Call of Duty: WWII multiplayer tips - how to quickly earn experience and level up, what modes there are and how to win them. Tips for multiplayer Call of Duty: WWII - how to quickly earn experience and level up, what modes there are and how to play them

Not only shooter fans were waiting for the release of a game based on the Second World War, but also the rest of the world, which is not indifferent to dynamic shooters. The game will take you to the battlefield, where Nazi troops and British, American and Russian troops will fight. The game has 3 campaigns, in each of which you start as a simple, ordinary soldier. You will visit the most famous corners of the planet, from Moscow to Berlin. So grab a PPSh, Thompson or other favorite weapon and retake the lands that belong to your people!

Gameplay network game:

Method one - how to play Call of Duty 2 through Garena.

1) Download the game via torrent:

2) You will be asked to enter a key during installation, so find the key.txt file in the folder with the downloaded game, or download the file below:

3) You will play through Garena, so download it:

install and run. After that, go to a place where there are more people, click on SETTINGS and specify the path to CoD2_mp.exe

4) Press START and get into the game. Create a new user and change your nickname in the online game settings.


The second method is how to play Call of Duty 2 on the Internet through a pirated site.

Do what you did above up to 3 points.

1) You need to update the game to version 1.3:

2)Need to install full list hacked servers:

3) Click on ENTER THE GAME, when you see the SOURCE field, select FAVORITE SERVERS, and then QUICK UPDATE.

That's it. Enjoy the game. Thanks for the patches

Added a lot of multiplayer content. In this article you will find information about game modes, headquarters, as well as various tips and tricks that will help you in battle with other players in Call of Duty: WWII.


  • Team fight(Team Deathmatch) - standard mode For Call series of Duty and many other multiplayer shooters. Your task is to kill enemy players faster than they kill your team. Despite the simplicity, it is necessary to adhere to certain tactics. Try to at least stick close to your team and don't go too far on your own;
  • Domination- There are three points on the map. Your job is to keep as many of them as possible. Never stand on one point for too long. Once you capture two of them, try to assault the last one. If you stand at one point for a long time, most likely your opponents will large quantities they will kill you and capture it. If you come across good team or you are playing with friends, you can try to hold several points throughout the game;
  • Hardpoint- there is one point on the map for which players fight. Your task is to capture the point and control it for as long as possible. Keep track of the location of the point on your mini-map. Also, do not forget to keep an eye on the timer, which indicates the time when the point will change location;
  • War- this mode consists of several stages. One team will attack and the other will defend accordingly. Typically, the attacking team needs to capture several points and fulfill certain conditions. The defending party will use all means of defense to prevent this. Teamwork is very important in this mode;
  • Search and Destroy- one of the oldest modes in the Call of Duty series. The players are divided into two teams. The first team must destroy one of two objects (A and B) with a bomb, the other must protect them. Once killed, players are not revived until the end of the round. Every few rounds there is a change of sides. The round ends either when time runs out, or if one of the objects is blown up, or if one of the teams is completely destroyed;
  • Capture the flag- in this mode, your task will be to capture the flag of the enemy team and bring it to your base. Remember that your team's flag must not be captured. Always protect the one carrying the enemy flag. Players of the opposing team will try with special effort to kill him and return the flag to their base.
  • Grid (Gridiron) - new mode for Call of Duty: WWII. Two teams are divided into six people. Your task is to grab the ball and bring it into the enemy goal. The map will always show the location of the ball. Try to protect the player who carries the ball, if, of course, he is from your team;
  • Kill Confirmed- a mode in which you need to collect tokens from fallen opponents. Please note that teammates can take tokens from killed comrades, so try to time your attack correctly and remember to keep an eye on your team's tokens;
  • Every man for himself (Free-for-All)- there are no commands in this mode. Every Man for Himself involves four to eight players. Each player can kill anyone. Your task is to kill as many opponents as possible.

    It is also worth mentioning the hardcore mode for Team Deathmatch, Search and Destroy, Domination and Free-for-All. In this mode, your interface will be disabled and your health will be severely limited. You should play very carefully. Not recommended for beginners.

