Refusing the staff position offered to him, he expressed a desire to go to the Zone as a permanent observer from the Security Service.

Condition: complete the game and leave the Zone.

Laboratories "X"

The information about psi-installations obtained by Major Degtyarev seriously alarmed his leadership. All materials on the “X-laboratories” were removed from military archives and marked as “Of Special Importance.” SBU officers in the Zone were ordered to prevent the dissemination of information about the essence of the work being carried out at all costs.

Product No. 62

Based on the industrial documentation of “Product No. 62,” several prototypes were created. After testing, it was decided to abandon the mass use of this weapon: the cost of ammunition turned out to be too high. However, some facts suggest that the improvement of the Gauss gun continues behind the scenes.

Condition: complete the story and leave the Zone.

Skadovsk (Beard)

After all attempts to take control of the Skadovsk failed, Sultan and his gang left the ship. With the disappearance of this danger, the weak trickle of stalkers and artifacts turned into a stormy stream. Beard’s business began to flourish, and “Skadovsk” was almost comparable in popularity to the “100 Roentgen” bar.

Condition: complete Beard's instructions.

Skadovsk (Sultan)

The “law” of the Sultan was finally established on Skadovsk and the ship became a base for bandits. Beard, not wanting to pay tribute to the “boys,” together with a group of stalkers moved to uncharted parts of the Zone. The attempts of the stalkers to restore the previous state of affairs quickly came to naught: the demonstrative discardings did their job.

Condition: carry out the orders of the Sultan.

Skadovsk (General)

“Skadovsk” remained a refuge for everyone who was lucky enough to get to it. The bandits persistently sought to establish their own order on the ship, but the stalkers successfully resisted this. Day after day there was an unsteady calm.

Condition: do not help Beard and Sultan.

Skadovsk attacked by bloodsuckers

But this did not last long. The bloodsuckers that lived in a lair nearby paved the way to the ship. After attacks began to occur even during the day, people went on a raid. Unfortunately, they were unable to clear the tunnels, and soon another wave of predators flooded Skadovsk.

Condition: do not help the Capercaillie in exterminating the lair of bloodsuckers.

Skadovsk stalkers' refuge

After the destruction of the bloodsuckers' lair, the creatures of the Zone could no longer interfere with the flow of local life. For some time, the old ship became the center of relative stability in the changing world of the Zone.

Condition: help Capercaillie in exterminating the lair of bloodsuckers.

Yanov (Freedom)

The Svoboda group was able to earn the trust of the stalkers at the Yanov station. Trying to regain lost positions, “Duty” organized an armed attack, but in this skirmish Lieutenant Colonel Shulga was killed. Having lost its commander, the “Duty” detachment ceased to exist.

Condition: help Loki as much as possible.

Yanov (Duty)

The increased numbers and popularity among stalkers allowed “Dolg” to oust the “Svobodovites” from the Yanov station. After a fierce battle, the Freedom squad, led by Loki, was destroyed.

Condition: help Shulga as much as possible.

Yanov (General)

A precarious balance was established between the “Freedom” and “Dolg” detachments at the “Yanov” station. Tired of the senseless struggle, fighters from the warring factions began to join the ranks of free stalkers.

Condition: do not help the leaders of the groups (or help only to a minimum).

Scientists' bunker (Working and thriving)

The research expedition of professors German and Ozersky was a success: the collected data helped in the development of several unique devices and medications. In light of this, funding for Zone research programs has been increased many times over.

Condition: help professors as much as possible.

Bunker (closed)

The research expedition of professors German and Ozersky was unable to collect a sufficient amount of data and was curtailed. After returning to the mainland, both scientists engaged in activities not related to the Zone.

Condition: do not help professors (or help only to a minimum).

Pripyat (stalkers have adapted)

Garik's stories about the military's struggle with the dangers of Pripyat interested many, and soon the study of the ghost town began with the help of disparate groups. Despite the constant attacks of the Monolith fighters, the stalkers were able to gain a foothold in the former military camp and now make forays from there deeper into the city, each time moving further and further.

