What to wear for a girl to bowling. What to wear to bowling for the New Year for a girl

Did you know that bowling has recently become one of the most popular sports, after football, of course.

Today, more than one hundred million people in 90 countries play bowling at least from time to time! And what’s nice is that in order to have fun rolling balls, it doesn’t matter what your height, your build, or your age. For many Belarusians, bowling is a great opportunity to relax with the whole family. There is sporting interest, excitement, and general spirit victory. But there's always a first time for everything. And the first throw at the pins is no exception. Don't worry, here you go simple rules, compliance with which will help you master this special game without any problems.

Rule one, basic

So, you have finally come to the bowling club for the first time: special shoes are already on your feet, the lane has been chosen, and the pins are waiting in an even formation for your throw. The idea of ​​the game is extremely simple: you need to hit as many pins as possible at the end of the path with the ball. For each pin knocked down you get points. The more pins knocked down, the greater the chances of winning. You have ten attempts in total, or frames. If in one frame you managed to knock down all the pins with the first throw, you can jump for joy, this throw is called strike . If some “dodgy” pins resisted after your masterful throw, do not despair, you have another chance to strike - a second attempt. The game is considered over after all ten frames have been played.

Rule two, ball

If your first trip to a bowling club will take place in the company of already experienced players, then be prepared to hear a whole bunch of “practical” advice addressed to you on the topic of how to become correctly, how to hold b ball and so on. Often, the choice of a ball for a beginner is accompanied by explanations: “You are short and weigh a little, which means a light ball will suit you...”. However, this is not always the case. A beginner should try the entire ball arsenal to choose the most suitable one for himself. When choosing a ball, experts recommend paying attention not only to its weight, but also to how comfortable the player’s fingers are in the holes of the ball. A standard stirrup ball with holes is taken with the thumb, middle and ring fingers. The thumb is completely immersed, and the middle and ring finger are only submerged up to the second joint. The little finger and index finger lie freely on the surface of the ball, and the palm only slightly touches it.

Rule three, step by step

After the ball is selected, you need to move four steps away from the foul line with a small margin. Before you take a few important steps, you need to move your left leg forward a little. Now you are ready for your first steps in the world of bowling:

  • first step - short, it is carried out with the right foot, the hand holding the ball must be raised forward upward, supporting the ball with the left hand;
  • at second step takes on body weight left leg, and the hand with the ball goes down, thus the ball swings;

  • third step , accordingly, the right leg makes the move, the hand with the ball “flies” back, the body leans forward;
  • last preparatory sha d is performed with the left foot, and at the same time the player throws the ball onto the track, bending his left knee.

Needless to say, left-handers should “step” towards the track with their right foot, and perform all movements in a mirror manner. The main thing is to remember that your fingers release the holes of the ball gradually. First - the big one, then all the others. This is the main rule of a smooth throw.

Rule four, aiming

As we already know, the main goal of the game is to knock down as many pins as possible. And to hit the target, it is advisable to aim well. However, bowling professionals never look at the pins when aiming! But it's better to aim by looking at a specific point on the lane than at the pins 60 feet away. It's much easier to navigate by the arrows on the lane. There are seven such arrows. The middle one is located exactly in the center of the track, in line with the main pin. If you learn to use arrows as guides, then very soon you will move from beginner to professional. In the meantime, play and have a lot of fun and have fun with your family and friends!

Ekaterina Grintsevich

Bowling is team game, the goal of which is to shoot down the ball greatest number skittles. It's fun. And the game process itself is exciting.

It seems that today there is literally not a single person left who has not played bowling at least once in his life. However, do we know everything about the game beloved by many? Let's figure it out.

All the most interesting things about bowling

Bowling was first mentioned in written sources of medieval England. According to them, the game with balls and pins so captured the British knights without fear and reproach that they forgot about their direct responsibilities, i.e. Defend the homeland. They say that it was for this reason that the then King of England Edward III banned the toy he loved so much in 1366, and did so without any compromise: he vetoed it. At that time, the Hundred Years' War with France was going on. Apparently, it lasted for several decades precisely because of the love for bowling. At least that's what Edward III thought. Although, you must admit, the knights can be understood.

