Codes for "Deus Ex". Codes and secrets of the game Deus Ex for PC Codes for the game deus ex the fall

Hotel “New Rostov”

First task at the beginning walkthroughs of the game Deus Ex: The Fall there will be the liquidation of Mikhail Kontarsky. After landing on the roof of the New Rostov hotel, we move in the indicated direction along the road, getting acquainted with the controls in the game (mouse and buttons W, S, A, D, everything as usual). Having reached the cover, press the RMB to hide behind it, move left or right using the A or D buttons. Next, you need to eliminate the enemies standing in front, to do this, aim with the mouse, and then press the LMB to shoot. Having cleared the roof, we go to the indicated door, behind which there will be an enemy standing with his back to us. You can neutralize an enemy quietly by sneaking up from behind and pressing the Q button; if you hold Q, the enemy will be killed, and you can attract the attention of other enemies. If we simply press Q, our character will perform a non-lethal technique, stunning the enemy and without attracting the attention of others. Having reached the next point, press E and approach the “place jammer” device, after which one of the partners will break down the grate blocking our path. By pressing C to sit down, we climb into the ventilation through which we will get to the top floor.

Once on the floor and having placed the available weapons in the “quick” slots (you can change them by rotating the mouse wheel), we pass along the corridor opening closed doors until we find ourselves in the warehouse room which we need to clear from enemies, this can be done either with the help of weapons or hand-to-hand. Having cleared the warehouse, we go out through the door into the next corridor, picking up batteries along the way (energy sells). Having reached the room with an automatic turret, we hide behind one of the shelters, after which we run from one shelter to another, thus passing the turret’s firing zone (to move from one shelter to another, press the direction button and spacebar). At the exit from the room there will be a locked door, to open it you will have to hack the terminal to the left of the door (the hacking is the same as in Walkthrough of Deus Ex Human Revolution), in some cases, such doors can be opened using a code, but the code is not always known, so as you progress, try to read all the documents you come across along the way. In the next room we climb into the hole in the wall and then through the room down the stairs to the door to the thirteenth floor.

While viewing video walkthrough of the game Deus Ex: The Fall to switch between videos, use the “Playlist” tab and if the video helped you or you liked it, don’t forget to “like”...)

Having picked up a silencer that you can put on your weapon, and opening the next door, we will again find ourselves in a room similar to a warehouse, which also needs to be cleared of enemies. Having destroyed the enemies and picked up everything useful, we go out into the corridor at the end of which there will again be a locked door, this time we managed to get the code for it 6980 . We continue to move in the indicated direction until we get into a room with protection from thermal scanners on the windows, here you will need to pull out the marked cables, and then repel the enemy attack. Having cleared the room, we go to the main floor, where, going down the stairs, we will find ourselves in a room with a combat robot. Before entering, you will need to buy an EMP grenade, with which we will defeat the droid (the main thing is not to miss when throwing a grenade, but if you miss from the robot, you can simply run away) . We continue to move along the corridors and hotel premises in the indicated direction, we will find ourselves at the next locked door, where, having neutralized two guards, we pick the lock. Next in the corridor you will need to go through a laser scanner, to do this, in the skill menu, spend Praxis on invisibility (Glass-Shield cloaking system), then put the skill in the quick access menu and select it (hold F), activate invisibility by pressing F and go through the scanner. Moving further along the corridor you will reach the mission goal, where you watch a short video at the end of which you make the choice to kill Mikhail or capture him.

Once in the aircraft, we walk along the corridor to the stairs, along the way you can talk with some members of the team. Going up the stairs, we break the combination lock; a program for speeding up hacking can be found in the next office. Having entered the locked cabin, we read the letter on the computer. Then, returning to the lower level, we go to the very end of the aircraft, where we watch a short video, and at the end of the conversation our character will jump out.

Costa Rica

We communicate with Anna Kelso until she becomes ill, now our task is to find and bring her neuropozyne, and at the same time look around the room and collect everything useful. After you give the medicine, you will need to contact Janus by going down the stairs to the indicated room. After talking with Janus, we return to Anna and talk with whom we choose which weapon to take, lethal or non-lethal, after which we go on a mission by approaching the indicated door.

