Monster world 4 walkthrough. Monster World IV review


A- (not immediately available) - call the kitten to you, or let it go in one direction or another;
IN- blow with a sword;
WITH- jump (Down + C - jump from platforms);
Down- put up a shield;
Left or Right- (2 times) running;
Up- talk to someone, enter the door, open the chest;

The kitten (later turning into a huge cat) is a multifunctional assistant. He can:
1. Throw you up on mini-volcanoes
2. Look for secret doors
3. Pull you out of the water
4. Move the raft
5. Turn into a piece of ice.
6. Put out the fire
You can also use it to make double jumps and long gliding flights.
The recording of the game is a conversation with the elder and the answer “yes” (top line of hieroglyphs). Then in one of the two files you write down your situation, which will hold. You won't be able to erase it anymore.


GOLD INGOT- exclusively for sale;
ELIXIR- after your death, automatically restores your entire life;
GENIE'S LAMP- calling a genie that takes you to the city from any place;
MASCOT- needed to open doors to worlds;
CARPET- he's an airplane. You can fly on it, which is necessary in one of the worlds;
BRANCH- restores 3 units of vital energy;
EGG- your kitten friend appears from it;
BOMB- “key” to doors that cannot be opened;
KEYS- the same thing, but more civilized;
DROP-10 such drops add one heart of vital energy.

By clicking " Start", you can see what items you have in stock. You can also use the desired item (select with the cursor and WITH).


You start in your home village, on a cliff. The village elder approaches you and speaks of your high mission, then leaves. Go right, go down the bridge; there you will see the first hut. Enter it, go down the rope and go right. Talk to the woman who will put a chest in front of you with an elixir inside. Go back, but do not climb up the rope, but go through the door below it. To your right is a sorceress who will tell you about the purpose of special artifacts. A chest will appear containing five droplets.
Now go to the far left door, go down the bridge and open the chest. In it lies crystal ball- the key to the next world. Take it, leave the hut and go right.
Further on there is another hut that you don’t have to go into. Go further, local residents will accompany you. Having reached old man in a blue robe, save your game. In the future you will meet with old man quite often.
Now your cloudless existence will be overshadowed by the appearance of the first enemies. Collect all the coins and bags of money that they leave behind - the money will be very useful to you. After going forward a few screens, you will come to an eared idol. Sacrifice him crystal ball. A palace will rise from the ground where your adventures will continue.
Sign up with the elder and enter all the doors one by one (except for the door with a lock - it requires a key), climbing the ropes and platforms. As a result, you will find a chest containing the one you need key. Return to the place where the elder stands and use key near the door. Having entered the door, move on: you need to go into all the doors and kill everyone who is there. After this, passages and platforms will appear. Take it from one of the chests key just one more locked door. Behind this door, while climbing the rope, beware of the spikes that appear and disappear. Having climbed the platforms even higher, do not enter the door at the top: you will fall into the middle of the level and will have to go through the already completed section of the game again. Go immediately left. In the first room, after you kill the goblin with the mace, a chest will appear with gold bar.
After entering the second door, climb the rope, waiting for the appearing spikes to disappear, and then go through the corridors with spikes. If you, leaving the door, jump down through the platform (there awaits you old man), you will have to go through the spiked area again. It's better to go right and jump down. Next to the sites there is a machine that sells hearts. Having completely restored your energy, go up the platforms to the door leading to the first boss games. This giant caterpillar, which must be hit on the head while jumping. After defeating the boss, you will receive a chest containing lamp with genie. Use lamp, And genie will take you to the city (the top line of hieroglyphs corresponds to “yes”).
