Mount & Blade - Dinars need a bill. The Ultimate Mount & Blade: Warband Guide Mount and Blade Trading Tips

Beginning of the game.

1.Creation of a character. With this you will figure it out. If you do not want to create it yourself, just make money by accident until you find a skin that you like.
2. Before the story. You will be asked a number of questions, starting equipment and stats will depend on these questions. I advise you to choose the most noble past for more intelligence at the start and better equipment.
3.Stats for a character's stat there is a separate section where you can see what affects what, but in the beginning, in my opinion, it is better to pump intelligence.
4. Arrive in the kingdom. You will be asked which ship you want to board.
1) Kingdom swad (orange)
2) Sultan Kingdom (yellow)
3) Khergit Khanate (violet)
4) Kingdom of Rodok (green)
5) Kingdom of Vegir (white)
6) Kingdom Nord (blue)
If you play on a low level of difficulty, it is better to go to the vegir, the bandits and robbers in the vegir have very good equipment.

Character stats.

There are three main sections in character stats: 1) Attributes 2) Skills 3) Skills
—————————————————— ATTRIBUTES ————————————————————
1.Attributes are the most basic skills of a character, there are 4 of them (1) STRENGTH (2) Agility (3) INTELLIGENCE (4) CHARACTER
1. Strength. Every 2 points add one point of health.
The maximum skill point depends on the strength:
1) Vitality
2) Strong blow
3) Strong throw
4) Powerful shot
These skills make up 1/3 of strength, for example: if strength is 3, vitality is not higher than 1
strength 12 Strong throw not higher than 3.
2. Dexterity. Each point is worth 5 points of weapon proficiency and increases the speed of the weapon by 0.5%.
The maximum skill point depends on dexterity:
1) Shields
2) Athletics
3) Weapon proficiency
4) Horseback riding
5) Shooting on horseback
6) Collect trafies
These skills are 1/3 of dexterity, for example: if dexterity is 3 - Shields are not higher than 1
dexterity 12 Harvesting trays 3.
3.Intelligence. Each point of intelligence adds + one point of skills.
The maximum skill point depends on intelligence:
1) Training
2) Tracking
3) tactics
4) Finding a path
5) Packaging
6) Vigilance
7) Bandaging
8) Surgery
9) First aid
10) Engineer
11) persuasion
4. Character: Each skill point increases the maximum squad size by 1.
The maximum skill point depends on the character:
1) Leadership
2) Content of prisoners
3) Trade
—————————————————— SKILLS —————————————————————
Skills in total 24 skills affect everything from the number of prisoners to the speed of movement on the global map.
1) Vitality: each new level of health +2
2) Power Strike: Damage dealt by melee weapons is increased by 8%
3) Powerful Throw: Damage dealt by throwing weapons is increased by 10%
4) Powerful shot: damage done by bow increases by 14%
5) Weapon proficiency: facilitates character training and increases the skill limit by 40
6) Shield Mastery: reduces damage done to the shield by 8% increases the speed of the shield
7) Athletics: increases running speed
8) horse riding: increases the speed of the horse
9) Horse shooting: allows you to shoot more accurately and do more damage in the saddle from a bow
10) Collecting trophies: the amount of loot received increases by 10%
11) Training: your squad gets more experience
12) Tracking: global map becomes more informative.
13) Tactics: each even level of this skill increases the advantage in battle by 1
14) Finding a path: movement speed increases by 1
15) Vigilance packing: the field of vision of the squad is increased by 10%
16) Bandaging wounds: unit healing speed increases by 20%
17) Surgery: 4% chance to survive when fatally wounded
18) First aid: after the battle, the hero and commanders resurrect 5% of health
19) Engineering: the speed of construction of siege towers and buildings in the city increases
20) Persuasion: Helps you win people over to your side
21) Maintenance of prisoners: increases the maximum number of prisoners by 5
22) Leadership: the maximum number of soldiers increases by 5, a decrease in spending on the army
23) Trade: prices in stores are reduced by 5%
24) Packing: the capacity of your inventory is increased by 6 points
—————————————————— SKILLS —————————————————————-
How many I play mount and blade I still don't understand what they are for. Most likely they give a small bonus to speed and damage, there are a lot of different bonuses, but all of them are not significant, in confirmation of my words I will say that my favorite long-range weapon is a crossbow with a level crossbow shots, it got better and did more damage. There are 6 of them in total.
1) One-handed weapon
2) Two-handed weapon
3) Three-handed weapons, joke, polearms
4) Archery
5) Crossbow shooting
6) Throwing