Panami City

Our new task is to get to Dr. Alvarez Arujo, once at the railway station we move in the indicated direction. Climbing the stairs to the second floor you can look into a locked room, the code for the door 0490 . Inside, by hacking the computer and reading the mail, we will find out the code to the safe 7712 standing in this room, thus receiving about 500 credits (you can also get into this room through the ventilation if you can move the box in front of it). Finally, having got out of the station onto the street, we walk in the indicated direction, trying not to attract the attention of the police; along the way, you can break open the locked doors behind which you can find some supplies and loans. Having reached a small tunnel, we will get to the next level called Slums.

Once in the slums, the first thing we do is get rid of the criminals standing at the entrance; you can attack them by walking around on the right side. Having cleared the area from bandits, we walk along the street in the indicated direction, eventually reaching the entrance to the underground clinic. In the clinic building we will find Dr. Arujo with whom we need to talk about Neuropozyne and more, at the end of the conversation from Verti to the question about a person without family, friends and principles. Of the four answer options, you need to choose one (for example, lonely), after which you can buy a card for the LIMB Clinic from the doctor. Now we need to go to one of the LIMB clinics and find Camila Cardozo there.

Just in case, let me remind you that Deus Ex, unlike many newly released games in the 3D Action genre, is created on the Unreal engine, and many commands and cheat codes may well correspond...

First, go to the deusex/system directory and open the user.ini file. Find the button binding there T. If there is one, erase the line and enter t=talk. If there is no binding at all, select a separate line and enter the same t=talk.

In the game, click T, erase the line Say and enter

Ugh. Now you can enter codes.

god-God mode.


behindview-First person view, 1=Enable, 0=Disable.

fly-Flight mode.

walk-Airplane mode - off.

iamwarren-Enable EMP Shield.

allskillpoints-Gives all skill points.

all weapons-Gives all weapons.

allammo-Replenish ammunition.

allaugs-All Basic Augmentations.

tantalus-Kill this target (let me remind you that the green sight is yours!).

opensesame-Open this door (only for the white sight, of course).

legend-Secret menu.

allhealth-Full health.

allenergy-Full energy.

allcredits-10000 credits.

allimages-All images.

summon X-Get item X (see list below).

spawnmass X#-Get number of # items X.

List of items received:







































Aug Stealth







Nicolette DuClare










Edit the file user.ini in the directory deusex/system and write it there t=talk. If t already assigned some value, change it to talk. Now in the game press t, erase the word Say and enter “ set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True" without quotes. To go to any level, press again t, erase the word Say and enter:

