There, the black and white cells are full of miracles and secrets! The cells are black and white.

The BZPP chess club is crowded. The kids occupied the chess tables, and the “conductor” of this still “discordant orchestra” - the director of the club, Alexander Evgenievich Snurnitsyn, patiently talks to the boys and girls about chess.

Our chess club welcomes everyone who is at least a little in love with chess. Enrollment in initial training groups is also open for those who continue to improve their skills, explained Alexander Evgenievich.

It is logical that the permanent members have recently open club became his “neighbors” - students of school No. 2. Although there are both high school students and students of school No. 3.

IN early childhood the kids quickly become interested in chess,

especially if they master the game in an entertaining way - that is, the way it happens in our chess club. I remember very well the moment when I “fell in love” with chess,” Alexander Evgenievich continues to say.

In class we learn how the pieces move and what rules exist in chess. “I go twice a week after school,” says Yaroslav Kuznetsov, one of the youngest members of the club.

In order for children to willingly take their first steps in chess mastery, the teacher thinks through interesting activities. Why does a child need chess lessons and what do they give? Chess solves several problems at once when preparing a child for school. Firstly: they broaden their horizons, teach them to think, remember, compare, generalize, anticipate the results of their activities, focus on planes, develop ingenuity and logical thinking. Secondly: they help a hyperactive child become calmer, more balanced, and teach the fidget to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Thirdly: they develop determination, endurance, will, perseverance, attentiveness and composure. A child learning this game gets used to thinking independently, making decisions, fighting to the end, and not being discouraged by failures. Fourth: they enrich the inner world, develop imagination, and teach them to enjoy beautiful combinations. Thus, chess develops willpower, emotional stability, and the ability to make informed decisions in any situation.

A chess game is a real duel in which opponents compare their intelligence, ingenuity, knowledge, and ability to keep plans, moves, and ideas in mind. It is unusual for chess players to panic and avoid making decisions - on the contrary, they always try to find a non-standard path, think, and not give up. Many of them master interesting, prestigious specialties, there are many examples of this,” says Alexander Evgenievich.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

You can search in several fields at the same time:

Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Master class

“There are black and white cells full of miracles and secrets”

1 slide (presentation)

Chess - magic game. Their charms were experienced by many great people of all times and peoples - from kings and generals to writers and musicians. A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, L. Tolstoy willingly spent their leisure time at the chessboard. In 1870, Ivan Turgenev was elected vice president of the chess congress in Baden-Baden.

2 slide

People have been playing chess for almost one and a half thousand years, and all possibilities have been exhausted ancient game, no one has yet managed to comprehend all the secrets of the chess kingdom.

My love for chess began in childhood, at the age of twelve, when my parents enrolled me in a chess club. This is how my chess life began. This game has never left me!

3 slide

Therefore, it became very important for me to teach the children in my group to play chess and instill in them a love for this game.

4 slide

Moreover, playing chess solves a number of problems:…

The implementation of these tasks and the achievement of goals is organized through additional educational services (in other words, circle activities). This is the "Chess Kingdom" circle

5 slide

Where should you start learning? chess game? You probably guessed it - from the game. But not into chess, but into getting to know chess pieces, a chessboard, and the movement of pieces. Therefore, in the learning process I use various methods and techniques such as: reading chess fairy tales, stories, puzzles, riddles, charades, entertaining tasks and quizzes that are interesting to preschoolers,

6 slide

examining drawings, making chess pieces from plasticine and paper. Children really like it when a fairytale-game method of humanizing chess pieces is used.

We come up with many fairy tales and stories ourselves; literary masterpieces are not needed here. No, it’s very complex, but a bright, imaginative story about a heroic pawn that made its way through all the obstacles to the coveted square of becoming a queen will give much more than a dry explanation of the “official” rules. There is no doubt that adults are able to come up with some kind of “chess-like” games for a child, such as lotto, hide and seek, and will be able to make simple but entertaining drawings with him. The main thing is that all these games go at ease; the child should not notice that he is being taught. Gradually, the child will become interested in chess, and a new stage will begin - from the basics to the basics of theory.