However, the bowling veto did not prove to be a significant hindrance to the spread. The British infected the French with it. And so on throughout Europe. Then bowling knocked down its pins in the United States. Here, by the way, it was also first banned. Gambling Americans first began to play bowling for money. However, the smart Yankees realized that since the game with 9 pins was officially prohibited, they could safely add a tenth - and nothing would happen for it. By the way, it was at this time that the constantly prohibited game received its official name “bowling”.

At the end of the 19th century, Americans were tired of playing haphazardly, and the rules of bowling, forgive the paradox, were finally put in order. The same Americans came up with the idea of ​​making bowling balls from rubber, and not, as was previously the case, from wood. Then a device was invented that automatically picked up knocked down pins. The game process has accelerated significantly. But let's understand the rules.

Rules of bowling

So, you ordered a bowling lane, came with your friends, congratulations! And now you are looking around, trying to figure out what to do with these balls and pins, what should be the correct throw, and how do they do it, knock down all the pins in one fell swoop?.. A little patience. We will tell you everything, and you will quickly learn.

The game consists of 10 frames. You have 2 rolls in each frame. If in the tenth frame you hit a strike, i.e. If you knock down all the pins, you get 2 extra throws.
And now, actually, about the throws. You can, of course, just pick up the ball and throw it wherever you want. And you might even get lucky. Although, sorry, it’s unlikely. After all, the throw is counted only if you made it correctly: the ball must leave the run-up zone, cross the foul line and walk down the lane.

But that’s if you play by the rules, and if you just have fun, then they’ll fall like pins. Moreover, you can knock down the pins the first time. But this is either great luck or professionalism.

And a little more about the rules. If after the second throw there are still pins on the lane, the frame is considered open. Which means you made a mistake. And your opponents get an advantage.

Bowling clothes

If you are going bowling, your clothes should be as comfortable as possible, neither too tight nor too loose, and nothing should restrict your movements. Sportswear, jeans, a T-shirt, a shirt are all fine.

There shouldn't be any problems with shoes. Bowling centers will provide you with special shoes in the size you need.

In the section on the question of how to dress for a bowling alley and what would be comfortable and beautiful? given by the author Mashunya Kozhina the best answer is: Dress for bowling very lightly. The only mandatory requirement is special shoes: the bowling center will always offer you rental shoes (as a rule, they are included in the price of the game).

Advanced amateurs can purchase their own personal boots. The two most common brands are Linds and Dexter.
You will probably find everything else in your closet. Comfortable trousers are most suitable for the game: jeans, slacks, shorts; and a T-shirt, blouse, shirt (ventilated, not very restrictive).
Clothes that are too tight or baggy restrict movement. But don’t go to extremes: tracksuits or fitness clothing sometimes bring a smile to the face of other visitors. Ball gowns and tuxedos would also be inappropriate here.

If your goal is to achieve more high level games, it won’t hurt you to get into the habit of wearing a polo shirt and slacks while bowling.
Some tournaments and clubs actually have dress codes that prohibit regular T-shirts, shorts or jeans.
Thus, at rating tournaments held by the Russian Sports Bowling Federation, a prerequisite for participation is that the sports uniform conforms to the following rules: - for men - polo shirts and slacks; - for women - polo shirts and skirts or short skirts.
And one more very important point: If you're wearing a retro item, check the seams beforehand because bowling is a very active game!
P.S. I’ll add on my own behalf for girls: take extra care of your manicure, especially on the thumb of your right hand.

Bowling has become a favorite pastime for a huge number of vacationers. And this is great, because boring gatherings at a crowded table are no longer so interesting. Bowling is an opportunity to actively relax and at the same time have fun with friends. One question remains: what comfortable bowling clothes are best to choose?

Bowling clothes

So, first of all, you should be comfortable in the clothes you have chosen. After all, you go there not only to have a good time, but also to win. To do this, you need to carefully think through your image; one should not interfere with the other.

Firstly, it is worth considering the material from which the clothes are made. It should be natural, well ventilating. Secondly, clothes should not be too tight and restrict movement, or, conversely, too loose. There is a risk of getting tangled in your clothes.

What should a girl wear to bowling? Representatives of the fair sex think through this moment more carefully. You probably know that the bowling club gives you special shoes, without which entry to the lanes is prohibited. Therefore, it is worth starting from shoes as well.