How to quickly level up and gain experience?

Gaining experience and leveling up are some of the main goals in Call of Duty: WWII multiplayer. With our tips and recommendations, it won’t be difficult for you to get to your first “prestige”.

  • Try to do a series of kills. One kill gives 100 experience points, but this amount will increase if you kill several enemies in a row;
  • Some modes, such as War, give less experience for killing enemies. The main thing here is to fulfill the goals that are set for your team;
  • The main rule is to always fulfill the goals that each mode dictates. Regularly killing enemies will not work. So focus on, for example, capturing the flag. The exception is the “Team Deathmatch” and “Everyone for Himself” (Free-for-All) modes;
  • If you capture a point in Hardpoint mode and then kill several enemies while defending it, you will be given bonus experience;
  • The same can be said about the Domination mode. Capture a point, watch for several enemies, and only after that move to another place.


After you complete your first Team Deathmatch introductory game, you will automatically be taken to a social hub called Headquarters in the English version of the game. You will also be given a list of goals, the completion of which will reward you with experience.

  • Major Howard - head to him to receive assignments. They will be updated every day. You will be able to perform three tasks at the same time. For each of them there will be a reward waiting for you;
  • Quartermaster - from him you can buy various contracts for bonus experience;
  • Mail - check your mail every time you appear at headquarters. All rewards will be sent via mailbox;
  • Gunsmith - located almost next to the beach. At the gunsmith you can improve your weapons with exclusive perks, as well as paint them;
  • Cinema - here you can watch various gaming videos.

How to thank a player?

Very often you will be asked to thank other players on the staff. To do this, you simply need to approach the player, and then hold X or Square on your controller and select the “Thank” option. It is worth noting that you can only praise one player in the headquarters once.

Scorestreaks Rewards

In Call of Duty: WWII, multiplayer score streak rewards are essentially the same as previous killstreak rewards. Call games of Duty. To unlock all rewards, you will have to level up. For example, Mortar Strike can only be unlocked at level 26. The best rewards open at high levels. Use the ones that best suit your playstyle, but also don't forget about rewards that help your teammates.

Other guides

  • Tips for newcomers to Call of Duty: WW2: how to win in multiplayer and single player, how to shoot accurately, what perks to upgrade and more
  • Hardcore easter egg mission in Call of Duty: WWII - how to kill the Panzermorder boss with a Tesla gun and get the “Dark Alliance” achievement

We already talked about how great and fun it is to play Call of Duty 4 in the January 2008 issue. But the excellent single-player campaign is not the only advantage of the game, and sooner or later it will get boring. Then you can turn your attention to the network mode. And you will see a completely different game.

Call of Duty 4's online mode is, without exaggeration, one of the best we've seen in the last few years. Let's look at the facts. According to portal statistics, the game ranks fourth in popularity, second only to Counter-Strike And Counter-Strike Source , and also slightly and not always Battlefield 2. Today in Team Fortress 2 almost half as many people play, and Unreal Tournament 3 doesn't come close to the top of the list at all.

The picture is approximately the same on consoles. According to Microsoft, Call of Duty 4 Xbox Live play more than Halo 3 And Gears of War. These are, without any exaggeration, huge numbers, given the wild popularity of the network service. I'm afraid that the total number of players, if we take into account all platforms, will easily surpass even such pillars as Counter-Strike.

It was not by chance that I turned to numbers. In this case, they are indicative: if you can sell a game in huge quantities thanks to a competent advertising campaign, then no one can force players to go to the virtual battlefield every day if the network mode is frankly unsuccessful.

In this article we will analyze the general structure of a network game in order to move on to the subtleties in the following articles game mechanics and card analysis.

Basics gameplay

An underbarrel grenade launcher, when handled skillfully, is a terrible thing.

If you are familiar with multiplayer in Call of Duty 2, you will immediately notice how much the gameplay has changed in the fourth part. It has become calmer; the excessive arcade style of the second part is a thing of the past. So if you've been heavily into Call of Duty 2, it will take some time to get used to the new rhythm.