You will find yourself at the idol statue - pray, and all the missing hearts will be restored to you. Go right to the nearest building, enter it and talk to the woman there (press Up near her). In a conversation with her, you will see that she asks you a question: she is asking you to sell gold bar which is with you. An icon will appear with two Japanese words: the first is “yes” (I want to sell the item I have), the second is “no” (I am not selling my item).
Answer “no” first, as the lady will offer you 500 coins. Then answer her question "yes" and you'll be sold. gold bar for 800 coins.
After a successful transaction, go left, where you will see a door. Log in ( Up at the door).
Climb the stairs that appear in front of you using the jump (button WITH). At the top you will see a chest containing gold bar. Go downstairs into the room and sell the bar for 800 coins. After this, return to the room where you took the ingot and enter the door located near this chest: you will find yourself on the roof of the house.
There are two palm trees on the left. If you stand between them and press Up, a chest will appear, opening which you will receive a bunch of coins.
Jump down, go to the next house and talk to the weapon and shield sellers. You will be able to purchase sword And shield, which have greater attack and defense parameters than the ones you have. Enter the door leading to the next room where the chest will be located. Open it up and you can take elixir(but if you didn't use your previous elixir, then you won’t take this one - the chest will close again). Exit this building and go left until you see the entrance to castle, which is blocked by guards. Talk to one of them and answer “yes” to his question. Then the guards will part and clear your way into castle.
In palace go upstairs and go through the door that is above your head. After entering this door, go upstairs (left or right along the stairs leading up). Near the painting on the wall, click Up and you will be able to see the map MONSTER WORLD"a. After that, go through the door nearby and go to the princess. Always answer “yes” to the princess’s questions (buttons A or WITH). If you do everything correctly, then after each question to which you answered “yes”, a characteristic bell will sound. Go back to the door and exit. Go down and, having reached the next door, under which there is a ladder, go down this ladder, enter the door on the left and go to the door where the guard is. You will come to a storage room with six chests. Open them and you can purchase pentagram key for the first door in the temple, egg, gold bar, elixir, several shining droplets and money. After that, exit palace.
Then go right to the idol and use egg. You will see a funny mini screensaver where your friend will hatch from an egg - flying kitten. After going through the city all the way to the right, you can buy from a man standing in the garden armor(vital energy +5). Now go to temple(the leftmost building behind the palace). Elder temple moves to the side, and, using the amulet, you can enter the first door of the first world.
Go left, in especially high places, use a double jump with a kitten. Having climbed to the very top of the mountain, jump across the platforms; where the direction arrow is drawn, use a double jump - otherwise you will under-jump.
Continue moving left. Once at the very top, go down from the other side of the roof. Kill three goblins; blow up the closed door bomb from the chest below and enter there.
You find yourself in a world of underground caves. Look for chests with bombs to blow up cave entrances. Fire geysers are dangerous to health: to cross them, launch into the geyser kitten. When climbing the ropes, watch which side the stones begin to fall from so that you can turn in the opposite direction.
To protect yourself from fireballs falling from above, protect your head kitten. When flames fly out of the holes, place shield.
So move to the blue button above the thick beam. "Enable" with kitten button - this will move the thick beam. Go down and cross the bridge over the hot lava.
Stand under the arrow and kitten press the button. Then jump along the moving beams to the top, and then to the right. Below in the pit, press the button: the stone cubes that have fallen from above form a staircase along which you will climb up. Run to the right and jump down to the door.

