All about ranked battles. “Ranked battles” - an overview of the new World of Tanks game mode Table of ranked battles in world of tanks

Ranked battles are a new battle mode that is expected in update 9.19 and is already available. Battles consist of seasons and stages, at the end of which the player receives rewards, chevrons and new currency. Interesting?

What are ranked battles in World of Tanks

Ranked battle- a random battle using Tier X vehicles, where the player’s main goal is to show high combat effectiveness. Ranked battles are noticeably different from traditional ones, and now you will find out why.

The main differences between ranked battles

  • battles are held in seasons, which include stages. At the end of each stage the player receives a minor reward and a significant one at the end of the season;
  • it doesn't matter whether the player wins or loses. It is important to show skills and abilities;
  • battles are fought alone, without friends in the platoon;
  • For high achievements in battle, the player is rewarded with improved equipment, a new currency called “Bones” and instructions.

What are the deadlines for ranked battles?

To put it simply: let's say season lasts a month then stage lasts a week. Then there are 4 stages in one season. To be the best in the season, you need to be the best in every stage. The player can dial from 1 to 5 ranks per stage and at the end of each stage, statistics are compiled, according to which the tanker sees his own and other people’s results. Afterwards, the statistics are reset and a new stage begins. You cannot lose the first and last (fifth) stage. The second, third and fourth are possible if you show bad results in ranked battles.

There will be winners on the losing team

Even if the team lost, the first 3 places in the statistics after the battle will be awarded ranks. This is how developers highlight the best players, whose skills do not depend on the skills of everyone on the team.

Improved equipment, bonds and instructions

Bonds- a new game currency that is awarded for efficiency in ranked battles.

Advanced Equipment can be purchased for bonds (the developers warn in advance that their cost will be high). This equipment differs from standard equipment in improved characteristics. For example, a rammer with -15% reload time.

Instructions- new consumables that will also interact with the equipment. For example, -2.5% to the reload speed of the rammer, total: 10% + 2.5% = 12.5%.

Along with patch 0.9.19, a new mode comes to the game - Ranked Battles.

Ranked battle- this is a separate type of random battle, the players for which will be selected according to their skill. In other words, very strong players will not be able to hit against (or together with) weak players. Everyone will be more or less equal.

  • You can only participate in level 10 vehicles.
  • The main goal is to show high personal effectiveness. The TOP 3 players by experience from the losing team will also receive buns and candy wrappers.

  • The balancer will try to match players of the same rank. However, to avoid very long queues, sometimes players of different ranks will be matched.
  • To receive a new rank, you need to be in the TOP 12 of the winning team in terms of experience or the TOP 3 of the losing team, which will give chevrons. To obtain the first rank you only need one chevron. With each new rank you will need more and more chevrons. 12 players of the losing team lose their chevron.
  • Ranked battles will be held in seasons (1 month), each season is divided into 4 stages (each lasting 1 week).

  • At the beginning of each stage, ranks are reset. The result achieved within seven days is included in the rating. At the end of the season, the results for the last 28 days are summed up, and the player receives a reward corresponding to the value of his rating.
  • In ranked battles there will be unique tricks and tricks - improved equipment, instructions (a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew).
  • As a reward for participating in the season, the player can receive a new appearance element - a patch, which is a unique icon that is displayed next to the player’s name in battle and is visible to all users.

New currency - bonds

Along with the standard reward based on the results of the battle, players will receive additional rewards (credits, equipment, personal reserves) for achieving new ranks and completing special combat missions, available only in ranked battles. At the end of the season and each stage, players will receive a certain amount of new game currency - bonds, which cannot be purchased with credits or gold.

Bonds can be used to purchase improved equipment that has increased characteristics compared to standard equipment, as well as pre-combat instructions that strengthen installed equipment or increase the level of learned skills/abilities for the crew. The higher the result for the season, the more bonds the player will earn.

For a long time, players have been asking for the opportunity to test their strength and compete with players of equal skill levels. And today we announce: soon ranked battles will appear in the game! Truly great battles are coming!

What are ranked battles?

Ranked battles will be held exclusively on Tier X vehicles and will be divided into seasons. You'll get a great chance to show what you're worth in 15 vs 15 battles! The greater your contribution to the victory, the higher you will appear in the special table of ranked battles.

At the same time, victory will not be the most important indicator: your contribution to the outcome of the battle will play a more important role. And if, despite all your efforts, your team is defeated, you can still move up the ranking ladder.

