Fallout nev vegas creating your own race. It became known that Fallout: New Vegas was originally Fallout: Sin City and offered a choice of race for players

Races of elves, some clothes and shoes for female characters.
I understand that it doesn’t fit into the Post-Apocalypse, but whether to diversify your game with something similar or not is a matter of personal preference.
The mod, initially, was NOT intended to be a lore-based mod and belongs to the "Just For Fun" category.
If we like it, we use it for our health; If you don't like it, don't download it.

Final version (06/05/17):
* Mod archives cleared;
* There were complaints about some clothing icon - NOT fixed, due to the lack of Fallout NV and GECK on PC.
The absence of an icon is NOT critical and will NOT lead to crashes and/or unstable operation.;
* This version of the mod is final. Any updates/additions are NOT expected or planned;
* Technical support is advisory only (due to the lack of Fallout NV and GECK on PC).

2) The mod adds:
* 2 races of elves for female characters (bloody and dark) in 4 options (breast size C and D, skin texture dry and wet) based on Type3 Bouncing Natural Breasts, Mojave Delight, Deep Spiritual Eye and Lings.
* Several models of clothing and shoes for female characters from Wasteland ClothCollection and more Type3.
* Assault carbine with silencer (standard Lily carbine model). The requirement for the [weapon] skill has been lowered, a chance of “crit” has been added, wear resistance has been increased, accuracy and damage have been increased by ~ 1.5 - 2 times - accordingly, the price has also been increased.
* Mine-Grenade. Powerful, with special effects, expensive (600). It is recommended to throw away or from cover;)
* Stealth chain (suitable for all races and genders). The essence is the same as that of Chinese stealth armor: crouch down - go into stealth and +100 to stealth, stand up - leave stealth and your stealth skill returns. In addition, the chain constantly gives +20lb. to bearable weight. But the most important thing is that you can wear the chain with any armor that does not occupy the [necklace] slot - in other words: it does not “bind” your partner to a certain appearance, unlike stealth suits.
* 2 NPCs in Sloan: a mechanic (repair skill 100) and a merchant from whom you can buy fashion items, a variety of chemistry and rare cartridges.
The purpose of these NPCs is, for the most part, demonstrational - i.e. they are not voiced and do not give quests.

* Fallout: New Vegas. (created on Fallout.New Vegas.Ultimate Edition.v + 9 DLC).
* Lings.
* Archive Invalidation.
* Compability Skeleton - BnB BodyExtender.

The clothing models added by the mod are not designed to use the Dcup body model - the breasts will show through the clothing.
You can solve this unpleasant moment in the following ways:
1) Use jeans added by the mod - they change the body model while wearing)
2) Install some kind of armor replacer or clothing pack. For example Type 3 Natural Bigger Breast Armor Replacer or the original BNB_Armor package from Bouncing Natural Breasts by thaumx Mkageyama

But remember: installing replacers like these will change the appearance of the armor for all female characters!
Therefore: if you do not use BNB as the main replacer, then in combination with my mod, it is better to use mods that add clothing/armor, rather than replacing it.

* Patch for Fallout to use 4GB of RAM or some other option to improve performance (for example: ENB Boost, etc.).
Tested on FalloutNV 4Gb.exe (a patch for Fallout to use 4GB of RAM).
I checked on ENB Boost - there seem to be no problems.

Patch for Fallout to use 4GB of RAM
ENB Boost

Bugs and problems:
Bugs: Not noticed.
Problems: You may crash in the character selection menu if you do not use any means to improve the performance of the game engine (examples of means are listed in the Recommendations).

*Via NMM/Mod Organizer
* Manually - Place the Data folder from the archive in the game folder and activate it in the launcher
1) Start the game, open the console - [~] button, enter "ShowRaceMenu" (without quotes), select any of the standard races or races added by other mods. Make a save (preferably through the menu, not quick).
2) Quit the game. Uncheck the plugin in your mod manager. Remove plugin.
3) Open your game directory. Delete files/folders added by the mod.

I think that each of us, playing Fallout, wants to improve the appearance of his character, to make him different from other inhabitants of the Wasteland. And we download various body and clothing replacers from the Internet, download new textures that change the appearance of our character, load these textures into the game and rejoice: here it is! My character has a cool new tattoo, a mole, a scar, a black eye (underline as appropriate)…

One thing is upsetting - all these gadgets appear on other NPCs in the game (except for raiders).