Open 00_Training

Open 00_TrainingCombat

Open 00_TrainingFinal


Open 01_NYC_UNATCOIsland

Open 02_NYC_Bar

Open 02_NYC_BatteryPark

Open 02_NYC_FreeClinic

Open 02_NYC_Hotel

Open 02_NYC_Smug

Open 02_NYC_Street

Open 02_NYC_Underground

Open 02_NYC_Warehouse

Open 03_NYC_747

Open 03_NYC_Airfield

Open 03_NYC_AirfieldHeliBaseOpen 03_NYC_BatteryPark

Open 03_NYC_BrooklynBridgeStation

Open 03_NYC_Hangar

Open 03_NYC_MolePeople


Open 03_NYC_UNATCOIsland

Open 04_NYC_Bar

Open 04_NYC_BatteryPark

Open 04_NYC_Hotel


Open 04_NYC_Smug

Open 04_NYC_Street


Open 04_NYC_UNATCOIsland

Open 04_NYC_Underground


Open 05_NYC_UNATCOIsland

Open 05_NYC_UNATCOMJ12lab

Open 06_HongKong_Helibase

Open 06_HongKong_MJ12lab

Open 06_HongKong_Storage

Open 06_HongKong_TongBase

Open 06_HongKong_VersaLife

Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Canal

Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Garage

Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Market

Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Street

Open 06_HongKong_WanChai_Underworld

Open 08_NYC_Bar

Open 08_NYC_FreeClinic

Open 08_NYC_Hotel

Open 08_NYC_Smug

Open 08_NYC_Street

Open 08_NYC_Underground

Open 09_NYC_Dockyard

Open 09_NYC_Graveyard

Open 09_NYC_Ship

Open 09_NYC_ShipBelow

Open 09_NYC_ShipFan

Open 10_Paris_Catacombs

Open 10_Paris_Catacombs_Tunnels

Open 10_Paris_Chateau

Open 10_Paris_Club

Open 10_Paris_Metro

Open 11_Paris_Cathedral

Open 11_Paris_Everett

Open 11_Paris_Underground

Open 12_Vandenberg_Cmd

Open 12_Vandenberg_Computer

Open 12_Vandenberg_Gas

Open 12_Vandenberg_Tunnels

Open 14_OceanLab_Lab

Open 14_Oceanlab_Silo

Open 14_OceanLab_UC

Open 14_Vandenberg_Sub

Open 15_Area51_Bunker

Open 15_Area51_Entrance

Open 15_Area51_Final

Open 15_Area51_Page

The number before the name of a city or large-scale location indicates its level. For example, " Open 03_NYC_BatteryPark" - this is a transition to the level 3 Battery Park in New York.

To see all cartoons, type:

Open 00_Intro

Open 99_Endgame1

Open 99_Endgame2

Open 99_Endgame3

Open 99_Endgame4

The first code will show the intro, the last four will show different endings of the game.

Returning to the list of items, as well as individual enemies and NPCs. I remind you, first go to the directory deusex/system and open the file user.ini. Find the T button binding there. If it is present, erase the line and enter t=talk. If this binding is not there at all, select a separate line and enter the same t=talk.

During the game, press T, erase the line Say and enter set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True.

Enter summon X - get X (item, enemy or NPC; see list below, separated by semicolons).

spawnmass X# - get X in quantity # .

Sodacan; Candybar; Liquor40oz; SoyFood; VialAmbrosia; Rebreather; Adaptive Armor; Binoculars; Ballistic Armor; LiquorBottle; Credits; WineBottle; Cigarettes; MedKit; VialCrack; Flare; FireExtinguisher; Cat; Rat; Mutt; mj12troop; mj12commando; unatcotroop; militarybot; bummale; bumfemale; doctor; nurse; cop; riotcop; doberman; Seagull.

Deus Ex The Fall 2014 walkthrough

Everyone writes that you need a dual-core processor to run it. The game ran great on a single-core PC.
Got it at 7ba
Saving is idiotic, only one on F5, no save menu. The heavy legacy of the console past.
The graphics are amazing. No bugs noticed.
The character does not jump, but glides smoothly along the floor.
First of all, you need to download the hacking level (the rightmost icon in the first row).
Non-lethal neutralization of the enemy through massacre gives 50 skill, if you shoot the enemy - 30, which seems to be a hint.
On the positive side, if you find a note with a password, then when you open it, they prompt you with it. But it’s better to hack, they give you a skill for this.
In terms of weapons, it is advisable to wait until the golden pistol, special forces rifle and brown tactical shotgun are unlocked. They have maximum damage. However, there is no sight on this weapon. I had to buy a laser one and use a shotgun at point-blank range. And the golden pistol seemed less convenient to me than the standard one; I compared the upgraded versions. I liked the standard one better, but with the weapons I bought I got killed all the time. Unless the brown shotgun simply fired an atomic strike at point-blank range, with no chance at all for the enemies. But you can’t attach a sight to it.
And most importantly, you don’t have to push your character against the walls. If you fired, you couldn’t immediately take down the enemy - quickly run away. Cool down and go finish off. And there is no need to try to kill the enemy from the ventilation or from a crouch - he fired once, and then normally raided with a shotgun. This advice does not apply to a crossbow; there it is better to just hug the cover.

Hotel New Rostov

Complete tasks, move the mouse, walk back and forth, run after the bot, press against the side and shoot at 3 bandits. Press the LMB, the sight will come to the bot, and when you release the LMB, it will fire. I aimed for the head. Enemies fall after 6-7 seconds, reluctantly.
Jump over the side (forward button + spacebar). The character walks like in ancient SWAT - without jumping.
Get close to the bandit and press Q to knock him out.
When you come to your thugs, go to the right, press E on the cabinet, then the dude will break the grate, crawl into the ventilation.
PKM is only responsible for hiding behind cover and pressing your back against the wall.
Enemies evaporate so as not to take up space in RAM.