In general, the game mechanics have changed, acquired new features, but remained the same. Network modes- either classic for the genre, or a gentle rethinking of already existing ones. Free battle, team battle, headquarters capture, “search and destroy”, sabotage, championship - we have already seen all this more than once. Two teams, different tasks, players, to the best of their abilities, try to complete them, while shooting as many enemies as possible. In general, nothing surprising.

I would like to dwell on another feature that is still unusual for online action films - role elements. Yes, now a certain amount of experience points are awarded for killing enemies, completing tasks, and simply at the end of the match. Having collected the required number, the character receives a new title, which opens access to new skills, weapons, equipment for them And tests.

Perhaps you will say that a similar system has already been used in the same PlanetSide. However, PlanetSide claims to belong to the genre virtual world, and Call of Duty 4 - first of all online action movie. Therefore, we will consider the introduction of role-playing elements innovative for this genre. The idea caught on: the player had an additional incentive. There is something to strive for. Every new title or test passed pleasantly warms the soul.

Now the enemy will rush to finish us off, and we will disappoint him by accurately throwing a pre-emptive grenade.

However, the notorious role-playing elements can be disabled when creating a server. Call of Duty 4 is open, friendly, and highly customizable, allowing you to tailor the game to your needs. You can do a “return to basics”, when the character has increased jumping ability and vitality, and weapons and skills have to be collected on the battlefield. A true classic. But we will talk about this in the next article.

The second important change is ability to create your own class. In Call of Duty 2, the classes were hardcoded and you could only choose from the ones offered. No matter how much a machine gunner would like to have three explosive grenades, they were only available to soldiers with rifles. Now you are free to choose your weapon, as well as the types and number of grenades. Considering that the number of trunks has increased significantly, there was no other way.

Last on the list, but not the least important change - skills. In addition to weapons, you can choose one skill from three different groups. They give additional features, strengthen the character and help in every possible way in battle. However, we’ll talk about this in more detail in the chapter “ Creating a class».

Let's summarize. If in the second part character classes were strictly defined and could only be changed with the help of modifications, then Call of Duty 4 relied on free choice. The player can create unique character, choosing between 29 weapons and 21 skills. This allows you to fine-tune your character to suit your playstyle, and also adds interest. Sooner or later you'll get bored old hero, and you'll want to try new skills, weapons and battle tactics.


One blow with a knife is guaranteed to finish off the enemy.

Controls in Call of Duty 4 are not particularly difficult: the usual layout for online action games. However, the game is so overloaded with keys that you have to spread your fingers on the keyboard in the most incredible ways. Imagine the following situation. You press the Shift key to start running. Then, seeing the enemy, you throw a noise grenade - key 4 - and, deciding to finish him off with a knife, reach for the V key.

Try this in the heat of battle, when speed and precision of hand movements are required. It must be remembered that the index, middle and ring fingers are almost always occupied by the movement keys. You also lose a lot in speed, and you may simply get confused and miss the keys. This problem is especially relevant for “ergonomic” flat keyboards.

Let's say you're used to it and tap the keys without missing a beat. But with frequent play, another problem may arise - joint pain. There is little pleasure in this.

The best solution is to purchase a mouse with programmable side buttons. There should be at least two of them - one needs to be programmed for a knife (it is used quite often), the other for throwing a special grenade.

Of course, this does not guarantee that you will become a better player. Although, as practice shows, playing with a comfortable keyboard and mouse usually improves results. And in any case, you will be less tired and distracted, which will allow you to focus on the main thing. Agree, this is important.

Control keys
Action Key
Attack Left mouse button
Stand up/jump Space
Sit down C and Ctrl
Stab V
Take aim Right mouse button
Run/hold your breath Shift
Switch between weapons 1 or 2
Throw a grenade Middle mouse button or G
Throw a special grenade 4
Other items 5 and 6
Recharge R
Turn on the night vision device N
Use F
View score and mission goals Tab


In the upper left corner there is an electronic radar map. It displays a schematic plan of the area with entrances and exits. It must be remembered that the map does not give a complete picture of the landscape and does not show the second floors and basements. But it helps you navigate the level, at least until you learn the landscape by heart.

