Secrets of extras in World of Tanks. Revealing the secrets of World of Tanks extras World of tank games extras

Hello, tankers!

Today I want to touch on such a broad topic that interests many thousands of players - how to increase your statistics.

Each player, from the moment he understands the basic mechanics of the game, its rules and ways to achieve victory, begins to be interested in his successes, his place among other players. It's just like in life - every healthy person wants to be the best at what he does, or at least strives for it, right? Everyone comes to this in their own time. When such thoughts begin to occur to a player, he becomes interested in his successes on the battlefields, and then the question arises, how can he still improve his skill and place in the ratings? This is where a person asks himself a question, the answer to which I will try to give in this article.

Today there are a huge variety of types of statistics, as well as ways to raise them, but here I will try to tell my vision of the topic raised. It may differ from yours, there is nothing surprising in that. And this topic is starting to bother players who already understand how to play, so let's get started!

Types of statistics

Let's start with the types of statistics in WoT - there are several of them:

  • official and publicly available indicators- % of wins, personal WG rating (hereinafter referred to as WGR), as well as indicators such as average damage dealt on top vehicles, average damage dealt by account, medals, and other little things,
  • unofficial indicators developed by players- ratings such as Efficiency Rating (ER), WN6/WN7, WN8 (the most common now), Armor Site, Ivanerr power ratings and others.

If with official indicators everything is simple and clear, they are accessible even from the game client without third-party modifications, then with unofficial ratings everything is somewhat more complicated. For example, to check them, you need to install a third-party mod on the client, or go to a special website where you can view statistics by entering a nickname in the appropriate field.

Official and publicly available indicators

Win percentage- everything is simple and clear here. The greater the number of battles in which your team wins, the greater the percentage of victories you will have in the end.

Personal player rating(LRI or WGR) - WG was introduced in update 0.8.8 after much request, its formula underwent minor changes twice in patches 0.8.9 and 0.8.10. WGR is, like many other ratings, a mathematical formula for calculating a player's effectiveness based on many parameters. A kind of vision of player skill ratings from the WoT developer himself.

If we talk about damage at tops, average damage inflicted on an account, medals, average experience and other little things, then these things are very subjective. Each player has their own, and some of them do not depend specifically on the skill: for example, one plays with an activated Premium account, and the other without: as a result, the first has an average experience on the account that is 1.5 times more than the second. The situation is the same with medals - some medals are received only under a successful combination of circumstances, but not because of one’s playing skill. For example, medals of Fadin, Biota, Raider, and some others. The average damage for tanks and on an account is also subjective. A skilled player maintains indicators that a beginner could never dream of; To do this, you need to have a huge pool of knowledge: maps, positions, the use of technology, enemy vulnerabilities and much more, to which you can devote hundreds of pages. Today we will talk about how to increase the statistics of a beginning player.

Unofficial indicators developed by players

Many different mathematical formulas for calculating player performance have appeared throughout the game's life cycle. At different times, different indicators dominated. Patch after patch, changes accumulated in the game that were incompatible with the current calculation formulas, and old methods of skill ranking were replaced by other, more advanced ones.


One of the first to appear was the so-called “Efficiency Rating”, also known as RE. With the spread of the complex XVM mod, the so-called “reindeer measurer,” it received wide publicity and the first users - after all, before this, statistics could not be viewed directly in battle. And now - a revolution! But few people remember what kind of tricks they used to have to go to to play with the “deer hunter” - you had to install a separate XVM module on the computer and run the entire game through it.

Some people still use RE, as they say, “the old fashioned way.” What a shame, your humble servant himself used it and relied on it for quite a long time. Only relatively recently did I switch to WN8 as a more objective rating. RE is still present in many modpacks and on many websites for viewing statistics. It takes into account many indicators, but the developers have built into it a strange dependence on base capture/defense points. This resulted in the fact that players who realized this began to quickly “grow” their stats, taking on the challenge and achieving enormous results. For example, in a week it was possible to increase RE by as much as 30, or even 40 points! While an ordinary player grows it by an average of 2-5 points per week. To make it even more clear to you, I will cite the following fact here - 10 points of capturing or defending a base equals 4,000 damage - numbers that a player cannot beat out in every battle! So over time, many abandoned this rating, and it was replaced by the “WN era.”


