Where can I find the crystal ball in Terraria? How to craft a water candle in terraria.

If you don't know how to summon a slug in Terraria, then come here.


The Royal Slug, in my opinion, is one of the easiest bosses, so you shouldn't have any problems killing it. By default he has 2000 HP, and in expert mode 2800.

As you deal damage to it, the slug will get smaller and faster. It is also the only slug that is afraid of water. After hitting a slug, a pack of blue slugs will spawn.

How to Summon a Royal Slug

Summon Slime in Terraria can be done in several ways:

  • Just kill all the slugs you find, there is a 1 in 300 chance that a Royal one will appear
  • Check out the edge of the world. There is a small chance that he will appear there. A battle potion, as well as a water candle, will help you increase the chance of appearance.
  • In version 1.3 and later, a slug can appear to you after killing 150 slugs during a slug fall.
  • Try to build a slug farm, you can learn how to do it from this video: https://youtu.be/M4wffqjN3YQ It is advisable to place it at the edge of the world and take a water candle with you.
  • Using a slug crown. With a small chance, you can find it at the edge of the world, and also knock it out of the blue slug. After use, the Royal Slug appears at one of the edges of the map. It can also appear at the bottom of the sea.

To further simplify the procedure for killing a Slime, before summoning, build an arena 50 blocks high and 100 wide. Also, place several floors of panels so that you can easily climb to a higher level.

Farm money

First way:

The essence of farming is to destroy the soul eaters in the distortion while in a special room. To build a “money farm” you will need:

Dig a hole ~9x15 in the Distortion or in the Crimzone (preferably on the plain so that the Devourers do not get stuck).
Make a stone ceiling in the middle of the pit.
Cover the walls and floor with any material except earth and wood.
Pour a bucket of lava on top of the ceiling.
Replacing the floor and walls is necessary to make it impossible for plants to grow. First you need to stand at the bottom of the pit and wait. Eaters crash into the ceiling and die from the lava, but things don't burn. If things are missing, try widening the hole. For better results, you should pick up a water candle and drink a battle potion. Sometimes a scavenger will appear, so be prepared for an encounter (to spot it in time, use a hunter's potion). To get out of this trap, dig as many blocks sideways as you like, then dig up and make a 2x3 room with doors on the sides.

Second way:

This method is from Yrimir "a. It works, because with money you can get a demonic scythe (in general, this video was made for the sake of the demonic scythe, but it is also suitable for farming money).

Third way:

This method is not super profitable, but after switching to hardmode, for the first time it will be useful both in terms of loot and money.

So, we build a structure, as in the screenshot. Choose a place in the holy lands where there are no descents into a cave and the like, so that the mobs are not in places that are inaccessible to the trap. Make sure to pour the lava into a tank that is at least 6 blocks wide, otherwise the items will burn.

Detailed Description:

1. Build an entrance (tip: alternate large spaces and passages in 2 blocks so that mobs do not bother you on the way out).

2. Make a passage, it can be used as a small loot warehouse.

3. Dig up and build a “bowl” (don’t forget about the width), pour lava into it. This will be the main spot.

4. Be sure (this is different from most other traps) to make a branch to the left, place limiters (blocks on the left and right) and pour lava into the tank. This will be the left spot.

5. Similar to step 4, only on the right. In the place colored light green, destroy the block. This will be the right spot.

6. The height of this beam, counting from the limiter with the torch, is ~7 blocks. It is needed so that unicorns fall to your main spot. When the unicorn falls, quickly shoot it or hit it with a boomerang to prevent it from jumping out.

The bottom line is that pixies will rarely touch the lava if you stand in the place of the candles. To kill them, I punched a block (painted in light green) so that I could hit them in different directions with a boomerang. The gastropods, if you are standing where I am, grab the lava from the right reservoir and die themselves. Only ghosts will bother you, but only at night. Also, I advise you to light a candle and drink a battle potion for more spawn, you can also summon the Blood Moon by placing a bed over a small lake of lava.