A great option for stylish bowling clothes is to pair simple jeans with a polo shirt. Please note that very tight jeans can cause you great discomfort. Therefore, choose a model that will simply fit your figure.

Comfortable bowling clothes can also be paired with a knitted top. This way, you will get maximum comfort and will not lose the femininity in your image. By the way, a skirt in its original form is no less relevant in bowling. You just have to pay attention to its length and style. The model should not be too tight on the hips and legs, otherwise it will ride up. The length should be optimal so that you can bend over and throw the ball without embarrassment.

As you can see, convenience in bowling can be combined with style and beauty.

Women bowlers face unique challenges. One of them, and the main one, is that women are physically weaker than men and, moreover, do not always know how to realize their inherent sense of rhythm and synchrony of movements. “Nine out of ten women I have encountered in advanced training courses in various cities across America have done everything wrong from the very beginning,” says Sylvia Win, a recognized best player among women. - Of course, men have more developed muscles, but women are naturally endowed with a sense of rhythm and grace - the main prerequisites for playing bowling at a high quality level. Girls just don’t show off all their talents.”

Sylvia, who is 4 feet 11 inches tall, is famous for averaging 206 points per game for three years in a row, scoring 700 points in six series in one year and being the first woman to achieve a 100 percent score (300 points). playing in the East Coast League.

1. Try to concentrate your efforts on a four-step run-up, as a three-step run-up is too tiring for most women.

2. Master the technique of sending a hook ball, as this technique helps women knock down more pins than when using a straight or right ball.

3. It is preferable to start with a ball weighing 10 or 12 pounds with three finger holes, but try to move up to a ball weighing at least 13 1/2 pounds or even 15 1/2 pounds as soon as possible.

"I wouldn't recommend buying a ball lighter than 13 1/2 pounds" because it hits so few pins, Sylvia explains. “At the same time, remember that a ball that is too heavy has a negative effect on coordination of movements, and it is worse than one that is too light.”

The photographs to the right show Ms. Win demonstrating the starting position. In the first case, she stands straight, and in the second, she is slightly bent forward. A second stance is acceptable, but less desirable. “The other three stances are incredibly funny,” Sylvia notes, “but you’d be surprised how many women I’ve seen who prefer them.” The correct position is: a straight body, the ball held close to the body and slightly above waist level, and the hand ready to take the ball straight out in front of you and direct it down. Such a retraction of the ball gives the body a smooth and easy forward movement during the takeoff.

Takeoff run

In the photographs on the following pages, Ms. Win demonstrates the three-, four-, and five-step run-ups for sending the ball.

If you're strong enough, the three-step run-up will work for you, but from the photos you can see that even for an expert like Ms. Whin, it's not easy. In this case, the movements must be accelerated. Ms. Win pushes the ball hard away from her and begins to swing on the first step. The ball has already reached the maximum allowable level (not higher than the shoulder) during the swing at the time the left leg begins to slide. In the last step, the main load falls on the right hand, which moves along the body, bringing the ball forward to the throwing line to send it onto the track. Also note that the ball lands behind the throw line, but not near the foot.

By comparing photos of the three- and four-step run-ups, you can easily determine that when Sylvia performs the four-step run-up, her movements look easier and more relaxed.

During the four-step run-up, Miss Win energetically moves the ball away from her and begins to move forward with her right foot. The ball swings far behind her as she takes her second step, reaching shoulder level (but never higher), and drops to send as Miss Win smoothly transitions to her fourth sliding step. Once again, your attention is drawn to how the ball is carried away from the outstretched left leg and slides behind the throwing line. Notice also that Ms. Win makes a final sweep of her arm.

Let's now move on to the five-step run-up. It is easy to notice that the ball, always held in the center of the body during the initial stance in order to maintain balance, is retracted with a slight push during the half-step that begins
left leg. The right foot is already raised for the second step before the ball is lifted from the chest, and Miss Win, having completed the third step, takes the fourth before the ball reaches its highest point in the swing. Then she starts sliding, bending her knee strongly, and the ball smoothly falls down, while the woman’s body remains in an upright position and her shoulders are straightened. Again, notice that the finishing movement of the arm is completed.