Ratings developed by players from the American cluster for the entire tank community. At one time they replaced RE (WN6), later WN6 was replaced by WN7 - more advanced than RE, but as it turned out later, not the best rating.

We won’t dwell on them for a long time; we can only say that no one really used them and almost no one uses them now. They are available in many places (modpacks, stats calculation sites), but this is just a tribute to time and respect.

In one way or another, these ratings were skewed in some parameters; they were biased, since at low levels, in the so-called “sandbox,” they made it possible to accumulate large numbers of statistics without doing practically anything. For example, making 1 frag at level 1 and at level 10 are different things, but WN6/WN7 considered this almost the same. Hitting 3,000 damage at level 7 and at level 10 are also different things, but they were also calculated incorrectly. I think there is a difference.


At the moment, the latest version of the WN* formula, the most advanced and objective, takes into account many indicators depending on the level of technology. It is used almost everywhere, widespread, thousands of players rely on it during their games. Yes, yes, this is all about WN8. The formula was developed in 2014 and has almost never changed since then. In his work he uses so-called “expected values”, i.e. an average sample of statistics for all players and all tanks for a certain period of time. Each tank has “expected values” for average damage, exposure, win percentage and other indicators. If you do more on a certain technique than the “expected values,” then your statistics grow. WN8 greatly encourages flare, damage, and frags when there is damage. Just ride for fun, do as much damage as possible, shine as much light as possible, and your WN8 stats will grow by leaps and bounds!

How can I improve my statistics?

Here we will consider raising the most important and common indicators, such as: win percentage, WGR, RE and WN8, omitting the less significant WN6/WN7.

I want to make a reservation right away that the fewer fights you have, the easier it is to raise your statistics. The more fights you have, the more difficult it is to raise it, but the more pleasant the result will be, because you remember where you started.

Try to NEVER expose yourself or take damage, play thoughtfully, watching the minimap, the location of allies and enemies, change positions in time, I emphasize again, take care of your tank as long as possible, because the more you live, the more useful you are to the team and the more you can deal or shine damage. Watch your allies and enemies, remember the golden rule of a good field commander - do not forget to “shorten the barrels” - after all, even a tank with the amount of health for one of your shots is still alive and can fire. Let's move directly to the ratings.

Upgrading your win percentage

To increase your win percentage, it is recommended to play in a platoon. Yes, yes, nothing surprising, because there is always someone to cover you, there is always someone who is ready to lend a shoulder, help, and if necessary, drag you in;) And also the very fact that you are not playing 1 against 29, but although would be 3 against 27 :) Plus, no one has canceled the recently introduced dynamic platoons.

Find one or two players, preferably good ones, who will sometimes play with you in a platoon - and you yourself will notice how your percentage will slowly but surely creep up. If you are not a fan of playing in a platoon, then deal as much damage as possible. This will not only help raise all your efficiency ratings, but will also provide all possible assistance to the team, which, if something happens, will have an easier time with less enemy strength, and if you’re lucky, then also with fewer tanks. Don’t hesitate to follow good players - you can find good positions for yourself, see how the player acts in battle, and if something happens, help him. The main thing is not to cross the line where help will only be a hindrance.

You can play on any vehicle, the main thing is that it influences the outcome of the battle (i.e. art is not suitable in most cases). Platoons of vehicles of the same class are recommended.

Let's summarize:

  • play as a platoon
  • cause damage

Increase in LRI (aka WGR)

To raise the LRI, you need to cause damage, knock down the tracks of enemy vehicles and shine (the so-called “assist” damage is counted). The mathematical formula developed by WG pays most attention to these indicators. And it doesn’t matter how you played before patch 0.8.8 - it only takes current data, discarding the “history”. That is, from patch 0.8.8 your LRI will increase, like other ratings from exposure, shooting down tracks and causing damage. In principle - nothing complicated, but the greatest emphasis was placed on these coefficients.

