Trainers and cheats for Assassin's Creed III. Trainers and cheats for Assassin's Creed III Assassin's Creed 3 how to choose a trading point

F1- activate the trainer
F2- endless health
F3- endless money
F4 - endless ammo and grenades
F5- shooting without reloading
F6- endless assassin signal
F7- freeze timer
F8- stealth mode
F9- increase walking speed


  1. Launch the trainer.

F1- activate the trainer
F2- immortality
F3- endless cash
F4- endless ammo/grenades
F5- shooting without reloading
F6- endless summoning of assassins
F7- freeze timer
F8- invisibility
F9- increase walking speed


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
6 - slow down time
7 - speed up time
8 - temporary turnover reset
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F7- endless consumables
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
6 - slow down time
7 - speed up time
8 - temporary turnover reset
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down- significant increase in damage

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- immortality
Num 2- endless money
Number 3- endless ammo
Number 4- endless arrows
Number 5- endless smoke bombs
Number 6- super jump
Number 7- shooting without reloading
Number 8- instant call of assassins
Num.- save position
Num +- teleport
Num -- cancel teleportation
Num 0- teleport to a custom marker
Page Up- endless consumables
Home- disable the trainer


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F7- endless consumables
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
6 - slow down time
7 - speed up time
8 - temporary turnover reset
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down- significant increase in damage

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F7- endless consumables
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
6 - slow down time
7 - speed up time
8 - temporary turnover reset
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down- significant increase in damage

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F7- endless consumables
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
6 - slow down time
7 - speed up time
8 - temporary turnover reset
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down- significant increase in damage

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.
  • Money in the account - 8264 pounds
  • Obtained Assassin Outfit
  • Purchased an outfit from Philadelphia
  • Bought an outfit from Boston
  • Obtained Assassin's Tomahawk
  • Purchased a stone tomahawk
  • Purchased a French ship's ax
  • Obtained a flintlock pistol
  • Pitcairn-Putnam pistols received
  • Maximum number of arrows purchased (8 pieces)
  • Maximum number of cartridges purchased (8 pieces)
  • Maximum quantity of shenbiao purchased (5 pieces)
  • Purchased the maximum number of poison darts (3 pieces)
  • Purchased the maximum number of smoke bombs (3 pieces)
  • Maximum number of traps purchased (10 pieces)
  • Purchased the maximum number of booby traps (3 pieces)
  • Maximum number of baits purchased (10 pieces)


Unpack the archive into a directory

C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\savegames\[folder with a bunch of numbers and letters in the name]

Num 1- immortality
Num 2- endless money
Number 3- endless ammo
Number 4- endless arrows
Number 5- endless smoke bombs
Number 6- super jump
Number 7- shooting without reloading
Num.- save position
Num +- teleport
Num -- cancel teleportation
Page Up- endless consumables
Home- disable the trainer


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- shooting without reloading
F5- endless smoke bombs
F6- endless arrows
F7- endless consumables
F8- super invisibility
F9- detectability reset
F10- super speed
F11- super jump
9 - slow down opponents
0 - speed up opponents
Insert- disarm opponents
Page Up- increased damage
Page Down- significant increase in damage

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Home- activate the trainer
F1- super health
F2- endless money
F3- endless ammo
F4- super jump

Num 0- remember the location
Num 2- teleport
Number 3- cancel teleportation


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

Num 1- immortality
Num 2- endless money
Number 3- endless ammo
Number 4- endless arrows
Number 5- endless smoke bombs
Page Up- endless consumables
Home- disable the trainer


  1. Unpack all files from the archive into the game directory.
  2. Launch the trainer.
  3. Launch the game without closing the trainer. Trainer functions are activated by the keys listed above.