Take kitten and, having released it onto the geyser, stand on its head. Kitty will fly up and you
along with him.
After passing two geysers in this way, you should get into the right niche in the wall; there is a chest with bomb. Take it and climb up the second geyser again. Jumping up the platforms, blow up the door and enter it. After going all the way down and to the left, take bomb.
Climb up the rope and platforms (flames will attack you from different sides) to the door, behind which you will meet boss - flying bird. It is better to hit him from the court, not allowing him to get closer to you.
After killing him, open the chest that appears with bomb and blow up the door. Behind it is the second part of this inhospitable world. Climb the rope to the top; Ghosts will try to attack you - kill them. Climb up, kill the ghosts and go down, then left and right. Enter the door, jump into the pit and go through the second door below. There, in the room, lies a chest with bomb and is located old man.
Sign up, then exit, go up the geyser and go up and to the left; blow up the door and enter it. Continue moving further, to the fiery lava, where there is no bridge, press the button at the top, which raises the beam from under the river of fire, and open the chest with gold bar. Go to the other end and enter the next room.
Collect all the coins, all the artifacts along the geysers and then climb up through the beams constantly moving in all directions to the door. Going down, kill three ghosts and enter the door. On the right, in the machine, buy hearts and go left. Get onto the second platform and kitten press the button that extends the beam. Jump to the right, stand under the button and press it yourself. At the top, click on the buttons to reach the upper left corner. Go through the corridor with six spiky balls while collecting coins.
Jump down, maneuvering between the fireballs, and go right. Climbing up the rope, you will get to old man where you can sign up. Then cross the first fire bridge by jumping without kitten; protracted planning kitten cross the second and third bridges, the fourth and fifth are completely similar to them. Read the three signs at the end of the last bridge and answer all the questions “yes” (first line): a passage down to boss.Boss represents fireball with arms topped with spiky balls. Hit him, trying to dodge when he swings his arms. After defeating the boss genie will take you to the city again.
Head towards the palace, but do not enter the palace itself, but go up the stairs on the left side to the main entrance to the building. Go to the left of it to the edge of the wall and use the double jump with the kitten to jump over to the opposite wall. There you can open a chest containing shining droplets. Go to the tree where it is already ripe magic fruit, and shake it.
You will see a mini screensaver where your flying kitty, having eaten fetus, will grow and become bigger. Go back to town and sell gold bars for 1500 coins. Then go to the store and buy from the seller sword for 3000 coins, which is in the next room of this building. Get out of it and go right. After one building you will see a tower. Enter it. To your left there is a special staircase consisting of platforms. Climb up along it (using a jump WITH). There will be a door at the top; open it and go down ( Down + C). You will see a room with a chest.
Open it and take the pentagram key to the second door in temple. Exit the tower and go right to the dead end where the armor seller is located. You can buy armor from him for 3600 coins. Then go to temple and, approaching the second door, use pentagram key. You will find yourself in the second world on the edge of a forest with palm trees.
After several screens you will reach the shore of the pond. into the mysterious thickets. Don't relax too much at the sight of the "very harmless harpy statues" (some of them come to life and shoot lightning at you). Go right further and further until you reach a dead end with a stone. Read the inscription on the stone and return to the column you passed without the reflection in the water. Come close to this column and click Up. Then, standing so that the column covers you, press Down and jump and you will enter the sewer.
You fall down into a room with an entrance to another room. The entrance at this level is a hole in the wall (hereinafter, for convenience, it will be called a door). Enter it and safely fall into the stream of water. The water will carry you into the first tunnel. Then, when you swim out of the first tunnel, you must jump to the opposite bank, otherwise the flow of water will carry you down into the second tunnel, which is located under the bank you want. Once on the shore, double jump to the opposite shore with your kitten, stand under a burning torch and blow it out with the help of your friend (every time you complete the task correctly or find the desired item, a characteristic bell will sound). Next, boldly jump into the stream and rush into the second tunnel. Go to the edge of the shore and jump over the abyss to the opposite shore, where there is a chest with gold bar. Jump down into the stream of water rushing to the left. If you did not blow out (or were unable to blow out) the first torch, then go right and do the same operation as described above.
If you did everything right, go left and jump into the pipe leading down. Once you get into the water, be very careful. As soon as you see the shore, try not to hit the object floating in front of it when jumping on it, otherwise you will lose energy. Go left and jump into the water, which will take you a little higher (collect coins). With the help of my friend- kitten climb the flying platforms higher to the upper-left dead-end corner and enter the door.
Go further, go past the fountain, jump into the next abyss straight into the water and swim into the tunnel. After you jump out of the geyser, go right and jump into the water. Feel free to rush along the stream into the next tunnel. Emerging from this tunnel, you can open a chest with elixir or continue to rush along the stream of water. If you want to take elixir, after you swim out of the tunnel, try to jump out of the water.