Factions (Mount and Blade: Warband)

There are 6 factions in this game. They are listed below:

The Swad Kingdom is an influential faction. This faction has the strongest knights with fairly well-equipped horses. The capital of this faction, Praven, is almost the most big city in Game. Lady Isolde de Suno claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Harlaus. Germany is the prototype for this faction.

Kingdom of Vegir is a faction that exists in the snow. Knights are the weakest. There are many archers, but they do not aim well. Prince Waldym-Bastard claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Jaroglek. The prototype of this faction is Russia.

The Rodok Kingdom is a faction located in the mountains. They have no horsemen and the foot troops are inferior to the Nords. Lord Castor de Veluca claims the throne. The faction is ruled by King Gravet. Italy is the prototype for this faction.

Kingdom Nord is the northern faction. She has no cavalry. But they have the strongest infantry. Ideal for grabbing locks. But it can also work in open combat. The Nords have the best fortified castles. Letwin the Wanderer claims the throne of this faction. This faction is ruled by King Ragnar. The Normans are the prototype for this faction.

The Saranid Sultanate is a new faction that exists exclusively in the warband. The archers of this faction are pretty strong. The Mamelukes, in turn, just barely reach the wedding knights. Arva claims the throne of this faction. The faction is ruled by Sultan Hakim. The prototype of this faction is the Arabs.

The Hergite Khanate is the weakest faction in the game. There is only cavalry. But the Hergites have pretty fast horses. Dostum Khan claims the throne. Ruled by the Sanjar Khan faction. The prototype for this faction is the Golden Horde.

When capturing a castle, the character creates his own faction, it is red, and you come up with its name yourself.


Mount & Blade: Warband has a multiplayer mode. The multiplayer in this game supports up to 64 players. Some modifications allow you to use multiplayer, the maximum number of players in which is 222. There are different battle modes: Massacre, Wall to Wall, Capture the Flag, Conquest, Battle, Duel and Siege. In these battles, you can earn money, for which you can then buy new equipment for your character.


Companions can be found in taverns in different cities. Each of them has their own biography, which he sets out when joining your squad. Some of the companions require an advance payment, some agree to travel with you for free. You can contain several satellites at the same time, but they will constantly swear among themselves. But if you have lost your companion, you can always find him in some tavern and take him back. Below are the relationships of satellites with each other.

- is friends with Ymira
- feuding with Marnid and Nizar

- is friends with Lezalit
- feuding with Jeremus and Kletty

- is friends with Rolf
- feuding with Marnid and Katrin

- is friends with Marnid
- feuds with Cletty and Deshavi

- is friends with Katrin
- feuds with Lezalit and Rolf

- is friends with Clettey
- feuding with Rolf and Borcha

- is friends with Firentis
- feuding with Matilda and Artinmenner

- is friends with Alaen
- feuds with Matilda and Lezalit

- is friends with Bunduk
- feuding with Baheshtur and Firentis

- is friends with Deshavi
- feuds with Borcha and Artinmenner

- is friends with Artinmenner
- feuding with Bunduk and Ymira

- is friends with Borcha
- feuds with Baheshtur and Alaen

- is friends with Nizar
- feuding with Ymira and Jeremus

- is friends with Mateld
- feuding with Firentis and Alaen

- is friends with Baheshtur
- feuds with Deshavi and Bunduk

- is friends with Jeremus
- feuding with Nizar and Katrin
After that, from the companion, you can make your vassal with his own army. If your companions quarrel at the end, one of them can leave, but perhaps you can dissuade him with sufficient persuasion skill. A certain companion does not sit in a certain tavern, they all travel.