Take this trap as a basis and modernize it, maybe you'll get something new!

Fourth method:

This is a fairly profitable method (15 minutes – 0.5–1 platinum). ATTENTION! We carry out this method only after killing Plantera. First, you need to find a flat area in the Dungeon (the size of a screen or larger). Clear this area. It is important that this tunnel is 5 blocks high or more (but do not expand beyond the background wall).

Now do everything as in the screenshot. It is important that you stand diagonally in the center of the structure (if you are not in the center, the mobs will not come from both sides, but will, for example, accumulate under you). On the sides of the place where you will stand, there are flame traps 4 blocks high (more can be done, but there will be no benefit from it). There are also a number of traps installed on the ceiling of the tunnel, consisting of spear traps and spiked ball traps. This row on the ceiling can be made of any length. Now all that remains is to connect everything with wires and connect it to a one-second timer. Well, think about the method of approaching the “waiting room” yourself.
You can also take a look at the video! Maybe this will be better:

Fifth way:

For this method you need:

1. 6-9 traps with a dart, even better if a couple with a super dart

2. Wires - 50t pieces.

3. 3-second timer.

4. A clearing in a distortion or crimzone.

For greater profit we use:

1. Battle potion.

What are we doing? We set traps and start the timer. We just go underground and collect loot.

Sixth method:

This method is based on selling Fallen Stars to merchants. I checked it before killing the Wall of Flesh, that is, before switching to hardmode.

What we need:

1) 100-150 pieces of iron.

2) 5-7 stacks of any blocks.

2) Set of Hellish Armor.

The essence of the method: Build railway at 500 altitude across the entire map. We place any solid blocks under the road (I have ordinary soil). We switch the outer rails to push-off mode (with a hammer). If you're playing multiplayer (even alone), you can curl up and go have some tea. One star costs 5 silvers, you can collect 20-30 stars per night. Stars can also be left and used as ammunition for the star cannon. If you are wearing Hell Armor, monsters deal 5-10 damage to you. The chance of dying is very small. Good luck in farming =)

Seventh method:

This method works on version 1.3. This method is based on the sale of various animals caught in a net.

We need to do everything as shown in the video:

just put statues of goldfish instead of statues of slugs, and statues of birds instead of statues of crabs, take a net (preferably gold), press the button with something and collect the animals, in half an hour I scored 13 platinum.

Eighth method:

This method is useful before you can buy wires from a mechanic for the method above.

We need a net and a snow biome. Harmless penguin animals spawn in this biome, and that’s what we need. We just catch them and sell them to any Nip, they cost 12 silver 50 copper, which is a lot at the initial stage of the game. If you have caught all the penguins in the biome, just move not far from the biome (off the screen) and the penguins will appear in the biome again, I collected 30 gold coins in a while.

Ninth method:

such a box is built in a dungeon after hardmode:

and there are statues of mimics with some chance that this ghost will spawn from which ectoplasm will pour out (50 silver per piece). We put on turtle armor so that they can be killed. It’s better to stand in honey and put on an anti-repulsion shield, and a regen ring and the like won’t hurt. You can summon minions and/or ice hydra to speed up the killing of ghosts. they appear quite often. and most importantly, the method does not require the player’s participation in the farming process (you can leave him to farm and do whatever he wants (in network mode the game is not paused when minimized) for example, play something else or just go to lunch.

Tenth way:

Eleventh method:

Farming money, continued

Twelfth method:

Attention: this video has no sound!

When every 3rd shadow sphere is broken, a boss appears - the Devourer of Worlds, which, with straight hands and/or good equipment (the molten set is quite suitable), can be taken down in one or two.

After several maps where all the spheres are broken, we go home, smelt the ore into ingots and sell them!

Farming gold coins:

Farm with mechanisms

Based on lava - monsters spawn, float up, die on lava, but items remain.

It is based on desynchronization of timers - first we start the first one, then after 2 seconds the second one.