And I would like it to be only for my hero... And how can I do this? The answer is in key words – “ except raiders" It turns out that the raiders use some of their own textures.

This means that we need to make our character in the likeness of the raiders. Let's get started.

Getting started

I will be creating a race for Fallout 3 and all the drawings will relate to this game, but for Vegas this is all consistent, there are no discrepancies, except, of course, the master file and the location of the final folders of the game itself.

So, let's launch GECK, upload the master file Fallout.esm (FalloutNV.esm for Vegas) and in the window Object Window look at the section Race.

And what do we see? And the fact is that, it turns out, raiders have their own raider races (see picture) and these races use their own textures.

Conclusion: for our character we also need to create our own race and assign our own textures to this race.

Extracting textures from BSA files

First you need to prepare the textures themselves. What textures are needed, you ask? Now let's see...

Open the directory where we have the game installed, go to the DATA / TEXTURES / CHARACTERS / RAIDER folder (male raiders), and then to the DATA / TEXTURES / CHARACTERS / RAIDERFEMALE folder (female raiders) and see what textures are used by the raiders:

If you do not have such folders, then you need them using FOMM extract from the game archive:

It’s still better to extract not the raider textures, but the same textures (with the same name), but from folders FEMALE(women) and MALE(men):

Extract the textures somewhere convenient on the disk, for example, directly to the disk WITH.

After unpacking to disk WITH the folder will appear TEXTURES with “subfolders” with textures embedded in it.

Go back to the game directory, into the TEXTURES/CHARACTERS folder and create a new folder there femalePLAYER(female player) and folder malePLAYER(male player).

Then we go to that directory on the disk WITH, where we unpacked the textures from the archive, and from the TEXTURES/ CHARACTERS/ FEMALE folder we copy all the files into the folder we created playerFEMALE, and from the TEXTURES/ CHARACTERS/ MALE folder - to the created folder malePLAYER.

Textures with a word at the end of their names OLD, you can delete them, they are not needed. In total, there should be 15 files in each folder (see figure):

The files that are highlighted in blue in the figure are the very textures that are responsible for the appearance of the character. It is these files that are included in all kinds of body replayers, and it is they that are changed by these same replayers.

Accordingly, by replacing these files with others, with a different texture, you will change the appearance of the character (naturally, the file name should not change, only the contents).

  • File handmale.dds And handfemale.dds– these are hand textures (men and women, respectively)
  • File handmale_1st.dds And handfemale_1st.dds– these are the textures of the character’s hands in first person view. You can leave them as “relatives”, no problem.
  • File headhuman.dds- facial texture (there is no “gender” in the file name, but the male texture should be in the male folder, and the female texture in the female folder.
  • File upperbodymale.dds And upperbodyfemale.dds– these are body textures (men and women, respectively).
  • Files with the same names, but with a suffix at the end of the name _N– these are textures responsible for the relief and shine of the body.
  • All others are responsible for skin tone. They are not used in any body replayer (the original game files always work) and they are present in our folder only because... they are present))). Well, they are needed for some reason!

Well, the texture files have been prepared. We replaced the same files highlighted in blue in the figure above with our own (or not our own, but the ones we liked). It's time to launch the editor and create your race.

Launching the GECK Editor

Let's launch GECK, upload the master file ( Fallout.esm or FalloutNV.esm) and go again to the section RACE.

You can, of course, create your own race from scratch. But this is, excuse me, hemorrhoids. After all, you will need to register the paths to the models of the body, hands, eyes, teeth, etc., the paths to the textures of all these organs, and so on and so forth... Accordingly, you need to put these very models and textures into the game folder. Extra hassle. Therefore, it is easier (and, I think, more correct) to simply create a duplicate of the existing race and simply change the paths to the textures in it.

There are only four main (game, used by the player) races:

  • AfricanAmerican(blacks... sorry! African-Americans),
  • Asian(Asians),
  • Caucasian(Caucasians... ugh.. that is, Europeans) and
  • Hispanic(Latin Americans).