Top floor

Point at the illuminated silhouette of a rifle, then press N and spin the mouse wheel, otherwise you won’t go any further.
Go through the door, destroy the enemy whistling the tune of the song of the drug addict Vysotsky, take the bottle from the box. Take the objects highlighted in the yellow frame and move on.
Further in the hall there is a turret. There is no way to break it, at least with what you have now, you need to run to the left to the door, hiding behind the pillar.
A simple hack and go down.
One of the door codes is 0451.

13th floor

Grab the silencer and put it on the rifle. Its “power” greatly surprised me; I almost had to put a clip into the enemy so that he would think “shouldn’t I die.”
Next, I hand-to-hand in a crouch, one by one, picked off 3 bandits.
I went further through the door, turned off the cable, and then 2 enemies came running and scored with a machine gun.
Gone to another level.

Service floor

You need to select all the records, they will give you the status of “scientist”. And if you crawl through the ventilation, they will assign the “traveler” rating.
I bought it, you can buy it anywhere in the game, this allows you to solve any problem, as long as you have money. However, this is how it is in our fucking world, if only there was money, it would solve everything.
I threw it at the robot and it became a pile of junk. I ran to the initial levels and threw at the turret, it also became a pile of rubbish.
Finished off two enemies, hit one with a crossbow, the other with a pistol.
Next, I need to break the door, the hacking didn’t work, I took out the door with 3 clips of a pistol.
Then he installed the improvement and went through the rays, threw it at the robot, and hit Mishka.
The next level will not allow you to use weapons, so you can take out doors with a rifle, earning skills, and the money will also be lost.

Liner Tiranov

I looked at the computer. I went into the neighboring rooms, chatted with the bearded freak, looked at the silent woman.
On the top floor I opened the door - code 0101, looked at the computer. We were set up, which is already clear, just look at Namir’s face. Go to him, you will get angry, then the video.
Weapons do not move to another level, and items will remain. The money will disappear.

Refuge in Costa Rica

After chatting with the woman, search everything, rummage in the trash, ransack the hut, and bring her medicine. Go out the door, go downstairs and turn on the screen there, talk to Janus.
Go back to the female, I chose the lethal pistol. Now go through the door in the hall to another level.

Railway station

Vending machines don't give you anything, but they don't take your money either.
I rummaged through the trash cans - the strange logic of the developers downs, money, candy bars and other useful things are lying around in the trash cans. It would be like that in life.
Shot the bots. Those who are sitting - they have nothing. But those who are standing give booze and money.
The box covering the ventilation can be broken by shots, but there is nothing in it. You have to climb the ventilations - they give you a skill for this.
I opened the door to the room (like 0490), turned off the TV there so as not to interfere. You need to hack 2 devices. The code for the safe is 7712, there is money there. And the computer needs to be hacked. And don’t forget to rummage through the desk drawers.
As I understand it, when hacking, you need to follow the line to the green node.
Went to another level.


I beat a cop, went around the level, there are exits to several levels.
The club has 2 kopecks. I knocked down one from behind and started a shootout with the second cop, and then I was taken aback - pistol bullets don’t kill the bot. At all. I put the clip in his head, but he didn’t care. Threw stun grenades. It turns out that they are good because you can run up and kill the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. I had to do just that.
I broke into a couple of nooks and crannies, but one of them couldn’t be broken into, so I had to tear down the door.
Entrance to the club is possible through the front entrance - but they will not let you in, the security guard will demand money.
Or break through the door and go into the basement to the left of the club entrance. Code 5643.
A pistol is needed to shoot peaceful bots, at a minimum. You can get money or food from them.

Night twilight

I walked around the basement, knocked everyone out, and went out onto the stairs. He went for a walk around the club, robbed the strippers, hacked the computer, knocking out the security guard, then came to the entrance from the other side and hit the greedy security guard, and then his partner with a pistol.
In the basement I broke down the door and opened the computer, but I couldn’t open the safe.
I went to the "Sidewalk" level and went to another level.

