Press about insurance, insurance companies and the insurance market. Tver owner of two crystal owls Nikolai Silantiev: No matter what changes in “What? Where? When?”, the top will definitely remain there Nikolai Andreevich Silantiev

The legendary program turns 40 years old

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In our country there are only two shows that are purely Russian - these are “KVN” and “What? Where? When?". Everything else is just that, purchased... I can’t believe that I gave most of my life to the second game... On the eve of the anniversary legendary game, which is celebrated on September 4, we couldn’t help but talk to owner of two crystal owls Nikolai Silantiev. I prepared the questions in advance, but, of course, we left all sorts of formats almost immediately... The conversation turned out to be big and about a lot of things at once. Let's share the most interesting things. It used to be easier to get into the game- I don’t even know what helped me more, luck or the fact that I’m so smart... But in general, before it was much easier to get into the game. How did I do it? I watched the game in 1980. The experts lost it 6:3, but I “won” it 6:3 at home. It became a shame - I play so well, and I am here, and they are there. I wrote a letter, told about myself, said that I wanted to get into the club, and attached my photo. Three months of silence, and in the fall a telegram arrives that I am being called to the qualifying round.

Over the 5 years of the club's existence, it was decided to increase the number of players. There were 57 people like me from different cities. We were randomly seated in groups of six at a table, asked questions, and we gave answers. It was necessary to show how you express your thoughts, how you listen to strangers, how you communicate at the table. I was among the best selected nine. We were divided into 3 threes, and these threes were inserted into the six veterans of the club.

Based on the results of three games in 1981, and then games were held once a month, the club council selected three - Sasha Druz, Misha Budarev and me. Budarev then dropped out, played for 3-4 years and left, but Druz and I still play like that.

"What? Where? When?" in 1983. Photo: from the archive of Nikolai Silantiev

Shoe, dress, comb your hair - and you are a gentleman

In “What? Where? When?" everything is like in life. Our life is so concentrated there, so much happens in that hour and a half, that when you learn to cope with this volume of information, with the anxiety at the table, it helps a lot at work. And in life everything seems much simpler.

Of course, if you don’t come for several years in a row, they start to forget about you. There is very little space there now, and besides, we need places for sponsors and guests.

But I don’t let myself be forgotten. Today our veteran team includes two Latypov brothers, Borya Eremin, Andrey Kamorin, Seryozha Tsarkov and me. The last time we played quite successfully was in 2010. If there is an invitation, I will agree with pleasure.

I love the process itself and am ready to play in any lineup, with any team.

In the meantime, I can come to any game. I’ll call and a suit will be ready for me - a tuxedo, a bow tie... All I have to do with me is take black boots, black socks and black trousers. Arrived - they put on your shoes, dressed you, combed your hair - and you are a gentleman. Stars and python soup- What did the game give me?.. I’ve been in the club for more than half my life. Out of 58 years - 35 years... The game completely changed the attitude towards people, towards life situations.

A separate topic is people. In a small space, very interesting, smart people gather, whom you will never meet anywhere else in your life. Cosmonauts, State Duma deputies, and famous artists came to us. I remember how we had the old actor Igor Ilyinsky, the already old Arkady Raikin, Konstantin Raikin - still very young, Alla Pugacheva, Jaak Joala, Alexander Gradsky. By the way, Anna Veski became popular thanks to “What? Where? When?". For the first time she sang a song at a game. Before that, almost no one knew her, but then she quickly became famous. Laima Vaikule also performed with us in the 80s with her variety show. At that time she was not yet a singer of all-Union significance, but soon after that she became. I also remember the very young group “Lyube”... Many artists started with us, and quite successfully.

