Presentation on the theme of the New Year game. New Year's intellectual game presentation for the lesson (grade 2) on the topic

You can play “Your Game” both in parallel and in the same class. During the game, students demonstrate their knowledge and gain new ones - about the traditions and customs of celebrating the New Year in different countries.

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"Explanatory note"

Nomination: extracurricular activity

Topic: Your own game (All about the New Year)

Educational institution:

Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary secondary school No. 4 with in-depth study of individual subjects of the Asbestovsky urban district (Sverdlovsk region)

Explanatory note

The holiday is a complex social and cultural phenomenon and is studied by a fairly wide range of sciences: sociology, psychology, history, ethnography, etc. The importance of the holiday for modern people cannot be underestimated. The holiday occupies a special place in the life of a child. Good or bad, in any case it does not pass without a trace for the child.

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays not only in our country, but also in many countries around the world. Both children and adults are looking forward to it with great anticipation. During its existence, the custom of celebrating the New Year has not even a centuries-old, but a multi-thousand-year history. This holiday has acquired constant and easily recognizable attributes - a decorated Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, tangerines, chimes, etc.

But a holiday is not only relaxation, organized leisure, entertainment, but an important means of the educational process. It contains rich opportunities for the mental and moral development of children. The holiday gives students a lot of experiences and rich food for perception, which serves as an excellent basis for children's imagination, promotes development creativity.

Methodical development extracurricular activity“Own Game” (All about the New Year) prepared for students in grades 5-8.

The game carries enormous educational opportunities: the world around us is studied, space opens up for the manifestation of one’s “I”, personal creativity, activity, self-knowledge, self-expression, self-development. Play is the main sphere of communication for children; problems of interpersonal relationships, partnerships, friendship, and camaraderie are solved in it.

Main goal games - to bring students as much joy as possible, to form in them a unique festive culture and at the same time enrich them with new, vivid impressions.


- realize and develop your abilities (intelligence, resourcefulness, initiative);

Expand knowledge about customs and New Year traditions in different countries;

Develop organizational skills, endurance, and the ability to weigh circumstances;

Planned result: recognition by students of their growth in cognitive, communicative, informational areas. Positive results from the game.

"Own game" is played in the music room using a PC and projector or using an interactive whiteboard.

Practical orientation– in the presented experience in implementing the Federal State Educational Standards LLC using new technologies, modern material and technical means.

Methodological development can be used not only to conduct one parallel in one team, but also between several classes.

Progress of extracurricular activities

“Own Game” (All about the New Year)

Leading: Good afternoon, dear friends. We are glad to welcome you all to our New Year's event!

There are many wonderful holidays

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

He comes along the snowy road,

Round dance of snowflakes.

Mysterious and strict beauty

New Year fills the heart!

He gives us faith in a good chance,

On the first day and a new turn,

Helps you become better

Happy New Year to everyone in the world!

Louder laughter and joyful hugs,

And flies from all latitudes

The clock strikes. We are all each other's brothers!

There is a holiday on the planet - New Year!

Happy New Year!

Leading: And so, we are starting the New Year’s edition of the “Own Game” program.

Your own game is a great way to test all your knowledge accumulated over a period of your life. Well, isn't this interesting? The theme of our game is New Year in different countries.

First, I'll explain the rules of the game.

You are invited to split into several teams (division is optional).

Before you is a playing field with sectors:

Sector 1 – Santa Claus in different countries.

Sector 2 – Festive menu.

Sector 3 – Symbols of the New Year.

Sector 4 – Traditions on New Year’s Eve.

Sector 5 – Movies on New Year’s Eve.

Each sector has from 10 to 60 points. How more difficult question, the higher the score.

In case of luck, i.e. if you answer the question correctly, the points are yours (Correct answers appear on the same slide with the questions). If the answer to the question posed is incorrect, any of the teams can answer. Then the points are added to the treasury of the responding team. In the final, the team that scores greatest number points. As you can see, the game conditions are simple.

We wish all teams good luck!

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"Own game"

Your own game All about the New Year

Compiled by:

Staritsyna A.Yu.

Music teacher and MHC

AMOU secondary school No. 4, Asbest

Sverdlovsk region

Santa Claus in different countries

Holiday menu

New Year symbols

Traditions on New Year's Eve

Movies on New Year's Eve

Father Frost

Question No. 1 (10 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in France?

(Pierre Noel)


Father Frost

Question No. 2 (20 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Austria?