City center

He beat the cop, came up from behind, and took away the shotgun. Life is starting to get better. An attempt to kill a cop with a shot to the back of the head failed. There's something I don't understand about this game.
But it made knocking down doors more fun. Weapons are upgraded through money and the purchase of modifications.
The lattice door opens with code 6114.
I beat everyone on the level into hand-to-hand combat; all locks require level 3 and higher to be picked. Hmmm.
He broke through the door, rummaged around and went to the Sidewalk level, and from there to another level.

The necessary passage to the level with the doctor is here. And here you are not immediately welcome.
The masked Gopnik does not die from gunfire. So how can you survive here? Some kind of garbage, the heavy legacy of all Deus Ex.
He jumped over the fence and crawled into the nook, there were cartridges.
In an alley he killed a gang of gopniks, running up and firing a shotgun into the face.
The code for the door in the alley is 6009, I think.
Climbed the stairs. I removed mines from one roof - you need to run up and quickly click on the mine. And then I dropped a fragmentation mine into the yard of the bandits, it carried away two of them, and I killed the man standing on the gate hand-to-hand.
To the garage in the yard code 1212.
To the left of the place where it appears on the level, there is a dude in the narrow passages, he will say that the passage to the doctor is nearby. Went to the doctor.
I put a silencer on the gun. If there is 0 in the menu, there is a silencer on the pistol. If 1 - removed.
New weapons have been unlocked, but you have to buy them and have no money. Just like in my rotten life.

Underground clinic

You must have 500 money in your pocket before talking to the doc.
First, I searched everything, hacked the computer, the code to the safe was 0001. Then I chatted with the doc, first honestly, then directly, but still the conversation would end with the doc offering an alternative drug. I agreed, but what should I do?
Then I chatted again with the doc and he will give the task. Went to the Slums.

A guy is waiting at the exit and will give you the task of finding Luis. We'll look.
Went to the City Center and to another level.

Foyer of the Etana Hotel

Video cameras are hit by a pistol shot. I overpowered the guards and shot two people in the security room. Code 9603.
The code for the door to the right of the reception is 1974.
You need to open the safe behind the reception - there is a skill point there.
Left on the elevator.

Top floor of the Etana Hotel

I hacked the numbers, the code for one is 1702. I went up the stairs, killed the enemies, and hacked the computer. I found the stairs down, but there was current and there was nothing to do.
A wall with a stain can be destroyed with a shotgun. I didn’t see any particularly sacred meaning in this.

Rooftop of the Hotel Etana

I knocked down the video camera, dialed the door code 9697 and turned off the power. There's nothing else to do there.

XNG Data Center

I knocked down the video camera from the sofas to the right of the entrance, then the second video camera, sitting down at the table, and then the guard himself opened the door and then I successfully knocked him out.
I cleared the premises, blew up the robot with a grenade, found rays in the elevator opening, but nothing else happens. I found the code for door 8812.
Another code for the door is 2882.
Went to the City Center and to another level.

Clinic PROTEZ Panama City

I talked to my aunt and they let me inside. I rummaged around, opened the safe - there was a skill point there. I talked to my aunt about how not to turn around in conversation, but they will still give me 2 tasks.
Went to the City Center.

City center

There is a cop at the exit and he will give you the task of framing the doctor. I agreed, out of curiosity. Although, to be honest, I wouldn’t set up the dude who helped me. But this is a game. Yes, and Dr. Alvarez is also shady, the cop said that he had plenty of pure drug, and the doc pumped him full of a substitute. So we'll see.
Went to the Slums.

I found the bandit Joey, talked to him and killed him. He went to the city center, from there to another level.

Night twilight

In the basement I picked up a package that needed to be taken to the doc.
Went into the Slums, and there are two entrances to the Hangout level.

You are not immediately welcome here.
First he crawled through the ventilation, climbed up the stairs and demolished the Gopnik there, then he went down, added health up to 200 with booze and threw a fragmentation mine and started the war.
I killed a gopnik, others rushed towards me and two were blown up and finished off the rest.
Gone to another level.

Drug laboratory

You are not immediately welcome here.
I killed 2 enemies, then a level crawled through the ventilation, turned off the electricity, crawled along the pipe to the shield, and found a prosthetic leg in the room. That was all that was left of Louis, who needed to be found. I went to the Garage.