Sending the ball

Successive close-up photographs show Ms. Win bending her knee heavily as she sends the ball, sliding toward the throw line; in this case, the ball should be sent at a considerable distance from the left foot. In the second series of photographs on how not to bowl, Sylvia shows one of the most common mistakes made by women bowlers - dropping the ball close to them and behind their sliding foot. This may be partly due to the fact that some women prefer balls that are too heavy. However, the main reason why women release the ball from their hands next to them is because they are tensely holding themselves upright. This position, as you can see by comparing two consecutive shots, negates the necessary finishing movement and completely eliminates control of the ball.

Four types of balls

Of the four types of balls used in bowling - hook, left, straight and right - many women use the right ball without knowing exactly why, even though it is the least effective at knocking down pins. In the photographs below of sending four types of balls, Ms. Win clearly demonstrates why you score low with the right ball.

The hook ball is the most preferred and you will notice that the "V" made by Ms. Win's right thumb and forefinger is aimed directly at the set pins. When sending, the hand is straightened and brought forward, without giving the ball conscious rotation. This movement occurs automatically, as if you were about to greet someone with a wide movement of the hand, due to the fact that your thumb comes out of the hole in the ball first, and the middle and ring fingers will give it a rotational movement, since they are the last to be with him in contact.

If you are using a ball that is too slow, you should probably switch from the hook ball to the left ball. This is due to the fact that the spin occurs faster if the ball is launched more slowly, causing it to move in a wide arc. Therefore, your strike ball should be aimed from the center of the lane towards the 6 or even 10 pin area so that it has time to turn around and hit the 1-3 pocket. There is, however, a clear difference between the hook ball and the left ball when it comes to their speed. When sending with a hook, the hand goes straight forward and upward, without making any rotation with the palm or hand. When sending the left ball, which is much more difficult to control due to its wider arc, the ball is given lift by turning the wrist and palm (see the attached photographs of Miss Ween demonstrating the correct ball send).

If you do not have time for frequent training, then a straight ball can completely replace a hook ball. Of course, a straight ball is not as effective at knocking down pins as a hook ball, due to the fact that it bounces off them easily, but it is easier to direct, especially for knocking down pins that remain standing after the first ball (speh). When sending a straight ball, as can be seen from the photographs, Miss Win's thumb is located on top, and the middle and ring fingers are directly below it. The ball smoothly rolls off your fingers. When performing the finishing movement, the straightened arm ends the swing and the palm faces up.

If you rotate your hand in a clockwise direction while sending, your ball will act like a right ball. Such a ball moves from left to right. Ms. Win shows how to handle the right ball if that's your type, but strongly advises getting rid of the open-palm style, as this is the least desirable of the four methods.

The main mistakes of women

“When it comes to women bowlers, I have identified five main mistakes in them, and these mistakes,” says Miss Wheen, “are: poor run-up, especially in the sliding phase; run-up too slow; loss of ball; failure to complete the final movement of the arm and too short a swing.” In her opinion, many women do not perform a synchronized run-up correctly due to the fact that they approach the throwing line too slowly, and also do not bend their left knee strongly while sliding. “You can increase your speed,” she believes, “by pushing the ball away from you at the very beginning of the run. This will help you make a wider swing and give the ball extra acceleration when sending. And for God's sake, get rid of the right ball if you haven't already."1. Start with a ball that is comfortable and light, but once you master its movement, switch to a ball that weighs at least 13.5 pounds.

2. Try to keep your rhythm and movements natural and coordinated; Bend your left knee strongly as you slide toward the throwing line.

3. Concentrate on a four-step run-up.

5. Get rid of the right ball and master the technique of sending a straight ball or, preferably, a hook ball.

6. Increase the speed of the ball moving away from the chest, directing it forward and slightly downward from the body on the first step.

In bowling, Evelyn Teale holds a number of enviable records. She has 1,848 games played, including 655 singles games in which she averaged 205 points in a nine-game series. Originally from Miami. Evelyn Teel became the first Florida representative to win a national championship. Her highest ABC-sanctioned streak is 701 points; highest total points, also sanctioned by ABC and scored in one game, is 269 points.