I remember an interesting moment with Philip Kirkorov. We lost the question, and our captain Andrei Kozlov appealed. Condition for granting the appeal: we had to cook python soup. And the next day in Neskuchny Garden we cooked real soup from real python, in a real cauldron, over a real fire. So, it means that Philip sang, and we cooked... We cooked the soup according to all the rules, and we were credited with the winnings. I remember Kirkorov was very offended then because we were grilling some kind of shish kebab during his speech. By the way, the entire python was swept away in 5 seconds and eaten along with the skin. I only managed to pinch off a small piece. It tastes like white chicken meat, only very tart, spicy, with a specific flavor. But Kirkorov didn’t get it... Playing for money is not so interesting- Previously, under Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov, there were more emotions, more interesting, cheerful, funny moments... When there was no money in the game and we played for books, it was a club of like-minded people. Everyone supported each other, worried about each other. And when money appeared, it became not so interesting. Everything became different. Young people who live in this rhythm may like it - everything is like in life: envy, hatred, careerism, gossip... But I’m used to something different. Our generation did not come to make a career, but to play. Sometimes we lost 1:5, but then we pulled ourselves together and won 6:5. Now many young teams are quickly lost. The drive is not the same...

By the way, at first the game was called differently - “Ivanovs versus Petrovs”. Two families sat at a long table and asked each other questions. It was a little boring. Then the format changed, the name changed, and a top appeared. The one to whom the top was pointing began to answer the question. That wasn't it either. And only then the most interesting thing came - the discussion. I remember how many tops we broke back then. At first, it was played by a special person - a “croupier” in white gloves, but then the TV management said that this was not necessary, it looked too much like a casino. The man was removed and we began to twist. After several breakdowns, the special person was returned.

Now the questions have become more difficult- Sasha Byalko was once asked: “How do you know everything so well?” He replied: “You need to read tear-off calendars.” Previously, such calendars had a section “Did you know that...”. The questions were not very difficult, but interesting. Gradually they began to become more complex. The Internet has done a great job. But the people themselves changed a lot. If earlier viewers simply asked questions, now they want to make money.

But over the years we have been taught the practice of brainstorming. Experts should give as many versions as possible in 40 seconds. Half of the questions are for erudition, pure knowledge, but the second half are exclusively for intuition. My wife always looks after me- My family, my wife and two children, always watch the game, especially when I’m there. My wife has already gotten used to it, we have been together for 26 years, and I have learned not to worry. But the son was always worried and at the same time proud that his dad was so smart. My wife is the best tattoo artist in the city. Only instead of the tattoo “What? Where? When?" At one time she made me a snake on my right shoulder that peeks out from the leaves. My wife is a Snake... The tattoo means that she is watching over me, wherever I am... In ten years the top will definitely remain

WITH Ilantyev Nikolai Andreevich - squad commander, party organizer of the company of the 1124th Infantry Regiment of the 334th Vitebsk Infantry Division of the 2nd Guards Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Red Army soldier.

Born on May 1, 1922 in the city of Maykop, Republic of Adygea, into a working-class family. Russian. Graduated from 5th grade. He worked at the Lesomebel plant. In 1940 he moved to Odessa and worked at a bed factory.

In the Red Army from October 18, 1941. In the Great Patriotic War from February 1, 1942. He fought as a rifleman, sapper, and commander of a rifle squad on the North Caucasian and Transcaucasian fronts, in the Separate Maritime Army, on the 4th Ukrainian, 1st Baltic, and 3rd Belorussian fronts. Member of the CPSU since 1944.

- in battles on the Don near the city of Rostov, in the defense of the Klukhor pass of the Main Caucasus Range - in 1942;
- in the battles for the liberation of the North Caucasus, the village of Krymskaya, the city of Novorossiysk, the Taman Peninsula, in the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation - in 1943;
- in the liberation of Crimea, including the cities of Alupka, Yalta, Sevastopol, in battles in Lithuania near the cities of Siauliai and Memel (Klaipeda) - in 1944;
- in battles in East Prussia with access to the shore of the Frisches-Haff Bay of the Baltic Sea - in 1945.

The squad commander, Red Army soldier Silantiev, in the battle on March 13, 1945 for the village of Hermsdorf (now the village of Pogranichny, Bagrationovsky district, Kaliningrad region), was the first to attack under enemy fire, burst into an enemy trench, grenades and destroyed 15 Nazis in hand-to-hand combat. Replaced the retired company commander. He captured part of the village, captured 3 guns and 2 mortars.

U Kaz of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 19, 1945 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the Red Army soldier Silantiev Nikolai Andreevich awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 6178).

