And now it’s time to tell you about several locations of nuclear units that are now known. In these places there will only be nuclear units; you can’t even count on the armor itself

Long road

To activate the quest, you must make the character McCready your partner. He can be found at the Third Rail Bar. When McCready begins to trust you, in one of the conversations he will ask for help.

First of all, you will have to look at the Mass Pike station and deal with the inhabitants there, namely Barnes and Winlock. The station itself is located at a road junction, which can only be reached using a lift.

The second stage of the task will open later, when your relationship with McCready reaches 750. After this, your partner will ask you to find a cure for his son. Now you must go to Med-Tek Research and go up to the very top floor.

There is a password-protected terminal that only McCready can open. Then, when the alarm mode in the laboratory is turned off, go downstairs and go into the airlock. Inside the room you will find the medicine.

Finally, to complete the quest, your relationship with McCready must be raised to 1000. Then your partner will teach you a new skill, “Deadly Shot.”

B beneficial intervention

An additional task that you can take from your partner Kate. Once you become friends with Kate, talk to her to activate the quest.

Since you treated Kate well and became her true friend, she decided to tell you her secret. Alas, this pretty girl, right behind your back, takes the drug Psycho every day.

She wants to get rid of her addiction, and only you can help her. Kate will tell you about Vault 95, where, according to rumors, experiments were carried out on drug addicts. There, with the help of a certain machine, the addicts’ bodies were completely cleansed of this rubbish.

Once you arrive, get ready to fight with shooters, a stormtrooper, and a legendary raider. Enter the Vault and use the elevator. In the opened room, further movement along the corridor is blocked by laser traps, which can be bypassed through the terminal behind the door on the right.

The further path is linear, right up to the detoxification terminal. Behind the door is the very rehabilitation center you need.

After this, Kate will tell you about her doubts, but if you convince her, she will agree to sit in the cleaning chair. After the procedure, talk to Kate again and the quest will end.

Unpredictable behavior

First, you must make the Curie robot your partner by completing the "Nook" task. When you complete the quest “The Human Factor” (you need to save Amelia Stockton) or simply improve your relationship with Curie, she will ask you for a request.

Curie doesn't know anyone like her; she's never met robot scientists like her. For these reasons, she wants to transfer her personality into a synthetic body.

First things first, you must complete one more quest from the main one. storyline- “Dangerous thoughts.” Once all the conditions are met, talk to Dr. Amari about the possibility of transferring to the house of memories.

In a day, Amari will get the body. After talking to a member " Railway", you will learn that this body was previously owned by the android G5, which later, due to memory erasure, became a “vegetable”.

When you end the call, the transfer procedure will begin. Keep in mind that all of the "old" Curie's belongings will not automatically transfer into her "new" body. All items will be placed in a box nearby.

It's high time

Can be obtained after completing the quest "Dangerous Thoughts". Nick Valentine's personal mission. When Nick starts treating you well, he will decide to tell you his secret.

Previously, when Valentine was not yet a synth, a policeman with the same name lived in his body. At one time, he voluntarily scanned his brain, thanks to which Nick-Synth learned about his past.

The problem is that the wife of the then Nick was killed by the bandits of a certain Eddie Winter. And since Winter himself still lives as a ghoul, you must take revenge on him. Go to the thug's hideout and punish the killer.

The difficulty of completing the mission is finding the shelter password. The savvy Winter divided the ten-digit code, recording each number on a separate holotape. You will have to find each of them.

- You will get number 1 in the BKOANTOLO office.

- Nick will give you the number 9.

- Number 5 is located in the Malden Police Department (PD).

- Number 3 in Quincy's PD.

- Number 7 at the Natick Police Department.

- Number 2 at Sheriff Nahant's office.

- Number 8 in East Boston PD.

- Number 4 in South Boston PD.

- Number 0 in Police Station number 8.

- Number 6 on the Coast Guard Pier.

With blind betrayal

The quest starts after completing the task “Prime Acquired”. Go to Maxson and report. The elder will state that your fellow paladin Danse is actually a synth, as evidenced by new data from the Institute. The paladin apparently learned of his exposure and soon disappeared. You are tasked with finding and killing him.