Father Frost

Question No. 3 (30 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Italy?

(Babbo Natale)


Father Frost

Question No. 4 (40 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Japan?

(Segatsu San)


Father Frost

Question No. 5 (50 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Finland?



Father Frost

Question No. 6 (60 points)

What is the name of Santa Claus in Colombia?

(Papa Pasquale)


Holiday dishes

Question No. 1 (10 points)

Iran. How many dishes must Iranians have on their table whose names begin with “s”?


Holiday dishes

Question No. 2 (20 points)

Netherlands. Donuts with...(what?) are always baked here for the holiday table.

(with raisins)


Holiday dishes

Question No. 3 (30 points)

Cuba. What should you eat and how much while the chimes are ringing?

(12 grapes)


Holiday dishes

Question No. 4 (40 points)

Venezuela. On the festive table in this country it is traditional

dish - fried...?



Holiday dishes

Question No. 5 (50 points)

Hungary. Traditional Hungarian New Year's dish?

(garlic with honey)


Holiday dishes

Question No. 6 (60 points)

Sudan. In this country, on New Year's Day, do they wish each other to find this and eat it? If you find it, there will be happiness all year long.

(green nut)


New Year symbols

Question No. 1 (10 points)

Iran. This is a symbol of renewal of life. Do these items have to be on the table?

(new dishes)


New Year symbols

Question No. 2 (20 points)

North America. Around this the Indians dance all night.



New Year symbols

Question No. 3 (30 points)

Russia. They appeared in 1760 and became a must-have attribute in every home. What is this?

(Christmas decorations)


New Year symbols

Question No. 4 (40 points)

South Africa. The elder of the Zulu tribe throws it on the ground. If it breaks, the New Year has begun.

(ripe pumpkin)


New Year symbols

Question No. 5 (50 points)

Germany. The Germans climb this a few minutes before the New Year, and with the chiming of the chimes they “jump” into the coming year. Where are they going?

(on a chair)


New Year symbols

Question No. 6 (60 points)

Guinea. On New Year's Day, this animal is paraded through the streets. This is a symbol of power and wealth.



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 1 (10 points)

In which countries do people go to bed on New Year's Day and celebrate the holiday in the morning at sunrise?

(Japan, India)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 2 (20 points)

Scotland. Having met in New Year's Eve, the Scots congratulate each other and exchange pieces of...(what)?

(pieces of coal)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 3 (30 points)

Hungary. Best friends give a clay figurine of this animal...?

(pig figurine)


Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 4 (40 points)

Czech Republic. In the village, the owner feeds this animal and then releases it out the window into the garden. What kind of animal is this?



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 5 (50 points)

Greece. If this had been given as a gift in Russia, we would not have understood. But in Greece this is the best gift. The larger it is, the more happiness they want?



Traditions on New Year's Eve

Question No. 6 (60 points)

Among the ancient Greeks and Romans, quarreling spouses were often condemned and ridiculed by sending them this for the New Year... (a symbol of quarrels and gossip)?



Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 1 (10 points)

We wouldn’t mind watching it ten times, the name of the film is...?

(Carnival night)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 2 (20 points)

And there are scientific ideas in fairy tales...

This is a wonderful film about...?



Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 3 (30 points)

They celebrated the New Year at the dacha...

Do you remember the movie...?

(Gentlemen of Fortune)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 4 (40 points)

She was lucky to meet everyone at once, the film is about these brothers...?

(12 months)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 5 (50 points)

From childhood, every person remembers this old film...?

(Chuk and Gek)


Movies on New Year's Eve

Question No. 6 (60 points)

And as usual, we looked would

we are this night.....?

(Irony of fate)

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Slide captions:

Intellectual game Completed by: teacher primary classes GBOU Lyceum No. 533, St. Petersburg Pribyshina N.V.

10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 40 50 traditions fairy tales From history puzzles

Ancient ritual dance at the Christmas tree. NOMINATION Round dance 10

How many times, according to ancient tradition, must Santa Claus hit the ground with his staff for a miracle to happen? NOMINATION Three times 20

How many horses are in Santa Claus's team? Why? NOMINATION Three white horses. The season is three months long. 30

Three necessary things without which Santa Claus cannot appear “in public.” NOMINATION Without beard, staff and gifts 40

How many times do Russians celebrate New Year? NOMINATION Twice: on the first of January according to the new style and on the fourteenth - according to the old style. 50

Where is the estate of Russian Father Frost? NOMINATION 10 Veliky Ustyug

Who was the “great-great-grandfather” of Santa Claus? NOMINATION 20 Morozko

By decree of which king, January 1 became the date for celebrating the New Year in Rus'? NOMINATION 30 Peter I

Name the Snow Maiden’s homeland and her birthday. NOMINATION 50 Kostroma. April 2, born with the last snow.