7 slide

Today I want to introduce you to chess pieces, rules of the game and some educational games that will help you open up to your child fascinating world chess

I classified teaching preschoolers how to play chess into six thematic blocks. Each block includes different forms and methods of work....

8 slide blocks

Slide 9

Exit of teachers.

And now, dear participants, it’s time for us to go to the fairy-tale kingdom of chess wonders! But before this journey you need to gain a little strength, I suggest you rest.

All subjects of the chess kingdom take care of their health and exercise. Let's do chess exercises with them.

One and two, and three, four -(hands alternately: up, then on shoulders)

We put our feet wider.(feet shoulder width apart)

Arms to the side, lean forward,(hands on waist, bend forward)

Right, left. Here are the people!(torso tilts left and right)

Stayed too long, stagnated -(hands on shoulders,

I got so into chess...rotation back and forth)

One – tilt, right – two:(head tilts left and right)

My head was rested.(head rotation)

We look down, we look up,(rotational exercises

We need to reach everyone. for the eyes)

Hug yourself, cheer yourself up,(hug yourself, pat your shoulders)

And don't forget about your friend!(pat the neighbor)

Our legs ran(simulation of running)

Forward, along the checkerboard paths,

To play with each other

And solve problems...

Well done, we've warmed up well, take your seats...

10 slide

To make our trip successful, we need a guide. And the chessboard will be our guide.

Take a chessboard and position it so that each player has a white square in the lower corner on the right side.

Look carefully at the board and tell me what it consists of?

The chessboard alternates between black and white fields.

11 slide

In addition to the fields on the board, we see avenues and streets. These are lines: horizontals, verticals and diagonals. Horizontals run from left to right, verticals from top to bottom, and diagonals obliquely. Now take the chips and lay out the lines on your board.

12 slide

The chess kingdom is inhabited by pieces and pawns, each piece has its own character and way of moving around the chessboard. Pieces and pawns are white and black. They can be white and brown, white and green, blue and red, but they are always called: white and black. So, let's get to know them.

In this country, the King and Queen live without crowns, a boat without oars, an elephant without a trunk, a horse without hooves, a saddle and a bridle, and the privates are not little men.

Slide 13

And now, without haste, they move to the pawn’s place.Pawns are placed second row in front of other pieces. Find the pawns and place them on the board.

Slide 14

I look at the first row, there are rooks at the edges.

A rook can move any number of squares forward or backward, left or right in a move.

15 slide

Nearby I see horses, there is no figure more cunning than them.

Put them on the board.

16 slide

Between the horses are our glorious elephants.Put them on the board.

Slide 17

And there are two more squares, and on them there is a king and a queen.

Remember: the white queen always stands on a white square, and the black queen on a black square. Chess players say this: “The queen loves her color.”

Queen - This is the king’s advisor and the strongest piece in the chess army. Moves any number of fields in any direction.

King - the most important figure in the kingdom. Place the pieces on the board.

18 slide

To introduce and consolidate knowledge about pieces and pawns, I use poems, riddles, and fairy tales.

Now check if you have placed it correctly chess pieces?

Slide 19

Game "Who can collect the pieces for battle faster"

But more than anything else, chess pieces love to fight. Before the battle, the troops line up in strict order. Our troops are ready! So, remember the location of the pieces on the board. Now put the troops in a box and, at my signal, arrange them yourself whoever is fastest.

One, two, three troops gather!

Well done, you did the task very well.

20 slide

Game "Chess box".Residents of the chess kingdom are very fond of various games. Their favorite game is “hide and seek”. I invite our travelers to play with them. After solving the riddle, find the figure in the bag by touch.


1. Small, remote,

Will pass through the field

And he will find a reward...(Pawn)

2. Bravo walks back and forth,

It will rush left, right.

I know that figure, because her name is.....(Rook)

3. It’s easy to recognize him: he has a mane,

With an important, proud posture.

Don't touch this handsome guy!

Did you find out who it is? This…(horse)

4.She is a little soldier
Brave and daring,
She moves in two squares
Does it once.(Pawn)

5. He doesn’t live in a menagerie

And it doesn't weigh 40 tons,

But also dexterous and strong.