Creation of a new African-American race

Select the first race in the list ( AfricanAmerican) and click on it 2 times.

Step 1. Create a copy of the race

In the window that opens, select this race again, right-click and select the line DUPLICATE:

Step 2. Rename the race

We have created a complete copy of the standard African-American race. Now it needs to be renamed to a more understandable name, for example, the player’s African-American race ( AfricanAmericanPLAYER).

Select the created copy and press the key F2 and rename:

Step 3. Setting the default race to non-game mode

We return to the STANDARD African-American race and in the first tab we uncheck the checkbox PLAYABLE:

By doing this, we remove the original race from the character generator (in the game, when creating a hero), leaving only our own created copy.

Step 4. Registering paths to the body and hand textures

Go to “your” race and on the tab BODY DATA specify the path to the textures of the character’s body and hands:

Step 5. Registering paths to the facial texture

Go to the tab FACE DATA and specify the path to the face texture:

Step 6. Registering textures for the female character

Check the checkbox Female and do the same procedures with textures, but only for a female character.

To save space, I’m only showing the drawing for the textures of the character’s face, but don’t forget to add the textures for the body and hands.

Step 7. Creating Presets for the Female Character

Now we need to create facial " presets” for our African-American race.

Presets- these are just NPCs whose “faces” (God forgive me!) invite us to choose when creating a character in the game.

You can, of course, also create a new character from scratch and assign our new race to him. But why complicate things? It is enough to attribute our race to an already existing “preset”. They are not difficult to find.

All “presets” have an ID of the form: CGPreset_RACE NAME_SEX_NUMBER.

For example:

  • CGPresetAsianF01– preset of Asian race woman number 1.
  • CGPresetCaucasianM05– preset of the European race, man number 5, etc.

We are looking for a preset for our new African-American race. Let's go to the section ACTORS -> NPC -> AfricanAmerican -> Female:

On the right, all 10 “preset” characters for this race are highlighted in blue. Double click on the first one and in the window that opens on the first tab, change the character's race from African-American to OUR African American:

Step 8. Create presets for the male character

We do the same for the male character:

If you wish, you can change the race of all 10 “presets”. Then, when creating a character in the game, you will have 10 faces to choose from. But one is quite enough.

Creation of the remaining three races by analogy

So we created our own African-American race.

Now we repeat steps 1 to 8 for the remaining three races:

  • Asian,
  • European (Caucasian) And
  • Latin American.

That is, we select the corresponding standard race, make a duplicate, and so on.

As a result, we will get 4 new races, which will be a complete copy of the original ones, BUT having their OWN texture and these races will be used ONLY by the player (the rest of the NPCs will use the old, original races).

Saving changes to a new plugin

Save the plugin (actually, you need to save several times while working on the mod, otherwise the editor has the unpleasant property of crashing at the most unexpected moment).

Modification of female figures

If you want your character to be different from the others in terms of figure (for example, all the madams of the Wasteland have the same body with number 3 breasts, and you want your girl to have a lush bust a la Semenovich, then, in addition to the folder with textures for the GG, we will also have to create folders for body models, put the models themselves into these folders (with the same magnificent bust, :-) for example) and register these models in the settings of the created new race. To be more specific, then...

In the DATA/MESHES/CHARACTERS/_MALE folder in the game directory, create a new PLAYER folder, and in it two folders - playerMale and playerFemale.

(note) Naturally, your character will differ in figure from other NPCs only, sorry, when undressed. When putting on any armor/clothing, the player’s figure will be replaced by the figure “built-in” to this very clothing. Therefore, in order for your hero to be different from the others, even when he is wearing some kind of armor or clothing (except for power), you need to add clothing that matches your figure to the game. And solve the problem so that such clothes are used ONLY by the player, and not by all other characters. But this is a topic for a separate tutorial.


All! You can start the game. Don't forget to write the paths to new textures and models in the file ArchiveInvalidation.txt.

If at the beginning of the game, when generating a character, your new race is missing, try changing the order in which the plugins are loaded.

If you have already played Fallout and have saved the game, then, naturally, the previously selected race of your player is registered in them. To assign a new, created race to a player, use the console command ShowRaceMenu.


Now a few notes.