This means that your place in the ranking battle table depends solely on you! As you move up the ladder, both the stakes and the strength of the enemy increase.

In addition, the selection of an opponent also depends solely on your position: in a special queue of random battles, the balancer will select players exclusively with the same rank. And, if you show outstanding results in battle and during the season, pleasant rewards await you.

Interview with the developers of Ranked Battles

My name is Anton Pankov, and today my colleagues - and I will help them with this - will tell you about ranked battles.

The idea of ​​making ranked battles arose from the completely natural need of people to fight each other and not meet either too strong or too weak opponents. And we decided to finally try to make so-called competitive content for high levels, i.e. ranked battles mean that people will only play them at the 10th level of technology.

This is a goal setting for those who have already leveled up and want to stand out from the rest of the players and show that they are really cool. The gameplay is a repetition of our standard “Random Battle” mode.

We specifically took it because it is what the players love, what the players know. This is something that will be absolutely clear and familiar to everyone. That is, as soon as you press the “Battle!” button, you will immediately understand what is required of you, what you need to do, there will be no differences.

This mode is initially made for, roughly speaking, single players. You won't even be able to play in a platoon in ranked battles. We want this to be a mode in which your personal skill, your skill level, how much you understand your car, plays a decisive role. Those. The higher your rank, the more difficult it will be for you and the more interesting it will be to play.

And the most interesting thing is receiving awards, i.e. The better your progress, the more rewards you will receive.

What ranks are there?

Rank is an abstraction. In general, we thought for a long time about what rank would be in tanks. The basic concept is generally simple. Rank is what helps distinguish one person from another.

The ranks are sequential, i.e. The more and better a person plays, the higher the rank he receives. We decided that the ranks would look like unique shoulder straps, and like military shoulder straps, the number of stars on the ranks would differ.

And we basically got one small star, two stars, three, four and one big one like the general’s. Whether you gain a rank or lose a rank, and in general how well you perform depends not only on you, but also on your team.

It seems to me that this contradicts the very concept of ranked battles. The whole point is that you come and show: “I play great, guys.” Yes, maybe I got into a team now, well, in which there are not necessarily bad players, well, we didn’t play well, or maybe someone went into battle on a technique that he doesn’t know well, well, there could be many reasons, why they lost, especially in equally intense battles.

But what's great is, even if you ended up on the losing team, but you performed great, you made frags, did damage, the first three places, sorted by experience earned for the battle, they also get a step - we call it a chevron - on the way to the next one rank.

And accordingly, we thereby give the opportunity to players who perform really well to advance in the ranks, regardless of which team they are on. Well, those who win, of course, those who won, those are great.

Rewards for ranked battles

When receiving a new rank, the player will receive a reward. Naturally, this award will not be taken away from him in the event of a possible loss of this rank. That is, in our case, in simple terms, these are leagues. That is, this is exactly the indicator of dividing players by skill: the higher, better your rank, the higher your skill.

And, accordingly, depending on the ranks, a matchmaker will also be built. That is, for example, if you have the third rank, then you will mainly play with guys who also have the third rank, or you will be periodically thrown a little higher with guys of the fourth rank or from the second, and so on.

In our case, ranks are leagues. There are combustible and non-combustible ranks. That is, the player cannot lose the first and last - fifth rank. The player can lose the rest if he fights ineffectively.

Vehicle ranks

After reaching the fifth rank, a new activity becomes available to players - earning vehicle ranks. Their properties are similar to standard ranks. The only thing is that they do not participate in balancing.

Those. We continue to balance the player taking into account his fifth maximum rank. But for each such rank, the player continues to receive rewards, and he also continues to earn special points that help him rank in the ladder table.

And only those players who will be at the top of this table will receive the biggest and most interesting rewards. If we talk about rewards, in addition to the standard ones: experience, credits, boosters, intermediate rewards in the form of consumables, which will be given for moving from one rank to another, we have prepared several special rewards.

Equipment instructions

We will give out rewards in boxes. Something from a predetermined set falls out of the box, but no one knows what exactly. There is an element of chance here. What new things might come out?

Firstly, a new currency may appear. , and with this currency you can buy one of two types of new rewards. The first type of reward is our new consumables. They are called Instructions.