To activate cheats, select the settings menu in the game boot menu and check the box next to "Enable Cheats". In the game, use the following key combinations:
Ctrl + F5 - during the battle, your character is controlled by artificial intelligence;
Ctrl + H - heal your character (only during the battle);
Ctrl + Shift + H - heal the horse (only during the battle);
Ctrl + F3 - cause damage to your character (only during the battle);
Ctrl + X - +1000 gold (on the inventory screen);
Ctrl + X - +1000 experience (on the character screen);
Ctrl + W - increases weapon handling skills;
Ctrl + Alt + F4 - all opponents fall unconscious;
Ctrl + Shift + F4 - knocks down the enemy on which the increase;
Ctrl + Shift + F6 - knocks down all your allies;
Ctrl + F6 - knocks down one of your companions;
Ctrl + F4 - knocks down one of the enemies;
Ctrl + T - allows you to see all objects on the global map;
Ctrl + left click - teleports you to the point you specified on the global map.
I strongly discourage users with cheats because of them, the game will add up to a maximum of an hour.
If you still use cheats during a battle using a combination of all opponents falling unconscious do not accidentally press alt + f4 this will close the game. Also, with cheats enabled, you will not receive achievements.

When capturing a castle, you can appoint yourself as a leader, choose a flag and name a kingdom.
for this you will need silk and tools that can either be bought or taken from peasants, silk cost about 1000 dinars, and tools 450. The higher your honor and glory, the more often vassals will come to you. If vassals do not come to you, but you really want You can designate your companion as a vassal. To do this, go to the squad section, click on the companion, speak then click I want to ask you and ask him if he wants to get a land allotment, then choose what to give him. Soon you will see him patrolling your lands.
Deal with vassals.
If you already have many vassals and you give another allotment, the relationship with the vassal who received the allotment increases and with the rest deteriorates. If one of the vassals has no allotments for a long time, relations with him will deteriorate.
In your squad, you can recruit not only soldiers, but also heroes (vassals). There are 16 such heroes in total. But it’s impossible to miss all of them all the time. they constantly quarrel among themselves, it is usually recommended to have 5-7 heroes at the same time, no more. NPCs can pump the skills of the squad, which are transferred to the entire unit. You can have a hero of a doctor, or a hero of an engineer, etc. , thereby not wasting your points on these skills. Heroes are immortal, they can only be stunned during a battle, they can be taken prisoner, but they cannot be killed. NPC-heroes swing in the same way as the main character. Alayen tactics 1
Artimanner Tactic 2, Engineer 4, Trade 3, Observer, Pathfinder 1
Borcha Pathfinder 3, Pathfinder 2, Observer 3
Bunduk Tactics 1, First Aid 2
Jeremus Surgery 4, treatment, first aid, trade 3
Katrin Trade 3, Treatment 2, First Aid 1
Cage pathfinding, observer, tracker 2
Marnid First Aid Treatment 1 Trade
Meteld Tactics 1
Rolf first aid, surgery 1, Tactics
Ymira first aid, trade 3 surgery, treatment 1

List of 8 NPCs who do not quarrel with each other. (there is not a single Noble NPC in it)

- Deshavi

- Jeremus

- Katrin

- Bunduk

- Marnid

How noble and beautiful Constantinople is! How many monasteries and palaces there are, built with amazing art! How many amazing products are on display in its squares and streets! It would be too long and boring to talk in detail about the abundance of all kinds of riches, about gold, silver, a thousand types of fabrics, holy relics that are in this city, where at any time numerous ships bring everything that people need ...

Fulchery Shartsky

Traders can always be found in towns and villages. In order to sell or buy something, go to the merchant, and when the message "Talk" appears, press the action button.