Participant in the Victory Parade in Moscow on Red Square. Since 1945, Sergeant Major N.A. Silantiev has been in reserve. He worked as a controller at the Maykop furniture and woodworking association “Druzhba”. Died February 20, 1994. He was buried in Maykop, at the New Cemetery.

In Maykop, on the facade of the house where the Hero lived (Proletarskaya St., 271), a memorial plaque was installed.

Awarded the Orders of Lenin (04/19/45), Orders of the Patriotic War 1st (04/06/85) and 2nd (06/02/45) degrees, Red Star (11/26/43), Glory 3rd degree (No. 200745 dated 10/21/44 ), medals.

Nikolai Silantiev was 11 years old and in 3rd grade when his father died. Due to financial difficulties, after the 5th grade he was forced to leave his studies and go to work. First he worked in the mirror workshop of the Proletary artel, then as a timber handler at the Lesomebel plant, and in March 1940 he left for Odessa and began working as an apprentice foundry worker at a bed factory, where the war found him.

In August 1941, Silantyev returned to Maykop and worked for some time at the Kurdzhip tobacco farm, and on October 18, 1941, he was drafted into the army and sent to serve in the 235th reserve rifle regiment, with which he received baptism of fire on the Don in February 1942. In May 1942 he was wounded, and after recovery he fought in the 394th Infantry Division as a mortarman of the 810th Infantry Regiment, which fought fierce battles at the Klukhor Pass.

With the transition to the offensive, he liberated Kuban until he was wounded in March 1943. The treatment lasted 2 months. From May 5, 1943, Silantiev fought in the 5th Guards Rifle Brigade in the Krymskaya region, trying to break through to Novorossiysk. But in July 1943, he received another wound and again found himself in a hospital bed.

Silantiev returned to combat duty in September 1943, having been assigned as a sapper to the engineering reconnaissance platoon of the 7th Guards Sapper Battalion of the 2nd Guards Red Banner Rifle Division, which led fighting to break through the Blue Line and liberate the Taman Peninsula. Crushing the powerful enemy defenses, the division's soldiers stubbornly moved forward, overcoming the fierce resistance of the enemy, and in the first ranks of the attackers, showing courage and fearlessness, was the Red Army soldier Nikolai Silantiev. He selflessly paved the way for the infantry, making passages in minefields and barbed wire obstacles. He was always ahead, always in dangerous places.

But Silantiev especially distinguished himself during the Kerch-Eltigen landing operation, which began on the night of November 1, 1943. One of the first to cross the strait and carry out the task of engineering support for the advance of rifle units during the capture and expansion of the bridgehead on the Kerch Peninsula, he showed himself to be a brave, decisive, courageous Red Army sapper, for exemplary performance of combat missions he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and accepted as a candidate member Communist Party. During the fighting on the Kerch Peninsula, Silantyev participated in 2 reconnaissance in force and made 23 forays beyond the front line of enemy defenses, making passages in wire obstacles and minefields and delivering valuable information to the command about the enemy’s engineering structures and their firing points.

More than once during battles, Silantiev had to pick up a machine gun and go into attacks with infantrymen or act in a barrage detachment, as was the case, for example, during the attack on the village of Gleiki. When the Nazis launched a counterattack, he boldly maneuvered on the battlefield and destroyed 4 Nazis. And when our units went on the offensive, and a bunker became an insurmountable obstacle on their way, Silantiev secretly approached it from the rear and threw grenades at it. The road was open for the attackers.

With the transition of Soviet troops in Crimea in April 1944 to the offensive, the 2nd Guards Division advanced in the direction of Sevastopol, liberating Alushta, Yalta and storming Sapun Mountain. During these battles, Silantyev made dozens of passes through minefields and barbed wire barriers, removing and neutralizing up to 200 enemy mines.

A month after Crimea was cleared of the enemy, front-line fate brought Silantiev to Lithuania. The 2nd Guards Division as part of the 2nd Guards Army was transferred to the 1st Baltic Front and took part in July 1944 in the Siauliai and in October in the Memel offensive operations, during which the Nazi group "North" was cut off from East Prussia and blocked in Courland.