Next, to continue your path, jump back into the water. The water will bring you to the entrance to the following rooms. Blow out the torch to clear the passage. In front of the fire, use a double jump with your friend to jump up. Enter the right door and go right and move on. Soon you will come to a machine selling hearts, and next to it is the entrance. Replenish the missing hearts and you will then fall into a small room with a stream of water where there is a droplet in the upper left corner. If you want to take it, jump to the left as soon as you find yourself in the water. After passing this room, you will be pushed out by a geyser into the next one. Go left and jump into the pipe leading down. Then enter the door in front of you. You will leave this room and enter the next one. Blow out the torch and enter the bottom door (to the left of the torch). You will fall into a rushing stream of water. Be careful! Jump ashore without swimming into the tunnel. Then, jumping onto the flying platform, you can take the bucket(you can't complete this mission without it).
If you were sucked into a tunnel and didn't take bucket, come back and get it. Next with bucket jump into the water, swim calmly until a geyser of water pushes you out. Go through the doors and finally you will reach the fountain you were already at. Apply bucket near the fountain and fill it with water. Next, jump down and rush through the water until the geyser pushes you out. Go to the fire next to the sign and put it out (use bucket of water), then jump down. There are four doors below: go to the far right. After swimming through the tunnel, jump out to the door on the right, enter it, blow out the torch and return.
Jump into the water and swim into the next tunnel. Then, when you emerge from this tunnel, jump to the opposite shore without touching the shocking object. After that, double jump with your friend- kitten, jump over to the next bank to the fountain.
Fill again bucket with water and jump back. Enter the only door on this shore - you will find yourself in a room with a torch. Extinguish the torch. After that, jump down and go left to the end, enter this door (do not enter other doors - you will only waste time and, possibly, lose energy). Once you fall, you can enter another door.
Once you fall from above, go right and put out the fire. Open the chest and you will acquire several droplets. Enter the door below, get to the fountain and refill bucket water. Return to the place where you put out the fire for the last time. Put out the fire below and enter the door in front of you. After that, go right, jump into the water (if you catch on the single rope, you will open the chest and take some gold).
When you see the first of three ropes, immediately cling to it, and so, jumping from rope to rope, you can get to the shore. Continue moving to the right, jumping over obstacles in the water. After passing a series of such obstacles, you must jump into the water, the flow of which will carry you into another tunnel. Once you jump out of this tunnel, jump along the vertical streams of water to the left and you will emerge to the exit of this waterfall. Go left and enter the first door. There you will see machine with hearts and old man.
After the necessary actions, leave here and go left to the abyss. Jump into it and you will fight giant ostrich. To defeat this ostrich, you must catch up with it and try to hit it with your sword more often, otherwise you will have to additionally fight with small evil birds that multiply quite quickly. When you're done with ostrich, a passage will open on the right. Once there, you will see five torches. Blow out the second and fourth and a door will open on the left. Enter it and go left to a large room filled with water. Platforms will fly above the surface of the water: by jumping on them and collecting coins, make your way to the next rooms. Then jump into the water, and a stream of air will carry you through the pipes. Jump out when you have the opportunity (from the left edge) and jump into the water again. When you are carried into the left tunnel and pulled down, press Up and call kitten (A).
Jump to the left and put out the torch. Jump back, put out another torch and the air from the new pipe will take you to the exit. Stand on raft and call cat: it blows against the movement and moves the raft. So move to the exit. Go to the pipe and use bucket. An old man will appear from there: answer “no” to his questions, and jump into the pipe, to boss. At first it will be blue caterpillar which is very easy to deal with. Then it will appear four-legged creature, which needs to be hit only on the blue legs (from behind) before it has time to turn around. After winning, you will find yourself back in the city.
Sell ​​in the city gold and shop in stores. Also don't forget to buy new ones in the garden on the right armor. Feed in the royal garden kitten one more thing apple. Go into the tower, enter the door where the passage has become free, and open the chest - there is the key to the third level. Enter the 3rd door (ice world) and go to pyramids. Talk to sphinx and go through the first door in the pyramid that appears. Here you should find five stone idols and in a special room place them on shelves in a certain order. Conventionally, these idols can be called as follows: lion, dove, angel, owl and cher groin To enter any door, each time you need to dial one of the codes: red - ABCB, blue - WAAS, white - SASSA and black - ASAAAAS.
First, go left to the first door, enter it, go right to the abyss, jump over the abyss and open the chest containing stone lion idol. Jump into the abyss, go all the way to the left and go through the door. Now go right to the gap with the lift and take the chest to the right in the wall stone turtle idol, and in the parallel left passage will lie map, with the help of which it will be much easier for you to navigate the intricate corridors of the pyramid. Take the lift down and go left to a door, then right to a room with five shelves. Put turtle to the first one, and lion- on the second one, go back left to the door where you came from and go right. Enter the door and take the lift to the left. In the room in the chest you will find owl idol. After falling into the abyss, you must enter the first passage on the right. Having gone to the end, in the chest you will take dove idol. In the room with butts put owl to the middle niche, pigeon to the next one. After leaving this room, go again to the door with the white code, take the lift to the very top and go left to the door between two vases with snakes. Enter the door and go all the way to the right, past the lift, to another door, then left to the end, and in the chest you will take the last one idol-angel. Now go back to the room with the shelves and place angel for free space - on the fifth shelf. A door will appear below, behind which the boss of this world is waiting for you. Win flying monster with an ax is not particularly difficult if you dodge the blue balls that he releases in time. Having won boss, enter the door that appears, and the first world is icy pyramids passed!