First of all, stop by the scientist Quilan and ask about Dance. During the conversation, Heylin will approach you and say that all the accusations about the paladin are actually a mistake, and in general, you are the traitors. Quilan will threaten her with a tribunal and demand that she tell everything about Dance. After receiving the information, go to the point.

Inside the underground complex, where Dance is hiding, you will fight robots and turrets. At the end of the level, Danse will finally show up and want to talk to you. He will confirm the elder's statement and ask you to kill him. Take the tokens from the corpse and return to Maxson.

March 13, 2016 14:57

Locations to explore:

  • Diamond City
  • Cambridge Police Station
  • Regional office BKOANTOLO
  • Malden Police Station
  • Quincy Police Station
  • Police Department Natika
  • Nahant Sheriff's Department
  • East Boston Police Station
  • Police Department South Boston
  • Police Station #8
  • Coast Guard Pier
  • Andrew Station
  • Joe's Sandwich Shop (South Boston speakeasy)


You can ask Nick Valentine why he cares so much and you'll find out what's involved lovely lady and the tragedy that happened to her (level of conviction - easy).

Find holographic recordings of Eddie Winter (10 pieces)

Nick knows where Eddie Winter's hideout is, but there is a lock on the door with a complex digital code. But there are 10 holotapes with incriminating evidence on Eddie’s accomplices, in each of which the scoundrel hid one number. Your task is to find the holotapes and create a digital code.

But Nick Valentine hasn't been idle all this time either, he has a dossier on Eddie Winter and a couple of records worth listening to: "Welcome Home!" and "Eddie Winter Holotape 1". That is, you already have at least one entry, nine more remain. You can check the police stations you have already visited. In each police station you need to find a terminal with evidence. Eddie Winter's file will tell you where to look for 1-2 holotapes, so you can find everything. After that, search the building for Winter's holotape itself.

Use the evidence terminal in Cambridge (optional)

Nick managed to get “Eddie Winter Holotape 1” from the Cambridge police station before the station was attacked by ghouls, that is, even before the events of the Brotherhood of Steel quest “Fire Support”. But he noticed a working evidence terminal there that could help him find the rest of the records.

If you came to the Cambridge police station after it was fortified and the arrival of help from the Brotherhood of Steel, which the soldiers were expecting after the events of the quest “Fire Support”, then take the time to run through the area again and collect supplies. In the green bedside chests you will find ammunition, medicine and weapons. Behind the counter opposite the entrance, you will find the key to the safe in the Cambridge police station (a safe has appeared here that was not there before). It is located in the corner office on the left as you walk from the entrance to the site. The safe can be hacked (lock level - difficult), opened with a key or using the intelligence terminal (level - medium), located in the same office - the choice is yours.


In the fortified Cambridge police station in the safe you can find magazine "Pistols and Bullets" release 6, allowing you to unlock or enhance the perk with which firearms deals 5% more critical damage. You can find a complete list of magazine perks.

But we came to check the evidence terminal. It is located in the evidence room (where there are a lot of shelves) in the left wing of the site. Hack it (level - easy) and find “Case 155-U: Winter, holographic logs”, it will indicate where 2 holotapes are contained. Your map will be updated, new markers will appear on it, pointing to locations where you can find this or that entry and another terminal that will give the following clues.

In the evidence room, if you have not been here before, you can find a lot of things confiscated from criminals. There is also a service station in the police station garage power armor.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 00: BKOANTOLO Regional Office

BCOANTOLO's regional office is located in the Charlestown area on the border with Cambridge. Raiders are already waiting for you at the entrance to the building. Once inside, go right through the large double door. In the corner next to the Protectron Policeman there is a terminal (level - difficult) with which you can activate it. He will help in the fight against raiders.

There is a gap on the opposite wall, after passing through which you will find yourself in a chamber block. Deal with the raiders and their leader Sparta. The terminal is useless, you don't have to hack it, if only for experience. The locked chamber is opened by breaking the lock (level - easy), inside in the corner you will find ammunition and medicine. On one of the file cabinets next to the desk you will find the Eddie Winter Holotape 00, and next to it is a cache of lids.