Women can excel at bowling because the game brings out two distinctly feminine qualities: grace and rhythm. However, there is also a flip side to the coin. Women, due to the fact that they do not have the same physical strength as men, are less able to afford to make mistakes. If a man is able to adequately control the ball, even making mistakes in tempo movements, women cannot do this. Any mistake a woman makes during the run-up inevitably results in a bad shot for the ball. A woman should have a perfect or almost perfect run-up. This is why starting the game correctly and using the rhythm and timing that comes naturally to her is of paramount importance to the female player.

The main thing for any woman is to choose a ball of comfortable and appropriate weight. Men use 16 pound balls, myself included, but women need something lighter. The weight of the ball should be determined individually - based on strength and coordination ability, as well as taking into account gaming experience. A woman can start bowling with an 11 to 12 pound ball, but as soon as possible (presumably after a few games) she should move to a heavier ball - from 13 1/2 pounds to 15 pounds. Of course, the heavier the ball, the more pins you will knock down, but excessive weight affects the accuracy and synchronization of movements. Experiment. Choose the heaviest ball that will not require much effort from you when sending.

As for purchasing a custom ball, I am convinced that a woman should not buy a ball that weighs less than 13 1/2 pounds. It is impossible to knock down enough pins with a lighter ball. In seminars, advanced courses and private lessons, I always teach women the four-step run-up and sending the ball with a hook. I know that this is contrary to some theories of teaching the art of bowling, but the four-step run-up and hook are, in my opinion, the most natural methods and the easiest for the fair sex. Plus, this style allows you to knock down more pins.

There is a simple test that will allow you to determine how natural the hook is for you. Stand up straight and lower your arms along your torso. Then swing your right hand. Notice that the palm is turned inward and the thumb is pointing strictly in the 10 o'clock direction. This technique is called a “handshake.” This hand position is ideal for sending a hook ball. Some bowling instructors are of the opinion that women should be taught the technique of throwing a straight ball, but in this case the hand must be rotated in a clockwise direction with the thumb at the 12 o'clock position. This technique seems unnatural to me and more difficult to master than the hook.

I am also against the straight ball because, in my opinion, it encourages the development of the most terrible style in beginners - a tendency towards the right ball, which is a reverse hook. Women, when turning their wrist, sometimes go to the extreme and turn their thumb to the 12 o'clock position, but 2 or 3 o'clock, as a result of which the ball begins to rotate from left to right. But the likelihood of this drops sharply when a woman sends the ball using the hook method. Of course, when performing a hook, the ball must be given sufficient speed, otherwise it will be screwed up. A ball that rolls down the lane slowly is likely to straighten out or stop, and this type of send is just as bad as a right-handed ball. To achieve the speed necessary to make a strong and sharp turn of the ball, a woman must master the four-step run-up to perfection. There are many women who prefer the three-step style. The three steps are extremely effective when the game is played with a ball the size of a grapefruit and weighing no more than 3-4 pounds. But if you have to deal with a ball pulling 14-15 pounds, you simply cannot do without a four-step run-up. Only it allows you to feel confident when moving the ball away from the body, an element that is extremely important for any woman performing a run-up.

I know a lot of women who have achieved some success with the help of a three-step run-up, and I’m not trying to retrain anyone. They all tend to get the ball off the body late, but trying to instill a more orthodox style in them leads to a lot of problems, so it's not worth the effort. I recommend that women maintain an upright stance and avoid squats or half-squats. Being in a straight position makes it easier to move the ball away from the chest. The legs are at a distance of several inches from one another, and the left one is slightly in front of the right. The body weight should fall on the heels. The entire weight of the ball falls on the left hand.

A typical mistake women make is excessively “involving” the right wrist when inserting the middle and ring fingers into the holes. This, in turn, stimulates a right-wing message. Positioning of the ball is carried out only at the stage of sending it. Therefore, the wrist should remain completely straight. After taking the starting position, the ball retraction movement is performed. This technical point is most important for women bowling. Since women's arms are not as strong as men's, they cannot give the ball sufficient momentum when swinging. Women have to rely more on giving him the proper acceleration, and the only way to achieve this is to move the ball away from the body to the full length of the outstretched right arm during the first step of the run-up. This, in essence, is the purpose of moving the ball away from the body. Without the correct execution of such a movement, a female player in a bowling center has nothing to do. In the years I've spent teaching women how to bowl, I've heard them say countless times that a ball that's too heavy makes it difficult for them to enjoy it. great game. These players usually began sending a straight ball by dropping it next to them. Follow their example, and you will immediately feel that the ball has doubled in weight. The recusal movement is intended to solve this problem. When the ball is brought forward and then swinged, its weight is practically not felt.