Accompanying rifle units when breaking through enemy defenses in the area of ​​the Lithuanian village of Iosefovo, Raseiniai region on October 5, 1944, Silantiev was the first to break into the enemy trench, destroying the fascist with fire from his machine gun. As he further advanced deeper into the enemy's defenses, walking in the front ranks of the attackers, he discovered a minefield and a wire fence of the Bruno spiral type. Under enemy fire, Silantiev, crawling on the ground, neutralized 36 mines within an hour and, having made a passage through the wire fence, allowed the companies to resume the offensive. For his courage, he was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

In December 1944, the 2nd Guards Division, transferred as part of the 2nd Guards Army to the 3rd Belorussian Front, entered the territory of Nazi Germany and fought to defeat the enemy in East Prussia. In one of the battles, Silantiev received a fourth wound and went to the hospital.

After recovery, he did not return to his division. He was sent to the 1124th Infantry Regiment of the 334th Vitebsk Infantry Division. Silantiev arrived in the regiment as part of a reinforcement on the night of March 7, 1945, and at dawn the battle began. The 1st battalion, in which he served, was ordered to capture the dominant heights, which the Nazis had turned into a fortified strong point.

The attack began after a short artillery preparation, but, met by heavy fire from enemy artillery, Ferdinands and machine guns, the battalion units were forced to lie down and dig in. In this critical situation, the Red Army soldier Silantiev showed exceptional military valor and resourcefulness. Under the fire of enemy machine guns, he and Private Shevchenko began to move towards the height on their bellies, setting themselves the task of destroying the left-flank machine gun. Having climbed above the caponier, Silantiev silenced the machine gun with an anti-tank grenade. Throwing another grenade, he reached the enemy nest. 7 Nazis led by an officer were hiding in a small dugout. They laid down their arms and surrendered.

The enemy, having discovered Silantiev, opened intense fire. But, despite this, the brave fighter installed a German machine gun on the reverse slopes of the heights in one of the trenches and, having organized a perimeter defense with Shevchenko, sat until dusk, essentially being between two fires. And when it got dark, Silantiev returned to the battalion’s location and brought prisoners with him. For his courage and initiative, Silantiev was awarded gratitude from the regiment commander, promoted to the position of squad commander and appointed party organizer of the company.

On March 13, 1945, the 1124th Infantry Regiment went on the offensive as part of the division and by 17:00, having broken through the enemy’s defenses, it reached the area of ​​​​the village of Hermsdorf. Silantiev was the first to jump onto the parapet of the trench and rushed at the enemy. Inspired by the example of their comrade and party organizer, the company soldiers rose as one and rushed after him, shaking the air with a thunderous “Hurray!” and firing on the move. Overtaking each other, the fighters rushed into the first trench in unison, engaging in close combat.

Unable to withstand the onslaught of Soviet soldiers, the Nazis began to retreat. Suddenly, an enemy machine gun began firing from the flank, blocking the company’s path with its fire and pinning the soldiers to the ground. Under a hail of heavy fire, Silantyev crawled to the machine gun and, secretly approaching it, threw grenades at it, silencing it.

The company continued its offensive and quickly burst into the second trench, engaging in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy, during which Silantiev unexpectedly met with 12 Nazis. Showing courage, dexterity and remarkable strength, using the butt of a machine gun and shooting at point-blank range, he destroyed 7 Nazis and captured the remaining five.

When, in the midst of the battle, the commander and all the company officers failed, Silantiev took command and decisively led the soldiers forward. Pursuing the enemy, Silantyev skillfully maneuvered behind enemy lines and quickly attacked German gun crews, capturing 3 guns and 3 mortars. Wedged deeply into the enemy’s defenses, the company under the command of Silantiev captured brick factory, bypassed Hermsdorf and attacked the enemy from the rear. The enemy left Hermsdorf in panic.

In this battle, Silantiev was wounded, but did not leave the battlefield and continued to fight, destroying 5 more Nazis. The command immediately nominated the brave fighter for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, which was awarded to him on April 19, 1945.