Let's summarize:

  • cause damage
  • make frags
  • shoot down the tracks
  • shine on allies, both on light vehicles and, if possible, on other vehicles

Raising RE

To raise RE, it is recommended to deal as much damage as possible and make frags. And also, no matter how trivial it may sound, to stand for capture, or even better, to knock him down from the allied base. But you shouldn’t rush to the enemy’s flag with bigotry and round eyes at the beginning of the battle - in most cases this ends very pitifully and predictably. Wait until the battle reaches its final phase, when there are few enemies left to finish off or allies to distract the enemy. This is where you get a precious chance to win the fight. Sometimes some obviously “draining” battles can be won in time by taking over, but again, I repeat, without fanaticism! For example, you are on a slow heavy, and there is a nimble LT or ST against you - so why chase him if your allies can do it? Or, for example, there is only one piece of art left against you that still needs to be found. Again, why scour the entire map in search of a cunning self-propelled gun - it’s easier to be captured.

I’m generally silent about shooting down a capture from your own base - you need to rush to your flag after the first sounds of the siren, notifying you that the enemy is already at your respawn.

Let's summarize:

  • cause damage
  • make frags
  • capture an enemy base
  • defend an allied base

Boost WN8

To raise WN8 you need to do a lot of damage, more damage, even more damage! WN8 also greatly encourages flare. Moreover, you must try to shine both on LT and on any other equipment that, in principle, is capable of this. The ideal option for you would be to shine for yourself and shoot at your own. WN8 will grow before your eyes! Also, to raise WN8, you need to make several frags coupled with damage, preferably more than two. Which is generally logical, if you look from the outside - a skilled player not only shoots damage at opponents, he also destroys them and highlights them for his own.

I would also like to tell you a few secrets of raising WN8, which few people know about (and those who know are in no hurry to share). I want to tell you what tanks you need to play to raise your WN8. First of all, you need to determine which of your machines you can play best on - to do this, go to and enter your nickname in the appropriate field. Next, click on the “recommended tanks” button and look at the list of equipment that raises your WN8. You should play more on these machines. You can also find similar ratings for your own equipment on the website by entering your data and going to the “Equipment” tab. There will be a “WN8” column at the end, by which you can sort your combat vehicles. I can say for myself that my favorite tanks are there, and I get the most pleasure from playing them.

I would like to add that WN8 is growing LT very strongly, especially from the sixth level, because You are increasingly finding yourself in battles with “serious” vehicles that have a lot of hit points, and for spotting and killing them (according to your intelligence, of course) you will receive huge numbers per battle. It’s not for nothing that, for example, in my top ten tanks according to WN8 is the AMX 12t - a tank that I once played with great pleasure - after all, it can not only “highlight” allies, but also “snarl” at the expense of its small drum. Raising the statistics of LT-7 and LT-8 also helps a lot in this matter, but they are already harder to play, because they are constantly at the bottom of the list. To you, my dear reader, I would like to advise you to learn to “shine” your allies on your LT, and not rush headlong at the beginning of the battle in search of enemy “art.” Then you will understand what a “buzz” you can experience when you see enemy heavy vehicles, but they don’t see you. How they try to do something in a panic, move their proboscis, and your allies kill them - an indescribable feeling!

We have dealt with LT, now I would like to talk about one more feature of raising WN8. This indicator is growing very well in the game on ST. Skillful thoughtful game on ST. Especially on ST-9. Yes, you didn’t think so, ST-9. I’ll explain why this is so. As I wrote above, WN8 takes into account the differences between machines. Most often, on your ST-9 you will play in level 8-10 battles, even more often with “tens”, and because... Some ST-9s are practically not inferior to their older brothers in terms of characteristics (after all, level 9 was once the crown of the ST branch), then you will be quite comfortable fighting with 10 levels. Now, ATTENTION! When playing with level 10 tanks on your “nine”, you will deal damage to them, shine them, destroy them, and because... the formula takes into account the difference in levels, then you will receive exorbitant numbers at the end of the battle, taking into account normal activity in battle. That is, I repeat, you take the ST-9, “pump up” its combat power and visibility, and “farm” WN8 in every battle! Yes, it's that simple! It is also worth mentioning that the good old ninth STs, such as the T-54, M46 Patton, E-50, and the last two in particular, cope best with this task due to their excellent firepower and visibility. Upgrade the “Combat Brotherhood” for the crew, install modules to suit your play style (most often a rammer, vertical stabilizer and ventilation), please your crew with an extra ration, chocolate or cola - and that’s it! Here is the recipe for bending over, having fun and raising statistics! Also, if possible, I recommend using premium shells against tanks of your level and above; standard BB guns will also work against “little” ones. I’ll explain why: the M46 and E-50 have premium projectiles - sub-caliber ones, which have enormous speed coupled with greater penetration, that is, you will have to aim less and take lead and penetrate more often. Try it, and all your questions will disappear by themselves, and the financial costs of using rations and shells can be replenished in a day of moderate farming without a Premium account and in half a day with one, fortunately, now almost every clan has boosters for “farming” silver .