High-quality farm from Vazilin
( )

Automatic light/night shower farm

First way:

What you will need: 100 spike traps,

Wire wrench, wire cutters, 100 pcs. wires, Active stone block (optional not active),

Any timer,

Switch (optional),

Mob spawners (optional).

Mobs: those shown in the screenshot drop the most!

Second way:

This farm is based entirely on lava. To build it you need a large cave. You need to make smooth descents down in the form of a pyramid. You must also spread lava around the room in which you will be standing. This farm can be supplemented with traps from the Lizardman dungeon to protect against enchanted swords and mage missiles.

Third way:

You will need:

Lava (Buckets with it)

Any blocks

Lava Amulet/Waterwalking Boots/Obsidian Waterwalking Boots/Lavawalking Boots/Many Platforms.

The farm itself:

We dig to the height we need (Stone layer) and dig out a large room (Preferably one and a half screens on each side of the center, the height is arbitrary). Do not forget that the room must be in an underground distortion or consecration.

After that, above the tunnel that you dug, we make an island about 6x1. In the lower corners of the room we make the same islands, but already 25x1. Then we pour the lava between the “safety islands.” If you use platforms, then we place them as close to the lava as possible.

We fence off the central island with doors (to run out for souls). Don’t forget to make an exit and entry system. To protect yourself from mobs flying and passing through the walls, you can set traps from the Jungle Temple.

Mobs, of course, will spawn rarely, but to increase their appearance, you can drink a battle potion and light a water candle.

If you did everything correctly, then mobs will spawn on the side islands, jump into the lava to kill you, die and drop souls.


Regular mushrooms:

Regular mushrooms will grow anywhere on normal grass.

To make a regular mushroom farm, simply place several surfaces of soil with spaces between them. The grass should be naturally illuminated (sunlight), i.e. It is unacceptable to use any background blocks other than glass. Most farms can produce 5-10 mushrooms per screen per harvest.

Note that the vines will grow down from the strips of soil, interfering with mushroom growth. To deal with this, add a stone surface (or other non-earth block) underneath each ground surface (see screenshot). Wooden platforms are well suited for providing movement between different "floors" as the player can walk across them, allowing for more compact placement of surfaces.


A tree farm is usually nothing more than a large, flat area where the player plants acorns. If this type of tree farm is not suitable (for example, there is no free space), the player can create a multi-story farm, as is the case with mushrooms. However, do not forget that trees require a much larger distance between surfaces.

Also note the distance between trees. Each seedling must have 1 free cell to the left and right of it (there should be a distance of 3 blocks between neighboring trees); In order to more easily determine this distance, you can use underground markers (torches in the screenshot). Also trim the grass around the seedlings as it inhibits their growth. You can also grow trees on snow on which grass does not grow.

An alternative for advanced players would be to create a jungle using mud blocks instead of earth blocks. Trees grow on them on their own, without the need for planting. This is more productive and requires less time. However, collecting the wood would be potentially much more dangerous.

Glowing mushrooms:

Most worthwhile thing for intentional cultivation. Before update 1.2, the glow mushroom farm had to be underground below sea level (when the depth meter reads below 0). The farm usually consists of several surfaces of dirt with mushroom seeds grown on it. Leave a gap high enough between them to allow walking.

A small garden of this type produces a very large harvest. In a screen-sized garden, you can harvest about 200 mushrooms per harvest, which equates to about 7 full sets of potions.

You can also use a dart trap for harvesting.


There are two main resources collected from jungle farms: jungle grass seeds and jungle spores. The jungle needs dirt to grow.

Jungle grass seeds can be collected both above and below ground. The method described in the mushroom farm also works well here. Beware that jungle monsters will appear in the area. When creating an open-top jungle farm, trees will spontaneously spawn in it, which is good for collecting wood, but bad for collecting jungle grass seeds.

Jungle Spore can only be found underground. Please note that the underground jungle will generate much more dangerous monsters, including the cannibal and the hornet.

The underwater jungle can be farmed to spawn piranhas, which drop a hook and a rare robot hat.