When a spy satellite hangs in the sky, you can quickly identify the enemy and strike from behind.

The radar map also shows basic information and mission objectives. Where is the bomb, who is carrying it, where are your comrades running and are they currently firing at the enemy (when firing, the green triangle that marks the ally is slightly highlighted). If a spy satellite is circling in the air or the enemy is firing without a silencer, then its location will be marked on the map with red dots.

But as soon as the enemy stops shooting, the red dot will immediately disappear. Therefore, if you did not have time to determine its location, consider that you missed your chance. With a spy satellite, everything is very complicated, so we will talk about it separately another time.

The map does not show the entire level, but only the area within a certain radius from the player. This seriously complicates the search for the enemy using red dots, and sometimes even confuses you. To see the entire area plan, you need to exit to the menu by pressing the Esc key.

In the lower right corner there are indicators of the number of cartridges and grenades. Moreover, if the latter, as expected, are displayed in numbers, then the cartridges are displayed in the form of a strip. In addition to the standard eyeball count - half a strip means half a clip - the remaining ammunition can be determined by color. Red color - the magazine is almost empty, you need to reload urgently, gray - there are still enough cartridges.

However, no inconveniences from such a system were noticed. During the game you reload your weapon whenever possible. Plus, after some time you begin to automatically count cartridges depending on the rate of fire. The bottom middle of the screen shows what special equipment you are carrying with you. Everyone has a night vision device. Among other things - an underbarrel grenade launcher, RPG-7, mines, explosive packages.

Four lines from the sight indicate that I am firing in the right direction and hitting the enemy.

The lower left displays which team you are playing for, who killed what and how, how many victories you and your opponents won, and the time of the round. Also, if you are carrying a suitcase with explosives in Search and Destroy mode, a silhouette of the suitcase will appear here. At the bottom of the screen, a yellow bar shows how much experience you have left to gain until the next level. True, it is quite difficult to translate this information into numerical values. It's easier to look at the end of the level.

Other information - for example, “you can plant a bomb on this box”, “you can change weapons” - is displayed directly in the center of the screen. Also, if you hit an enemy with a bullet, grenade, or special grenade, a characteristic icon in the form of diverging lines will appear around your sight. This means that you are on the right track, the enemy is in the line of fire, and you urgently need to finish him off. This strong hint, which you need to know how to use.

There is no life indicator in Call of Duty 4 as such. If you are hit and the screen turns red, it means that the character has become ill and will probably die from the next bullet. Therefore, at such moments it is better to quickly finish off the enemy or get out of the line of fire. You can tell where the shooting is coming from by the red indicator, which shows the direction if you are hit. Health is restored automatically, but for quite a long time, which causes a lot of problems.

Creating a class

Through the main menu you can enter the settings for creating a class. This option will become available after reaching the third level. So, what is a fighter made of? First we need to choose our main weapon. It is divided into five classes - assault rifles, machine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles and shotguns. The second thing you have to choose is an additional weapon. These are a variety of pistols.

If you attach an optical sight to an assault rifle, shooting at long distances will become much more comfortable.

Various equipment can be attached to the main and secondary weapons: three types of optical sights, silencers and under-barrel grenade launchers (for assault rifles only). We'll talk more about these devices next time. Then you will have to choose special grenades - smoke, light and noise. Explosive grenades are forcibly issued to all characters.

Then comes the almost intimate part of creating classes—skill selection. In the localization they are called “perks”. This is quite ignorant, but we will still adhere to the official translation. The first group of perks somehow expands the capabilities of the selected one or adds new weapons. For example, you can take an RPG-7 grenade launcher, mines, explosive packages, a double supply of ammunition, etc. However, if you took an under-barrel grenade launcher for an assault rifle, this group of perks will not be available.

The second group of perks adds new capabilities for the character. For example, a weapon starts shooting twice as fast, deals more damage, the character’s health increases or the reload speed increases. The third group of perks also adds new features. For example, the hero will be able to run long distances, learn to move silently or eavesdrop on enemy negotiations.