Trade- This is a team skill, and if at least one member of your squad understands it, then you can take full advantage of this skill.

Prices change depending on how trade is going between cities, caravans and villages. It doesn't hurt to spend a little time looking at all the prices in the market and figuring out which products you can make the most profit from. And then it's simple: buy cheap and sell high.

Each city has a tavern where you can make useful contacts. Firstly, in the tavern, you can recruit mercenaries to the squad. Secondly, you can meet one of the wandering heroes of Calradia and make them your partners. Such companions will be very useful to you: you can equip them and level them up as your character. In addition, they can add new skills to your squad.

We advise you to read:


So. Before I start, I want to tell you about the very concept of trading in Calradia.

Trading in MaB is a very useful way to make money. Moreover, all players who do not play as traders are always partially engaged in this craft. For example, the sale of trophies after the battle, the looted goods from the villages, the sale of prisoners to intermediaries. And what is the merchant himself? He buys a certain product in one city and travels to another, where it will be more profitable to sell this product. At first glance, of course, this way of making money looks unconvincing, in comparison, for example, with the career of a free mercenary. However, a professional trader with an advanced trading skill, who knows the necessary routes and where you can buy goods for pennies and sell them for 500-600 dinars, can earn 2000-3000 dinars for one such route. Interested, right? If so, let's move on to character development.

Character Creation

We take the following origin:
1. Son of an itinerant merchant
2. Shop assistant -
3. Street vendor
4. The peddler

This will give us initially good set attributes for the merchant.

From the distribution of attributes:
We invest all points in intelligence.
We develop to the 4th degree:

1. Belief
2. Finding a path
3. Packaging
4. Tracking

For the remaining point of characteristics, we swing up to 1 content of prisoners.
Distribute weapon points as you like, they do not really play a role for us.

Now let's take a deeper look at the skills a merchant needs:

Trading - there is not much to say here. Trading is our core skill.

Persuasion - useful in the future for conversations with NPCs.

Finding the way and tracking - the merchant needs to move around the map a lot, and often even go to the other end of the map.

Packaging - over time, you will carry a lot of goods. Extra space in your inventory will not hurt.

In the future, focus on development, it is on these characteristics. Improve intelligence and charisma from attributes.

Well, the character is ready. Let's decide on the starting kingdom. In principle, there is not much difference here. Each kingdom has its own goods that can be sold several times more expensive in other countries. So - for your taste.

And now, our character is ready. As soon as we kill the initial bandit, we do not take the quest from the merchant. In the city in which we appeared, we sell all our initial goods (except fish, because there is something we need).

The basics of trading.

So now we have our seed capital. You can already start trading. We do this: go to the city's menu to the market and click "find out local prices", After about half a minute we will be given approximately the following data:

As the best trader in the squad (5 skill points), you try to figure out which goods will be the most profitable to trade. You discover the following:

By purchasing Smoked Fish here and selling it to Narra you will receive a profit of 40 dinars per item.
By purchasing Smoked Fish here and selling it to Tulga you will receive a profit of 39 dinars per item.
By purchasing Smoked Fish here and selling it to Praven you will receive a profit of 16 dinars per unit of goods.

Based on this: we choose a product and a city to taste, buy the product and go to the city, where it can be sold more profitably. This is how we make our fortune. Of course, there are trade routes through which you can earn 1000-2000 dinars per sale. I will not speak, since I myself am not yet very good at this business. Try, experiment and if you search carefully, you will come across a gold mine over time. Therefore, the path of a merchant is not for the lazy. You will have to do this for a long time to earn a big fortune. Well, unless of course you are not a professional in this matter.

Now let's take a look at a few notes:

1. At the beginning of the game, travel alone is better. So you will move very quickly and thus quickly reach destinations and escape from bandits. Then, when your fortune exceeds 1000 dinars, you can already think about security (and thanks to it, you can also extract additional profit from the sale of captured robbers). However, do not hire militias from the villages. First: all the militias are on foot, so they will slow you down very much. Secondly: fighting qualities are also questionable. Therefore, it is better to hire the guards of the Korovans, and if the funds allow, then also the horsemen-mercenaries and knights. In principle, there is also an option with the militias of the Kergit Khanate, since they acquire horses at the second level.

