WWII pvp warrior weapons 5.4 8. Arms war guide in Pandaria

I advise you to read other guides on warriors in WOW:

Guide to Warrior Defender (proto war) 5.4.8 Pve

Guide to Fury Vara PvE guide 5.4.8 (Frenzy)

Arms (weapon) guide for war 5.4.8 pvp

1 Feature priority

2 Talents

3 Symbols

4 Rotation

5 Inchat/Stones

1 Feature priority

The stat priority for Arms War is as follows:

Accuracy 7.5% > Mastery 7.5% > Critical Strike > Strength > Mastery > Speed

Accuracy (7.5%):

The accuracy cap (7.5% or 2550 rating) will eliminate the chance of any of your abilities missing the target. This cap does not depend on the type of weapon. Missing with special abilities is a big loss of DPS. Check if you have an accuracy cap. To do this, go to the character window and hover over Accuracy.

Mastery (7.5%):

The skill cap (7.5% or 2550 rating) will eliminate the chance of the target evading your attack. Having a mastery cap will help you prevent more DPS losses. Check if you have a mastery cap. To do this, go to the character window and hover over Mastery.


Increases attack power and damage from all your abilities.


Crit increases the chance of your attack to deal critical damage. A critical hit with Mortal Strike and Colossus Strike activates Enrage.


Mastery: Luck in combat gives your attack a chance to cause an extra hit.


Increases the speed of melee attacks.

2 Talents

Tier 1

Double time - allows you to use two dashes in a row. Not a bad choice, but the need for its effect does not arise anywhere. In addition, rage will be accumulated only after the first push. Important Note: Many people think that the talent gives two dashes with different cooldown times. This is not true, the talent gives two charges of the ability, while the cooldown of the second charge starts only after the first charge is cooled down. Thus, you can make 2 jerks in a row only once every 40 seconds.

Tier 2

Second wind is, for me, the most effective talent, because... does not require the cost of runes and will save you in cases of error and give the healers time to react.

Tier 3

Destructive scream - interrupts enemy spells within a radius of 10 meters. A universal choice, it allows you to knock down castes without choosing a target.

Tier 4

Dragon's Roar is a talent that provides maximum damage to a single target. A good choice for fights where you only need to hit the boss most of the time.

Whirlwind of blades - within 6 seconds the warrior deals damage to everyone around him. Best choice, if the battle requires a lot of strong AoE.

The choice will be between these talents, I will leave the choice to you. I’m just giving a hint that there is a lot of trash in the OO raid (Siege of Orgrimmar).

Tier 5

Security - removes immobilization effects from a warrior and reduces damage received by the target by 20%. Can be used as a minisave with a short cooldown for allies. If you need to use a skill on an active tank, you must first press [Deathmatch] to avoid getting a one-shot from the boss.

Tier 6

Bloodbath - increases damage from abilities (not auto attacks) by 30%, but not by directly affecting the damage, but using the bleeding effect. When used on AC it is the most powerful talent.

Avatar - temporarily increases damage dealt by 30%.

Avtara loses to a large CD and therefore is a little inconvenient to take.

3 Symbols

Large characters:

Symbol of Endless Rage - essential. Allows you to accumulate more rage for burst.

Symbol of slowing blows - optional. Good for slowing down targets.

Deathstroke symbol is optional. Slight increase in survivability.

The rude interrupt symbol is optional. Good if you use an interrupt in battle.

The symbol of sweeping blows is optional. Suitable for battles that require AOE.

Whirlwind symbol - optional. Suitable for battles that require AOE.

Small characters:

The symbol of a terrifying scream is optional. Good for mob control.

Elusive Protector symbol - optional. Increase survivability without increasing threat.

4 Rotation

Single Target Rotation: Stance:

  • Fighting stance- use during normal raid damage.
  • Berserker Stance - use during times of increased raid damage.

Priority for using abilities:

  • Deadly blow on cooldown. Inflicts Deep Wounds.
  • Use Colossus Strike as often as possible. Watch out for Sudden Death procs.
  • Heroic Leap if there is a buff from Colossus Strike. Does not affect GKD!
  • Hero's strike to drain rage (70+) when the buff from Colossus Strike is active. Does not affect GKD!
  • Execute on cooldown if the target is below 20% health.
  • Excellence is always available.
  • A powerful blow to drain rage (40+) when the target has more than 20% health.
  • Arms war The player in PvE must respect the priority given above. Use Mortal Strike as often as possible to build up Rage and inflict Deep Wounds. Use Colossus Strike as often as possible (only when the target is not affected by this strike) and try not to lose the Sudden Death procs. Try to land as many attacks as possible while the Colossus Strike buff is active. Also, when the Colossus Strike buff is active, always try to use Heroic Leap; it does not affect GCD and can be activated along with other abilities. Hero Strike should only be used to drain Fury (70+) during the buff from Colossus Strike.
  • After this, use Execute when the target is below 20% health, as often as Rage allows. Use Transcendence as often as possible using the Taste of Blood procs. Finally, use Fury Drain Slam (40+) when your target is above 20% health.