So, to summarize:

  • deal damage, more damage, AS MUCH DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE!
  • Don’t forget to make frags, preferably more than two
  • shine on allies, both on light vehicles and, if possible, on any vehicle
  • identify the tanks that raise your WN8 best and play on them, or on the generally recognized “imbas” who farm statistics with pleasure

I can also recommend you several sites that keep track of your statistics. They show you both your general “stat” and can show it at different intervals - the main thing is that you go there more often for the greatest accuracy of measurements. We played a session and checked, fortunately, they can do that too. I recommend you the following resources, which I use myself: , . That's all, in principle, nothing more is needed.

If you are interested, welcome to the comments! I also attach a series of training videos called “Bifurcation Point” - they talk in great detail and clearly about typical mistakes, how to avoid them, teach game thinking and much more:

The same “Bifurcation Point”

Good luck on the battlefields!

The popularity of the World of Tanks game is difficult to underestimate: millions of players enthusiastically fight with each other, driving powerful armored vehicles. A variety of people play “Tanks” - the game’s audience includes both adult gamers and children.

Since multiplayer is an important element of the project, there is an element of competition in it, like in any other online game. In the world of World of Tanks, each player has a number of parameters, which include statistics - the player’s win percentage, rating and efficiency.

The higher these indicators, the higher the player's name is in the list of other gamers

You need to understand that the extra takes the game very seriously, and constant improvement of skills and experience is a kind of end in itself for him

To achieve high performance, he uses some techniques.

Firstly, an extra is unlikely to play on a new, stock tank. Undoubtedly, buying a new car is a very joyful and pleasant event. However, its tactical and technical characteristics are far from ideal. The gun will be quite weak, as will the engine. The chassis cannot carry much cargo, therefore, installing any necessary equipment on it is impossible. The statistician will definitely upgrade his tank, using his available experience, and will go into battle only with upgraded equipment.

Secondly, the extras are very attentive to the crew of the steel car. These must be trained, experienced warriors, since green beginners will not allow you to “squeeze” the maximum out of your equipment.

An inexperienced driver makes a mistake in shifting gears, and the loader “slows down” in feeding the necessary shells into the barrel. And if an extra has such a crew, he will definitely train it before sending it into the rattling and clanging hell of battle.

Thirdly, extras do not play on everything, choosing their favorite equipment and thoroughly studying its features.

Fourthly, speaking about how extras play in World of Tanks, it should be mentioned that they are attentive to the very process of the game. They study the situation on the map and always know in which direction to strike, where the enemy is, when to “light up” or, conversely, not to attract attention. Statisticians study the recordings of each fight to determine its course and take into account possible errors, watch fight analyzes and recordings on YouTube, and exchange experiences.

And fifthly, extras have a strong team spirit. WoT is a multiplayer game, battles take place in cooperation with other players, and coordination, planning and coordination are extremely important for victory, and extras use this effectively.

Do you want to learn how to play World of Tanks? Below are collected as many as 25 tips from professionals. By using them in battles, you can easily increase the statistics in tanks and become a “handy” player. Many beginners do not understand that WOT is a tactical game, and it is not enough to just play it to be TOP. If you are one of these guys and your stats are below 50%, don't worry. After reading this article, you can easily increase your win rate to 60-70%.