2. From companions it is best to take Marnid, Rolf, Baheshtur and Katrin. Marnid and Catherine will give you a trade bonus. Baheshtur and Rolf will increase their vigilance, pathfinding and tracking skills. At the same time, we buy a horse for all walking companions.

3. Beware of the steppe raiders and Bedouins! Since these guys are running at you with a high speed of movement and may well catch up with our merchant. Therefore, be careful in the Kergit steppes and Sarranid deserts.

Establishment of enterprises.

Manufactories (they are also workshops) are enterprises that can be built in a single copy in any city. They will generate a certain amount of income. In fact, a very wonderful building that allows you to receive a stable income without having a title and a village (city, castle).

It is better to start the construction of a workshop with a condition of at least 2500 dinars.

In order to build it, you need to go to the shop foreman in any city and say that we want to open our own enterprise. At the same time, in order for the guild master to agree, it is enough to have 0 relations with the city and its owner-feudal lord. And if the relationship is not spoiled, the shop foreman offers a list of possible enterprises, and upon detailed inquiry, tells about the income and expenses from this enterprise. Therefore, you need to choose wisely what type of manufactory and where to open it. Travel around the cities, get accustomed and sooner or later come across the best option... At the same time, enterprises can bring different income. They can bring 1,500 dinars, or they can work at a loss or at a measly 100-200 dinars.

And as soon as you open the enterprise, the shop foreman will notify us that until the moment when it starts working, you need to wait 7 in-game days. And when they run out, your business will start generating income. It operates according to this principle - raw materials are purchased and the final product is made from it. However, there are also some tricks here. By default, your workers buy raw materials from the city market, but if you know where raw materials are sold even cheaper, then you can buy raw materials yourself, thus reducing costs. You can also order the workers not to sell the finished product, but to leave it in the warehouse. So that you can find where you can sell the product even more profitably and thus carry it for sale yourself. But this is certainly not for the lazy.

At the beginning of the game, I advise you to pump Charisma and leadership. You will need an army, and leadership is necessary for the number of the squad. The rest is up to you ...

After you talked with de Clermont and completed his quest, the question arises: "what to do?". In this article I will try to present the options.

Firstly, it is best, if you are playing for the first time, to complete the quests of the headman of Zamosh, this will earn you money and get to know the game. After completing the quests, you stand in the middle big card of the world of MiB OiM, and the thought arises: "where are we going?" In the game, the most important means of survival, and the essence of the game is the army. The army can be recruited from mercenary camps, taverns, villages, and prisoners. At the beginning of the game, you only need the first two options.

We go to the camp of the mercenaries (one camp for each of the factions) of the selected faction and talk to the captain of the mercenaries of this faction. We choose the type of troops, we buy, and it is also desirable to buy good weapon with the remaining money, it is not worth buying soldiers with all the money at once. Now, having a small squad of mercenaries, you can do the following to promote the character and earn a little capital at first.

There are several ways to make money in M&B O&M.

1. Military action against the lords.

2. Destruction of villages.

3. Destruction of caravans.

4. Completing quests / special tasks.

5. Battles with deserters.

6. Trade.

In the first couples, it is best to complete special tasks, earning money and improving relations with factions. Also, complete quests with the lords, this will also improve your relationship with them.

After earning some money to complete tasks, you can go to the mercenary camp and buy good equipment for your soldiers. Do not spare money for this. having a well-equipped detachment of mercenaries, you can easily walk around the world map, rob villages and deprive thieves and robbers of the last coin.