You are not immediately welcome here.
In the garage, I cleared the location of two gangs, ran through the current, revived myself with a resuscitation kit, and blew up the robot.
When passing through again, I found the shield to the right of the gate and turned off the current.
You need to go here after talking with the doctor, then the robot will have data on the boxes that you need to pick up. And after talking with Diego, then they will give the achievement Meticulous.
He returned to the Slums, made the female bot happy with Louis’ severed leg and went to the dock.

Underground clinic

I stole the cop's information from the safe, talked to Alvarez, and warned him. I cannot betray my enemies.
I went to the cop.
But when I played it again, I changed my mind. Not out of a desire to complete additional tasks in the game, but because in the conversation the doc said that he heals everyone and does not discriminate, and as a result gave a muddy substitute. I had an almond meal with him. If I gave him a normal drug, it would be a different matter.

City center

The conversation with the cop didn’t go well; there were no other options other than disrupting the mission. Killed a cop. He made me angry.
He left on instructions from his aunt-doctor.

Railway station

I talked to the guy at the station, he's in the toilet. Although there is no one else at the station, I took care in advance. As soon as the conversation ended, the gang came running.
I pumped up the pistol with quantum garbage and damage, and it started landing enemies with one hit in the head. I put everyone down. Left to look for Diego.

Drug laboratory

I talked with Diego, chose a soft tone, but the conversation didn’t go well, Diego started shooting at me, I killed him and took out his friends who appeared. I took the data from him. We need to go to the club.
When going through it again, even with the skill of persuasion and an aggressive tone, this bastard Diego still asked for a bullet.

Go to the entrance to the club and down to the right, that’s where this fagot is hiding. After the conversation, he will offer a pass to the club (what the hell is needed) or a muffler, or money.

Clinic PROTEZ Panama City

I brought the data from the Garage, my aunt asked me to go to the hotel and rid her room of the bandits. She gave code 5839. Considering that I opened everything there, this is not relevant.

Top floor of the Etana Hotel

He knocked out an enemy standing with his back to the left in a nook, took out two people in the room with a pistol and hit the last punk with a doublet from a shotgun.
I told my aunt that she would offer a laser sight, but I took the money.
I followed the main plot.

Night twilight

I came to the strippers, there was a dude hanging out there. Upon closer examination, it turned out that she was a woman. Probably a lesbian, since she stares at strippers. I talked to her directly and confidently, went to the hotel through the city center, to visit the inspector.

Top floor of the Etana Hotel

Go up the stairs, talk to the dude, and then bam - he gets killed. We need to go to the man woman.

Night twilight

Talk to the masculine woman, 3 lop-eared fagots with pistols will appear, I spanked them and went outside.

XNG Data Center

Now run through the rays when they go out and go to the left elevator.

Belltower Base

You are not immediately welcome here.
He took down the video camera, threw a mine into the passage and ran to the right behind the boxes and fought.
Then he killed the enemies and reprogrammed the turret through the computer. But it’s better to blow it up and get the skill.
The first door is code 4319.

Belltower helipad

You are not immediately welcome here.
I went into the room to the left and reprogrammed the robot. He made the guards training at the shooting range laugh. Well, I slammed a couple of pieces.
I found the door behind the shooting range, code 6006.
I went to the helipad, there the code for some door was 1022.
There you will meet invisible enemies, I took out the robot with a mine, but the habit of hiding behind cover played a bad joke on the enemies - I ran in with a shotgun and blew them out with a couple of volleys.
I walked into the room, went to the control panel with 2 monitors on the right side, and pressed the panel.
Now to the hotel. Go through the door next to the helicopter, into the elevator, through the XNG Data Center to the hotel.

Foyer of the Etana Hotel

As soon as you rush into the hotel, the cops start shooting. So I killed one with hand-to-hand combat, pumping up my health to 200 (this is where the food comes in handy) and killed the rest with a shotgun.
Hacked the safe at the reception - we get a skill point. Left on the elevator.

Top floor of the Etana Hotel

I killed the enemies on the floor, went up the stairs - there was a mine, I managed to remove it.

