Prize club card - Lucky. Order a taxi

1. Method of conducting the Promotion: The prize fund is formed at the expense of the Organizer of the Promotion and the Organizer’s partners.

2. Terms of the Promotion:

2.1. The general duration of the Promotion from March 1, 2014 to September 1, 2019 inclusive.

2.2. The 15th day of each month is the day the winners are announced and the day of the ceremonial presentation of prizes.

3. Territory of the Promotion: Krasnodar

4. Information about the organizer of the Promotion:

Dispatch service "Lucky. Order a taxi"

(LLC "Leader-K")

Legal address: 350051, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, st. Luzana, 10

Postal address: 350051, Russian Federation, Krasnodar st. Rashpilevskaya, 244

INN 2308176392, KPP 230801001, OGRN 1112308001992

account: 40702810826060000049 Rostov branch of OJSC ALFA-BANK, Rostov-on-Don

Cor/account: 30101810500000000207, BIC 046015207

5. Description of the characteristics of services that allow us to establish the relationship between the service and the ongoing Promotion:

5.1. Individuals who have placed an application to order a taxi through the "Vezyot" Dispatch Service by calling the operator at the telephone numbers of the "Vezyot. Taxi Order" dispatch service (22-44-222 or 216-66-66) in Krasnodar, who have called ordering to the operator Prize Club Card number 1785 (seventeen eighty-five) or placing an order through mobile application, as well as on the official website or via SMS (hereinafter referred to as “Promotion Participants”), provided that these orders were subsequently processed and fulfilled by carriers cooperating with the dispatch service “Vezet. Taxi Order”.

Placing a taxi order through the "Vezyot" Dispatch Service is absolutely free; the "Vezyot" Dispatcher Service does not accept funds from the Promotion Participants either directly or through third parties. Taxi services provided by carriers who accepted the order for execution are paid by individuals directly to these carriers in cash in accordance with the carriers' tariffs. By placing an order, you accept the “Terms. Rules. Disclaimers” posted on the website Leader-K LLC provides the customer with information services only;

5.2. Employees of the Organizer and/or family members of these employees, as well as employees of advertising agencies and any other individuals and legal entities involved in the organization and/or conduct of the Promotion, as well as members of their families are not allowed to participate in the Promotion;

5.3. In the event that Promotion prizes are won by persons recognized as incompetent or with limited legal capacity, the right to receive the prize passes to the official guardians or trustees;

5.4. All Participants of the Promotion shall independently pay all expenses incurred by them in connection with participation in the Promotion.

6. Rights and obligations of Participants and Organizers of the Promotion:

6.1. The Promotion participant who received the prize is obliged to use it for its intended purpose, as well as strictly comply with the established rules (including safety) for the use of the prize and its handling (if any) and independently bears full responsibility for violating the above rules. The Promotion Organizer and its authorized organizations are not responsible for damage caused by the Promotion Participant due to the use of the prize for other purposes, as well as failure to comply with the established rules for the use and handling of the prize;

6.2. To receive a prize, the Participant must take all actions required of him, in accordance with these Conditions, within the time limits established in the Conditions. Non-compliance this requirement means the Participant’s refusal of the prize. If the participant of the promotion, recognized as the winner, does not personally contact the Organizer’s office to receive the prize within two weeks from the date of posting information about his recognition as the winner on the website, the prize is considered unclaimed and is drawn again in the next month of the promotion period;

6.3. The Promotion Participant has the right to demand from the Promotion Organizer:

Receiving information about the Promotion in accordance with the terms of the Promotion;

Transfer or provision of winnings if recognized as a winner in accordance with these terms and conditions;

6.4. The Promotion Organizer has the right to post advertising and other materials related to the Promotion Terms;

6.5. The Promotion Organizer has the right to interview the winners and photograph them with additional prior written permission, without additional remuneration;

6.6. The Promotion Organizer has the right to terminate the Promotion early, subject to posting a corresponding message on.

7. Procedure for participation in the Promotion:

7.1. To take part in the Promotion, you must order a taxi through the Vezet dispatch service. Order a taxi" during the promotion period (see clause 2.1.). Recipients of prizes are determined once a month, namely on the 15th of each month. To receive a prize, you must come with your passport and the phone number from which the order was made to the prize distribution center (office of the “Lucky. Order a Taxi” service), which is located at: Krasnodar, st. Rashpilevskaya, 244.

8. Special conditions of the promotion:

8.1. The Organizer's liability for issuing prizes to Promotion Participants is limited solely to the number of prizes specified in these Terms;

8.2. The fact of participation in the Promotion means the full agreement of the Participants with these Conditions of the Promotion;

8.3. The prize is awarded by personally delivering the prize to the winner of the Promotion at the Organizer's office;

8.4. Prizes will not be awarded if the Participant commits illegal actions in connection with the Promotion; if the Promotion Participants fail to comply with these terms and conditions of the Promotion;

8.5. Payment of the cash equivalent of the value of prizes or replacement with other prizes is not made;

8.6. Prizes are not returned or exchanged by the Organizer or authorized organizations.

At the beginning of January, the dispatch service “Lucky. Order a Taxi" awarded prizes to the lucky ones who ordered a taxi through "Lucky" during the period from November 25 to December 25 using a prize card or online. The luckiest ones received certificates for the purchase of a tour from the DolceVita travel agency, a visit to the LaMinta spa center and the Trap quest club, as well as many, many other pleasant gifts. Do you want to be so lucky? Everything is as simple as shelling pears - after all, the presentation of prizes for the “Prize Club Card” promotion in “Lucky. Order a Taxi” takes place monthly!

By the way, every resident of Petrozavodsk can become a participant in the promotion and have the opportunity to win a prize. To do this, you just need to order a taxi by phone 500-000 and tell the operator the prize card number - 1020. When ordering a taxi on the website or through the Rutaxi mobile application, you will automatically become a participant in the promotion, which will last until 2019. So you will definitely have time to become a winner!

On the 25th of every month, look for yourself in the list of winners on the website

The next prize presentation will take place at the end of January. Join the action - and may you be lucky!

As part of the promotion, only those orders that were subsequently accepted and fulfilled by carriers cooperating with Vezet are taken into account. Information about the organizer of the promotion, rules of participation, number of prizes, timing, place and procedure for receiving them is posted on the website The validity period of the “Prize Club Card” promotion is from 09/25/2016 to 09/01/2019.

*The discount is based on the tariffs of the carriers to whom your order is transferred. By placing an order, you accept the “Terms. Rules. Disclaimers” posted on the website LLC “Lucky. P provides exclusively information services. OGRN 1131001005266, Petrozavodsk, st. Andropova, 15.

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