Equipment instructions work on the principle of improving the equipment installed on a player's vehicle. For example, a rammer will be installed on the player’s tank, which gives -10% to the reload speed. Another -2.5% will be added to the installed rammer. So the player can end up with -12.5% ​​reload speed.

Improved equipment differs from conventional equipment precisely in its increased characteristics. Let's say the same rammer usually gives 10% in reload speed. The improved one will give 12.5%. Accordingly, if you add the Instructions for the rammer on top, then all together it will be 15%, and this is just a fairy tale.

Improved equipment in booms will be expensive, and, accordingly, you will need to either save up diligently, leaving everything that was at the stages, and then earn something at the end of the season, or perform very well, get a bunch of booms at once at the end of the season and buy equipment for two or three tanks.


When playing the Ranked Battles mode, you will, of course, receive rewards, but you always want to brag about your progress, your achievements. Especially for this, we are introducing a new element of patch customization.

These are icons that the player can place next to his nickname, and they will be visible to everyone in battle. That is, it will be displayed in the “ears”, in the Tab window and when loading. Everyone will see your success.

The patches that we issue remain on the player’s account and do not disappear anywhere. So the player can always show them off.

Seasons and stages in ranked battles

Our seasons will be quite short. Within the seasons, we will have stages so that it doesn’t happen that people who spend much more time there, relatively speaking, they have an advantage because they have accumulated more fights, victories, defeats, it doesn’t matter.

They will be short enough and intense enough for all players to have the opportunity to take part in them and achieve certain ranks there. The season is, roughly speaking, a month. This stage is a week.

They may differ slightly, say, eight days, but the essence does not change. Every week we reset the results. That is, in a week you manage to reach, for example, the fourth rank, at the end of the week you receive a reward for this corresponding to the fourth rank, everything is reset.

You are rank zero again and are climbing up again. So four weeks. At the end of the season, we look at how many points a person has earned during the season. And this sum of points is compared with the same sum of points for each of the players who played Ranked Battles.

Ranked battle table

Based on this, we build a table. Conventionally: the top ten percent of players, another 15 percent of the best players, and the next 25 percent of players. Roughly speaking, this amounts to three leagues, each league receiving its own rewards.

We took into account quite a lot of mistakes from previous competitive modes, be it Ladder, be it Supremacy, or other various modes that appeared in the game in the past.

We made a certain number of conclusions, and, accordingly, now the functionality and the new mode are built on these conclusions, on our vision, we present.

Ranked battle- this is a special type of team battle exclusively for 7x7 players and only on ships of certain levels. Each team can have a maximum of one aircraft carrier and two battleships. Players who have a certain level of game account and have equipment that meets the requirements of the season are allowed to participate in ranked battles. Ranked sprint can be distinguished from ranked battles - its main difference is the ability to participate as part of a squad.

General description

After reaching a certain level of the player’s account (from update 0.6.6 - 14), he has the opportunity to participate in ranked battles on ships of certain levels, which are determined by the conditions of each season. If you have just started playing and want to quickly try your hand at ranked battles, choose your preferred development branch and develop it mainly in order to have ships of suitable levels.

Ranked battles are available only during the next season. Since ranked battles take place in a 7x7 (sometimes 6x6) format, cards of the appropriate size are specially selected for them.

Squads are prohibited in ranked battles.

IN PvE Ranked battles are not possible.

During the season, for reaching certain ranks, players receive instant rewards without waiting for the end of the season - camouflages, signals, credits, etc.

You can track your achievements in the game client - profile in the “Ranked Battles” section of the player’s profile.

Season seven. 06/30/2017 – 08/7/2017

Season seven Ranked battles began on June 30 and ended on August 7, 2017. The number of ranks is the same as before, 23; for battles in the main leagues, rank VI equipment was required, for the League of Sea Wolves - VIII. The main difference is the first ranked season, available from the 14th level of the game account.

Eighth season. 12/22/2017 – 01/29/2018

Season Eight Ranked battles began on December 22, 2017 and ended on January 29, 2018. The number of ranks is 23; for battles in the main leagues, Tier VIII equipment was required (for the League of Sea Wolves - X). This season was available from the 14th level of the game account. One of the differences from other seasons is that unique permanent camouflages for the prize ships Flint and Black are now used as a prize for repeatedly achieving rank 1.

Season nine. 04/27/2018 – 06/4/2018

Ninth season of ranked battles started on April 27, 2018 and ended on June 4, 2018. The number of ranks, as before, is 23, although for battles in the main leagues not only level VIII equipment is required, but also level X (and for the League of Sea Wolves - VII). This season was available from the 14th level of the game account.