Rooftop of the Hotel Etana

On the helipad there is a robot with rockets and machine guns, and enemies are roaming around. I threw a mine at them and beat them with a pistol, and the robot first needs a pulse grenade, then a fragmentation grenade.
A man-woman will arrive. Go to the helicopter, collecting the junk from the box. Unfortunately, this is the end of the game. Unfortunately. It is clear that only the first part has been made, and the game is really cool. It's an incredible shame that the game wasn't finished. You can see a lot of undeveloped missions, the graphics are awesome, I didn’t understand it at first, but then I got used to it.
You can start over with the money and skills you have. I did just that.
I will remember this game for a long time. Like Kingpin, Max Payne, for example.

My achievements (first playthrough) -

One shot, one dead
Hack the planet
Total care
Tools of the trade
Not so human after everything
Lethal force
I come in peace

Several recommendations for not-quite-honest passage of the game, and the use of its “hidden capabilities”. Important: The article contains information, premature familiarization with which may reduce your interest and enjoyment of the game, especially if you are playing for the first time.


Economical use of master keys and multitools
When you start hacking the door, after a couple of seconds open the inventory menu. Wait a while (5-10 seconds) and return to the game: the door should be open. It is important to note that the more hacking tools you need, the longer you need to be in the inventory menu.

Obtaining an infinite number of items and experience points.
As a rule, the opportunity to obtain an infinite number of items appears if you are offered an item in dialogue, but you cannot take it because your inventory is full. Thus, the item you selected falls to the floor, and the one who gave it to you will offer the same item again and again. Some gamers say that this works in all cases, but personally I was convinced of this method only in a couple of places (perhaps it all depends on the version of the game). Below is a list of such places in the game:
— Lockpicks and multitools — the third mission of the game, in the UNATCO office during a dialogue with Carter
- Upgrades for biomods - in Hong Kong, during a conversation with Dr. Rise in Tong's laboratory
- First aid kits - UNATCO prison, when talking with the terrorist in the cell
— Experience points:
a) on the roof of the Ocean Laboratory, during a dialogue with Savage. Before you engage in dialogue with him, make sure that your inventory is fully stocked. At the end of your conversation, Savage offers an upgrade canister, which you kindly refuse, because... Nothing else will fit into your inventory. The dialogue ends and you receive 500 skill points. But don’t rush to make room for the canister! Engage in conversation with Harry again, then discard the canister again and get your 500 again. This way, you will gain experience points by engaging in dialogue again and again until you make room for the canister and take it at the end ends.
b) Vanderberg base, when breaking the combination lock of the electric generator located behind the base building. The lock must be broken, and not entered into the code on the digital panel. Then, every time you turn the generator on and off, you will receive a small amount of experience points.
c) New York, Brooklyn Naval Shipyards. There is an alternative entrance to the Ammunition Storage through a metal door from the bridge where a guard stands. We remove the guard from the path, open the door (you first need to find the key to it), enter the hangar and get 30 experience points. We close the door with a key and, opening it again, we get experience points and so on, accordingly, ad infinitum. It's a small thing, but nice.

Unlimited inventory space
Open the inventory menu, it is best to select the largest item (for example, a rocket launcher) and drag it with the mouse outside the item table. Without releasing the mouse button, close the inventory. Now you can take an additional number of items within the space that this rocket launcher occupied.

Trick when creating a new game
If you start a new game while completing a mission, all acquired inventory items will transfer to the newly created game.

Simons trick
Mission on the ship, in the captain's cabin in front of the Simons hologram, pull out the nanosword or throw a grenade. In this case, the holographic Simons runs around the room in fear. It always works, but not right away.

Quick code entry
In the user.ini file, change all lines containing the text “tilde=” to “tilde=type”. Next, add -hax0r (0 - zero, zero) to the “object” field in the game shortcut. It looks something like this: “c:/Deus Ex/System/DeusEx.exe” -hax0r
Launch the game and activate the codes by typing “set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True”. Next, press “~” (tilde), which opens a console where you can enter codes. This way, you don’t have to erase the word “say” every time you enter codes, as you need to do with the common method of activating cheats after pressing “t”. In Deus Ex - GOTY or with the 1112FM patch, in most cases, the console is already assigned to this key.