The achievement "Trapper" (English: Coureur des Bois) in Assassin's Creed 3 is unlocked after selling whole animal skins in all mixed goods shops. In total, nine merchants live in Boston, New York and the Frontier, who are happy to buy any quality goods at high prices. Furs and animal skins are in great demand among traders. The main source of skins in AC3 are wild animals - bears, wolves, cougars, lynxes, wapiti, deer, hares and beavers that inhabit the vast expanses of the Frontier. As a hunter, Connor will try himself in the task “Hunting Lessons”, when Mother Rhoda sends him and Ganadogon to learn the basics of trapping, and then he will have a full hunting arsenal: a bow, bait and traps. Hunting animals is always allowed in Assassin's Creed 3. It is better to kill animals with hidden blades or a bow, since firearms damages animal skins, which greatly reduces the price of goods from traders. All merchants that Connor talks to at general merchandise stores automatically agree to do business and buy goods from, which helps to establish trade and simplify. Any intact animal skins are suitable for obtaining the Trapper trophy.

Mixed goods shops in Assassin's Creed 3:

Boston Merchant Locations

  1. Hancock's Shop 5- The merchant is located near the pier in the northern part of the Central District, west of the Harbor Master and the fast travel point Corona Coffee Shop. The location is associated with Benjamin Franklin, who will be waiting for delivery in the "Welcome to Boston" quest.
  2. Elizabeth Murray clothing store- A merchant buys and sells goods in the northwestern part of the Northern District, north of the Old Northern Church fast travel point.
  3. Childs Distillery and Manufactory- The merchant's shop is located in the central part of the Southern District, northwest of the East Fields fast travel point.

New York City Merchants Locations

  1. Imported goods De Lensi- a mixed goods store with a merchant is located in the northwestern part of the Eastern District, southeast of the fast travel point St. Paul's Chapel.
  2. Van Brugh's spices- The merchant is located in the northern part of the Eastern District, north of the Brewery fast travel point.
  3. Rhinelander Grocery- The store is located in the southern part of the Eastern District, south of the South Market fast travel point.

Merchant Locations in Frontier

  1. Woking Haberdashery— a trading post with a merchant is located west of the fast travel point in Monmouth territory in the southern part of the Frontier.
  2. Exchange with Murdoch- The general store is located next to the fast travel point in the town of Concord in the central part of the Frontier.
  3. Milliner's goods— the merchant’s shop is located opposite the fast travel point in Lexington in the eastern part of the Frontier.

Navigation bar

The economic system of Assassin's Creed 3 is significantly different from those in previous games in the series. However, earning enough money in the third part of the series is not difficult, just use the tips below.

Chests The fastest and most reliable way to get rich is to collect all Treasure Chests. Each such chest contains various items and money. Some of them contain recipes (which will be useful in making items to complete courier and other missions), others contain a decent amount of money ranging from £1,500 to £10,000. Estate Missions Completing Connor's Manor missions is very important for receiving large incomes from the production and sale of goods best quality. Complete them as soon as they become available. By completing each mission, you invite new characters to your Estate or increase the skill level of the artisans already working for you. Residents of the Estate will help you in the production of goods. Forts Forts in Assassin's Creed 3 perform several functions at once, but as for their connection with the economic system - the more forts are under the influence of the Templars, the higher the taxes on the goods you sell. Liberate all the forts as quickly as possible (sequence 6 - Boston and Frontier and 9th sequence - New York), and get more profit from sales. Hunting Very good way it's easy and simple to earn some money from the very beginning of the game - mining, buying and selling beaver and bear skins. Beavers in Assassin's Creed 3 have one of the most expensive and valuable skins, so take into account that there is a point of their constant appearance in the game Once you are in the Homestead area on the Frontier side, go straight until you come across a pond that contains 4 beavers. The beavers don't run fast, so catching them won't be too difficult (use the hidden blade to kill). The bear skin is worth it. on average £160. fast travel to the Frontier on the road that leads to Connor's Homestead. Head to reverse side and turn left towards the water as quickly as possible. From the cliff you can spot two bears, which are quite easy to catch and kill to collect their skins, claws and fat.