Climb the stairs away from the cameras and go forward into the room where the cops used to work at their desks. Along the way, you can hack the blue door to the toilet (the lock level is easy), there is a first aid kit inside. One of the terminals in the police office is the BKOANTOLO evidence terminal (see screenshot below). The file will contain a record of the location of Eddie Winter's eighth holotape - Police Station #8.

In the locked office (lock level - easy) near the stairs you will find a terminal (level - easy) that disables the turrets and deactivates the lock on the wall safe near the table, which contains ammunition and weapons, as well as the key to the evidence locker. The safe can be easily hacked (the lock level is difficult).


On the table next to the terminal you will find magazine "Pistols and Bullets" issue 9. It will open the next magazine perk or, if this is not the first issue of this magazine, will increase the effect of an existing one. Namely, now firearms will deal 5% more critical damage. A complete list of magazine perks can be found in a separate article.

Climb the stairs and exit into the so-called corridor, illuminated by a spotlight. Beware of the turret if you haven't disabled it previously. You can break into the door to the storage room (lock level - easy), where you will find a safe (lock level - medium) with ammunition, weapons, and medicines.

In the same corridor there is a closet (cage) with evidence (the lock level is easy). Pick the lock or use the key found earlier in the safe to open it. There is a lot inside: a safe (lock level is difficult), a chest, a bag, a couple of boxes on shelves with ammunition and weapons; medicines and chemicals; stealth combat; “Fat Man” and a mini-charge for it, lying on the floor. On one of the shelves you will also find a holotape of “This is the End.” It is not one of the 10 holotapes of Eddie Winter, but it is still relevant to your case and is addressed to Nick the man who was involved in this investigation 200 years ago.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 2: Malden Police Station

The Malden Police Station is located in the north central Commonwealth. You will find the evidence terminal in the precinct and the holotape of Eddie Winter 2 on the second floor in the corner office. In addition, on the table next to the terminal you will find some medicine. Information from the terminal will point to Winter's fifth holotape, located in Sheriff Nahant's department.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 3: Quincy Police Station

Be prepared for a shootout with a group of shooters and hand-to-hand combat with their leader in power armor, Tessa. After killing her, you can take her T-51e power armor torso and unique item— Tessa's fist.

Reference: Tessa's Fist

Damage Resistance: 50

Energy Damage Resistance: 25

Radiation resistance: 150

Without weapons: 15

Price: 93


  • Standard plate
  • Hydraulic Bracers

Peculiarity: Fourfold increase in strength

The police station is located next to the Quincy Ruins, apparently the location of the Gunmen, and there are a number of passages on the roof if you want more adventure. But we're interested in Eddie Winter's holotapes. Therefore, we go down to Quincy Prison (door on the first floor), where you will find a holographic recording of Eddie Winter 3 in the far locker. Next to the lockers you will find a first aid kit (lock level is easy), and on the lockers there is a bag with weapons.

Along the far wall is an evidence terminal, where you will find the location of several holotapes in the Winter case: holotape 7 in the South Boston Police Department, and holotape 9 in the building at the Coast Guard Pier. The same terminal opens the cell grate (the lock level is difficult) and activates the Protectron, which you passed earlier. In the cell behind the toilet there is a box with hairpins.

On the second floor of the Quincy Police Station you will find an ammo box and a power armor nuclear unit lying on the floor.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 4: Natick PD

The Natick Police Department is located far west of Boston, on the edge of your Pip-Boy map. Beware of the Deathclaw roaming the area.

The Natick Police Evidence Terminal is located on the second floor of the destroyed building in the corner. From it you can learn about the location of holotape 9, which was once transferred to the Commonwealth Coast Guard. That's where it's worth looking.

But the holotape of Winter 4 is located here, on the first floor in one of the evidence lockers located opposite the cells for criminals. By the way, next to the evidence cabinets you will find two first aid kits.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 5: Nahant Sheriff's Department

The Nahant Sheriff's Department is located northeast of Boston, and in this area you should be wary of raiders and feral ghouls. You need to go up to the second floor of this almost destroyed building. There you will find both a terminal and a holotape of Eddie Winter 5. Both will be practically before your eyes.

Sheriff Nahant's Evidence Terminal will reveal the location of Holotape 6 at the East Boston Police Department.