After talking with sphinx, you will be able to enter the second world. Here the task is the same - to find and place correctly five stone idols, but in a different order: dove, angel, owl, lion, turtle. To find invisible doors, always resort to the help of a cat: he will stop where these doors are located. Explore all the corridors so as not to miss a single door, as there are chests in different places, in addition to stone idols, you can find other useful things ( money, gold). Navigate by map, and you will easily complete this mission (especially since you have experience in completing the first world). Room for idols located to the left of the lift (in the center of the top of the map). At the bottom of the map there is another lift (in the shape of an inverted letter T), by climbing it and going through the invisible door, you can save the game at old man. To enter the door hanging in the air, freeze to the left of it cat into an ice cube and use the cube as a stand.
After going from the lift to the right to the end (through the room with columns and inscriptions on the wall), you must kill the guard with a sword and shield, and only then a chest with idol-dove. Having collected all the idols, place them in the right order and go through the door that appears. U old man save your game and go through the door nearby. To get into the door hanging in the air in the next room, take the lift to the very top, freeze the cat in an ice cube and push the cube down so that it falls in front of the door. Behind the door you will again meet the flying monster from the first world, only now he is armed not with an ax, but with a mace. After defeating the boss, exit pyramids and go to to the sphinx. He will ask you 10 questions. Everything must be answered correctly (“yes” or “no”), then the door will open. If you answered incorrectly, go to the lower left corner, to the water pouring from the pipe, click Up and return again to to the sphinx. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to answer all the questions correctly the first time, so here you need to show maximum patience. You either need to click “yes” or “no” at random (then you can do this ad infinitum), or try to visually remember which hieroglyphs you answer “yes” to and which ones “no”. In the end you will answer all the questions sphinx, and he will mercifully allow you to go to the third icy world pyramids.
In this world stone idols you need to arrange it like this: owl, angel, turtle, dove, lion. Using the map as your guide, go through all the doors and kill all the enemies (some chests appear only after this). The areas in front of each door are covered in ice. When you slide on the ice, don't press jump, just slide. If you pressed jump and fell, then call to you cat and let it go, then you are back on your feet.
If you can't stop in front of the door, use cat Cat It will also help you to melt ice slabs to clear passages in some rooms.
Having obtained five idols and placing them in order, you will meet the main boss of the pyramid - the ice robot, which is not difficult for anyone to defeat. After defeating him genie will take you back to the city.
Go into the farthest building on the right. The man in the black hat will say something to you, and instantly the creatures flying everywhere in the city will change their color, and the music will become different - alarming. Now go to lock to the princess, where the guards will attack you, and she princess with the help of a black flying creature will destroy your faithful friend - cat. After this you will have to fight the warlike princess, which is not very easy to defeat, but it must be done. After defeating the princess, you will again find yourself in the city, near the idol statue. In the chest lies key - pentagram who will open the last door to temple. You will find yourself in a transcendental world. Go all the way to the right and on the third screen kill the cloud on the right (it flies lower than the others). A chest will appear with magic carpet, applying which at the edge of the cloud, you will reach flying castle.
Here you will often have to run, rather than walk, in order to get to one place or another.
First, go left along the corridor. If there are niches in the floor, jump into them - very heavy gears crawl at the top. To the left, onto a high ledge, you can jump on the gear.
Press the button and run up and to the right until the door closes. Run to the right along the corridor, and, since the gears come in pairs, wait longer. Go right to the end and use the springs in the wall and floor to reach old man, where you can save the game. Climbing up the rope from old man, move left using the gear blocks and moving platforms to go up. This stage requires special care and attention, since you need to accurately calculate the time to press the button and have time to slip into the opened passage. Move further, opening spiked doors and using moving platforms, to a darkened room where seven little people stand. Entering the figured door, you will again meet the same people. Talk to the man standing in the middle and a hole in the floor will appear, leading you to monster, similar to a giant fly agaric cap. It is not him who needs to be beaten, but the little monsters that he releases. The monster will gradually move and open a passage for you to the boss - a smaller copy of itself. This monster can and should be destroyed. After defeating the boss, take various useful items in several chests on the right in the wall.
Go through a series of rooms with moving platforms and blowers (this also requires skill) and you will reach to the main boss level - storm cloud.
By killing boss, return to the city. After replenishing the energy at the idol, go to castle To princess. To enter the door, answer "no" to the guard's question. Fight with princess However, you won't be able to kill her. As soon as you are defeated, the wall will be broken... by your kitty, but huge in size - almost half the screen (after talking with princess click the button A to summon a kitten). He will free princess from witchcraft, and the whole world will become clean and prosperous. But the main evil lurks in the bowels of the earth, under lock and key. Fall there - and the last level is in front of you! Here you will be asked to walk through corridors filled with all the monsters from the game and bosses.
By defeating everyone, you will finally free this world from evil forces!