The production and sale of various items is indeed the only way earn a lot of money in Assassin's Creed 3. To create an item, you must first obtain its recipe from Treasure Chests or after completing missions. To create an item, activate the Ledger, which can be found in Connor's Manor or any store. The Ledger consists from three sections: Reserves, Crafts and Trade. Reserves is a section in which you can buy all the resources necessary for production, which are obtained for you by the residents of the Estate. You can simultaneously buy a maximum of 10 copies of a particular resource, then it will take some time. their restoration. Craft is a section in which you can use all your mined and purchased resources and other already produced materials. Here is a list of recipes, each of which consists of the requirements necessary to create an item, including information about how to create it. , what level of skill is required from your artisans. The first two times you commission an artisan to create an item, you spend £25. For each subsequent time, the price for services provided will increase by £25. If an item requires two or more artisans to create it, then the price for their joint services will be averaged. Wait 7 minutes for the price to drop back to £25. You can only create 10 copies of each item before your inventory is completely filled with it. Trade - the section where you send items for sale. Initially, you only have access to land caravans, but then you will be able to send goods by sea. In both cases, the trading process is the same: select the item you want to sell, then the merchant you want to sell the item to. To ensure that sent caravans reach their destination safely, reduce the risk by liberating Templar-occupied territories, forts, and completing Naval Missions. In the Trade menu, you can at any time view the content, income and arrival time of each caravan you sent.


By sending sea caravans on their way, you can earn a decent amount of money. As soon as you max out the level of the Huntress in the estate, you will be able to purchase bear skins from her. And after completing all the tasks of the Estate, you get access to selling goods by sea. By completing Naval missions, you “clear the way” for caravans and reduce the risk of them being captured by pirates. By loading one ship to St. Augustine with bear skins, you can earn up to £23,000 at a time! We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most profitable goods for shipping by sea:

    Good Clothes (Virgin Islands) - £1,922 per item. Good Clothes (Louisburg) - £1,861 per item. Bear Pendant (St. Augustine) - £1,690 per item. Blankets (Virgin Islands) - £1,670 per item .Blankets (Louisburg) - £1617 each.
Keep in mind that a sea convoy takes 32 minutes to reach its destination. In Assassin's Creed 3, it's not just the player who sends caravans. While traveling around the Frontier, you may accidentally stumble upon one of the enemy convoys. Attack it to get some money. If one of your caravans is attacked, you will receive a notification about this. You can quickly travel to your destination to protect the goods from the raiders. And if you are currently busy, send your recruits to deal with the situation.

on 2013-08-27

The fastest and most reliable method to get rich is to collect all Treasure Chests. Any such chest contains money and various items. Some of them store recipes (which will be needed in making items to complete courier and other missions), others - a decent amount of money in the amount of 1,500? up to 10.000?.

Estate Missions

Completing the missions of Connor's Manor is extremely important for obtaining huge income from the sale and production of goods of the best quality. Make them when they are cheap. By completing each mission, you invite new characters to your own Estate or increase the level of skill of the artisans already working for you.

The inhabitants of the Estate will assist you in the production of goods.

Forts in Assassin's Creed 3 serve a couple of functions, but as far as their relationship to the economic aggregate is concerned, the more forts under Templar influence, the higher the taxes on the goods you sell. Liberate all the forts as quickly as possible (sequence 6 - Boston and sequence and Frontier 9 - New York), and gain more profit from sales.

A very good method to easily and simply earn a little money first by playing is mining, selling and buying beaver and bear skins.

Beavers in Assassin's Creed 3 have one of the most expensive and useful skins, so keep in mind that there is a constant spawn point for them in the game. When you appear on the Frontier side of the Homestead, walk straight ahead until you come across a pond containing 4 beavers. Beavers do not run quickly, so catching them will be easy (use a hidden sword to kill).

A bear skin costs an average of 160?. Fast travel to the Frontier on the road that leads to Connor's Manor. Head in the opposite direction and turn left towards the water as quickly as possible.