Holotape 5, located in this area, is on a small file cabinet next to the 10mm pistol. On the floor you will also find a cache of lids.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 6: East Boston Police Station

The East Boston Police Station is a flooded, destroyed building. Go up to the second floor. In the first desk, located immediately opposite the stairs, you will find a holotape of Eddie Winter 6.

The evidence terminal is located in the far corner of the second floor of the police station. From it you will learn the location of holotape 7 in the South Boston police.

In a small building next to the police station you will find a red chest (industrial box) with useful items, and on the second floor food.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 7: South Boston PD

Beware of the wild mongrels that live in this location. When you walk inside the South Boston Police Department, you'll immediately see an evidence terminal behind the counter. From Winter's file stored in this terminal, you will learn that holographic recordings 3 and 5 are in the Quincy Police Department and the Nahant Sheriff's Department, respectively.

As for the holotape of Eddie Winter 7, stored in this police station, it is in the office on the second floor, lying on the desk next to the broken terminal. By the way, on the wall near the table you will find a safe (the lock level is difficult) with various items, including ammunition.

Another terminal on the ground floor (hard level) opens a cell grate (lock level hard), where you will find a bag with ammunition and weapons. The terminal on the second floor (easy level) allows you to activate the Protectron, but I don’t think you’ll need it - there aren’t that many enemies here.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 8: Police Station #8

Police Station 8 is located west of the Boston Public Library in the Back Bay area. This is a very small room in which radcockroaches live, these nasty insects.
You can find Eddie Winter's holotape 8 in one of the cameras on the bench. Near the bench, collect scattered medicines and boxes of hairpins.

As for the evidence terminal, it is located in one single office for the entire police station, to the left of the entrance. From it you will learn about holotapes 4 and 7, stored by the Natick police and South Boston police, respectively.

Find Eddie Winter Holotape 9: Coast Guard Pier

The Coast Guard Pier is a den of super mutants, so be on your guard. Especially beware of super mutant kamikazes. In the van (castle level is medium) and on the tower located on the pier, you will find medicines. And in the second van there will also be a box with ammunition, a cooler with medicine, and a box with hairpins.

Enter the door opposite the surveillance tower and you will find yourself in a cell block. There, on the desk, you will find a Coast Guard storage terminal, which will contain Winter's file and information about the location of other holotapes, namely Holotape 3 at the Quincy Police Department and Holotape 4 at the Natick Police Department.

Try to hack the wall terminal of the room with evidence (the lock level is difficult). If you succeed, then a treasure trove of useful supplies awaits you inside: a lot of ammunition, a lot of medicine and two safes (lock levels - easy and hard) with similar contents.


In the only cell in the basement you will find Amazingly Cool Stories magazine Issue 8, which will give you a new perk that increases damage when shooting from a weapon with a telescopic sight by 5%. But first you will need to hack the door to the cell (the lock level is difficult) or open it using the coast guard storage terminal located on the desk. WITH full list magazine perks can be found.

You will find Eddie Winter's holotape on the floor above. It lies on the safe (lock level is medium), which is located in one of the corners of the room on this floor. In the safe, by the way, you will find ammunition, weapons and other items.

You can also explore the top floor with the roof. On the top floor in a locked toilet (lock level is easy) you will find a first aid kit, and in one of the rooms a box of ammunition. On the roof you will find a chest with ammunition and weapons, as well as a Cherry Nuka Cola on a small table.

Talk to Nick

Give Nick Valentine all the holotapes you found, he will immediately process them on his old processor and give you the code to Eddie Winter's bunker lock. He will also reveal to you the location of the bunker in which the old ghoul is hiding - Andrew Station.


If Valentine was your companion until this moment, then he will leave you for a while, and you can choose another companion to help you. As a result, there will be three of you in the finale, not two.

Get to Eddie's hideout

Get to Andrew Station. It is located near the South Boston Police Department, where you came to get one of the holotapes.

Beware of the raiders who have settled here and the turret near the subway descent. Before going down to the metro station, look in the toilet to stock up on medicine, and in the service room, where you will find a safe (lock level - medium) and a terminal that disables the turret.

Infiltrate Eddie Winter's bunker

We go down to the subway and immediately kill several raiders. The station greets us with pleasant surprises. In the toilet, according to the classics, there is a box with drugs, and behind the counter of a small food counter you will find a floor safe (lock level - medium), a cache with lids in a basket on the floor, Cherry Yader-Cola and a terminal that activates the Protectron-policeman behind a locked door (Castle level is difficult).