5 Stones

Meta: Rumbling Primal Diamond / Capacious Primal Diamond
Colorless: Smooth Sunshine
Blue: Burning Native Jade / Perfectly Cut Imperial Amethyst
Red: Sunset Inscribed Onyx
Yellow: Smooth Sunshine

6 Enchanting things

Shoulders: Great Mark of Tiger Fang
Cloak: Enchant Cloak - Accuracy Enchant Cloak - Critical Strike III
Chest: Enchant Chest - All Stats X
Bracers: Enchant Bracers - Strength VII
Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Mastery III Enchant Gloves - Strength VI
Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Leggings: Wrathleather Armor
Boots: Enchant Boots - Precision II Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step
Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel

What weapon is most effective for fury war?

The question is constantly asked: “Which is better, one-handed (smf) or two-handed (tg).” At the moment, the difference in one goal between them is very small (about 1%). Therefore, you need to take weapons that are higher in level. However, when using a two-handed weapon, the resulting damage does not depend as much on the execution phase as when using a one-handed weapon. In addition, with two-handed weapons the AoE damage is slightly higher. Therefore, in the current content, 2H is somewhat more preferred than 1H. But do not forget that there are few competitors for one-handed weapons in one raid (paladin tank and warrior tank), while for two-handed weapons there are more competitors (death knights in all specs, warriors in the weapons branch, paladins in the retribution branch). Don't think only about yourself, if other members of your raid need a two-handed weapon, give in, this will increase the effectiveness of the raid as a whole.

It also provides increased rage regeneration from damage received. Abilities are not limited to stances.

  • Berserker's Rage Increases physical damage dealt by 10% for 6 seconds.
  • Powerful blow is now pronounced instantly.
  • The way Superiority worked - in the past. Superiority becomes available for use for 10 seconds after the target dodges an attack and after being used by a warrior Deathstroke and when Taste Blood is activated. If Taste of Blood procs you, you also gain a 30% increase in damage from your next Slam. The effect can stack up to 10 times (increasing damage by 300%!).
  • Deep wounds are automatically applied when using Mortal Strike or Thunder Clap.
  • thunderclap hangs deep wounds to all targets hit.
  • Sweeping Strikes have a 10 second cooldown (and still a 10 second duration).
  • Deathstroke generates rage instead of consuming it.
  • Colossus Strike And Superiority no longer require rage.
  • Deadly calm Reduces the cost of the next 3 hits of the Cleave hero by 10.
  • recklessness no longer increases damage taken.
  • Removed Abilities

    I would like to note that the rotation of the Arms War has not undergone any significant changes. Only new abilities and skills with a long cooldown had a small impact on gameplay. The suggested rotation can be used in a different order:

    Maximizing Usage Powerful blow when there are stacks The taste of blood, will have a positive effect on your DPS. While the Taste of Blood debuff is active and Supremacy is not activated, spam Slam to avoid losing the buff. With excellent reflexes and trained agility, you can unleash a killing blow immediately after using superiority. Entering enrage now increases physical damage dealt by 10% for 6 seconds. It is extremely important to apply Berserker's Rage at this moment.


    Level 15
    They all affect Dash:

    PvE players will have to tinker with situationality, but PvP players certainly need Herald of War.

    Level 30

    Second wind
    - selection of a PvP warrior. But Sure victory- the default choice - as Western experts say. For PvE raiding, of course. Rampant recovery- a good skill used in situations where a lot of healing is needed.

    Level 45
    All talents are useless for PvE. I would recommend it to PvP players Destructive scream.

    Level 60
    In the DPS aspect, the winner, of course, is Dragon's Fury.Shock wave very useful, especially in situations where short-term control of a pack of mobs in heroics is necessary.

    If you need active DPS with immunity to slows and stuns, your choice is Bladestorm.

    Level 75
    Mass Spell Reflection
    - has a controversial meaning in PvE raiding. Security- a wonderful skill, appropriate in cases where the raid lacks cooldowns that reduce damage received.

    Vigilance- an equally useful ability that performs a similar role, although the damage received, in general, is not reduced. The bottom line is that 30% of the damage received by an ally will go to you. Has a cooldown of 2 minutes, which is longer than Defense.

    Level 90
    increases damage by 20% and rage regeneration by 30%. Immune to slowing effects. In the DPS aspect, this talent is the leader.