Tenth season. 08/24/2018 – 10/8/2018

Tenth Season of Ranked Battles started on August 24, 2018 and will end on October 8, 2018. For battles in the main leagues, not only Tier VIII equipment is required, but also Tier X (and for the League of Sea Wolves - V). The main difference is the reward in the form of steel for achieving certain ranks. This season is available from level 14 game account.

Eleventh season. 01/31/2019 – 02/26/2019

Eleventh season of ranked battles started on January 31 and will end on February 26, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier IX equipment is required. The main differences are that battles take place in the Arms Race mode, the number of ranks is reduced to 18, as is the number of players in the team. This season is available from level 14 game account. For the first time, copper is awarded for reaching the first rank.

Twelfth season. 05/30/2019 – 06/25/2019

The twelfth season of ranked battles will begin on May 30 and end on June 25, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier X equipment is required. The main differences are that battles again take place in the “Superiority” and “Epicenter” modes, the number of players on each team is again seven. This season is available from level 14 game account. For the first time, an in-game achievement will be awarded for reaching the first rank.

Thirteenth season. 08.08.2019 – 03.09.2019

The thirteenth season of ranked battles will begin on August 8 and end on September 3, 2019. To fight in the main leagues, Tier IX equipment is required. The main differences are that the number of players on each team is again six. This season is available from level 14 game account.

Ranked Sprint

Ranked sprint is an experimental type of ranked battles: there are ranks, there is a division into leagues, and only ships of certain levels are allowed to participate in battles. But there are also differences - the number of ranks is smaller, units are allowed to participate in battles. There is no Sea Wolves League - after reaching rank 1 you cannot participate in the sprint.

History of changes

  • Update
    • Fixed a bug due to which the client did not launch for players who selected the “Ranked Battles” filter in the carousel before the release of version 0.7.0.
  • Update
    • the parameters of the “Superiority” mode in “Ranked Battles”, on the maps “Archipelago”, “Ring”, “Strait”, “New Dawn”, “Trident” have been changed: when holding a capture point, 3 points are awarded for every 4 seconds (instead of 2 -oh points for every 3 seconds).
  • Update 0.7.11:
    • Fixed a bug in which the client was closed urgently after selecting the “Ranked Battle” mode by a player who was a member of a clan squad.
  • Update 0.8.1:
    • Fixed a bug where the button for selecting a ranked battle remained active after receiving the first rank.
  • Update 0.8.5:
    • The inscription indicating the remaining time until the end of the ranked season, when the season has already ended, has been removed.

See also

Links to Internet sources


Gaming articles about World of Warships

Game Basics Admiralty Balancer Combat missions Sound Property Interface in battle Campaigns Karma Clans Collections Ship commander Containers Visibility and camouflage Squad Movement Port Upgrading your game account Game modes Unsportsmanlike behavior warning system Controlling an aircraft carrier in the game Controlling the game Economy
Game modes Boss fights for Halloween 2015 Wild battle Clan blitz Clan battles Team battles Operations Operation Dynamo Space battle Space battle (2019) Operation "Ray in the Dark" Operation "Save Transylvania" Operation "Terror of the Deep" April Fool's Battle Holiday battles Ranked sprint Ranked battles Scenarios Community Training room Halloween 2016
Equipment Ammunition Appearance Engine Camouflage Hull Modernization Modules Ship commander skills Main caliber guns

What are ranked battles?

This is a new game mode in the 15v15 format only for Tier X vehicles. The team that destroys all enemy equipment or captures its base wins. Essentially the conditions are the same as in random battles, but the main goal is to show high personal effectiveness in battle and move up the rankings, earning ranks and awards. The higher the combat effectiveness, the higher the rank in the special rating of ranked battles. Read about how to select the desired mode and play it.

How does the balancer work in ranked battles?

The main goal of the balancer is to assemble a battle from players of the same rank. The balancer strives to send you into battle with players of your level, which means the higher your rank, the stronger the enemy will be.

Sometimes, in order to avoid a long queue, a battle may take place with teams of players of different ranks. The longer a tanker waits for a battle, the less strict the rules apply to creating a battle. However, the number of players of a certain rank in teams will always be the same.

Is only standard combat used or can you get into an assault?

Just a standard fight.

How long will the ranked season last and what is the prime time schedule?