What not to do in WOT

Before moving on to the secrets of good performance, let's immediately outline what NOT to do.

  1. Teach others to play. If your stats are below 70% and you feel like your team is " only downs!“, most likely it’s you who’s down, don’t be offended. Don’t try to teach your teammates before a fight via chat - it won’t get better, but it can always be worse.
  2. Cursing teammates. « You are noobs! Burn in hell! Creatures, freaks, non-Russian bastards!!! Obos mountingssleigh!!!" - LOL 😀 . Few of us tank players haven't written something like this to our team. But you don't need to do this. First, you undermine the morale of the players, distract them and get on their nerves, which will make them play even worse. Secondly, if you won’t achieve anything anyway, why waste letters? Don't worry, be happy ^^.
  3. Prove your superiority to someone. « Well, you schmuck, go 1x1!- no, forget it. Don't care about the opinions of others. If they think they're cool, let them think so. You play for fun, not for cheap show-offs.
  4. Look for cheats, hacks and other easy ways to win. There are no working cheats, nor are there any easy ways. Learn, develop and you will be happy.
  5. Produce twinks. « Oh no, my stats aren't perfect! We urgently need to create the 131st twink and get 90% done there. This time I can do it!!!- no, it won’t work. You're the bottom, get over it.

All these are destructive paths that only lead to noobism. You will never learn to play if you think like a noob. In fact, this list can be supplemented for a long time, but for now we will limit ourselves to the main 5 points. So, what can you do to increase your WOT stats?

Play on a good PC

If you have 15 FPS, 24,000 ping, and the dual-core processor of your old laptop is crying blood, you don’t have to read any further. If you do not have the conditions for a comfortable game in HERE, there can be no talk of any improvement in statistics. Stop mocking yourself and others and play better with 60 fps and peace of mind.

Play on top technology

Try to avoid stock tanks entirely. Buy the necessary modules with free experience. To increase your stats, you need to play on a top vehicle. If you don’t have free experience, but you really want to play, buy it for donation and finally download the missing modules to be on an equal footing with your opponents.

Carry ammunition with you

How are you going to win if you can't repair your tank after a critical hit? What happens if your chassis is suddenly broken or your engine is set on fire? ALWAYS carry consumables with you and use them on time.

Play with a pumped-up crew

A trained crew provides a significant advantage. Try to play on the vehicle where the crew is as well developed as possible. This will make it much easier for you to increase your statistics.

Play in a platoon

Create a platoon of 2-3 players and play together. But don’t recruit a team based on “ 1 cripple is good, but 3 is better" Choose as partners those players who are equal or better than you in skill. If you recruit everyone, then what is the point of having a platoon? You might as well go solo in random.

Play with voice communication

If you and your partners have the opportunity to communicate, for example, on Skype, it will be much easier for you to coordinate your actions. You will be able to call each other for help, focus your opponents more effectively, and generally work as a full-fledged team, and this already means a lot.


It's very easy to shout " You are all down! Who am I playing with!!!"(do you recognize yourself? 😀), but the reality is that if you were not the last to die and did not cause the greatest amount of damage in battle, then you did not do enough, and you are no better" these downs" Try to live until the very end, but don’t stand idle. Just let others pass ahead and use your firepower wisely. By correctly applying this advice, you will already increase your statistics in World of Tanks by at least 5-10%.

Fulfill your role in the team

Each tank class has its own role in the team.

  • Light tanks- This is primarily mobile reconnaissance. They drive forward and “shine” enemies.
  • Heavy tanks– the main power and armor of the team. They are always on the front line and try to draw fire on themselves, but they need support.
  • Medium tanks- This is a strike group. They always go where they are needed and attack in groups together with LT.
  • Self-propelled anti-tank guns– is the defense and support of the entire team. They stand behind everyone and control the map, covering their allies.

Of course, you don’t need to pedantically follow every word written here. Situations are different, and sometimes even a tank destroyer can rush instead of tanks and tanks, but doing this at the beginning of the battle is extremely stupid, you understand why.