Meanwhile the war continued. Pursuing the enemy through the territory of East Prussia, the 1124th Infantry Regiment reached the city of Zinten. During a fierce battle, the 1st Rifle Company, in whose ranks Silantiev was marching, was stopped by heavy fire from an enemy machine gun. The soldiers lay down. Without hesitation, Silantiev crawled towards the machine gun. Under heavy enemy fire, he approached the machine gunners from the flank and threw grenades at them. The company went on the attack and burst into the city, waging street battles to capture it. For the courage shown, the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, sparkled on the chest of the brave soldier.

N.A. Silantiev ended the war on the shores of the Baltic in the area of ​​Frishes Huff Bay. And a month and a half later, as part of the combined regiment of the 3rd Belorussian Front, he minted a step on Red Square, at the Victory Parade, feeling a sense of pride for his Motherland, in the name of which he fought, not sparing his life.

Date of death corrected in accordance with that indicated on the tombstone.

Ended tragically for another Russian — Vladimir Molchanov, recognized intellectual, member of an elite club "What? Where? When?", owner of two “Crystal Owls”, editor-in-chief of the popular television program “Own Game”. At the end of last week, while on vacation, he had a massive heart attack, but it was timely and, most importantly, qualified. medical care in Turkey they could not help him. The Russian had to be transported by plane to Moscow, where he was hospitalized in one of the capital’s clinics.

Doctors are stubbornly fighting for his life, but so far he is in extremely serious condition: completely paralyzed and unable to speak. His friend too member of the club of experts and also the owner of the “Crystal Owl” Nikolai Silantiev, who lives in Tver, told the Free Press correspondent the details of what happened and asked for help from TV viewers.

"SP":— How did you find out about Vladimir’s illness?

Our club captain Andrei Kozlov called me in Tver and told me about what happened to Volodya. Honestly, when I heard this news and about the state he was in, I couldn’t stand it and cried. This is unfair, because he only turned 48 in January! On the eve of the call, I was just looking through the recordings of our games, going through photographs, and reliving the happy moments of the final winter games six months ago, when our team won the next Crystal Owl. Thus, the team’s total collection now includes 13 crystal owls and two diamond ones. By the way, Volodya Molchanov collects sculptures of owls, and not only crystal ones. There are already more than eight hundred of them in his collection. And, I would like to hope that over time the thousandth owl will appear in it.

"SP":- What are the chances of recovery?

“Both doctors and family hope for a better outcome, but Volodya’s treatment at the clinic costs his family 10 thousand rubles every day. And I want to appeal to fans of the game “What? Where? When?”, to millions of TV viewers: if everyone sends Volodya Molchanov at least one hundred or two hundred rubles for treatment, then he can be sent for treatment to a good clinic abroad. Doctors do not exclude the possibility that expensive heart surgery may be needed.

"SP":— Many Russians believe that TV workers earn very good money?

— I agree, it seems to TV viewers that experts who make money with their minds don’t need anything. But Volodya is the only breadwinner in the family and received about 45 thousand rubles from NTV as the editor-in-chief of “Own Game”. I understand that for many residents of the Russian provinces this is a lot of money. But for Moscow... In any case, Volodya’s family did not have to save from his salary, as they say, “for a rainy day.” And this day, alas, has come.

"SP":— How do Volodya’s relatives feel about all this?

“You can’t imagine what it’s like for his wife and two daughters, Oksana and Dasha, now, and not only morally, but also financially. They urgently need our help.

"SP":“I hope the club members won’t leave Volodya alone with his troubles?”

— We have already started collecting money for Volodya. But I'm afraid this won't be enough. We wanted to open a current account in the name of his wife, but she is now in such a state that she is simply not able to take any practical action. Then they tried another option - through the Igra television company, but its charter did not stipulate charitable activities. And this option disappeared. Time is running out, and in order to provide effective assistance in Volodya’s treatment, I offered to transfer money to my game card. Rest assured, all of them will be used for their intended purpose and will go towards the treatment of Vladimir Molchanov.

"SP":— Remind me how Volodya Molchanov got into the elite club of experts?

— It all started in 1984. Volodya then worked as a sawyer at a factory, and on a dare he wrote a letter with his questions to the editor “What? Where? When?". And already in 1985, he sat down at the gaming table for the first time in a team of beginners. Later he played in the teams of Valentina Golubeva and, finally, Andrei Kozlov.