What was the name of the dog from V.I.’s fairy tale? Dalia "Girl Snow Maiden"? NOMINATION 10 Bug

What was the name of Mickey Mouse's dog? NOMINATION 20 Pluto

The fragments of what made the fairy-tale hero of one winter fairy tale angry and insensitive? NOMINATION 30 Mirror fragments

What New Year's toy did the mouse queen Myshilda from the fairy tale E.T.A turn the young prince into? Hoffmann? NOMINATION 40 V Nutcracker

Who played the role of the Snow Maiden in the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”? NOMINATION 50 Wolf

Enter a question. NOMINATION 10 likes

Enter a question. NOMINATION 20 dachshund

Enter a question. NOMINATION 30 huskies

Enter a question. NOMINATION 40 Shepherd

Enter a question. NOMINATION 50 bulldog g

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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A presentation of the game is presented, based on the TV game of the same name. Suitable for junior and middle management. The intellectual game “The Smartest” takes place in four stages:

· Stage I: qualifying round: all interested children in grades 5-8 participate high school

· Stage II: 1st round of the game - 9 children who scored the most points participate. Based on the results of the round, the order in which children choose a category of questions in the 2nd round of the game is determined.

· IV stage – Final. The 3 finalists answer 5 questions in turn. Remember and choose questions of your color or the color of your opponent.



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Slide captions:

The smartest

Qualifying round

Snow Maiden gift chimes Cheroksagun Prakodo Runatyk

# + ABVG DEZHZ IKL MNOP RSTU FHTSCH SHCHYY EYUYA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 4 5 4 9 5 4 4 4 GUESS THE WORD schoolchildren


SPORT The name of this game comes from Persian words that mean “the king is dead.” Sumo is the national game...Which country? What is depicted on the emblem of the International Olympic Committee? What is the distance of a classic marathon? What is biathlon?

Color songs What color was each of the million roses in A. Pugacheva’s famous song? What bird did Alena Sviridova sing a song about? What color are “apples in the snow”? What do those who are sad about the Earth dream about while looking out the window? What is the whole island of bad luck covered with?

BIOLOGY Name the saddest tree Forest “fortune teller” (bird) Name the heaviest flying bird Which berry can replace lemon in its qualities? Name the tallest tree.

What was the name of the invulnerable warrior who died from a poisoned arrow that hit him in the heel? In what war did the Tsar Cannon take part? Which ancient city according to legend stood on seven hills? Who founded St. Petersburg? Who is the author of the expression: “I came, I saw, I conquered..”

MATHEMATICS How many sides does a hexagonal pencil have? PI number = ? 5 candles were burning, 3 went out, how many are left? Is it possible to increase the number 666 by one and a half times without performing any actions? The strip of paper must be divided into 5 parts. How many times does it need to be cut?

GEOGRAPHY The largest island in Africa. Where do egg-laying mammals live? Which islands are called “Necklace of Fire”? How to measure distance with notes? Which river crosses the equator twice?

YAK YAZ Sakha alphabettygar has buukuba baary? Dor5oonnoru uereter science. Utaryta suoltalaah tylary tuoh dien aattyyllary? Etii tutah chiliennerin aattaa. Sakha tylygar has case baary?

Russian literature In the title of which famous story by I.S. Turgenev only two letters were used? Which Russian writer wrote three major works whose titles begin with the letter "O"? Which Russian writer owned eight foreign languages? Name the most famous literary pseudonym of the writer Arkady Golikov Name the most famous Russian fabulist

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1 Name the deepest river

2 Name the most popular sport in the world

3 Name the most frequently published book

4 Name the highest female singing voice

5 Name the most durable mineral

7 Name the northernmost state of the USA

8 name the most popular vehicle in Vietnam

6 Name the animal with the longest tongue relative to its body size

10 Name the animal that has the slowest movement speed in the animal kingdom

12 Name the most fusible metal

9 Name the deepest place in the world's oceans

11 Name the largest optical device

15 Name the sport in which the lightest ball is.

13 name the most ancient way of obtaining food by man

14 Name the largest land lizard

Awarding the winner.