We descend deep into the station. A shootout with raiders awaits you on the subway rails. You can sneak up on them in stealth mode, plus using the terminal on the pillar (level - easy) you can deactivate the lighting. In the subway car standing on the rails you will find a first aid kit with medicines. Cross the tracks to the other side of the station, but be sure to look into the small room at the crossing if you're low on ammo.

On the other side, in the pantry on the left behind a locked door (lock level is easy), you will find a first aid kit on the shelf and in the lamp beam on the cabinet there are hairpins, a cache with lids and a stealth boy. Beware of the turret in the passage opposite. You can destroy it or simply bypass it by hacking the red door (lock level - medium), located right on the rails. Also on the other side of the rail near the bed you will find a safe (lock level is difficult) with different useful things, and in the machine - Yader-Cola, including Quantum.

Then follow Nick along the rails, killing raiders along the way. In the subway car you will find a box with explosives (lock level - light). When you reach a dead end, go through the gap in the wall on the left.
You have found yourself in underground rooms. Follow Nick Valentine forward. Along the way, looking into the nooks and crannies of the corridor, you can find food, drugs, and lids on the low racks on the balcony above the ring.

Eddie Winter's hideout is located in an almost invisible nook after the balcony above the ring, next to next stairs on the rise. It's easy to miss if you've lost track of Nick. Enter the digital code obtained from the holotapes.

Deal with Eddie Winter

After a short conversation with Eddie Winter, a rather unpleasant guy, kill him. And justice will prevail.

In this shelter there is something to profit from - a cache with lids near the TV, a safe (lock level - difficult) with ammunition and weapons that can be opened using the terminal (level - difficult), but the most valuable trophy here is unique weapon Eddie's World, which you will find by searching the corpse of the first ghoul, or next to the corpse.

Help: Eddie's World

Damage: 60

Ammunition: 44 caliber cartridges

Rate of fire: 6

Range: 83

Accuracy: 81

Weight: 5

Price: 454


  • Standard receiver
  • Ultra short barrel
  • Comfortable handle
  • Short optical sight

Peculiarity: Deals 50% more damage to limbs

Follow Nick

Follow Nick up the stairs and follow the corridor to the end until you find yourself in a speakeasy in South Boston. Here you will find another battle with raiders and one turret. Behind the bar there is a door to the storage room, it opens by pressing the button behind the cabinet located opposite the door (see screenshot below). Inside are strong drinks, a chest with various finds and a chemical laboratory.

After going up the stairs, you will find a hatch in the ceiling leading to Joe's Sandwiches. You can hack the hatch door (the lock level is very difficult) or open it with the key that lies on the bedside table a step away from the hatch.

I like 10

Quest It's About Time in Fallout 4: a list of places you should visit is here. After you complete the previous two quests, your relationship with Nick will become close. Talk to him and learn about his secret business. Talk to Nick and Ellie to begin this quest. Nick will ask you to find 10 holographic recordings that belonged to Eddie Winter. He believes police terminals contain clues to the location of these recordings. Nick will give you the first holographic recording, but you will need to find the rest on your own. Examine the notes in Eddie Winter's file, then look at the map for the location of the notes.

You have a lot of work to do as each location needs to be visited in person. Each of these locations has police terminals that you can use to access Eddie Winter's files. Once you view the file, you can search the building for a holographic recording.

List of places to visit

  • Regional office of BADTFL. There are raiders here. Holographic recording is on the cabinet. You can find Guns and Bullets magazine here.
  • Malden Police Department. The unmarked location is located near the center of Malden. Inside you will find a desk containing a holographic recording. There will also be one of the collectible magazines here.
  • Quincy Police Department. Be careful as there are arrows here. The worst thing is that you will have to face their leader Tessa, equipped with Power Armor. The holographic recording is located next to the locker.
  • Natick Police Department. The recording is inside the locker, but the place is guarded by Deathclaw. It is best to pre-equip yourself in Power Armor.
  • Natick Sheriff's Office. The note is on the locker.
  • East Boston Police Department. Inside the destroyed police station there is a recording on the table.
  • South Boston Police Department. There are several opponents here, as well as a police protectron. Destroy them all, and then look for a holographic recording on the office desk.
  • Police Station 8. This location is located west of the Boston Public Library. There will be a holographic recording in the next room.
    Coast Guard Pierre. There will be a large concentration of super mutants here, so be careful. The holographic recording is on the safe. You can also find a collectible magazine here.