Prime time schedule by server:

Monday - Friday:

  • RU5: 16:00–1:00 (Moscow time)
  • RU6: 11:00–1:00 (Moscow time)
  • RU8: 11:00–20:00 (Moscow time)

Saturday - Sunday:

  • RU5: 13:00–1:00 (Moscow time)
  • RU6: 11:00–1:00 (Moscow time)
  • RU8: 9:00–20:00 (Moscow time)

What maps can you get to in ranked battles?

After analyzing the statistics and your feedback, we selected the following cards:

  • "Monastery",
  • "El Halluf"
  • "Cliff",
  • "Ensk"
  • "Lost City"
  • "Highway"
  • "Himmelsdorf"
  • "Karelia",
  • "Live Oaks"
  • "Robin",
  • "Pass",
  • "Murovanka"
  • "Paris",
  • "Industrial zone"
  • "Prokhorovka"
  • "Redshire"
  • "Sandy River"
  • "Quiet Shore"
  • "Siegfried Line"
  • "Steppes"
  • "Tundra",
  • "Lasville."

How to get ranks?

To get a rank, you need to earn a certain number of chevrons. The higher your position in earned experience among allies, the more likely you are to receive a chevron.

How are chevrons credited or debited?

In the winning team, the top 10 players in terms of experience earned receive chevrons. Players who ranked 1st-3rd in experience on the winning team receive an additional chevron.

On the losing team, the chevron is awarded to the player who takes first place in experience earned.

Players of the losing team who took 2nd–5th places keep their chevrons.

Players of the losing team who took 6th–15th places lose chevrons.

If the match ends in a draw, both teams are considered losers. In this case, only the best players of both teams receive the chevron. The rest keep or lose their tokens - depending on the place occupied in the team at the end of the battle.

The number of tokens you need to earn to advance to the next rank increases as you progress from rank 1 to 15. You will find information about how many tokens you need to increase your rank and how many remain to earn after selecting ranked battles in the mode menu to the right of the “Battle!” button. The tokens will be displayed below the button.

What are divisions?

In the new season, participants in ranked battles will have to go through 4 divisions one after another, with 15 ranks in each:

  • Qualifying,
  • Third,
  • Second,
  • First.

All competitors begin the season in the Qualifying Division. If you move to a higher division, you will no longer be able to fly out of it - at most you will return to the initial rank of the current division.

The first rank of each division is fireproof. Rank 10 and 13 in each division have loss protection:

  • At rank 10 - two unsuccessful battles.
  • At rank 13 - one unsuccessful battle.

If you exceed the defense limit, you will return to the previous rank. However, if you earn a token in an unsuccessful battle, your loss protection will be restored.

Depending on the effectiveness of your play in each division, you will receive a special reward - a certain number of bonus battles.

What are prize fights? How are they calculated?

Prize fights are your reward for successful play within the division. The principle of their operation is similar to the system of double experience for the first battle: once a day on a certain machine you can earn twice as many tokens. If the prize fight was unsuccessful, it is not written off - and you can try again.

You can see if you have any bonus battles in the Hangar in the image of your current rank.

Vehicles for which bonus battles are available are marked with a special icon on the vehicle panel.

The number of bonus battles you will receive after playing in a division depends on your performance. Efficiency is the ratio of the number of chevrons received to the number of battles you played in the division.

Conditions for awarding prize battles

Based on the results of passing the Qualifying, Third and Second Divisions:

  • with efficiency from 0 to 10% - 2 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 10 to 20% - 3 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 20 to 40% - 4 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 40 to 60% - 5 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 60 to 90% - 6 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 90 to 120% - 7 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 120 to 160% - 8 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 160 to 250%* - 9 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of over 250%* - 10 bonus battles.

*In the Qualification Division, the maximum possible efficiency is 200%.

Based on the results of passing the First Division:

  • with efficiency from 0 to 10% - 5 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of 10 to 20% - 8 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 20 to 40% - 10 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 40 to 60% - 13 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 60 to 90% - 15 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 90 to 120% - 18 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 120 to 160% - 20 bonus battles;
  • with efficiency from 160 to 250% - 23 bonus battles;
  • with an efficiency of over 250% - 25 bonus battles.

What are prize leagues? How to get there?

After you reach the maximum 15th rank in each division, you will be placed in one of three prize leagues. Which one depends on your efficiency.