From the cliff you have the opportunity to spot two bears, which are quite easy to catch and kill in order to collect their skins, fat and claws.

selling and producing various items is really the only way to get large number money in Assassin's Creed 3. In order to create an item, you must first obtain its recipe from Treasure Chests or after completing missions.

To create an item, activate the Ledger, which can be found in Connor's Manor or any store. The ledger consists of three sections: Inventories, Crafts and Trade.

Reserves is a section in which you have the opportunity to purchase all the resources needed for production, which are obtained for you by the inhabitants of the Estate. You have the opportunity to purchase a maximum of 10 copies of a particular resource at one time, after which it will take some time to restore them.

Craft is a section in which it is possible

allow all your mined and purchased resources and other materials already produced to go into motion. Here is a list of recipes, each of which consists of the requirements needed for the item, and also contains data on what level of skill is required from your artisans. The first two times, when you instruct an artisan to create this or that item, you spend 25?.

For any subsequent time, the price for favors done will increase by 25?. If the item requires own creation two or more artisans, then the price for their joint services will be averaged. Wait 7 minutes for the price to drop again to 25?.

You can only create 10 copies of each item before your inventory is completely filled with it.

Trade - the section in which you send goods for sale. Initially, you only have access to land caravans, but after that you will be able to send goods by sea. In both cases, the trading process is the same: select the product that you want to sell, then the merchant to whom you want to sell the product.

In order for the sent caravans to safely reach their destination, reduce the risk by liberating territories and forts captured by the Templars and doing Naval Missions. In the Trade menu, you can at any second look at the content, time and income of the arrival of each caravan you sent.

By sending sea caravans on their way, you have the opportunity to get a decent amount of money. When you max out the level of the Huntress in the estate, you will be able to purchase bear skins from her. And having completed all the tasks of the Estate, you gain access to selling goods by sea. By doing Sea missions you clear the way for caravans and reduce the risk of them being captured by pirates.

By loading one ship to St. Augustine with bear skins, you can get up to 23,000 at a time?!

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most profitable goods for shipping by sea:

    Good Clothes (Virgin Islands) - 1922? for each unit. Good Clothes (Louisbourg) - 1861? for each unit. Bear Pendant (St. Augustine) - 1690? for each unit. Blankets (Virgin Islands) - 1670? for each unit.
    Blankets (Louisburg) - 1617? for each unit.

Keep in mind that the sea caravan takes 32 60 seconds to reach its destination.

In Assassin's Creed 3, it's not just the player who sends caravans. While traveling along the Frontier, you have the opportunity to accidentally stumble upon one of the enemy convoys. Attack him to get some money.

If one of your caravans is attacked, you will receive a notification about it. You have the opportunity to make a rapid journey to your destination in order to protect your goods from raiders. And if you are currently busy, send your own recruits to deal with the situation.


Assasin's Creed part 3. 2 (How to make money quickly) from Denchika

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Money are an important part of Assassin's Creed 3, and the link between goods and buyers are merchants. Due to the fact that the economic system in the game has changed, and the cost of goods and weapons has increased, it is necessary pay more attention to earnings. There are no more sister-helpers who will monitor the welfare when the owner is absent from the house, and there are no “magic boxes” where money will accumulate. Main source of income became in Assassin's Creed 3. They can also bring a good one-time increase and burden the wallet, but you shouldn’t rely on them and the time spent searching for them takes many times more than spent on hunting. The forests of “young America” are teeming with various animals: hares , beavers, wolves, bears, lynxes, deer and other living creatures. Traders buy almost everything(from meat to furs), so difficulties with money can be easily avoided with the right approach.