How are they fundamentally different from the second group of perks? Without going into details, it contains less important skills. This is done for the sake of balance, so that all perks are used equally and the player is not able to create a universal character. Of course, it is for this same reason that you can only choose one skill from each group.

Standard classes
Class name Primary Weapon Additional Weapons Perks Grenades
Stormtrooper Underbarrel grenade launcher
Increased bullet damage
Long distance running
Saboteur Explosives with remote detonator
Explosion Damage Increase
Increased accuracy when firing from the hip
Heavy 3 special grenades
Increased health level
3 noise
Demoman RPG-7 grenade launcher with two grenades
Explosion Damage Increase
Long distance running
Sniper 3 special grenades
Increased bullet damage
Increased bullet penetration
3 light


Experience is awarded not only for killing opponents and performing certain actions (planting a charge and clearing mines), but also for passing tests. They are divided into ten groups. Tests assault rifles, machine guns, machine guns, sniper rifles, shotguns And boot camp, operations, murderer, humiliation, elite.

This is what a golden Kalash looks like. It feels like it's made of wood.

Tests for weapons are quite monotonous. Kill this many enemies with such and such a gun and kill this many enemies with a headshot. When you complete the first task, you receive additional devices as a reward in addition to experience. For example, an optical sight. Then the next stage of testing follows, and so on until you receive all the devices.

For the tests of the second group, you will receive various camouflage patterns as a reward. Practical benefits none, but when you reach the end, you can show off to your friends a weapon made entirely of gold. To tell the truth, it’s in terrible bad taste, and it’s drawn lousy. But at first, the ugly artifact will not threaten you: until you hit the head 150 times (which is how much it takes to get to the end), a lot of time will pass.

"Boot Camp" contains fairly simple challenges, most of which are completed randomly during the game. Jump from a height of 4.5 meters and survive, kill 7 enemies with a knife, run a total of 42 kilometers, and the like. But there are also funny ones. For example, fall from a height of more than 9 meters and die.

In "Operations", as you might guess from the name, tests are related to various modes games. Win a certain number of matches in Search and Destroy, Sabotage and Team Deathmatch modes. Moreover, apart from free play, it makes absolutely no difference what place you finish in, the main thing is that the team is a winner. The only exception is the free play mode. There you will have to take one of the three first places. Also here are fun things like killing an enemy who is planting or defusing a bomb.

With some skill, a helicopter can even be shot down with an under-barrel grenade launcher.

The “Killer” category includes tests that claim to be original. For example, with one shot from an RPG-7 you can finish off two enemies at once, blow up so many enemies with a mine, and finish off an enemy with a shot at an already installed mine. The meaning of some is not entirely clear: for example, kill so many enemies by shooting them in the head with a machine gun and an assault rifle. This is practically the same as in tests with weapons, only without reference to a specific model.

Humiliation also has some very original and funny challenges. Finish off an enemy by stabbing them in the back. Kill an enemy without seeing anything after the explosion of a blinding grenade. Finish off with a direct hit from an underbarrel grenade launcher. And, of course, my favorite challenge is to kill with a precise throw of a special grenade. The trick is that special grenades can finish off an enemy if he is already seriously wounded. But even in this case you need to hit the body or head exactly.

In “Elite” everything is more than serious. To complete the tests you will often have to work hard. Kill two or more enemies with one shot from sniper rifle. Be on the verge of death five times and not die. Never die during the entire match. Survive for five minutes. Kill all enemies of the enemy team without dying.

Initially, you do not have access to all tests and groups. They open gradually as the character's level increases. Also in this menu you can see the level of your character and how many experience points are required for the next level. And also the total score for all games, the number of killed (including headshots, helping comrades), combinations, deaths and the total playing time.

Multiplayer modes

There are six game types in Call of Duty 4: " Free play», « Team fight», « Headquarters», « Search and Destroy», « Sabotage" And " Superiority" The first four came almost unchanged from the second part of the game. The last two types are new, so we’ll look at them in more detail. But Capture disappeared the Flag(you need to steal the enemy’s flag and not let yours be stolen), which upset many.

Free play

This is what happens if you forget about the rear.