Did you guess it? This…(elephant)

6. He is braver and stronger than everyone else,

And it’s impossible not to recognize him,

He will defeat elephants, horses,

Of course you found out...(queen)

7. At the beginning of the battle they stood in a row
All eight little soldiers.(Pawns)

8. Turned on the throne

And left one field

Who plays this role?

Well of course... (king)

21 slides

Before next game I would like to ask which of the travelers knows how the figures move?


Game "Live Chess" teachermust move with his piece.

22 slide

Millennia have passed, but chess has not lost its relevance to this day. In the era of automation, when the computer decides everything for us: it counts, writes, and corrects mistakes, when our brain slowly stops working, a game like chess forces us to concentrate our voluntary attention,

Slide 23

strengthen memory, develop analytical abilities and imagination, helps develop character traits such as organization, determination, objectivity. When a little one gets carried away by this game, the restless one becomes more diligent, the mischievous one becomes more self-controlled, the arrogant one becomes more self-critical.

24 slide

Chess teaches you to be extremely attentive and collected. In addition, chess is a wonderful opportunity for people to communicate, helping to deepen mutual understanding and strengthen friendly relations.

Everyone wins at chess. If you enjoy the game, and this is the most important thing, then even defeat is not scary.

25 slide

26 slide

I want to end my master class with the words of the world-famous chess player A. Alekhine: “Chess is not only knowledge and logic, but also deep imagination. I developed my character through chess. Chess is not just a model of life, but also a model of creativity. Chess, first of all, teaches you to be objective. You can become a great master of chess only by realizing your mistakes and shortcomings. Exactly the same as in life."

Topic: “There are black and white cells full of miracles and secrets.”
Goal: Acquaintance with chess, the chessboard, its features.
1. Introduce children to the features of the chessboard, some
terms used in chess: field, center of the board, horizontal,
vertical, diagonal.
2. Teach children to correctly alternate colors when making a layout
3. Cultivate interest in playing chess.
Progress of the lesson:
This morning I found a map on the table, look at
her (Shows a card on which it is written “There are black cells
the white ones are full of miracles and secrets")
What kind of kingdom this is and where it is located, I don’t know. And you,
guys, do you know?
Let's take a closer look, maybe we've got something from the map
we'll understand. (They examine, discover the similarity of objects and
titles with a group room)
I think I guessed it. The Black and White Kingdom is somewhere
here, nearby. Let's find him.
Children look for a road using a map and find a big one
demonstration chessboard with the name Black and White
So we found it and found out what kind of kingdom it was.
True, it's a chessboard, but why the Kingdom
called Black and White?
Correctly, these cells in chess are called fields on the board
there are black fields and white fields, they are located in a certain
way, who will say exactly how.
How many of you can count how many white squares are on the board?
What about blacks?
Which fields are more black or white?

That's right. There are 32 whites and 32 blacks, for a total of 64 squares. IN
The Chess Kingdom has streets. Those streets that go on the left
to the right are called Horizontals, and those streets that
arranged from top to bottom – vertically. Count how many
vertical streets?
How many horizontal ones?
Who can show 1 vertical? What about 3? What about 6? Etc.
Children practice showing vertical lines first, then
But there are also alleys in the Kingdom, big and small, and
they are called Diagonals. They pass diagonally, and they
always the same color, either white or black.
Show the longest black diagonal, the longest
white diagonal, shortest white diagonals. How many are there?
The shortest black diagonals. How many are there?
Children practice showing diagonals.
Black and white diagonals intersect in the center of the chessboard
boards. This is the Central Square of the Kingdom, from how many fields
does it consist?
How many white fields are there in the center?
What about blacks?
That's right. Guys, for some reason the Kingdom is completely empty and
none of the residents greet us, maybe there’s something here
But someone left small ones for us chess boards, only
they are kind of strange, all white. (Shows in advance
prepared lined paper boards) Probably
the inhabitants of the Black and White Kingdom ask us for help, and want
so that we color the boards, correctly alternating black and white
fields. Shall we try?
Children color their little chess boards.
Well done! Everyone completed the task.
What miracles and secrets are the black and white cells in Chess full of?
Kingdom, we will find out in the next lesson.