After the ball is completely retracted on the first step, on the second it should be brought behind the back. The right hand occupies the same position that it occupied in the initial stance, i.e., the wrist is straightened, the thumb is pointed as if to send the ball with a hook. At this stage, the ball is set into a pendulum motion. And here many women make a serious mistake. Instead of swinging the ball behind their back, they carry it in front of them in their arms, as if returning home from a department store with a pile of purchases. The downward movement of the ball cannot be prevented. If you act contrary to the laws of physics, then the entire run becomes blurred. The third step is to speed up a little. This will give your body additional movement that will help you send the ball more correctly. At this moment, the left arm should be completely moved to the side, which will allow you to maintain balance. Allow the ball to reach the peak point of your swing. It should rise to shoulder level. If the ball does not reach this height, then you will not be able to send it hard enough. Your arm should remain perfectly straight from your shoulder to your knuckles, giving you a wide, free swing. If, while swinging, you feel tension in your elbow joint, this means that your arm was not straightened enough.

For a significant number of women who have more or less mastered the take-off approach, swinging too far becomes a habit. If your swing is too high, try making it shorter and slowing down your stride. The fourth step is actually a long, smooth slide. During the slide, the ball is brought forward and sent forward, followed by the final movement. The worst mistake women make at this stage is not squatting low enough at the throwing line. To perform a smooth and soft send of the ball, this movement is mandatory. I think it's all about women's vanity. Women don't want to look awkward and unfeminine. But in bowling, timidity or stiffness is unacceptable. You must enter the track with the most serious intentions, and this means, among other things, that in the last stage of the run, when performing a slide, you should strongly bend your left knee. I strongly advise against bending forward at the waist.

I recommend that women choose a point on the lane as a guide rather than aiming directly at the pins. At first, many of them do not believe that choosing a rangefinder is best way, but after three or four attempts they are convinced. If a woman is having trouble hitting her chosen target, I go out onto the track and bet on right place leg, and then I say: “Try to get here.” It's amazing how quickly and well they can put together. Of course, after the woman sent the ball, I remove my leg. They should choose guidelines in order to get not only a strike, but also a spare.

No woman can go bowling in a long tight skirt or a blouse with sleeves that restrict movement, and yet, as I notice, all the time they dress in similar clothes. At one time there were reasons for this, but different times have come, and every woman can choose a bowling suit that a model from Paris would be proud of. The variety of styles is amazing.

I constantly encounter women who are disappointed in bowling. They came to the bowling center and realized that the heavy ball discouraged them from playing. Or realized they were easily embarrassed. Sending the ball onto the track, they feel awkward because from the outside they can be mistaken for crazy people with shaking legs, frantically waving their arms, and that everyone gathered in the center is staring at them. I really feel sorry for them because most of the difficulties that women face while playing are easy to overcome. If the woman bowling bothers to listen useful tips, will work out a four-step run-up and will correctly move the ball away from the body, the problems will seem insignificant to her. Bowling basically consists of knowing the basics and putting them into practice, taking into account appropriate rhythm and synchronized execution of movements. It's very simple.

A woman should choose a ball that is light enough that it is easy to control, but at the same time it should be heavy enough to knock down the pins. For most women, the ball weight range is between 13 1/2 and 15 pounds. It is advisable for women to master the method of sending a ball called a “hook”, holding it according to the “handshake” principle. It is recommended to choose a four-step run. Removing the ball from the body is a key phase in the technique of sending it by a woman. In the first step, she should fully extend her right arm with the ball straight out in front of her. By making a full swing, she thereby imparts sufficient speed and dynamic movement to the ball. Bending the left knee on the last step (sliding) is a must. It guarantees a smooth launch of the ball. To score strikes and spares, women must select appropriate points on the track that serve as reference points. They need good understanding the basics of bowling and the knowledge of how to use two characteristics characteristic of women - a sense of rhythm and synchronization of movements.