Traders' shops in Assassin's Creed 3 they are located in Boston, New York and the Frontier (marked on the map - £), they are not in Davenport. Merchants do not care how the goods are delivered - personally by Connor or by a trade caravan. They are primarily interested in the transaction and the quality of the goods. If trade is carried out in person, the profit will be several times less, therefore. it is more profitable to trade through caravans. Before, you need to build it, and then be sure to find a merchant who will agree to trade. Initially department stores not marked on global map cities and surrounding areas, so you have to look for them. Once they are found, in the ledger in the “Trade” section you will be able to choose which merchant to send the caravan with goods to. Prices depend on the preferences of the trading partner, and profits depend on the number of forts on the route and the type of goods. Sea caravans bring the greatest profit with intact ones, but they can disappear without a trace along the way. Carefully weigh the pros and cons before submitting.

Location of merchants in Boston in Assassin's Creed 3:

  1. Hancock's Shop 5.
  2. Elizabeth Murray clothing store.
  3. Childs Distillery and Manufactory.

Location of merchants in New York in Assassin's Creed 3:

  1. Rhinelander Grocery.
  2. Imported goods De Lensi.
  3. Van Brugh's spices.

Location of merchants in the Frontier in Assassin's Creed 3:

  1. Woking Haberdashery.
  2. Milliner's goods.
  3. Murdoch's exchange.

Sea trade in Assassin's Creed 3:

  • Louisbourg, Bahamas, St. Augustine, Virgin Islands.

The most expensive goods and the best trade routes in Assassin's Creed 3:

The most expensive and profitable item in AC3 is good clothes, for it in the Virgin Islands they are willing to pay £1,922 per piece. the journey will take 42 minutes. You can send it to Louisbourg, then the profit will decrease slightly and amount to £1861, and the ship will return back in 38 minutes. To create good clothes you need, which is hidden in a chest in the market in the eastern part of New York (). In particular, Ellen (with the third level of skill) will help you make it and other items according to the instructions, if their tasks are completed. To make good clothes you need: cloth, buttons and wolf skin. It’s also possible, but the profit will be several times less. Before sea ​​route it will become safe to reach the Virgin Islands, it is necessary, otherwise there is no point in sending sea convoys with an 80% risk of attack. They will be destroyed.

GoodsLouisbourg (38 min.)Bahamas (35 min.)St. Augustine (32 min.)Virgin Islands (42 min.)
Fine Clothing1861 1373 1525 1922
Bear Pendant1586 1560 1690 1300
Quilts/Quilts1617 1193 1325 1670
Bear Pelt1464 1440 1560 1512
Medical Charts1125 1350 1463 1418
Wolf Pendant1281 1260 1365 1050
Good shoes / Fine Shoes1312 968 1075 1355
Torches1269 1040 1352 1311
Medical instruments / Medical Equipment1040 1248 1352 1311
Clothing1281 945 1050 1323
Bear Skins / Bear Rug1159 1140 1235 950
Moccasins / Moccasins1129 833 925 1166
Wigs/Wigs1129 833 925 1166
Tool Belts1068 788 875 1103
Daffy's Elixir / Daffy's Elixir825 990 1073 1040
Boots1037 756 850 1072
Playing Cards1098 1080 1170 900
Water Drum989 972 1053 810
Fine Hats885 652 825 1040
Beaver Pelt976 970 1040 1008
Lanterns716 954 1034 1002
Hysteria Medicine775 930 1008 977
Alcohol (alcohol) / Spirits946 698 1008 698
Blankets885 870 943 725
Meat Pies867 710 923 639
Skin Irritation Remedy705 846 917 889
Coonskin Hat885 652 725 914
Wapiti Skin / Elk Pelt854 840 910 882
Stomach Tonic / Digestive Tonic685 822 891 864
Poisons660 792 858 832
Hats824 608 675 851
Eye Drops660 792 858 832
Salted Elk Meat793 650 845 585
Dolls / Toy Dolls763 750 813 625
Beer/Ales763 563 813 563
Wolf Pelt793 780 845 819
Good furniture / Fine Furniture763 625 813 788
Bread757 620 806 558
Cold Medicine615 738 800 775

You can reduce the risk of losing a caravan by liberating all captured forts and completing naval missions, using Aquila, moored at the pier in Davenport, to access the ocean. Animal skins can be