  • This method allows you to create races for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but for Foul there is one caveat. Since in Fallout we start the game as a child, even if we choose OUR race in the character generator, the game will reset the hero’s age (change the adult race to the corresponding child race). And after completing the “Growing Up Fast” quest, he will change the current child race to the corresponding adult one. The game takes data from the race profile. There on the first tab there are two fields: YOUNGER RACE And OLDER RACE. The first indicates the race corresponding to the PREVIOUS age category, and the second indicates the NEXT age category. Therefore, in the editor we need to replace the “old” race with our created ones in all “children” races. For African children - to OUR African-American (see picture), for Asian children - to OUR Asian and so on.

  • The second nuance. The scripts have such a function - checking the race of the player or NPC. That is, at some points in the game, the NPC’s belonging to a certain race is checked and certain actions are performed in accordance with the check. For one race - alone. For the other - others. Since our new race is not spelled out in any script, there is a danger of the game being shut down, the development of the storyline being stopped, or something similar. True, in New Vegas I did not find such “dangerous” places for the player, and in Fallout - only one. In the script that is responsible for the final scene. There, depending on the player’s race, one or another final video clip is connected, a certain achievement is added to the player and the exit from the game (GAME OVER) is started. Therefore, I think it’s not critical if you don’t use a mod to continue the game. Otherwise, you need to correct this script, replacing the standard races with our newly created ones.
  • And one more thing... Just because I haven't found any more use for the race check feature, that doesn't mean it's never used anymore. Therefore, if anything happens, be prepared for glitches.))))

And a little more about races and ages...

  1. Check boxes can be checked PLAYABLE in other races (adults, old people, raiders), and these races will appear in the character creation window (in the game). And then you will be able to play as a very adult person, an old man, or looking like a raider (precisely looking, that is, with a grimy body and wild eyes, but without negative “raider” characteristics). Just remember, in Fallout 3, after the hero “grows up,” the game will install the next oldest race, noted in the settings.
  2. DO NOT MARK check box PLAYABLE in "children's" races!!! Otherwise, you risk a bunch of glitches and even a game crash, since many objects, dialogues, and activators are prohibited from being used by characters of the “children’s” race.
  3. You can create your own race for ANY character in the game and this character will be unlike anyone else.)))) Again, the limitation is the same scripted race check.

SFW RA is a modular set (or assembly) of modifications, adapted to each other, modified and thematically combined into a minimum number of plugins. The ultimate goal of this project is the most expanded and improved game based on SFW, which is a combination of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and, possibly, other global modifications. ()

Here is one of the RA modules; below is its description and detailed installation. Complete installation instructions for the entire project: WIP>

-- Module description --

This module expands the possibilities for choosing a race in SFW, includes new races with adjusted parameters for correct work with SFW.

Features at the moment:

Android A.R.E.S. (female), with different classes and visual damage/behavior cues.

Android "Project Apollo" (male), by Allnarta, with full adaptation of equipment to the race.

Robert Neville from I Am Legend

Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead

Max Rockatansky from the original Mad Max trilogy (two loadout options)

Tom Hardy's Max Rockatansky from Mad Max: Fury Road

Eli from the movie "The Book of Eli"

Chakan from... well... "Chakan"..

50 new hairstyles for male characters.

TFH Bullet Scar - several lore races with different options for bullet scars and others.

TFH Rugged Race - even more lore-based, rough, wasteland-worn appearance options.

The appearance of the semi-gulified Danny Trejo for Raul, as well as the playable race of Danny for the player (in a separate patch).

Starting with version 0.94, the integration into the game of the “Heroes of the Apocalypse” races (Robert Neville, Rick Grimes, Mad Max, Chakan) has been improved.

By choosing one of the listed races, depending on where you start the game:

In Mojave: Receive a package from Doc Mitchell containing only the equipment of the character of the selected race.

In Vault 101: You will find your equipment when leaving Vault 101. There will be a travel bag there.

About body replacers:

MaleBody: Starting from version 0.98a, the module is entirely adapted to Robert's male body replacer. Thank you Allnarta!

FemaleBody: There are very few instances of armor/clothing that somehow depend on female body replacers. And those are tied to the original scan, compatible with Type3 (and derivatives).

*The technical composition of the plugin can be found below in the description.