Standard fight against everyone. Of course, a lot depends on the chosen card, but, as a rule, it works out normally if no more than ten people participate in the duel. Otherwise, the result is a terrible fuss, often immediately after revival you get a bullet in the back. In this case, the easiest thing to do is not to run anywhere, but to take an advantageous position and hold the defense until the last.

The players' favorite pastime is to place a card " Departure" and start mortal battle in the amount of 15-20 people. This map looks like a small area with containers measuring 40 by 40 meters. And now imagine what's going on there. Reviving five times in a row and immediately dying from a stray bullet or grenade is par for the course.

This can't be called a normal game. Why is it staged so often, despite constant cries about stupidity and primitiveness? Well, partly because you can create a crazy carnage. But mainly because in this way the level quickly increases and weapons improve. During the battle you can gain an indecent amount of experience points.

Anyway free game- a great mode for training. You will learn to survive, shoot accurately from any position, run quickly when death threatens, and jump from great heights while remaining alive. But you still shouldn’t overuse this regime, because it doesn’t instill skills in any way. team game.

Team game

One successful tactic is to guard the passages that the enemy is most likely to take.

The rules of this mode are quite simple - the team with the most points wins. After death, the character is reborn at the nearest rebirth point, which is located next to his comrade. Therefore, willy-nilly, the fighters run around in a relatively friendly crowd. True, this can be bad. For example, comrades stubbornly sit in a dead end, where they are methodically killed. And getting out of this meat grinder is quite difficult, because if you die, you will return to the common cauldron again.

Despite the fact that you are playing as part of a team, you should not rely too much on “the shoulder of a friend.” Interaction within a randomly assembled group usually leaves much to be desired. Someone gets under the bullets, someone wanders around the rear, someone sits in one place and shoots the unwary. But you shouldn’t ignore your allies either. Look who is fighting where, with what success, and draw the appropriate conclusions. Unfortunately, there is no team game as such, and victory most often falls on the shoulders of individual players. Do you want something else? Then join a clan or organize your own.


You need to grab and hold the radio for as long as possible to get more points. Capture occurs as follows. Run up and sit next to him, hoping that the gauge will fill up faster than they shoot you, catching you doing this noble activity. The more people participate in the takeover, the faster it will happen.

And this is how the “blow up the enemy along with you” test is performed.

The enemy, of course, is trying to do the same. The radio is automatically destroyed after some time, and then a new one appears. You can also destroy the radio by finishing off all enemies or standing next to it and waiting for the reverse process to occur. There is one significant difference in this mode compared to the second part of the game. If the defenders die, they are revived after some time. This, however, does not happen so quickly, but at least it is more difficult to simply crush a crowd without thinking too much about tactics.

Before you run and grab the radio, you need to make sure that the area is cleared. What good is it if you come running, plop down next to the walkie-talkie and die immediately? It is especially sad to witness mass suicide. Therefore, the best option is when the area is first partially cleared, and then several fighters are sent to capture it.

But, if the team is not well-matched, there is little chance of winning with tactics, so be guided by the situation. In general, this mode, in my opinion, lost the lion’s share of its attractiveness in the fourth part. Although the defenders are gradually reborn, it is much easier to break the defense. In the second part you could easily stick to it until the end. This is a rarity in Call of Duty 4.

Search and Destroy

One of the most popular modes in Call of Duty 4. There are two objects on the map that one team must defend and the other destroy by planting explosives. Moreover, there is only one explosive, so the fighter who picked it up must be cherished and protected. However, if the demolitionist dies, another player can pick up the suitcase and continue the glorious work.

Where the explosives are and who is carrying them is displayed on the map, as well as with large marks during the game. In addition, you are notified by voice messages about the selection or loss of a suitcase. Of course, the information is only available to the team that must destroy the targets. If the explosives are not installed before the end of the round, the demolition team will be defeated. After the mine is planted, a certain time passes before the explosion, during which the defenders can neutralize the charge.

When firing from an under-barrel grenade launcher from such a distance, there will definitely not be an explosion, but the enemy will still be killed by the charge.