Just some advice
In the fourth ending (the “danceparty” level), you can, by entering cheat mode, respawn a bunch more people and bots to make it more fun, or, conversely, kill all the girls with the code “killall” or “spawnmass lam 20” for a kind of gloomy ending... this in the mood...

Easter eggs

After activating the cheats, by entering the line “set DeusEx.JCDentonMale bCheatsEnabled True”, go to the “Credits” menu and type one of the following words presented below. When entering, each correctly typed letter is accompanied by a click sound, and in case of an error there will be a completely different sound and the word will have to be typed again. If you entered everything correctly, a corresponding message about the activation of tricks will appear (it will be difficult to miss).
thereisnospoon— when this code is activated, we return to the game and enjoy the view of our level: all textures will be depicted in the form of running green hieroglyphs a la the matrix.
quotes- Having typed this word, you need to wait for the credits to end. After them, various phrases from the authors of the game will appear.
danceparty— a level with a disco and dancing girls from the game opens. This place is also called the “Fourth Ending” of the game; it can also be opened through the console in the game with the code “Open 99_Endgame4”.

In the Hell's Kitchen level on the basketball court, when the ball hits the net, a message from the game developers "Sign him up for the Knicks!" will appear. Since it’s not easy to hit from the ground, you can use the “fly” code to simplify the task and reduce the number of hopeless attempts.

Sometimes on crashed cars you can see the Deus Ex logo, which is located in the front of the car on the bumper. Places I know of are a flooded canal in Hong Kong and a gas station (mission to rescue Harry Savage's daughter).

7.5 from the editor




Deus Ex: The Fall

  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Publisher in Russia: unknown
  • Developer: Eidos Montréal, N-Fusion
  • Website: Official website
  • Game engine: Unity
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Game mode: Single player
  • Distribution: Digital Delivery

System Requirements:

  • Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • 2 GHz Dual Core
  • 1 GB (Windows XP) / 2 GB (Windows Vista and Windows 7)
  • NVIDIA GeForce 8000 series or ATI Radeon HD 2000 series or better
  • 8.5 GB

About the game

Deus Ex: The Fall is a video game in the Deus Ex series, the fourth in the genre of first-person shooter, computer role-playing game and stealth action, developed by Eidos Montreal and N-Fusion. Like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the game takes place in 2027. The main character is former British SAS mercenary Ben Saxon.

Pros: recognizable universe; music by Michael McCann; many ideas from the full-fledged predecessor migrated without significant changes.
Cons: monstrous dialogues; complex aiming system during firefights; a crumpled plot, the details of which only fans will understand.

Interesting fact:

The announcement of the game was accompanied by a small scandal. A couple of years after the release of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the authors announced: “We have an announcement of a new DE tomorrow, wait for it.” The portable spin-off is definitely not what audiences were hoping for, and the game's trailer received widespread criticism from the community.

Game plot

The game begins in 2027 - the golden era of the latest technologies for improving human beings, as well as a time of global conspiracies and social injustice. Powerful corporations have seized control of the government and control the supply of medicines necessary for human survival. Plot Deus Ex: The Fall is not a continuation of Human Revolution, but, at the same time, it runs parallel. The game's story takes place in James Swallow's novel, Deus Ex: Icarus Effect. As in the literary prequel, the main character of the game will be Ben Saxon. He is a former mercenary of the British SAS, whose leadership makes full use of the latest developments in technology, allowing them to grow super-soldiers from their subordinates. Ben's former employers, the military organization Tyrants, betrayed him and now he seeks justice on his own.

Combat system

The main stumbling block is management. We don’t argue that the “touch” layout proposed by the developers, albeit with certain reservations, is still digestible. But when it comes to shooting, you will not embarrass yourself in the difficult choice of swear words. Aiming at the target, shooting, constantly adjusting the sight, shooting again and reloading - the approximate order of events that you will have to experience time after time until the sacred moment of addiction comes. Fortunately, the opponents have become pretty stupid. Therefore, you can easily approach unwanted subjects for subsequent knocking out/killing without wasting ammo. And don't be afraid to waste your ammunition. The in-game store will appear in front of your eyes the first time you press the pause key. All types of weapons are available - just pay.