I would advise you to choose a faction with which you will fight before joining any faction. The point is that, as can be seen from the above means of earning, at first, almost everything is military action. Having chosen the faction against which you will fight, get ready and start raiding. "All is fair in war!" - destroy carts, burn villages. You won't get much from the convoys in OiM, but this is experience, fame and some kind of money, you can also get a good saber or clothes. But by destroying villages, you get both money and important provisions that regulate the morale in the detachment, but relations with both the village and the lord and with the faction are severely deteriorated.

Against the lords, if there are not 20 of them in the detachment, and this happens during a war, I do not advise you to fight. Also, if you are not sure of victory, I do not advise you to fight with deserters, especially Rech Posopolita and Zaporozhtsev, Moscow. Well, if you have gathered, I advise you to read an article about which type of troops, which one to go against. against deserters, this would be better suited. When you defeat them, you get money, equipment, goods, experience, glory, as well as warriors.

Also, if you are not lazy, you can do trade. There are several ways to trade in the game.

1. Purchase / sale.

2. Sale of goods obtained during battles / devastation.

The second option involves knowing the places where you can profitably "drive" the goods.

The first is about the same, but also knowledge of the place where it is profitable to buy goods. Disclosure of such subtleties, I consider unacceptable. It is better to travel around the cities yourself and find out (write down on a piece of paper where, for what, and how). I can only advise. It often happens that the goods in the villages / villages can cost less than the goods in the city / castle, which allows you to get benefits (in villages, often meat, fish, tools, salt, flour, linen costs much less than in castles), it often happens that there is good trade between the villages (say, the Moscow region and the villages of Sweden, where meat is cheap). Travel around the cities with tasks from the lords at the same time and find out.

Now you have capital. We go to the mercenary camp and buy a normal squad of well-equipped warriors, but then ...

All of these tips are just the foundation of your game. Choose what you like and change it to suit your style.

I've been playing for a long time different modifications Mount & Blade, and the only thing that puzzled me in the game all the time was me - where to get so much money so that you can maintain a large army?

As lyrical digression I want to remind you that the toy is already quite ancient. But the developers can please us soon with the second version of the game. Let those aesthetes rejoice at whom the graphic component of the gameplay is important, in the second part (judging by the screenshots) everything will be nice and smooth.

But back to the money. If you do not need to defend vast territories by creating garrison accumulation points in cities and castles, then perhaps you will not face financial problems. A detachment of 1.5-2 hundreds of warriors can be fed through random trade, rare robberies and periodic withdrawals of the tote bank when participating in tournaments. If you keep a large garrison in the cities and castles of your possessions, then dinars are leaking out of your pockets rapidly.

How to improve your financial situation - here are 101 out of 20 possible ways :).

Buying a business in cities.

This can be the main most stable and largest source of weekly income for your treasury. You can buy 1 business in every city. To do this, you need to talk to the Guild Master, who can be found walking around the city. He is immediately visible in the city flea market - he stands still and is in no hurry. He will offer a list of options and explain each in terms of benefits. You will need to invest a lump sum of 2500 to 10,000 dinars to receive a weekly income from the enterprise.

If the Guild Master refuses to buy a business, then he usually explains the reason for the refusal (you can be in hostile relations either with a faction or with the owner of the city). Eliminate the cause and come back again.

Remember that during a war with a faction that owns cities, profits from their enterprises will not go to the treasury (under sequestration status).

Land ownership

Or rather, not lands, but villages and cities. Profit from tax collections (rent) from settlements may not be very bad. Depends on both random factors and the well-being of these items. There are several obvious disadvantages - land can be taken away. In addition, the villages are constantly robbed and they must be guarded, otherwise the peasants will have nothing to pay.

To obtain possessions, you can become a vassal and indulge in all the serious intrigues of the court. Then new lands (seized during the next interfactional war) will often get you.

With a sufficient level of rights to the throne (right to rule) - you can create your own faction. And then all the captured lands will retreat to you. Then they will have to be handed out in order to attract vassals, tk. it is very difficult to defend a growing territory alone, because you cannot be in several places of the map at once, repelling the attacks of belligerent neighbors.