Deal maximum damage

Many players have “tunnel vision”: if they aim at an enemy, they herd them until they shoot them or die, not paying attention to what is happening around them. If you want to gain stats, start learning how to deal as much damage as possible in battles. Don't focus on one enemy, attack everyone who catches your eye. If you see a “shot” (for 1 shot), kill immediately without hesitation, since the numerical advantage is the strongest.

Keep an eye on the minimap

Every 5-10 seconds, assess the situation on the map and the balance of power. If you don't do this, you can forget about good statistics. Make it a habit to always look at the map. This way you'll know what's going on and can quickly take action." fateful” for your team to decide, for example, to save an ally by supporting him with your firepower or even taking a few shots for him. It's not the hands that decide, it's the eyes that decide - keep them open..

Don't rely on allies

The biggest mistake you can make in World of Tanks is thinking that you have a team. NO, forget it. Although you are in a herd, you are on your own, and your goal is to survive while inflicting the greatest damage. Don't expect your allies to read your mind and help you or follow your directions - they won't. Instead, try to understand THEIR intentions and help THEM. It will be much more productive.

Don't play on drain tanks

One can, of course, say that “ drag“Really on any technology, but it will be cowardly nonsense. Not all tanks are equally good. There are some machines that are the hardest to play. If your goal is to increase your statistics in WOT, avoid such tanks. Just drop them and play the ones you know how to play.

Learn from your mistakes

Every time something doesn't work out for you, analyze it. Turn on the replay and see what could have been done, what was your mistake, what would have happened if you had acted differently? The military calls it " debriefing" Do this as often as possible, then you will learn something. Simply playing through battles, making the same mistakes over and over again is a lazy noob's tactic.

Explore maps

Start training mode and drive around the map that you can't play on. Try to find the most effective positions for the tank, and then try them out in real combat. I guarantee you'll be surprised how you didn't notice before." this magical hill", because of which you can pick apart the entire enemy team 😀 .

Keep track of the teams

Pay attention to which vehicle classes the enemy has and which you have. Based on this, you can make a better decision about where to go, where you are most needed, and predict the course of events. For example, knowing approximately where all the enemy’s medium and light tanks will go, you can take an advantageous position and deal quite a lot of damage in the first minutes of the match.

Take the heights

Sun Tzu wrote about the need to occupy heights in battle in his treatise “The Art of War,” which (for a minute!) is about 2.5 thousand years old. This tactical technique is successfully used by the military; in reality, it works no less effectively in World of Tanks. Try to always be higher than your enemy. You'll be surprised how much easier it becomes to win fights.

Create Focus

If you see your ally attacking an enemy, help him immediately. Together you have 2 times more chances. If you carefully look at how the extras play, you can see that none of them are particularly eager to get into the thick of things. They are more focused on supporting their teammates. Just shoot where you can get the most benefit. Example: if several enemy tanks or tanks are attacking an allied tank destroyer, then it is necessary to help it if possible.

Don't stand still

Shot - switch from sniper mode to arcade mode, hide behind cover, assess the situation on the map, change position, if necessary. If you just stand behind the nearest bush and sit there the entire battle, don’t expect anything good. Not only will you not be able to increase the average damage and stat, but you will also periodically receive streams of angry poop from your allies through chat.

Use the features of the technology

Most tanks have their own " chip" Somewhere it’s huge one-time damage or DPM, somewhere it’s very high maneuverability and speed, somewhere it’s excellent armor. Use it all wisely. If your tank destroyer can destroy 80% of the enemy’s strength with 1 shot, then you don’t need to shine it left and right. Take a comfortable position with maximum visibility and wait for the right moment to have a blast. Well, if you have, say, excellent vertical aiming angles, then shoot from the hills, from the hills, from behind the hills - the hills are your friends. Find out what your tank's main feature is and use it to the maximum.

Shoot with gold

Try to always carry with you ammunition with increased armor-piercing power, purchased for gold. It often happens that 1 shot decides the outcome of a battle. If you shoot gold, you will increase your effectiveness by about 1.5 times, which means your statistics will increase. Well, if you don’t have money for regular gold cartridges, just carry a few with you “for a black fight.”