Vile mushrooms:

Vile mushrooms grow on grass infested with Distortion.

In the decomposed earth will appear
Neatly limited Distortion area.
opponents, however you can limit the area using Sunflowers (after the onset of hardmode they do not help).
For the nefarious fungi to grow, they need an area of ​​distortion large enough to dim the sunlight. Also, they should be illuminated with natural light, just like regular mushrooms on the surface.

Such a dangerous project will have some side effects. Creating such a farm will allow you to grow Vile Mushrooms to create Vile Dust. Unfortunately, a large area of ​​distortion also spawns the nasty monsters of that biome, so such an object must be carefully considered and justified.

This area can also serve as the location for a fight with the Eater of Worlds. I note that it is recommended to use the wooden platform area to fight him, however, the Decay Farm can be used to summon him.

ATTENTION: After entering hardmode, the farm must be built strictly in the existing distortion zone. The construction of this farm in an area fenced off from distortion can lead to unexpected consequences.

Crystal farm:

This farm is similar to the previous ones. Crystals “grow” slowly, but you can reap a good harvest from such a farm.

Collected crystals can be used as crafting material or simply for sale. You can also find a Wizard in this farm.

Ocean Farm:

There are some types of monsters and corals in the ocean. With this farm you can quickly collect glow sticks from jellyfish and fins or diving helmets from sharks.

The farm is a small house with a floor of wooden platforms and a small lava tank directly above it. You can also make a ladder to the ocean floor to collect corals.

Here's a great example of an ocean farm:

And also a video:

Chlorophyte Farm:

The idea is very simple: we build a room with compartments made of mud on a stone level and place a piece of chlorophyte on each compartment. Then you don’t have to go there for the duration of the distribution (this is a very long process). When there is a lot of ore, we collect it and do the same thing (put in new dirt).

The crafting component is a priority in many games with open world or sandbox games. It was no exception Terraria game, in which there is a huge selection and opportunities for crafting. All this is combined with a pleasant RPG experience. Distinctive feature The craft of this game is an attachment to certain places. The game has items that fit into the "Workplace" category.

Crystal ball in Terraria

This is a piece of furniture that serves as a workspace for crafting certain items. But how to make a crystal ball in Terraria? It cannot be done. There is only one way to get this item - buy it from a wizard.

If placed on a surface, when activated it will give the player one of the following beneficial effects lasting 10 minutes:

  • +20 units to the total mana reserve;
  • +5% magic damage;
  • +2% critical hit with the help of magic;
  • -2% mana cost.

The buff is quite useful at all stages of the game for magicians, so you should not delay purchasing it from the Wizard. The cost of the item is 10 gold. The object occupies 2 blocks in width and height, can be placed on any horizontal surface with a width of two blocks.

NPC Wizard

A friendly character who can be moved into the room. The wizard sells useful items for magicians, such as the "Spell Tome", "Harp", "Ice Rod" and others. On Halloween he sells the "Wizard's Hat". Can be found bound in dungeons and caves, appears after killing the Wall of Flesh. Has 250 units of health and 15 units of defense, attacks fireballs from "Fire Flower"

Crafting next to the crystal ball

The ball, purchased from the Wizard, is used as a workstation. Here you can create the following items:

  • Endless Musket Bag (source endless ammo). Requires four stacks of Musket Cartridge (3996 in total).
  • Infinite Quiver (source of endless arrows). Requires 3996 wooden arrows.
  • Blocks of living ice/demonic/cursed/super-bright living fire (20 pieces). Requires 20 blocks of living fire and one demonic/ice/cursed/super-bright torch.
  • Water candle (speeds up the appearance of enemies). Crafting requires a gold/platinum candle. During crafting, the ball must be near water.
  • Pipette with water/honey/lava. You will need an empty pipette, purchased from a wizard, and a workstation nearby with the necessary liquid.
  • Block-waterfall/-lavafall/-honeyfall. Each block requires one glass and a workstation next to the desired liquid.

Now you know what a crystal ball is for and how to get it.