There is another option for winning without installing explosives. Just shoot all the fighters from the enemy team. True, if the charge has already been installed, even after finishing off everyone, the defenders are forced to defuse the bomb. If about twenty people are playing, events often unfold according to this scenario. After three matches, the teams usually switch sides, with the former defenders becoming demolitions.

Search and Destroy mode is popular for many reasons. You need to carefully plan your actions in it, because the cost of a mistake is sometimes too high. A dead fighter is revived only in the next round. Therefore, such a meat grinder as in other modes usually does not exist. Everyone usually understands that the stakes are high, and no one wants to sit idle until the next match. Although this, again, depends on the composition of the players and the specific server.

It is quite difficult to give any universal advice. We need to look at examples of specific maps (which we will do in the next article). However, I still have one wish. Always help a fighter with explosives, cover him. And it happens that the demolitionist reaches the point where the team is wandering around in an unknown place, stupidly dies and drops the suitcase.

Although the enemy does not see explosives on the map, it is not difficult to identify them visually. Therefore, a protective cordon of mines and explosive packages is placed around, and all reasonable players begin to guard this place. Breaking through such an ambush is not easy, especially if it is well thought out. Therefore, try to avoid such a situation.


The sniper strikes from afar and for sure.

This mode is somewhat reminiscent of “Search and Destroy”, only both teams have identical goals - to protect their object and undermine the enemy. There is only one bomb, at the beginning of the round it lies in the middle of the map, which only adds to the intrigue. But so that life doesn’t seem too easy, the approximate location of the enemy demolition is shown on the map and with large icons during the game. True, the error is quite large, but it is quite possible to understand where the enemy will come from.

A planted bomb can be defused, although the time before the explosion is much less than in Search and Destroy. After death, players are reborn after some time, so the fight can often drag on. If, after the match time has expired, no one has completed the task, then all currently dead players are immediately resurrected, but revivals are canceled and the enemy’s location is displayed on the map. This is done so that players do not sit in one place, setting up an insidious ambush. The team that plants the bomb or destroys all enemies wins.

In this mode, the ability to work as a team is required more than ever, because the demolitionist is visible not only to you, but also to the enemy. Someone will certainly rush to intercept him and, most likely, finish him off. Of course, there is no need to have any illusions that the players will unite in the face of danger. But without basic cover and a joint attack, it is quite difficult to win. In Sabotage, as in the Search and Destroy mode, teams switch sides after a certain number of matches.


When shooting accurately, the spread of bullets is minimal.

There are three points on the map that need to be captured and held. For capturing and holding a point, a certain number of points are constantly awarded. Whoever scored the most points won. If the enemy is trying to recapture your point or your allies are trying to capture the enemy's, this is immediately reported by radio so that you are aware of the current situation and try to interfere.

The mode, in my opinion, is perfectly balanced in terms of dynamics and tactics. On the one hand, to win, you need to capture as many points as possible. Preferably everything. But this is quite difficult because they are equidistant from each other. In addition, you can get close to them with different sides. The defenders will have to disperse their forces or leave some points unattended, which plays into the hands of the attackers.

On the other hand, purely theoretically, to win, it is enough to keep two points under control most of the time. But the best defense is attack, so in order for the enemy not to relax, you need to constantly attack him. As a result, for most of the match you have to rush headlong around the map, constantly assessing the situation and choosing where to go and where to hit.

Basic character movements

Compared to the second part, the main movements in Call of Duty 4 are not much different. You can move around in full height, squatting and lying down.

A sniper with a grenade launcher is such a wild sight that it’s hard to take seriously.

After each shot from a sniper rifle, take cover.

When moving at full height, the character rattles his boots noticeably, especially if you walk on an iron surface. It's hard to imagine a better signal for the enemy that someone is sneaking up on him. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to approach unnoticed. Most often this matters when you are sneaking into a house where the enemy is holed up, or trying to get around the enemy from the rear. In this case, this method poses too much risk.

Also when shooting from the hip standing weapon has the greatest spread. This is partly eliminated by a special perk, but in general it is possible to hit accurately only at close ranges. However, moving at full height, you can best maneuver - run from side to side and jump sharply. But don't forget that when you stand, the character is easier to hit. This is sometimes important if the firefight takes place at long and medium distances.