In 1990, Vladimir Molchanov graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, and already in 1991 the Council of Elders of the club recognized him best player winter series of games. He won the main prize - the Great Crystal Owl and the title of Immortal Member of the Elite Club. The newcomer, with his intelligence and ability to work, did not go unnoticed, and soon received an invitation to work at the Igra television company as an administrator and assistant for Vladimir Voroshilov. In 1994, Vladimir Molchanov was a participant in the “Own Game” program, and, having won two games in a row, received an offer to become its editor-in-chief. He made 100 episodes of the program a year, spending up to 18 hours a day at the computer. Obviously, this lifestyle took a toll on his health.

For those who want to help Vladimir Konstantinovich Molchanov, we provide the details by which money can be transferred.

BRANCH 8607/091 r/account 47422810563079921000

correspondent account 30101810700000000679

BIC 042809679 INN 7707083893 KPP 695202001

In the “recipient” field, indicate TIN 7707083893

Tverskoe OSB 8607 Tver

In the “recipient bank” field you should indicate Tverskoye OSB 8607

l/account 40817810363074540489

Silantiev Nikolai Mikhailovich

my phone: 89206962222

Türkiye does not really like tourists from Russia

On August 21, 2009, an accident occurred in the area settlement Manavgat is 50 kilometers from Antalya. A minibus that was carrying Russian tourists from the airport to the hotel crashed into a regular bus in front. 10 Russians from St. Petersburg were injured. Doctors do not yet allow transportation of patients undergoing treatment. Two had fractures of the lower extremities.

By the way

According to the Russian Union of Travel Industry, Turkey has the largest number of road accidents involving Russian tourists. From 2006 to 2009, in 17 accidents on Turkish roads, seven Russians died and 89 were injured. Egypt occupies the second position in this sad list: during the same period, 15 accidents occurred with Russians, of which 5 were killed, 98 were injured. Ukraine is in third place: 12 incidents, 5 dead, 59 injured.

The top ten countries whose roads are the most dangerous for Russian travelers also include Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, China, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.

Tver resident Nikolai Silantiev won an unprecedented lawsuit against an insurance company

Famous player in “What? Where? When?" from Tver, owner of two “Crystal Owls”, expert Nikolai Silantiev won an unprecedented case for Russia against an insurance company that refused to fully compensate for damage to his car with expensive airbrushing.

Two years ago, Nikolay Silantyev purchased a car with an airbrush design of tulips applied to it, made by the famous metropolitan airbrush Oleg Andronov. This car stood at an exhibition in Moscow for a year, and a note about the combined color was added to its PTS.

However, in April 2012, a neighbor scratched the exclusive car, ruining the beautiful flower “landscape”. According to Nikolai, the car driven by his wife was parked in the yard for several days; it was covered with snow, so the damage was not immediately noticed. The culprit was found only after 4 days - using CCTV cameras installed in the courtyard of the house. Nikolai Silantiev contacted the traffic police. At first, the man denied it, but the “video evidence” presented forced him to admit to what he had done.

Compensation should have been provided insurance company the culprit was Rosgosstrakh, but the insurers agreed to return only part of the amount - about 5 thousand rubles out of 23 spent on restoring the drawing. They motivated this by the fact that airbrushing is “an improvement to the car, and not its original condition.”

Nikolai appealed to the Magistrates' Court of the Zavolzhsky District of Tver, but representatives of the defendant insurance company did not appear at the first two hearings, and the expert had to personally deliver the summons to them. In court, the insurers again brought up the same argument, based on which they initially refused to pay the amount in full. However, the judge listened to the plaintiff’s arguments that he purchased the car with airbrushing, which means that for the owner this is its original condition.

Nikolai Silantiev won the case. According to the judge, this decision was unprecedented for our country. The defendants intended to appeal, but did not do so within the specified period. Now insurers must compensate for another 16 thousand rubles of damage (they managed to slightly reduce the amount).

As Nikolay notes, his case can serve good example for owners of cars with airbrushing who purchased an already tuned car and are afraid that in case of damage the insurance company will not pay them compensation. The main thing is to know the laws and seek what is right.

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