Give up the twinks

Stop making fun of yourself by creating one twink after another in the hope that the stats will improve. Play honestly on your main account with your shameful 30%. This way you will at least have strong motivation to learn to play. In addition, TOP content (in our case these are high-rank tanks) in games is always more interesting than the initial content.

Play in the sandbox

Sandbox is considered to be battles on tanks of ranks 1-4. If you are really struggling with statistics, buy some good entry-level tank and go ahead and beat up single-celled creatures at random! Newcomers to World of Tanks play like they're drunk, so it will be quite difficult to lose the game. Unless the enemy team comes across the same “sand extra.”

Change the server, equipment, game time

Sometimes the game doesn't work at all. No matter how you enter the battle, some crayfish are draining the battles. In this case, you can change the server or tank. If this does not help, try logging into the game at another time, when the concentration of students online will be lower.

Learn from the best. Watch esports tournaments and just recordings of good fights. This way you will learn a lot of new things: interesting positions, profitable tactics, the subtleties of playing a certain technique and much more. Immediately put everything you learn into practice and test it to understand whether it suits you or not. In the end, we are all different.

Don't forget to rest

If you play tanks a lot, you will definitely become a psychopath, I promise you 😀 . You will be terribly annoyed by your teammates, you will be in every possible way nightmare from constant losses, you will hate all living things when you are shot by the KV-2 at the beginning of the battle. One American video blogger even died after a 24-hour stream, as I wrote about in the article “.”

This is normal, and this inevitably happens to everyone who dives too deeply into the World of Tanks and sits at the game for 7-27 hours in a row. Take a break, hello? The statistics in tanks are not the same as a wedge. Eat, hang out with friends, do homework, do push-ups, chat with girls. And when you get bored late in the evening after a busy day, then climb into the tank and treat the enemy stubborns with steel. I guarantee it will become much more fun and easier to play 😉 .

How to increase statistics in WOT? Video

It is believed that gamers who have not reached the coveted 50 percent are not among the excellent players. Of course, users who have already participated in battles have a question: “How to achieve such an indicator?” To do this, you need to master some tactics and features of the game.

Stock technology is contraindicated

Buying a new, freshly upgraded tank is a joyful event. But there is one “but”. Its combat and technical characteristics leave much to be desired. The engine is the weakest, the gun is useless. The low carrying capacity of the chassis will not allow the installation of a lot of additional equipment. Going into battle in a tank without “pumping up” will obviously spoil your statistics. The only way out of this situation is to upgrade using free experience. And go into battle with improved technology.

Tanker apprentices

Close attention must be paid to the crews of armored vehicles. Inept, inexperienced warriors are unlikely to perform well during a fight. The driver will get confused in the gears, and the loader will rush around the tank and remember where the cumulative shells are located. Victory with such soldiers will be perceived as a favor from the FBR. Therefore, before the battle, in the hangar, you need to spend money and conduct training.

Play what you like best

It takes players a little time to understand that they like this tank, but fighting with it is pure torture. And this must be remembered. A lot depends on your mood. Your favorite technique will not let you down in battle, it will help you out in the most difficult situation, which means another victory, which will be reflected in your account statistics.

Hello, sandbox or back to the beginning

As sad as it is, we will have to return to the initial levels of World of Tanks. It goes without saying that such a maneuver will seem strange. But the cherished goal requires non-standard solutions. The peculiarity of the reversal will be that the equipment, be it any tank of level 1, it must be completely “pumped up” and improved with additional equipment. And the crew must be 100 percent trained. Ideally, have several “perks”. As a result, victory in the battle will be guaranteed - after all, most of the “recruits” are still just learning the basics of the World of Tanks game and cannot be serious opponents.

The game is serious business

The player himself will have to do some self-preparation. Of course, there are no special benefits. But there are sites and video channels on the Internet where “extras” players willingly share their experience, suggesting where and how best to fight, which tanks to attack with, and which equipment to use for defense. Reviews of the technical characteristics of armored forces will allow you to know the strengths and weaknesses of each combat unit. And this knowledge will be very useful!

"Serebrogold" and fashion

To successfully conduct combat operations, you need to use all capabilities. Additional rations for the crew, improved fuel, enhanced ammunition. This will require spending in-game currency. But it will affect combat performance.
It is worth paying attention to all sorts of modifications that complement the gameplay with improved sights, information panels and all kinds of indicators. As a rule, they increase the chances of winning.