    Once you have found all the entries listed above, review them with Nick. He will decipher everything they say and determine the code to Eddie Winter's bunker. It's time to head to Andrew Station and put an end to Eddie. There will be a lot of raiders here. Go down into the subway tunnels and follow the sewers. Note the metal door with the keypad. Enter the code that Nick deciphered for you, and you can get inside.

    Inside you can deal with Eddie Winter. After killing an enemy, be sure to pick up a unique revolver. Leave the shelter using the stairs and move to Joe's Coffee Shop. Talk to Nick about everything. Now you can achieve the most high level relationship with Nick and get his unique perk.

  • I think that everyone has already learned about armor, what it is, what it was created for, and the like. But you also know that without a nuclear unit, armor is nothing, because it is he who breathes life into it. Armor that doesn't have such a block is just a useless pile of metal.

    Of course, you know that the more you use your armor, the faster the charge in it depletes. You run, shoot, all this drains your charge very quickly. But if it turns out that only one nuclear unit is planted, another one will automatically turn on, if there is one in stock. I would also like to remind you that blocks cannot be reused: if they are not charged at all, then once you use the block to the end, then you can simply throw it away; it will no longer be useful.

    But, I would like to immediately please you that almost every armor that is available in the game, and which, of course, you can almost always find, comes with at least a half-charged nuclear unit. But you can see its current charge in the armor at the moment when the suit itself is put on you. The charge level is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen, and it also shows how many nuclear units are left in stock.

    Those merchants who sell power armor also sell nuclear units. Well, the price tag for them depends on how good the attitude of this faction is towards you. Help a specific faction, or a little bit of everyone, and then you can always and everywhere buy yourself a nuclear unit cheaper.

    Of course, you can get them for free, they are often lying around near power armor service stations, you just have to look a little. Also, when you attack the camp itself and your enemies use power armor, then it would be nice to walk through their area. Perhaps it is there that there are many spare nuclear units that rivals, after your visit, will no longer need.

    And now it’s time to tell you about several locations of nuclear units that are now known. In these places there will only be nuclear units; you can’t even count on the armor itself.

    Sanctuary Hills
    Behind the Red Rocket gas station. You can find a small cave in which cat-rats live. After killing them there and walking around this cave a little, you can find the nuclear unit.

    Read also: Easter egg Fallout 4: secret location with all items in the game

    Old Robot Graveyard
    But here is a place you know, which has a lot of interesting things, including valuable nuclear blocks. Wander around this junkyard a little until you find a combat robot. As soon as you see it, your attention will be drawn to the container containing the nuclear unit.

    You need to get into the city sewer and wander through its labyrinths for quite a long time, but as soon as you find the lunch box, next to it will certainly be what you came for - a nuclear unit.

    Fort Hagen
    To begin with, you will have to go down to the underground level where the generator is located, where your nuclear unit is located. Also, on this floor there is still a room in which there are 4 beds, on which you can find as many as 4 blocks.

    Ship "Northern Star"
    After the very moment when you find this ship on the coast, immediately go to its bow. There you will see several generators, but only one will work, and it contains the nuclear unit.

    Truck on the road
    Between Weston Sewage Station and Greygarden Farm you can find an old caravan. However, I want to warn you that there is a skeleton in it, so be careful. Well, after you deal with him, feel free to take your treasured 4 nuclear units.

    Read also: Fallout 4 Guide: Where to get a lot of glue?

    River Beach Satellite Dish
    In one of the satellite antennas, in this location, there are as many as 4 treasured nuclear units. Well, all you need to pick them up is to climb to the very top of the antenna, onto the wooden superstructure, there look for a box for cartridges, in which the blocks lie.

    Mass Fusion
    The level of radiation in this place is unrealistically high, but if you really need a nuclear unit, pay attention to the Mass Fusion warehouse. Just be very careful before you go there.