Monster Hunter: World is a varied game in which you can improve your character in several ways, engage in various activities, kill large and small monsters and even catch them for additional rewards. It’s very easy to get lost in all this diversity, and we’ll tell you exactly what you should do in the first stages of the game.

In the beta, everything was confusing and looked ambiguous. The good news is that the complete edition gradually brings you up to speed, introducing one system after another, allowing you to understand everything. However, even this approach does not make Monster Hunter: World an intuitive game.

First, select a weapon

It’s not difficult to explain the principle of Monster Hunter in a nutshell - go hunting, kill small creatures, equip yourself better and go to destroy more formidable opponents. However, if you divide the game into parts, it becomes much more difficult. The first thing to do is choose a weapon. There are 14 types of weapons to choose from, all of which were present in previous games in the series. Each weapon has its own star rating, which indicates how easy it will be for a beginner to handle.

In addition, weapons are divided by severity - there are larger items on display, such as great Ola swords and axes, but there are also more sophisticated options, including a two-handed glaive. There is also a long-range weapon for attacking monsters from afar. Good weapons for beginners would be longswords, sword and shield combos, dual swords, and a light crossbow.

You can head to your room to access the training area. This will allow you to try out the weapon, as well as study all the available combos, hints for which will appear on the screen. This definitely needs to be done at least once.

Find the best weapons and armor

Once you start killing monsters, you'll want to visit a workshop where you can craft better equipment from their remains. Of course, the weapon upgrade tree is much more complex, but first you need to remember one thing - there are no useless upgrades! There is no need to spend a lot of time choosing a more important upgrade, since each of them will bring its own benefits.

It’s easier with armor - it doesn’t have an improvement system. You simply create the best armor possible based on the monster parts you collect. On the other hand, armor has a large number of parameters that you need to gradually understand, but in the early stages, focus on the equipment that has the highest protection rating.

Eat before or during every hunt

Food, which can be bought or prepared in the canteen under the direction of the one-eyed cat, gives an increase in health, attack, defense and much more. As you progress in the game, the food will improve. In addition, you can eat food by the fire by organizing camping in the field. Items for crafting

During your journey you will collect many plants, insects, mushrooms and other ingredients. All of this can be used to create useful items that will provide an advantage in battle - for example, a potion that improves strength or an antidote that cures diseases. You can do this at any location through the corresponding menu or by standing near an item box and using the crafting list. The last one is easiest. There is also an automatic creation feature that is active from the very beginning of the game. Whenever you pick up ingredients for a potion or other common item, the game will automatically create them (if the right amount is collected).

Use the map

The map in Monster Hunter: World is the most useful tool. When you explore a new location, it is filled with various markers that indicate where the rally points, monsters, camps and everything else that may be useful during the journey are located. Look at her as often as possible.

Take time to research

After the first hour or so of play, you'll be able to go on expeditions. This is the free roam mode in Monster Hunter: World. There are no goals or time limits, and you are free to explore the world around you, avoid or engage in battles with monsters. It's definitely worth taking the time to do. This is one of the best ways to get acquainted with beautiful places, try to find all the secrets and hidden corners of each location. Even after 20 hours of play, you will find new places in the first location, in the Ancient Forest.

Tracking Monsters

Monsters always leave traces behind them. We are talking about footprints, as well as clots of mucus (saliva), etc. By studying such traces, you understand the monster better. After this, the scouts will be able to understand in which direction the monster went, which will allow you to track it down. It will also be marked on the map. Select the monster you want to see on the map and the scouts will do the rest.

Use Slinger

The Slinger is a versatile tool that can be used as either a crossbow or a grappling hook. Objects scattered around locations are used as ammunition - stones, seeds, moss. The Slinger will be loaded with the last ammo picked up. Typically, these weapons will not cause significant damage to the monster, but are a useful tool for studying the environment.

Using a slinger.

Look around to see grapple points, hanging rocks that you can shoot or throw at the monster, or traps that you can activate by shooting a rock, such as plants that release poison. If you need to get past the monster, you can distract it by shooting any projectile at the wall.

The hunt begins with preparation

Monster Hunter veterans will be happy to know that you no longer need to fill your inventory with a fishing rod, monster net, pickaxe, or barbecue. All these items will always be with you and will not take up space in your inventory. Monster parts also return to base. Therefore, after destroying a monster, you will not have to throw away several previously collected mushrooms in order to pick up the dropped reward.

This means that your bag now has more space for various gadgets, potions and traps. Literally on every hunt you need to take potions and cook meat, which will restore, for example, HP and stamina.

At the same time, do not forget to use a net to catch small insects and animals. Believe me, you will want to collect a complete collection of all the creatures.

How to ride monsters

Jump from a high point and hit the monster. In this case, there is a chance to ride him! Riding a monster that will try with all its might to throw the hero off its hump looks funny and exciting - it is one of the most exciting actions in the game. Plus, if you hold out long enough, you'll get a chance to perform a spectacular finishing move.

Your faithful friend Palico

Palico is a friendly cat that accompanies you on every quest. You can equip it with weapons and armor. In addition, Palico will also have his own useful gadget. The first gadget will be a spray that summons healing insects right during the battle. In the future you will unlock other various gadgets.

Visit your room

I didn't visit my room for the first ten hours of the game. And imagine my indignation when I realized that there is access to a training area where you are taught various combos of the selected weapon. There you can also change your character's and Palico's equipment, customize your home, or just relax.