P.S. If you find any of the above unnecessary for this module/in general, do not hesitate to write.

I will be happy to consider adequate proposals.

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-- Installation --

0. Game requirements before installation:

Installed the latest version


Install , with all the resources.


Install replayer

1. Unpack all downloaded archives into a folder Data your game. Connect RA-Races.esm V FOMM.
*Downloaded files are unpacked using 7-ZIP.

2. Sort the download list according to .

3. You can play.

4. In case of performance problems in the game, please read.

-- Installing optional files/patches --

*In the "Optional files" folder there are additional module patch files, the installation of which is not required, i.e. optional.

RA-Races Patch - Vanilla Male Body - a patch for compatibility with the original models of male bodies, for those who do not use Roberts' replacer.

RA-Races Patch - DannyTrejoRaul - a patch for those who prefer the appearance of Raul "Danny Trejo - half-ghoul".

The RA-Races-DaughtersOfARES_Optionals archive contains optional files for the Daughters of A.R.E.S., they are as follows:

1024 - Textures sizes 1024

2048 - Size textures 2048,

Description: Shortly before the war, scientists from Big MT developed a robot equipped with Artificial Intelligence - FRIEND (Demonstration Robot Equipped with Genius). The implementation of this project was undertaken by the well-known RobCo. However, the state feared the "Rise of the Machines" and ordered RobCo to stop production of robots and begin monitoring their development. As of October 22, 2077, approximately 40 such robots had been produced.
But why are these robots so different from the rest? They were created to replace humans in control positions, that is, to control other robots using the wireless connection function.
The combination of Mister Helper's reliability, Security Robot's power and AI, and the robot's ease of repair made him a near-perfect worker.
One of the models on the day the bombs fell was with Mr. House in Lucky 38. This FRIEND was not harmed at all, and Mr. House ordered him to take a job with the Mojave Express and deliver the platinum chip. But as a result of known events, the memory block was damaged, and FRIEND lost the data about what happened to it before. All that remains is data on basic functions.
A little about ESP and ESM:
1) STRobot-Core.esm - will give you the opportunity to choose the “Robot” race, and will also add a number of new perks (8), traits (4). But that's not all! Where has it been seen that a robot is treated with a stimulant (0_0) Therefore, the author added a number of new healing items. For hardcore people, dehydration is replaced with energy, hunger with physical fitness. state, but a dream... It remained a dream)
(But not only the names have been replaced, but also the actions that must be performed to replenish the corresponding indicators)
Also, since you are a robot, your characteristics change.
+8 DT
Poison Immunity
+25 Poison Resistance
Breathing underwater.
Vulnerability to EMP weapons.
-1 Charisma
2) STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp - makes playing as a robot more realistic. Gives immunity to most drugs and types of food. Also, now you do not need to be treated by a doctor, only by a mechanic.
Exception from immunity
Potatoes (for laughs)
3) STRobot-VoicePack.esp - makes your player's voice robotic. Voice Pack download separately - http://narod.ru/disk/25518233001/Robot_Player_Voice-43732.zip.html Weight - 1.40MB
4) STRobot-ArmorAdjustment.esp - adapts part of the armor for the robot. Use ONLY with Tailor Maid and Satchel meshes.
IMPORTANT: 1) Technically, you don't have a head... At the beginning of the game you are given an item - a robot head. It's a pity, but your robot can't have a mustache) And it's fun that the robot can take off its head
2) Because of the glove, your GG's hand will be pink. But this can be fixed by installing Pip-boy Redarius or a mod that removes the pip-boy glove. For armor that does not have gloves: either equip the glove from the mod, or do not equip this armor.
3) Includes 3 textures for the robot. Default is green. There are red and blue.
Changing robot textures - go to Textures/Characters/Robot/.
Rename Diffuse_V01_red.dds or Diffuse_V01_blu.dds to Diffuse_V01.dds
For the head - Head_Diffuse_V01_blu.dds or Head_Diffuse_V01_red.dd in Head_Diffuse_V01.dds
4) For a wider variety of textures use http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43831
Copy the contents of the Smiley Tops Robot Race folder to the root folder of the game. When asked about a replacement, click yes.
Then we launch the game, select “DATA FILES”, mark the ESPs you like, click “OK” and play.