Summing up, I will say that land management is a troublesome event.


As long as you are not a member of any faction, you can hire as a mercenary to serve one of the kings. You will be entitled to a small weekly salary. A trifle, but nice. But it is unlikely that you will go for a long time as a mercenary.

Looting caravans

You can engage in robbery without thinking about the consequences (rob everyone in a row). But I will tell you how to rob correctly.

Firstly, you need to join some faction, because you should plunder under the aegis of inter-faction wars. When the war ends, the relationship with the hostile faction is restored (no matter how you spoil them with caravan raids).
Secondly, there is no need to carry a large detachment with you. Caravans are few in number, and their security is weak. Our own mobility is important for us, so as not to spend a lot of time running after the caravan (a detachment of 50-60 soldiers will be enough with a large margin). Such characteristics of the detachment are important as path-finding, looting, as well as inventory managment. Just like the Olympic - faster, higher, stronger :).
Third, one should hunt not far from a large friendly city - they plundered, immediately sold, again in the field.

Robbery doesn’t make much money, but it’s motivation and experience. Sometimes you come across some useful outfit for the NPC of your squad.


Tournaments are our everything. Using bets, you can earn about 4000 dinars in one tournament + 200 dinars for winning the tournament itself. Then this amount will decrease (when the city finds out that you are an awesome fighter, then the bets will not be so profitable for you).

Tournaments are the most likely path for initial capital accumulation. And then, during the whole game, they bring their dividends (+ fame, popularity in cities, experience).

You can find out where tournaments are currently taking place from the arena tournament manager.


If you intend to do trade, then pay attention first of all to skills - Trade, Path-finding and Inventory managment. The first two can be developed by your NPCs, but the last one is a leader's skill and must be "pumped" from your own character.

Mobility is important for trade, so you don't need to carry a large detachment with you - 30-40 warriors are enough to fight off bandits, deserters and carry out missions along the way.

In every city there can be found an inexpensive product to buy, and that product that will be in great demand. First you need to wander, study the price ranges (I will not deprive you of this pleasure). Most low prices may appear when shopping for goods in villages. Usually there are few products there, but it happens that they are sold at prices below the market baseboard. Do not hesitate to visit villages!


Various missions can also be performed in the game. Biggest jackpot For completing the mission, I received for the Guild Master quest, where he asked to persuade a couple of princes of the warring factions about a truce. The amount was 12,000 dinars.

At the same time, the princes could be bribed (each of them demanded 7000 dinars); persuade (reduce the cost of bribing them), for which you need to have a very developed Persuation skill. If your relationship is very good with these princes, then you can persuade them by sacrificing your location (-30 points in the relationship). In general, there are many options - but the most profitable was to capture both in battle.

There are many missions and often they provide for many solution options (financially beneficial for you, or vice versa).

Bounty Hunting, Slave Trade, and Ransom.

On the map, you will more than once notice detachments of manhunters who rush behind scattered gang formations. We, too, can become "bounty hunters." Soldiers captured by ordinary opponents can be handed over to slave traders (merchants wander around cities and can be found in taverns). Pay attention to the skill - Prisoner Managment, it expands the maximum number of escorted captured enemies.

Captured princes cannot be sold as ordinary soldiers, but sometimes a solid ransom is offered for them (depending on the importance of the person). For kings, I was offered 17,500 dinars each. It is not known how much VIP prisoners will have to carry with them before the ransom is offered. But if you were offered a ransom, and you refused, then the next time the offer will be more interesting. Refusal, however, affects the relationship with the faction.

There is a chance that the prince will escape from captivity. Also, when peace is concluded between factions, you release all prisoners of this faction to freedom.

There is one more practical note about capturing the enemy alive. Barbed-cutting weapons are usually fatal to the enemy. But there are also non-lethal means of combat :). These are light sticks. You can also foist them on your NPCs. But it is enough to arm yourself with such a club yourself in order to rationally and purposefully carry out the task of capturing the enemy alive.

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