  • Golden League. It will include 20% of players who showed the highest efficiency.
  • Silver League. The next 30% of players in terms of efficiency will fight in it.
  • Bronze League. The remaining 50% of players will end up here.

The principle of playing in prize leagues is the same as in divisions: you must fight as effectively as possible and earn as much experience as possible. If your performance improves, you will move up to a higher league. If it goes down, you'll go back to the lower one.

What is role-playing experience?

Role-playing experience is additional experience that you will receive after a battle if you not only caused damage, destroyed opponents and helped allies, but also acted in accordance with the role of your equipment in battle. For example, a heavy tank should block shells and deal damage in close combat, while ambush, weakly armored tank destroyers should deal as much damage as possible from long distances.

There are a total of seven combat vehicle roles within the season.

  • Defender. This role is suitable for most heavy tanks.
  • Fire support. A role for medium tanks with modest armor, but comfortable guns and good mobility.
  • Light attack aircraft. Role for universal medium tanks with rational armor or sedentary medium tanks with good armor.
  • Heavy attack aircraft. The role is best suited to tank destroyers or heavy tanks with a magazine loading system.
  • Sniper. Role for ambush lightly armored tank destroyers.
  • Scout. Best suited for light tanks.
  • Artillery. The role of self-propelled guns.

During a battle, a successful role-playing action of your vehicle is marked in the event feed with a special icon. You will find the exact amount of additional experience in the post-battle statistics.

How does the economy of ranked battles work?

In addition to the standard reward based on the results of the battle, you will receive additional experience for successfully completing role-playing actions. You can see its quantity in the post-battle statistics.

You will also be rewarded for achieving ranks. Along with the next rank you can get:

  • bonds,
  • loans,
  • gold,
  • days of tank premium account,
  • in-game property (such as equipment or pre-combat instructions).

To view all possible rewards and the conditions for receiving them, click on the chevron image under the “Battle!” button. in the Hangar, and then to the “Rewards” tab on the left side of the screen.

What are bonds?

Bonuses are a special game currency that cannot be purchased with credits or gold. For bonds, you can purchase various in-game items, including pre-battle instructions and advanced equipment, which significantly increase the efficiency of the vehicle and the parameters of the crew.

What are pre-combat instructions?

This is a new type of equipment that is used to enhance the characteristics of a vehicle or crew. Pre-battle instructions can improve the equipment installed on your vehicle, increasing the bonus from it, or enhance the skill of the crew.

You can only supply one instruction per machine. After it is used in battle, you will need to purchase a new one.

How many Can pre-battle instructions be used simultaneously?

Only one.

Do pre-combat instructions work with standard equipment?

Yes, pre-combat instructions work with any equipment.

About rewards in ranked battles

What are milestone achievements and how to get them?

Milestone achievements are medals that you can receive for a certain number of battles played in divisions and chevrons won in leagues. Each medal can have four grades.

"Seasonal hike." Issued for battles in the following divisions:

  • IV degree - for 20 battles;
  • III degree - for 200 battles;
  • II degree - for 500 battles;
  • I degree - for 1000 battles.

Citius, Altius, Fortius! Issued for chevrons received in leagues:

  • IV degree - for 20 chevrons;
  • III degree - for 100 chevrons;
  • II degree - for 250 chevrons;
  • I degree - for 500 chevrons.

What rewards will I receive for playing in bonus leagues?

Once in any of the prize leagues, you will receive the following reward:

  • A unique style for Tier X vehicles, special for each league.
  • A commemorative patch, special for each league.

How to get the Sprinter award?

This season of ranked battles, we decided to introduce additional incentives for active and effective play. The first 1,000 players to complete all divisions and enter any league will receive the Sprinter Award and the Golden League Trophy, regardless of which league they actually end up in. In the player ratings, all sprinters are marked with special icons.

What are rank tokens?

A rank token is a reward that you receive when you move from one division to another and also get into leagues. At the end of 2019, after all seasons of ranked battles, you will receive a valuable reward, which will depend on the number of tokens collected.

  • 3 rank tokens - an incentive reward with a small amount of valuable in-game property.
  • 7 rank tokens are a standard reward with a standard amount of valuable in-game property.
  • 10 rank tokens are an increased reward that contains a large amount of valuable in-game property and a unique Tier IX vehicle.
  • 15 rank tokens are the maximum reward, containing the maximum amount of valuable game property and a unique Tier IX vehicle.