Chat with characters in Aster

Talk to all the characters who have "yellow exclamation marks" above their heads. They give you side quests that usually unlock some useful features or items.

Don't disable interface features

It may be tempting to disable any interface features that may result in lost views of colorful waterfalls and other natural features. You don't need to do this, at least not for the first few hours of the game. Every detail of the interface gives you important information.

Always complete tasks from the resource center

At the resource center, you can take on simple side quests (hunting one big monster, completing quests in the Ancient Forest, collecting five plants, etc.), which you will complete passively by completing the main story quests. Each time you do this, you will be rewarded with armor orbs that improve it. They are really helpful. Make sure to return to the resource center after completing a series of quests to pick up new side quests.

Difference between quests and expeditions

Quests are missions with a limited time limit and a fixed goal. Usually it involves hunting one or more monsters, collecting plants, or killing several small creatures. Usually you are given 50 minutes to complete them, and after three deaths the task will be completely failed. There are story quests that usually end with you fighting a big monster. There are side quests that you take from characters in the base that allow you to, for example, unlock new canteen ingredients, gadgets, etc.

Expeditions are not limited in time - you simply go to one of the available locations and explore it. You can do whatever you want - hunt a big monster, look for new base camps, collect plants or fish.

Explorations are additional objectives for expeditions that offer better rewards. You take them from the resource center.

Farming monsters

Let's say you just killed Anjanath, but now want to get his full armor set. You cannot repeat story quests in the game! Take a look at the side missions and find those that will send you on a quest to find Anjanath. Browse the available studies in the resource center and you are sure to find one of them. Or simply go on an expedition and find the monster yourself - this is the worst option as you will not receive any additional reward. Finally, you can fight any monster in the Arena. To gain access, go to the upper part of the base, to the “Meeting Hall”.

Gadgets and robes

There is no need to focus much attention on gadgets and robes. These useful items will be unlocked as you work your way through the story and complete optional quests. One of the early game robes (Ghillie Mantle) hides the main character from monsters, which will be very useful. At the beginning of the game you will also receive a gadget that restores your health. More advanced versions of these tools will be unlocked later as you progress through the storyline.

Group hunting increases the monster's HP

Just select a quest on the board, after which any gamer will be able to join you if you have not made it private. Be careful: the monsters will have much more HP in this case. This additional supply of health points will be the same regardless of the number of hunters - two, three or four players. This leads to the fact that it will be almost impossible to complete group tasks together. The worst scenario that can happen in this case is that you start the game with three or four hunters, but for some reason all your partners drop out of the game and you go to a rendezvous with a monster with a large supply of HP. Perhaps this problem will be fixed in some future patch.

Game description

Monster World IV is the sixth and final installment in the very ancient and long-running Wonder Boy/Monster World series.


The plot of Monster World IV is simple and straightforward. You have to take control of a girl named Asha, find four spirits and save the kingdom. That's all. Is it worth adding that the game takes place in an Arabian setting, with all the classic attributes, such as genies and flying carpets.


Well, if the plot of Monster World IV is almost non-existent, then with the gameplay things are much better here. The game is a platformer with RPG elements. Although there is no EXP and Level, they are successfully replaced by money knocked out of enemies. After all, with their help you can buy yourself more powerful equipment, and in addition, if you collect ten blue magatamas, you will receive an increase to the maximum number of life hearts.

There is only one city in the game, it is the base of your actions, like in Dungeon Crawler's. There you will purchase the necessary items, communicate with a few residents and, in the end, go to the locations where the fun begins. The lion's share of the Monster World gameplay IV consists of interacting with a blue flying kawaii creature called Pepelogoo. He can perform many actions: double jump, find secret passages, press buttons and much more.

Monster World (Wonder Boy)

Monster World IV

Developer: West One

Publisher: Sega

Release date

Monster World IV is the sixth and final installment in the Monster World (Wonder Boy) series. The Wonder Boy console was not abandoned here for nothing, because here we have to play as a girl. However, the rest of the game is more or less similar to its predecessor - Wonder Boy in Monster World.

Plot: The plot of Monster World IV is simple and straightforward. You have to take control of a girl named Asha, find four spirits and save the kingdom. That's all. Is it worth adding that the game takes place in an Arabian setting, with all the classic attributes, such as genies and flying carpets.

Gameplay: Well, if the plot of Monster World IV is almost non-existent, then with the gameplay things are much better here. The game is a platformer with RPG elements. Although there is no EXP and Level, they are successfully replaced by money knocked out of enemies. After all, with their help you can buy yourself more powerful equipment, and in addition, if you collect ten blue magatamas, you will receive an increase to the maximum number of life hearts.