Condition: More than half of the military from the laundry who can survive must make it to the evacuation and survive.

Pripyat (stalkers are scared)

Garik's story about the fate of the military scared the stalkers away from Pripyat. The few who dared to visit it encountered inexplicable and frightening phenomena, which only added gloomy touches to the appearance of the dead city.

Condition: More than half of the Laundry soldiers who can survive must die.

Stories about the Oasis ceased to be legends: more and more often in conversations of stalkers those who were able to find the way to this secret anomaly were mentioned. The flow of searchers does not dry out, which the bandits continue to take advantage of. Newcomers fall for the offer to show the way to the Oasis, but the matter usually ends in robbery somewhere away from the stalker paths.

Condition: find the Heart of the Oasis artifact and give it to the scientists.


Mercenary detachments continue to operate in the Zone. Their interest in secret laboratories has grown noticeably and managed to attract the close attention of the SBU. However, it was not possible to establish the identity of the customer behind the mercenaries.

Condition: complete the One Shot quest.

The surroundings of “Jupiter” are associated by stalkers with the Klondike

The area near the Yanov station is attracting more and more stalkers. The absence of dangerous mutants and the abundance of anomalous formations led to the fact that in the stalker’s consciousness these places began to be associated with “that” Klondike of artifacts.

Condition: complete all of St. John's wort's tasks.

The neighborhood of “Jupiter” is associated by stalkers with hell

The area near the Yanov station has acquired a reputation as one of the most dangerous in the Zone. Increasingly, stalkers did not return from forays: mutants killed them almost at the very walls of the camp. One of the missing was St. John's Wort, who went on his last hunt for the chimera.

Condition: fail to complete the task with the chimera from St. John's Wort.

Zulu is alive

Zulu returned to Debt's main base at the Rostock plant. No one knows what he talked about with General Voronin, but a few days later Zulu was seen at the head of a large detachment - and it was heading towards the center of the Zone.

Condition: get with Zulu to Pripyat, and then find him in the city and escort him to the laundry.

Zulu is dead

Rumors about the fate of the Zulu reached the commander of "Duty", General Voronin. To everyone's amazement, Voronin nominated Zulu for the highest award of "Duty" - the Order of the Silver Shield... posthumously.

Condition: Zulu dies in an overpass or in Pripyat.

Vano is alive

Vano went to the army warehouses, to “Freedom”, where his lightness of character and optimism quickly earned everyone’s sympathy. He eventually led a small team of researchers to study the anomalies.

Condition: Vano is alive.

Vano is dead

Stalkers of the Yanov station sometimes remember the merry fellow Vano, his cheerfulness and skill as a born stalker. Everyone agreed that Vano, with his luck, should not have looked for a way to Pripyat.

Condition: Vano dies.

The tramp is alive

A new group of stalkers has appeared in the Zone. They are well prepared, but their goals are unknown to anyone. According to unconfirmed rumors, all these people were once Monolith fighters; the leader of the squad is known by the nickname Tramp.

Condition: recruit the Vagabond group into the group.

Tramp is dead

Few noticed the disappearance of the Tramp - the only person who tried to understand what happened to the “Monoliths” and help them.

Condition: The tramp dies.

Sokolov is alive

Senior Lieutenant Sokolov continued to fly over the territory of the Zone and was shot down by mercenaries over Limansk. Two weeks later, he survived by no other than a miracle, and was picked up by a patrol near Cordon. Soon Sokolov left the Air Force and moved to civil aviation.

Condition: Sokolov is alive.

Sokolov is dead

In the list of personnel lost during Operation Fairway, another line appeared: “Senior Lieutenant Sokolov O.N. He died while performing his military duty."

Condition: Sokolov dies in an overpass or in Pripyat.

Sych has established good connections with customers outside the Zone. His product is information. According to rumors, a significant part of his information goes to the SBU.

Condition: give Sych various PDAs and documents found.

I would like to note this achievement, I received absolutely all the achievements except this one, I did everything correctly several times. Didn't receive it.