If squat down, you move much slower, but make no noise at all. Sounds can only give you away if you change the clip, pick up another weapon, or accidentally fall somewhere. Also in this position you are less exposed to fire, but you are practically unable to maneuver. Therefore, if the enemy suddenly appears from the flank or behind, you are unlikely to have time to turn around.

Squatting is convenient for fighting at medium and long distances. You are harder to hit (especially if you crouch behind some cover) and also harder to spot. Also, when firing from the hip from this position, the spread decreases. It becomes almost comfortable to shoot with assault rifles at medium distances without precise aiming.

Lying down you can’t move normally at all—the speed is a snail’s. But it is difficult to notice and hit you, and the spread when shooting without aiming is greatly reduced. It’s especially nice to hide in tall grass or crawl into some corner and shoot at enemies running past. If the weapon has a silencer and the location is well chosen, it is likely that they will not find you for a long time.

Here's another good way to hide. In a dark corner you are much more difficult to spot, especially from a distance.

Climbing through narrow holes, you become completely helpless - and such embarrassments can happen.

Also in Call of Duty 4 there is an opportunity run short distances. Finally, we have realized what the mod creators have been instilling for so long in the second part. For a sprint race, press the Shift key and go.

What is the benefit of a sprint? The most direct way is to quickly move your mortal body from point “A” to point “B”. Let's say you joyfully turn a corner, gently stroking a suitcase with explosives, and there you are greeted by a "friendly welcome" of five guns. You quickly make your feet and are glad that you are alive. The ability to run has seriously changed the gameplay. Take, for example, the fact that it becomes more difficult to calculate the enemy’s movement after you pinpoint him on the map. Even if a spy satellite is called.

But you shouldn't run all the time either. Sometimes this only causes harm. When you are running and suddenly encounter an enemy, some time is spent stopping and starting to shoot. It is quite significant, so you give the enemy a big head start. So in certain moments It's better to slow down.

So, we got a general idea of ​​the online game. In the next article we will engage in a deep analysis of the game mechanics, accompanying this matter with detailed tables and maps. Everything is just beginning. See you in the next issues.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a multiplayer shooter, new part famous series. The previous one was Call of Duty: WWII, in which the franchise returned to its roots - World War II. In 2018, the series turned to science fiction again, with unusual gadgets and fictional military technologies included.

It may seem like all this has happened before - in Black Ops 3, Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare, because they were also about . But this is not so: the new part has several important features.

1. Lack of story campaign

Black Ops 4 is the first Call of Duty title without a story campaign. According to the developers, they studied the statistics and realized that players are much more interested in multiplayer. Therefore, Treyarch studio decided not to waste time and money on a single-player mode. There are some small single missions in the game, but not many. And their main function is to introduce players to multiplayer characters.

Several previous Call of Duty titles (Black Ops 3, Advanced Warfare, and Infinite Warfare) featured some "advanced movement" mechanics, such as wall running and double jumping. The fans didn't like this much, and in Black Ops 4 the developers took their wishes into account. This is a “mundane” one, despite the fact that its action takes place in the future. Here you can only make single jumps, and you can’t run along walls or cling to them.

3. Emphasis on teamwork

In this part, the developers paid special attention to player classes: now the specializations of team members matter in battle, because many classes have abilities that are useful to other players. One type of specialist can treat colleagues, another can put up a bulletproof shield, and so on. However, it is not necessary to work in a team: no one will prohibit you from simply running alone and shooting at enemies, as in previous Call of Duty games.

4. Battle Royale Mode

Following modern trends, Treyarch added an “Eclipse” mode to its game - an analogue. The scheme is classic: 80 players land on a huge territory, search for weapons and equipment and try to stay within the gradually narrowing playing area. There is only one winner - the one who remains alive at the end of the match.

Judging by the impressions of those who participated in the Eclipse beta tests, the developers came up with something very similar to PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, only much more fun. In a huge location you can hunt zombies, drive cars and fly in helicopters. All this with the inherent dynamism of Call of Duty gameplay and a well-developed shooting system.