    Bloodbath A very dubious talent that can apply bleeding to a target for 12 seconds.

    Thunderbolt Strike- a single stun that deals some damage and has a cooldown of 30 seconds. And if the target is immune to stuns, the skill deals high damage (on bosses).

      #showtooltip Bladestorm

    Protective stance + “one-handed”
    The macro puts on a one-handed weapon and a shield in his left hand, and goes into a defensive stance. The macro is usually used to reflect spells.

      #showtooltip Defensive stance
      /equip Your one-handed weapon
      /equip Your shield
      /use Defensive Stance

    To re-equip a two-handed weapon and switch to the desired stance, use the following macro:

      #showtooltip necessary stand
      /cast Required rack
      /equipslot 16 Your two-hander

    Welcome to our PVE Arms Warrior guide for WoW BfA 8.1.5 Here you will find information on how to play as a warrior in the weapon specialization in a raid environment and in Mythic + dungeons. Other warrior specializations are also ready, go and check them out: and.

    Class Overview

    Arms warriors in Battle for Azeroth saw many improvements from the Legion, especially between their core abilities and talents. The overabundance of bonuses and damage multipliers from artifact weapons is greatly simplified, although the main ability in the rotation remains Colossus Strike. Their greatest strength lies in their incredibly versatile set of tools, allowing Weapon Warriors to adapt to almost any situation, especially when facing multiple opponents.

    Warrior Strengths

    • Explosive damage on cooldown.
    • A versatile warrior, he is able to deal with two or more targets with a Sweeping Strike, and hit 3-5 targets with a Cleave using Blade Whirlwind.

    Warrior Weaknesses

    • Some rely on Tactics to fill global cooldowns.
    • Slow rotation with intermittent periods of unfilled global cooldowns.
    • Lack of long-term combat healing.


    The Warrior weapon is a damage combiner that focuses on polishing up Deathstroke and debuffing the opponent with Colossus Smash and Deep Wounds. While the rotation is not very complex, talents can add numerous additional attacks and replace others with different versions, allowing players to customize their abilities depending on their situation or taste. The design presented here is a simple yet effective gaming style suitable for all types game content, which is designed to help new players learn the basics of weapons.


    These talents are chosen to maximize DPS and mitigate resource-related disadvantages. While there are more effective combinations, they also have more room for error. Talents are designed to simplify decision making and resource management while introducing players to a single target, burst, and AoE potential. Even though it's a simple mode, it's still quite effective for quests, dungeons, and raid content. In PvE content, the set of talents differs depending on where you want to go:

    Level 1 (Level 15) Talents for Arms Warrior


    For the rotation used, the priority of characteristics will be as follows:

    • Strength increases your attack power and the damage your abilities do.
    • Critical Strike: Increases damage dealt by abilities, auto attacks, and accessories.

      Versatility: Increases the damage you deal and reduces the damage you take.

    • Mastery: Grants a passive bonus to your character based on your specialization. Mastery: Deep Wounds (M-TT) allows your primary damage skills like Mortal Strike and Execute to deal extra damage.

    Strength > Crit > Haste > Versatility > Mastery


    Below is a guide to optimally determining the capabilities of your Arms Warrior. This should help give you a general idea of ​​what to do and what is most important to focus on. Keep in mind that simply following this (or any other) rotation guide does not guarantee that you will be amazing at DPS. How aggressively you rotate, how quickly and intelligently you respond to encounters, your FPS, ping, etc. play a big role in the end result of your work. We recommend that you focus on these things and improve them if you are very focused on improving your game.

    Rotation for one target

    DPS Priority: Complete this priority for optimal DPS.

    • Use Colossus Strike or Peacemaker as often as possible.
    • Use Execution with the Sudden Death proc (if chosen).
    • Bleeding is always supported (if selected).
    • Skull Cleaver, if available.
    • Execute when available, and with >=40 Rage.
    • Deathblow to maintain Deep Wounds.
    • Superiority for proc of Mortal Strike.
    • Release excess rage using one of the following abilities.
    • If Combat Fuse is selected, use Whirlwind to release Fury.
    • Otherwise, use Slam to release excess rage.

    AoE Rotation

    • Watch rotation for one target (above)
    • Swing Strikes whenever possible.
    • Cleave (if selected).
    • Vortex to release rage.
    • Keep rotating for one target, but use Sweeping Strikes on cooldown and
    • Whirlwind or Cleave to reset Fury.

    War Mode for Weapon Warrior

    A new change in BFA is the addition of war mode. War Mode is new system World PvP in the Battle for Azeroth prepatch, as well as a new honor talent system. You can now switch War Mode while in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to gain access to PvP talents in open world, as well as other bonuses such as increased rewards for quests in the world and 10% additional experience. The downside is that you will always be in PvP combat, and the rewards balance out that risk.