“A friend won’t leave you in trouble”

The World of Tanks game is positioned as a team game. Even in a random battle, you can participate in a platoon of three people. You need to take advantage of this. A serious combat unit as part of a team. Coordination and tactical planning, support capability. Three tanks can easily break through a flank and get behind enemy lines. Or take an advantageous strategic position and hold off the enemy for a long time.

Playing in the sandbox of World of Tanks is a thing of the past. New tanks appear in the hangar, but

“The Madness of the Brave” is not for us

At the beginning of the battle you can see this picture. Most of the allies start moving in one direction, and only one daredevil moves in the other. The first desire is to help him in this mission. But it is also wrong. As a rule, it is in this direction that a larger group of opponents will move. And you will “safely” go to the hangar without having time to earn either experience or game credits. Sadly. But you can do it differently by following the majority.

Firstly, a large group will easily deal with single targets and quickly reach the enemy base. It depends on the circumstances. You can stand up for capture, or start finishing off the remaining enemies.

Secondly, if it happens that there are many opponents coming your way, then you can get a beautiful tank “rubilovo”. In such a hot battle, you need to seize the moment and inflict serious damage.

During the battle, it is advisable not to forget one simple rule. You should always position yourself so that you are covered by several allies. The enemy comes at you from behind or enters your flank. And immediately receives several splashes from your allies. It is lost and the projectile intended for you goes into the “milk”. The enemy attacks from the front. Amazing. He takes damage from you, and your comrades “get” him.

We monitor the ammunition load

There are situations in World of Tanks when the enemy breaks through to your base and begins to capture it. Armor-piercing shot. Ricochet! There is no penetration, the capture is not knocked down. Priceless seconds are lost. The base is captured, the battle is lost. For such cases, it is very good to have a couple of high-explosive shells in your ammunition load. If you shoot them from a tank gun or a tank destroyer, the damage will be small. But he will. And it counts, but the capture is knocked down.

"Bulb". Plus or minus?

Among the many abilities and skills of the World of Tanks game, there is the opportunity to “pump up” the “sixth sense” of the commander. This skill shows that you have been noticed. It's an irreplaceable thing, but you shouldn't rely on it completely. For some reason, players forget that the light comes on when the armored vehicle is in the “light” for 3 seconds. It is not surprising that they may already be firing at you. Therefore, you should not completely rely on this “perk”. And if “the alarm goes off,” then you need to immediately change and choose another position.

We “tank” competently

Any situation can arise in battle. But even if you are left alone against several opponents, you should always try to cover your flanks and rear. You should not place the most vulnerable places under the sight - the sides and stern. To do this, you can choose any shelter: a hill, a pile of stones, the skeleton of a downed ally or enemy. The ideal hiding place is the courtyard of a U-shaped house. Having rolled there backwards, you can easily hold the defense and take several frags.

The best enemy is killed

The enemy tank has only a few tens of hp left. And many disdainfully turn away from such a target - it’s a pity to transfer the projectile. This is the wrong position. Despite the damage done to him, he is able to fight and can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, “shot” enemies must be finished off. Otherwise, he may “get” you. This happens too.

"There is safety in numbers"

The catchphrase very accurately characterizes the capabilities of the World of Tanks game. A friendly, cohesive team of 2-3 tanks (platoon) is capable of turning the tide of the battle and winning a fight that seemed hopeless. How to look for comrades? See who from the allied team caused the most damage, negotiate with them through personal chat. You can join a clan and participate in company battles.

Everything for victory

Want to improve your stats? You will have to invest effort, time, and skills. To earn game credits, it would be a good idea to purchase a premium account. For each battle you will receive a 50 percent increase.

Where to spend the earned “silver”?

For additional equipment, first aid kits and repair kits, additional rations. And, of course, for improved shells (they can also be purchased for gold). Using such ammunition, you can inflict more damage in battle, send several opponents to the hangar, and earn memorable badges and medals. In short, do a lot of useful things. The team will win, and your statistics will rise accordingly.