There is only one city in the game, it is the base of your actions, like in Dungeon Crawler's. There you will purchase the necessary items, communicate with a few residents and, in the end, go to the locations where the fun begins. The lion's share of the Monster World gameplay IV consists of interacting with a blue flying kawaii creature called Pepelogoo. He can perform many actions: double jump, find secret passages, press buttons and much more.

The locations themselves do not present any particular difficulties at first, but later the labyrinths will become more confusing. Especially worth noting are the ice pyramids, with their signature sadism of sliding ice. Needless to say, they are chock-full of all kinds of traps and puzzles. And in the last stages of the game, you also have to face some very serious somersaults on moving platforms, where one wrong move will lead you to fall on the spikes, which is equivalent to taking away lives and being transported to the beginning of the screen. In general, you won’t be bored, but you can relax on the bosses, since none of them can cause any special problems. The same cannot be said about ordinary enemies, many of whom are very, very insidious.

Graphics: Large, bright and colorful. Good detail and overall a fun and funny style. There are no complaints here.

Music: It is curious that almost the entire soundtrack of Monster World IV is permeated with the main theme of the game in different variations. Surprisingly, the same melody in different sauces does not bother you at all. It’s also worth noting that there are some Arabic motifs, fortunately the game’s setting lends itself to this.

Notes: On the Mega Drive, Monster World IV was released only in Japan, but there is a fan translation into English. But in 2012, the official English version was also released, which could be downloaded through the network services of Wii, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Although the game, alas, did not receive a direct sequel. She has a spiritual successor - series Shantae.

Screenshots (Mega Drive)

Sega Ages 2500 Series Vol. 29: Monster World Complete Collection

Brief description of the game series:

1. Wonder Boy or Super Wonder Boy

Interestingly, Adventure Island 2 (NES), Bikkuriman World (TG16/PCE) and Super Adventure Island (SNES) are clones of this game!

Tanya, our hero's pretty girlfriend, was kidnapped by the villain Drancon and only Tom-Tom can save her. Wonder Boy will have to go through 14 different lands, with 4 rounds each. Naturally, at the end of each level you will have to deal with the boss, of which there will be many.

2. Wonder Boy 2 - Wonderboy in Monsterland or Super Wonderboy - Monster World

Continuation of the first Wonder Boy series. 11 years have passed. Peace and tranquility are again disturbed by some Dragon and his monsters. What should people do? Then they remembered Wonder Boy, who saved Wonder Land in the first part. But will he help? Specifically a different game (unlike the first part, the hero can now use a sword, armor, etc.). After each round, a specific Boss awaits you.

3. Wonderboy 3 - Monster Lair (1990)

Aka Monster World 1, Monster Lair Wonder Boy III and Wonder Boy III Monster Lair

[Slot machines, Sega MegaDrive]

Monster Lair is primarily a shoot-'em-up game with some elements from the original Wonder Boy. You will need to return the Legendary equipment stolen by monsters.

AKA Wonder Boy 3 - The Dragon's Trap and Monster World II

This episode of Wonder Boy is a wonderful action adventure! The game begins in the Monster Castle, where Wonder Boy faces the terrible Mecha dragon (this is where the previous episode of Wonder Boy in Monster Land ended). Wonder Boy defeated the dragon, but a curse turned him into a reptile! To take on human form, you need to get Lizard Cross. In a difficult quest, Wonder Boy will be transformed into a reptile, a mouse, a piranha, a lion and a falcon to reach his goal!

5. Wonderboy 5 - Monster World 3 (1991)

Wonder Boy 5 - Wonder Boy in Monster World

Turma de Monica na Terra Dos Monstros is the best game in the series about Wonder Guy)

And in this adventure game you have to go around the entire Monster World. Each area will need to solve different problems. Somewhere you need to meet someone, and somewhere you will need to fight a monster to pick up a certain thing. 4 friendly creatures will help you on your way to Shion. Various artifacts will allow you to reach hard-to-reach places. Overall, this is one of the best games I've ever played. Bright, well-developed graphics (especially villages), excellent music and cute gameplay will not leave anyone indifferent.

Wonderboy 6 - Monster World 4 (1994, Sega MegaDrive) - a sharp departure from the standard line of games (you now play as Wonderboy's girlfriend, Asha. The game has one city from which you can go to 4 Monster World locations. Each portal opens with the help of a medallion, which you need to find in the city. A tame animal that flies with the help of its ears (Pikachu) helps you. The graphics and sounds, as in the previous version of the game, are excellent.