    With that in mind, not all talents provide the best performance for your Warrior. We have chosen best options, which you can use when working with outdoor content when the mode is turned on. Keep in mind that these are the best options for PvE and may differ from those used in battles with other players.

    New to wow waves of retribution, bonuses in war mode can now increase up to 30% depending on how unbalanced the PvP situation is against your faction. Additionally, you will be able to disable War Mode in any rest area, such as small towns and inns, allowing you to escape unfavorable situations if you so choose.

    Suggested War Mode talents for quests and other open world PvE content are: Shadow of the Colossus, Storm of Destruction, and Sharpen the Blade, all of which increase damage.



      Death Sentence: Rarely practical in PvE, except for occasional mobs that try to run away when wounded. It is better to use PvP in battle.


      Brave commander: More group oriented, especially if you get hit with extra health. It's usually best used in group PvP combat.

    Artifact Necklace and Azerite Bonuses

    The new Battle for Azeroth addon gives us the Heart of Azeroth necklace. Like artifact weapons, it gives us some bonuses that increase damage and healing. The Heart of Azeroth is connected to the so-called Azerite items, which are located in the head, chest and shoulders. Azerite items have no secondary stats, only Strength/Intelligence/Agility and Stamina. Heart of Azeroth necklace is rated critical hit, Mastery, Speed ​​Rating, and Stamina.

    • Level 1: General bonus and several specialization bonuses.
    • Level 2: Three random general bonuses
    • Level 3: Two random defensive bonuses
    • Level 4: Item Level Upgrade

    Raids, quests, and expeditions bring the power of Azerite to your heart of Azeroth. It will automatically go into your necklace without you having to use inventory or anything like that. The required level of Azerite to unlock traits depends on the quality of the loot obtained. Item level 340 (Mythical Instances) requires a level 16 Heart of Azeroth for the first trait, 19 for the second, 22 and 25 for the 3rd and 4th. The last possible trait in each item always increases the item level of the corresponding Azerite item by 5 item levels.



    Bladestorm cancel can be useful to return to the main target if the party dies before Bladestorm is done. Can also be used with any other ability or alone.
    Victory Rush or Dash can be used together to preserve the keybind. The macro will use Victory Rush if it is within melee range, default otherwise.

    #showtooltip /use Charge /use Victory Rush /cancelaura Bladestorm

    All offensive abilities

    Uses all offensive cooldowns if they are ready, rather than pressing them all every time.

    #showtooltip Battle Cry /use Battle Cry /use Avatar /use Berserking /use Blood Fury

    How to create a macro

    • To open the macro menu, type "/macro" or "/m" in chat.
    • Choose between the General and Macro tabs. Then click the "Create" button in the macro window.
    • Choose a name and icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click Done.
    • Select the macro icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. Type or copy/paste the macro into the text area.
    • When you are finished, click the "Save" button and to close the window, click Exit.

    Common mistakes and main pitfalls

    Always attack enemies

    This is especially true for Arms, although he doesn't have any GCD-locked specs, and there are important burst periods with Colossus Smash that encourage using as many abilities as possible. Likewise, eliminating downtime is very important for Weapons, as almost all of their rage resources are accumulated from basic attacks. Even shielded targets that become immune can still be subject to basic attacks to build up rage in anticipation of the next part of the encounter.

    Use Deathblow on cooldown

    In addition to being the strongest hit, Mortal Strike is one of the few abilities that reliably and regularly inflicts the Deep Wounds debuff, significant weapon damage in both a single and multi-target attack. For this reason, Deathstroke is one of the top priorities until you reach the Execution phase (20% or 35% with the Carnage talent), in which case Deathstroke should be removed from the rotation entirely.

    Heroic Charge

    Heroic Charge refers to using Heroic Leap (or simply walking) outside of melee range and using the charge to create additional rage in between your normal rotation. Ideally, this should be done immediately after the auto attack swing so as not to delay the rage generation, although this is fairly minor if you don't do it while on cooldown.


    There are many of them, but I find them the most useful:
    Weak Auras: Almost essential for every player who wants to improve their gaming experience.
    Big Wigs or Deadly Boss Mobs: These allow you to predict when certain deadly abilities or weaknesses will occur when facing a boss. Give you the opportunity to prepare in advance for your course of action.
    TidyPlates: Replaces player name plates. I think TidyPlates are perfect for a raider or dungeon crawler. Configuration flexibility and overall appearance The addons are great.
    Elvui: Allows you to get all the information you need faster than moving your eyes 6-7 times per different sides. It is fully customizable, its functionality is unmatched for both new and experienced players.

    Video guide
